Rem Rem $Header: spcpkg.sql 28-jan-2008.21:06:26 arogers Exp $ Rem Rem spcpkg.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 1999, 2008, Oracle. All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem spcpkg.sql Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem SQL*PLUS command file to create statistics package Rem Rem NOTES Rem Must be run as the STATSPACK owner, PERFSTAT Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem arogers 01/23/08 - 6523482 - change VM_IN/OUT_BYTES id numbers Rem cdgreen 03/14/07 - 11 F2 Rem shsong 06/14/07 - Fix BUFFER_GETS Rem cdgreen 04/05/07 - 5691086 Rem cdgreen 03/02/07 - use _FG for v$system_event Rem cdgreen 03/02/07 - 5913378 Rem cdgreen 05/16/06 - 11 F1 Rem cdgreen 05/10/06 - 5215982 Rem cdgreen 05/24/05 - 4246955 Rem cdgreen 04/18/05 - 4228432 Rem cdgreen 02/28/05 - 10gR2 misc Rem vbarrier 02/18/05 - 4081984 Rem cdgreen 01/25/05 - 4143812 Rem cdgreen 10/29/04 - 10gR2_sqlstats Rem cdgreen 10/25/04 - 3970898 Rem cdgreen 07/16/04 - 10g R2 Rem vbarrier 03/18/04 - 3517841 Rem vbarrier 02/12/04 - 3412853 Rem cdialeri 12/04/03 - 3290482 Rem cdialeri 11/05/03 - 3202706 Rem cdialeri 10/14/03 - 10g - streams - rvenkate Rem cdialeri 08/05/03 - 10g F3 Rem cdialeri 07/31/03 - 2804307 Rem vbarrier 02/25/03 - 10g RAC Rem cdialeri 01/28/03 - 10g F2: baseline, purge Rem cdialeri 11/15/02 - 10g F1 Rem cdialeri 10/29/02 - 2648471 Rem cdialeri 09/11/02 - 1995145 Rem vbarrier 04/18/02 - 2271895 Rem vbarrier 03/20/02 - 2184504 Rem spommere 03/19/02 - 2274095 Rem vbarrier 03/05/02 - Segment Statistics Rem spommere 02/14/02 - cleanup RAC stats that are no longer needed Rem spommere 02/08/02 - 2212357 Rem cdialeri 02/07/02 - 2218573 Rem cdialeri 01/30/02 - 2184717 Rem cdialeri 01/09/02 - 9.2 - features 2 Rem cdialeri 11/30/01 - 9.2 - features 1 Rem hbergh 08/23/01 - 1940915: use substrb on sql_text Rem cdialeri 04/26/01 - 9.0 Rem cdialeri 09/12/00 - sp_1404195 Rem cdialeri 04/07/00 - 1261813 Rem cdialeri 03/28/00 - sp_purge Rem cdialeri 02/16/00 - 1191805 Rem cdialeri 11/01/99 - Enhance, 1059172 Rem cgervasi 06/16/98 - Remove references to wrqs Rem cmlim 07/30/97 - Modified system events Rem 02/30/94 - Modified Rem 03/31/93 - Modified Rem 11/15/89 - Created Rem set echo off; whenever sqlerror exit; spool spcpkg.lis /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ prompt Creating Package STATSPACK... create or replace package STATSPACK as procedure STAT_CHANGES ( bid IN number , eid IN number , db_ident IN number , inst_num IN number , parallel IN varchar2 , lhtr OUT number, bfwt OUT number , tran OUT number, chng OUT number , ucal OUT number, urol OUT number , rsiz OUT number , phyr OUT number, phyrd OUT number , phyrdl OUT number, phyrc OUT number , phyw OUT number, ucom OUT number , prse OUT number, hprse OUT number , recr OUT number, gets OUT number , slr OUT number , rlsr OUT number, rent OUT number , srtm OUT number, srtd OUT number , srtr OUT number, strn OUT number , lhr OUT number , bbc OUT varchar2, ebc OUT varchar2 , bsp OUT varchar2, esp OUT varchar2 , blb OUT varchar2 , bs OUT varchar2, twt OUT number , logc OUT number, prscpu OUT number , tcpu OUT number, exe OUT number , prsela OUT number , bspm OUT number, espm OUT number , bfrm OUT number, efrm OUT number , blog OUT number, elog OUT number , bocur OUT number, eocur OUT number , bpgaalloc OUT number, epgaalloc OUT number , bsgaalloc OUT number, esgaalloc OUT number , bnprocs OUT number, enprocs OUT number , timstat OUT varchar2, statlvl OUT varchar2 , bncpu OUT number, encpu OUT number -- OS Stat , bpmem OUT number, epmem OUT number , blod OUT number, elod OUT number , itic OUT number, btic OUT number , iotic OUT number, rwtic OUT number , utic OUT number, stic OUT number , vmib OUT number, vmob OUT number , oscpuw OUT number , dbtim OUT number, dbcpu OUT number -- Time Model , bgela OUT number, bgcpu OUT number , prstela OUT number, sqleela OUT number , conmela OUT number , dmsd OUT number, dmfc OUT number -- begin RAC , dmsi OUT number , pmrv OUT number, pmpt OUT number , npmrv OUT number, npmpt OUT number , dbfr OUT number , dpms OUT number, dnpms OUT number , glsg OUT number, glag OUT number , glgt OUT number , gccrrv OUT number, gccrrt OUT number, gccrfl OUT number , gccurv OUT number, gccurt OUT number, gccufl OUT number , gccrsv OUT number , gccrbt OUT number, gccrft OUT number , gccrst OUT number, gccusv OUT number , gccupt OUT number, gccuft OUT number , gccust OUT number , msgsq OUT number, msgsqt OUT number , msgsqk OUT number, msgsqtk OUT number , msgrq OUT number, msgrqt OUT number -- end RAC ); procedure SNAP (i_snap_level in number default null ,i_session_id in number default null ,i_ucomment in varchar2 default null ,i_num_sql in number default null ,i_executions_th in number default null ,i_parse_calls_th in number default null ,i_disk_reads_th in number default null ,i_buffer_gets_th in number default null ,i_sharable_mem_th in number default null ,i_version_count_th in number default null ,i_seg_phy_reads_th in number default null ,i_seg_log_reads_th in number default null ,i_seg_buff_busy_th in number default null ,i_seg_rowlock_w_th in number default null ,i_seg_itl_waits_th in number default null ,i_seg_cr_bks_rc_th in number default null ,i_seg_cu_bks_rc_th in number default null ,i_all_init in varchar2 default null ,i_old_sql_capture_mth in varchar2 default null ,i_pin_statspack in varchar2 default null ,i_modify_parameter in varchar2 default 'FALSE' ); function SNAP (i_snap_level in number default null ,i_session_id in number default null ,i_ucomment in varchar2 default null ,i_num_sql in number default null ,i_executions_th in number default null ,i_parse_calls_th in number default null ,i_disk_reads_th in number default null ,i_buffer_gets_th in number default null ,i_sharable_mem_th in number default null ,i_version_count_th in number default null ,i_seg_phy_reads_th in number default null ,i_seg_log_reads_th in number default null ,i_seg_buff_busy_th in number default null ,i_seg_rowlock_w_th in number default null ,i_seg_itl_waits_th in number default null ,i_seg_cr_bks_rc_th in number default null ,i_seg_cu_bks_rc_th in number default null ,i_all_init in varchar2 default null ,i_old_sql_capture_mth in varchar2 default null ,i_pin_statspack in varchar2 default null ,i_modify_parameter in varchar2 default 'FALSE' ) RETURN integer; procedure MODIFY_STATSPACK_PARAMETER ( i_dbid in number default null , i_instance_number in number default null , i_snap_level in number default null , i_session_id in number default null , i_ucomment in varchar2 default null , i_num_sql in number default null , i_executions_th in number default null , i_parse_calls_th in number default null , i_disk_reads_th in number default null , i_buffer_gets_th in number default null , i_sharable_mem_th in number default null , i_version_count_th in number default null , i_seg_phy_reads_th in number default null , i_seg_log_reads_th in number default null , i_seg_buff_busy_th in number default null , i_seg_rowlock_w_th in number default null , i_seg_itl_waits_th in number default null , i_seg_cr_bks_rc_th in number default null , i_seg_cu_bks_rc_th in number default null , i_all_init in varchar2 default null , i_old_sql_capture_mth in varchar2 default null , i_pin_statspack in varchar2 default null , i_modify_parameter in varchar2 default 'TRUE' ); procedure QAM_STATSPACK_PARAMETER ( i_dbid in number default null , i_instance_number in number default null , i_snap_level in number default null , i_session_id in number default null , i_ucomment in varchar2 default null , i_num_sql in number default null , i_executions_th in number default null , i_parse_calls_th in number default null , i_disk_reads_th in number default null , i_buffer_gets_th in number default null , i_sharable_mem_th in number default null , i_version_count_th in number default null , i_seg_phy_reads_th in number default null , i_seg_log_reads_th in number default null , i_seg_buff_busy_th in number default null , i_seg_rowlock_w_th in number default null , i_seg_itl_waits_th in number default null , i_seg_cr_bks_rc_th in number default null , i_seg_cu_bks_rc_th in number default null , i_all_init in varchar2 default null , i_old_sql_capture_mth in varchar2 default null , i_pin_statspack in varchar2 default null , i_modify_parameter in varchar2 default 'FALSE' , o_snap_level out number , o_session_id out number , o_ucomment out varchar2 , o_num_sql out number , o_executions_th out number , o_parse_calls_th out number , o_disk_reads_th out number , o_buffer_gets_th out number , o_sharable_mem_th out number , o_version_count_th out number , o_seg_phy_reads_th out number , o_seg_log_reads_th out number , o_seg_buff_busy_th out number , o_seg_rowlock_w_th out number , o_seg_itl_waits_th out number , o_seg_cr_bks_rc_th out number , o_seg_cu_bks_rc_th out number , o_all_init out varchar2 , o_old_sql_capture_mth out varchar2 , o_pin_statspack out varchar2 ); procedure VERIFY_SNAP_ID ( i_snap_id IN number , i_dbid IN number default null , i_instance_number IN number default null ); procedure VERIFY_DBID_INSTANCE_NUMBER ( i_dbid IN number default null , i_instance_number IN number default null ); function GET_SNAP_ID ( i_snap_time IN date , i_dbid IN number default null , i_instance_number IN number default null ) RETURN integer; function MAKE_BASELINE ( i_begin_snap IN number , i_end_snap IN number , i_snap_range IN boolean default TRUE , i_dbid IN number default null , i_instance_number IN number default null ) RETURN integer; procedure MAKE_BASELINE ( i_begin_snap IN number , i_end_snap IN number , i_snap_range IN boolean default TRUE , i_dbid IN number default null , i_instance_number IN number default null ); function MAKE_BASELINE ( i_begin_date IN date , i_end_date IN date , i_dbid IN number default null , i_instance_number IN number default null ) RETURN integer; procedure MAKE_BASELINE ( i_begin_date IN date , i_end_date IN date , i_dbid IN number default null , i_instance_number IN number default null ); function CLEAR_BASELINE ( i_begin_snap IN number , i_end_snap IN number , i_snap_range IN boolean default TRUE , i_dbid IN number default null , i_instance_number IN number default null ) RETURN integer; procedure CLEAR_BASELINE ( i_begin_snap IN number , i_end_snap IN number , i_snap_range IN boolean default TRUE , i_dbid IN number default null , i_instance_number IN number default null ); function CLEAR_BASELINE ( i_begin_date IN date , i_end_date IN date , i_dbid IN number default null , i_instance_number IN number default null ) RETURN integer; procedure CLEAR_BASELINE ( i_begin_date IN date , i_end_date IN date , i_dbid IN number default null , i_instance_number IN number default null ); function PURGE ( i_begin_snap IN number , i_end_snap IN number , i_snap_range IN boolean default TRUE , i_extended_purge IN boolean default FALSE , i_dbid IN number default null , i_instance_number IN number default null ) RETURN integer; procedure PURGE ( i_begin_snap IN number , i_end_snap IN number , i_snap_range IN boolean default TRUE , i_extended_purge IN boolean default FALSE , i_dbid IN number default null , i_instance_number IN number default null ); function PURGE ( i_begin_date IN date , i_end_date IN date , i_extended_purge IN boolean default FALSE , i_dbid IN number default null , i_instance_number IN number default null ) RETURN integer; procedure PURGE ( i_begin_date IN date , i_end_date IN date , i_extended_purge IN boolean default FALSE , i_dbid IN number default null , i_instance_number IN number default null ); function PURGE ( i_purge_before_date IN date , i_extended_purge IN boolean default FALSE , i_dbid IN number default null , i_instance_number IN number default null ) RETURN integer; procedure PURGE ( i_purge_before_date IN date , i_extended_purge IN boolean default FALSE , i_dbid IN number default null , i_instance_number IN number default null ); function PURGE ( i_num_days IN number , i_extended_purge IN boolean default FALSE , i_dbid IN number default null , i_instance_number IN number default null ) RETURN integer; procedure PURGE ( i_num_days IN number , i_extended_purge IN boolean default FALSE , i_dbid IN number default null , i_instance_number IN number default null ); function V1024 ( i_num IN number , i_unit IN varchar2 , i_min_unit IN varchar2 , i_precision IN integer , i_mag IN integer ) RETURN varchar2; end STATSPACK; / show errors /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ prompt Creating Package Body STATSPACK... create or replace package body STATSPACK as /* Define package variables. Variables prefixed with p_ are package variables. */ p_snap_id integer; /* snapshot id */ p_instance_number number; /* instance number */ p_instance_name varchar2(16); /* instance name */ p_startup_time date; /* instance startup time */ p_parallel varchar2(3); /* parallel server */ p_version varchar2(17); /* Oracle release */ p_dbid number; /* database id */ p_host_name varchar2(64); /* host instance is on */ p_platform_name varchar2(101); /* host platform */ p_name varchar2(9); /* database name */ p_new_sga integer; /* Instance bounced since last snap? */ tmp_int integer; /* initialise defaults */ p_def_snap_level number default 5; /* default snapshot lvl */ p_def_session_id number default 0; /* default session id */ p_def_ucomment varchar2(160) default null; p_def_pin_statspack varchar2(10) default 'TRUE'; p_def_last_modified date default SYSDATE; /* Below are the default threshold (_th) values for choosing SQL statements to store in the stats$sqlsummary table - these statements will typically be the statements using the most resources. */ p_def_num_sql number default 50; /* Num. SQL statements */ p_def_executions_th number default 100; /* Num. executions */ p_def_parse_calls_th number default 1000; /* Num. parse calls */ p_def_disk_reads_th number default 1000; /* Num. disk reads */ p_def_buffer_gets_th number default 10000; /* Num. buf gets */ p_def_sharable_mem_th number default 1048576; /* Sharable memory */ p_def_version_count_th number default 20; /* Child Cursors */ /* Below are the default threshold (_th) values for choosing Segment stats to store in the stats$seg_stat table - these segments will typically be the segments using the most resources or segments having the most contention. */ p_def_seg_phy_reads_th number default 1000; /* Num. physical reads */ p_def_seg_log_reads_th number default 10000; /* Num. logical reads */ p_def_seg_buff_busy_th number default 100; /* Num. buffer busy waits */ p_def_seg_rowlock_w_th number default 100; /* Num. row lock waits */ p_def_seg_itl_waits_th number default 100; /* Num. ITL waits */ p_def_seg_cr_bks_rc_th number default 1000; /* Num. RAC CR bks done */ p_def_seg_cu_bks_rc_th number default 1000; /* Num. RAC CU bks done */ /* Default threshold for SGASTAT capture */ p_def_sgastat_pool_pct_th number default 1; /* % of *pool* size */ /* Default threshold for PGA memory capture */ p_def_proc_mem_th number default 1; /* process size in MB */ p_def_num_procs number default 20; /* #processes to capture */ /* Capture all init.ora's or just default? */ p_def_all_init varchar2(10) default 'FALSE'; /* Capture data using stats$v$sqlxs, or stats$v$sqlstat_summary */ p_def_old_sql_capture_mth varchar2(10) default 'FALSE'; cursor get_instance is select instance_number, instance_name , startup_time, parallel, version , host_name from v$instance; cursor get_db is select dbid, name, platform_name from v$database; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */ procedure SNAP (i_snap_level in number default null ,i_session_id in number default null ,i_ucomment in varchar2 default null ,i_num_sql in number default null ,i_executions_th in number default null ,i_parse_calls_th in number default null ,i_disk_reads_th in number default null ,i_buffer_gets_th in number default null ,i_sharable_mem_th in number default null ,i_version_count_th in number default null ,i_seg_phy_reads_th in number default null ,i_seg_log_reads_th in number default null ,i_seg_buff_busy_th in number default null ,i_seg_rowlock_w_th in number default null ,i_seg_itl_waits_th in number default null ,i_seg_cr_bks_rc_th in number default null ,i_seg_cu_bks_rc_th in number default null ,i_all_init in varchar2 default null ,i_old_sql_capture_mth in varchar2 default null ,i_pin_statspack in varchar2 default null ,i_modify_parameter in varchar2 default 'FALSE' ) is /* Takes a snapshot by calling the SNAP function, and discards the snapshot id. This is useful when automating taking snapshots from dbms_job */ l_snap_id number; begin l_snap_id := statspack.snap ( i_snap_level, i_session_id, i_ucomment , i_num_sql , i_executions_th , i_parse_calls_th , i_disk_reads_th , i_buffer_gets_th , i_sharable_mem_th , i_version_count_th , i_seg_phy_reads_th , i_seg_log_reads_th , i_seg_buff_busy_th , i_seg_rowlock_w_th , i_seg_itl_waits_th , i_seg_cr_bks_rc_th , i_seg_cu_bks_rc_th , i_all_init , i_old_sql_capture_mth , i_pin_statspack , i_modify_parameter); end SNAP; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */ procedure MODIFY_STATSPACK_PARAMETER ( i_dbid in number default null , i_instance_number in number default null , i_snap_level in number default null , i_session_id in number default null , i_ucomment in varchar2 default null , i_num_sql in number default null , i_executions_th in number default null , i_parse_calls_th in number default null , i_disk_reads_th in number default null , i_buffer_gets_th in number default null , i_sharable_mem_th in number default null , i_version_count_th in number default null , i_seg_phy_reads_th in number default null , i_seg_log_reads_th in number default null , i_seg_buff_busy_th in number default null , i_seg_rowlock_w_th in number default null , i_seg_itl_waits_th in number default null , i_seg_cr_bks_rc_th in number default null , i_seg_cu_bks_rc_th in number default null , i_all_init in varchar2 default null , i_old_sql_capture_mth in varchar2 default null , i_pin_statspack in varchar2 default null , i_modify_parameter in varchar2 default 'TRUE' ) is /* Calls QAM with the modify flag, and discards the output variables */ l_snap_level number; l_session_id number; l_ucomment varchar2(160); l_num_sql number; l_executions_th number; l_parse_calls_th number; l_disk_reads_th number; l_buffer_gets_th number; l_sharable_mem_th number; l_version_count_th number; l_seg_phy_reads_th number; l_seg_log_reads_th number; l_seg_buff_busy_th number; l_seg_rowlock_w_th number; l_seg_itl_waits_th number; l_seg_cr_bks_rc_th number; l_seg_cu_bks_rc_th number; l_all_init varchar2(5); l_old_sql_capture_mth varchar2(10); l_pin_statspack varchar2(10); begin statspack.qam_statspack_parameter( i_dbid , i_instance_number , i_snap_level , i_session_id , i_ucomment , i_num_sql , i_executions_th , i_parse_calls_th , i_disk_reads_th , i_buffer_gets_th , i_sharable_mem_th , i_version_count_th , i_seg_phy_reads_th , i_seg_log_reads_th , i_seg_buff_busy_th , i_seg_rowlock_w_th , i_seg_itl_waits_th , i_seg_cr_bks_rc_th , i_seg_cu_bks_rc_th , i_all_init , i_old_sql_capture_mth , i_pin_statspack , 'TRUE' , l_snap_level , l_session_id , l_ucomment , l_num_sql , l_executions_th , l_parse_calls_th , l_disk_reads_th , l_buffer_gets_th , l_sharable_mem_th , l_version_count_th , l_seg_phy_reads_th , l_seg_log_reads_th , l_seg_buff_busy_th , l_seg_rowlock_w_th , l_seg_itl_waits_th , l_seg_cr_bks_rc_th , l_seg_cu_bks_rc_th , l_all_init , l_old_sql_capture_mth , l_pin_statspack); /* As we have explicity been requested to change the parameters, independently of taking a snapshot, commit */ commit; end MODIFY_STATSPACK_PARAMETER; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */ procedure QAM_STATSPACK_PARAMETER ( i_dbid in number default null , i_instance_number in number default null , i_snap_level in number default null , i_session_id in number default null , i_ucomment in varchar2 default null , i_num_sql in number default null , i_executions_th in number default null , i_parse_calls_th in number default null , i_disk_reads_th in number default null , i_buffer_gets_th in number default null , i_sharable_mem_th in number default null , i_version_count_th in number default null , i_seg_phy_reads_th in number default null , i_seg_log_reads_th in number default null , i_seg_buff_busy_th in number default null , i_seg_rowlock_w_th in number default null , i_seg_itl_waits_th in number default null , i_seg_cr_bks_rc_th in number default null , i_seg_cu_bks_rc_th in number default null , i_all_init in varchar2 default null , i_old_sql_capture_mth in varchar2 default null , i_pin_statspack in varchar2 default null , i_modify_parameter in varchar2 default 'FALSE' , o_snap_level out number , o_session_id out number , o_ucomment out varchar2 , o_num_sql out number , o_executions_th out number , o_parse_calls_th out number , o_disk_reads_th out number , o_buffer_gets_th out number , o_sharable_mem_th out number , o_version_count_th out number , o_seg_phy_reads_th out number , o_seg_log_reads_th out number , o_seg_buff_busy_th out number , o_seg_rowlock_w_th out number , o_seg_itl_waits_th out number , o_seg_cr_bks_rc_th out number , o_seg_cu_bks_rc_th out number , o_all_init out varchar2 , o_old_sql_capture_mth out varchar2 , o_pin_statspack out varchar2 ) is /* Query And Modify statspack parameter procedure, allows query and/or user modification of the statistics collection parameters for an instance. If there are no pre-existing parameters for an instance, insert the Oracle defaults. */ l_instance_number number; l_dbid number; ui_all_init varchar2(5); l_params_exist varchar2(1); begin /* Setup dbid/instance_number. Use supplied values if any, and default to current dbid/instance number where null. Check values supplied exist in stats$database_instance; do not allow setting the values on RAC instances if a row for the instance does not already exist in stats$database_instance. */ begin select nvl(i_dbid, p_dbid) , nvl(i_instance_number, p_instance_number) into l_dbid , l_instance_number from stats$statspack_parameter where dbid = nvl(i_dbid, p_dbid) and instance_number = nvl(i_instance_number, p_instance_number); exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then if ( i_dbid is null and i_instance_number is null ) or ( i_dbid = p_dbid and i_instance_number = p_instance_number ) then -- current instance - valid pair, ok for no data to be found l_dbid := p_dbid; l_instance_number := p_instance_number; else raise_application_error (-20100,'QAM_STATSPACK_PARAMETER dbid/instance number combination does not exist'); end if; when others then raise; end; /* Upper case any input vars which are inserted */ ui_all_init := upper(i_all_init); if ( (i_modify_parameter is null) or (upper(i_modify_parameter) = 'FALSE') ) then /* Query values, if none exist, insert the defaults tempered with variables supplied */ begin select nvl(i_session_id, session_id) , nvl(i_snap_level, snap_level) , nvl(i_ucomment, ucomment) , nvl(i_num_sql, num_sql) , nvl(i_executions_th, executions_th) , nvl(i_parse_calls_th, parse_calls_th) , nvl(i_disk_reads_th, disk_reads_th) , nvl(i_buffer_gets_th, buffer_gets_th) , nvl(i_sharable_mem_th, sharable_mem_th) , nvl(i_version_count_th, version_count_th) , nvl(i_seg_phy_reads_th, seg_phy_reads_th) , nvl(i_seg_log_reads_th, seg_log_reads_th) , nvl(i_seg_buff_busy_th, seg_buff_busy_th) , nvl(i_seg_rowlock_w_th, seg_rowlock_w_th) , nvl(i_seg_itl_waits_th, seg_itl_waits_th) , nvl(i_seg_cr_bks_rc_th, seg_cr_bks_rc_th) , nvl(i_seg_cu_bks_rc_th, seg_cu_bks_rc_th) , nvl(ui_all_init, all_init) , nvl(upper(i_old_sql_capture_mth), old_sql_capture_mth) , nvl(i_pin_statspack, pin_statspack) into o_session_id , o_snap_level , o_ucomment , o_num_sql , o_executions_th , o_parse_calls_th , o_disk_reads_th , o_buffer_gets_th , o_sharable_mem_th , o_version_count_th , o_seg_phy_reads_th , o_seg_log_reads_th , o_seg_buff_busy_th , o_seg_rowlock_w_th , o_seg_itl_waits_th , o_seg_cr_bks_rc_th , o_seg_cu_bks_rc_th , o_all_init , o_old_sql_capture_mth , o_pin_statspack from stats$statspack_parameter where instance_number = l_instance_number and dbid = l_dbid; exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then insert into stats$statspack_parameter ( dbid , instance_number , session_id , snap_level , ucomment , num_sql , executions_th , parse_calls_th , disk_reads_th , buffer_gets_th , sharable_mem_th , version_count_th , seg_phy_reads_th , seg_log_reads_th , seg_buff_busy_th , seg_rowlock_w_th , seg_itl_waits_th , seg_cr_bks_rc_th , seg_cu_bks_rc_th , all_init , old_sql_capture_mth , pin_statspack , last_modified ) values ( l_dbid , l_instance_number , p_def_session_id , p_def_snap_level , p_def_ucomment , p_def_num_sql , p_def_executions_th , p_def_parse_calls_th , p_def_disk_reads_th , p_def_buffer_gets_th , p_def_sharable_mem_th , p_def_version_count_th , p_def_seg_phy_reads_th , p_def_seg_log_reads_th , p_def_seg_buff_busy_th , p_def_seg_rowlock_w_th , p_def_seg_itl_waits_th , p_def_seg_cr_bks_rc_th , p_def_seg_cu_bks_rc_th , p_def_all_init , p_def_old_sql_capture_mth , p_def_pin_statspack , SYSDATE ) returning nvl(i_session_id, p_def_session_id) , nvl(i_snap_level, p_def_snap_level) , nvl(i_ucomment, p_def_ucomment) , nvl(i_num_sql, p_def_num_sql) , nvl(i_executions_th, p_def_executions_th) , nvl(i_parse_calls_th, p_def_parse_calls_th) , nvl(i_disk_reads_th, p_def_disk_reads_th) , nvl(i_buffer_gets_th, p_def_buffer_gets_th) , nvl(i_sharable_mem_th, p_def_sharable_mem_th) , nvl(i_version_count_th, p_def_version_count_th) , nvl(i_seg_phy_reads_th, p_def_seg_phy_reads_th) , nvl(i_seg_log_reads_th, p_def_seg_log_reads_th) , nvl(i_seg_buff_busy_th, p_def_seg_buff_busy_th) , nvl(i_seg_rowlock_w_th, p_def_seg_rowlock_w_th) , nvl(i_seg_itl_waits_th, p_def_seg_itl_waits_th) , nvl(i_seg_cr_bks_rc_th, p_def_seg_cr_bks_rc_th) , nvl(i_seg_cu_bks_rc_th, p_def_seg_cu_bks_rc_th) , nvl(ui_all_init, p_def_all_init) , nvl(upper(i_old_sql_capture_mth), p_def_old_sql_capture_mth) , nvl(i_pin_statspack, p_def_pin_statspack) into o_session_id , o_snap_level , o_ucomment , o_num_sql , o_executions_th , o_parse_calls_th , o_disk_reads_th , o_buffer_gets_th , o_sharable_mem_th , o_version_count_th , o_seg_phy_reads_th , o_seg_log_reads_th , o_seg_buff_busy_th , o_seg_rowlock_w_th , o_seg_itl_waits_th , o_seg_cr_bks_rc_th , o_seg_cu_bks_rc_th , o_all_init , o_old_sql_capture_mth , o_pin_statspack; end; /* don't modify parameter values */ elsif upper(i_modify_parameter) = 'TRUE' then /* modify values, if none exist, insert the defaults tempered with the variables supplied */ begin update stats$statspack_parameter set session_id = nvl(i_session_id, session_id) , snap_level = nvl(i_snap_level, snap_level) , ucomment = nvl(i_ucomment, ucomment) , num_sql = nvl(i_num_sql, num_sql) , executions_th = nvl(i_executions_th, executions_th) , parse_calls_th = nvl(i_parse_calls_th, parse_calls_th) , disk_reads_th = nvl(i_disk_reads_th, disk_reads_th) , buffer_gets_th = nvl(i_buffer_gets_th, buffer_gets_th) , sharable_mem_th = nvl(i_sharable_mem_th, sharable_mem_th) , version_count_th = nvl(i_version_count_th, version_count_th) , seg_phy_reads_th = nvl(i_seg_phy_reads_th, seg_phy_reads_th) , seg_log_reads_th = nvl(i_seg_log_reads_th, seg_log_reads_th) , seg_buff_busy_th = nvl(i_seg_buff_busy_th, seg_buff_busy_th) , seg_rowlock_w_th = nvl(i_seg_rowlock_w_th, seg_rowlock_w_th) , seg_itl_waits_th = nvl(i_seg_itl_waits_th, seg_itl_waits_th) , seg_cr_bks_rc_th = nvl(i_seg_cr_bks_rc_th, seg_cr_bks_rc_th) , seg_cu_bks_rc_th = nvl(i_seg_cu_bks_rc_th, seg_cu_bks_rc_th) , all_init = nvl(ui_all_init, all_init) , old_sql_capture_mth = nvl(upper(i_old_sql_capture_mth), old_sql_capture_mth) , pin_statspack = nvl(i_pin_statspack, pin_statspack) where instance_number = l_instance_number and dbid = l_dbid returning session_id , snap_level , ucomment , num_sql , executions_th , parse_calls_th , disk_reads_th , buffer_gets_th , sharable_mem_th , version_count_th , seg_phy_reads_th , seg_log_reads_th , seg_buff_busy_th , seg_rowlock_w_th , seg_itl_waits_th , seg_cr_bks_rc_th , seg_cu_bks_rc_th , all_init , old_sql_capture_mth , pin_statspack into o_session_id , o_snap_level , o_ucomment , o_num_sql , o_executions_th , o_parse_calls_th , o_disk_reads_th , o_buffer_gets_th , o_sharable_mem_th , o_version_count_th , o_seg_phy_reads_th , o_seg_log_reads_th , o_seg_buff_busy_th , o_seg_rowlock_w_th , o_seg_itl_waits_th , o_seg_cr_bks_rc_th , o_seg_cu_bks_rc_th , o_all_init , o_old_sql_capture_mth , o_pin_statspack; if SQL%ROWCOUNT = 0 then -- First snapshot, but want to set parameters insert into stats$statspack_parameter ( dbid , instance_number , session_id , snap_level , ucomment , num_sql , executions_th , parse_calls_th , disk_reads_th , buffer_gets_th , sharable_mem_th , version_count_th , seg_phy_reads_th , seg_log_reads_th , seg_buff_busy_th , seg_rowlock_w_th , seg_itl_waits_th , seg_cr_bks_rc_th , seg_cu_bks_rc_th , all_init , old_sql_capture_mth , pin_statspack , last_modified ) values ( l_dbid , l_instance_number , nvl(i_session_id, p_def_session_id) , nvl(i_snap_level, p_def_snap_level) , nvl(i_ucomment, p_def_ucomment) , nvl(i_num_sql, p_def_num_sql) , nvl(i_executions_th, p_def_executions_th) , nvl(i_parse_calls_th, p_def_parse_calls_th) , nvl(i_disk_reads_th, p_def_disk_reads_th) , nvl(i_buffer_gets_th, p_def_buffer_gets_th) , nvl(i_sharable_mem_th, p_def_sharable_mem_th) , nvl(i_version_count_th, p_def_version_count_th) , nvl(i_seg_phy_reads_th, p_def_seg_phy_reads_th) , nvl(i_seg_log_reads_th, p_def_seg_log_reads_th) , nvl(i_seg_buff_busy_th, p_def_seg_buff_busy_th) , nvl(i_seg_rowlock_w_th, p_def_seg_rowlock_w_th) , nvl(i_seg_itl_waits_th, p_def_seg_itl_waits_th) , nvl(i_seg_cr_bks_rc_th, p_def_seg_cr_bks_rc_th) , nvl(i_seg_cu_bks_rc_th, p_def_seg_cu_bks_rc_th) , nvl(ui_all_init, p_def_all_init) , nvl(upper(i_old_sql_capture_mth), p_def_old_sql_capture_mth) , nvl(i_pin_statspack, p_def_pin_statspack) , SYSDATE ) returning session_id , snap_level , ucomment , num_sql , executions_th , parse_calls_th , disk_reads_th , buffer_gets_th , sharable_mem_th , version_count_th , seg_phy_reads_th , seg_log_reads_th , seg_buff_busy_th , seg_rowlock_w_th , seg_itl_waits_th , seg_cr_bks_rc_th , seg_cu_bks_rc_th , all_init , old_sql_capture_mth , pin_statspack into o_session_id , o_snap_level , o_ucomment , o_num_sql , o_executions_th , o_parse_calls_th , o_disk_reads_th , o_buffer_gets_th , o_sharable_mem_th , o_version_count_th , o_seg_phy_reads_th , o_seg_log_reads_th , o_seg_buff_busy_th , o_seg_rowlock_w_th , o_seg_itl_waits_th , o_seg_cr_bks_rc_th , o_seg_cu_bks_rc_th , o_all_init , o_old_sql_capture_mth , o_pin_statspack; end if; end; /* modify values */ else /* error */ raise_application_error (-20100,'QAM_STATSPACK_PARAMETER i_modify_parameter value is invalid'); end if; /* modify */ end QAM_STATSPACK_PARAMETER; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */ procedure DEFAULT_DBID_INSTANCE_NUMBER ( i_dbid IN number default null , i_instance_number IN number default null , o_dbid OUT number , o_instance_number OUT number ) is /* Defaults the DB Id and Instance number to the database instance currently connected to, if they are not explicitly provided Does not check whether any snapshots exist for the instance. Should only be called by Statspack package or Statspack SQL scripts, not by users directly */ begin if i_dbid is null and i_instance_number is null then o_dbid := p_dbid; o_instance_number := p_instance_number; elsif (i_dbid is null and i_instance_number is not null) or (i_dbid is not null and i_instance_number is null) then raise_application_error(-20200,'Must specify both DB Id and Instance Number, not DB Id or Instance Number'); else o_dbid := i_dbid; o_instance_number := i_instance_number; end if; end DEFAULT_DBID_INSTANCE_NUMBER; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */ procedure VERIFY_SNAP_ID ( i_snap_id IN number , i_dbid IN number default null , i_instance_number IN number default null ) is /* Checks the specified snap id, dbid and instance_number to see whether there are any rows in the stats$snapshot table which meet that criteria. If not, errors. Should only be called by Statspack package or Statspack SQL scripts, not by users directly */ cursor csnapid( vsnap_id stats$snapshot.snap_id%type , vdbid stats$database_instance.dbid%type , vinst stats$database_instance.instance_number%type) is select snap_id from stats$snapshot where snap_id = vsnap_id and dbid = vdbid and instance_number = vinst; l_snap_id stats$snapshot.snap_id%type; l_dbid stats$database_instance.dbid%type; l_instance_number stats$database_instance.instance_number%type; begin default_dbid_instance_number( i_dbid => i_dbid , i_instance_number => i_instance_number , o_dbid => l_dbid , o_instance_number => l_instance_number); open csnapid(i_snap_id, l_dbid, l_instance_number); fetch csnapid into l_snap_id; if csnapid%notfound then raise_application_error(-20200,'Snapshot ' ||i_snap_id||' does not exist for DB Id/Instance '|| l_dbid || '/' || l_instance_number); end if; close csnapid; end VERIFY_SNAP_ID; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */ procedure VERIFY_DBID_INSTANCE_NUMBER ( i_dbid IN number default null , i_instance_number IN number default null ) is /* Checks whether there are any rows in the stats$database_instance table for the specified dbid and instance_number. If not, errors. DOES NOT DEFAULT DBID / INSTANCE NUMBER Should only be called by Statspack package or Statspack SQL scripts, not by users directly */ l_snap_id stats$snapshot.snap_id%type; cursor cdbin( vdbid stats$database_instance.dbid%type , vinst stats$database_instance.instance_number%type) is select 1 from stats$database_instance where dbid = vdbid and instance_number = vinst and rownum = 1; l_cnt number := 0; begin open cdbin(i_dbid, i_instance_number); fetch cdbin into l_cnt; if cdbin%notfound then raise_application_error(-20200,'Database Instance specified (DB Id/Instance '|| i_dbid || '/' || i_instance_number || ') does not exist in STATS$DATABASE_INSTANCE'); end if; close cdbin; end VERIFY_DBID_INSTANCE_NUMBER; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */ function GET_SNAP_ID ( i_snap_time IN date , i_dbid IN number default null , i_instance_number IN number default null ) RETURN integer is /* Determines the snap id which is closest to the snap time specified, for that database instance. The closest snap id can have a snap time earlier or later than the specified snap time. */ cursor csnaps( vdbid stats$database_instance.dbid%type , vinst stats$database_instance.instance_number%type) is select snap_id, snap_time from stats$snapshot where instance_number = vinst and dbid = vdbid order by snap_id; l_snap_id1 stats$snapshot.snap_id%type := 0; l_snap_id2 stats$snapshot.snap_id%type := 0; return_snap stats$snapshot.snap_id%type; l_snap_time1 stats$snapshot.snap_time%type; l_snap_time2 stats$snapshot.snap_time%type; l_dbid stats$database_instance.dbid%type; l_instance_number stats$database_instance.instance_number%type; begin default_dbid_instance_number( i_dbid => i_dbid , i_instance_number => i_instance_number , o_dbid => l_dbid , o_instance_number => l_instance_number); open csnaps(l_dbid, l_instance_number); loop -- Fetch a snapshot id and date fetch csnaps into l_snap_id1, l_snap_time1; if csnaps%notfound then if csnaps%rowcount = 0 then raise_application_error(-20200,'No snapshots exist for DB Id/Instance Number '|| l_dbid || '/' || l_instance_number); else -- Only one snapshot exists OR we have iterated through all -- snapshots and none matched, so return this snap return_snap := l_snap_id1; exit; end if; end if; -- %notfound -- Check date to see if it will fit if (csnaps%rowcount = 1) and (l_snap_time1 >= i_snap_time) then -- If first row, and date retrieved >= date specified, return it return_snap := l_snap_id1; exit; elsif csnaps%rowcount >= 2 then -- There are two dates if (l_snap_time1 >= i_snap_time) and (i_snap_time >= l_snap_time2) then -- Specified date is between current and prev date (inclusive). -- Return the snap time closest to that specified if (l_snap_time1 - i_snap_time) < (i_snap_time - l_snap_time2) then return_snap := l_snap_id1; else return_snap := l_snap_id2; end if; exit; end if; -- test for date between retrieved dates end if; -- test for >=2 rows -- save old snap id and date l_snap_id2 := l_snap_id1; l_snap_time2 := l_snap_time1; end loop; close csnaps; RETURN return_snap; end GET_SNAP_ID; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */ function MAKE_CLEAR_BASELINE ( ibegin_snap IN number , iend_snap IN number , ibegin_date IN date , iend_date IN date , isnap_range IN boolean , idbid IN number , iinstance_number IN number , imake_clear IN varchar2 ) RETURN integer is /* Either sets the baseline flag in the stats$snapshot to Y, or clears it (i.e. sets it to NULL), depending on whether it is called from MAKE_* or CLEAR_* procedure. Will either update just the snap id's specified, or the entire range of snap id's between the begin and end for that database instance. If begin and end dates are specified, will update the entire range of snapshots which fall within that date range. Should only be called by Statspack package or Statspack SQL scripts, not by users directly */ l_begin_snap stats$snapshot.snap_id%type; l_end_snap stats$snapshot.snap_id%type; l_bs_time stats$snapshot.snap_time%type; l_es_time stats$snapshot.snap_time%type; l_bu_time1 stats$snapshot.snap_time%type; l_eu_time1 stats$snapshot.snap_time%type; l_bu_time2 stats$snapshot.snap_time%type; l_eu_time2 stats$snapshot.snap_time%type; l_dbid stats$database_instance.dbid%type; l_instance_number stats$database_instance.instance_number%type; l_rowcount integer; begin default_dbid_instance_number( i_dbid => idbid , i_instance_number => iinstance_number , o_dbid => l_dbid , o_instance_number => l_instance_number); verify_dbid_instance_number( i_dbid => l_dbid , i_instance_number => l_instance_number); if ibegin_snap is not null and iend_snap is not null then -- Make/clear baseline by snap_id if isnap_range then -- Update entire snapshot range between begin and end update stats$snapshot set baseline = imake_clear where snap_id between ibegin_snap and iend_snap and dbid = l_dbid and instance_number = l_instance_number and nvl(baseline,'A') != nvl(imake_clear,'A') returning count(1) into l_rowcount; else -- Update only the snapshots specified update stats$snapshot set baseline = imake_clear where snap_id in (ibegin_snap, iend_snap) and dbid = l_dbid and instance_number = l_instance_number and nvl(baseline,'A') != nvl(imake_clear,'A') returning count(1) into l_rowcount; end if; l_begin_snap := ibegin_snap; l_end_snap := iend_snap; elsif ibegin_date is not null and iend_date is not null then -- update the range of snapshots identified by the dates update stats$snapshot set baseline = imake_clear where snap_time between ibegin_date and iend_date and dbid = l_dbid and instance_number = l_instance_number and nvl(baseline,'A') != nvl(imake_clear,'A') returning count(1) into l_rowcount; end if; commit; return l_rowcount; end MAKE_CLEAR_BASELINE; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */ function MAKE_BASELINE ( i_begin_snap IN number , i_end_snap IN number , i_snap_range IN boolean default TRUE , i_dbid IN number default null , i_instance_number IN number default null ) RETURN integer is /* Creates a baseline for the specified snapshot Ids. Can either baseline only the snapshots specified, or can also include the entire range of snapshots between. Defaults the current dbid and instance number, if they are not specified. */ l_dbid stats$database_instance.dbid%type; l_instance_number stats$database_instance.instance_number%type; l_rowcount integer; begin default_dbid_instance_number( i_dbid => i_dbid , i_instance_number => i_instance_number , o_dbid => l_dbid , o_instance_number => l_instance_number); verify_snap_id( i_snap_id => i_begin_snap , i_dbid => l_dbid , i_instance_number => l_instance_number); verify_snap_id( i_snap_id => i_end_snap , i_dbid => l_dbid , i_instance_number => l_instance_number); l_rowcount := make_clear_baseline ( ibegin_snap => i_begin_snap , iend_snap => i_end_snap , ibegin_date => null , iend_date => null , isnap_range => i_snap_range , idbid => l_dbid , iinstance_number => l_instance_number , imake_clear => 'Y'); return l_rowcount; end MAKE_BASELINE; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */ procedure MAKE_BASELINE ( i_begin_snap IN number , i_end_snap IN number , i_snap_range IN boolean default TRUE , i_dbid IN number default null , i_instance_number IN number default null ) is /* Calls the MAKE_BASELINE function which has the same input parameters as this procedure, and discards the resulting number of rows returned */ l_rowcount integer; begin l_rowcount := make_baseline ( i_begin_snap => i_begin_snap , i_end_snap => i_end_snap , i_snap_range => i_snap_range , i_dbid => i_dbid , i_instance_number => i_instance_number ); end MAKE_BASELINE; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */ function MAKE_BASELINE ( i_begin_date IN date , i_end_date IN date , i_dbid IN number default null , i_instance_number IN number default null ) RETURN integer is /* Creates a baseline for the specified dates. Will basline all snapshots which fall within that date range. Defaults the current dbid and instance number, if they are not specified. */ l_rowcount integer; begin l_rowcount := make_clear_baseline ( ibegin_snap => null , iend_snap => null , ibegin_date => i_begin_date , iend_date => i_end_date , isnap_range => null , idbid => i_dbid , iinstance_number => i_instance_number , imake_clear => 'Y'); return l_rowcount; end MAKE_BASELINE; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */ procedure MAKE_BASELINE ( i_begin_date IN date , i_end_date IN date , i_dbid IN number default null , i_instance_number IN number default null ) is /* Calls the MAKE_BASELINE function which has the same input parameters as this procedure, and discards the resulting number of rows returned */ l_rowcount integer; begin l_rowcount := make_baseline ( i_begin_date => i_begin_date , i_end_date => i_end_date , i_dbid => i_dbid , i_instance_number => i_instance_number ); end MAKE_BASELINE; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */ function CLEAR_BASELINE ( i_begin_snap IN number , i_end_snap IN number , i_snap_range IN boolean default TRUE , i_dbid IN number default null , i_instance_number IN number default null ) RETURN integer is /* Clears the baseline for the specified snapshot Ids. Can either clear the baseline only the snapshots specified, or can also include the entire range of snapshots between. Defaults the current dbid and instance number, if they are not specified. */ l_dbid stats$database_instance.dbid%type; l_instance_number stats$database_instance.instance_number%type; l_rowcount integer; begin default_dbid_instance_number( i_dbid => i_dbid , i_instance_number => i_instance_number , o_dbid => l_dbid , o_instance_number => l_instance_number); verify_snap_id( i_snap_id => i_begin_snap , i_dbid => l_dbid , i_instance_number => l_instance_number); verify_snap_id( i_snap_id => i_end_snap , i_dbid => l_dbid , i_instance_number => l_instance_number); l_rowcount := make_clear_baseline ( ibegin_snap => i_begin_snap , iend_snap => i_end_snap , ibegin_date => null , iend_date => null , isnap_range => i_snap_range , idbid => l_dbid , iinstance_number => l_instance_number , imake_clear => null); return l_rowcount; end CLEAR_BASELINE; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */ procedure CLEAR_BASELINE ( i_begin_snap IN number , i_end_snap IN number , i_snap_range IN boolean default TRUE , i_dbid IN number default null , i_instance_number IN number default null ) is /* Calls the CLEAR_BASELINE function which has the same input parameters as this procedure, and discards the resulting number of rows returned */ l_rowcount integer; begin l_rowcount := clear_baseline ( i_begin_snap => i_begin_snap , i_end_snap => i_end_snap , i_snap_range => i_snap_range , i_dbid => i_dbid , i_instance_number => i_instance_number); end CLEAR_BASELINE; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */ function CLEAR_BASELINE ( i_begin_date IN date , i_end_date IN date , i_dbid IN number default null , i_instance_number IN number default null ) RETURN integer is /* Clears the baseline for all snapshots which fall between the specified dates. Defaults the current dbid and instance number, if they are not specified. */ l_rowcount integer; begin l_rowcount := make_clear_baseline ( ibegin_snap => null , iend_snap => null , ibegin_date => i_begin_date , iend_date => i_end_date , isnap_range => null , idbid => i_dbid , iinstance_number => i_instance_number , imake_clear => null); return l_rowcount; end CLEAR_BASELINE; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */ procedure CLEAR_BASELINE ( i_begin_date IN date , i_end_date IN date , i_dbid IN number default null , i_instance_number IN number default null ) is /* Calls the CLEAR_BASELINE function which has the same input parameters as this procedure, and discards the resulting number of rows returned */ l_rowcount integer; begin l_rowcount := clear_baseline ( i_begin_date => i_begin_date , i_end_date => i_end_date , i_dbid => i_dbid , i_instance_number => i_instance_number); end CLEAR_BASELINE; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */ function PURGE ( ibegin_snap IN number , iend_snap IN number , ibegin_date IN date , iend_date IN date , ipurge_before_date IN date , inum_days IN number , idbid IN number , iinstance_number IN number , isnap_range IN boolean , iextended_purge IN boolean ) RETURN integer is /* Purges Statspack data in either of a number of different methods, depending on the parameters entered. Baseline data is not purged. - if bid,eid is specified, purges by snap ids (taking into acount whether to purge just those snaps, or whether to purge the entire range - if begin_date and end_date aer specified, purge all snapshots which were taken between that date range - if purge_before_date is specified, purge all data older than the date specified - if num_days is specified, purges all data older than that number of days Can also specify whether to tidy-up related Statspack data such as the SQL Text and SQL Execution plans using the extended_purge flag Defaults the current dbid and instance number, if they are not specified. Should only be called by Statspack package or Statspack SQL scripts, not by users directly */ l_btime stats$snapshot.snap_time%type; l_etime stats$snapshot.snap_time%type; l_date date; l_dbid stats$database_instance.dbid%type; l_instance_number stats$database_instance.instance_number%type; l_rowcount integer; begin default_dbid_instance_number( i_dbid => idbid , i_instance_number => iinstance_number , o_dbid => l_dbid , o_instance_number => l_instance_number); -- -- Use RI to delete parent snapshot and all child records if ibegin_snap is not null and iend_snap is not null then -- Purge by bid, eid if ibegin_snap > iend_snap then raise_application_error (-20100,'Begin Snap (' || ibegin_snap || ') must be less than End Snap (' || iend_snap || ')'); end if; if isnap_range then -- Purge entire range between (bid,eid), not just the two snaps delete from stats$snapshot where snap_id between ibegin_snap and iend_snap and dbid = l_dbid and instance_number = l_instance_number and baseline is null returning count(1) into l_rowcount; else -- Purge just the two snaps delete from stats$snapshot where snap_id in (ibegin_snap, iend_snap) and dbid = l_dbid and instance_number = l_instance_number and baseline is null returning count(1) into l_rowcount; end if; elsif ibegin_date is not null and iend_date is not null then -- Purge by date range if ibegin_date > iend_date then raise_application_error (-20100,'Begin Date (' || ibegin_date || ') must be earlier than End Date (' || iend_date || ')'); end if; -- Delete stats$snapshot records, and all child records delete from stats$snapshot where snap_time between ibegin_date and iend_date and dbid = l_dbid and instance_number = l_instance_number and baseline is null returning count(1) into l_rowcount; elsif ipurge_before_date is not null or inum_days is not null then -- Either purge by purge_before_date, or num_days -- if num_days, translate num_days to the equivalent -- of a purge_before_date if ipurge_before_date is not null then if ipurge_before_date > SYSDATE then raise_application_error (-20100,'Purge Before Date (' || ipurge_before_date || ') is in the future'); end if; l_date := ipurge_before_date; elsif inum_days is not null then if inum_days <= 0 then raise_application_error (-20100,'Number of days specified (' || inum_days || ') should be greater than 0'); end if; -- Determine the closest date, and use the date l_date := sysdate - inum_days; end if; delete from stats$snapshot where dbid = l_dbid and instance_number = l_instance_number and baseline is null and snap_time < l_date returning count(1) into l_rowcount; end if; if iextended_purge then -- -- Purge segments which do not have RI constraints to stats$snapshot -- SQL text delete from stats$sqltext st1 where (st1.old_hash_value, st1.text_subset) in (select /*+ index_ffs(st) */ st.old_hash_value, st.text_subset from stats$sqltext st where (old_hash_value, text_subset) not in (select /*+ hash_aj index_ffs(ss) */ distinct old_hash_value, text_subset from stats$sql_summary ss ) and st.piece = 0 ); -- SQL execution plans delete from stats$sql_plan sp1 where sp1.plan_hash_value in (select /*+ index_ffs(sp) */ sp.plan_hash_value from stats$sql_plan sp where plan_hash_value not in (select /*+ hash_aj */ distinct plan_hash_value from stats$sql_plan_usage spu ) and = 0 ); -- Segment Identifiers delete /*+ index_ffs(sso) */ from stats$seg_stat_obj sso where (dbid, dataobj#, obj#, ts#) not in (select /*+ hash_aj full(ss) */ dbid, dataobj#, obj#, ts# from stats$seg_stat ss ); end if; -- extended purge commit; return l_rowcount; end PURGE; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */ function PURGE ( i_begin_snap IN number , i_end_snap IN number , i_snap_range IN boolean default TRUE , i_extended_purge IN boolean default FALSE , i_dbid IN number default null , i_instance_number IN number default null ) RETURN integer is /* Purges either just the snaps specified, or the entire range. Can also specify whether to tidy-up related Statspack data such as the SQL Text and SQL Execution plans using the extended_purge flag. Defaults the current dbid and instance number, if they are not specified. */ l_dbid stats$database_instance.dbid%type; l_instance_number stats$database_instance.instance_number%type; l_rowcount integer; begin default_dbid_instance_number( i_dbid => i_dbid , i_instance_number => i_instance_number , o_dbid => l_dbid , o_instance_number => l_instance_number); verify_snap_id( i_snap_id => i_begin_snap , i_dbid => l_dbid , i_instance_number => l_instance_number); verify_snap_id( i_snap_id => i_end_snap , i_dbid => l_dbid , i_instance_number => l_instance_number); l_rowcount := purge( ibegin_snap => i_begin_snap , iend_snap => i_end_snap , ibegin_date => null , iend_date => null , ipurge_before_date => null , inum_days => null , idbid => l_dbid , iinstance_number => l_instance_number , isnap_range => i_snap_range , iextended_purge => i_extended_purge ); return l_rowcount; end PURGE; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */ procedure PURGE ( i_begin_snap IN number , i_end_snap IN number , i_snap_range IN boolean default TRUE , i_extended_purge IN boolean default FALSE , i_dbid IN number default null , i_instance_number IN number default null ) is /* Calls the PURGE function which has the same input parameters as this procedure, and discards the resulting number of rows returned */ l_rowcount integer; begin l_rowcount := purge( i_begin_snap => i_begin_snap , i_end_snap => i_end_snap , i_snap_range => i_snap_range , i_extended_purge => i_extended_purge , i_dbid => i_dbid , i_instance_number => i_instance_number ); end PURGE; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */ function PURGE ( i_begin_date IN date , i_end_date IN date , i_extended_purge IN boolean default FALSE , i_dbid IN number default null , i_instance_number IN number default null ) RETURN integer is /* Purges all snapshots taken within the specified date range. Can also specify whether to tidy-up related Statspack data such as the SQL Text and SQL Execution plans using the extended_purge flag Defaults the current dbid and instance number, if they are not specified. */ l_rowcount integer; begin l_rowcount := purge( ibegin_snap => null , iend_snap => null , ibegin_date => i_begin_date , iend_date => i_end_date , ipurge_before_date => null , inum_days => null , idbid => i_dbid , iinstance_number => i_instance_number , isnap_range => null , iextended_purge => i_extended_purge ); return l_rowcount; end PURGE; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */ procedure PURGE ( i_begin_date IN date , i_end_date IN date , i_extended_purge IN boolean default FALSE , i_dbid IN number default null , i_instance_number IN number default null ) is /* Calls the PURGE function which has the same input parameters as this procedure, and discards the resulting number of rows returned */ l_rowcount integer; begin l_rowcount := purge( i_begin_date => i_begin_date , i_end_date => i_end_date , i_extended_purge => i_extended_purge , i_dbid => i_dbid , i_instance_number => i_instance_number ); end PURGE; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */ function PURGE ( i_purge_before_date IN date , i_extended_purge IN boolean default FALSE , i_dbid IN number default null , i_instance_number IN number default null ) RETURN integer is /* Deletes all Statspack snapshots older than the date specified (baselines excepted) Can also specify whether to tidy-up related Statspack data such as the SQL Text and SQL Execution plans using the extended_purge flag Defaults the current dbid and instance number, if they are not specified. */ l_rowcount integer; begin l_rowcount := purge( ibegin_snap => null , iend_snap => null , ibegin_date => null , iend_date => null , ipurge_before_date => i_purge_before_date , inum_days => null , idbid => i_dbid , iinstance_number => i_instance_number , isnap_range => null , iextended_purge => i_extended_purge ); return l_rowcount; end PURGE; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */ procedure PURGE ( i_purge_before_date IN date , i_extended_purge IN boolean default FALSE , i_dbid IN number default null , i_instance_number IN number default null ) is /* Calls the PURGE function which has the same input parameters as this procedure, and discards the resulting number of rows returned */ l_rowcount integer; begin l_rowcount := purge( i_purge_before_date => i_purge_before_date , i_extended_purge => i_extended_purge , i_dbid => i_dbid , i_instance_number => i_instance_number ); end PURGE; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */ function PURGE ( i_num_days IN number , i_extended_purge IN boolean default FALSE , i_dbid IN number default null , i_instance_number IN number default null ) RETURN integer is /* Deletes all Statspack snapshots older than the number of days specified (baselines excepted) Can also specify whether to tidy-up related Statspack data such as the SQL Text and SQL Execution plans using the extended_purge flag Defaults the current dbid and instance number, if they are not specified. */ l_rowcount integer; begin l_rowcount := purge( ibegin_snap => null , iend_snap => null , ibegin_date => null , iend_date => null , ipurge_before_date => null , inum_days => i_num_days , idbid => i_dbid , iinstance_number => i_instance_number , isnap_range => null , iextended_purge => i_extended_purge ); return l_rowcount; end PURGE; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */ procedure PURGE ( i_num_days IN number , i_extended_purge IN boolean default FALSE , i_dbid IN number default null , i_instance_number IN number default null ) is /* Calls the PURGE function which has the same input parameters as this procedure, and discards the resulting number of rows returned */ l_rowcount integer; begin l_rowcount := purge( i_num_days => i_num_days , i_extended_purge => i_extended_purge , i_dbid => i_dbid , i_instance_number => i_instance_number ); end PURGE; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */ function V1024 ( i_num IN number , i_unit IN varchar2 , i_min_unit IN varchar2 , i_precision IN integer , i_mag IN integer ) RETURN varchar2 is tob integer := 1; tok integer; tom integer; tog integer; tot integer; top integer; conv varchar2(50) := ' '; to_conv number := i_num; function to_unit(conv_divisor IN integer, conv_unit in varchar2) return varchar2 is o_num varchar2(50) := '0.0'||conv_unit; begin if i_precision = 0 then o_num := to_char(round(to_conv/conv_divisor, i_precision),'9999')||conv_unit; elsif i_precision = 1 then o_num := to_char(round(to_conv/conv_divisor, i_precision),'9999.9')||conv_unit; else o_num := to_char(round(to_conv/conv_divisor, i_precision),'9999.99')||conv_unit; end if; return o_num; end to_unit; begin if to_conv != 0 then if i_mag = 1024 then -- multiples of 1024 tok := 1024; tom := 1048576; tog := 1073741824; tot := 1099511627776; top := 1125899906842624; else -- multiples of 1000 tok := 1000; tom := 1000000; tog := 1000000000; tot := 1000000000000; top := 1000000000000000; end if; -- Convert the incoming data to Bytes if i_unit = 'P' then to_conv := to_conv * top; elsif i_unit = 'T' then to_conv := to_conv * tot; elsif i_unit = 'G' then to_conv := to_conv * tog; elsif i_unit = 'M' then to_conv := to_conv * tom; elsif i_unit = 'K' then to_conv := to_conv * tok; end if; -- Convert to units, bearing in mind the minimum unit requested if i_min_unit = 'P' then conv := to_unit(top, 'P'); elsif i_min_unit = 'T' then if round(to_conv/tot, i_precision) > 9999 then -- peta conv := to_unit(top, 'P'); else -- tera conv := to_unit(tot, 'T'); end if; elsif i_min_unit = 'G' then if round(to_conv/tot, i_precision) > 9999 then -- peta conv := to_unit(top, 'P'); elsif round(to_conv/tog, i_precision) > 9999 then -- tera conv := to_unit(tot, 'T'); else -- giga conv := to_unit(tog, 'G'); end if; elsif i_min_unit = 'M' then if round(to_conv/tot, i_precision) > 9999 then -- peta conv := to_unit(top, 'P'); elsif round(to_conv/tog, i_precision) > 9999 then -- tera conv := to_unit(tot, 'T'); elsif round(to_conv/tom, i_precision) > 9999 then -- giga conv := to_unit(tog, 'G'); else -- mega conv := to_unit(tom, 'M'); end if; elsif i_min_unit = 'K' then if round(to_conv/tot, i_precision) > 9999 then -- peta conv := to_unit(top, 'P'); elsif round(to_conv/tog, i_precision) > 9999 then -- tera conv := to_unit(tot, 'T'); elsif round(to_conv/tom, i_precision) > 9999 then -- giga conv := to_unit(tog, 'G'); elsif round(to_conv/tok, i_precision) > 9999 then -- mega conv := to_unit(tom, 'M'); else -- kilo conv := to_unit(tok, 'K'); end if; else if round(to_conv/tot, i_precision) > 9999 then -- peta conv := to_unit(top, 'P'); elsif round(to_conv/tog, i_precision) > 9999 then -- tera conv := to_unit(tot, 'T'); elsif round(to_conv/tom, i_precision) > 9999 then -- giga conv := to_unit(tog, 'G'); elsif round(to_conv/tok, i_precision) > 9999 then -- mega conv := to_unit(tom, 'M'); elsif round(to_conv, i_precision) > 9999 then -- kilo conv := to_unit(tok, 'K'); else conv := to_unit(tob, ' '); end if; end if; else -- Value to convert is zero conv := ' '; end if; return conv; end V1024; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */ procedure STAT_CHANGES /* Returns a set of differences of the values from corresponding pairs of rows in STATS$SYSSTAT, STATS$LIBRARYCACHE and STATS$WAITSTAT, based on the begin and end (bid, eid) snapshot id's specified. This procedure is the only call to STATSPACK made by the statsrep report. Modified to include multi-db support. */ ( bid IN number , eid IN number , db_ident IN number , inst_num IN number , parallel IN varchar2 , lhtr OUT number, bfwt OUT number , tran OUT number, chng OUT number , ucal OUT number, urol OUT number , rsiz OUT number , phyr OUT number, phyrd OUT number , phyrdl OUT number, phyrc OUT number , phyw OUT number, ucom OUT number , prse OUT number, hprse OUT number , recr OUT number, gets OUT number , slr OUT number , rlsr OUT number, rent OUT number , srtm OUT number, srtd OUT number , srtr OUT number, strn OUT number , lhr OUT number , bbc OUT varchar2, ebc OUT varchar2 , bsp OUT varchar2, esp OUT varchar2 , blb OUT varchar2 , bs OUT varchar2, twt OUT number , logc OUT number, prscpu OUT number , tcpu OUT number, exe OUT number , prsela OUT number , bspm OUT number, espm OUT number , bfrm OUT number, efrm OUT number , blog OUT number, elog OUT number , bocur OUT number, eocur OUT number , bpgaalloc OUT number, epgaalloc OUT number , bsgaalloc OUT number, esgaalloc OUT number , bnprocs OUT number, enprocs OUT number , timstat OUT varchar2, statlvl OUT varchar2 , bncpu OUT number, encpu OUT number -- OS Stat , bpmem OUT number, epmem OUT number , blod OUT number, elod OUT number , itic OUT number, btic OUT number , iotic OUT number, rwtic OUT number , utic OUT number, stic OUT number , vmib OUT number, vmob OUT number , oscpuw OUT number , dbtim OUT number, dbcpu OUT number -- Time Model , bgela OUT number, bgcpu OUT number , prstela OUT number, sqleela OUT number , conmela OUT number , dmsd OUT number, dmfc OUT number -- begin RAC , dmsi OUT number , pmrv OUT number, pmpt OUT number , npmrv OUT number, npmpt OUT number , dbfr OUT number , dpms OUT number, dnpms OUT number , glsg OUT number, glag OUT number , glgt OUT number , gccrrv OUT number, gccrrt OUT number, gccrfl OUT number , gccurv OUT number, gccurt OUT number, gccufl OUT number , gccrsv OUT number , gccrbt OUT number, gccrft OUT number , gccrst OUT number, gccusv OUT number , gccupt OUT number, gccuft OUT number , gccust OUT number , msgsq OUT number, msgsqt OUT number , msgsqk OUT number, msgsqtk OUT number , msgrq OUT number, msgrqt OUT number -- end RAC ) is bval number; eval number; l_b_session_id number; /* begin session id */ l_b_serial# number; /* begin serial# */ l_e_session_id number; /* end session id */ l_e_serial# number; /* end serial# */ l_b_timstat varchar2(20); /* timed_statistics begin value */ l_e_timstat varchar2(20); /* timed_statistics end value */ l_b_statlvl varchar2(40); /* statistics_level begin value */ l_e_statlvl varchar2(40); /* statistics_level end value */ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ function LIBRARYCACHE_HITRATIO RETURN number is /* Returns Library cache hit ratio for the begin and end (bid, eid) snapshot id's specified */ cursor LH (i_snap_id number) is select sum(pins), sum(pinhits) from stats$librarycache where snap_id = i_snap_id and dbid = db_ident and instance_number = inst_num; bpsum number; bhsum number; epsum number; ehsum number; begin if not LH%ISOPEN then open LH (bid); end if; fetch LH into bpsum, bhsum; if LH%NOTFOUND then raise_application_error (-20100,'Missing start value for stats$librarycache'); end if; close LH; if not LH%ISOPEN then open LH (eid); end if; fetch LH into epsum, ehsum; if LH%NOTFOUND then raise_application_error (-20100,'Missing end value for stats$librarycache'); end if; close LH; return (ehsum - bhsum) / (epsum - bpsum); end LIBRARYCACHE_HITRATIO; /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ function GET_PARAM (i_name varchar2, i_beid number) RETURN varchar2 is /* Returns the value for the init.ora parameter for the snapshot specified. */ l_name stats$ := i_name; par_value stats$parameter.value%type; cursor PARAMETER is select value from stats$parameter where snap_id = i_beid and dbid = db_ident and instance_number = inst_num and ( name = '__' || i_name or name = i_name ) order by name; begin if not PARAMETER%ISOPEN then open PARAMETER; end if; fetch PARAMETER into par_value; if PARAMETER%NOTFOUND then raise_application_error (-20100,'Missing Init.ora parameter '|| i_name || ' in snap ' || i_beid); end if; close PARAMETER; return par_value; end GET_PARAM; /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ function GET_SYSSTAT (i_name varchar2, i_beid number) RETURN number is /* Returns the value for the System Statistic for the snapshot specified. */ cursor SYSSTAT is select value from stats$sysstat where snap_id = i_beid and dbid = db_ident and instance_number = inst_num and name = i_name; stat_value varchar2(512); begin if not SYSSTAT%ISOPEN then open SYSSTAT; end if; fetch SYSSTAT into stat_value; if SYSSTAT%NOTFOUND then raise_application_error (-20100,'Missing System Statistic '|| i_name); end if; close SYSSTAT; return stat_value; end GET_SYSSTAT; /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ function GET_OSSTAT (i_osstat_id number, i_beid number) RETURN number is /* Returns the value for the OSStat Statistic for the snapshot specified. */ cursor OSSTAT is select value from stats$osstat os where os.snap_id = i_beid and os.dbid = db_ident and os.instance_number = inst_num and os.osstat_id = i_osstat_id; stat_value number := null; begin if not OSSTAT%ISOPEN then open OSSTAT; end if; fetch OSSTAT into stat_value; if OSSTAT%NOTFOUND then null; end if; close OSSTAT; return stat_value; end GET_OSSTAT; /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ function GET_PGASTAT (i_name varchar2, i_beid number) RETURN number is /* Returns the value for the PGAStat Statistic for the snapshot specified. */ cursor PGASTAT is select value from stats$pgastat where snap_id = i_beid and dbid = db_ident and instance_number = inst_num and name = i_name; stat_value number:= null; begin If not PGASTAT%ISOPEN then open PGASTAT; end if; fetch PGASTAT into stat_value; if PGASTAT%NOTFOUND then null; end if; close PGASTAT; return stat_value; end GET_PGASTAT; /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ function GET_SGA (i_beid number) RETURN number is /* Returns the total SGA size */ cursor SGA is select sum(value) from stats$sga where snap_id = i_beid and dbid = db_ident and instance_number = inst_num; stat_value number; begin if not SGA%ISOPEN then open SGA; end if; fetch SGA into stat_value; if SGA%NOTFOUND then raise_application_error (-20100,'Unable to calculate total SGA Size'); end if; close SGA; return stat_value; end GET_SGA; /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ function GET_SYS_TIME_MODEL (i_name varchar2, i_beid number) RETURN number is /* Returns the value for the Sys Time Model Statistic for the snapshot specified. */ cursor STM is select value from stats$sys_time_model os , stats$time_model_statname tms where os.snap_id = i_beid and os.dbid = db_ident and os.instance_number = inst_num and os.stat_id = tms.stat_id and tms.stat_name = i_name; stat_value number := null; begin if not STM%ISOPEN then open STM; end if; fetch STM into stat_value; if STM%NOTFOUND then null; end if; close STM; return stat_value; end GET_SYS_TIME_MODEL; /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ function BUFFER_WAITS RETURN number is /* Returns the total number of waits for all buffers in the interval specified by the begin and end snapshot id's (bid, eid) */ cursor BW (i_snap_id number) is select sum(wait_count) from stats$waitstat where snap_id = i_snap_id and dbid = db_ident and instance_number = inst_num; bbwsum number; ebwsum number; begin if not BW%ISOPEN then open BW (bid); end if; fetch BW into bbwsum; if BW%NOTFOUND then raise_application_error (-20100,'Missing start value for stats$waitstat'); end if; close BW; if not BW%ISOPEN then open BW (eid); end if; fetch BW into ebwsum; if BW%NOTFOUND then raise_application_error (-20100,'Missing end value for stats$waitstat'); end if; close BW; return ebwsum - bbwsum; end BUFFER_WAITS; /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ function BUFFER_GETS RETURN number is /* Returns the total number of buffers gets from cache in the interval specified by the begin and end snapshot id's (bid, eid) */ cursor BG (i_snap_id number) is select sum(value) from stats$sysstat where snap_id = i_snap_id and dbid = db_ident and instance_number = inst_num and name in ('consistent gets from cache','db block gets from cache', 'recovery block gets from cache'); bbgval number; ebgval number; begin if not BG%ISOPEN then open BG (bid); end if; fetch BG into bbgval; if BG%NOTFOUND then raise_application_error (-20100,'Missing start value for stats$sysstat (db block/consistent gets from cache statistic)'); end if; close BG; if not BG%ISOPEN then open BG (eid); end if; fetch BG into ebgval; if BG%NOTFOUND then raise_application_error (-20100,'Missing end value for stats$sysstat (db block/consistent gets from cache statistic)'); end if; close BG; return ebgval - bbgval; end BUFFER_GETS; /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ function TOTAL_EVENT_TIME RETURN number is /* Returns the total amount of time waited for events for the interval specified by the begin and end snapshot id's (bid, eid). This excludes idle wait events. */ cursor WAITS (i_snap_id number) is select sum(time_waited_micro) from stats$system_event where snap_id = i_snap_id and dbid = db_ident and instance_number = inst_num and event not in (select event from stats$idle_event); bwaittime number; ewaittime number; begin if not WAITS%ISOPEN then open WAITS (bid); end if; fetch WAITS into bwaittime; if WAITS%NOTFOUND then raise_application_error (-20100,'Missing start value for stats$system_event'); end if; close WAITS; if not WAITS%ISOPEN then open WAITS (eid); end if; fetch WAITS into ewaittime; if WAITS%NOTFOUND then raise_application_error (-20100,'Missing end value for stats$system_event'); end if; close WAITS; return ewaittime - bwaittime; end TOTAL_EVENT_TIME; /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ function LATCH_HITRATIO return NUMBER is /* Returns the latch hit ratio specified by the begin and end snapshot id's (bid, eid) */ cursor GETS_MISSES (i_snap_id number) is select sum(gets), sum(misses) from stats$latch where snap_id = i_snap_id and dbid = db_ident and instance_number = inst_num; blget number; -- beginning latch gets blmis number; -- beginning latch misses elget number; -- end latch gets elmis number; -- end latch misses begin if not GETS_MISSES%ISOPEN then open GETS_MISSES (bid); end if; fetch GETS_MISSES into blget, blmis; if GETS_MISSES%NOTFOUND then raise_application_error (-20100,'Missing start value for STATS$LATCH gets and misses'); end if; close GETS_MISSES; if not GETS_MISSES%ISOPEN then open GETS_MISSES (eid); end if; fetch GETS_MISSES into elget, elmis; if GETS_MISSES%NOTFOUND then raise_application_error (-20100,'Missing end value for STATS$LATCH gets and misses'); end if; close GETS_MISSES; return ( ( elmis - blmis ) / ( elget - blget ) ); end LATCH_HITRATIO; /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ function SGASTAT (i_name varchar2, i_beid number) RETURN number is /* Returns the bytes used by i_name in the shared pool for the begin or end snapshot (bid, eid) specified */ cursor bytes_used is select bytes from stats$sgastat where snap_id = i_beid and dbid = db_ident and instance_number = inst_num and pool in ('shared pool', 'all pools') and name = i_name; total_bytes number; begin if i_name = 'total_shared_pool' then select sum(bytes) into total_bytes from stats$sgastat where snap_id = i_beid and dbid = db_ident and instance_number = inst_num and pool in ('shared pool','all pools'); else open bytes_used; fetch bytes_used into total_bytes; if bytes_used%notfound then raise_application_error (-20100,'Missing value for SGASTAT: '||i_name); end if; close bytes_used; end if; return total_bytes; end SGASTAT; /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ function SYSDIF (i_name varchar2) RETURN number is /* Returns the difference between statistics for the statistic name specified for the interval between the begin and end snapshot id's (bid, eid) In the case the Statspack schema includes data from a prior server release, this function returns NULL for statistics which do not appear in both the begin and end snapshots */ beg_val_missing boolean := false; end_val_missing boolean := false; cursor SY (i_snap_id number) is select value from stats$sysstat where snap_id = i_snap_id and dbid = db_ident and instance_number = inst_num and name = i_name; begin /* Get start value */ open SY (bid); fetch SY into bval; if SY%notfound then beg_val_missing := true; end if; close SY; /* Get end value */ open SY (eid); fetch SY into eval; if SY%notfound then end_val_missing := true; end if; close SY; if beg_val_missing = true and end_val_missing = true then /* this is likely a newer SYSSTAT statistic which did not exist for these snapshot ranges / database version */ return null; elsif beg_val_missing = true and end_val_missing = false then raise_application_error (-20100,'Missing start value for statistic: '||i_name); elsif beg_val_missing = false and end_val_missing = true then raise_application_error (-20100,'Missing end value for statistic: '||i_name); else /* Return difference */ return eval - bval; end if; end SYSDIF; /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ function OSSTAT_DIF (i_osstat_id number) RETURN number is /* Returns the difference between statistics for the OSStat statistic name specified for the interval between the begin and end snapshot id's (bid, eid) In the case the data being queried is from a prior release which did not have the statistic requested, this function returns 0. */ beg_val_missing boolean := false; end_val_missing boolean := false; cursor SY (i_snap_id number) is select value from stats$osstat os , stats$osstatname osn where os.snap_id = i_snap_id and os.dbid = db_ident and os.instance_number = inst_num and os.osstat_id = i_osstat_id; begin /* Get start value */ open SY (bid); fetch SY into bval; if SY%notfound then beg_val_missing := true; end if; close SY; /* Get end value */ open SY (eid); fetch SY into eval; if SY%notfound then end_val_missing := true; end if; close SY; if beg_val_missing = true and end_val_missing = true then /* this is likely a newer statistic which did not exist for these snapshot ranges / database version */ return null; elsif beg_val_missing = true and end_val_missing = false then raise_application_error (-20100,'Missing start value for OSStat Id : '||i_osstat_id); elsif beg_val_missing = false and end_val_missing = true then raise_application_error (-20100,'Missing end value for OSStat Id: '||i_osstat_id); else /* Return difference */ return eval - bval; end if; end OSSTAT_DIF; /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ function SYS_TIME_MODEL_DIF (i_name varchar2) RETURN number is /* Returns the difference between statistics for the Time Model statistic name specified for the interval between the begin and end snapshot id's (bid, eid) In the case the data being queried is from a prior release which did not have the statistic requested, this function returns 0. */ beg_val_missing boolean := false; end_val_missing boolean := false; cursor SY (i_snap_id number) is select value from stats$sys_time_model stm , stats$time_model_statname tms where stm.snap_id = i_snap_id and stm.dbid = db_ident and stm.instance_number = inst_num and stm.stat_id = tms.stat_id and tms.stat_name = i_name; begin /* Get start value */ open SY (bid); fetch SY into bval; if SY%notfound then beg_val_missing := true; end if; close SY; /* Get end value */ open SY (eid); fetch SY into eval; if SY%notfound then end_val_missing := true; end if; close SY; if beg_val_missing = true and end_val_missing = true then /* this is likely a newer statitic which did not exist for this database version */ return 0; elsif beg_val_missing = true and end_val_missing = false then raise_application_error (-20100,'Missing start value for SYS_TIME_MODEL statistic: '||i_name); elsif beg_val_missing = false and end_val_missing = true then raise_application_error (-20100,'Missing end value for SYS_TIME_MODEL statistic: '||i_name); else /* Return difference */ return eval - bval; end if; end SYS_TIME_MODEL_DIF; /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ function SESDIF (st_name varchar2) RETURN number is /* Returns the difference between statistics values for the statistic name specified for the interval between the begin and end snapshot id's (bid, eid), for the session monitored for that snapshot */ cursor SE (i_snap_id number) is select ses.value from stats$sysstat sys , stats$sesstat ses where sys.snap_id = i_snap_id and ses.snap_id = i_snap_id and ses.dbid = db_ident and sys.dbid = db_ident and ses.instance_number = inst_num and sys.instance_number = inst_num and ses.statistic# = sys.statistic# and = st_name; begin /* Get start value */ open SE (bid); fetch SE into bval; if SE%notfound then eval :=0; end if; close SE; /* Get end value */ open SE (eid); fetch SE into eval; if SE%notfound then eval :=0; end if; close SE; /* Return difference */ return eval - bval; end SESDIF; /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ function DLMDIF (i_name varchar2) RETURN number is /* Returns the difference between statistics for the statistic name specified for the interval between the begin and end snapshot id's (bid, eid) In the case the Statspack schema includes data from a prior server release, this function returns NULL for statistics which do not appear in both the begin and end snapshots */ beg_val_missing boolean := false; end_val_missing boolean := false; cursor DLM (i_snap_id number) is select value from stats$dlm_misc where snap_id = i_snap_id and dbid = db_ident and instance_number = inst_num and name = i_name; begin /* Get start value */ open DLM (bid); fetch DLM into bval; if DLM%notfound then beg_val_missing := true; end if; close DLM; /* Get end value */ open DLM (eid); fetch DLM into eval; if DLM%notfound then end_val_missing := true; end if; close DLM; if beg_val_missing = true and end_val_missing = true then /* this is likely a newer DLM_MISC statitic which did not exist for these snapshot ranges / database version */ return null; elsif beg_val_missing = true and end_val_missing = false then raise_application_error (-20100,'Missing start value for statistic: '||i_name); elsif beg_val_missing = false and end_val_missing = true then raise_application_error (-20100,'Missing end value for statistic: '||i_name); else /* Return difference */ return eval - bval; end if; end DLMDIF; /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ function RACFLSTAT (i_name varchar2) return number is /* Computes the difference between CR and CURRENT block flush statistics for the interval between begin and end snapshot id's (bid, eid). In the case the statistic does not appear in one of the snapshots or the argument value is wrong, the function returns 0. */ flushes number := 0; begin if i_name = 'cr_flushes' then select e.flushes - b.flushes into flushes from stats$cr_block_server b , stats$cr_block_server e where b.snap_id = bid and b.dbid = db_ident and b.instance_number = inst_num and e.snap_id = eid and e.dbid = db_ident and e.instance_number = inst_num; elsif i_name = 'current_flushes' then select (e.flush1+e.flush10+e.flush100+e.flush1000+e.flush10000) - (b.flush1+b.flush10+b.flush100+b.flush1000+b.flush10000) into flushes from stats$current_block_server b , stats$current_block_server e where b.snap_id = bid and b.dbid = db_ident and b.instance_number = inst_num and e.snap_id = eid and e.dbid = db_ident and e.instance_number = inst_num; end if; return flushes; exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then /* begin or end value does not exist - return 0 */ return 0; end RACFLSTAT; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */ begin /* main procedure body of STAT_CHANGES */ lhtr := LIBRARYCACHE_HITRATIO; bfwt := BUFFER_WAITS; lhr := LATCH_HITRATIO; chng := SYSDIF('db block changes'); ucal := SYSDIF('user calls'); urol := SYSDIF('user rollbacks'); ucom := SYSDIF('user commits'); tran := ucom + urol; rsiz := SYSDIF('redo size'); phyr := SYSDIF('physical reads'); phyrd := SYSDIF('physical reads direct'); phyrdl := SYSDIF('physical reads direct (lob)'); phyrc := SYSDIF('physical reads cache'); phyw := SYSDIF('physical writes'); hprse := SYSDIF('parse count (hard)'); prse := SYSDIF('parse count (total)'); gets := BUFFER_GETS; slr := SYSDIF('session logical reads'); recr := SYSDIF('recursive calls'); rlsr := SYSDIF('redo log space requests'); rent := SYSDIF('redo entries'); srtm := 0; srtd := 0; select sum(e.optimal_executions - nvl(b.optimal_executions,0)) into srtm from stats$sql_workarea_histogram b , stats$sql_workarea_histogram e where b.snap_id(+) = bid and e.snap_id = eid and b.dbid(+) = db_ident and e.dbid = db_ident and b.instance_number(+) = inst_num and e.instance_number = inst_num and b.low_optimal_size(+) = e.low_optimal_size and b.high_optimal_size(+) = e.high_optimal_size; select sum(e.total_executions - nvl(b.total_executions,0)) - srtm into srtd from stats$sql_workarea_histogram b , stats$sql_workarea_histogram e where b.snap_id(+) = bid and e.snap_id = eid and b.dbid(+) = db_ident and e.dbid = db_ident and b.instance_number(+) = inst_num and e.instance_number = inst_num and b.low_optimal_size(+) = e.low_optimal_size and b.high_optimal_size(+) = e.high_optimal_size; srtr := GET_PGASTAT('bytes processed', eid) - GET_PGASTAT('bytes processed', bid); logc := SYSDIF('logons cumulative'); prscpu := SYSDIF('parse time cpu'); prsela := SYSDIF('parse time elapsed'); tcpu := SYSDIF('CPU used by this session'); exe := SYSDIF('execute count'); bs := GET_PARAM('db_block_size', bid); bbc := GET_PARAM('db_block_buffers', bid) * bs; if bbc = 0 then bbc := GET_PARAM('db_cache_size', bid) + GET_PARAM('db_keep_cache_size', bid) + GET_PARAM('db_recycle_cache_size', bid) + GET_PARAM('db_2k_cache_size', bid) + GET_PARAM('db_4k_cache_size', bid) + GET_PARAM('db_8k_cache_size', bid) + GET_PARAM('db_16k_cache_size', bid) + GET_PARAM('db_32k_cache_size', bid); end if; ebc := GET_PARAM('db_block_buffers', eid) * bs; if ebc = 0 then ebc := GET_PARAM('db_cache_size', eid) + GET_PARAM('db_keep_cache_size', eid) + GET_PARAM('db_recycle_cache_size', eid) + GET_PARAM('db_2k_cache_size', eid) + GET_PARAM('db_4k_cache_size', eid) + GET_PARAM('db_8k_cache_size', eid) + GET_PARAM('db_16k_cache_size', eid) + GET_PARAM('db_32k_cache_size', eid); end if; bsp := GET_PARAM('shared_pool_size', bid); esp := GET_PARAM('shared_pool_size', eid); blb := GET_PARAM('log_buffer', bid); twt := TOTAL_EVENT_TIME; -- total wait time for all non-idle events -- get value from __, rather than summing sgastat bspm := bsp; espm := esp; bfrm := SGASTAT('free memory', bid); efrm := SGASTAT('free memory', eid); blog := GET_SYSSTAT('logons current', bid); elog := GET_SYSSTAT('logons current', eid); bocur := GET_SYSSTAT('opened cursors current', bid); eocur := GET_SYSSTAT('opened cursors current', eid); bpgaalloc := GET_PGASTAT('total PGA allocated', bid); epgaalloc := GET_PGASTAT('total PGA allocated', eid); bsgaalloc := GET_SGA(bid); esgaalloc := GET_SGA(eid); bnprocs := GET_PGASTAT('process count', bid); enprocs := GET_PGASTAT('process count', eid); l_b_timstat := GET_PARAM('timed_statistics', bid); l_e_timstat := GET_PARAM('timed_statistics', eid); if (l_b_timstat = l_e_timstat) then timstat := l_b_timstat; else timstat := 'INCONSISTENT'; end if; l_b_statlvl := upper(GET_PARAM('statistics_level', bid)); l_e_statlvl := upper(GET_PARAM('statistics_level', eid)); if (l_b_statlvl = l_e_statlvl) then statlvl := l_b_statlvl; elsif (l_b_statlvl = 'BASIC' and l_e_statlvl != 'BASIC') or (l_b_statlvl != 'BASIC' and l_e_statlvl = 'BASIC') then -- Timed Stats may be inconsistent and Stats Level stats inconsistent statlvl := 'INCONSISTENT_BASIC'; elsif (l_b_statlvl != l_e_statlvl) then -- Stat level changed from TYPICAL/ADVANCED to ADVANCED/TYPICAL -- so timed stats and stats level stats will still be ok statlvl := 'INCONSISTENT'; end if; -- OS Stat bncpu := GET_OSSTAT(0, bid); -- NUM_CPUS encpu := GET_OSSTAT(0, eid); -- NUM_CPUS bpmem := GET_OSSTAT(1008, bid); -- PHYSICAL_MEMORY_BYTES epmem := GET_OSSTAT(1008, eid); -- PHYSICAL_MEMORY_BYTES blod := GET_OSSTAT(15, bid); -- LOAD elod := GET_OSSTAT(15, eid); -- LOAD itic := OSSTAT_DIF(1); -- IDLE_TIME btic := OSSTAT_DIF(2); -- BUSY_TIME iotic := OSSTAT_DIF(5); -- IOWAIT_TIME - solaris rwtic := OSSTAT_DIF(14); -- RSRC_MGR_CPU_WAIT_TIME utic := OSSTAT_DIF(3); -- USER_TIME stic := OSSTAT_DIF(4); -- SYS_TIME oscpuw:= OSSTAT_DIF(13); -- OS_CPU_WAIT_TIME - solaris vmib := OSSTAT_DIF(1009); -- VM_IN_BYTES vmob := OSSTAT_DIF(1010); -- VM_OUT_BYTES if vmib = 0 then vmib := OSSTAT_DIF(1000); -- VM_IN_BYTES end if; if vmob = 0 then vmob := OSSTAT_DIF(1001); -- VM_OUT_BYTES end if; -- Time Model dbtim := SYS_TIME_MODEL_DIF('DB time'); dbcpu := SYS_TIME_MODEL_DIF('DB CPU'); bgela := SYS_TIME_MODEL_DIF('background elapsed time'); bgcpu := SYS_TIME_MODEL_DIF('background cpu time'); prstela := SYS_TIME_MODEL_DIF('parse time elapsed'); sqleela := SYS_TIME_MODEL_DIF('sql execute elapsed time'); conmela := SYS_TIME_MODEL_DIF('connection management call elapsed'); /* Do we want to report on RAC-specific statistics? Check in procedure variable "parallel". */ if parallel = 'YES' then dmsd := DLMDIF('messages sent directly'); dmfc := DLMDIF('messages flow controlled'); dmsi := DLMDIF('messages sent indirectly'); pmrv := DLMDIF('gcs msgs received'); pmpt := DLMDIF('gcs msgs process time(ms)'); npmrv := DLMDIF('ges msgs received'); npmpt := DLMDIF('ges msgs process time(ms)'); dbfr := SYSDIF('DBWR fusion writes'); dpms := SYSDIF('gcs messages sent'); dnpms := SYSDIF('ges messages sent'); glsg := SYSDIF('global enqueue gets sync'); glag := SYSDIF('global enqueue gets async'); glgt := SYSDIF('global enqueue get time'); gccrrv := SYSDIF('gc cr blocks received'); gccrrt := SYSDIF('gc cr block receive time'); gccurv := SYSDIF('gc current blocks received'); gccurt := SYSDIF('gc current block receive time'); gccrsv := SYSDIF('gc cr blocks served'); gccrbt := SYSDIF('gc cr block build time'); gccrft := SYSDIF('gc cr block flush time'); gccrst := SYSDIF('gc cr block send time'); gccusv := SYSDIF('gc current blocks served'); gccupt := SYSDIF('gc current block pin time'); gccuft := SYSDIF('gc current block flush time'); gccust := SYSDIF('gc current block send time'); msgsq := DLMDIF('msgs sent queued'); msgsqt := DLMDIF('msgs sent queue time (ms)'); msgsqk := DLMDIF('msgs sent queued on ksxp'); msgsqtk := DLMDIF('msgs sent queue time on ksxp (ms)'); msgrqt := DLMDIF('msgs received queue time (ms)'); msgrq := DLMDIF('msgs received queued'); gccrfl := RACFLSTAT('cr_flushes'); gccufl := RACFLSTAT('current_flushes'); end if; /* Determine if we want to report on session-specific statistics. Check that the session is the same one for both snapshots. */ select session_id , serial# into l_b_session_id , l_b_serial# from stats$snapshot where snap_id = bid and dbid = db_ident and instance_number = inst_num; select session_id , serial# into l_e_session_id , l_e_serial# from stats$snapshot where snap_id = eid and dbid = db_ident and instance_number = inst_num; if ( (l_b_session_id = l_e_session_id) and (l_b_serial# = l_e_serial#) and (l_b_session_id != 0) ) then /* we have a valid comparison - it is the same session - get number of tx performed by this session */ strn := SESDIF('user rollbacks') + SESDIF('user commits'); if strn = 0 then /* No new transactions */ strn := 1; end if; else /* No valid comparison can be made */ strn :=1; end if; end STAT_CHANGES; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */ function SNAP (i_snap_level in number default null ,i_session_id in number default null ,i_ucomment in varchar2 default null ,i_num_sql in number default null ,i_executions_th in number default null ,i_parse_calls_th in number default null ,i_disk_reads_th in number default null ,i_buffer_gets_th in number default null ,i_sharable_mem_th in number default null ,i_version_count_th in number default null ,i_seg_phy_reads_th in number default null ,i_seg_log_reads_th in number default null ,i_seg_buff_busy_th in number default null ,i_seg_rowlock_w_th in number default null ,i_seg_itl_waits_th in number default null ,i_seg_cr_bks_rc_th in number default null ,i_seg_cu_bks_rc_th in number default null ,i_all_init in varchar2 default null ,i_old_sql_capture_mth in varchar2 default null ,i_pin_statspack in varchar2 default null ,i_modify_parameter in varchar2 default 'FALSE' ) RETURN integer IS /* This function performs a snapshot of the v$ views into the stats$ tables, and returns the snapshot id. If parameters are passed, these are the values used, otherwise the values stored in the stats$statspack_parameter table are used. */ l_snap_id integer; l_snap_start_time timestamp; l_snap_end_time timestamp; l_snap_level number; l_session_id number; l_serial# number; l_ucomment varchar2(160); l_num_sql number; l_executions_th number; l_parse_calls_th number; l_disk_reads_th number; l_buffer_gets_th number; l_sharable_mem_th number; l_version_count_th number; l_seg_phy_reads_th number; l_seg_log_reads_th number; l_seg_buff_busy_th number; l_seg_rowlock_w_th number; l_seg_itl_waits_th number; l_seg_cr_bks_rc_th number; l_seg_cu_bks_rc_th number; l_all_init varchar2(5); l_old_sql_capture_mth varchar2(10); l_pin_statspack varchar2(10); l_sharable_mem number; l_version_count number; l_max_begin_time date; l_max_resize_ops_start_time date; l_prev_snap_id integer; l_counter_maxvalue positive := 100; l_counter integer := 0; l_insert_done boolean := FALSE; -- avoid ORA-1 CFINCREAD exception; -- and ORA-235 pragma exception_init(CFINCREAD,-235); l_param_value varchar2(100); cursor GETSERIAL is select serial# from v$session where sid = l_session_id; cursor GET_CURRENT_PARAM (param_name v$ is select ksppstvl from stats$x$ksppi i , stats$x$ksppsv sv where i.indx = sv.indx and i.ksppinm = param_name; /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ PROCEDURE snap_rac IS /* Capture RAC-related statistics */ begin insert into stats$dlm_misc ( snap_id , dbid , instance_number , statistic# , name , value ) select l_snap_id , p_dbid , p_instance_number , statistic# , name , value from v$dlm_misc; insert into stats$cr_block_server ( snap_id , dbid , instance_number , cr_requests , current_requests , data_requests , undo_requests , tx_requests , current_results , private_results , zero_results , disk_read_results , fail_results , fairness_down_converts , fairness_clears , free_gc_elements , flushes , flushes_queued , flush_queue_full , flush_max_time , light_works , errors ) select l_snap_id , p_dbid , p_instance_number , cr_requests , current_requests , data_requests , undo_requests , tx_requests , current_results , private_results , zero_results , disk_read_results , fail_results , fairness_down_converts , fairness_clears , free_gc_elements , flushes , flushes_queued , flush_queue_full , flush_max_time , light_works , errors from v$cr_block_server; insert into stats$current_block_server ( snap_id , dbid , instance_number , pin1 , pin10 , pin100 , pin1000 , pin10000 , flush1 , flush10 , flush100 , flush1000 , flush10000 , write1 , write10 , write100 , write1000 , write10000 ) select l_snap_id , p_dbid , p_instance_number , pin1 , pin10 , pin100 , pin1000 , pin10000 , flush1 , flush10 , flush100 , flush1000 , flush10000 , write1 , write10 , write100 , write1000 , write10000 from v$current_block_server; insert into stats$instance_cache_transfer ( snap_id , dbid , instance_number , instance , class , cr_block , cr_busy , cr_congested , current_block , current_busy , current_congested ) select l_snap_id , p_dbid , p_instance_number , instance , class , cr_block , cr_busy , cr_congested , current_block , current_busy , current_congested from v$instance_cache_transfer where (cr_block > 0 or cr_busy > 0 or cr_congested > 0 or current_block > 0 or current_busy > 0 or current_congested > 0); insert into stats$dynamic_remaster_stats ( snap_id , dbid , instance_number , remaster_ops , remaster_time , remastered_objects , quiesce_time , freeze_time , cleanup_time , replay_time , fixwrite_time , sync_time , resources_cleaned , replayed_locks_sent , replayed_locks_received , current_objects ) select l_snap_id , p_dbid , p_instance_number , remaster_ops , remaster_time , remastered_objects , quiesce_time , freeze_time , cleanup_time , replay_time , fixwrite_time , sync_time , resources_cleaned , replayed_locks_sent , replayed_locks_received , current_objects from v$dynamic_remaster_stats; insert into stats$interconnect_pings ( snap_id , dbid , instance_number , target_instance , iter_500b , wait_500b , waitsq_500b , iter_8k , wait_8k , waitsq_8k ) select l_snap_id , p_dbid , p_instance_number , inst , iter_500b , wait_500b , waitsq_500b , iter_8k , wait_8k , waitsq_8k from stats$x$ksxpping; END snap_rac; /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ PROCEDURE snap_segment IS /* Capture Segment Statistics */ begin insert into stats$seg_stat ( snap_id , dbid , instance_number , ts# , obj# , dataobj# , logical_reads , buffer_busy_waits , db_block_changes , physical_reads , physical_writes , direct_physical_reads , direct_physical_writes , gc_cr_blocks_received , gc_current_blocks_received , gc_buffer_busy , itl_waits , row_lock_waits ) select /*+ ordered use_nl(s1.gv$segstat.X$KSOLSFTS) */ l_snap_id , p_dbid , p_instance_number , s1.ts# , s1.obj# , s1.dataobj# , sum(decode(s1.statistic_name,'logical reads',value,0)) , sum(decode(s1.statistic_name,'buffer busy waits',value,0)) , sum(decode(s1.statistic_name,'db block changes',value,0)) , sum(decode(s1.statistic_name,'physical reads',value,0)) , sum(decode(s1.statistic_name,'physical writes',value,0)) , sum(decode(s1.statistic_name,'physical reads direct',value,0)) , sum(decode(s1.statistic_name,'physical writes direct',value,0)) , sum(decode(s1.statistic_name,'gc cr blocks received',value,0)) , sum(decode(s1.statistic_name,'gc current blocks received',value,0)) , sum(decode(s1.statistic_name,'gc buffer busy',value,0)) , sum(decode(s1.statistic_name,'ITL waits',value,0)) , sum(decode(s1.statistic_name,'row lock waits',value,0)) from v$segstat s1 where (s1.dataobj#, s1.obj#, s1.ts#) in ( select /*+ unnest */ s2.dataobj# , s2.obj# , s2.ts# from v$segstat s2 where s2.obj# > 0 and s2.obj# < 4254950912 and ( decode(s2.statistic_name,'logical reads',s2.value,0) > l_seg_log_reads_th or decode(s2.statistic_name,'physical reads',s2.value,0) > l_seg_phy_reads_th or decode(s2.statistic_name,'buffer busy waits',s2.value,0) > l_seg_buff_busy_th or decode(s2.statistic_name,'row lock waits',s2.value,0) > l_seg_rowlock_w_th or decode(s2.statistic_name,'ITL waits',s2.value,0) > l_seg_itl_waits_th or decode(s2.statistic_name,'gc cr blocks received',s2.value,0) > l_seg_cr_bks_rc_th or decode(s2.statistic_name,'gc current blocks received',s2.value,0) > l_seg_cu_bks_rc_th ) ) group by s1.ts#, s1.obj#, s1.dataobj#; /* Gather Segment Names having statistics captured and avoid ORA-1 */ l_counter := 0; l_insert_done := FALSE; while (not (l_insert_done) and l_counter < l_counter_maxvalue) loop begin insert into stats$seg_stat_obj ( ts# , obj# , dataobj# , dbid , owner , object_name , subobject_name , object_type , tablespace_name ) select /*+ ordered index(ss1) */ vs.ts# , vs.obj# , vs.dataobj# , p_dbid , vs.owner , vs.object_name , vs.subobject_name , vs.object_type , vs.tablespace_name from stats$seg_stat ss1, v$segment_statistics vs where vs.dataobj# = ss1.dataobj# and vs.obj# = ss1.obj# and vs.ts# = ss1.ts# and ss1.snap_id = l_snap_id and ss1.dbid = p_dbid and ss1.instance_number = p_instance_number and vs.statistic# = 0 and not exists (select 1 from stats$seg_stat_obj ss2 where ss2.dataobj# = ss1.dataobj# and ss2.obj# = ss1.obj# and ss2.ts# = ss1.ts#) order by dataobj#,obj#,ts#,dbid; -- deadlock avoidance l_insert_done := TRUE; exception when DUP_VAL_ON_INDEX then l_counter := l_counter + 1; end; end loop; END snap_segment; /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ PROCEDURE snap_session IS /* Capture Session-specific stats */ begin insert into stats$sesstat ( snap_id , dbid , instance_number , statistic# , value ) select l_snap_id , p_dbid , p_instance_number , statistic# , value from v$sesstat where sid = l_session_id; insert into stats$session_event ( snap_id , dbid , instance_number , event , total_waits , total_timeouts , time_waited_micro , max_wait ) select l_snap_id , p_dbid , p_instance_number , event , total_waits , total_timeouts , time_waited_micro , max_wait from v$session_event where sid = l_session_id; insert into stats$sess_time_model ( snap_id , dbid , instance_number , stat_id , value ) select l_snap_id , p_dbid , p_instance_number , stat_id , value from v$sess_time_model where sid = l_session_id; END snap_session; /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ PROCEDURE snap_latch IS /* Capture Latch details statistics */ begin insert into stats$latch_children ( snap_id , dbid , instance_number , latch# , child# , gets , misses , sleeps , immediate_gets , immediate_misses , spin_gets , wait_time ) select l_snap_id , p_dbid , p_instance_number , latch# , child# , gets , misses , sleeps , immediate_gets , immediate_misses , spin_gets , wait_time from v$latch_children; insert into stats$latch_parent ( snap_id , dbid , instance_number , latch# , level# , gets , misses , sleeps , immediate_gets , immediate_misses , spin_gets , wait_time ) select l_snap_id , p_dbid , p_instance_number , latch# , level# , gets , misses , sleeps , immediate_gets , immediate_misses , spin_gets , wait_time from v$latch_parent; END snap_latch; /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ PROCEDURE snap_advisors IS /* Capture Memory advice views */ begin insert into stats$db_cache_advice ( snap_id , dbid , instance_number , id , name , block_size , buffers_for_estimate , advice_status , size_for_estimate , size_factor , estd_physical_read_factor , estd_physical_reads , estd_physical_read_time , estd_pct_of_db_time_for_reads ) select l_snap_id , p_dbid , p_instance_number , id , name , block_size , buffers_for_estimate , advice_status , size_for_estimate , size_factor , estd_physical_read_factor , estd_physical_reads , estd_physical_read_time , estd_pct_of_db_time_for_reads from v$db_cache_advice where advice_status = 'ON'; insert into stats$shared_pool_advice ( snap_id , dbid , instance_number , shared_pool_size_for_estimate , shared_pool_size_factor , estd_lc_size , estd_lc_memory_objects , estd_lc_time_saved , estd_lc_time_saved_factor , estd_lc_load_time , estd_lc_load_time_factor , estd_lc_memory_object_hits ) select l_snap_id , p_dbid , p_instance_number , shared_pool_size_for_estimate , shared_pool_size_factor , estd_lc_size , estd_lc_memory_objects , estd_lc_time_saved , estd_lc_time_saved_factor , estd_lc_load_time , estd_lc_load_time_factor , estd_lc_memory_object_hits from v$shared_pool_advice; insert into stats$sga_target_advice ( snap_id , dbid , instance_number , sga_size , sga_size_factor , estd_db_time , estd_db_time_factor , estd_physical_reads ) select l_snap_id , p_dbid , p_instance_number , sga_size , sga_size_factor , estd_db_time , estd_db_time_factor , estd_physical_reads from v$sga_target_advice; insert into stats$memory_target_advice ( snap_id , dbid , instance_number , memory_size , memory_size_factor , estd_db_time , estd_db_time_factor , version ) select l_snap_id , p_dbid , p_instance_number , memory_size , memory_size_factor , estd_db_time , estd_db_time_factor , version from v$memory_target_advice; insert into stats$pga_target_advice ( snap_id , dbid , instance_number , pga_target_for_estimate , pga_target_factor , advice_status , bytes_processed , estd_time , estd_extra_bytes_rw , estd_pga_cache_hit_percentage , estd_overalloc_count ) select l_snap_id , p_dbid , p_instance_number , pga_target_for_estimate , pga_target_factor , advice_status , bytes_processed , estd_time , estd_extra_bytes_rw , estd_pga_cache_hit_percentage , estd_overalloc_count from v$pga_target_advice where advice_status = 'ON'; insert into stats$streams_pool_advice ( snap_id , dbid , instance_number , streams_pool_size_for_estimate , streams_pool_size_factor , estd_spill_count , estd_spill_time , estd_unspill_count , estd_unspill_time ) select l_snap_id , p_dbid , p_instance_number , streams_pool_size_for_estimate , streams_pool_size_factor , estd_spill_count , estd_spill_time , estd_unspill_count , estd_unspill_time from v$streams_pool_advice where streams_pool_size_for_estimate >0; insert into stats$java_pool_advice ( snap_id , dbid , instance_number , java_pool_size_for_estimate , java_pool_size_factor , estd_lc_size , estd_lc_memory_objects , estd_lc_time_saved , estd_lc_time_saved_factor , estd_lc_load_time , estd_lc_load_time_factor , estd_lc_memory_object_hits ) select l_snap_id , p_dbid , p_instance_number , java_pool_size_for_estimate , java_pool_size_factor , estd_lc_size , estd_lc_memory_objects , estd_lc_time_saved , estd_lc_time_saved_factor , estd_lc_load_time , estd_lc_load_time_factor , estd_lc_memory_object_hits from v$java_pool_advice; end snap_advisors; /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ PROCEDURE snap_file_io IS begin insert into stats$iostat_function ( snap_id , dbid , instance_number , function_id , small_read_megabytes , small_write_megabytes , large_read_megabytes , large_write_megabytes , small_read_reqs , small_write_reqs , large_read_reqs , large_write_reqs , number_of_waits , wait_time ) select l_snap_id , p_dbid , p_instance_number , function_id , small_read_megabytes , small_write_megabytes , large_read_megabytes , large_write_megabytes , small_read_reqs , small_write_reqs , large_read_reqs , large_write_reqs , number_of_waits , wait_time from v$iostat_function; l_insert_done := FALSE; l_counter := 0; while (not (l_insert_done) and l_counter < l_counter_maxvalue) loop begin insert into stats$filestatxs ( snap_id , dbid , instance_number , tsname , filename , phyrds , phywrts , singleblkrds , readtim , writetim , singleblkrdtim , phyblkrd , phyblkwrt , wait_count , time , file# ) select l_snap_id , p_dbid , p_instance_number , tsname , filename , phyrds , phywrts , singleblkrds , readtim , writetim , singleblkrdtim , phyblkrd , phyblkwrt , wait_count , time , file# from stats$v$filestatxs; l_insert_done := TRUE; exception when CFINCREAD then l_counter := l_counter + 1; end; end loop; insert into stats$file_histogram ( snap_id , dbid , instance_number , file# , singleblkrdtim_milli , singleblkrds ) select l_snap_id , p_dbid , p_instance_number , file# , singleblkrdtim_milli , singleblkrds from v$file_histogram where singleblkrds > 0 ; /* Retry Temp file stats, in case of controlfile contention */ l_counter := 0; l_insert_done := FALSE; while (not (l_insert_done) and l_counter < l_counter_maxvalue) loop begin insert into stats$tempstatxs ( snap_id , dbid , instance_number , tsname , filename , phyrds , phywrts , singleblkrds , readtim , writetim , singleblkrdtim , phyblkrd , phyblkwrt , wait_count , time , file# ) select l_snap_id , p_dbid , p_instance_number , tsname , filename , phyrds , phywrts , singleblkrds , readtim , writetim , singleblkrdtim , phyblkrd , phyblkwrt , wait_count , time , file# from stats$v$tempstatxs; l_insert_done := TRUE; exception when CFINCREAD then l_counter := l_counter + 1; end; end loop; end snap_file_io; /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ PROCEDURE snap_memory_mgmt_stats IS begin insert into stats$memory_dynamic_comps ( snap_id , dbid , instance_number , component , current_size , min_size , max_size , user_specified_size , oper_count , last_oper_type , last_oper_mode , last_oper_time , granule_size ) select l_snap_id , p_dbid , p_instance_number , component , current_size , min_size , max_size , user_specified_size , oper_count , last_oper_type , last_oper_mode , last_oper_time , granule_size from v$memory_dynamic_components; -- Insert completed resize ops insert into stats$memory_resize_ops ( snap_id , dbid , instance_number , component , oper_type , oper_mode , start_time , initial_size , target_size , final_size , status , end_time , parameter , num_ops ) select l_snap_id , p_dbid , p_instance_number , component , oper_type , nvl(oper_mode,'-') , start_time , initial_size , target_size , final_size , status , end_time , parameter , count(1) from v$memory_resize_ops where start_time > l_max_resize_ops_start_time group by l_snap_id, p_dbid, p_instance_number , component, oper_type, oper_mode, start_time, parameter , initial_size, target_size, final_size, status, end_time; insert into stats$pgastat ( snap_id , dbid , instance_number , name , value ) select l_snap_id , p_dbid , p_instance_number , name , value from v$pgastat where value > 0; insert into stats$sql_workarea_histogram ( snap_id , dbid , instance_number , low_optimal_size , high_optimal_size , optimal_executions , onepass_executions , multipasses_executions , total_executions ) select l_snap_id , p_dbid , p_instance_number , low_optimal_size , high_optimal_size , optimal_executions , onepass_executions , multipasses_executions , total_executions from v$sql_workarea_histogram where total_executions > 0; insert into stats$process_rollup ( snap_id , dbid , instance_number , pid , serial# , spid , program , background , pga_used_mem , pga_alloc_mem , pga_freeable_mem , max_pga_alloc_mem , max_pga_max_mem , avg_pga_alloc_mem , stddev_pga_alloc_mem , num_processes ) select * from (select * from (select l_snap_id , p_dbid , p_instance_number , nvl(pid, -9) pid , nvl(serial#, -9) serial# , decode(pid, null, null, max(spid)) spid , decode(pid, null, null, max(program)) program , decode(pid, null, null, max(background)) background , sum(pga_used_mem) pga_used_mem , sum(pga_alloc_mem) pga_alloc_mem , sum(pga_freeable_mem) pga_freeable_mem , max(pga_alloc_mem) max_pga_alloc_mem , max(pga_max_mem) max_pga_max_mem , decode(pid, null, avg(pga_alloc_mem), null) avg_pga_alloc_mem , decode(pid, null, stddev(pga_alloc_mem), null) stddev_pga_alloc_mem , decode(pid, null, count(pid), null) num_processes from v$process where program != 'PSEUDO' group by grouping sets ( (pid, serial#), () ) ) where pid = -9 or pga_alloc_mem >= (p_def_proc_mem_th *1024*1024) order by pga_alloc_mem desc ) where rownum <= (p_def_num_procs + 1); -- This statement must use column alias' in the select list for the -- l_snap_id, p_dbid and p_instance_number vars to avoid bug 3824971 insert into stats$process_memory_rollup ( snap_id , dbid , instance_number , pid , serial# , category , allocated , used , max_allocated , max_max_allocated , avg_allocated , stddev_allocated , non_zero_allocations ) select * from (select l_snap_id snap_id -- required for 3824971 , p_dbid dbid , p_instance_number instance_number , nvl(, -9) pid , nvl(pm.serial#, -9) serial# , pm.category , sum(pm.allocated) allocated , sum(pm.used) used , max(pm.allocated) max_allocated , max(pm.max_allocated) max_max_allocated , decode(pid, null, avg(pm.allocated), null) avg_allocated , decode(pid, null, stddev(pm.allocated), null) stddev_allocated , decode(pid, null ,sum(decode(allocated, 0, 0, 1)), null) non_zero_allocations from v$process_memory pm group by grouping sets ( (, pm.serial#, pm.category) , (pm.category) ) ) g where = -9 -- category summary rows or (, g.serial#) in (select, pr.serial# -- detail rows from stats$process_rollup pr where pr.snap_id = l_snap_id and pr.dbid = p_dbid and pr.instance_number = p_instance_number ); end snap_memory_mgmt_stats; /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ PROCEDURE snap_streams IS /* Capture Streams-related statistics */ begin insert into stats$streams_capture ( snap_id , dbid , instance_number , capture_name , startup_time , total_messages_captured , total_messages_enqueued , elapsed_capture_time , elapsed_rule_time , elapsed_enqueue_time , elapsed_lcr_time , elapsed_redo_wait_time , elapsed_pause_time ) select l_snap_id , p_dbid , p_instance_number , capture_name , startup_time , total_messages_captured , total_messages_enqueued , elapsed_capture_time , elapsed_rule_time , elapsed_enqueue_time , elapsed_lcr_time , elapsed_redo_wait_time , elapsed_pause_time from v$streams_capture; insert into stats$streams_apply_sum ( snap_id , dbid , instance_number , apply_name , startup_time , reader_total_messages_dequeued , reader_elapsed_dequeue_time , reader_elapsed_schedule_time , coord_total_received , coord_total_applied , coord_total_wait_deps , coord_total_wait_commits , coord_elapsed_schedule_time , server_total_messages_applied , server_elapsed_dequeue_time , server_elapsed_apply_time ) select l_snap_id , p_dbid , p_instance_number , max(c.apply_name) , max(c.startup_time) , max(r.total_messages_dequeued) , max(r.elapsed_dequeue_time) , max(r.elapsed_schedule_time) , max(c.total_received) , max(c.total_applied) , max(c.total_wait_deps) , max(c.total_wait_commits) , max(c.elapsed_schedule_time) , sum(s.total_messages_applied) , sum(s.elapsed_dequeue_time) , sum(s.elapsed_apply_time) from v$streams_apply_coordinator c , v$streams_apply_reader r , v$streams_apply_server s where c.apply_name = r.apply_name and c.apply_name = s.apply_name group by c.apply_name; insert into stats$propagation_sender ( snap_id , dbid , instance_number , queue_schema , queue_name , dblink , dst_queue_schema , dst_queue_name , startup_time , total_msgs , total_bytes , elapsed_dequeue_time , elapsed_pickle_time , elapsed_propagation_time ) select l_snap_id , p_dbid , p_instance_number , queue_schema , queue_name , dblink , nvl(dst_queue_schema, '-') -- Do not allow null , nvl(dst_queue_name, '-') -- as part of PK , startup_time , total_msgs , total_bytes , elapsed_dequeue_time , elapsed_pickle_time , elapsed_propagation_time from v$propagation_sender; insert into stats$propagation_receiver ( snap_id , dbid , instance_number , src_queue_schema , src_queue_name , src_dbname , dst_queue_schema , dst_queue_name , startup_time , elapsed_unpickle_time , elapsed_rule_time , elapsed_enqueue_time ) select l_snap_id , p_dbid , p_instance_number , src_queue_schema , src_queue_name , nvl(src_dbname, '-') -- Do not allow null , nvl(dst_queue_schema, '-') -- as part of PK , nvl(dst_queue_name, '-') -- , startup_time , elapsed_unpickle_time , elapsed_rule_time , elapsed_enqueue_time from v$propagation_receiver; insert into stats$buffered_queues ( snap_id , dbid , instance_number , queue_schema , queue_name , startup_time , num_msgs , cnum_msgs , cspill_msgs ) select l_snap_id , p_dbid , p_instance_number , v.queue_schema , v.queue_name , v.startup_time , v.num_msgs , v.cnum_msgs , v.cspill_msgs from v$buffered_queues v; insert into stats$buffered_subscribers ( snap_id , dbid , instance_number , queue_schema , queue_name , subscriber_id , subscriber_name , subscriber_address , subscriber_type , startup_time , num_msgs , cnum_msgs , total_spilled_msg ) select l_snap_id , p_dbid , p_instance_number , v.queue_schema , v.queue_name , v.subscriber_id , v.subscriber_name , v.subscriber_address , v.subscriber_type , v.startup_time , v.num_msgs , v.cnum_msgs , v.total_spilled_msg from v$buffered_subscribers v; insert into stats$rule_set ( snap_id , dbid , instance_number , owner , name , startup_time , cpu_time , elapsed_time , evaluations , sql_free_evaluations , sql_executions , reloads ) select l_snap_id , p_dbid , p_instance_number , owner , name , first_load_time , cpu_time , elapsed_time , evaluations , sql_free_evaluations , sql_executions , reloads from v$rule_set; END snap_streams; /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ PROCEDURE snap_sql IS begin if l_old_sql_capture_mth = 'FALSE' then /* The new method - v$sqlstats */ /* Gather summary statistics */ insert into stats$sql_statistics ( snap_id , dbid , instance_number , total_sql , total_sql_mem , single_use_sql , single_use_sql_mem , total_cursors ) select l_snap_id , p_dbid , p_instance_number , count(1) , sum(sharable_mem) , sum(decode(executions, 1, 1, 0)) , sum(decode(executions, 1, sharable_mem, 0)) , sum(version_count) from stats$v$sqlstats_summary where sharable_mem > 0; /* Gather SQL statements which exceed any threshold, excluding obsolete parent cursors */ insert into stats$sql_summary ( snap_id , dbid , instance_number , text_subset , sql_id , sharable_mem , sorts , module , loaded_versions , fetches , executions , px_servers_executions , end_of_fetch_count , loads , invalidations , parse_calls , disk_reads , direct_writes , buffer_gets , application_wait_time , concurrency_wait_time , cluster_wait_time , user_io_wait_time , plsql_exec_time , java_exec_time , rows_processed , command_type , address , hash_value , old_hash_value , version_count , cpu_time , elapsed_time , avg_hard_parse_time , outline_sid , outline_category , child_latch , sql_profile , program_id , program_line# , exact_matching_signature , force_matching_signature , last_active_time ) select /*+ index (sql.GV$SQL.X$KGLOB) */ l_snap_id , p_dbid , p_instance_number , max(substrb(sql_text,1,31)) text_subset , max(sql_id) sql_id , sum(sharable_mem) sharable_mem , sum(sorts) sorts , max(module) module , sum(loaded_versions) loaded_versions , sum(fetches) fetches , sum(executions) executions , sum(px_servers_executions) px_servers_executions , sum(end_of_fetch_count) end_of_fetch_count , sum(loads) loads , sum(invalidations) invalidations , sum(parse_calls) parse_calls , sum(disk_reads) disk_reads , sum(direct_writes) direct_writes , sum(buffer_gets) buffer_gers , sum(application_wait_time) application_wait_time , sum(concurrency_wait_time) concurrency_wait_time , sum(cluster_wait_time) cluster_wait_time , sum(user_io_wait_time) user_io_wait_time , sum(plsql_exec_time) plsql_exec_time , sum(java_exec_time) java_exec_time , sum(rows_processed) rows_processed , max(command_type) command_type , address , max(hash_value) hash_value , old_hash_value , count(1) version_count , sum(cpu_time) cpu_time , sum(elapsed_time) elapsed_time , null avg_hard_parse_time , max(outline_sid) outline_sid , max(outline_category) outline_category , max(child_latch) child_latch , max(sql_profile) sql_profile , max(program_id) program_id , max(program_line#) program_line# , max(exact_matching_signature) exact_matching_signature , max(force_matching_signature) force_matching_signature , max(last_active_time) last_active_time from v$sql sql where is_obsolete = 'N' and sql_id in (select /*+ unnest full (sqlstats) */ sql_id from stats$v$sqlstats_summary sqlstats where ( buffer_gets > l_buffer_gets_th or disk_reads > l_disk_reads_th or parse_calls > l_parse_calls_th or executions > l_executions_th or sharable_mem > l_sharable_mem_th or version_count > l_version_count_th ) ) group by old_hash_value, address; else /* The old method - stats$v$sqlxs */ /* Gather summary statistics */ insert into stats$sql_statistics ( snap_id , dbid , instance_number , total_sql , total_sql_mem , single_use_sql , single_use_sql_mem , total_cursors ) select l_snap_id , p_dbid , p_instance_number , count(1) , sum(sharable_mem) , sum(decode(executions, 1, 1, 0)) , sum(decode(executions, 1, sharable_mem, 0)) , sum(version_count) from stats$v$sqlxs where is_obsolete = 'N'; /* Gather SQL statements which exceed any threshold, excluding obsolete parent cursors */ insert into stats$sql_summary ( snap_id , dbid , instance_number , text_subset , sql_id , sharable_mem , sorts , module , loaded_versions , fetches , executions , px_servers_executions , end_of_fetch_count , loads , invalidations , parse_calls , disk_reads , direct_writes , buffer_gets , application_wait_time , concurrency_wait_time , cluster_wait_time , user_io_wait_time , plsql_exec_time , java_exec_time , rows_processed , command_type , address , hash_value , old_hash_value , version_count , cpu_time , elapsed_time , avg_hard_parse_time , outline_sid , outline_category , child_latch , sql_profile , program_id , program_line# , exact_matching_signature , force_matching_signature , last_active_time ) select l_snap_id , p_dbid , p_instance_number , substrb(sql_text,1,31) , sql_id , sharable_mem , sorts , module , loaded_versions , fetches , executions , px_servers_executions , end_of_fetch_count , loads , invalidations , parse_calls , disk_reads , direct_writes , buffer_gets , application_wait_time , concurrency_wait_time , cluster_wait_time , user_io_wait_time , plsql_exec_time , java_exec_time , rows_processed , command_type , address , hash_value , old_hash_value , version_count , cpu_time , elapsed_time , avg_hard_parse_time , outline_sid , outline_category , child_latch , sql_profile , program_id , program_line# , exact_matching_signature , force_matching_signature , last_active_time from stats$v$sqlxs where is_obsolete = 'N' and ( buffer_gets > l_buffer_gets_th or disk_reads > l_disk_reads_th or parse_calls > l_parse_calls_th or executions > l_executions_th or sharable_mem > l_sharable_mem_th or version_count > l_version_count_th ); end if; /* Insert the SQL Text for hash_values captured in the snapshot into stats$sqltext if it's not already there. Identify SQL which execeeded the threshold by querying stats$sql_summary for this snapid and database instance */ l_counter := 0; l_insert_done := FALSE; while (not (l_insert_done) and l_counter < l_counter_maxvalue) loop begin insert into stats$sqltext ( old_hash_value , text_subset , piece , sql_id , sql_text , address , command_type , last_snap_id ) select /*+ ordered use_nl(vst) */ new_sql.old_hash_value , new_sql.text_subset , vst.piece , vst.sql_id , vst.sql_text , vst.address , vst.command_type , new_sql.snap_id from (select hash_value -- switch to using new hash_value , old_hash_value -- for looking up cursors , address -- as new hash_value in v$sql indexed , text_subset , snap_id from stats$sql_summary ss where ss.snap_id = l_snap_id and ss.dbid = p_dbid and ss.instance_number = p_instance_number and not exists (select 1 from stats$sqltext sst where sst.old_hash_value = ss.old_hash_value and sst.text_subset = ss.text_subset and sst.piece = 0 ) ) new_sql , v$sqltext vst where vst.hash_value = new_sql.hash_value and vst.address = new_sql.address order by new_sql.old_hash_value, new_sql.text_subset , vst.piece; -- deadlock avoidance l_insert_done := TRUE; exception when DUP_VAL_ON_INDEX then l_counter := l_counter + 1; end; end loop; IF l_snap_level >= 6 THEN /* Identify SQL which execeeded the threshold by querying stats$sql_summary for this snapid and database instance. Note: original algorithm only captured plans the first time a new plan appeared. New algorithm captures each distinct plan usage for each high-load sql statements for each snapshot. Omit capturing plan usage information for cursors which have a zero plan hash value. Currently this is captured in a level 6 (or greater) snapshot, however this may be integrated into level 5 snapshot at a later date. */ insert into stats$sql_plan_usage ( snap_id , dbid , instance_number , old_hash_value , text_subset , plan_hash_value , sql_id , hash_value , cost , address , optimizer , last_active_time ) select /*+ ordered use_nl(sq) index(sq) */ l_snap_id , p_dbid , p_instance_number , ss.old_hash_value , ss.text_subset , sq.plan_hash_value , max(ss.sql_id) , max(ss.hash_value) , nvl(sq.optimizer_cost,-9) , max(ss.address) , max(sq.optimizer_mode) , max(sq.last_active_time) from stats$sql_summary ss , v$sql sq where ss.snap_id = l_snap_id and ss.dbid = p_dbid and ss.instance_number = p_instance_number and sq.hash_value = ss.hash_value and sq.address = ss.address and sq.plan_hash_value > 0 group by l_snap_id , p_dbid , p_instance_number , ss.old_hash_value , ss.text_subset , sq.plan_hash_value , nvl(sq.optimizer_cost,-9); /* For all new hash_value, plan_hash_value, cost combinations just captured, get the optimizer plans, if we don't already have them. Note that the plan (and hence the plan hash value) comprises the access path and the join order (and not variable factors such as the cardinality). */ l_counter := 0; l_insert_done := FALSE; while (not (l_insert_done) and l_counter < l_counter_maxvalue) loop begin insert into stats$sql_plan ( plan_hash_value , id , operation , options , object_node , object# , object_owner , object_name , object_alias , object_type , optimizer , parent_id , depth , position , search_columns , cost , cardinality , bytes , other_tag , partition_start , partition_stop , partition_id , other , distribution , cpu_cost , io_cost , temp_space , access_predicates , filter_predicates , projection , time , qblock_name , remarks , snap_id ) select /*+ ordered use_nl(s) use_nl(sp.p) */ new_plan.plan_hash_value , , max(sp.operation) , max(sp.options) , max(sp.object_node) , max(sp.object#) , max(sp.object_owner) , max(sp.object_name) , max(sp.object_alias) , max(sp.object_type) , max(sp.optimizer) , max(sp.parent_id) , max(sp.depth) , max(sp.position) , max(sp.search_columns) , max(sp.cost) , max(sp.cardinality) , max(sp.bytes) , max(sp.other_tag) , max(sp.partition_start) , max(sp.partition_stop) , max(sp.partition_id) , max(sp.other) , max(sp.distribution) , max(sp.cpu_cost) , max(sp.io_cost) , max(sp.temp_space) , 0 -- should be max(sp.access_predicates) (2254299) , 0 -- should be max(sp.filter_predicates) , max(sp.projection) , max(sp.time) , max(sp.qblock_name) , max(sp.remarks) , max(new_plan.snap_id) from (select /*+ index(spu) */ spu.plan_hash_value , spu.hash_value hash_value , spu.address address , spu.text_subset text_subset , spu.snap_id snap_id from stats$sql_plan_usage spu where spu.snap_id = l_snap_id and spu.dbid = p_dbid and spu.instance_number = p_instance_number and not exists (select /*+ nl_aj */ * from stats$sql_plan ssp where ssp.plan_hash_value = spu.plan_hash_value ) ) new_plan , v$sql s -- join reqd to filter already known plans , v$sql_plan sp where s.address = new_plan.address and s.plan_hash_value = new_plan.plan_hash_value and s.hash_value = new_plan.hash_value and sp.hash_value = new_plan.hash_value and sp.address = new_plan.address and sp.hash_value = s.hash_value and sp.address = s.address and sp.child_number = s.child_number group by new_plan.plan_hash_value, order by new_plan.plan_hash_value,; -- deadlock avoidance l_insert_done := TRUE; exception when DUP_VAL_ON_INDEX then l_counter := l_counter + 1; end; end loop; END IF; /* snap level >=6 */ END snap_sql; /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ begin /* Function SNAP */ /* Get instance parameter defaults from stats$statspack_parameter, or use supplied parameters. If all parameters are specified, use them, otherwise get values from the parameters not specified from stats$statspack_parameter. */ statspack.qam_statspack_parameter ( p_dbid , p_instance_number , i_snap_level, i_session_id, i_ucomment, i_num_sql , i_executions_th, i_parse_calls_th , i_disk_reads_th, i_buffer_gets_th, i_sharable_mem_th , i_version_count_th, i_seg_phy_reads_th , i_seg_log_reads_th, i_seg_buff_busy_th, i_seg_rowlock_w_th , i_seg_itl_waits_th, i_seg_cr_bks_rc_th, i_seg_cu_bks_rc_th , i_all_init, i_old_sql_capture_mth, i_pin_statspack , i_modify_parameter , l_snap_level, l_session_id, l_ucomment, l_num_sql , l_executions_th, l_parse_calls_th , l_disk_reads_th, l_buffer_gets_th, l_sharable_mem_th , l_version_count_th, l_seg_phy_reads_th , l_seg_log_reads_th, l_seg_buff_busy_th, l_seg_rowlock_w_th , l_seg_itl_waits_th, l_seg_cr_bks_rc_th, l_seg_cu_bks_rc_th , l_all_init, l_old_sql_capture_mth, l_pin_statspack); /* Generate a snapshot id */ select stats$snapshot_id.nextval, systimestamp into l_snap_id, l_snap_start_time from dual where rownum = 1; /* Determine the serial# of the session to maintain stats for, if this was requested. */ if l_session_id > 0 then if not GETSERIAL%ISOPEN then open GETSERIAL; end if; fetch GETSERIAL into l_serial#; if GETSERIAL%NOTFOUND then /* Session has already disappeared - don't gather statistics for this session in this snapshot */ l_session_id := 0; l_serial# := 0; end if; close GETSERIAL; else l_serial# := 0; end if; /* The instance has been restarted since the last snapshot */ if p_new_sga = 0 then begin p_new_sga := 1; /* Get the instance startup time, and other characteristics */ insert into stats$database_instance ( dbid , instance_number , startup_time , snap_id , parallel , version , db_name , instance_name , host_name , platform_name ) select p_dbid , p_instance_number , p_startup_time , l_snap_id , p_parallel , p_version , p_name , p_instance_name , p_host_name , p_platform_name from sys.dual; /* Insert any new TIME_MODEL statistic names into our reference table */ l_insert_done := FALSE; l_counter := 0; while (not (l_insert_done) and l_counter < l_counter_maxvalue) loop begin merge into stats$time_model_statname stms using (select stat_id, stat_name from v$sys_time_model ) vstm on (stms.stat_id = vstm.stat_id) when matched then update set stms.stat_name = vstm.stat_name where stms.stat_name != vstm.stat_name when not matched then insert ( stat_id, stat_name) values (vstm.stat_id, vstm.stat_name); l_insert_done := TRUE; exception when DUP_VAL_ON_INDEX then l_counter := l_counter + 1; end; end loop; /* Insert any new OSStat statistic names into our reference table */ l_insert_done := FALSE; l_counter := 0; while (not (l_insert_done) and l_counter < l_counter_maxvalue) loop begin merge into stats$osstatname sosn using (select osstat_id, stat_name, cumulative from v$osstat ) vosn on (vosn.osstat_id = sosn.osstat_id) when matched then update set sosn.stat_name = vosn.stat_name , sosn.cumulative = vosn.cumulative where sosn.stat_name != vosn.stat_name or nvl(sosn.cumulative,'a') != vosn.cumulative when not matched then insert ( osstat_id, stat_name, cumulative) values (vosn.osstat_id, vosn.stat_name, vosn.cumulative); l_insert_done := TRUE; exception when DUP_VAL_ON_INDEX then l_counter := l_counter + 1; end; end loop; /* Insert any new IOStat Function Types into our reference table */ l_insert_done := FALSE; l_counter := 0; while (not (l_insert_done) and l_counter < l_counter_maxvalue) loop begin merge into stats$iostat_function_name sifn using (select function_id, function_name from v$iostat_function ) vifn on (vifn.function_id = sifn.function_id) when matched then update set sifn.function_name = vifn.function_name where sifn.function_name != vifn.function_name when not matched then insert ( function_id, function_name) values (vifn.function_id, vifn.function_name); l_insert_done := TRUE; exception when DUP_VAL_ON_INDEX then l_counter := l_counter + 1; end; end loop; commit; end; end if; /* new SGA */ /* Work out the previous snap_id for this instance */ select nvl(max(snap_id), 0) into l_prev_snap_id from stats$snapshot where dbid = p_dbid and instance_number = p_instance_number; /* Work out the max undo stat time, used for gathering undo stat data */ select nvl(max(begin_time), to_date('01011900','DDMMYYYY')) into l_max_begin_time from stats$undostat where dbid = p_dbid and instance_number = p_instance_number; /* Work out the max Resize Ops time, used for gathering resize ops data */ select nvl(max(start_time), to_date('01011900','DDMMYYYY')) into l_max_resize_ops_start_time from stats$memory_resize_ops where dbid = p_dbid and instance_number = p_instance_number; /* Save the snapshot characteristics */ insert into stats$snapshot ( snap_id, dbid, instance_number , snap_time, startup_time , session_id, snap_level, ucomment , executions_th, parse_calls_th, disk_reads_th , buffer_gets_th, sharable_mem_th , version_count_th, seg_phy_reads_th , seg_log_reads_th, seg_buff_busy_th, seg_rowlock_w_th , seg_itl_waits_th, seg_cr_bks_rc_th, seg_cu_bks_rc_th , serial#, all_init) values ( l_snap_id, p_dbid, p_instance_number , cast(l_snap_start_time as date), p_startup_time , l_session_id, l_snap_level, l_ucomment , l_executions_th, l_parse_calls_th, l_disk_reads_th , l_buffer_gets_th, l_sharable_mem_th , l_version_count_th, l_seg_phy_reads_th , l_seg_log_reads_th, l_seg_buff_busy_th, l_seg_rowlock_w_th , l_seg_itl_waits_th, l_seg_cr_bks_rc_th, l_seg_cu_bks_rc_th , l_serial#, l_all_init); /* Begin gathering statistics */ snap_file_io; insert into stats$librarycache ( snap_id , dbid , instance_number , namespace , gets , gethits , pins , pinhits , reloads , invalidations , dlm_lock_requests , dlm_pin_requests , dlm_pin_releases , dlm_invalidation_requests , dlm_invalidations ) select l_snap_id , p_dbid , p_instance_number , namespace , gets , gethits , pins , pinhits , reloads , invalidations , dlm_lock_requests , dlm_pin_requests , dlm_pin_releases , dlm_invalidation_requests , dlm_invalidations from v$librarycache; insert into stats$buffer_pool_statistics ( snap_id , dbid , instance_number , id , name , block_size , set_msize , cnum_repl , cnum_write , cnum_set , buf_got , sum_write , sum_scan , free_buffer_wait , write_complete_wait , buffer_busy_wait , free_buffer_inspected , dirty_buffers_inspected , db_block_change , db_block_gets , consistent_gets , physical_reads , physical_writes ) select l_snap_id , p_dbid , p_instance_number , id , name , block_size , set_msize , cnum_repl , cnum_write , cnum_set , buf_got , sum_write , sum_scan , free_buffer_wait , write_complete_wait , buffer_busy_wait , free_buffer_inspected , dirty_buffers_inspected , db_block_change , db_block_gets , consistent_gets , physical_reads , physical_writes from v$buffer_pool_statistics; insert into stats$rollstat ( snap_id , dbid , instance_number , usn , extents , rssize , writes , xacts , gets , waits , optsize , hwmsize , shrinks , wraps , extends , aveshrink , aveactive ) select l_snap_id , p_dbid , p_instance_number , usn , extents , rssize , writes , xacts , gets , waits , optsize , hwmsize , shrinks , wraps , extends , aveshrink , aveactive from v$rollstat; insert into stats$rowcache_summary ( snap_id , dbid , instance_number , parameter , total_usage , usage , gets , getmisses , scans , scanmisses , scancompletes , modifications , flushes , dlm_requests , dlm_conflicts , dlm_releases ) select l_snap_id , p_dbid , p_instance_number , parameter , sum("COUNT") , sum(usage) , sum(gets) , sum(getmisses) , sum(scans) , sum(scanmisses) , sum(scancompletes) , sum(modifications) , sum(flushes) , sum(dlm_requests) , sum(dlm_conflicts) , sum(dlm_releases) from v$rowcache group by l_snap_id, p_dbid, p_instance_number, parameter; /* Collect parameters every snapshot, to cater for dynamic parameters changable while instance is running */ if l_all_init = 'FALSE' then -- capture only standard init.ora parameters, and those which have been -- automatically set by auto-memory management insert into stats$parameter ( snap_id , dbid , instance_number , name , value , isdefault , ismodified ) select l_snap_id , p_dbid , p_instance_number , i.ksppinm , sv.ksppstvl , sv.ksppstdf , decode(bitand(sv.ksppstvf,7),1,'MODIFIED',4,'SYSTEM_MOD','FALSE') from stats$x$ksppi i , stats$x$ksppsv sv where i.indx = sv.indx and ( ( (translate(ksppinm,'_','#') not like '#%') or (ksppstdf = 'FALSE') ) -- standard v$system_parameter or ( (translate(ksppinm,'_','#') like '##%') ) -- get __ ); else insert into stats$parameter ( snap_id , dbid , instance_number , name , value , isdefault , ismodified ) select l_snap_id , p_dbid , p_instance_number , i.ksppinm , sv.ksppstvl , sv.ksppstdf , decode(bitand(sv.ksppstvf,7),1,'MODIFIED',4,'SYSTEM_MOD','FALSE') from stats$x$ksppi i , stats$x$ksppsv sv where i.indx = sv.indx; end if; /* To cater for variable size SGA - insert on each snapshot */ insert into stats$sga ( snap_id , dbid , instance_number , name , value ) select l_snap_id , p_dbid , p_instance_number , name , value from v$sga; /* Get current allocation of memory in the SGA */ insert into stats$sgastat ( snap_id , dbid , instance_number , pool , name , bytes ) select l_snap_id , p_dbid , p_instance_number , pool , name , bytes from ( select pool , name , bytes , 100*(bytes) /(sum(bytes) over (partition by pool)) part_pct from v$sgastat ) where part_pct >= p_def_sgastat_pool_pct_th or pool is null or name = 'free memory'; insert into stats$system_event ( snap_id , dbid , instance_number , event , total_waits , total_timeouts , time_waited_micro , total_waits_fg , total_timeouts_fg , time_waited_micro_fg , event_id ) select l_snap_id , p_dbid , p_instance_number , event , total_waits , total_timeouts , time_waited_micro , total_waits_fg , total_timeouts_fg , time_waited_micro_fg , event_id from v$system_event; insert into stats$event_histogram ( snap_id , dbid , instance_number , event_id , wait_time_milli , wait_count ) select l_snap_id , p_dbid , p_instance_number , en.event_id , wait_time_milli , wait_count from v$event_histogram eh , v$event_name en where eh.event = and eh.event# = en.event#; insert into stats$sysstat ( snap_id , dbid , instance_number , statistic# , name , value ) select l_snap_id , p_dbid , p_instance_number , statistic# , name , value from v$sysstat; insert into stats$waitstat ( snap_id , dbid , instance_number , class , wait_count , time ) select l_snap_id , p_dbid , p_instance_number , class , "COUNT" , time from v$waitstat; insert into stats$enqueue_statistics ( snap_id , dbid , instance_number , eq_type , req_reason , total_req# , total_wait# , succ_req# , failed_req# , cum_wait_time , event# ) select l_snap_id , p_dbid , p_instance_number , eq_type , req_reason , total_req# , total_wait# , succ_req# , failed_req# , cum_wait_time , event# from v$enqueue_statistics where total_req# != 0; insert into stats$latch ( snap_id , dbid , instance_number , name , latch# , level# , gets , misses , sleeps , immediate_gets , immediate_misses , spin_gets , wait_time ) select l_snap_id , p_dbid , p_instance_number , name , latch# , level# , gets , misses , sleeps , immediate_gets , immediate_misses , spin_gets , wait_time from v$latch; insert into stats$latch_misses_summary ( snap_id , dbid , instance_number , parent_name , where_in_code , nwfail_count , sleep_count , wtr_slp_count ) select l_snap_id , p_dbid , p_instance_number , parent_name , "WHERE" , sum(nwfail_count) , sum(sleep_count) , sum(wtr_slp_count) from v$latch_misses where sleep_count > 0 group by l_snap_id, p_dbid, p_instance_number , parent_name, "WHERE"; insert into stats$resource_limit ( snap_id , dbid , instance_number , resource_name , current_utilization , max_utilization , initial_allocation , limit_value ) select l_snap_id , p_dbid , p_instance_number , resource_name , current_utilization , max_utilization , initial_allocation , limit_value from v$resource_limit where limit_value != ' UNLIMITED' and max_utilization > 0; insert into stats$undostat ( begin_time , end_time , dbid , instance_number , snap_id , undotsn , undoblks , txncount , maxquerylen , maxqueryid , maxconcurrency , unxpstealcnt , unxpblkrelcnt , unxpblkreucnt , expstealcnt , expblkrelcnt , expblkreucnt , ssolderrcnt , nospaceerrcnt , activeblks , unexpiredblks , expiredblks , tuned_undoretention ) select begin_time , end_time , max(p_dbid) , max(p_instance_number) , max(l_snap_id) , max(undotsn) , sum(undoblks) , sum(txncount) , max(maxquerylen) , max(maxqueryid) , max(maxconcurrency) , sum(unxpstealcnt) , sum(unxpblkrelcnt) , sum(unxpblkreucnt) , sum(expstealcnt) , sum(expblkrelcnt) , sum(expblkreucnt) , sum(ssolderrcnt) , sum(nospaceerrcnt) , sum(activeblks) , sum(unexpiredblks) , sum(expiredblks) , max(tuned_undoretention) from v$undostat where begin_time > l_max_begin_time and begin_time + (1/(24*6)) <= end_time group by begin_time, end_time; /* Capture Memory advice */ snap_advisors; snap_memory_mgmt_stats; insert into stats$instance_recovery ( snap_id , dbid , instance_number , recovery_estimated_ios , actual_redo_blks , target_redo_blks , log_file_size_redo_blks , log_chkpt_timeout_redo_blks , log_chkpt_interval_redo_blks , fast_start_io_target_redo_blks , target_mttr , estimated_mttr , ckpt_block_writes ) select l_snap_id , p_dbid , p_instance_number , recovery_estimated_ios , actual_redo_blks , target_redo_blks , log_file_size_redo_blks , log_chkpt_timeout_redo_blks , log_chkpt_interval_redo_blks , fast_start_io_target_redo_blks , target_mttr , estimated_mttr , ckpt_block_writes from v$instance_recovery; insert into stats$thread ( snap_id , dbid , instance_number , thread# , thread_instance_number , status , open_time , current_group# , sequence# ) select l_snap_id , p_dbid , p_instance_number , t.thread# , i.instance_number , t.status , t.open_time , t.current_group# , t.sequence# from v$thread t , v$instance i where i.thread#(+) = t.thread#; insert into stats$sys_time_model ( snap_id , dbid , instance_number , stat_id , value ) select l_snap_id , p_dbid , p_instance_number , stat_id , value from v$sys_time_model; insert into stats$osstat ( snap_id , dbid , instance_number , osstat_id , value ) select l_snap_id , p_dbid , p_instance_number , osstat_id , value from v$osstat; insert into stats$mutex_sleep ( snap_id , dbid , instance_number , mutex_type , location , sleeps , wait_time ) select l_snap_id , p_dbid , p_instance_number , mutex_type , location , sleeps , wait_time from v$mutex_sleep where mutex_type is not null and sleeps > 0; /* Capture Streams */ snap_streams; /* Capture RAC statistics */ if p_parallel = 'YES' then snap_rac; end if; /* Begin gathering Extended Statistics */ IF l_snap_level >= 5 THEN snap_sql; END IF; IF l_snap_level >= 7 THEN snap_segment; END IF; IF l_snap_level >= 10 THEN snap_latch; end if; /* Record level session-granular statistics if a session has been specified */ if l_session_id > 0 then snap_session; end if; /* Work out how efficently we executed, in seconds */ select systimestamp into l_snap_end_time from sys.dual; update stats$snapshot set snapshot_exec_time_s = round( ( extract(second from (l_snap_end_time - l_snap_start_time)) + 60* extract(minute from (l_snap_end_time - l_snap_start_time)) + 60*60* extract(hour from (l_snap_end_time - l_snap_start_time)) + 60*60*24*extract(day from (l_snap_end_time - l_snap_start_time)) ), 2) where snap_id = l_snap_id and dbid = p_dbid and instance_number = p_instance_number; commit work; RETURN l_snap_id; end SNAP; /* Function SNAP */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */ begin /* STATSPACK body */ /* Query the database id, instance_number, database name, instance name and startup time for the instance we are working on */ /* Get information about the current instance */ open get_instance; fetch get_instance into p_instance_number, p_instance_name , p_startup_time, p_parallel, p_version , p_host_name; close get_instance; /* Select the database info for the db connected to */ open get_db; fetch get_db into p_dbid, p_name, p_platform_name; close get_db; /* Keep the package */ sys.dbms_shared_pool.keep('PERFSTAT.STATSPACK', 'P'); /* Determine if the instance has been restarted since the previous snapshot */ begin select 1 into p_new_sga from stats$database_instance where startup_time = p_startup_time and dbid = p_dbid and instance_number = p_instance_number; exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then p_new_sga := 0; end; end STATSPACK; / show errors; /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ prompt prompt NOTE: prompt SPCPKG complete. Please check spcpkg.lis for any errors. prompt spool off; whenever sqlerror continue; set echo on;