Rem Rem $Header: rdbms/admin/spawrrac.sql /main/8 2008/10/13 14:42:23 cgervasi Exp $ Rem Rem spawrrac.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2007, 2008, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem spawrrac.sql - Server Performance AWR RAC report Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem This scripts generates a global AWR report to report Rem performance statistics on all nodes of a cluster. Rem Rem NOTES Rem Usually run as SYSDBA Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem cgervasi 10/09/08 - fix formatting Rem cgervasi 06/05/08 - add sql ordered by user io Rem cgervasi 05/28/08 - add remaster stats, iostat Rem cgervasi 04/21/08 - fix divide-by-zero errors Rem cgervasi 01/17/08 - fix SQL captured pct Rem cgervasi 01/03/08 - fix divide-by-zero for current blocks Rem cgervasi 11/07/07 - change headings for Wait Events Rem cgervasi 09/19/07 - add %Total for more segment statistics Rem cgervasi 08/21/07 - add wait event summary; avg/stddev/min/max Rem cgervasi 06/29/07 - general cleanup Rem cgervasi 05/16/07 - use fg statistics for wait events and classes Rem cgervasi 04/03/07 - add new columns inst_cache_transfer Rem cgervasi 04/02/07 - add interconnect stats Rem cgervasi 03/15/07 - use 11g pivot syntax Rem cgervasi 02/28/07 - check in; additional sections Rem cdgreen 08/23/06 - Created with cgervasi Rem set longchunksize 5000 -- -- Get the report settings Rem ------------- Beginning of ----------- Rem ------------- Customer Configurable Report Settings ----------- -- -- Snapshot related report settings -- The default number of days of snapshots to list when displaying the -- list of snapshots to choose the begin and end snapshot Ids from. -- -- List all snapshots --define num_days = ''; -- -- List last 31 days define num_days = 31; -- -- List no (i.e. 0) snapshots -- define num_days = 0; -- ---------------------------------------- -- Number of events to display in Top Timed Events define top_n_events = 10; -- -- SQL related report settings -- Number of Rows of SQL to display in each SQL section of the report define top_n_sql = 20; -- -- Segment Statistics -- Number of segments to display for each segstat category define top_n_segstat = 10; Rem ------------- End of ----------- Rem ------------- Customer Configurable Report Settings ----------- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- clear break compute; repfooter off; ttitle off; btitle off; set timing off veri off space 1 flush on pause off termout on numwidth 10; set echo off feedback off pagesize 60 linesize 185 newpage 1 recsep off; set trimspool on trimout on define "&" concat "." serveroutput on; -- -- Must not be modified -- Bytes to megabytes define btomb = 1048576; -- Bytes to kilobytes define btokb = 1024; -- Microseconds to milli-seconds define ustoms = 1000; -- Microseconds to seconds define ustos = 1000000; -- Centiseconds to seconds define cstos = 100; -- Centiseconds to milli-seconds define cstoms = 10; -- -- Request the DB Id column instt_num heading "Inst Num" format 99999; column instt_name heading "Instance" format a12; column dbb_name heading "DB Name" format a12; column dbbid heading "DB Id" format 9999999999 just c; column host heading "Host" format a12; column instt_tot heading "Instance|Count" format 999 prompt prompt prompt Instances in this AWR schema prompt ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ select dbid dbbid , db_name dbb_name , count(distinct instance_number) instt_tot from dba_hist_database_instance group by dbid, db_name order by dbid; prompt prompt Using &&dbid for database Id -- -- Set up the binds for dbid variable dbid number; begin :dbid := &dbid; end; / -- -- Gather max snap time column max_snap_time new_value max_snap_time noprint select to_char(max(end_interval_time),'yyyy/mm/dd') max_snap_time from dba_hist_snapshot where dbid = :dbid; -- -- Ask how many days of snapshots to display set termout on; column instart_fmt noprint; column inst_name format a12 heading 'Instance'; column db_name format a12 heading 'DB Name'; column snap_id format 99999990 heading 'Snap Id'; column snapdat format a17 heading 'End Interval Time' column lvl format 99 heading 'Snap|Level'; prompt prompt prompt Specify the number of days of snapshots to choose from prompt ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ prompt Entering the number of days (n) will result in the most recent prompt (n) days of snapshots being listed. Pressing without prompt specifying a number lists all completed snapshots. prompt prompt set heading off; column num_days new_value num_days noprint; select 'Listing ' || decode( nvl('&&num_days', to_number('3.14','9D99','nls_numeric_characters=''.,''')) , to_number('3.14','9D99','nls_numeric_characters=''.,'''), 'all Completed Snapshots' , 0 , 'no snapshots' , 1 , 'the last day''s Completed Snapshots' , 'the last &num_days days of Completed Snapshots') , nvl('&&num_days', to_number('3.14','9D99','nls_numeric_characters=''.,''')) num_days from sys.dual; set heading on; -- -- List available snapshots break on inst_name on db_name on host on instart_fmt skip 1; ttitle off; column instances_up format 9999 heading 'Instance|Count' column db_name new_value db_name select min(s.startup_time) instart_fmt -- di.instance_name inst_name , di.db_name db_name , s.snap_id snap_id , to_char(s.end_interval_time,'dd Mon YYYY HH24:mi') snapdat , s.snap_level lvl , count(1) instances_up from dba_hist_snapshot s , dba_hist_database_instance di where s.dbid = :dbid and di.dbid = :dbid and di.dbid = s.dbid and di.instance_number = s.instance_number and di.startup_time = s.startup_time and s.end_interval_time >= decode(to_number('&num_days') , to_number('3.14','9D99','nls_numeric_characters=''.,'''), s.end_interval_time , 0 , to_date('31-JAN-9999','DD-MON-YYYY') , to_date('&&max_snap_time','yyyy/mm/dd') - (to_number('&num_days') - 1)) group by di.db_name , s.snap_id , to_char(s.end_interval_time,'dd Mon YYYY HH24:mi') , s.snap_level order by db_name, snap_id; clear break compute; ttitle off; -- -- Ask for the snapshots Id's which are to be compared prompt prompt prompt Specify the Begin and End Snapshot Ids prompt ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ prompt Begin Snapshot Id specified: &&begin_snap prompt prompt End Snapshot Id specified: &&end_snap prompt -- -- Set up the snapshot-related binds variable bid number; variable eid number; begin :bid := &begin_snap; :eid := &end_snap; end; / prompt -- in case there were no snapshot lists displayed, at least get end snap set termout off column db_name new_value db_name noprint select nvl('&&db_name',db_name) db_name from dba_hist_snapshot s , dba_hist_database_instance di where s.dbid = :dbid and di.dbid = :dbid and di.dbid = s.dbid and di.instance_number = s.instance_number and di.startup_time = s.startup_time and s.snap_id = :eid; -- Use report name if specified, otherwise prompt user for output file -- name (specify default), then begin spooling set termout off; column dflt_name new_value dflt_name noprint; select 'spawrrac_'|| :bid||'_'||:eid dflt_name from dual; set termout on; prompt prompt Specify the Report Name prompt ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ prompt The default report file name is &dflt_name.. To use this name, prompt press to continue, otherwise enter an alternative. prompt set heading off; column report_name new_value report_name noprint; select 'Using the report name ' || nvl('&&report_name','&dflt_name') , decode( instr(nvl('&&report_name','&dflt_name'),'.'), 0, nvl('&&report_name','&dflt_name')||'.lst' , nvl('&&report_name','&dflt_name')) report_name from sys.dual; prompt -- -- Standard formatting column chr4n format a4 newline column ch5 format a5 column ch5 format a5 column ch6 format a6 column ch6n format a6 newline column ch7 format a7 column ch7n format a7 newline column ch9 format a9 column ch14n format a14 newline column ch16t format a16 trunc column ch17 format a17 column ch17n format a17 newline column ch18n format a18 newline column ch19 format a19 column ch19n format a19 newline column ch21 format a21 column ch21n format a21 newline column ch22 format a22 column ch22n format a22 newline column ch23 format a23 column ch23n format a23 newline column ch24 format a24 column ch24n format a24 newline column ch25 format a25 column ch25n format a25 newline column ch20 format a20 column ch20n format a20 newline column ch32n format a32 newline column ch40n format a40 newline column ch42n format a42 newline column ch43n format a43 newline column ch52n format a52 newline just r column ch53n format a53 newline column ch59n format a59 newline just r column ch78n format a78 newline column ch80n format a80 newline column num3 format 999 just left column num3_2 format 999.99 column num3_2n format 999.99 newline column num4c format 9,999 column num4c_2 format 9,999.99 column num4c_2n format 9,999.99 newline column num5c format 99,999 column num6c format 999,999 column num6c_2 format 999,999.99 column num6c_2n format 999,999.99 newline column num6cn format 999,999 newline column num7c format 9,999,999 column num7c_2 format 9,999,999.99 column num8c format 99,999,999 column num8cn format 99,999,999 newline column num8c_2 format 99,999,999.99 column num8cn format 99,999,999 newline column num9c format 999,999,999 column num9cn format 999,999,999 newline column num10c format 9,999,999,999 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Gather information for use in later sections /* calculate system totals for use in SQL section */ set heading off termout off feedback off ttitle off repfooter off col bnuminst new_value bnuminst noprint col enuminst new_value enuminst noprint select sum(case when snap_id = :bid then 1 else 0 end) bnuminst , sum(case when snap_id = :eid then 1 else 0 end) enuminst from dba_hist_snapshot where snap_id in (:bid, :eid) and dbid = :dbid; col tdbtim new_value tdbtim noprint col tdbcpu new_value tdbcpu noprint col tbgtim new_value tbgtim noprint col tbgcpu new_value tbgcpu noprint col tgets new_value tgets noprint col trds new_value trds noprint col trdds new_value trdds noprint col twrs new_value twrs noprint col twrds new_value twrds noprint col tdbch new_value tdbch noprint col ttslt new_value ttslt noprint col tiffs new_value tiffs noprint col texecs new_value texecs noprint col tclutm new_value tclutm noprint col tiowtm new_value tiowtm noprint col tgccrr new_value tgccrr noprint col tgccur new_value tgccur noprint col tgccrs new_value tgccrs noprint col tgccus new_value tgccus noprint col tucm new_value tucm noprint col tur new_value tur noprint select * from ((select e.stat_name , (e.value - nvl(b.value,0)) value from dba_hist_sys_time_model b , dba_hist_sys_time_model e where e.dbid = :dbid and e.dbid = b.dbid (+) and e.instance_number = b.instance_number (+) and e.snap_id = :eid and b.snap_id (+) = :bid and b.stat_id (+) = e.stat_id and e.stat_name in ('DB time','DB CPU' ,'background elapsed time','background cpu time')) pivot (sum(value) for stat_name in ('DB time' tdbtim ,'DB CPU' tdbcpu ,'background elapsed time' tbgtim ,'background cpu time' tbgcpu))); select * from ((select e.stat_name , (e.value - nvl(b.value,0)) value from dba_hist_sysstat b , dba_hist_sysstat e where e.dbid = :dbid and e.dbid = b.dbid (+) and e.instance_number = b.instance_number (+) and e.snap_id = :eid and b.snap_id (+) = :bid and b.stat_id (+) = e.stat_id and e.stat_name in ('session logical reads', 'db block changes' ,'physical reads', 'physical reads direct' ,'physical writes', 'physical writes direct' ,'execute count' , 'index fast full scans (full)', 'table scans (long tables)' , 'gc cr blocks received', 'gc current blocks received' , 'gc cr blocks served', 'gc current blocks served' , 'user commits', 'user rollbacks')) pivot (sum(value) for stat_name in ('session logical reads' tgets ,'db block changes' tdbch ,'physical reads' trds ,'physical reads direct' trdds ,'physical writes' twrs ,'physical writes direct' twrds ,'execute count' texecs ,'index fast full scans (full)' tiffs ,'table scans (long tables)' ttslt ,'gc cr blocks received' tgccrr ,'gc current blocks received' tgccur ,'gc cr blocks served' tgccrs ,'gc current blocks served' tgccus ,'user commits' tucm ,'user rollbacks' tur))); select * from ((select e.wait_class , sum(e.time_waited_micro - nvl(b.time_waited_micro,0)) twttm from dba_hist_system_event b , dba_hist_system_event e where e.dbid = :dbid and e.dbid = b.dbid (+) and e.instance_number = b.instance_number (+) and e.snap_id = :eid and b.snap_id (+) = :bid and e.event_id = b.event_id (+) and e.wait_class in ('Cluster', 'User I/O') group by e.wait_class)) pivot (sum(twttm) for wait_class in ('Cluster' tclutm ,'User I/O' tiowtm)); variable numinst number; variable tdbtim number; variable tdbcpu number; variable tbgtim number; variable tbgcpu number; variable tgets number; variable tdbch number; variable trds number; variable trdds number; variable twrs number; variable twrds number; variable texecs number; variable ttslt number; variable tiffs number; variable tts number; variable tclutm number; variable tiowtm number; variable tgccrr number variable tgccur number variable tgccrs number variable tgccus number variable tucm number variable tur number begin :numinst := &enuminst; :tdbtim := &tdbtim; :tdbcpu := &tdbcpu; :tbgtim := &tbgtim; :tbgcpu := &tbgcpu; :tgets := &tgets; :tdbch := &tdbch; :trds := &trds; :trdds := &trdds; :twrs := &twrs; :twrds := &twrds; :texecs := &texecs; :ttslt := &ttslt; :tiffs := &tiffs; :tclutm := to_number(trim('&tclutm')); -- to allow it to work in a non-RAC environment :tiowtm := &tiowtm; :tgccrr := &tgccrr; :tgccur := &tgccur; :tgccrs := &tgccrs; :tgccus := &tgccus; :tucm := &tucm; :tur := &tur; end; / -- ------------------------------------------------------------------ spool &report_name; set newpage 1 heading on prompt prompt Server Performance RAC report for Database &&db_name: Snaps &&begin_snap to &&end_snap prompt -- -- Summary Statistics -- -- -- Print database, instance, parallel, release, host and snapshot -- information set heading on column dbid format 9999999999 heading 'DB Id' column instance_number format 999 heading 'Inst #' column instance_name format a9 heading 'Instance' column host_name format a10 trunc heading 'Host' column startup_time format a15 trunc heading 'Startup' column begin_snap_time format a15 trunc heading 'Begin Snap Time' column end_snap_time format a15 trunc heading 'End Snap Time' column ela format 999,990.99 trunc heading 'Elapsed|Time (min)' just l; column dbtim format 999,990.99 trunc heading 'DB time (min)' just l; column up_time format 999,990.99 trunc heading 'Instance|Up Time(hrs)' just l; column version format a15 heading 'Release' column asess format 99,990.99 heading 'Avg Active|Sessions' select di.dbid, e.instance_number, di.instance_name, di.host_name , to_char(e.startup_time,'DD-Mon-YY HH24:MI') startup_time , to_char(b.end_interval_time,'DD-Mon-YY HH24:MI') begin_snap_time , to_char(e.end_interval_time,'DD-Mon-YY HH24:MI') end_snap_time , di.version ,(cast(e.end_interval_time as date)-cast(e.startup_time as date))*24 up_time ,(cast(e.end_interval_time as date)-cast(b.end_interval_time as date))*24*60 ela , st.value/&ustos/60 dbtim , (st.value/&ustos)/ ((cast(e.end_interval_time as date)-cast(b.end_interval_time as date))*24*3600) asess from dba_hist_database_instance di , dba_hist_snapshot b , dba_hist_snapshot e , (select se.dbid , se.instance_number , ((se.value - nvl(sb.value,0))) value from dba_hist_sys_time_model sb , dba_hist_sys_time_model se where se.dbid = :dbid and sb.snap_id = :bid and se.snap_id = :eid and se.dbid = sb.dbid and se.instance_number = sb.instance_number and se.stat_id = sb.stat_id and se.stat_name = sb.stat_name and se.stat_name = 'DB time') st where di.dbid = b.dbid and di.instance_number = b.instance_number and di.startup_time = b.startup_time and b.snap_id = :bid and b.dbid = e.dbid and b.instance_number = e.instance_number and e.snap_id = :eid and e.dbid = st.dbid and e.instance_number = st.instance_number and di.dbid = :dbid order by di.dbid, e.instance_number; -- -- Error reporting col warning format a80 heading 'WARNING' select 'WARNING: An instance was restarted during this interval - Data in the report is invalid' warning from dba_hist_snapshot b , dba_hist_snapshot e where b.snap_id = :bid and b.dbid = e.dbid and b.instance_number = e.instance_number and e.snap_id = :eid and b.dbid = :dbid and e.startup_time != b.startup_time; select 'WARNING: number of instances is not equal at begin and end snap' warning from dual where &bnuminst != &enuminst; -- ------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- Cache Sizes col instance_number heading 'I#' format 999 col mt format a21 heading 'Memory Target' just r col st format a21 heading 'SGA Target' just r col bc format a21 heading 'DB Cache' just r col sp format a21 heading 'Shared Pool' just r col lb format a21 heading 'Log Buffer' just r col pt format a21 heading 'PGA Target' just r -- memory_target and log_buffer values taken from v$parameter -- note, checks for mem_target changes, but this should not happen -- sga_target: use mem_dyn_comp if available, else use parameter -- default buffer cache and sp: -- use mem_dyn_comp if available, -- else use larger of parameter and double-underscore -- pga_aggregate_target -- use mem_dyn_comp if available -- else use pgastat if available, else use parameter -- NOTE: this displays set pat, not actual allocated select instance_number , lpad(case when mt_b > 0 and mt_e > 0 then case when mt_b = mt_e then to_char(mt_e/&&btomb,'999,999') || 'M' else ltrim(to_char(mt_b/&&btomb,'999,999')) || 'M/' || ltrim(to_char(mt_e/&&btomb,'999,999')) || 'M' end else null end,21) mt , lpad(case when sga_b > 0 and sga_b > 0 then case when sga_b = sga_e then to_char(sga_e/&&btomb,'999,999') || 'M' else ltrim(to_char(sga_b/&&btomb,'999,999')) || 'M/' || ltrim(to_char(sga_e/&&btomb,'999,999')) || 'M' end else null end,21) st , lpad(case when bc_b > 0 and bc_e > 0 then case when bc_b = bc_e then to_char(bc_e/&&btomb,'999,999') || 'M' else ltrim(to_char(bc_b/&&btomb,'999,999')) || 'M/' || ltrim(to_char(bc_e/&&btomb,'999,999')) || 'M' end else null end,21) bc , lpad(case when sp_b > 0 and sp_e > 0 then case when sp_b = sp_e then to_char(sp_e/&&btomb,'999,999') || 'M' else ltrim(to_char(sp_b/&&btomb,'999,999')) || 'M/' || ltrim(to_char(sp_e/&&btomb,'999,999')) || 'M' end else null end,21) sp , lpad(to_char(lb_e/&&btomb,'999,999') || 'M',21) lb , lpad(case when pt_b > 0 and pt_e > 0 then case when pt_b = pt_e then to_char(pt_e/&&btomb,'999,999') || 'M' else ltrim(to_char(pt_b/&&btomb,'999,999')) || 'M/' || ltrim(to_char(pt_e/&&btomb,'999,999')) || 'M' end else null end,21) pt from ( /* use mem_dyn_comp if available, otherwise get greater of parameter setting or double underscore */ select p.instance_number , mt_b , mt_e , lb_b , lb_e , case when mdc.sga_b is not null then mdc.sga_b -- get mem_dyn_comp if avail else p.sga_b -- else get param setting end sga_b , case when mdc.sga_e is not null then mdc.sga_e else p.sga_e end sga_e , case when mdc.bc_b is not null then mdc.bc_b -- get mem_dyn_comp if avail else greatest(p.bc_b, p.bcu_b) -- else get param or __ end bc_b , case when mdc.bc_e is not null then mdc.bc_e else greatest(p.bc_e, p.bcu_e) end bc_e , case when mdc.sp_b is not null then mdc.sp_b else greatest(p.sp_b, p.spu_b) end sp_b , case when mdc.sp_e is not null then mdc.sp_e else greatest(p.sp_e, p.spu_e) end sp_e , case when mdc.pt_b is not null then mdc.pt_b -- get mem_dyn_comp, if avail else nvl(pga.pt_b,p.pt_b) -- value from pgastat, if available end pt_b , case when mdc.pt_e is not null then mdc.pt_e -- get mem_dyn_comp, if avail else nvl(pga.pt_e,p.pt_e) -- value from pgastat, if available end pt_e from (( select se.instance_number , se.component , sb.current_size bval , se.current_size eval from dba_hist_mem_dynamic_comp sb , dba_hist_mem_dynamic_comp se where se.dbid = :dbid and sb.snap_id = :bid and se.snap_id = :eid and se.dbid = sb.dbid and se.instance_number = sb.instance_number and se.component = sb.component) pivot (max(bval) b, max(eval) e for component in ( 'SGA Target' sga , 'DEFAULT buffer cache' bc , 'shared pool' sp , 'PGA Target' pt ))) mdc , (( select se.instance_number , se.parameter_name , to_number(sb.value) bval , to_number(se.value) eval from dba_hist_parameter sb , dba_hist_parameter se where se.dbid = :dbid and sb.snap_id = :bid and se.snap_id = :eid and se.dbid = sb.dbid and se.instance_number = sb.instance_number and se.parameter_name = sb.parameter_name and se.parameter_hash = sb.parameter_hash and se.parameter_name in ('memory_target', 'log_buffer' , 'sga_target' , 'db_cache_size', '__db_cache_size' , 'shared_pool_size', '__shared_pool_size' , 'pga_aggregate_target')) pivot (max(bval) b, max(eval) e for parameter_name in ( 'memory_target' mt , 'log_buffer' lb , 'sga_target' sga , 'db_cache_size' bc , '__db_cache_size' bcu , 'shared_pool_size' sp , '__shared_pool_size' spu , 'pga_aggregate_target' pt))) p , ( select se.instance_number , sb.value pt_b , se.value pt_e from dba_hist_pgastat sb , dba_hist_pgastat se where se.dbid = :dbid and sb.snap_id = :bid and se.snap_id = :eid and se.dbid = sb.dbid and se.instance_number = sb.instance_number and = and'aggregate PGA target parameter') pga where mdc.instance_number (+)= p.instance_number and pga.instance_number (+)= p.instance_number ) order by instance_number; -- ------------------------------------------------------------------ set newpage 3 termout on heading on; -- -- OS Statistics ttitle lef 'OS Stat ' - center 'DB: ' db_name ' ' - 'Snaps: ' format 99999999 begin_snap '-' format 99999999 end_snap - skip 1 - '~~~~~~~' - skip 1 - ' Num CPU CPU Load Load ---- End (if different) ---'; break on report compute sum of busy_time on report; compute sum of idle_time on report; compute sum of total_time on report; col num_cpus format 999 heading 'CPUs' col num_cores format 999 heading 'Cores' col num_socks format 999 heading 'Sckts' col begin_load format 990.0 heading 'Begin' col end_load format 990.0 heading 'End' col busy_time format 999,999,990.0 heading 'Busy Time (s)' col idle_time format 999,999,990.0 heading 'Idle Time (s)' col total_time format 999,999,990.0 heading 'Total time (s)' col pct_busy format 990.0 heading '% Busy' col pct_user format 990.0 heading '% Usr' col pct_sys format 990.0 heading '% Sys' col pct_wio format 990.0 heading '% WIO' col pct_idl format 990.0 heading '% Idl' col mem_b format 99,990.0 heading 'Memory (M)' just r col num_cpus_e format 999 heading 'CPUs' col num_cores_e format 999 heading 'Cores' col num_socks_e format 999 heading 'Sckts' col mem_e format 99,990.0 heading 'Memory (M)' just l select instance_number , num_cpus_b num_cpus , num_cores_b num_cores , num_socks_b num_socks , load_b begin_load , load_e end_load , 100 * busy_time_v/decode(busy_time_v + idle_time_v,0,null,busy_time_v+idle_time_v) pct_busy , 100 * user_time_v/decode(busy_time_v + idle_time_v,0,null,busy_time_v+idle_time_v) pct_user , 100 * sys_time_v/decode(busy_time_v + idle_time_v,0,null,busy_time_v+idle_time_v) pct_sys , 100 * wio_time_v/decode(busy_time_v + idle_time_v,0,null,busy_time_v+idle_time_v) pct_wio , 100 * idle_time_v/decode(busy_time_v + idle_time_v,0,null,busy_time_v+idle_time_v) pct_idl , busy_time_v/&&cstos busy_time , idle_time_v/&&cstos idle_time , (busy_time_v + idle_time_v)/&&cstos total_time , mem_b/&btomb mem_b , case when num_cpus_b != num_cpus_e then num_cpus_e else null end num_cpus_e , case when num_cores_b != num_cores_e then num_cores_e else null end num_cores_e , case when num_socks_b != num_socks_e then num_socks_e else null end num_socks_e , case when mem_b != mem_e then mem_e/&btomb else null end mem_e from ((select se.instance_number , se.stat_name , sb.value bval , se.value eval , (se.value - nvl(sb.value,0)) value from dba_hist_osstat sb , dba_hist_osstat se where se.dbid = :dbid and sb.snap_id (+) = :bid and se.snap_id = :eid and se.dbid = sb.dbid (+) and se.instance_number = sb.instance_number (+) and se.stat_id = sb.stat_id (+)) pivot (sum(value) v, max(bval) b, max(eval) e for stat_name in ( 'NUM_CPUS' num_cpus ,'NUM_CPU_CORES' num_cores ,'NUM_CPU_SOCKETS' num_socks ,'LOAD' load ,'BUSY_TIME' busy_time ,'IDLE_TIME' idle_time ,'USER_TIME' user_time ,'SYS_TIME' sys_time ,'IOWAIT_TIME' wio_time ,'PHYSICAL_MEMORY_BYTES' mem))) order by instance_number; clear breaks computes -- ------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- Wait Classes -- col usr_io format 99,999,990.0 heading 'User I/O(s)' col usr_io_pct format 99,999,990.0 heading 'User I/O' col sys_io format 99,999,990.0 heading 'Sys I/O(s)' col sys_io_pct format 99,999,990.0 heading 'Sys I/O' col other format 99,999,990.0 heading 'Other(s)' col other_pct format 99,999,990.0 heading 'Other' col appl format 99,999,990.0 heading 'Applic (s)' col appl_pct format 99,999,990.0 heading 'Applic' col comm format 99,999,990.0 heading 'Commit (s)' col comm_pct format 99,999,990.0 heading 'Commit' col netw format 99,999,990.0 heading 'Network (s)' col netw_pct format 99,999,990.0 heading 'Network' col conc format 99,999,990.0 heading 'Concurcy (s)' col conc_pct format 99,999,990.0 heading 'Concurcy' col conf format 99,999,990.0 heading 'Config (s)' col conf_pct format 99,999,990.0 heading 'Config' col clu format 99,999,990.0 heading 'Cluster (s)' col clu_pct format 99,999,990.0 heading 'Cluster' col db_time format 999,999,990.0 heading 'DB time' col dbc format 99,999,990.0 heading 'DB CPU (s)' col dbc_pct format 99,999,990.0 heading 'DB CPU' -- -- Wait Classes as % of Total Db time ttitle skip 1 - lef 'Foreground Wait Classes - % of Total DB time ' - center 'DB: ' db_name ' ' - 'Snaps: ' format 99999999 begin_snap '-' format 99999999 end_snap - skip 1 - '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' - skip 1 - '-> Cluster-wide totals of wait class foreground wait times' - ' as a percentage of the cluster-wide DB time' - skip 2; col b4 format a4 heading ' ' select ' ' b4 , sum(usr_io)/decode(:tdbtim,0,null,:tdbtim)*100 usr_io_pct , sum(sys_io)/decode(:tdbtim,0,null,:tdbtim)*100 sys_io_pct , sum(other) /decode(:tdbtim,0,null,:tdbtim)*100 other_pct , sum(appl) /decode(:tdbtim,0,null,:tdbtim)*100 appl_pct , sum(comm) /decode(:tdbtim,0,null,:tdbtim)*100 comm_pct , sum(conc) /decode(:tdbtim,0,null,:tdbtim)*100 conc_pct , sum(conf) /decode(:tdbtim,0,null,:tdbtim)*100 conf_pct , sum(netw) /decode(:tdbtim,0,null,:tdbtim)*100 netw_pct , sum(clu) /decode(:tdbtim,0,null,:tdbtim)*100 clu_pct , sum(dbc) /decode(:tdbtim,0,null,:tdbtim)*100 dbc_pct from ( select * from ( select e.instance_number , e.wait_class wait_class , sum(case when e.time_waited_micro_fg is not null then e.time_waited_micro_fg - nvl(b.time_waited_micro_fg,0) else (e.time_waited_micro - nvl(b.time_waited_micro,0)) - greatest(0,(nvl(ebg.time_waited_micro,0) - nvl(bbg.time_waited_micro,0))) end) twm from dba_hist_system_event b , dba_hist_system_event e , dba_hist_bg_event_summary bbg , dba_hist_bg_event_summary ebg where b.snap_id (+) = :bid and e.snap_id = :eid and bbg.snap_id (+) = :bid and ebg.snap_id (+) = :eid and e.dbid = :dbid and e.dbid = b.dbid (+) and e.instance_number = b.instance_number (+) and e.event_id = b.event_id (+) and e.dbid = ebg.dbid (+) and e.instance_number = ebg.instance_number (+) and e.event_id = ebg.event_id (+) and e.dbid = bbg.dbid (+) and e.instance_number = bbg.instance_number (+) and e.event_id = bbg.event_id (+) and e.total_waits > nvl(b.total_waits,0) and e.wait_class != 'Idle' group by e.wait_class, e.instance_number) pivot (sum(twm) for wait_class in ( 'User I/O' usr_io , 'System I/O' sys_io , 'Other' other , 'Application' appl , 'Commit' comm , 'Concurrency' conc , 'Configuration' conf , 'Network' netw , 'Cluster' clu)) ) s , ((select e.instance_number , e.stat_name , (e.value - nvl(b.value,0)) value from dba_hist_sys_time_model e , dba_hist_sys_time_model b where e.dbid = :dbid and e.dbid = b.dbid (+) and e.instance_number = b.instance_number (+) and e.snap_id = :eid and b.snap_id (+) = :bid and e.stat_id = b.stat_id (+) and e.stat_name in ('DB time','DB CPU')) pivot (sum(value) for stat_name in ( 'DB time' dbt , 'DB CPU' dbc)) ) st where s.instance_number = st.instance_number; ttitle skip 1 - lef 'Foreground Wait Classes '- skip 1 - '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' - skip 2; -- col dbt noprint break on report compute sum avg std of usr_io on report; compute sum avg std of sys_io on report; compute sum avg std of other on report; compute sum avg std of appl on report; compute sum avg std of comm on report; compute sum avg std of netw on report; compute sum avg std of conc on report; compute sum avg std of conf on report; compute sum avg std of clu on report; compute sum avg std of dbc on report; compute sum avg std of db_time on report; select s.instance_number , usr_io/&ustos usr_io , sys_io/&ustos sys_io , other/&ustos other , appl/&ustos appl , comm/&ustos comm , conc/&ustos conc , conf/&ustos conf , netw/&ustos netw , clu/&ustos clu , dbc/&ustos dbc , dbt/&ustos db_time from ( select * from ( select e.instance_number , e.wait_class wait_class , sum(case when e.time_waited_micro_fg is not null then e.time_waited_micro_fg - nvl(b.time_waited_micro_fg,0) else (e.time_waited_micro - nvl(b.time_waited_micro,0)) - greatest(0,(nvl(ebg.time_waited_micro,0) - nvl(bbg.time_waited_micro,0))) end) twm from dba_hist_system_event b , dba_hist_system_event e , dba_hist_bg_event_summary bbg , dba_hist_bg_event_summary ebg where b.snap_id (+) = :bid and e.snap_id = :eid and bbg.snap_id (+) = :bid and ebg.snap_id (+) = :eid and e.dbid = :dbid and e.dbid = b.dbid (+) and e.instance_number = b.instance_number (+) and e.event_id = b.event_id (+) and e.dbid = ebg.dbid (+) and e.instance_number = ebg.instance_number (+) and e.event_id = ebg.event_id (+) and e.dbid = bbg.dbid (+) and e.instance_number = bbg.instance_number (+) and e.event_id = bbg.event_id (+) and e.total_waits > nvl(b.total_waits,0) and e.wait_class != 'Idle' group by e.wait_class, e.instance_number) pivot (sum(twm) for wait_class in ( 'User I/O' usr_io , 'System I/O' sys_io , 'Other' other , 'Application' appl , 'Commit' comm , 'Concurrency' conc , 'Configuration' conf , 'Network' netw , 'Cluster' clu)) ) s , ((select e.instance_number , e.stat_name , (e.value - nvl(b.value,0)) value from dba_hist_sys_time_model e , dba_hist_sys_time_model b where e.dbid = :dbid and e.dbid = b.dbid (+) and e.instance_number = b.instance_number (+) and e.snap_id = :eid and b.snap_id (+) = :bid and e.stat_id = b.stat_id (+) and e.stat_name in ('DB time','DB CPU')) pivot (sum(value) for stat_name in ( 'DB time' dbt , 'DB CPU' dbc)) ) st where s.instance_number = st.instance_number order by s.instance_number; clear computes set newpage 1 ttitle skip 1 - lef 'Foreground Wait Classes - % of DB time ' - skip 1 - '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' - skip 1 - '-> % of Total DB time - instance DB time as a percentage' - ' of the cluster-wide total DB time' - skip 2; compute avg of usr_io_pct on report; compute avg of sys_io_pct on report; compute avg of other_pct on report; compute avg of appl_pct on report; compute avg of comm_pct on report; compute avg of netw_pct on report; compute avg of conc_pct on report; compute avg of conf_pct on report; compute avg of clu_pct on report; compute avg of dbc_pct on report; col db_time format 99,999,990.0 heading '% Total|DB time' select s.instance_number , usr_io/decode(dbt,0,null,dbt)*100 usr_io_pct , sys_io/decode(dbt,0,null,dbt)*100 sys_io_pct , other /decode(dbt,0,null,dbt)*100 other_pct , appl /decode(dbt,0,null,dbt)*100 appl_pct , comm /decode(dbt,0,null,dbt)*100 comm_pct , conc /decode(dbt,0,null,dbt)*100 conc_pct , conf /decode(dbt,0,null,dbt)*100 conf_pct , netw /decode(dbt,0,null,dbt)*100 netw_pct , clu /decode(dbt,0,null,dbt)*100 clu_pct , dbc /decode(dbt,0,null,dbt)*100 dbc_pct , dbt /decode(:tdbtim,0,null,:tdbtim)*100 db_time from ( select * from ( select e.instance_number , e.wait_class wait_class , sum(case when e.time_waited_micro_fg is not null then e.time_waited_micro_fg - nvl(b.time_waited_micro_fg,0) else (e.time_waited_micro - nvl(b.time_waited_micro,0)) - greatest(0,(nvl(ebg.time_waited_micro,0) - nvl(bbg.time_waited_micro,0))) end) twm from dba_hist_system_event b , dba_hist_system_event e , dba_hist_bg_event_summary bbg , dba_hist_bg_event_summary ebg where b.snap_id (+) = :bid and e.snap_id = :eid and bbg.snap_id (+) = :bid and ebg.snap_id (+) = :eid and e.dbid = :dbid and e.dbid = b.dbid (+) and e.instance_number = b.instance_number (+) and e.event_id = b.event_id (+) and e.dbid = ebg.dbid (+) and e.instance_number = ebg.instance_number (+) and e.event_id = ebg.event_id (+) and e.dbid = bbg.dbid (+) and e.instance_number = bbg.instance_number (+) and e.event_id = bbg.event_id (+) and e.total_waits > nvl(b.total_waits,0) and e.wait_class != 'Idle' group by e.wait_class, e.instance_number) pivot (sum(twm) for wait_class in ( 'User I/O' usr_io , 'System I/O' sys_io , 'Other' other , 'Application' appl , 'Commit' comm , 'Concurrency' conc , 'Configuration' conf , 'Network' netw , 'Cluster' clu)) ) s , ((select e.instance_number , e.stat_name , (e.value - nvl(b.value,0)) value from dba_hist_sys_time_model e , dba_hist_sys_time_model b where e.dbid = :dbid and e.dbid = b.dbid (+) and e.instance_number = b.instance_number (+) and e.snap_id = :eid and b.snap_id (+) = :bid and e.stat_id = b.stat_id (+) and e.stat_name in ('DB time','DB CPU')) pivot (sum(value) for stat_name in ( 'DB time' dbt , 'DB CPU' dbc)) ) st where s.instance_number = st.instance_number order by s.instance_number; clear breaks computes -- ------------------------------------------------------------ set newpage 0 -- -- Time Model Stats -- ttitle lef 'Time Model ' - center 'DB: ' db_name ' ' - 'Snaps: ' format 99999999 begin_snap '-' format 99999999 end_snap - skip 1 - '~~~~~~~~~~' - skip 1; break on report compute sum avg std of db_cpu on report; compute sum avg std of db_time on report; compute sum avg std of bg_cpu on report; compute sum avg std of bg_time on report; compute sum avg std of sqlexec_time on report; compute sum avg std of parse_time on report; compute sum avg std of hparse_time on report; compute sum avg std of plsql_time on report; compute sum avg std of java_time on report; col db_cpu format 999,999,990.0 heading 'DB CPU (s)' col db_time format 999,999,990.0 heading 'DB time (s)' col bg_cpu format 999,999,990.0 heading 'bg CPU (s)' col bg_time format 999,999,990.0 heading 'bg time (s)' col sqlexec_time format 999,999,990.0 heading 'SQL Exec|Ela (s)' col parse_time format 999,999,990.0 heading 'Parse Ela (s)' col hparse_time format 999,999,990.0 heading 'Hard Parse|Ela (s)' col plsql_time format 999,999,990.0 heading 'PL/SQL Ela (s)' col java_time format 999,999,990.0 heading 'Java Ela (s)' select instance_number , db_time/&&ustos db_time , db_cpu/&&ustos db_cpu , sqlexec_time/&&ustos sqlexec_time , parse_time/&&ustos parse_time , hparse_time/&&ustos hparse_time , (nvl(plsql_time,0) + nvl(plsql_comp,0) + nvl(plsql_inb,0))/&&ustos plsql_time , java_time/&&ustos java_time , bg_time/&&ustos bg_time , bg_cpu/&&ustos bg_cpu from ((select se.instance_number , se.stat_name , ((se.value - nvl(sb.value,0))) value from dba_hist_sys_time_model sb , dba_hist_sys_time_model se where se.dbid = :dbid and sb.snap_id (+) = :bid and se.snap_id = :eid and se.dbid = sb.dbid (+) and se.instance_number = sb.instance_number (+) and se.stat_id = sb.stat_id (+)) pivot (sum(value) for stat_name in ( 'DB time' db_time ,'DB CPU' db_cpu ,'sql execute elapsed time' sqlexec_time ,'parse time elapsed' parse_time ,'hard parse elapsed time' hparse_time ,'PL/SQL execution elapsed time' plsql_time ,'PL/SQL compilation elapsed time' plsql_comp ,'inbound PL/SQL rpc elapsed time' plsql_inb ,'Java execution elapsed time' java_time ,'background elapsed time' bg_time ,'background cpu time' bg_cpu))) order by instance_number; set newpage 1 ttitle lef 'Time Model - % of DB time' - skip 1 - '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' - skip 1 - '-> % Total [DB time|bg time] - instance [DB time|bg time]' - ' as a percentage of the cluster-wide total [DB time|bg time]' - skip 2; compute avg of cpu_pct_dbt on report compute avg of bg_cpu_pct_dbt on report compute avg of sql_pct_dbt on report compute avg of parse_pct_dbt on report compute avg of hparse_pct_dbt on report compute avg of plsql_pct_dbt on report compute avg of java_pct_dbt on report compute avg of dbt_pct_tdbt on report compute avg of bgt_pct_tbgt on report col cpu_pct_dbt format 999,999,990.0 heading 'DB CPU |%DB time' col bg_cpu_pct_dbt format 999,999,990.0 heading 'bg CPU |%bg time' col sql_pct_dbt format 999,999,990.0 heading 'SQL Exec Ela|%DB time' col parse_pct_dbt format 999,999,990.0 heading 'Parse Ela|%DB time' col hparse_pct_dbt format 999,999,990.0 heading 'Hard Parse|%DB time' col plsql_pct_dbt format 999,999,990.0 heading 'PL/SQL Ela|%DB time' col java_pct_dbt format 999,999,990.0 heading 'Java Ela|%DB time' col dbt_pct_tdbt format 999,999,990.0 heading '% Total|DB time' col bgt_pct_tbgt format 999,999,990.0 heading '% Total|bg time' select instance_number , db_time/decode(:tdbtim,0,null,:tdbtim)*100 dbt_pct_tdbt , db_cpu/decode(db_time,0,null,db_time)*100 cpu_pct_dbt , sqlexec_time/decode(db_time,0,null,db_time)*100 sql_pct_dbt , parse_time/decode(db_time,0,null,db_time)*100 parse_pct_dbt , hparse_time/decode(db_time,0,null,db_time)*100 hparse_pct_dbt , (nvl(plsql_time,0) + nvl(plsql_comp,0) + nvl(plsql_inb,0))/ (decode(db_time,0,null,db_time)*100) plsql_pct_dbt , java_time/decode(db_time,0,null,db_time)*100 java_pct_dbt , bg_time/decode(:tbgtim,0,null,:tbgtim)*100 bgt_pct_tbgt , bg_cpu/decode(bg_time,0,null,bg_time)*100 bg_cpu_pct_dbt from ((select se.instance_number , se.stat_name , (se.value - nvl(sb.value,0)) value from dba_hist_sys_time_model sb , dba_hist_sys_time_model se where se.dbid = :dbid and sb.snap_id (+) = :bid and se.snap_id = :eid and se.dbid = sb.dbid (+) and se.instance_number = sb.instance_number (+) and se.stat_id = sb.stat_id (+)) pivot (sum(value) for stat_name in ( 'DB time' db_time ,'DB CPU' db_cpu ,'sql execute elapsed time' sqlexec_time ,'parse time elapsed' parse_time ,'hard parse elapsed time' hparse_time ,'PL/SQL execution elapsed time' plsql_time ,'PL/SQL compilation elapsed time' plsql_comp ,'inbound PL/SQL rpc elapsed time' plsql_inb ,'Java execution elapsed time' java_time ,'background elapsed time' bg_time ,'background cpu time' bg_cpu))) order by instance_number; clear breaks computes -- ------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- SysStats -- set newpage 0 ttitle skip 1 - lef 'SysStat '- center 'DB: ' db_name ' ' - 'Snaps: ' format 99999999 begin_snap '-' format 99999999 end_snap - skip 1 - '~~~~~~~'- skip 2; break on report compute sum avg std of slr on report compute sum avg std of slr_ps on report compute sum avg std of phyr on report compute sum avg std of phyr_ps on report compute sum avg std of phyw on report compute sum avg std of phyw_ps on report compute sum avg std of rdos on report compute sum avg std of rdos_ps on report compute sum avg std of blkc on report compute sum avg std of blkc_ps on report compute sum avg std of uc on report compute sum avg std of uc_ps on report compute sum avg std of ec on report compute sum avg std of ec_ps on report compute sum avg std of pc on report compute sum avg std of pc_ps on report compute sum avg std of lc on report compute sum avg std of lc_ps on report compute avg of slr_pt on report compute avg of phyr_pt on report compute avg of phyw_pt on report compute avg of rdos_pt on report compute avg of blkc_pt on report compute avg of uc_pt on report compute avg of ec_pt on report compute avg of pc_pt on report compute avg of lc_pt on report compute sum avg std of tx on report compute sum avg std of tps on report col instance_number heading 'I#' format 999 col slr heading 'Logical|Reads' format 99,999,999,999 col slr_ps heading 'Logical|Reads/s' format 999,999,990.90 col slr_pt heading 'Logical|Reads/tx' format 999,999,990.90 col phyr heading 'Physical|Reads' format 999,999,999 col phyr_ps heading 'Physical|Reads/s' format 9,999,990.0 col phyr_pt heading 'Physical|Reads/tx' format 9,999,990.0 col phyw heading 'Physical|Writes' format 999,999,999 col phyw_ps heading 'Physical|Writes/s' format 9,999,990.0 col phyw_pt heading 'Physical|Writes/tx' format 9,999,990.0 col rdow heading 'Redo Writes' format 999,999,999 col rdow_ps heading 'Redo |Wrtes/s' format 9,999,990.0 col rdow_pt heading 'Redo |Writes/tx' format 9,999,990.0 col rdos heading 'Redo|Size (k)' format 999,999,999 col rdos_ps heading 'Redo|Size (k)/s' format 9,999,990.0 col rdos_pt heading 'Redo|Size (k)/tx' format 9,999,990.0 col blkc heading 'Block|Changes' format 999,999,999 col blkc_ps heading 'Block|Changes/s' format 9,999,990.0 col blkc_pt heading 'Block|Changes/tx' format 9,999,990.0 col uc heading 'User|Calls' format 999,999,999 col uc_ps heading 'User|Calls/s' format 9,999,990.0 col uc_pt heading 'User|Calls/tx' format 9,999,990.0 col ec heading 'Execs' format 999,999,999 col ec_ps heading 'Execs/s' format 9,999,990.0 col ec_pt heading 'Execs/tx' format 9,999,990.0 col pc heading 'Parses' format 999,999,999 col pc_ps heading 'Parses/s' format 9,999,990.0 col pc_pt heading 'Parses/tx' format 9,999,990.0 col lc heading 'Logons' format 9,999,999 col lc_ps heading 'Logons/s' format 99,990.90 col lc_pt heading 'Logons/tx' format 99,990.90 col s_et heading 'Elapsed (s)' noprint -- col s_et heading 'Elapsed (s)' col tx heading 'Txns' format 999,999,999 col tps heading 'Txns/s' format 9,999,990.0 select instance_number , slr , phyr , phyw , rdos/&btokb rdos , blkc , uc , ec , pc , lc , ucom+urol tx from ((select se.instance_number , se.stat_name , (se.value - nvl(sb.value,0)) value from dba_hist_sysstat sb , dba_hist_sysstat se where se.dbid = :dbid and sb.snap_id (+) = :bid and se.snap_id = :eid and se.dbid = sb.dbid (+) and se.instance_number = sb.instance_number (+) and se.stat_id = sb.stat_id (+) and se.stat_name in ( 'session logical reads', 'physical reads' , 'physical writes' , 'db block changes' , 'user calls', 'execute count' , 'redo size', 'parse count (total)' , 'logons cumulative' , 'user commits','user rollbacks' )) pivot (sum(value) for stat_name in ( 'session logical reads' slr ,'physical reads' phyr ,'physical writes' phyw ,'redo size' rdos ,'db block changes' blkc ,'user calls' uc ,'execute count' ec ,'parse count (total)' pc ,'logons cumulative' lc ,'user commits' ucom ,'user rollbacks' urol))) order by instance_number; set newpage 1 ttitle lef 'SysStat per Sec '- skip 1 - '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' - skip 2; select st.instance_number , slr/s_et slr_ps , phyr/s_et phyr_ps , phyw/s_et phyw_ps , rdos/&btokb/s_et rdos_ps , blkc/s_et blkc_ps , uc/s_et uc_ps , ec/s_et ec_ps , pc/s_et pc_ps , lc/s_et lc_ps , (ucom+urol)/s_et tps , s_et from ((select se.instance_number , se.stat_name , (se.value - nvl(sb.value,0)) value from dba_hist_sysstat sb , dba_hist_sysstat se where se.dbid = :dbid and sb.snap_id (+) = :bid and se.snap_id = :eid and se.dbid = sb.dbid (+) and se.instance_number = sb.instance_number (+) and se.stat_id = sb.stat_id (+) and se.stat_name in ( 'session logical reads', 'physical reads' , 'physical writes' , 'db block changes' , 'user calls', 'execute count' , 'redo size', 'parse count (total)' , 'logons cumulative' , 'user commits','user rollbacks' )) pivot (sum(value) for stat_name in ( 'session logical reads' slr ,'physical reads' phyr ,'physical writes' phyw ,'redo size' rdos ,'db block changes' blkc ,'user calls' uc ,'execute count' ec ,'parse count (total)' pc ,'logons cumulative' lc ,'user commits' ucom ,'user rollbacks' urol))) st , (select e.instance_number , extract(DAY from e.end_interval_time - b.end_interval_time) * 86400 + extract(HOUR from e.end_interval_time - b.end_interval_time) * 3600 + extract(MINUTE from e.end_interval_time - b.end_interval_time) * 60 + extract(SECOND from e.end_interval_time - b.end_interval_time) s_et from dba_hist_snapshot e , dba_hist_snapshot b where e.dbid = :dbid and b.snap_id = :bid and e.snap_id = :eid and e.dbid = b.dbid and e.instance_number = b.instance_number ) s where st.instance_number = s.instance_number order by st.instance_number; -- -- Per Tx ttitle lef 'SysStat per Tx '- skip 1 - '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' - skip 2; select instance_number , slr/decode((ucom+urol),0,1,(ucom+urol)) slr_pt , phyr/decode((ucom+urol),0,1,(ucom+urol)) phyr_pt , phyw/decode((ucom+urol),0,1,(ucom+urol)) phyw_pt , rdos/&btokb/decode((ucom+urol),0,1,(ucom+urol)) rdos_pt , blkc/decode((ucom+urol),0,1,(ucom+urol)) blkc_pt , uc/decode((ucom+urol),0,1,(ucom+urol)) uc_pt , ec/decode((ucom+urol),0,1,(ucom+urol)) ec_pt , pc/decode((ucom+urol),0,1,(ucom+urol)) pc_pt , lc/decode((ucom+urol),0,1,(ucom+urol)) lc_pt from ((select se.instance_number , se.stat_name , (se.value - nvl(sb.value,0)) value from dba_hist_sysstat sb , dba_hist_sysstat se where se.dbid = :dbid and sb.snap_id (+) = :bid and se.snap_id = :eid and se.dbid = sb.dbid (+) and se.instance_number = sb.instance_number (+) and se.stat_id = sb.stat_id (+) and se.stat_name in ( 'session logical reads', 'physical reads' , 'physical writes' , 'db block changes' , 'user calls', 'execute count' , 'redo size', 'parse count (total)' , 'logons cumulative' , 'user commits','user rollbacks' )) pivot (sum(value) for stat_name in ( 'session logical reads' slr ,'physical reads' phyr ,'physical writes' phyw ,'redo size' rdos ,'db block changes' blkc ,'user calls' uc ,'execute count' ec ,'parse count (total)' pc ,'logons cumulative' lc ,'user commits' ucom ,'user rollbacks' urol))) order by instance_number; clear breaks computes -- ------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- GC Summaries -- set newpage 0; ttitle skip 1 - 'Global Cache Efficiency Percentages ' - center 'DB: ' db_name ' ' - 'Snaps: ' format 99999999 begin_snap '-' format 99999999 end_snap - skip 1 - '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' - skip 2 - ' ------ Buffer Access --------' - skip 1; col lc format 999,990.90 heading 'Local %' col rc format 9990.90 heading 'Remote %' col dsk format 9990.90 heading 'Disk %' select st.instance_number , (100*(1-(phyrc + gccrrv + gccurv)/(cgfc+dbfc))) lc , (100*(gccurv+gccrrv)/(cgfc+dbfc)) rc , (100*phyrc/(cgfc+dbfc)) dsk from ((select se.instance_number , se.stat_name , (se.value - nvl(sb.value,0)) value from dba_hist_sysstat sb , dba_hist_sysstat se where se.dbid = :dbid and sb.snap_id (+) = :bid and se.snap_id = :eid and se.dbid = sb.dbid (+) and se.instance_number = sb.instance_number (+) and se.stat_id = sb.stat_id (+) and se.stat_name in ( 'gc cr blocks received', 'gc current blocks received' , 'physical reads cache' , 'consistent gets from cache', 'db block gets from cache' )) pivot (sum(value) for stat_name in ( 'gc cr blocks received' gccrrv , 'gc current blocks received' gccurv , 'physical reads cache' phyrc , 'consistent gets from cache' cgfc , 'db block gets from cache' dbfc))) st order by instance_number; set newpage 1 ttitle 'Global Cache and Enqueue Workload Characteristics'- skip 1 - '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'- skip 2 - ' ---------------- CR Blocks ------------------- ------------- Current Blocks ----------------' - skip 1 - ' GE Get |---------- Time (ms) -------------| Log Flush |---------- Time (ms) ------------| Log Flush' - skip 1; col gegt format 99990.0 heading 'Tm(ms)' col gccrrt format 99990.0 heading 'Receive' col gccurt format 99990.0 heading 'Receive' col gccrbt format 99990.0 heading 'Build' col gccrst format 99990.0 heading 'Send' col gccrft format 99990.0 heading 'Flush' col gccrflp format 99990.0 heading 'CR Srvd %' col gccupt format 99990.0 heading 'Pin' col gccust format 99990.0 heading 'Send' col gccuft format 99990.0 heading 'Flush' col gccuflp format 999990.0 heading 'CU Srvd%' select st.instance_number , glgt*&cstoms/decode((glag+glsg),0,null,(glag+glsg)) gegt , gccrrt*&cstoms/decode(gccrrv,0,null,gccrrv) gccrrt , gccrbt*&cstoms/decode(gccrsv,0,null,gccrsv) gccrbt , gccrst*&cstoms/decode(gccrsv,0,null,gccrsv) gccrst , gccrft*&cstoms/decode(gccrfl,0,null,gccrfl) gccrft , gccrfl /decode(gccrsv,0,null,gccrsv)*100 gccrflp , gccurt*&cstoms/decode(gccurv,0,null,gccurv) gccurt , gccupt*&cstoms/decode(gccusv,0,null,gccusv) gccupt , gccust*&cstoms/decode(gccusv,0,null,gccusv) gccust , gccuft*&cstoms/decode(gccufl,0,null,gccufl) gccuft , gccufl /decode(gccusv,0,null,gccusv)*100 gccuflp from ((select se.instance_number , se.stat_name , (se.value - nvl(sb.value,0)) value from dba_hist_sysstat sb , dba_hist_sysstat se where se.dbid = :dbid and sb.snap_id (+) = :bid and se.snap_id = :eid and se.dbid = sb.dbid (+) and se.instance_number = sb.instance_number (+) and se.stat_id = sb.stat_id (+) and se.stat_name in ( 'gc cr blocks received', 'gc cr block receive time' , 'gc current blocks received', 'gc current block receive time' , 'gc cr blocks served', 'gc cr block build time' , 'gc cr block flush time', 'gc cr block send time' , 'gc current block pin time', 'gc current blocks served' , 'gc current block send time', 'gc current block flush time' , 'global enqueue get time' , 'global enqueue gets sync', 'global enqueue gets async' )) pivot (sum(value) for stat_name in ( 'gc cr blocks received' gccrrv , 'gc cr block receive time' gccrrt , 'gc current blocks received' gccurv , 'gc current block receive time' gccurt , 'gc cr blocks served' gccrsv , 'gc cr block build time' gccrbt , 'gc cr block send time' gccrst , 'gc cr block flush time' gccrft , 'gc current blocks served' gccusv , 'gc current block pin time' gccupt , 'gc current block send time' gccust , 'gc current block flush time' gccuft , 'global enqueue get time' glgt , 'global enqueue gets sync' glsg , 'global enqueue gets async' glag)) ) st , ( select e.instance_number , sum(e.flushes - b.flushes) gccrfl from dba_hist_cr_block_server b , dba_hist_cr_block_server e where b.snap_id = :bid and e.snap_id = :eid and e.dbid = :dbid and e.dbid = b.dbid and b.instance_number = e.instance_number group by e.instance_number) crfl , ( select e.instance_number , sum((e.flush1+e.flush10+e.flush100+e.flush1000+e.flush10000) - (b.flush1+b.flush10+b.flush100+b.flush1000+b.flush10000)) gccufl from dba_hist_current_block_server b , dba_hist_current_block_server e where b.snap_id = :bid and e.snap_id = :eid and e.dbid = :dbid and e.dbid = b.dbid and b.instance_number = e.instance_number group by e.instance_number) cufl where st.instance_number = crfl.instance_number and st.instance_number = cufl.instance_number order by instance_number; ttitle 'Global Cache and Enqueue Messaging Statistics' - skip 1 - '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' - skip 2 - ' ----- Queue Time (ms)----- -- Process Time-- ----- % Messages Sent ------' col msgsqt format 99990.0 heading 'Sent' col msgsqtk format 99990.0 heading 'on ksxp' col msgrqt format 99990.0 heading 'Received' col pmpt format 99990.0 heading 'GCS msgs' col npmpt format 99990.0 heading 'GES msgs' col dmsdp format 9990.90 heading 'Direct' col dmsip format 9990.90 heading 'Indirect' col dmfcp format 9990.90 heading 'Flow Ctrl ' select st.instance_number , msgsqt /decode(msgsq,0,null,msgsq) msgsqt , msgsqtk/decode(msgsqk,0,null,msgsqk) msgsqtk , msgrqt /decode(msgrq,0,null,msgrq) msgrqt , pmpt /decode(pmrv,0,null,pmrv) pmpt , npmpt /decode(npmrv,0,null,npmrv) npmpt , 100*dmsd/decode((dmsd+dmsi+dmfc),0,null,(dmsd+dmsi+dmfc)) dmsdp , 100*dmsi/decode((dmsd+dmsi+dmfc),0,null,(dmsd+dmsi+dmfc)) dmsip , 100*dmfc/decode((dmsd+dmsi+dmfc),0,null,(dmsd+dmsi+dmfc)) dmfcp from ((select se.instance_number , , (se.value - nvl(sb.value,0)) value from dba_hist_dlm_misc sb , dba_hist_dlm_misc se where se.dbid = :dbid and sb.snap_id (+) = :bid and se.snap_id = :eid and se.dbid = sb.dbid (+) and se.instance_number = sb.instance_number (+) and se.statistic# = sb.statistic# (+) and = (+) and in ( 'msgs sent queued', 'msgs sent queue time (ms)' , 'msgs sent queue time on ksxp (ms)', 'msgs sent queued on ksxp' , 'msgs received queue time (ms)', 'msgs received queued' , 'gcs msgs received', 'gcs msgs process time(ms)' , 'ges msgs received', 'ges msgs process time(ms)' , 'messages sent directly', 'messages sent indirectly' , 'messages flow controlled' )) pivot (sum(value) for name in ( 'msgs sent queued' msgsq , 'msgs sent queue time (ms)' msgsqt , 'msgs sent queue time on ksxp (ms)' msgsqtk , 'msgs sent queued on ksxp' msgsqk , 'msgs received queue time (ms)' msgrqt , 'msgs received queued' msgrq , 'gcs msgs received' pmrv , 'gcs msgs process time(ms)' pmpt , 'ges msgs received' npmrv , 'ges msgs process time(ms)' npmpt , 'messages sent directly' dmsd , 'messages sent indirectly' dmsi , 'messages flow controlled' dmfc))) st order by instance_number; -- ------------------------------------------------------------------ set newpage 0 -- -- RAC -- ttitle skip 1 - lef 'SysStat and GE Misc - RAC '- center 'DB: ' db_name ' ' - 'Snaps: ' format 99999999 begin_snap '-' format 99999999 end_snap - skip 1 - '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' - skip 2; break on report compute sum avg std of gccrr on report compute sum avg std of gccrr_ps on report compute sum avg std of gccrs on report compute sum avg std of gccrs_ps on report compute sum avg std of gccur on report compute sum avg std of gccur_ps on report compute sum avg std of gccus on report compute sum avg std of gccus_ps on report compute sum avg std of gccpu on report compute sum avg std of ipccpu_ps on report compute sum avg std of ipccpu on report compute sum avg std of gccpu_ps on report compute sum avg std of gcms on report compute sum avg std of gcms_ps on report compute sum avg std of gems on report compute sum avg std of gems_ps on report compute sum avg std of mra on report compute sum avg std of mra_ps on report compute sum avg std of msd on report compute sum avg std of msd_ps on report compute sum avg std of msi on report compute sum avg std of msi_ps on report compute sum avg std of gcl on report compute sum avg std of gcl_ps on report compute sum avg std of gcf on report compute sum avg std of gcf_ps on report compute avg of gccrr_pt on report compute avg of gccrs_pt on report compute avg of gccur_pt on report compute avg of gccus_pt on report compute avg of ipccpu_pt on report compute avg of gccpu_pt on report compute avg of gcms_pt on report compute avg of gems_pt on report compute avg of mra_pt on report compute avg of msd_pt on report compute avg of msi_pt on report compute avg of gcl_pt on report compute avg of gcf_pt on report col gccrr heading 'GC CR|Blocks|Received' format 99,999,990 col gccrr_ps heading 'GC CR|Blocks|Received/s' format 999,990.90 col gccrs heading 'GC CR|Blocks|Served' format 99,999,990 col gccrs_ps heading 'GC CR|Blocks|Served/s' format 999,990.90 col gccur heading 'GC Current|Blocks|Received' format 99,999,990 col gccur_ps heading 'GC Current|Blocks|Received/s' format 999,990.90 col gccus heading 'GC Current|Blocks|Served' format 99,999,990 col gccus_ps heading 'GC Current|Blocks|Served/s' format 999,990.90 col gccpu heading 'GC CPU (s)' format 9,999,990 col gccpu_ps heading 'GC|CPU(s) /s' format 99,990.90 col ipccpu heading 'IPC|CPU (s)' format 9,999,990 col ipccpu_ps heading 'IPC|CPU (s)/s' format 99,990.90 col gcms heading 'GC Messages|Sent' format 9,999,999,990 col gcms_ps heading 'GC Messages|Sent/s' format 99,999,990.90 col gems heading 'GE Messages|Sent' format 99,999,990 col gems_ps heading 'GE Messages|Sent/s' format 999,990.90 col mra heading 'Msgs Rcvd|Actual' format 999,999,990 col mra_ps heading 'Msgs Rcvd|Actual/s' format 9,999,990.0 col msd heading 'Msgs Sent|Direct' format 999,999,990 col msd_ps heading 'Msgs Sent|Direct/s' format 9,999,990.0 col msi heading 'Msgs Sent|Indirect' format 99,999,990 col msi_ps heading 'Msgs Sent|Indirect/s' format 999,990.90 col gcl heading 'GC Blks|Lost' format 99,990 col gcl_ps heading 'GC Blks|Lost/s' format 990.0 col gcf heading 'GC CR|Failure' format 999,990 col gcf_ps heading 'GC CR|Fail/s' format 9,990.0 col gccrr_pt heading 'GC CR|Blocks|Received/tx' format 999,990.90 col gccrs_pt heading 'GC CR|Blocks|Served/tx' format 999,990.90 col gccur_pt heading 'GC Current|Blocks|Received/tx' format 999,990.90 col gccus_pt heading 'GC Current|Blocks|Served/tx' format 999,990.90 col gccpu_pt heading 'GC|CPU (s)/tx' format 99,990.90 col ipccpu_pt heading 'IPC|CPU (s)/tx' format 99,990.90 col gcms_pt heading 'GC Messages|Sent/tx' format 99,999,990.90 col gems_pt heading 'GE Messages|Sent/tx' format 999,990.90 col mra_pt heading 'Msgs Rcvd|Actual/tx' format 9,999,990.0 col msd_pt heading 'Msgs Sent|Direct/tx' format 9,999,990.0 col msi_pt heading 'Msgs Sent|Indirect/tx' format 999,990.90 col gcl_pt heading 'GC Blks|Lost/tx' format 990.0 col gcf_pt heading 'GC CR|Fail|/tx' format 9,990.0 /* check stat for gc current cr failure */ select ss.instance_number , gccur , gccrr , gccus , gccrs , gccpu/&&cstos gccpu , ipccpu/&&cstos ipccpu , gcms , gems , nvl(mra,0) mra , nvl(msd,0) msd , nvl(msi,0) msi , nvl(gcl,0) gcl , nvl(gcf,0) gcf from (( select se.instance_number , se.stat_name , (se.value - nvl(sb.value,0)) value from dba_hist_sysstat sb , dba_hist_sysstat se where se.dbid = :dbid and sb.snap_id (+) = :bid and se.snap_id = :eid and se.dbid = sb.dbid (+) and se.instance_number = sb.instance_number (+) and se.stat_id = sb.stat_id (+) and se.stat_name in ( 'gc cr blocks received','gc current blocks received' , 'gc cr blocks served','gc current blocks served' , 'gc CPU used by this session', 'IPC CPU used by this session' , 'gcs messages sent', 'ges messages sent' , 'gc blocks lost' )) pivot (sum(value) for stat_name in ( 'gc current blocks received' gccur , 'gc cr blocks received' gccrr , 'gc current blocks served' gccus , 'gc cr blocks served' gccrs , 'gc CPU used by this session' gccpu , 'IPC CPU used by this session' ipccpu , 'gcs messages sent' gcms , 'ges messages sent' gems , 'gc blocks lost' gcl))) ss , ((select se.instance_number , , (se.value - nvl(sb.value,0)) value from dba_hist_dlm_misc sb , dba_hist_dlm_misc se where se.dbid = :dbid and sb.snap_id (+) = :bid and se.snap_id = :eid and se.dbid = sb.dbid (+) and se.instance_number = sb.instance_number (+) and se.statistic# = sb.statistic# (+) and in ('messages received actual', 'messages sent directly', 'messages sent indirectly')) pivot (sum(value) for name in ( 'messages received actual' mra , 'messages sent directly' msd , 'messages sent indirectly' msi))) dlm , ( select se.instance_number , sum(se.total_waits - nvl(sb.total_waits,0)) gcf from dba_hist_system_event se , dba_hist_system_event sb where se.dbid = :dbid and sb.snap_id (+) = :bid and se.snap_id = :eid and se.dbid = sb.dbid (+) and se.instance_number = sb.instance_number (+) and se.event_id = sb.event_id (+) and se.event_name = 'gc cr failure' group by se.instance_number ) sw where dlm.instance_number (+) = ss.instance_number and sw.instance_number (+) = ss.instance_number order by ss.instance_number; set newpage 1 ttitle skip 1 - lef 'SysStat and GE Misc (per Sec) - RAC '- skip 1 - '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' - skip 2; select ss.instance_number , gccur/s_et gccur_ps , gccrr/s_et gccrr_ps , gccus/s_et gccus_ps , gccrs/s_et gccrs_ps , gccpu/&cstos/s_et gccpu_ps , ipccpu/&cstos/s_et ipccpu_ps , gcms/s_et gcms_ps , gems/s_et gems_ps , nvl(mra,0)/s_et mra_ps , nvl(msd,0)/s_et msd_ps , nvl(msi,0)/s_et msi_ps , nvl(gcl,0)/s_et gcl_ps , nvl(gcf,0)/s_et gcf_ps from ((select se.instance_number , se.stat_name , (se.value - nvl(sb.value,0)) value from dba_hist_sysstat sb , dba_hist_sysstat se where se.dbid = :dbid and sb.snap_id (+) = :bid and se.snap_id = :eid and se.dbid = sb.dbid (+) and se.instance_number = sb.instance_number (+) and se.stat_id = sb.stat_id (+) and se.stat_name in ( 'gc cr blocks received','gc current blocks received' , 'gc cr blocks served','gc current blocks served' , 'gc CPU used by this session', 'IPC CPU used by this session' , 'gcs messages sent', 'ges messages sent' , 'gc blocks lost' )) pivot (sum(value) for stat_name in ( 'gc current blocks received' gccur , 'gc cr blocks received' gccrr , 'gc current blocks served' gccus , 'gc cr blocks served' gccrs , 'gc CPU used by this session' gccpu , 'IPC CPU used by this session' ipccpu , 'gcs messages sent' gcms , 'ges messages sent' gems , 'gc blocks lost' gcl))) ss , ((select se.instance_number , , (se.value - nvl(sb.value,0)) value from dba_hist_dlm_misc sb , dba_hist_dlm_misc se where se.dbid = :dbid and sb.snap_id (+) = :bid and se.snap_id = :eid and se.dbid = sb.dbid (+) and se.instance_number = sb.instance_number (+) and se.statistic# = sb.statistic# (+) and in ('messages received actual', 'messages sent directly', 'messages sent indirectly')) pivot (sum(value) for name in ( 'messages received actual' mra , 'messages sent directly' msd , 'messages sent indirectly' msi))) dlm , ( select se.instance_number , sum(se.total_waits - nvl(sb.total_waits,0)) gcf from dba_hist_system_event se , dba_hist_system_event sb where se.dbid = :dbid and sb.snap_id (+) = :bid and se.snap_id = :eid and se.dbid = sb.dbid (+) and se.instance_number = sb.instance_number (+) and se.event_id = sb.event_id (+) and se.event_name = 'gc cr failure' group by se.instance_number ) sw , (select e.instance_number , extract(DAY from e.end_interval_time - b.end_interval_time) * 86400 + extract(HOUR from e.end_interval_time - b.end_interval_time) * 3600 + extract(MINUTE from e.end_interval_time - b.end_interval_time) * 60 + extract(SECOND from e.end_interval_time - b.end_interval_time) s_et from dba_hist_snapshot e , dba_hist_snapshot b where e.dbid = :dbid and b.snap_id = :bid and e.snap_id = :eid and e.dbid = b.dbid and e.instance_number = b.instance_number ) s where ss.instance_number = s.instance_number (+) and dlm.instance_number (+)= ss.instance_number and sw.instance_number (+)= ss.instance_number order by ss.instance_number; ttitle skip 1 - lef 'SysStat and GE Misc (per Tx) - RAC '- skip 1 - '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' - skip 2; select ss.instance_number , gccur/decode((ucm+ur),0,1,(ucm+ur)) gccur_pt , gccrr/decode((ucm+ur),0,1,(ucm+ur)) gccrr_pt , gccus/decode((ucm+ur),0,1,(ucm+ur)) gccus_pt , gccrs/decode((ucm+ur),0,1,(ucm+ur)) gccrs_pt , gccpu/&cstos/decode((ucm+ur),0,1,(ucm+ur)) gccpu_pt , ipccpu/&cstos/decode((ucm+ur),0,1,(ucm+ur)) ipccpu_pt , gcms/decode((ucm+ur),0,1,(ucm+ur)) gcms_pt , gems/decode((ucm+ur),0,1,(ucm+ur)) gems_pt , nvl(mra,0)/decode((ucm+ur),0,1,(ucm+ur)) mra_pt , nvl(msd,0)/decode((ucm+ur),0,1,(ucm+ur)) msd_pt , nvl(msi,0)/decode((ucm+ur),0,1,(ucm+ur)) msi_pt , nvl(gcl,0)/decode((ucm+ur),0,1,(ucm+ur)) gcl_pt , nvl(gcf,0)/decode((ucm+ur),0,1,(ucm+ur)) gcf_pt from ((select se.instance_number , se.stat_name , (se.value - nvl(sb.value,0)) value from dba_hist_sysstat sb , dba_hist_sysstat se where se.dbid = :dbid and sb.snap_id (+) = :bid and se.snap_id = :eid and se.dbid = sb.dbid (+) and se.instance_number = sb.instance_number (+) and se.stat_id = sb.stat_id (+) and se.stat_name in ( 'gc cr blocks received','gc current blocks received' , 'gc cr blocks served','gc current blocks served' , 'gc CPU used by this session', 'IPC CPU used by this session' , 'gcs messages sent', 'ges messages sent' , 'gc blocks lost' , 'user commits', 'user rollbacks' )) pivot (sum(value) for stat_name in ( 'gc current blocks received' gccur , 'gc cr blocks received' gccrr , 'gc current blocks served' gccus , 'gc cr blocks served' gccrs , 'gc CPU used by this session' gccpu , 'IPC CPU used by this session' ipccpu , 'gcs messages sent' gcms , 'ges messages sent' gems , 'gc blocks lost' gcl , 'user commits' ucm , 'user rollbacks' ur))) ss , ((select se.instance_number , , (se.value - nvl(sb.value,0)) value from dba_hist_dlm_misc sb , dba_hist_dlm_misc se where se.dbid = :dbid and sb.snap_id (+) = :bid and se.snap_id = :eid and se.dbid = sb.dbid (+) and se.instance_number = sb.instance_number (+) and se.statistic# = sb.statistic# (+) and in ('messages received actual', 'messages sent directly', 'messages sent indirectly')) pivot (sum(value) for name in ( 'messages received actual' mra , 'messages sent directly' msd , 'messages sent indirectly' msi))) dlm , ( select se.instance_number , sum(se.total_waits - nvl(sb.total_waits,0)) gcf from dba_hist_system_event se , dba_hist_system_event sb where se.dbid = :dbid and sb.snap_id (+) = :bid and se.snap_id = :eid and se.dbid = sb.dbid (+) and se.instance_number = sb.instance_number (+) and se.event_id = sb.event_id (+) and se.event_name = 'gc cr failure' group by se.instance_number ) sw where ss.instance_number = dlm.instance_number (+) and ss.instance_number = sw.instance_number (+) order by ss.instance_number; clear breaks computes -- ------------------------------------------------------------ set newpage 0; -- -- CR Server repfooter off ttitle skip 1 - 'CR Blocks Served Statistics ' - center 'DB: ' db_name ' ' - 'Snaps: ' format 99999999 begin_snap '-' format 99999999 end_snap - skip 1 - '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' - skip 2; break on report compute sum avg std of gccr on report compute sum avg std of gccu on report compute sum avg std of dr on report compute sum avg std of ur on report compute sum avg std of tr on report compute sum avg std of cr on report compute sum avg std of pr on report compute sum avg std of zr on report compute sum avg std of drr on report compute sum avg std of fr on report compute sum avg std of fdc on report compute sum avg std of fc on report compute sum avg std of fge on report compute sum avg std of fls on report compute sum avg std of fq on report compute sum avg std of fqf on report compute sum avg std of fmt on report compute sum avg std of lw on report compute sum avg std of er on report col gccr format 99,999,990 heading 'CR Block|Requests' col gccu format 99,999,990 heading 'CU Block|Requests' col dr format 99,999,990 heading 'Data Block|Requests' col ur format 999,990 heading 'Undo|Requests' col tr format 99,999,990 heading 'TX Block|Requests' col cr format 99,999,990 heading 'Current|Results' col pr format 99,990 heading 'Priv|Res' col zr format 9,999,990 heading 'Zero|Results' col drr format 99,990 heading 'Dsk Rd|Res' col fr format 99,990 heading 'Fail|Res' col fdc format 9,999,990 heading 'Fairness|Down Conv' col fc format 999,990 heading 'Fairness|Clears' col fge format 999,990 heading 'FreeGC|Elems' col fls format 9,999,990 heading 'Flushes' col fq format 99,990 heading 'Flush|Queued' col fqf format 9,990 heading 'Flush|QFull' col fmt format 9,990 heading 'Flush|MaxTm' col lw format 999,990 heading 'Light|Works' col er format 990 heading 'Errs' select e.instance_number , sum(e.cr_requests - b.cr_requests) gccr , sum(e.current_requests - b.current_requests) gccu , sum(e.data_requests - b.data_requests) dr , sum(e.undo_requests - b.undo_requests) ur , sum(e.tx_requests - b.tx_requests) tr , sum(e.current_results - b.current_results) cr , sum(e.private_results - b.private_results) pr , sum(e.zero_results - b.zero_results) zr , sum(e.disk_read_results - b.disk_read_results) drr , sum(e.fail_results - b.fail_results) fr , sum(e.fairness_down_converts - b.fairness_down_converts) fdc , sum(e.fairness_clears - b.fairness_clears) fc , sum(e.free_gc_elements - b.free_gc_elements) fge , sum(e.flushes - b.flushes) fls , sum(e.flushes_queued - b.flushes_queued) fq , sum(e.flush_queue_full - b.flush_queue_full) fqf , sum(e.flush_max_time - b.flush_max_time) fmt , sum(e.light_works - b.light_works) lw , sum(e.errors - b.errors) er from dba_hist_cr_block_server b , dba_hist_cr_block_server e where b.snap_id = :bid and e.snap_id = :eid and e.dbid = :dbid and e.dbid = b.dbid and b.instance_number = e.instance_number group by e.instance_number order by e.instance_number; -- -- Current Block Server set newpage 1 ttitle skip 1 - 'Current Blocks Served Statistics ' - center 'DB: ' db_name ' ' - 'Snaps: ' format 99999999 begin_snap '-' format 99999999 end_snap - skip 1 - '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' - skip 2; break on report compute sum avg std of pins on report compute sum avg std of flushes on report compute sum avg std of writes on report col pins heading Pins format 99,999,990 col flushes heading Flushes format 99,999,990 col writes heading Writes format 99,999,990 col pin1 heading '% <1ms' format 990.90 col pin10 heading '% <10ms' format 990.90 col pin100 heading '% <100ms' format 990.90 col pin1000 heading '% <1s' format 990.90 col pin10000 heading '% <10s' format 990.90 col flush1 heading '% <1ms' format 990.90 col flush10 heading '% <10ms' format 990.90 col flush100 heading '% <100ms' format 990.90 col flush1000 heading '% <1s' format 990.90 col flush10000 heading '% <10s' format 990.90 col write1 heading '% <1ms' format 990.90 col write10 heading '% <10ms' format 990.90 col write100 heading '% <100ms' format 990.90 col write1000 heading '% <1s' format 990.90 col write10000 heading '% <10s' format 990.90 select instance_number , pins , pin1/decode(pins,0,null,pins)*100 pin1 , pin10/decode(pins,0,null,pins)*100 pin10 , pin100/decode(pins,0,null,pins)*100 pin100 , pin1000/decode(pins,0,null,pins)*100 pin1000 , pin10000/decode(pins,0,null,pins)*100 pin10000 , flushes , flush1/decode(flushes,0,null,flushes)*100 flush1 , flush10/decode(flushes,0,null,flushes)*100 flush10 , flush100/decode(flushes,0,null,flushes)*100 flush100 , flush1000/decode(flushes,0,null,flushes)*100 flush1000 , flush10000/decode(flushes,0,null,flushes)*100 flush10000 , writes , write1/decode(writes,0,null,writes)*100 write1 , write10/decode(writes,0,null,writes)*100 write10 , write100/decode(writes,0,null,writes)*100 write100 , write1000/decode(writes,0,null,writes)*100 write1000 , write10000/decode(writes,0,null,writes)*100 write10000 from ( select e.instance_number , sum((e.pin1 + e.pin10 + e.pin100 + e.pin1000 + e.pin10000) - (b.pin1 + b.pin10 + b.pin100 + b.pin1000 + b.pin10000)) pins , sum(e.pin1 - b.pin1) pin1 , sum(e.pin10 - b.pin10) pin10 , sum(e.pin100 - b.pin100) pin100 , sum(e.pin1000 - b.pin1000) pin1000 , sum(e.pin10000 - b.pin10000) pin10000 , sum((e.flush1 + e.flush10 + e.flush100 + e.flush1000 + e.flush10000) - (b.flush1 + b.flush10 + b.flush100 + b.flush1000 + b.flush10000)) flushes , sum(e.flush1 - b.flush1) flush1 , sum(e.flush10 - b.flush10) flush10 , sum(e.flush100 - b.flush100) flush100 , sum(e.flush1000 - b.flush1000) flush1000 , sum(e.flush10000 - b.flush10000) flush10000 , sum((e.write1 + e.write10 + e.write100 + e.write1000 + e.write10000) - (b.write1 + b.write10 + b.write100 + b.write1000 + b.write10000)) writes , sum(e.write1 - b.write1) write1 , sum(e.write10 - b.write10) write10 , sum(e.write100 - b.write100) write100 , sum(e.write1000 - b.write1000) write1000 , sum(e.write10000 - b.write10000) write10000 from dba_hist_current_block_server b , dba_hist_current_block_server e where b.snap_id = :bid and e.snap_id = :eid and e.dbid = :dbid and e.dbid = b.dbid and b.instance_number = e.instance_number group by e.instance_number) order by instance_number; clear breaks computes -- ------------------------------------------------------------------ set newpage 0; -- -- Cache Transfer Statistics (RAC) ttitle 'Global Cache Transfer Stats '- center 'DB: ' db_name ' ' - 'Snaps: ' format 99999999 begin_snap '-' format 99999999 end_snap - skip 1 - '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' - skip 1 - '-> Immediate (Immed) - Block Transfer NOT impacted by Remote Processing Delays' - skip 1 - ' Busy (Busy) - Block Transfer impacted by Remote Contention' - skip 1 - ' Congested (Congst) - Block Transfer impacted by Remote System Load' - skip 1 - '-> All - average time of All blocks (Immed,Busy,Congst) in ms' - skip 1 - '-> ordered by instance_number, CR + Current Blocks Received desc' - skip 2 - ' -------------- CR ------------- ----------- Current ------------ -------- CR Avg Time (ms) -------- ----- Current Avg Time (ms) ------'; break on instance_number column inst format 990 heading 'Src|Inst#' column class format a12 heading 'Block|Class' trunc column totcr format 99,999,990 heading 'Blocks|Received' column totcu format 99,999,990 heading 'Blocks|Received' column blkimm format 990.0 heading '%|Immed' column blkbus format 990.0 heading '%|Busy' column blkcgt format 990.0 heading '%|Congst' column totcr_t format 999,990.0 heading 'All' column totcu_t format 999,990.0 heading 'All' column blkimm_t format 9990.0 heading 'Immed' column blkbus_t format 9990.0 heading 'Busy' column blkcgt_t format 9990.0 heading 'Congst' -- -- Transfer Cache Statistics detailed per instance -- Report only if define variable cache_xfer_per_instance = 'Y' -- optimize, remoe the with which gets materialized select instance_number , instance inst , class class , totcr , cr_block/decode(totcr,0, to_number(NULL),totcr)*100 blkimm , cr_busy/decode(totcr,0, to_number(NULL),totcr)*100 blkbus , cr_congested/decode(totcr,0, to_number(NULL),totcr)*100 blkcgt , totcu , current_block/decode(totcu,0, to_number(NULL),totcu)*100 blkimm , current_busy/decode(totcu,0, to_number(NULL),totcu)*100 blkbus , current_congested/decode(totcu,0, to_number(NULL),totcu)*100 blkcgt , totcr_t/decode(totcr, 0, null, totcr)/&ustoms totcr_t , cr_block_t/decode(cr_block, 0, null, cr_block)/&ustoms blkimm_t , cr_busy_t /decode(cr_busy , 0, null, cr_busy )/&ustoms blkbus_t , cr_congested_t/decode(cr_congested, 0, null, cr_congested)/&ustoms blkcgt_t , totcu_t/decode(totcu, 0, null, totcu)/&ustoms totcu_t , current_block_t/ decode(current_block, 0, null, current_block)/&ustoms blkimm_t , current_busy_t / decode(current_busy , 0, null, current_busy )/&ustoms blkbus_t , current_congested_t/ decode(current_congested, 0, null, current_congested)/&ustoms blkcgt_t from (select e.instance_number , e.instance , case when e.class in ('data block','undo header','undo block') then e.class else 'others' end class , sum(e.cr_block - b.cr_block) cr_block , sum(e.cr_busy - b.cr_busy) cr_busy , sum(e.cr_congested - b.cr_congested) cr_congested , sum(e.current_block - b.current_block) current_block , sum(e.current_busy - b.current_busy) current_busy , sum(e.current_congested - b.current_congested) current_congested , sum(e.cr_block - b.cr_block) + sum(e.cr_busy - b.cr_busy) + sum(e.cr_congested - b.cr_congested) totcr , sum(e.current_block - b.current_block) + sum(e.current_busy - b.current_busy) + sum(e.current_congested - b.current_congested) totcu , sum(e.cr_block_time - b.cr_block_time) cr_block_t , sum(e.cr_busy_time - b.cr_busy_time) cr_busy_t , sum(e.cr_congested_time - b.cr_congested_time) cr_congested_t , sum(e.current_block_time - b.current_block_time) current_block_t , sum(e.current_busy_time - b.current_busy_time) current_busy_t , sum(e.current_congested_time - b.current_congested_time) current_congested_t , sum(e.cr_block_time - b.cr_block_time) + sum(e.cr_busy_time - b.cr_busy_time) + sum(e.cr_congested_time - b.cr_congested_time) totcr_t , sum(e.current_block_time - b.current_block_time) + sum(e.current_busy_time - b.current_busy_time) + sum(e.current_congested_time - b.current_congested_time) totcu_t from dba_hist_inst_cache_transfer e , dba_hist_inst_cache_transfer b where e.snap_id = :eid and b.snap_id = :bid and e.dbid = :dbid and e.instance_number = b.instance_number and e.dbid = b.dbid and e.class = b.class and e.instance = b.instance group by e.instance_number, e.instance , case when e.class in ('data block','undo header','undo block') then e.class else 'others' end) where totcr + totcu > 0 order by instance_number,totcr + totcu desc; set newpage 1 ttitle lef 'Global Cache Transfer (Immediate) ' - center 'DB: ' db_name ' ' - 'Snaps: ' format 99999999 begin_snap '-' format 99999999 end_snap - skip 1 - '-> ordered by instance_number, CR + Current Blocks Received desc' - skip 2 - ' -------------- CR ---------- ---------- Current --------- ----- CR Avg Time (ms) ----- --- Current Avg Time (ms) --'; column instance format 990 heading 'Src|Inst#' column lost heading 'Blocks|Lost' format 99,999 column cr_block heading 'Immed Blks|Received' format 99,999,990 column cu_block heading 'Immed Blks|Received' format 99,999,990 column cr_2hop heading '%|2-hop' format 9990.0 column cr_3hop heading '%|3-hop' format 99990.0 column cu_2hop heading '%|2-hop' format 9990.0 column cu_3hop heading '%|3-hop' format 99990.0 column lost_t heading 'Lost|Time' format 9990.0 column cr_block_t heading 'Immed' format 999,990.0 column cu_block_t heading 'Immed' format 999,990.0 column cr_2hop_t heading '2-hop' format 99990.0 column cr_3hop_t heading '3-hop' format 99990.0 column cu_2hop_t heading '2-hop' format 99990.0 column cu_3hop_t heading '3-hop' format 99990.0 -- is time in micro-seconds? select e.instance_number , e.instance , case when e.class in ('data block','undo header','undo block') then e.class else 'others' end class , sum(e.lost - b.lost) lost , sum(e.cr_block - b.cr_block) cr_block , sum(e.cr_2hop - b.cr_2hop)/ decode(sum(e.cr_block - b.cr_block), 0, null ,sum(e.cr_block - b.cr_block))*100 cr_2hop , sum(e.cr_3hop - b.cr_3hop)/ decode(sum(e.cr_block - b.cr_block), 0, null ,sum(e.cr_block - b.cr_block))*100 cr_3hop , sum(e.current_block - b.current_block) cu_block , sum(e.current_2hop - b.current_2hop)/ decode(sum(e.current_block - b.current_block), 0, null ,sum(e.current_block - b.current_block))*100 cu_2hop , sum(e.current_3hop - b.current_3hop)/ decode(sum(e.current_block - b.current_block), 0, null ,sum(e.current_block - b.current_block))*100 cu_3hop , sum( (e.lost_time-b.lost_time)) / decode(sum(e.lost - b.lost),0,null,sum(e.lost-b.lost))/&ustoms lost_t , sum( (e.cr_block_time - b.cr_block_time)) / decode(sum(e.cr_block- b.cr_block),0,null ,sum(e.cr_block- b.cr_block))/&ustoms cr_block_t , sum( (e.cr_2hop_time - b.cr_2hop_time)) / decode(sum(e.cr_2hop- b.cr_2hop),0,null ,sum(e.cr_2hop -b.cr_2hop))/&ustoms cr_2hop_t , sum( (e.cr_3hop_time - b.cr_3hop_time)) / decode(sum(e.cr_3hop- b.cr_3hop),0,null ,sum(e.cr_3hop -b.cr_3hop))/&ustoms cr_3hop_t , sum( (e.current_block_time - b.current_block_time)) / decode(sum(e.current_block- b.current_block),0,null ,sum(e.current_block- b.current_block))/&ustoms cu_block_t , sum( (e.current_2hop_time - b.current_2hop_time)) / decode(sum(e.current_2hop- b.current_2hop),0,null ,sum(e.current_2hop -b.current_2hop))/&ustoms cu_2hop_t , sum( (e.current_3hop_time - b.current_3hop_time)) / decode(sum(e.current_3hop- b.current_3hop),0,null ,sum(e.current_3hop -b.current_3hop))/&ustoms cu_3hop_t from dba_hist_inst_cache_transfer b , dba_hist_inst_cache_transfer e where e.snap_id = :eid and b.snap_id = :bid and e.dbid = :dbid and e.instance_number = b.instance_number and e.dbid = b.dbid and e.class = b.class and e.instance = b.instance group by e.instance_number, e.instance , case when e.class in ('data block','undo header','undo block') then e.class else 'others' end order by e.instance_number , sum(e.cr_block - b.cr_block) + sum(e.current_block - b.current_block) desc; clear breaks computes -- ------------------------------------------------------------------ set newpage 0; -- -- IP Configuration ttitle lef 'Cluster Interconnect ' - center 'DB: ' db_name ' ' - 'Snaps: ' format 99999999 begin_snap '-' format 99999999 end_snap - skip 1 - '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' - skip 2; break on instance_number col name format a10 heading 'NAME' col b_ip format a15 heading 'IP Address' col b_ipub format a3 heading 'Pub' col b_source format a30 trunc heading 'Source' col e_ip format a15 heading 'End (if diff)|IP Address' col e_ipub format a3 heading 'End|Pub' col e_source format a30 heading 'End (if diff)|Source' select e.instance_number , , b.ip_address b_ip , substr(b.is_public,1,1) b_ipub , b.source b_source , case when (b.ip_address != e.ip_address) then e.ip_address end e_ip , case when (b.is_public != e.is_public) then substr(e.is_public,1,1) end e_ipub , case when (b.source != e.source) then e.source end e_source from dba_hist_cluster_intercon b , dba_hist_cluster_intercon e where b.snap_id = :bid and e.snap_id = :eid and e.dbid = :dbid and b.instance_number = e.instance_number and b.dbid = e.dbid and = order by e.instance_number,; clear breaks computes -- ------------------------------------------------------------------ set newpage 1; -- -- IC Client Statistics ttitle lef 'Interconnect Client Statistics ' - center 'DB: ' db_name ' ' - 'Snaps: ' format 99999999 begin_snap '-' format 99999999 end_snap - skip 1 - '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'- skip 2 - ' ----------------------------- Sent (MB) ------------------------- -------------------------- Received (MB) ------------------------' break on report compute sum avg std of tot_bs on report compute sum avg std of cache_bs on report compute sum avg std of ipq_bs on report compute sum avg std of dlm_bs on report compute sum avg std of ping_bs on report compute sum avg std of misc_bs on report compute sum avg std of cache_br on report compute sum avg std of tot_br on report compute sum avg std of ipq_br on report compute sum avg std of dlm_br on report compute sum avg std of ping_br on report compute sum avg std of misc_br on report compute sum avg std of tot_bs_s on report compute sum avg std of cache_bs_s on report compute sum avg std of ipq_bs_s on report compute sum avg std of dlm_bs_s on report compute sum avg std of ping_bs_s on report compute sum avg std of misc_bs_s on report compute sum avg std of tot_br_s on report compute sum avg std of cache_br_s on report compute sum avg std of ipq_br_s on report compute sum avg std of dlm_br_s on report compute sum avg std of ping_br_s on report compute sum avg std of misc_br_s on report col name format a10 heading 'Name' col tot_bs format 999,990.0 heading 'Total' col dlm_bs format 999,990.0 heading 'DLM' col cache_bs format 999,990.0 heading 'Cache' col ipq_bs format 999,990.0 heading 'IPQ' col ping_bs format 999,990.0 heading 'PNG' col misc_bs format 999,990.0 heading 'Misc' col dlm_br format 999,990.0 heading 'DLM' col cache_br format 999,990.0 heading 'Cache' col ipq_br format 999,990.0 heading 'IPQ' col ping_br format 999,990.0 heading 'PNG' col misc_br format 999,990.0 heading 'Misc' col tot_br format 999,990.0 heading 'Total' col tot_bs_s format 999,990.0 heading 'Total' col dlm_bs_s format 999,990.0 heading 'DLM' col cache_bs_s format 999,990.0 heading 'Cache' col ipq_bs_s format 999,990.0 heading 'IPQ' col ping_bs_s format 999,990.0 heading 'PNG' col misc_bs_s format 999,990.0 heading 'Misc' col tot_br_s format 999,990.0 heading 'Total' col dlm_br_s format 999,990.0 heading 'DLM' col cache_br_s format 999,990.0 heading 'Cache' col ipq_br_s format 999,990.0 heading 'IPQ' col ping_br_s format 999,990.0 heading 'PNG' col misc_br_s format 999,990.0 heading 'Misc' -- should we do percentage of traffic for sent/received here? select instance_number , (cache_bs + ipq_bs + dlm_bs + ping_bs + diag_bs + cgs_bs + osm_bs + str_bs + int_bs + ksv_bs + ksxr_bs)/&&btomb tot_bs , cache_bs/&&btomb cache_bs , ipq_bs/&&btomb ipq_bs , dlm_bs/&&btomb dlm_bs , ping_bs/&&btomb ping_bs , (diag_bs + cgs_bs + osm_bs + str_bs + int_bs + ksv_bs + ksxr_bs)/&&btomb misc_bs , (cache_br + ipq_br + dlm_br + ping_br + diag_br + cgs_br + osm_br + str_br + int_br + ksv_br + ksxr_br)/&&btomb tot_br , cache_br/&&btomb cache_br , ipq_br/&&btomb ipq_br , dlm_br/&&btomb dlm_br , ping_br/&&btomb ping_br , (diag_br + cgs_br + osm_br + str_br + int_br + ksv_br + ksxr_br)/&&btomb misc_br from ((select e.instance_number , , (e.bytes_sent - b.bytes_sent) bs , (e.bytes_received - b.bytes_received) br from dba_hist_ic_client_stats b , dba_hist_ic_client_stats e where b.snap_id = :bid and e.snap_id = :eid and e.dbid = :dbid and b.instance_number = e.instance_number and b.dbid = e.dbid and = pivot (sum(bs) bs,sum(br)br for name in ('dlm' dlm ,'cache' cache ,'ping' ping ,'diag' diag ,'cgs' cgs ,'ksxr' ksxr ,'ipq' ipq ,'osmcache' osm ,'streams' str ,'internal' int ,'ksv' ksv))) order by instance_number; ttitle lef 'Interconnect Client Statistics (per Second) ' - skip 1 - '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'- skip 2 - ' ----------------------------- Sent (MB/s) ----------------------- -------------------------- Received (MB/s) ----------------------' select ic.instance_number , (cache_bs + ipq_bs + dlm_bs + ping_bs + diag_bs + cgs_bs + osm_bs + str_bs + int_bs + ksv_bs + ksxr_bs)/s_et/&&btomb tot_bs_s , cache_bs/s_et/&&btomb cache_bs_s , ipq_bs/s_et/&&btomb ipq_bs_s , dlm_bs/s_et/&&btomb dlm_bs_s , ping_bs/s_et/&&btomb ping_bs_s , (diag_bs + cgs_bs + osm_bs + str_bs + int_bs + ksv_bs + ksxr_bs)/s_et/&&btomb misc_bs_s , (cache_br + ipq_br + dlm_br + ping_br + diag_br + cgs_br + osm_br + str_br + int_br + ksv_br + ksxr_br)/s_et/&&btomb tot_br_s , cache_br/s_et/&&btomb cache_br_s , ipq_br/s_et/&&btomb ipq_br_s , dlm_br/s_et/&&btomb dlm_br_s , ping_br/s_et/&&btomb ping_br_s , (diag_br + cgs_br + osm_br + str_br + int_br + ksv_br + ksxr_br)/s_et/&&btomb misc_br_s from ((select e.instance_number , , (e.bytes_sent - b.bytes_sent) bs , (e.bytes_received - b.bytes_received) br from dba_hist_ic_client_stats b , dba_hist_ic_client_stats e where b.snap_id = :bid and e.snap_id = :eid and e.dbid = :dbid and b.instance_number = e.instance_number and b.dbid = e.dbid and = pivot (sum(bs) bs,sum(br)br for name in ('dlm' dlm ,'cache' cache ,'ping' ping ,'diag' diag ,'cgs' cgs ,'ksxr' ksxr ,'ipq' ipq ,'osmcache' osm ,'streams' str ,'internal' int ,'ksv' ksv))) ic , (select e.instance_number , extract(DAY from e.end_interval_time - b.end_interval_time) * 86400 + extract(HOUR from e.end_interval_time - b.end_interval_time) * 3600 + extract(MINUTE from e.end_interval_time - b.end_interval_time) * 60 + extract(SECOND from e.end_interval_time - b.end_interval_time) s_et from dba_hist_snapshot e , dba_hist_snapshot b where e.dbid = :dbid and b.snap_id = :bid and e.snap_id = :eid and e.dbid = b.dbid and e.instance_number = b.instance_number ) s where ic.instance_number = s.instance_number order by ic.instance_number; clear breaks computes -- ------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- IC Device Statistics ttitle lef 'Interconnect Device Statistics ' - center 'DB: ' db_name ' ' - 'Snaps: ' format 99999999 begin_snap '-' format 99999999 end_snap - skip 1 - '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' - skip 1 - '-> Data is retrieved from underlying Operating system and may overflow on some 32-bit OSs' - skip 1 - '-> null means begin value > end value' - skip 2 - ' --------------------------- Sent ------------------------- -------------------- Received ----------------------------' ; break on report on instance_number compute sum avg std of r_mbytes on report compute sum avg std of r_packs on report compute sum avg std of r_errs on report compute sum avg std of r_drops on report compute sum avg std of r_bufor on report compute sum avg std of r_frme on report compute sum avg std of s_mbytes on report compute sum avg std of s_packs on report compute sum avg std of s_errs on report compute sum avg std of s_drops on report compute sum avg std of s_bufor on report compute sum avg std of s_lost on report compute sum avg std of r_mbytes_ps on report compute sum avg std of r_packs_ps on report compute sum avg std of r_errs_ps on report compute sum avg std of r_drops_ps on report compute sum avg std of r_bufor_ps on report compute sum avg std of r_frme_ps on report compute sum avg std of s_mbytes_ps on report compute sum avg std of s_packs_ps on report compute sum avg std of s_errs_ps on report compute sum avg std of s_drops_ps on report compute sum avg std of s_bufor_ps on report compute sum avg std of s_lost_ps on report col ifn format a40 heading 'Interface|Name/IP/Netmask' col r_mbytes format 99,999,990.0 heading 'MBytes' col r_packs format 999,999,990 heading 'Packets' col r_errs format 99,990 heading 'Errors' col r_drops format 99,990 heading 'Packets|Dropped' col r_bufor format 99,990 heading 'Buffer|Ovrrun' col r_frme format 99,990 heading 'Frame|Errors' col s_mbytes format 99,999,990.0 heading 'MBytes' col s_packs format 999,999,990 heading 'Packets' col s_errs format 99,990 heading 'Errors' col s_drops format 99,990 heading 'Packets|Dropped' col s_bufor format 99,990 heading 'Buffer|Ovrrun' col s_lost format 99,990 heading 'Carrier|Lost' col r_mbytes_ps format 99,999,990.0 heading 'MBytes' col r_packs_ps format 9,999,990.0 heading 'Packets' col r_errs_ps format 9990.0 heading 'Errors' col r_drops_ps format 9990.0 heading 'Packets|Dropped' col r_bufor_ps format 9990.0 heading 'Buffer|Ovrrun' col r_frme_ps format 9990.0 heading 'Frame|Errors' col s_mbytes_ps format 99,999,990.0 heading 'MBytes' col s_packs_ps format 9,999,990.0 heading 'Packets' col s_errs_ps format 9990.0 heading 'Errors' col s_drops_ps format 9990.0 heading 'Packets|Dropped' col s_bufor_ps format 9990.0 heading 'Buffer|Ovrrun' col s_lost_ps format 9990.0 heading 'Carrier|Lost' select e.instance_number , e.if_name || '/' || b.ip_addr || '/' || b.net_mask ifn , case when e.bytes_sent >= b.bytes_sent then (e.bytes_sent - b.bytes_sent)/&btomb else null end s_mbytes , case when e.packets_sent >= b.packets_sent then(e.packets_sent - b.packets_sent) else null end s_packs , case when e.send_errors >= b.send_errors then(e.send_errors - b.send_errors) else null end s_errs , case when e.sends_dropped >= b.sends_dropped then(e.sends_dropped - b.sends_dropped) else null end s_drops , case when e.send_buf_or >= b.send_buf_or then(e.send_buf_or - b.send_buf_or) else null end s_bufor , case when e.send_carrier_lost >= b.send_carrier_lost then(e.send_carrier_lost - b.send_carrier_lost) else null end s_lost , case when e.bytes_received >= b.bytes_received then(e.bytes_received - b.bytes_received)/&btomb else null end r_mbytes , case when e.packets_received >= b.packets_received then(e.packets_received - b.packets_received) else null end r_packs , case when e.receive_errors >= b.receive_errors then(e.receive_errors - b.receive_errors) else null end r_errs , case when e.receive_dropped >= b.receive_dropped then(e.receive_dropped - b.receive_dropped) else null end r_drops , case when e.receive_buf_or >= b.receive_buf_or then(e.receive_buf_or - b.receive_buf_or) else null end r_bufor , case when e.receive_frame_err >= b.receive_frame_err then(e.receive_frame_err - b.receive_frame_err) else null end r_frme from dba_hist_ic_device_stats b , dba_hist_ic_device_stats e where b.snap_id = :bid and e.snap_id = :eid and e.dbid = :dbid and b.instance_number = e.instance_number and b.dbid = e.dbid and b.if_name = e.if_name order by e.instance_number,e.if_name; ttitle lef 'Interconnect Device Statistics (per Second)' - skip 1 - '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' - skip 1 - '-> Data is retrieved from underlying Operating system and may overflow on some 32-bit OSs' - skip 1 - '-> null means begin value > end value' - skip 2 - ' --------------------- Sent (per Sec) --------------------- ---------------- Received (per Second) -------------------' ; select ic.instance_number , ic.ifn , ic.s_mbytes_ps/s_et s_mbytes_ps , ic.s_packs_ps/s_et s_packs_ps , ic.s_errs_ps/s_et s_errs_ps , ic.s_drops_ps/s_et s_drops_ps , ic.s_bufor_ps/s_et s_bufor_ps , ic.s_lost_ps/s_et s_lost_ps , ic.r_mbytes_ps/s_et r_mbytes_ps , ic.r_packs_ps/s_et r_packs_ps , ic.r_errs_ps/s_et r_errs_ps , ic.r_drops_ps/s_et r_drops_ps , ic.r_bufor_ps/s_et r_bufor_ps , ic.r_frme_ps/s_et r_frme_ps from ( select e.instance_number , e.if_name || '/' || b.ip_addr || '/' || b.net_mask ifn , case when e.bytes_sent >= b.bytes_sent then (e.bytes_sent - b.bytes_sent)/&btomb else null end s_mbytes_ps , case when e.packets_sent >= b.packets_sent then(e.packets_sent - b.packets_sent) else null end s_packs_ps , case when e.send_errors >= b.send_errors then(e.send_errors - b.send_errors) else null end s_errs_ps , case when e.sends_dropped >= b.sends_dropped then(e.sends_dropped - b.sends_dropped) else null end s_drops_ps , case when e.send_buf_or >= b.send_buf_or then(e.send_buf_or - b.send_buf_or) else null end s_bufor_ps , case when e.send_carrier_lost >= b.send_carrier_lost then(e.send_carrier_lost - b.send_carrier_lost) else null end s_lost_ps , case when e.bytes_received >= b.bytes_received then(e.bytes_received - b.bytes_received)/&btomb else null end r_mbytes_ps , case when e.packets_received >= b.packets_received then(e.packets_received - b.packets_received) else null end r_packs_ps , case when e.receive_errors >= b.receive_errors then(e.receive_errors - b.receive_errors) else null end r_errs_ps , case when e.receive_dropped >= b.receive_dropped then(e.receive_dropped - b.receive_dropped) else null end r_drops_ps , case when e.receive_buf_or >= b.receive_buf_or then(e.receive_buf_or - b.receive_buf_or) else null end r_bufor_ps , case when e.receive_frame_err >= b.receive_frame_err then(e.receive_frame_err - b.receive_frame_err) else null end r_frme_ps from dba_hist_ic_device_stats b , dba_hist_ic_device_stats e where b.snap_id = :bid and e.snap_id = :eid and e.dbid = :dbid and b.instance_number = e.instance_number and b.dbid = e.dbid and b.if_name = e.if_name) ic , (select e.instance_number , extract(DAY from e.end_interval_time - b.end_interval_time) * 86400 + extract(HOUR from e.end_interval_time - b.end_interval_time) * 3600 + extract(MINUTE from e.end_interval_time - b.end_interval_time) * 60 + extract(SECOND from e.end_interval_time - b.end_interval_time) s_et from dba_hist_snapshot e , dba_hist_snapshot b where e.dbid = :dbid and b.snap_id = :bid and e.snap_id = :eid and e.dbid = b.dbid and e.instance_number = b.instance_number ) s where ic.instance_number = s.instance_number order by instance_number,ifn; ttitle off clear breaks computes -- ------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- Ping Statistics col target_instance format 999 heading 'Target|Inst#' col cnt500b format 9,999,999 heading 'Ping Count' col wait500b format 999,990.0 heading 'Time (s)' col av500b format 9990.0 heading 'Avg |Time(ms)' col sd500b format 990.0 heading 'Std|Dev' col cnt8k format 9,999,990 heading 'Ping Count' col wait8k format 999,990.0 heading 'Time (s)' col av8k format 9990.0 heading 'Avg |Time(ms)' col sd8k format 990.0 heading 'Std|Dev' break on instance_number ttitle lef 'Ping Statistics ' - center 'DB: ' db_name ' ' - 'Snaps: ' format 99999999 begin_snap '-' format 99999999 end_snap - skip 1 - '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' - skip 1 - '-> Latency of the roundtrip of a message from Instance to the Target instances' - skip 2 - ' ---------- 500 bytes --------------- ------------- 8 Kbytes --------------'; select e.instance_number , e.target_instance , e.cnt_500b-b.cnt_500b cnt500b , (e.wait_500b-b.wait_500b)/&ustos wait500b , case when e.cnt_500b = b.cnt_500b then null else (e.wait_500b-b.wait_500b)/(e.cnt_500b-b.cnt_500b)/&ustoms end av500b , case when e.cnt_500b = b.cnt_500b then null else SQRT( ((1000*(e.waitsq_500b-b.waitsq_500b))/ greatest(e.cnt_500b-b.cnt_500b,1)) - ( (e.wait_500b-b.wait_500b)/(e.cnt_500b-b.cnt_500b) * (e.wait_500b-b.wait_500b)/(e.cnt_500b-b.cnt_500b)))/1000 end sd500b , e.cnt_8k-b.cnt_8k cnt8k , (e.wait_8k-b.wait_8k)/&ustos wait8k , case when e.cnt_8k = b.cnt_8k then null else (e.wait_8k-b.wait_8k)/(e.cnt_8k-b.cnt_8k)/&ustoms end av8k , case when e.cnt_8k = b.cnt_8k then null else SQRT( ((1000*(e.waitsq_8k-b.waitsq_8k))/ greatest(e.cnt_8k-b.cnt_8k,1)) - ( (e.wait_8k-b.wait_8k)/(e.cnt_8k-b.cnt_8k) * (e.wait_8k-b.wait_8k)/(e.cnt_8k-b.cnt_8k)))/1000 end sd8k from dba_hist_interconnect_pings b , dba_hist_interconnect_pings e where b.snap_id = :bid and e.snap_id = :eid and e.dbid = :dbid and b.instance_number = e.instance_number and b.dbid = e.dbid and b.target_instance = e.target_instance order by instance_number, target_instance; clear breaks computes -- ------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- Remaster Statistics -- do no need totals -- ttitle lef 'Dynamic Remastering Statistics ' - -- center 'DB: ' db_name ' ' - -- 'Snaps: ' format 99999999 begin_snap '-' format 99999999 end_snap - -- skip 1 - -- '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' - -- skip 1 - -- '-> Affinity Obj - objects remastered due to affinity at begin/end snap' - -- skip 2; -- break on report -- -- compute avg of r_ops on report -- compute avg of r_obj on report -- compute avg max label max of rls on report -- compute avg max label max of rlr on report -- compute avg max label max of rc on report -- compute avg max label max of r_tm on report -- compute avg max label max of qt on report -- compute avg max label max of ft on report -- compute avg max label max of ct on report -- compute avg max label max of rt on report -- compute avg max label max of fxt on report -- compute avg max label max of st on report -- compute avg max label max of bco on report -- compute avg max label max of eco on report -- -- -- col r_ops format 999,990 heading 'Remaster|Ops' just c -- col r_tm format 99,990.0 heading 'Remaster|Time(s)' just c -- col r_obj format 999,999,990 heading 'Remastered|Objects' just c -- col qt format 99,990.0 heading 'Quiesce|Time(s)' just c -- col ft format 99,990.0 heading 'Freeze|Time(s)' just c -- col ct format 99,990.0 heading 'Cleanup|Time(s)' just c -- col rt format 99,990.0 heading 'Replay|Time(s)' just c -- col fxt format 99,990.0 heading 'Fixwrite|Time(s)' just c -- col st format 99,990.0 heading 'Sync|Time(s)' just c -- col rc format 999,999,990 heading 'Resources|Cleaned' just c -- col rls format 999,999,990 heading 'Replay Locks|Sent' just c -- col rlr format 999,999,990 heading 'Replay Locks|Received' just c -- col bco format 99,999,990 heading 'Affinity|Obj (Beg)' just c -- col eco format 99,999,990 heading 'Affinity|Obj (End)' just c -- -- select e.instance_number -- , e.remaster_ops - b.remaster_ops r_ops -- , e.remastered_objects - b.remastered_objects r_obj -- , e.replayed_locks_sent - b.replayed_locks_sent rls -- , e.replayed_locks_received - b.replayed_locks_received rlr -- , e.resources_cleaned - b.resources_cleaned rc -- , (e.remaster_time - b.remaster_time)/&cstos r_tm -- , (e.quiesce_time - b.quiesce_time)/&cstos qt -- , (e.freeze_time - b.freeze_time)/&cstos ft -- , (e.cleanup_time - b.cleanup_time)/&cstos ct -- , (e.replay_time - b.replay_time)/&cstos rt -- , (e.fixwrite_time - b.fixwrite_time)/&cstos fxt -- , (e.sync_time - b.sync_time)/&cstos st -- , b.current_objects bco -- , e.current_objects eco -- from dba_hist_dyn_remaster_stats b -- , dba_hist_dyn_remaster_stats e -- where e.dbid = :dbid -- and b.snap_id = :bid -- and e.snap_id = :eid -- and e.dbid = b.dbid -- and e.instance_number = b.instance_number -- order by e.instance_number; -- -- clear breaks computes ttitle lef 'Dynamic Remastering Statistics - per Remaster Ops' - center 'DB: ' db_name ' ' - 'Snaps: ' format 99999999 begin_snap '-' format 99999999 end_snap - skip 1 - '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' - skip 1 - '-> Affinity Obj - objects remastered due to affinity at begin/end snap' - skip 2; break on report compute avg of r_ops on report compute avg of r_obj on report compute avg max label max of rls on report compute avg max label max of rlr on report compute avg max label max of rc on report compute avg max label max of r_tm on report compute avg max label max of qt on report compute avg max label max of ft on report compute avg max label max of ct on report compute avg max label max of rt on report compute avg max label max of fxt on report compute avg max label max of st on report compute avg max label max of bco on report compute avg max label max of eco on report col r_ops format 999,990 heading 'Remaster|Ops' just c col r_tm format 9,990.90 heading 'Remaster|Time(s)|per Ops' just c col r_obj format 9,999,990.0 heading 'Remastered|Objects|per Ops' just c col qt format 9,990.90 heading 'Quiesce|Time(s)|per Ops' just c col ft format 9,990.90 heading 'Freeze|Time(s)|per Ops' just c col ct format 9,990.90 heading 'Cleanup|Time(s)|per Ops' just c col rt format 9,990.90 heading 'Replay|Time(s)|per Ops' just c col fxt format 9,990.90 heading 'Fixwrite|Time(s)|per Ops' just c col st format 9,990.90 heading 'Sync|Time(s)|per Ops' just c col rc format 9,999,990.0 heading 'Resources|Cleaned|per Ops' just c col rls format 9,999,990.0 heading 'Replay Locks|Sent|per Ops' just c col rlr format 9,999,990.0 heading 'Replay Locks|Received|per Ops' just c col bco format 99,999,990 heading 'Affinity|Obj (Beg)' just c col eco format 99,999,990 heading 'Affinity|Obj (End)' just c select e.instance_number , e.remaster_ops - b.remaster_ops r_ops , (e.remastered_objects - b.remastered_objects)/ (case when e.remaster_ops - b.remaster_ops = 0 then null else e.remaster_ops - b.remaster_ops end) r_obj , (e.replayed_locks_received - b.replayed_locks_received)/ (case when e.remaster_ops - b.remaster_ops = 0 then null else e.remaster_ops - b.remaster_ops end) rlr , (e.replayed_locks_sent - b.replayed_locks_sent)/ (case when e.remaster_ops - b.remaster_ops = 0 then null else e.remaster_ops - b.remaster_ops end) rls , (e.resources_cleaned - b.resources_cleaned)/ (case when e.remaster_ops - b.remaster_ops = 0 then null else e.remaster_ops - b.remaster_ops end) rc , (e.remaster_time - b.remaster_time)/ (case when e.remaster_ops - b.remaster_ops = 0 then null else e.remaster_ops - b.remaster_ops end)/&cstos r_tm , (e.quiesce_time - b.quiesce_time)/ (case when e.remaster_ops - b.remaster_ops = 0 then null else e.remaster_ops - b.remaster_ops end)/&cstos qt , (e.freeze_time - b.freeze_time)/ (case when e.remaster_ops - b.remaster_ops = 0 then null else e.remaster_ops - b.remaster_ops end)/&cstos ft , (e.cleanup_time - b.cleanup_time)/ (case when e.remaster_ops - b.remaster_ops = 0 then null else e.remaster_ops - b.remaster_ops end)/&cstos ct , (e.replay_time - b.replay_time)/ (case when e.remaster_ops - b.remaster_ops = 0 then null else e.remaster_ops - b.remaster_ops end)/&cstos rt , (e.fixwrite_time - b.fixwrite_time)/ (case when e.remaster_ops - b.remaster_ops = 0 then null else e.remaster_ops - b.remaster_ops end)/&cstos fxt , (e.sync_time - b.sync_time)/ (case when e.remaster_ops - b.remaster_ops = 0 then null else e.remaster_ops - b.remaster_ops end)/&cstos st , b.current_objects bco , e.current_objects eco from dba_hist_dyn_remaster_stats b , dba_hist_dyn_remaster_stats e where e.dbid = :dbid and b.snap_id = :bid and e.snap_id = :eid and e.dbid = b.dbid and e.instance_number = b.instance_number order by e.instance_number; clear breaks computes -- ------------------------------------------------------------------ set newpage 0 ttitle skip 1 - lef 'Top Timed Events '- center 'DB: ' db_name ' ' - 'Snaps: ' format 99999999 begin_snap '-' format 99999999 end_snap - skip 1 - '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' - skip 1 - '-> Instance ''*'' - cluster wide summary' - skip 1 - ' Waits, Timeouts, Total Wait Time : Cluster-wide total for the wait event' - skip 1 - ' ''Avg Wait Time (ms)'' : Cluster-wide average computed as (Total Wait Time / Waits) in ms' - skip 1 - ' ''Avg Wait Time (ms)'' Summary of Instances : Per-instance ''Avg Wait Time (ms)'' used to compute the statistics: ' - skip 1 - ' [Avg|Min|Max|Std Dev] - average|minimum|maximum|standard deviation of' - ' per-instance ''Avg Wait (ms)''' - skip 1 - ' Cnt - number of instances with the wait event ' - skip 2 - ' -------- Avg Wait Time (ms) --------' - skip 1 - ' Avg Summary of Instances ' - skip 1; break on inststr skip 1 col inststr format a4 heading 'I#' just r col nm format a40 trunc heading 'Event' col wc format a8 trunc heading 'Wait|Class' col twt format 999,999,990 heading 'Waits' col pctto format 990.0 heading '%Time|-outs' col tto format 9,999,990 col ttm format 9,999,990.90 heading 'Total Wait|Time(s)' col rnk format 990 noprint col avtm format 9990.0 heading 'Wait|(ms)' col avavtm format 9990.0 heading 'Avg' col stdtm format 9990.0 heading 'Std|Dev' col mintm format 9990.0 heading 'Min' col maxtm format 9990.0 heading 'Max' col cnt format 990 heading 'Cnt' col pctdbt format 990.90 heading '% of|DB time' col pctbgt format 990.90 heading '% of|bg time' select * from ( /* apply rank to get top 10 per instance, rollup cluster-wide totals */ select lpad(case when s.instance_number is null then '*' else to_char(s.instance_number,'999') end,4) inststr , wc , nm , sum(twt) twt , case when sum(twt) = 0 then null else sum(tto)/sum(twt)*100 end pctto , sum(ttm)/&ustos ttm , case when sum(twt) = 0 then null else sum(ttm)/sum(twt)/&ustoms end avtm , case when s.instance_number is null then avg(avtm) end avavtm , case when s.instance_number is null then min(avtm) end mintm , case when s.instance_number is null then max(avtm) end maxtm , case when s.instance_number is null then stddev_samp(avtm) end stdtm , case when s.instance_number is null then count(*) end cnt , case when sum(dbt) = 0 then null else sum(ttm)/sum(dbt)*100 end pctdbt , rank() over (partition by s.instance_number order by sum(ttm) desc, sum(twt) desc) rnk from ( /* wait events, avg wait time and db cpu per instance */ ( /* select events per instance */ select e.event_name nm , e.wait_class wc , e.instance_number , e.total_waits - nvl(b.total_waits,0) twt , e.total_timeouts - nvl(b.total_timeouts,0) tto , (e.time_waited_micro - nvl(b.time_waited_micro,0)) ttm , case when (e.total_waits - nvl(b.total_waits,0) = 0) then null else (e.time_waited_micro - nvl(b.time_waited_micro,0))/ (e.total_waits - nvl(b.total_waits,0))/&ustoms end avtm from dba_hist_system_event e , dba_hist_system_event b where e.snap_id = :eid and b.snap_id (+) = :bid and e.dbid = :dbid and e.dbid = b.dbid (+) and e.instance_number = b.instance_number (+) and e.event_id = b.event_id (+) and e.event_name = b.event_name (+) and e.wait_class != 'Idle' ) union all ( /* select time for DB CPU */ select se.stat_name nm , null wc , se.instance_number , null twt , null tto , (se.value - nvl(sb.value,0)) ttm , null avtm from dba_hist_sys_time_model se , dba_hist_sys_time_model sb where se.snap_id = :eid and sb.snap_id (+) = :bid and se.dbid = :dbid and se.dbid = sb.dbid (+) and se.instance_number = sb.instance_number (+) and se.stat_name = 'DB CPU' and se.stat_name = sb.stat_name (+) and se.stat_id = sb.stat_id (+) ) ) s , (select e.instance_number , sum((e.value - nvl(b.value,0))) dbt from dba_hist_sys_time_model b , dba_hist_sys_time_model e where e.dbid = :dbid and e.dbid = b.dbid (+) and e.instance_number = b.instance_number (+) and e.snap_id = :eid and b.snap_id (+) = :bid and b.stat_id (+) = e.stat_id and e.stat_name = 'DB time' group by e.instance_number ) tm where s.instance_number = tm.instance_number group by wc, nm, rollup(s.instance_number) ) where rnk <= &&top_n_events order by inststr, ttm desc, twt desc; clear breaks computes repfooter center - '-------------------------------------------------------------'; ttitle skip 1 - lef 'Top Timed Foreground Events '- center 'DB: ' db_name ' ' - 'Snaps: ' format 99999999 begin_snap '-' format 99999999 end_snap - skip 1 - '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' - skip 1 - '-> Foreground Activity is captured in release 11g and above; ' - skip 1 - ' if *_FG statistics (waits, timeouts, time waited) are null then the *_FG statistics are computed as (total - background)' - skip 1 - '-> Instance ''*'' - cluster wide summary' - skip 1 - ' Waits, Timeouts, Total Wait Time : Cluster-wide total for the wait event' - skip 1 - ' ''Avg Wait Time (ms)'' : Cluster-wide average computed as (Total Wait Time / Waits) in ms' - skip 1 - ' ''Avg Wait Time (ms)'' Summary of Instances : Per-instance ''Avg Wait Time (ms)'' used to compute the statistics: ' - skip 1 - ' [Avg|Min|Max|Std Dev] - average|minimum|maximum|standard deviation of' - ' per-instance ''Avg Wait (ms)''' - skip 1 - ' Cnt - number of instances with the wait event ' - skip 2 - ' -------- Avg Wait Time (ms) --------' - skip 1 - ' Avg Summary of Instances ' - skip 1; break on inststr skip 1 select * from ( /* apply rank to get top 10 per instance, rollup cluster-wide totals */ select lpad(case when s.instance_number is null then '*' else to_char(s.instance_number,'999') end,4) inststr , wc , nm , sum(twt) twt , case when sum(twt) = 0 then null else sum(tto)/sum(twt)*100 end pctto , sum(ttm)/&ustos ttm , case when sum(twt) = 0 then null else sum(ttm)/sum(twt)/&ustoms end avtm , case when s.instance_number is null then avg(avtm) end avavtm , case when s.instance_number is null then min(avtm) end mintm , case when s.instance_number is null then max(avtm) end maxtm , case when s.instance_number is null then stddev_samp(avtm) end stdtm , case when s.instance_number is null then count(*) end cnt , case when sum(dbt) = 0 then null else sum(ttm)/sum(dbt)*100 end pctdbt , rank() over (partition by s.instance_number order by sum(ttm) desc, sum(twt) desc) rnk from ( /* average wait time per instance */ select instance_number , nm , wc , twt , tto , ttm , case when twt = 0 then null else ttm/twt/&ustoms end avtm from ( /* select events per instance */ ( select e.instance_number , e.event_name nm , e.wait_class wc , case when e.total_waits_fg is not null then e.total_waits_fg - nvl(b.total_waits_fg,0) else (e.total_waits - nvl(b.total_waits,0)) - greatest(0,(nvl(ebg.total_waits,0) - nvl(bbg.total_waits,0))) end twt , case when e.total_timeouts_fg is not null then e.total_timeouts_fg - nvl(b.total_timeouts_fg,0) else (e.total_timeouts - nvl(b.total_timeouts,0)) - greatest(0,(nvl(ebg.total_timeouts,0) - nvl(bbg.total_timeouts,0))) end tto , case when e.time_waited_micro_fg is not null then e.time_waited_micro_fg - nvl(b.time_waited_micro_fg,0) else (e.time_waited_micro - nvl(b.time_waited_micro,0)) - greatest(0,(nvl(ebg.time_waited_micro,0) - nvl(bbg.time_waited_micro,0))) end ttm from dba_hist_system_event b , dba_hist_system_event e , dba_hist_bg_event_summary bbg , dba_hist_bg_event_summary ebg where b.snap_id (+) = :bid and e.snap_id = :eid and bbg.snap_id (+) = :bid and ebg.snap_id (+) = :eid and e.dbid = :dbid and e.dbid = b.dbid (+) and e.instance_number = b.instance_number (+) and e.event_id = b.event_id (+) and e.dbid = ebg.dbid (+) and e.instance_number = ebg.instance_number (+) and e.event_id = ebg.event_id (+) and e.dbid = bbg.dbid (+) and e.instance_number = bbg.instance_number (+) and e.event_id = bbg.event_id (+) and e.total_waits > b.total_waits (+) and e.wait_class != 'Idle' ) union all ( /* select time for DB CPU */ select se.instance_number , se.stat_name nm , null wc , null twt , null tto , (se.value - nvl(sb.value,0)) ttm from dba_hist_sys_time_model se , dba_hist_sys_time_model sb where se.snap_id = :eid and sb.snap_id (+) = :bid and se.dbid = :dbid and se.dbid = sb.dbid (+) and se.instance_number = sb.instance_number (+) and se.stat_name = 'DB CPU' and se.stat_name = sb.stat_name (+) and se.stat_id = sb.stat_id (+) ) ) ) s , (select e.instance_number , sum((e.value - nvl(b.value,0))) dbt from dba_hist_sys_time_model b , dba_hist_sys_time_model e where e.dbid = :dbid and e.dbid = b.dbid (+) and e.instance_number = b.instance_number (+) and e.snap_id = :eid and b.snap_id (+) = :bid and b.stat_id (+) = e.stat_id and e.stat_name = 'DB time' group by e.instance_number ) tm where s.instance_number = tm.instance_number group by wc, nm, rollup(s.instance_number) ) where rnk <= &&top_n_events order by inststr, ttm desc, twt desc; clear breaks computes repfooter center - '-------------------------------------------------------------'; ttitle skip 1 - lef 'Top Timed Background Events '- center 'DB: ' db_name ' ' - 'Snaps: ' format 99999999 begin_snap '-' format 99999999 end_snap - skip 1 - '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' - skip 1 - '-> % of bg time: % of background elapsed time' - skip 1 - '-> Instance ''*'' - cluster wide summary' - skip 1 - ' Waits, Timeouts, Total Wait Time : Cluster-wide total for the wait event' - skip 1 - ' ''Avg Wait Time (ms)'' : Cluster-wide average computed as (Total Wait Time / Waits) in ms' - skip 1 - ' ''Avg Wait Time (ms)'' Summary of Instances : Per-instance ''Avg Wait Time (ms)'' used to compute the statistics: ' - skip 1 - ' [Avg|Min|Max|Std Dev] - average|minimum|maximum|standard deviation of' - ' per-instance ''Avg Wait (ms)''' - skip 1 - ' Cnt - number of instances with the wait event ' - skip 2 - ' -------- Avg Wait Time (ms) --------' - skip 1 - ' Avg Summary of Instances ' - skip 1; break on inststr skip 1 select * from ( /* apply rank to get top 10 per instance, rollup cluster-wide totals */ select lpad(case when s.instance_number is null then '*' else to_char(s.instance_number,'999') end,4) inststr , wc , nm , sum(twt) twt , case when sum(twt) = 0 then null else sum(tto)/sum(twt)*100 end pctto , sum(ttm)/&ustos ttm , case when sum(twt) = 0 then null else sum(ttm)/sum(twt)/&ustoms end avtm , case when s.instance_number is null then avg(avtm) end avavtm , case when s.instance_number is null then min(avtm) end mintm , case when s.instance_number is null then max(avtm) end maxtm , case when s.instance_number is null then stddev_samp(avtm) end stdtm , case when s.instance_number is null then count(*) end cnt , case when sum(dbt) = 0 then null else sum(ttm)/sum(dbt)*100 end pctbgt , rank() over (partition by s.instance_number order by sum(ttm) desc, sum(twt) desc) rnk from ( /* wait events, avg wait time and db cpu per instance */ ( /* select events per instance */ select e.event_name nm , e.wait_class wc , e.instance_number , e.total_waits - nvl(b.total_waits,0) twt , e.total_timeouts - nvl(b.total_timeouts,0) tto , (e.time_waited_micro - nvl(b.time_waited_micro,0)) ttm , case when (e.total_waits - nvl(b.total_waits,0) = 0) then null else (e.time_waited_micro - nvl(b.time_waited_micro,0))/ (e.total_waits - nvl(b.total_waits,0))/&ustoms end avtm from dba_hist_bg_event_summary e , dba_hist_bg_event_summary b where e.snap_id = :eid and b.snap_id (+) = :bid and e.dbid = :dbid and e.dbid = b.dbid (+) and e.instance_number = b.instance_number (+) and e.event_id = b.event_id (+) and e.event_name = b.event_name (+) and e.wait_class != 'Idle' ) union all ( /* select time for background CPU */ select se.stat_name nm , null wc , se.instance_number , null twt , null tto , (se.value - nvl(sb.value,0)) ttm , null avtm from dba_hist_sys_time_model se , dba_hist_sys_time_model sb where se.snap_id = :eid and sb.snap_id (+) = :bid and se.dbid = :dbid and se.dbid = sb.dbid (+) and se.instance_number = sb.instance_number (+) and se.stat_name = 'background cpu time' and se.stat_name = sb.stat_name (+) and se.stat_id = sb.stat_id (+) ) ) s , (select e.instance_number , sum((e.value - nvl(b.value,0))) dbt from dba_hist_sys_time_model b , dba_hist_sys_time_model e where e.dbid = :dbid and e.dbid = b.dbid (+) and e.instance_number = b.instance_number (+) and e.snap_id = :eid and b.snap_id (+) = :bid and b.stat_id (+) = e.stat_id and e.stat_name = 'background elapsed time' group by e.instance_number ) tm where s.instance_number = tm.instance_number group by wc, nm, rollup(s.instance_number) ) where rnk <= &&top_n_events order by inststr, ttm desc, twt desc; clear breaks computes repfooter center - '-------------------------------------------------------------'; -- ------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- SQL Reporting -- Get the captured vs. total workload ratios set newpage none set heading off set termout off ttitle off repfooter off col bufcappct new_value bufcappct noprint col getsa new_value getsa noprint col phycappct new_value phycappct noprint col phyra new_value phyra noprint col execappct new_value execappct noprint col exea new_value exea noprint col prscappct new_value prscappct noprint col prsea new_value prsea noprint col cpucappct new_value cpucappct noprint col elacappct new_value elacappct noprint col dbcpua new_value dbcpua noprint col dbcpu_s new_value dbcpu_s noprint col dbtima new_value dbtima noprint col dbtim_s new_value dbtim_s noprint col clucappct new_value clucappct noprint col clutm_s new_value clutm_s noprint col iowcappct new_value iowcappct noprint col iowtm_s new_value iowtm_s noprint col plcpucappct new_value plcpucappct noprint col plelacappct new_value plelacappct noprint select case when :tgets = 0 then to_number(null) else 100*buffer_gets_delta/:tgets end bufcappct , :tgets getsa , case when :trds = 0 then to_number(null) else 100*disk_reads_delta/:trds end phycappct , :trds phyra , case when :texecs = 0 then to_number(null) else 100*executions_delta/:texecs end execappct , :texecs exea , case when :tdbcpu = 0 then to_number(null) else 100*cpu_time_delta/:tdbcpu end cpucappct , case when :tdbcpu = 0 then to_number(null) else 100*plcpu_time_delta/:tdbcpu end plcpucappct , :tdbcpu dbcpua , :tdbcpu/&&ustos dbcpu_s , case when :tdbtim = 0 then to_number(null) else 100*elapsed_time_delta/:tdbtim end elacappct , case when :tdbtim = 0 then to_number(null) else 100*plelapsed_time_delta/:tdbtim end plelacappct , :tdbtim dbtima , :tdbtim/&&ustos dbtim_s , case when :tclutm = 0 then to_number(null) else 100*clwait_delta/:tclutm end clucappct , :tclutm/&&ustos clutm_s , case when :tiowtm = 0 then to_number(null) else 100*iowait_delta/:tiowtm end iowcappct , :tiowtm/&&ustos iowtm_s from ( select sum(case when st.command_type = 47 or st.command_type = 170 then 0 else e.buffer_gets_delta end) buffer_gets_delta , sum(case when st.command_type = 47 or st.command_type = 170 then 0 else e.disk_reads_delta end) disk_reads_delta , sum(e.executions_delta) executions_delta , sum(case when st.command_type = 47 or st.command_type = 170 then 0 else e.cpu_time_delta end) cpu_time_delta , sum(case when st.command_type = 47 or st.command_type = 170 then e.cpu_time_delta else 0 end) plcpu_time_delta , sum(case when st.command_type = 47 or st.command_type = 170 then 0 else e.elapsed_time_delta end) elapsed_time_delta , sum(case when st.command_type = 47 or st.command_type = 170 then e.elapsed_time_delta else 0 end) plelapsed_time_delta , sum(case when st.command_type = 47 or st.command_type = 170 then 0 else e.clwait_delta end) clwait_delta , sum(case when st.command_type = 47 or st.command_type = 170 then 0 else e.iowait_delta end) iowait_delta from dba_hist_sqlstat e , dba_hist_sqltext st where e.snap_id > :bid and e.snap_id <= :eid and e.dbid = :dbid and e.sql_id = st.sql_id and e.dbid = st.dbid); -- ------------------------------------------------------------ set newpage 0 set termout on; set heading on; repfooter center - '-------------------------------------------------------------'; -- -- SQL ordered by Elapsed ttitle skip 1 - lef 'SQL ordered by Elapsed Time (Global) '- center 'DB: ' db_name ' ' - 'Snaps: ' format 99999999 begin_snap '-' format 99999999 end_snap - skip 1 - '-> Total DB time (s): ' format 99,999,999,999 dbtim_s - skip 1 - '-> Captured SQL accounts for ' format 990.9 elacappct '% of Total DB time' - skip 1 - '-> Captured PL/SQL accounts for ' format 990.9 plelacappct '% of Total DB time' - skip 2; break on sql_id skip 1 col sql_id format a13 heading 'SQL Id' col sqt format a50 trunc heading 'SQL Text' col execs format 999,999,990 heading 'Execs' col gets format 9,999,999,990 heading 'Gets' col bpe format 999,999,990.0 heading 'per Exec' col reads format 999,999,990 heading 'Reads' col rpe format 9,999,990.0 heading 'per Exec' col rws format 999,999,990 heading 'Rows' col rwpe format 9,999,990.0 heading 'per Exec' col cpu_time format 999,990.90 heading 'CPU (s)' col cppe format 999,990.90 heading 'per Exec(s)' col elapsed_time format 9,999,990.90 heading 'Ela (s)' col elpe format 9,999,990.90 heading 'per Exec(s)' col clwait_time format 999,990.90 heading 'Clu (s)' col clpe format 999,990.90 heading 'per Exe(s)' col iowait_time format 999,990.90 heading 'IOWait (s)' col iope format 999,990.90 heading 'per Exe(s)' col nl format a13 newline heading '' col bp heading '' col ela_pct_dbt format 9,999,990.90 heading '% of DB time' col cpu_pct format 999,990.90 heading '% of DB CPU' col gets_pct format 99,999,990.90 heading '% of Gets' col rds_pct format 9999,990.90 heading '% of Reads' col execs_pct format 9999,990.90 heading '% of Execs' col clwait_pct format 999,990.90 heading '% of CluTm' col iowait_pct format 999,990.90 heading '% of IO Tm' col ep format a12 heading '' col sqtn format a50 trunc heading '' select s.sql_id , elapsed_time/&ustos elapsed_time , cpu_time/&ustos cpu_time , iowait_time/&ustos iowait_time , gets , reads , rws , clwait_time/&ustos clwait_time , execs , substr(regexp_replace(st.sql_text,'(\s)+',' '),1,50) sqt , ' ' nl , elapsed_time/&ustos/decode(execs,0,null,execs) elpe , cpu_time/&ustos/decode(execs,0,null,execs) cppe , iowait_time/&ustos/decode(execs,0,null,execs) iope , gets/decode(execs,0,null,execs) bpe , reads/decode(execs,0,null,execs) rpe , rws/decode(execs,0,null,execs) rwpe , clwait_time/&ustos/decode(execs,0,null,execs) clpe , ' ' ep , substr(regexp_replace(st.sql_text,'(\s)+',' '),51,50) sqtn , ' ' nl , elapsed_time/decode(:tdbtim,0,null,:tdbtim)*100 ela_pct_dbt -- , ' ' bp , cpu_time/decode(:tdbcpu,0,null,:tdbcpu)*100 cpu_pct , iowait_time/decode(:tiowtm,0,null,:tiowtm)*100 iowait_pct , gets/decode(:tgets,0,null,:tgets)*100 gets_pct , reads/decode(:trds,0,null,:trds)*100 rds_pct , ' ' bp , clwait_time/decode(:tclutm,0,null,:tclutm)*100 clwait_pct , execs/decode(:texecs,0,null,:texecs)*100 execs_pct , substr(regexp_replace(st.sql_text,'(\s)+',' '),101,50) sqtn from (select * from ( select sql_id , sum(executions_delta) execs , sum(buffer_gets_delta) gets , sum(disk_reads_delta) reads , sum(rows_processed_delta) rws , sum(cpu_time_delta) cpu_time , sum(elapsed_time_delta) elapsed_time , sum(clwait_delta) clwait_time , sum(iowait_delta) iowait_time from dba_hist_sqlstat where snap_id > :bid and snap_id <= :eid and dbid = :dbid group by sql_id order by sum(elapsed_time_delta) desc) where rownum <= &&top_n_sql ) s , dba_hist_sqltext st where st.dbid = :dbid and st.sql_id = s.sql_id order by elapsed_time desc, sql_id; -- -- SQL ordered by CPU ttitle skip 1 - lef 'SQL ordered by CPU Time (Global) '- center 'DB: ' db_name ' ' - 'Snaps: ' format 99999999 begin_snap '-' format 99999999 end_snap - skip 1 - '-> Total DB CPU (s): ' format 99,999,999,999 dbcpu_s - skip 1 - '-> Captured SQL accounts for ' format 990.9 cpucappct '% of Total DB CPU' - skip 1 - '-> Captured PL/SQL accounts for ' format 990.9 plcpucappct '% of Total DB CPU' - skip 2; select s.sql_id , cpu_time/&ustos cpu_time , elapsed_time/&ustos elapsed_time , iowait_time/&ustos iowait_time , gets , reads , rws , clwait_time/&ustos clwait_time , execs , substr(regexp_replace(st.sql_text,'(\s)+',' '),1,50) sqt , ' ' nl , cpu_time/&ustos/decode(execs,0,null,execs) cppe , elapsed_time/&ustos/decode(execs,0,null,execs) elpe , iowait_time/&ustos/decode(execs,0,null,execs) iope , gets/decode(execs,0,null,execs) bpe , reads/decode(execs,0,null,execs) rpe , rws/decode(execs,0,null,execs) rwpe , clwait_time/&ustos/decode(execs,0,null,execs) clpe , ' ' ep , substr(regexp_replace(st.sql_text,'(\s)+',' '),51,50) sqtn , ' ' nl , cpu_time/decode(:tdbcpu,0,null,:tdbcpu)*100 cpu_pct -- , ' ' bp , elapsed_time/decode(:tdbtim,0,null,:tdbtim)*100 ela_pct_dbt , iowait_time/decode(:tiowtm,0,null,:tiowtm)*100 iowait_pct , gets/decode(:tgets,0,null,:tgets)*100 gets_pct , reads/decode(:trds,0,null,:trds)*100 rds_pct , ' ' bp , clwait_time/decode(:tclutm,0,null,:tclutm)*100 clwait_pct , execs/decode(:texecs,0,null,:texecs)*100 execs_pct , substr(regexp_replace(st.sql_text,'(\s)+',' '),101,50) sqtn from (select * from ( select sql_id , sum(executions_delta) execs , sum(buffer_gets_delta) gets , sum(disk_reads_delta) reads , sum(rows_processed_delta) rws , sum(cpu_time_delta) cpu_time , sum(elapsed_time_delta) elapsed_time , sum(iowait_delta) iowait_time , sum(clwait_delta) clwait_time from dba_hist_sqlstat where snap_id > :bid and snap_id <= :eid and dbid = :dbid group by sql_id order by sum(cpu_time_delta) desc) where rownum <= &&top_n_sql ) s , dba_hist_sqltext st where st.dbid = :dbid and st.sql_id = s.sql_id order by cpu_time desc, sql_id; -- -- SQL ordered by User I/O Time ttitle skip 1 - lef 'SQL ordered by User I/O Time (Global) '- center 'DB: ' db_name ' ' - 'Snaps: ' format 99999999 begin_snap '-' format 99999999 end_snap - skip 1 - '-> Total User I/O Wait Time (s): ' format 99,999,999,999 iowtm_s - skip 1 - '-> Captured SQL accounts for ' format 990.9 iowcappct '% of Total User I/O Wait Time' - skip 2; select s.sql_id , iowait_time/&ustos iowait_time , elapsed_time/&ustos elapsed_time , cpu_time/&ustos cpu_time , gets , reads , rws , clwait_time/&ustos clwait_time , execs , substr(regexp_replace(st.sql_text,'(\s)+',' '),1,50) sqt , ' ' nl , iowait_time/&ustos/decode(execs,0,null,execs) iope , elapsed_time/&ustos/decode(execs,0,null,execs) elpe , cpu_time/&ustos/decode(execs,0,null,execs) cppe , gets/decode(execs,0,null,execs) bpe , reads/decode(execs,0,null,execs) rpe , rws/decode(execs,0,null,execs) rwpe , clwait_time/&ustos/decode(execs,0,null,execs) clpe , ' ' ep , substr(regexp_replace(st.sql_text,'(\s)+',' '),51,50) sqtn , ' ' nl , iowait_time/decode(:tiowtm,0,null,:tiowtm)*100 iowait_pct -- , ' ' bp , elapsed_time/decode(:tdbtim,0,null,:tdbtim)*100 ela_pct_dbt , cpu_time/decode(:tdbcpu,0,null,:tdbcpu)*100 cpu_pct , gets/decode(:tgets,0,null,:tgets)*100 gets_pct , reads/decode(:trds,0,null,:trds)*100 rds_pct , ' ' bp , clwait_time/decode(:tclutm,0,null,:tclutm)*100 clwait_pct , execs/decode(:texecs,0,null,:texecs)*100 execs_pct , substr(regexp_replace(st.sql_text,'(\s)+',' '),101,50) sqtn from (select * from ( select sql_id , sum(executions_delta) execs , sum(buffer_gets_delta) gets , sum(disk_reads_delta) reads , sum(rows_processed_delta) rws , sum(cpu_time_delta) cpu_time , sum(elapsed_time_delta) elapsed_time , sum(iowait_delta) iowait_time , sum(clwait_delta) clwait_time from dba_hist_sqlstat where snap_id > :bid and snap_id <= :eid and dbid = :dbid group by sql_id order by sum(iowait_delta) desc) where rownum <= &&top_n_sql ) s , dba_hist_sqltext st where st.dbid = :dbid and st.sql_id = s.sql_id order by iowait_time desc, reads desc, sql_id; -- -- SQL ordered by Gets ttitle skip 1 - lef 'SQL ordered by Gets (Global) '- center 'DB: ' db_name ' ' - 'Snaps: ' format 99999999 begin_snap '-' format 99999999 end_snap - skip 1 - '-> Total Buffer Gets: ' format 99,999,999,999 getsa - skip 1 - '-> Captured SQL accounts for ' format 990.9 bufcappct '% of Total Buffer Gets' - skip 2; select s.sql_id , gets , reads , elapsed_time/&ustos elapsed_time , cpu_time/&ustos cpu_time , iowait_time/&ustos iowait_time , rws , clwait_time/&ustos clwait_time , execs , substr(regexp_replace(st.sql_text,'(\s)+',' '),1,50) sqt , ' ' nl , gets/decode(execs,0,null,execs) bpe , reads/decode(execs,0,null,execs) rpe , elapsed_time/&ustos/decode(execs,0,null,execs) elpe , cpu_time/&ustos/decode(execs,0,null,execs) cppe , iowait_time/&ustos/decode(execs,0,null,execs) iope , rws/decode(execs,0,null,execs) rwpe , clwait_time/&ustos/decode(execs,0,null,execs) clpe , ' ' ep , substr(regexp_replace(st.sql_text,'(\s)+',' '),51,50) sqtn , ' ' nl , gets/decode(:tgets,0,null,:tgets)*100 gets_pct -- , ' ' bp , reads/decode(:trds,0,null,:trds)*100 rds_pct , elapsed_time/decode(:tdbtim,0,null,:tdbtim)*100 ela_pct_dbt , cpu_time/decode(:tdbcpu,0,null,:tdbcpu)*100 cpu_pct , iowait_time/decode(:tclutm,0,null,:tclutm)*100 iowait_pct , ' ' bp , clwait_time/decode(:tclutm,0,null,:tclutm)*100 clwait_pct , execs/decode(:texecs,0,null,:texecs)*100 execs_pct , substr(regexp_replace(st.sql_text,'(\s)+',' '),101,50) sqtn from (select * from ( select sql_id , sum(executions_delta) execs , sum(buffer_gets_delta) gets , sum(disk_reads_delta) reads , sum(rows_processed_delta) rws , sum(cpu_time_delta) cpu_time , sum(elapsed_time_delta) elapsed_time , sum(iowait_delta) iowait_time , sum(clwait_delta) clwait_time from dba_hist_sqlstat where snap_id > :bid and snap_id <= :eid and dbid = :dbid group by sql_id order by sum(buffer_gets_delta) desc) where rownum <= &&top_n_sql ) s , dba_hist_sqltext st where st.dbid = :dbid and st.sql_id = s.sql_id order by gets desc, cpu_time desc, sql_id; -- -- SQL ordered by Reads ttitle skip 1 - lef 'SQL ordered by Reads (Global) '- center 'DB: ' db_name ' ' - 'Snaps: ' format 99999999 begin_snap '-' format 99999999 end_snap - skip 1 - '-> Total Disk Reads: ' format 99,999,999,999 phyra - skip 1 - '-> Captured SQL accounts for ' format 990.9 phycappct '% of Total Disk Reads' - skip 2; select s.sql_id , reads , gets , elapsed_time/&ustos elapsed_time , cpu_time/&ustos cpu_time , iowait_time/&ustos iowait_time , rws , clwait_time/&ustos clwait_time , execs , substr(regexp_replace(st.sql_text,'(\s)+',' '),1,50) sqt , ' ' nl , reads/decode(execs,0,null,execs) rpe , gets/decode(execs,0,null,execs) bpe , elapsed_time/&ustos/decode(execs,0,null,execs) elpe , cpu_time/&ustos/decode(execs,0,null,execs) cppe , iowait_time/&ustos/decode(execs,0,null,execs) iope , rws/decode(execs,0,null,execs) rwpe , clwait_time/&ustos/decode(execs,0,null,execs) clpe , ' ' ep , substr(regexp_replace(st.sql_text,'(\s)+',' '),51,50) sqtn , ' ' nl , reads/decode(:trds,0,null,:trds)*100 rds_pct -- , ' ' bp , gets/decode(:tgets,0,null,:tgets)*100 gets_pct , elapsed_time/decode(:tdbtim,0,null,:tdbtim)*100 ela_pct_dbt , cpu_time/decode(:tdbcpu,0,null,:tdbcpu)*100 cpu_pct , iowait_time/decode(:tiowtm,0,null,:tiowtm)*100 iowait_pct , ' ' bp , clwait_time/decode(:tclutm,0,null,:tclutm)*100 clwait_pct , execs/decode(:texecs,0,null,:texecs)*100 execs_pct , substr(regexp_replace(st.sql_text,'(\s)+',' '),101,50) sqtn from (select * from ( select sql_id , sum(executions_delta) execs , sum(buffer_gets_delta) gets , sum(disk_reads_delta) reads , sum(rows_processed_delta) rws , sum(cpu_time_delta) cpu_time , sum(elapsed_time_delta) elapsed_time , sum(iowait_delta) iowait_time , sum(clwait_delta) clwait_time from dba_hist_sqlstat where snap_id > :bid and snap_id <= :eid and dbid = :dbid group by sql_id order by sum(disk_reads_delta) desc) where rownum <= &&top_n_sql ) s , dba_hist_sqltext st where st.dbid = :dbid and st.sql_id = s.sql_id order by reads desc, iowait_time desc, sql_id; -- -- SQL ordered by Cluster Time ttitle skip 1 - lef 'SQL ordered by Cluster Time (Global) '- center 'DB: ' db_name ' ' - 'Snaps: ' format 99999999 begin_snap '-' format 99999999 end_snap - skip 1 - '-> Total Cluster Wait Time (s): ' format 99,999,999,999 clutm_s - skip 1 - '-> Captured SQL accounts for ' format 990.9 clucappct '% of Total Cluster Wait Time' - skip 2; select s.sql_id , clwait_time/&ustos clwait_time , elapsed_time/&ustos elapsed_time , cpu_time/&ustos cpu_time , iowait_time/&ustos iowait_time , gets , reads , rws , execs , substr(regexp_replace(st.sql_text,'(\s)+',' '),1,50) sqt , ' ' nl , clwait_time/&ustos/decode(execs,0,null,execs) clpe , elapsed_time/&ustos/decode(execs,0,null,execs) elpe , cpu_time/&ustos/decode(execs,0,null,execs) cppe , iowait_time/&ustos/decode(execs,0,null,execs) iope , gets/decode(execs,0,null,execs) bpe , reads/decode(execs,0,null,execs) rpe , rws/decode(execs,0,null,execs) rwpe , ' ' ep , substr(regexp_replace(st.sql_text,'(\s)+',' '),51,50) sqtn , ' ' nl , clwait_time/decode(:tclutm,0,null,:tclutm)*100 clwait_pct -- , ' ' bp , elapsed_time/decode(:tdbtim,0,null,:tdbtim)*100 ela_pct_dbt , cpu_time/decode(:tdbcpu,0,null,:tdbcpu)*100 cpu_pct , iowait_time/decode(:tiowtm,0,null,:tiowtm)*100 iowait_pct , gets/decode(:tgets,0,null,:tgets)*100 gets_pct , reads/decode(:trds,0,null,:trds)*100 rds_pct , ' ' bp , execs/decode(:texecs,0,null,:texecs)*100 execs_pct , substr(regexp_replace(st.sql_text,'(\s)+',' '),101,50) sqtn from (select * from ( select sql_id , sum(executions_delta) execs , sum(buffer_gets_delta) gets , sum(disk_reads_delta) reads , sum(rows_processed_delta) rws , sum(cpu_time_delta) cpu_time , sum(elapsed_time_delta) elapsed_time , sum(iowait_delta) iowait_time , sum(clwait_delta) clwait_time from dba_hist_sqlstat where snap_id > :bid and snap_id <= :eid and dbid = :dbid group by sql_id order by sum(clwait_delta) desc) where rownum <= &&top_n_sql ) s , dba_hist_sqltext st where st.dbid = :dbid and st.sql_id = s.sql_id order by clwait_time desc, sql_id; -- -- SQL ordered by Executions ttitle skip 1 - lef 'SQL ordered by Executions (Global) '- center 'DB: ' db_name ' ' - 'Snaps: ' format 99999999 begin_snap '-' format 99999999 end_snap - skip 1 - '-> Total Executions: ' format 99,999,999,999 exea - skip 1 - '-> Captured SQL accounts for ' format 990.9 execappct '% of Total Executions' - skip 2; select s.sql_id , execs , elapsed_time/&ustos elapsed_time , cpu_time/&ustos cpu_time , iowait_time/&ustos iowait_time , gets , reads , rws , clwait_time/&ustos clwait_time , substr(regexp_replace(st.sql_text,'(\s)+',' '),1,50) sqt , ' ' nl , ' ' ep , elapsed_time/&ustos/decode(execs,0,null,execs) elpe , cpu_time/&ustos/decode(execs,0,null,execs) cppe , iowait_time/&ustos/decode(execs,0,null,execs) iope , gets/decode(execs,0,null,execs) bpe , reads/decode(execs,0,null,execs) rpe , rws/decode(execs,0,null,execs) rwpe , clwait_time/&ustos/decode(execs,0,null,execs) clpe , substr(regexp_replace(st.sql_text,'(\s)+',' '),51,50) sqtn , ' ' nl , execs/decode(:texecs,0,null,:texecs)*100 execs_pct -- , ' ' bp , elapsed_time/decode(:tdbtim,0,null,:tdbtim)*100 ela_pct_dbt , cpu_time/decode(:tdbcpu,0,null,:tdbcpu)*100 cpu_pct , iowait_time/decode(:tiowtm,0,null,:tiowtm)*100 iowait_pct , gets/decode(:tgets,0,null,:tgets)*100 gets_pct , reads/decode(:trds,0,null,:trds)*100 rds_pct , ' ' bp , clwait_time/decode(:tclutm,0,null,:tclutm)*100 clwait_pct , substr(regexp_replace(st.sql_text,'(\s)+',' '),101,50) sqtn from (select * from ( select sql_id , sum(executions_delta) execs , sum(buffer_gets_delta) gets , sum(disk_reads_delta) reads , sum(rows_processed_delta) rws , sum(cpu_time_delta) cpu_time , sum(elapsed_time_delta) elapsed_time , sum(iowait_delta) iowait_time , sum(clwait_delta) clwait_time from dba_hist_sqlstat where snap_id > :bid and snap_id <= :eid and dbid = :dbid group by sql_id order by sum(executions_delta) desc) where rownum <= &&top_n_sql ) s , dba_hist_sqltext st where st.dbid = :dbid and st.sql_id = s.sql_id order by execs desc, sql_id; clear breaks computes -- -- Segment Statistics -- ttitle skip 1 - lef 'Segment Statistics (Global) '- center 'DB: ' db_name ' ' - 'Snaps: ' format 99999999 begin_snap '-' format 99999999 end_snap - skip 1 - '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' - skip 1 - lef '-> % Total shows % of statistic for each segment compared to the global cluster-wide total ' - skip 1 - lef ' % Total is not calculated for buffer busy waits, ITL waits, row lock waits, gc buffer busy ' - skip 1 - lef '-> % Capture shows % of statistic for each segment compared to the total captured ' - skip 1 - lef ' by AWR for all segments during the snapshot interval' - skip 2 ; break on statistic_name skip 1 column owner heading 'Owner' format a10 trunc column statistic_name heading 'Statistic' format a22 column tablespace_name heading 'Tablespace|Name' format a10 trunc column object_type heading 'Obj.|Type' format a5 trunc column object_name heading 'Object|Name' format a20 trunc column subobject_name heading 'Subobject|Name' format a10 trunc column value heading 'Value' format 999,999,999 column ratio heading '%Capture' format 990.0 column pct heading '%Total' format 990.0 column rnk format 999 noprint -- using this for now until bug5905759 is fixed -- select ss.stat_name statistic_name , n.owner , n.tablespace_name , n.object_name , case when length(n.subobject_name) < 11 then n.subobject_name else substr(n.subobject_name,length(n.subobject_name)-9) end subobject_name , n.object_type , value , case when stat_name = 'logical reads' then value/:tgets*100 when stat_name = 'db block changes' then value/:tdbch*100 when stat_name = 'physical reads' then value/:trds*100 when stat_name = 'physical reads direct' then value/:trdds*100 when stat_name = 'physical writes' then value/:twrs*100 when stat_name = 'physical writes direct' then value/:twrds*100 when stat_name = 'table scans' then value/(:ttslt + :tiffs)*100 when stat_name = 'gc cr blocks received' then value/:tgccrr*100 when stat_name = 'gc cu blocks received' then value/:tgccur*100 when stat_name = 'gc cr blocks served' then value/:tgccrs*100 when stat_name = 'gc cu blocks served' then value/:tgccus*100 else null end pct , (ratio_to_report(value) over (partition by stat_name))*100 ratio , rnk from ( /* now unpivot the result set for display purposes */ select dataobj# , obj# , dbid , stat_name , case when stat_name = 'logical reads' then lr when stat_name = 'buffer busy waits' then bbw when stat_name = 'db block changes' then dbc when stat_name = 'physical reads' then pr when stat_name = 'physical writes' then pw when stat_name = 'physical reads direct' then prd when stat_name = 'physical writes direct' then pwd when stat_name = 'ITL waits' then iw when stat_name = 'row lock waits' then rlw when stat_name = 'gc cr blocks served' then gcrs when stat_name = 'gc cu blocks served' then gcus when stat_name = 'gc buffer busy' then gbb when stat_name = 'gc cr blocks received' then gcrr when stat_name = 'gc cu blocks received' then gcur when stat_name = 'table scans' then ts else 0 end value , case when stat_name = 'logical reads' then rnk_lr when stat_name = 'buffer busy waits' then rnk_bbw when stat_name = 'db block changes' then rnk_dbc when stat_name = 'physical reads' then rnk_pr when stat_name = 'physical writes' then rnk_pw when stat_name = 'physical reads direct' then rnk_prd when stat_name = 'physical writes direct' then rnk_pwd when stat_name = 'ITL waits' then rnk_iw when stat_name = 'row lock waits' then rnk_rlw when stat_name = 'gc cr blocks served' then rnk_gcrs when stat_name = 'gc cu blocks served' then rnk_gcus when stat_name = 'gc buffer busy' then rnk_gbb when stat_name = 'gc cr blocks received' then rnk_gcrr when stat_name = 'gc cu blocks received' then rnk_gcur when stat_name = 'table scans' then rnk_ts else 0 end rnk from ( /* select top n for each statistic */ select * from (/* select objects and rank per statistic*/ select e.dataobj# , e.obj# , e.dbid , sum(logical_reads_delta) lr , sum(buffer_busy_waits_delta) bbw , sum(db_block_changes_delta) dbc , sum(physical_reads_delta) pr , sum(physical_writes_delta) pw , sum(physical_reads_direct_delta) prd , sum(physical_writes_direct_delta) pwd , sum(itl_waits_delta) iw , sum(row_lock_waits_delta) rlw , sum(gc_cr_blocks_served_delta) gcrs , sum(gc_cu_blocks_served_delta) gcus , sum(gc_buffer_busy_delta) gbb , sum(gc_cr_blocks_received_delta) gcrr , sum(gc_cu_blocks_received_delta) gcur , sum(table_scans_delta) ts , rank () over (order by sum(logical_reads_delta) desc) rnk_lr , rank () over (order by sum(buffer_busy_waits_delta) desc) rnk_bbw , rank () over (order by sum(db_block_changes_delta) desc) rnk_dbc , rank () over (order by sum(physical_reads_delta) desc) rnk_pr , rank () over (order by sum(physical_writes_delta) desc) rnk_pw , rank () over (order by sum(physical_reads_direct_delta) desc) rnk_prd , rank () over (order by sum(physical_writes_direct_delta) desc) rnk_pwd , rank () over (order by sum(itl_waits_delta) desc) rnk_iw , rank () over (order by sum(row_lock_waits_delta) desc) rnk_rlw , rank () over (order by sum(gc_cr_blocks_served_delta) desc) rnk_gcrs , rank () over (order by sum(gc_cu_blocks_served_delta) desc) rnk_gcus , rank () over (order by sum(gc_buffer_busy_delta) desc) rnk_gbb , rank () over (order by sum(gc_cr_blocks_received_delta) desc) rnk_gcrr , rank () over (order by sum(gc_cu_blocks_received_delta) desc) rnk_gcur , rank () over (order by sum(table_scans_delta) desc) rnk_ts from dba_hist_seg_stat e where e.dbid = :dbid and snap_id > :bid and snap_id <= :eid group by e.dataobj#, e.obj#, e.dbid ) where rnk_lr <= &top_n_segstat or rnk_bbw <= &top_n_segstat or rnk_dbc <= &top_n_segstat or rnk_pr <= &top_n_segstat or rnk_pw <= &top_n_segstat or rnk_prd <= &top_n_segstat or rnk_pwd <= &top_n_segstat or rnk_iw <= &top_n_segstat or rnk_rlw <= &top_n_segstat or rnk_gcrs <= &top_n_segstat or rnk_gcus <= &top_n_segstat or rnk_gbb <= &top_n_segstat or rnk_gcrr <= &top_n_segstat or rnk_gcur <= &top_n_segstat or rnk_ts <= &top_n_segstat ) r , ( /* used to generate cartesian join for unpivot */ select 'logical reads' stat_name from dual union all select 'buffer busy waits' stat_name from dual union all select 'db block changes' stat_name from dual union all select 'physical reads' stat_name from dual union all select 'physical writes' stat_name from dual union all select 'physical reads direct' stat_name from dual union all select 'physical writes direct' stat_name from dual union all select 'ITL waits' stat_name from dual union all select 'row lock waits' stat_name from dual union all select 'gc cr blocks served' stat_name from dual union all select 'gc cu blocks served' stat_name from dual union all select 'gc buffer busy' stat_name from dual union all select 'gc cr blocks received' stat_name from dual union all select 'gc cu blocks received' stat_name from dual union all select 'table scans' stat_name from dual ) d ) ss , dba_hist_seg_stat_obj n where ss.dataobj# = n.dataobj# and ss.obj# = n.obj# and ss.dbid = n.dbid and ss.rnk <= &top_n_segstat and value > 0 order by stat_name, value desc, object_name; -- commenting out until bug5905759 is fixed -- select lower(replace(replace(ss.stat_name,'_DELTA',''),'_',' ')) statistic_name -- , n.owner -- , n.tablespace_name -- , n.object_name -- , case when length(n.subobject_name) < 11 -- then n.subobject_name -- else substr(n.subobject_name,length(n.subobject_name)-9) -- end subobject_name -- , n.object_type -- , value -- , case when stat_name = 'LOGICAL_READS_DELTA' then value/:tgets*100 -- when stat_name = 'PHYSICAL_READS_DELTA' then value/:trds*100 -- when stat_name = 'GC_CR_BLOCKS_SERVED_DELTA' then value/:tgccrs*100 -- when stat_name = 'GC_CU_BLOCKS_SERVED_DELTA' then value/:tgccus*100 -- when stat_name = 'GC_CR_BLOCKS_RECEIVED_DELTA' then value/:tgccrr*100 -- when stat_name = 'GC_CU_BLOCKS_RECEIVED_DELTA' then value/:tgccur*100 -- else null -- end pct -- , (ratio_to_report(value) over (partition by stat_name))*100 ratio -- , rnk -- from (select /* top n segments */ -- dbid, ts#, obj#, dataobj#, stat_name, value, rnk -- from ( -- select /* value and rank, unpivoted */ -- dbid -- , ts# -- , obj# -- , dataobj# -- , stat_name -- , sum(value) value -- , rank () over (partition by stat_name -- order by (sum(value)) desc) rnk -- from -- ((select * -- from dba_hist_seg_stat -- where dbid = :dbid -- and snap_id > :bid -- and snap_id <= :eid) -- unpivot (value for stat_name in (logical_reads_delta -- ,buffer_busy_waits_delta -- ,db_block_changes_delta -- ,physical_reads_delta -- ,physical_writes_delta -- ,physical_reads_direct_delta -- ,physical_writes_direct_delta -- ,itl_waits_delta -- ,row_lock_waits_delta -- ,gc_cr_blocks_served_delta -- ,gc_cu_blocks_served_delta -- ,gc_cr_blocks_received_delta -- ,gc_cu_blocks_received_delta -- ,gc_buffer_busy_delta -- ,table_scans_delta ))) -- group by dbid, ts#, obj#,dataobj#,stat_name) -- where rnk <= &top_n_segstat) ss -- , dba_hist_seg_stat_obj n -- where ss.dataobj# = n.dataobj# -- and ss.obj# = n.obj# -- and ss.dbid = n.dbid -- dumping core when pushing pred to unpivot -- -- and n.dbid = :dbid -- and ss.rnk <= &top_n_segstat -- and value > 0 -- order by stat_name, value desc; clear breaks computes -- -- SysStat Section ttitle skip 1 - lef 'SysStat (Global) '- center 'DB: ' db_name ' ' - 'Snaps: ' format 99999999 begin_snap '-' format 99999999 end_snap - skip 1 - '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' - skip 1 - '-> per Second Average - average of per-instance per Second rates' - skip 1 - ' per Second Std Dev - standard deviation of per-instance per Second rates' - skip 1 - ' per Second Min - minium of per-instance per Second rates' - skip 1 - ' per Second Max - maximum of per-instance per Second rates' - skip 2; column st format a60 heading 'Statistic' trunc just l; column dif format 9,999,999,999,990 heading 'Total'; column ps format 999,999,990.0 heading 'per Second'; column pt format 9,999,990.0 heading 'per Trans'; column ps_avg format 99,999,990.0 heading 'per Second|Average' column ps_std format 99,999,990.0 heading 'per Second|Std Dev' column ps_min format 99,999,990.0 heading 'per Second|Min' column ps_max format 99,999,990.0 heading 'per Second|Max' select ss.stat_name st , sum(ss.dif) dif , sum(ss.dif/s_et) ps , sum(ss.dif)/decode((:tucm+:tur),0,1,(:tucm+:tur)) pt , avg(ss.dif/s_et) ps_avg , stddev_samp(ss.dif/s_et) ps_std , min(ss.dif/s_et) ps_min , max(ss.dif/s_et) ps_max from ( select se.stat_name , se.instance_number , sum(se.value - nvl(sb.value,0)) dif from dba_hist_sysstat se , dba_hist_sysstat sb where se.dbid = :dbid and sb.snap_id (+) = :bid and se.snap_id = :eid and se.dbid = sb.dbid (+) and se.instance_number = sb.instance_number (+) and se.stat_id = sb.stat_id (+) and se.value > nvl(sb.value,0) and se.stat_name not in ('logons current' , 'opened cursors current' , 'workarea memory allocated' , 'session cursor cache count' , 'session pga memory' , 'session pga memory max' , 'session uga memory' , 'session uga memory max' ) group by se.stat_name, se.instance_number) ss , (select e.instance_number , extract(DAY from e.end_interval_time - b.end_interval_time) * 86400 + extract(HOUR from e.end_interval_time - b.end_interval_time) * 3600 + extract(MINUTE from e.end_interval_time - b.end_interval_time) * 60 + extract(SECOND from e.end_interval_time - b.end_interval_time) s_et from dba_hist_snapshot e , dba_hist_snapshot b where e.dbid = :dbid and b.snap_id = :bid and e.snap_id = :eid and e.dbid = b.dbid and e.instance_number = b.instance_number ) s where ss.instance_number = s.instance_number group by ss.stat_name order by ss.stat_name; -- -- Misc GES RAC Statistics ttitle skip 1 - lef 'Global Enqueue Statistics (Global) '- center 'DB: ' db_name ' ' - 'Snaps: ' format 99999999 begin_snap '-' format 99999999 end_snap - skip 1 - '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' - skip 1 - '-> per Second Average - average of per-instance per Second rates' - skip 1 - ' per Second Std Dev - standard deviation of per-instance per Second rates' - skip 1 - ' per Second Min - minium of per-instance per Second rates' - skip 1 - ' per Second Max - maximum of per-instance per Second rates' - skip 2; column st format a60 heading 'Statistic' trunc just l; column dif format 9,999,999,999,990 heading 'Total'; column ps format 999,999,990.0 heading 'per Second'; column pt format 9,999,990.0 heading 'per Trans'; column ps_avg format 99,999,990.0 heading 'per Second|Average' column ps_std format 99,999,990.0 heading 'per Second|Std Dev' column ps_min format 99,999,990.0 heading 'per Second|Min' column ps_max format 99,999,990.0 heading 'per Second|Max' select st , sum(ss.dif) dif , sum(ss.dif/s_et) ps , sum(ss.dif)/decode((:tucm+:tur),0,1,(:tucm+:tur)) pt , avg(ss.dif/s_et) ps_avg , stddev_samp(ss.dif/s_et) ps_std , min(ss.dif/s_et) ps_min , max(ss.dif/s_et) ps_max from ( select , se.instance_number , sum(se.value - nvl(sb.value,0)) dif from dba_hist_dlm_misc se , dba_hist_dlm_misc sb where se.dbid = :dbid and sb.snap_id (+) = :bid and se.snap_id = :eid and se.dbid = sb.dbid (+) and se.instance_number = sb.instance_number (+) and se.statistic# = sb.statistic# (+) and se.value > nvl(sb.value,0) group by, se.instance_number) ss , (select e.instance_number , extract(DAY from e.end_interval_time - b.end_interval_time) * 86400 + extract(HOUR from e.end_interval_time - b.end_interval_time) * 3600 + extract(MINUTE from e.end_interval_time - b.end_interval_time) * 60 + extract(SECOND from e.end_interval_time - b.end_interval_time) s_et from dba_hist_snapshot e , dba_hist_snapshot b where e.dbid = :dbid and b.snap_id = :bid and e.snap_id = :eid and e.dbid = b.dbid and e.instance_number = b.instance_number ) s where ss.instance_number = s.instance_number group by order by; clear breaks computes -- ------------------------------------------------------------------ set newpage 0; ttitle skip 1 - lef 'SysStat (Absolute Values) '- center 'DB: ' db_name ' ' - 'Snaps: ' format 99999999 begin_snap '-' format 99999999 end_snap - skip 1 - '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' - skip 2 - ' ---- Sessions --- ------- Open Cursors ------ -- Session Cached Cursors --' break on report; compute sum avg std of lc_b on report compute sum avg std of lc_e on report compute sum avg std of occ_b on report compute sum avg std of occ_e on report compute sum avg std of sccc_b on report compute sum avg std of sccc_e on report col lc_b format 999,990 heading 'Begin' col lc_e format 999,990 heading 'End' col occ_b format 9,999,999,990 heading 'Begin' col occ_e format 999,999,990 heading 'End' col sccc_b format 9,999,999,990 heading 'Begin' col sccc_e format 999,999,990 heading 'End' select instance_number , lc_b , lc_e , occ_b , occ_e , sccc_b , sccc_e from ((select se.instance_number , se.stat_name , sb.value bval , se.value eval from dba_hist_sysstat sb , dba_hist_sysstat se where se.dbid = :dbid and sb.snap_id (+) = :bid and se.snap_id = :eid and se.dbid = sb.dbid (+) and se.instance_number = sb.instance_number (+) and se.stat_id = sb.stat_id (+) and se.stat_name in ('logons current' , 'opened cursors current' , 'session cursor cache count')) pivot (max(bval) b, max(eval) e for stat_name in ( 'logons current' lc , 'opened cursors current' occ , 'session cursor cache count' sccc))) order by instance_number; clear breaks computes -- ------------------------------------------------------------------ set newpage 2 ttitle skip 1 - lef 'IOStat by Function (per Second) ' - center 'DB: ' db_name ' ' - 'Snaps: ' format 99999999 begin_snap '-' format 99999999 end_snap - skip 1 - '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' - skip 1 - '-> Total Reads includes all Functions: Buffer Cache, Direct Reads, ARCH, Data Pump, Others, RMAN, Recovry, Streams/AQ and XDB' - skip 1 - '-> Total Writes includes all Functions: DBWR, Direct Writes, LGWR, ARCH, Data Pump, Others, RMAN, Recovry, Streams/AQ and XDB' - skip 2 - ' ------------------------------ Megabytes/sec ----------------------------------- ------------------------------- Requests/sec -----------------------------------' - skip 1 - ' --------------- Reads ------------ ------------------ Writes ------------------- --------------- Reads ------------ ----------------- Writes --------------------'; col instance_number format 999 heading 'I#' col total_rds format 9,999,990.0 heading 'Total' just c col bc_rds format 999,990.0 heading 'Buffer|Cache' just c col dr_rds format 999,990.0 heading 'Direct|Reads' just c col total_wrs format 9,999,990.0 heading 'Total' just c col dbwr_wrs format 999,990.0 heading 'DBWR' just c col dw_wrs format 999,990.0 heading 'Direct|Writes' just c col lgwr_wrs format 999,990.0 heading 'LGWR' just c col total_rrq format 9,999,990.0 heading 'Total' just c col bc_rrq format 999,990.0 heading 'Buffer|Cache' just c col dr_rrq format 999,990.0 heading 'Direct|Reads' just c col total_wrq format 9,999,990.0 heading 'Total' just c col dbwr_wrq format 999,990.0 heading 'DBWR' just c col dw_wrq format 999,990.0 heading 'Direct|Writes' just c col lgwr_wrq format 999,990.0 heading 'LGWR' just c break on report compute sum avg of total_rds on report compute sum avg of bc_rds on report compute sum avg of dr_rds on report compute sum avg of total_wrs on report compute sum avg of dbwr_wrs on report compute sum avg of dw_wrs on report compute sum avg of lgwr_wrs on report compute sum avg of total_rrq on report compute sum avg of bc_rrq on report compute sum avg of dr_rrq on report compute sum avg of total_wrq on report compute sum avg of dbwr_wrq on report compute sum avg of dw_wrq on report compute sum avg of lgwr_wrq on report select s.instance_number , io.total_rds/s_et total_rds , io.bc_rds/s_et bc_rds , io.dr_rds/s_et dr_rds , io.total_wrs/s_et total_wrs , io.dbwr_wrs/s_et dbwr_wrs , io.dw_wrs/s_et dw_wrs , io.lgwr_wrs/s_et lgwr_wrs , io.total_rrq/s_et total_rrq , io.bc_rrq/s_et bc_rrq , io.dr_rrq/s_et dr_rrq , io.total_wrq/s_et total_wrq , io.dbwr_wrq/s_et dbwr_wrq , io.dw_wrq/s_et dw_wrq , io.lgwr_wrq/s_et lgwr_wrq from (select instance_number , bc_rds + dr_rds + arch_rds + dbwr_rds + dp_rds + dw_rds + lgwr_rds + oth_rds + rman_rds + reco_rds + saq_rds + xdb_rds total_rds , bc_rds bc_rds , dr_rds dr_rds , dbwr_wrs + dw_wrs + lgwr_wrs + arch_wrs + bc_wrs + dp_wrs + dr_wrs + oth_wrs + rman_wrs + reco_wrs + saq_wrs + xdb_wrs total_wrs , dbwr_wrs dbwr_wrs , dw_wrs dw_wrs , lgwr_wrs lgwr_wrs , bc_rrq + dr_rrq + arch_rrq + dbwr_rrq + dp_rrq + dw_rrq + lgwr_rrq + oth_rrq + rman_rrq + reco_rrq + saq_rrq + xdb_rrq total_rrq , bc_rrq bc_rrq , dr_rrq dr_rrq , dbwr_wrq + dw_wrq+ lgwr_wrq + arch_wrq + bc_wrq + dp_wrq + dr_wrq + oth_wrq + rman_wrq + reco_wrq + saq_wrq + xdb_wrq total_wrq , dbwr_wrq dbwr_wrq , dw_wrq dw_wrq , lgwr_wrq lgwr_wrq from (select e.instance_number , e.function_name , sum((e.small_read_megabytes - b.small_read_megabytes) + (e.large_read_megabytes - b.large_read_megabytes)) rds , sum((e.small_read_reqs - b.small_read_reqs) + (e.large_read_reqs - b.large_read_reqs)) rrq , sum((e.small_write_megabytes - b.small_write_megabytes) + (e.large_write_megabytes - b.large_write_megabytes)) wrs , sum((e.small_write_reqs - b.small_write_reqs) + (e.large_write_reqs - b.large_write_reqs)) wrq , sum((e.number_of_waits - b.number_of_waits)) wts , sum((e.wait_time - b.wait_time)) wttm from dba_hist_iostat_function b , dba_hist_iostat_function e where b.snap_id = :bid and e.snap_id = :eid and e.dbid = :dbid and e.dbid = b.dbid and e.instance_number = b.instance_number and e.function_id = b.function_id and e.function_name = b.function_name group by e.instance_number,e.function_name) pivot (sum(rds) rds, sum(rrq) rrq, sum(wrs) wrs, sum(wrq) wrq, sum(wts) wts, sum(wttm) wttm for function_name in ('ARCH' arch ,'Buffer Cache Reads' bc ,'DBWR' dbwr ,'Data Pump' dp ,'Direct Reads' dr ,'Direct Writes' dw ,'LGWR' lgwr ,'Others' oth ,'RMAN' rman ,'Recovery' reco ,'Streams AQ' saq ,'XDB' xdb ))) io , (select e.instance_number , extract(DAY from e.end_interval_time - b.end_interval_time) * 86400 + extract(HOUR from e.end_interval_time - b.end_interval_time) * 3600 + extract(MINUTE from e.end_interval_time - b.end_interval_time) * 60 + extract(SECOND from e.end_interval_time - b.end_interval_time) s_et from dba_hist_snapshot e , dba_hist_snapshot b where e.dbid = :dbid and b.snap_id = :bid and e.snap_id = :eid and e.dbid = b.dbid and e.instance_number = b.instance_number ) s where s.instance_number = io.instance_number order by s.instance_number; clear breaks computes ttitle skip 1 - lef 'IOStat by Filetype (per Second) ' - center 'DB: ' db_name ' ' - 'Snaps: ' format 99999999 begin_snap '-' format 99999999 end_snap - skip 1 - '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' - skip 1 - '-> Total Reads includes all Filetypes: Data File, Temp File, Archive Log, Backups, Control File, Data Pump Dump File, Flashback Log, Log File, Other, etc' - skip 1 - '-> Total Writes includes all Filetypes: Data File, Temp File, Log File, Archive Log, Backup, Control File, Data Pump Dump File, Flasbachk Log, Log File, Other, etc' - skip 2 - ' ------------------------------ Megabytes/sec ----------------------------------- ------------------------------- Requests/sec -----------------------------------' - skip 1 - ' --------------- Reads ------------ ------------------ Writes ------------------- --------------- Reads ------------ ----------------- Writes --------------------'; col instance_number format 999 heading 'I#' col total_rds format 9,999,990.0 heading 'Total' just c col df_rds format 999,990.0 heading 'Data File' just c col tf_rds format 999,990.0 heading 'Temp File' just c col total_wrs format 9,999,990.0 heading 'Total' just c col df_wrs format 999,990.0 heading 'Data File' just c col tf_wrs format 999,990.0 heading 'Temp File' just c col lf_wrs format 999,990.0 heading 'Log File' just c col total_rrq format 9,999,990.0 heading 'Total' just c col df_rrq format 999,990.0 heading 'Data File' just c col tf_rrq format 999,990.0 heading 'Temp File' just c col total_wrq format 9,999,990.0 heading 'Total' just c col df_wrq format 999,990.0 heading 'Data File' just c col tf_wrq format 999,990.0 heading 'Temp File' just c col lf_wrq format 999,990.0 heading 'Log File' just c break on report compute sum avg of total_rds on report compute sum avg of df_rds on report compute sum avg of tf_rds on report compute sum avg of total_wrs on report compute sum avg of df_wrs on report compute sum avg of tf_wrs on report compute sum avg of lf_wrs on report compute sum avg of total_rrq on report compute sum avg of df_rrq on report compute sum avg of tf_rrq on report compute sum avg of total_wrq on report compute sum avg of df_wrq on report compute sum avg of tf_wrq on report compute sum avg of lf_wrq on report select s.instance_number , io.total_rds/s_et total_rds , io.df_rds/s_et df_rds , io.tf_rds/s_et tf_rds , io.total_wrs/s_et total_wrs , io.df_wrs/s_et df_wrs , io.tf_wrs/s_et tf_wrs , io.lf_wrs/s_et lf_wrs , io.total_rrq/s_et total_rrq , io.df_rrq/s_et df_rrq , io.tf_rrq/s_et tf_rrq , io.total_wrq/s_et total_wrq , io.df_wrq/s_et df_wrq , io.tf_wrq/s_et tf_wrq , io.lf_wrq/s_et lf_wrq from (select instance_number , df_rds + tf_rds + ar_rds + arbk_rds + cf_rds + dfc_rds + dfbk_rds + dfibk_rds + dp_rds + fl_rds + lf_rds + oth_rds total_rds , df_rds df_rds , tf_rds tf_rds , df_wrs + tf_wrs + lf_wrs + ar_wrs + arbk_wrs + cf_wrs + dfc_wrs + dfbk_wrs + dfibk_wrs + dp_wrs + fl_wrs + oth_wrs total_wrs , df_wrs df_wrs , tf_wrs tf_wrs , lf_wrs lf_wrs , df_rrq + tf_rrq + ar_rrq + arbk_rrq + cf_rrq + dfc_rrq + dfbk_rrq + dfibk_rrq + dp_rrq + fl_rrq + lf_rrq + oth_rrq total_rrq , df_rrq df_rrq , tf_rrq tf_rrq , df_wrq + tf_wrq + lf_wrq + ar_wrq + arbk_wrq + cf_wrq + dfc_wrq + dfbk_wrq + dfibk_wrq + dp_wrq + fl_wrq + oth_wrq total_wrq , df_wrq df_wrq , tf_wrq tf_wrq , lf_wrq lf_wrq from (select e.instance_number , e.filetype_name , sum((e.small_read_megabytes - b.small_read_megabytes) + (e.large_read_megabytes - b.large_read_megabytes)) rds , sum((e.small_read_reqs - b.small_read_reqs) + (e.large_read_reqs - b.large_read_reqs)) rrq , sum((e.small_write_megabytes - b.small_write_megabytes) + (e.large_write_megabytes - b.large_write_megabytes)) wrs , sum((e.small_write_reqs - b.small_write_reqs) + (e.large_write_reqs - b.large_write_reqs)) wrq from dba_hist_iostat_filetype b , dba_hist_iostat_filetype e where b.snap_id = :bid and e.snap_id = :eid and e.dbid = :dbid and e.dbid = b.dbid and e.instance_number = b.instance_number and e.filetype_id = b.filetype_id and e.filetype_name = b.filetype_name group by e.instance_number,e.filetype_name) pivot (sum(rds) rds, sum(rrq) rrq, sum(wrs) wrs, sum(wrq) wrq for filetype_name in ( 'Archive Log' ar ,'Archive Log Backup' arbk ,'Control File' cf ,'Data File' df ,'Data File Copy' dfc ,'Data File Backup' dfbk ,'Data File Incremental Backup' dfibk ,'Data Pump Dump File' dp ,'Flashback Log' fl ,'Log File' lf ,'Other' oth ,'Temp File' tf ))) io , (select e.instance_number , extract(DAY from e.end_interval_time - b.end_interval_time) * 86400 + extract(HOUR from e.end_interval_time - b.end_interval_time) * 3600 + extract(MINUTE from e.end_interval_time - b.end_interval_time) * 60 + extract(SECOND from e.end_interval_time - b.end_interval_time) s_et from dba_hist_snapshot e , dba_hist_snapshot b where e.dbid = :dbid and b.snap_id = :bid and e.snap_id = :eid and e.dbid = b.dbid and e.instance_number = b.instance_number ) s where s.instance_number = io.instance_number order by s.instance_number; clear breaks computes -- ------------------------------------------------------------ set newpage 2; -- -- PGA ttitle 'PGA Aggregate Target Statistics ' - center 'DB: ' db_name ' ' - 'Snaps: ' format 99999999 begin_snap '-' format 99999999 end_snap - skip 1 - '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' - skip 1 - '-> all stats are reported in MegaBytes' - skip 2 - ' -- PGA Aggr Target -- --- Auto PGA Target --- ---- PGA Mem Alloc ---- ---- Auto Workareas --- --- Manual Workarea --- --- Global Mem Bound ---' col aptp_b format 999,990.0 heading 'Begin' col aptp_e format 999,990.0 heading 'End' col apat_b format 9,999,990.0 heading 'Begin' col apat_e format 999,990.0 heading 'End' col tpa_b format 9,999,990.0 heading 'Begin' col tpa_e format 999,990.0 heading 'End' col tpuaw_b format 9,999,990.0 heading 'Begin' col tpuaw_e format 999,990.0 heading 'End' col tpumw_b format 9,999,990.0 heading 'Begin' col tpumw_e format 999,990.0 heading 'End' col gmb_b format 9,999,990.0 heading 'Begin' col gmb_e format 999,990.0 heading 'End' select instance_number , aptp_b/&&btomb aptp_b , aptp_e/&&btomb aptp_e , apat_b/&&btomb apat_b , apat_e/&&btomb apat_e , tpa_b/&&btomb tpa_b , tpa_e/&&btomb tpa_e , decode(tpuaw_b,null,0,tpuaw_b/&&btomb) tpuaw_b , decode(tpuaw_e,null,0,tpuaw_e/&&btomb) tpuaw_e , decode(tpumw_b,null,0,tpumw_b/&&btomb) tpumw_b , decode(tpumw_e,null,0,tpumw_e/&&btomb) tpumw_e , gmb_b/&&btomb gmb_b , gmb_e/&&btomb gmb_e from ((select se.instance_number , , sb.value bval , se.value eval from dba_hist_pgastat sb , dba_hist_pgastat se where sb.snap_id (+) = :bid and se.snap_id = :eid and se.dbid = :dbid and se.dbid = sb.dbid (+) and se.instance_number = sb.instance_number (+) and = (+)) pivot (max(bval) b, max(eval) e for name in ( 'aggregate PGA target parameter' aptp , 'aggregate PGA auto target' apat , 'total PGA allocated' tpa , 'total PGA used for auto workareas' tpuaw , 'total PGA used for manual workareas' tpumw , 'global memory bound' gmb))) order by instance_number; clear breaks computes -- ------------------------------------------------------------------ ttitle 'Process Memory Summary ' - center 'DB: ' db_name ' ' - 'Snaps: ' format 99999999 begin_snap '-' format 99999999 end_snap - skip 1 - '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' - skip 1 - '-> Max Alloc is Maximum PGA allocation size at snapshot time' - skip 1 - '-> Hist Alloc is the Historical Maximum Allocation for still-connected processes' - skip 1 - '-> Num Procs or Allocs: For Begin/End snapshot lines, it is the number of processes ' - skip 1 - ' For Category lines, it is the number of allocations' - skip 1 - '-> Allocation sizes are displayed in MegaBytes' - skip 1 - '-> ordered by instance, Allocated Total (End) desc' - skip 2 - ' ----- Allocated --- ------ Used ------- ---- Avg Alloc ---- ---- Std Dev ---- ---- Max Alloc ---- ----- Hist Max ---- -- Num Procs -- -- Num Allocs -' break on instance_number col category format a10 heading 'Category' col bat format 99,990.9 heading 'Begin' col eat format 99,990.9 heading 'End' col but format 99,990.9 heading 'Begin' col eut format 99,990.9 heading 'End' col baa format 99,990.9 heading 'Begin' col eaa format 99,990.9 heading 'End' col bas format 9,990.9 heading 'Begin' col eas format 9,990.9 heading 'End' col bam format 99,990.9 heading 'Begin' col eam format 99,990.9 heading 'End' col bmam format 99,990.9 heading 'Begin' col emam format 99,990.9 heading 'End' col bnp format 99,999 heading 'Begin' col enp format 99,999 heading 'End' col bnza format 99,999 heading 'Begin' col enza format 99,999 heading 'End' select se.instance_number , se.category , sum(sb.allocated_total)/&&btomb bat , sum(se.allocated_total)/&&btomb eat , sum(sb.used_total)/&&btomb but , sum(se.used_total)/&&btomb eut , sum(sb.allocated_avg)/&&btomb baa , sum(se.allocated_avg)/&&btomb eaa , sum(sb.allocated_stddev)/&&btomb bas , sum(se.allocated_stddev)/&&btomb eas , sum(sb.allocated_max)/&&btomb bam , sum(se.allocated_max)/&&btomb eam , sum(sb.max_allocated_max)/&&btomb bmam , sum(se.max_allocated_max)/&&btomb emam , sum(sb.num_processes) bnp , sum(se.num_processes) enp , sum(sb.non_zero_allocs) bnza , sum(se.non_zero_allocs) enza from dba_hist_process_mem_summary sb , dba_hist_process_mem_summary se where sb.snap_id (+) = :bid and se.snap_id = :eid and se.dbid = :dbid and se.dbid = sb.dbid (+) and se.instance_number = sb.instance_number (+) and se.category = sb.category (+) group by se.instance_number,se.category order by se.instance_number,sum(se.allocated_total)/&&btomb desc; clear breaks computes -- ------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- Parameters set newpage 0; ttitle 'init.ora Parameters ' - center 'DB: ' db_name ' ' - 'Snaps: ' format 99999999 begin_snap '-' format 99999999 end_snap - skip 1 - '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ' - skip 1 - '-> ''*'' indicates same value across all instances' - skip 2; break on parameter_name column parameter_name format a29 heading 'Parameter Name' trunc; column bval format a53 heading 'Begin value' column eval format a14 heading 'End value|(if different)' trunc just c; column inst_id format a3 heading 'I#' with pval as ( select e.parameter_name , e.instance_number , b.value bval , decode(b.value, e.value, ' ', e.value) eval , count(*) instcnt from dba_hist_parameter b , dba_hist_parameter e where b.snap_id(+) = :bid and e.snap_id = :eid and e.dbid = :dbid and b.dbid(+) = e.dbid and b.instance_number(+) = e.instance_number and b.parameter_name(+) = e.parameter_name and b.parameter_hash(+) = e.parameter_hash and translate(e.parameter_name, '_', '#') not like '##%' and ( nvl(b.isdefault, 'X') = 'FALSE' or nvl(b.ismodified,'X') != 'FALSE' or e.ismodified != 'FALSE' or nvl(e.value,0) != nvl(b.value,0) ) group by e.parameter_name , b.value , decode(b.value, e.value, ' ', e.value) , rollup(e.instance_number) ) select /* get identical parameters */ parameter_name , ' *' inst_id , bval , eval from pval where instance_number is null and instcnt = :numinst union all select /* get parameters that are not the same for all instances */ parameter_name , lpad(to_char(instance_number),3) inst_id , bval , eval from pval where instance_number is not null and instcnt < :numinst and parameter_name not in (select /*first part of query */ parameter_name from pval where instance_number is null and instcnt = :numinst) order by parameter_name, inst_id; clear breaks computes repfooter center - '-------------------------------------------------------------'; -- ------------------------------------------------------------------ prompt prompt End of Report ( &report_name ) prompt . This script will be deprecated. The official release of the Global AWR report is awrgrpt.sql prompt spool off; set termout off; clear columns sql; ttitle off; btitle off; repfooter off; set linesize 78 termout on feedback 6; undefine begin_snap undefine end_snap undefine db_name undefine dbid undefine inst_num undefine num_days undefine report_name undefine top_n_sql undefine top_pct_sql undefine top_n_events undefine top_n_segstat undefine btime undefine etime undefine num_rows_per_hash whenever sqlerror continue; -- -- End of script file;