Rem Rem $Header: rdbms/admin/spadvrpt.sql /st_rdbms_11.2.0/1 2010/08/03 16:22:21 vchandar Exp $ Rem Rem spadvrpt.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2009, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Rem All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem spadvrpt.sql - Streams Performance ADVisor RePorT Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem Generate a Html report of the Streams performance using the Rem utlspadv package. Rem Rem NOTES Rem utlspadv.collect_stats should have been called before attempting Rem to run the script. Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem vchandar 07/01/10 - change output to utl_file Rem vchandar 12/10/09 - fix syntax Rem vchandar 09/08/09 - Created Rem -- Set up the environment set define '`'; set linesize 1000; set echo off; set serveroutput on feedback off; set veri off; prompt prompt SPADV HTML REPORTING UTILITY prompt ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ prompt Prior to running this tool. Please create a directory object prompt to store the report & make sure the current user has write access. prompt This is typically done as follows : prompt 1. conn sys/~~~~ as sysdba prompt 2. create or replace directory SPADVDIR as ''; prompt 3. grant read, write on directory SPADVDIR to ; -- get user input prompt prompt Current Instance prompt ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ select d.dbid dbid , db_name , i.instance_number inst_num , i.instance_name inst_name from v$database d, v$instance i; prompt prompt Specify the Performance Advisor Table name prompt ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ prompt Enter the name of the performance advisor table used to prompt collect statistics. prompt Defaults to 'STREAMS$_ADVISOR_COMP_STAT' set heading off; select 'Table specified ' , lower(nvl('``table_name','STREAMS$_ADVISOR_COMP_STAT')) table_name from dual; set heading on; column tab_name new_value tab_name; set heading off; set termout off; select 'STREAMS$_ADVISOR_COMP_STAT' tab_name from dual where lower('`table_name') is null; select '`table_name' tab_name from dual where lower('`table_name') is not null; set termout on; set heading on; -- print all the paths prompt prompt The following paths are available prompt ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ prompt var rc REFCURSOR; begin open :rc for 'select distinct path_id from ' || lower('`tab_name') ; end; / print :rc; -- obtain the path_id prompt prompt Specify the path id prompt ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ prompt Enter the id of the path for which you want to view statistics prompt Defaults to all existing paths prompt Path specified : ``path_id -- print all available run_ids for the user. prompt prompt The following runs are available prompt ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ prompt var rcp REFCURSOR; BEGIN open :rcp for 'select distinct path_id, advisor_run_id, ' || 'to_char( advisor_run_time,''DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS'') ' || 'as run_time' || ' from ' || lower('`tab_name') || case when lower('`path_id') is null then ' ' else ' where path_id = ' || lower('`path_id') end || ' order by path_id,advisor_run_id'; END; / print :rcp; -- obtain the start and end run ids prompt prompt Choose a begin and end run id prompt ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ prompt Defaults to last 10 runs prompt Begin run_id specified : ``bgn_run_id prompt End run_id specified : ``end_run_id -- obtain the directory object name prompt prompt Enter the name of the directory object to store report prompt ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ prompt Directory Object Name : ``dir_name -- obtain the report name prompt prompt How do you want to call the report? prompt ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ prompt defaults to spadvreport.html prompt Report will be stored in : ``report_name column rpt_name new_value rpt_name; set heading off; set termout off; select 'spadvreport.html' rpt_name from dual where lower('`report_name') is null; select '`report_name' rpt_name from dual where lower('`report_name') is not null; set termout on; set heading on; exec dbms_output.put_line(lower('`rpt_name')); -- generate the stats begin if lower('`bgn_run_id') is null or lower('`end_run_id') is null then UTL_SPADV.show_stats_html(upper('`dir_name'), lower('`rpt_name'), lower('`tab_name'), to_number(lower('`path_id'))); else UTL_SPADV.show_stats_html(upper('`dir_name'), lower('`rpt_name'), lower('`tab_name'), to_number(lower('`path_id')), to_number(lower('`bgn_run_id')), to_number(lower('`end_run_id'))); end if; end; / -- -- End of file