rem rem Rem Copyright (c) 1996, 1997 by Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved. Rem NAME Rem pubsec.sql Rem DESCRIPTION Rem This file contains one package: Rem owa_sec - Utitility procedures/functions to provide security Rem to procedures accessed via the PL/SQL Agent. Rem Rem NOTES Rem This package allows the developer to access the Web client's Rem authentication information to perform authorization check before Rem a stored procedure is invoked by the PL/SQL Agent. Rem Rem Though these procedures and functions are intended to be used by Rem the authorization callback procedures, they can be called by the Rem execution procedures as well. Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem mpal 05/12/97 - Add Custom authentication Rem rpang 06/29/96 - Creation Rem create or replace package OWA_SEC is /*******************************************************************/ /* PL/SQL Agent's authorization schemes */ /*******************************************************************/ NO_CHECK constant integer := 1; /* no authorization check */ GLOBAL constant integer := 2; /* global check by a single procedure */ PER_PACKAGE constant integer := 3; /* use auth procedure in each package */ CUSTOM constant integer := 4; /* use custom auth procedure */ /* owa_custom.authorize */ /*******************************************************************/ /* Procedure to specify the PL/SQL Agent's authorization scheme */ /*******************************************************************/ procedure set_authorization(scheme in integer); /*******************************************************************/ /* Functions to obtain the Web client's authentication information */ /*******************************************************************/ function get_user_id return varchar2; function get_password return varchar2; function get_client_ip return owa_util.ip_address; function get_client_hostname return varchar2; /*******************************************************************/ /* Procedure to specify the dynamic page's protection realm */ /*******************************************************************/ procedure set_protection_realm(realm in varchar2); end; / show errors