rem rem Rem Copyright (c) 1995, 1996, 1997 by Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved. Rem NAME Rem pubimg.sql Rem DESCRIPTION Rem This file contains one package: Rem owa_image - Utitility procedures/functions for handling image Rem map (x,y) coordinates. Rem Rem NOTES Rem This package allows the developer to easily handle clickable Rem image input using the Oracle Web Agent. Rem Rem When a user clicks on an image (suppose the NAME field of the image Rem is "IMG") and the action of that image is to call the Web Agent, Rem the Web Agent will take the two values, IMG.X and IMG.Y and turn Rem them into a "POINT". The web developer can then access the x,y Rem values as follows: Rem Rem create or replace procedure process_img(img in OWA_IMAGE.POINT) is Rem x integer := OWA_IMAGE.GET_X(img); Rem y integer := OWA_IMAGE.GET_Y(img); Rem begin Rem /* You've got x and y. Do whatever you like. */ Rem end; Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem mbookman 03/13/96 - Add NULL_POINT Rem mbookman 12/14/95 - Creation create or replace package OWA_IMAGE is /* The Web Agent can only pass PL/SQL tables of characters, */ /* but technically, this should be integers. */ /* PL/SQL will take care of the casting of values. */ type point is table of varchar2(32767) index by binary_integer; NULL_POINT point; function get_x(p in point) return integer; function get_y(p in point) return integer; PRAGMA RESTRICT_REFERENCES(get_x, WNDS, WNPS, RNDS, RNPS); PRAGMA RESTRICT_REFERENCES(get_y, WNDS, WNPS, RNDS, RNPS); PRAGMA RESTRICT_REFERENCES(owa_image, WNDS, RNDS, RNPS); end; / show errors