rem rem Rem Copyright (c) 1995, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Rem All rights reserved. Rem NAME Rem privutil.sql - package of various OWA utility procedures Rem DESCRIPTION Rem This file contains one package: Rem owa_util - Utitility procedures/functions for use Rem with the Oracle Web Agent Rem Rem NOTES Rem The Oracle Web Agent is needed to use these facilities. Rem The package owa is needed to use these facilities. Rem The packages htp and htf are needed to use these facilities. Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem pkapasi 06/25/07 - Fix bug#6013207 Rem pkapasi 11/03/06 - Bump up owa version for next release Rem pkapasi 10/12/06 - Increment version number Rem mmuppago 04/27/06 - bumping up ship version Rem akatti 15/07/05 - Bump up version Rem akatti 11/07/05 - Bug fix 4711884 validate before writing http headers Rem mmuppago 10/03/05 - Bump up the version for bug fix 4608020 Rem aarat 07/12/05 - Bug fix 4457390 Rem ehlee 04/25/05 - Change version to release version Rem akatti 01/19/05 - Mixed case vars in get_cgi_env (bug#3188606) Rem ehlee 09/02/04 - Bump up version Rem dnonkin 09/01/04 - Bump up version Rem pkapasi 11/27/03 - Fix bug#3284896 and bump up version number Rem pkapasi 05/29/03 - Fix bug#2980038 and bump up version number Rem ehlee 03/03/03 - Fix get_procedure to handle flex (bug#2807392) Rem ehlee 11/01/02 - Bump up version Rem ehlee 10/31/02 - Bump up version Rem pkapasi 10/09/02 - Bump up version Rem pkapasi 08/06/02 - Bump up version Rem ihonda 06/10/02 - Fix bug#1892633 and bump up version Rem ehlee 12/03/01 - Bump up version Rem ehlee 12/03/01 - Workaround for bug#2129672 Rem ehlee 11/12/01 - Add skwong's mime_header charset fix Rem ehlee 10/30/01 - Fix bug#2087553 Rem ehlee 10/17/01 - Move version number to here Rem pkapasi 09/28/01 - Merge fix for bug#1785301 Rem pkapasi 08/21/01 - Fix bug#1930471 Rem ehlee 08/16/01 - Fix issues with column name overflow for describe Rem skwong 07/20/01 - Enable NCHAR support using ANY_CS Rem skwong 06/15/01 - Get NewLine character in portable manner Rem ehlee 08/08/01 - Fix who_called_me function to parse correctly Rem ehlee 09/15/00 - Fix bug#1401472 (add version number) Rem pkapasi 09/07/00 - Fix bug#1399906 (dynamic cursor not freed) Rem pkapasi 09/02/00 - Merge in fix from OAS code line(bug#960427) Rem ehlee 08/30/00 - Fix not set charset if not there (bug#1375531) Rem pkapasi 07/03/00 - Change PLSQL Cartridge to PL/SQL Web ToolKit Rem ehlee 06/28/00 - Fix bug where charset arg is ignored #1340072 Rem ehlee 05/08/00 - Fix bug where charset is set for non-text types Rem ehlee 01/14/00 - Add default charset support Rem rdasarat 11/03/98 - Fix 755477 Rem rdasarat 10/27/98 - Fix 718865 Rem rdasarat 10/26/98 - Fix 735061 Rem rdasarat 07/23/98 - Fix 704045 Rem rdasarat 07/23/98 - Fix 704077 Rem rdasarat 06/18/98 - Fix 665515 Rem rdasarat 03/12/98 - Fix 591932 Rem rdasarat 12/02/97 - Fix 591932 Rem rdasarat 10/17/97 - Add ccharset to mime_header Rem rdasarat 09/11/97 - Fix 514444 - Parse column list properly Rem rdasarat 07/09/97 - Implement COMMON schema; optimize code Rem mpal 05/13/97 - Fix bug# 481120 to support multibyte characters Rem mpal 03/18/97 - Fix bug# 466514 Rem mpal 11/12/96 - Fix bug# 412612 change default nrow_max to 500 Rem mpal 11/12/96 - Fix bug# 409849 Rem rpang 07/03/96 - Added get_procedure Rem mpal 06/24/96 - Add new utilities for 2.1 Rem mbookman 03/04/96 - get_cgi_env and print_cgi_env now use Rem owa.num_cgi_vars (314403) Rem mbookman 01/24/96 - Add "bclose_header" field to HTTP header calls Rem mbookman 01/24/96 - Remove HTTP_HEADER_OPEN Rem mbookman 01/12/96 - Add REDIRECT_URL and STATUS_LINE Rem mbookman 12/13/95 - Add HTTP_HEADER_OPEN, HTTP_HEADER_CLOSE Rem mbookman 08/08/95 - tablePrint now re-sizes narrow empty tables Rem mbookman 07/09/95 - Creation REM Creating OWA_UTIL package body... create or replace package body OWA_UTIL is owa_version CONSTANT varchar2(64) := ''; table_border char(1); /* datatypes for procedure calendarprint */ type dateArray is table of date index by binary_integer; type vcArray is table of varchar2(2000) index by binary_integer; type ncArray is table of nvarchar2(2000) index by binary_integer; type object_names_owners is table of number index by varchar2(500); checked_synonyms object_names_owners; /* NL_CHAR can be computed from a Unicode string in a portable manner. */ NL_CHAR constant varchar2(10) := owa_cx.nl_char; /* Constant is set here instead of owachars to avoid invalid objects */ CR_CHAR constant varchar2(10) := chr(13); colTblSz binary_integer; colTbl dbms_utility.uncl_array; /************************************************************************/ /* Function to validate strings that gets set in HTTP header,cookie etc */ /************************************************************************/ function validate_arg( param in varchar2 ) return varchar2 is valid_param varchar2(32767); begin if (param is NULL) then return param; end if; valid_param := param; if instr(valid_param,(NL_CHAR)) > 0 then valid_param := substr(valid_param,1,instr(valid_param,(NL_CHAR)) - 1); end if; if instr(valid_param,(CR_CHAR)) > 0 then valid_param := substr(valid_param,1,instr(valid_param,(CR_CHAR)) - 1); end if; return valid_param; end; /*********************************************************************/ /* Function to check if the given object is a table in user's schema */ /*********************************************************************/ function is_table( item_owner in varchar2, item_name in varchar2 ) return boolean is stmt_cursor number; -- stmt cursor rc number; -- return code found number; begin found := 0; stmt_cursor := dbms_sql.open_cursor; sys.dbms_sys_sql.parse_as_user(stmt_cursor, 'begin select 1 into :found from all_tables where table_name = upper(:item_name) and owner = upper(:item_owner); exception when others then :found := 0; end;', dbms_sql.v7); dbms_sql.bind_variable(stmt_cursor, ':item_owner', item_owner); dbms_sql.bind_variable(stmt_cursor, ':item_name', item_name); dbms_sql.bind_variable(stmt_cursor, ':found', found); rc := dbms_sql.execute(stmt_cursor); dbms_sql.variable_value(stmt_cursor, ':found', found); dbms_sql.close_cursor(stmt_cursor); return(found <> 0); end is_table; /********************************************************************/ /* Function to check if the given object is a view in user's schema */ /********************************************************************/ function is_view( item_owner in varchar2, item_name in varchar2 ) return boolean is stmt_cursor number; -- stmt cursor rc number; -- return code found number; begin found := 0; stmt_cursor := dbms_sql.open_cursor; sys.dbms_sys_sql.parse_as_user(stmt_cursor, 'begin select 1 into :found from all_views where view_name = upper(:item_name) and owner = upper(:item_owner); exception when others then :found := 0; end;', dbms_sql.v7); dbms_sql.bind_variable(stmt_cursor, ':item_owner', item_owner); dbms_sql.bind_variable(stmt_cursor, ':item_name', item_name); dbms_sql.bind_variable(stmt_cursor, ':found', found); rc := dbms_sql.execute(stmt_cursor); dbms_sql.variable_value(stmt_cursor, ':found', found); dbms_sql.close_cursor(stmt_cursor); return(found <> 0); end is_view; /**************************************/ /* Function to get synonym definition */ /**************************************/ function get_synonym_defn( csynonym in varchar2, cschema in varchar2, o_name out all_synonyms.table_name%type, o_owner out all_synonyms.table_owner%type, o_db_link out all_synonyms.db_link%type ) return boolean is stmt_cursor number; -- stmt cursor rc number; -- return code name all_synonyms.table_name%type; owner all_synonyms.table_owner%type; db_link all_synonyms.db_link%type; begin stmt_cursor := dbms_sql.open_cursor; sys.dbms_sys_sql.parse_as_user(stmt_cursor, 'begin select table_name, table_owner, db_link into :name, :owner, :db_link from all_synonyms where synonym_name = upper(:csynonym) and owner = upper(:cschema); exception when others then :name := NULL; :owner := NULL; :db_link := NULL; end;', dbms_sql.v7); dbms_sql.bind_variable(stmt_cursor, ':csynonym', csynonym); dbms_sql.bind_variable(stmt_cursor, ':cschema', cschema); dbms_sql.bind_variable(stmt_cursor, ':name', name, 2000); dbms_sql.bind_variable(stmt_cursor, ':owner', owner, 2000); dbms_sql.bind_variable(stmt_cursor, ':db_link', db_link, 2000); rc := dbms_sql.execute(stmt_cursor); dbms_sql.variable_value(stmt_cursor, ':name', name); dbms_sql.variable_value(stmt_cursor, ':owner', owner); dbms_sql.variable_value(stmt_cursor, ':db_link', db_link); dbms_sql.close_cursor(stmt_cursor); o_name := name; o_owner := owner; o_db_link := db_link; return(name is NOT NULL or owner is NOT NULL or db_link is NOT NULL); exception when others then if dbms_sql.is_open(stmt_cursor) then dbms_sql.close_cursor(stmt_cursor); end if; raise; end get_synonym_defn; /************************************/ /* Procedure to resolve object name */ /************************************/ procedure name_resolve( cname in varchar2, o_procowner out varchar2, o_procname out varchar2 ) is stmt_cursor number; -- stmt cursor rc number; -- return code procownerl constant number := 255; procowner varchar2(255); procnamel constant number := 255; procname varchar2(255); begin stmt_cursor := dbms_sql.open_cursor; /* resolve name and compose the real package.procedure */ sys.dbms_sys_sql.parse_as_user(stmt_cursor, 'declare part1 varchar2(255); part2 varchar2(255); dblink varchar2(255); part1_type number; object_number number; begin dbms_utility.name_resolve(:cname, 1, :procowner, part1, part2, dblink, part1_type, object_number); if part1_type in (7, 8) then :procname := part2; else if (part2 is null) then :procname := part1; else :procname := part1 || ''.'' || part2; end if; end if; exception when others then :procowner := NULL; :procname := NULL; end;', dbms_sql.v7 ); dbms_sql.bind_variable(stmt_cursor, ':cname', cname); dbms_sql.bind_variable(stmt_cursor, ':procowner', procowner, procownerl); dbms_sql.bind_variable(stmt_cursor, ':procname', procname, procnamel); rc := dbms_sql.execute(stmt_cursor); dbms_sql.variable_value(stmt_cursor, ':procowner', procowner); dbms_sql.variable_value(stmt_cursor, ':procname', procname); dbms_sql.close_cursor(stmt_cursor); o_procowner := procowner; o_procname := procname; end name_resolve; /***********************************************************************/ /* Function to open cursor for all_source to get definition of proc/fn */ /***********************************************************************/ function open_source_cursor( o in varchar2, -- procowner n in varchar2 -- procname ) return number is stmt_cursor number; -- stmt cursor rc number; -- return code nm varchar2(255); line all_source.line%type; text all_source.text%type; begin rc := instr(n, '.'); if (rc > 0) then nm := substr(n, 1, (rc - 1)); else nm := n; end if; stmt_cursor := dbms_sql.open_cursor; sys.dbms_sys_sql.parse_as_user(stmt_cursor, 'select line, text from all_source where name = upper(:n) and owner = upper(:o) order by type, line', dbms_sql.v7); dbms_sql.bind_variable(stmt_cursor, ':o', o); dbms_sql.bind_variable(stmt_cursor, ':n', nm); dbms_sql.define_column(stmt_cursor, 1, line); dbms_sql.define_column(stmt_cursor, 2, text, 2000); rc := dbms_sql.execute(stmt_cursor); return(stmt_cursor); end open_source_cursor; /************************************************************************/ /* Function to fetch cursor for all_source to get definition of proc/fn */ /************************************************************************/ function fetch_source_cursor( stmt_cursor in number, line out number, text out varchar2 ) return number is begin if (stmt_cursor >= 0 and dbms_sql.fetch_rows(stmt_cursor) > 0) then dbms_sql.column_value(stmt_cursor, 1, line); dbms_sql.column_value(stmt_cursor, 2, text); return(0); else return(-1); end if; end fetch_source_cursor; /*******************************************/ /* Function to close cursor for all_source */ /*******************************************/ procedure close_source_cursor(stmt_cursor in out number) is begin dbms_sql.close_cursor(stmt_cursor); end close_source_cursor; /******************************************************************/ /* Procedure to link back to the PL/SQL source for your procedure */ /******************************************************************/ procedure showsource(cname in varchar2) is procname varchar2(255); procowner varchar2(255); stmt_cursor number; -- stmt cursor line1s integer := 0; line all_source.line%type; text all_source.text%type; begin name_resolve(cname, procowner, procname); htp.header(1,'Source code for ' || procname); htp.preOpen; stmt_cursor := open_source_cursor(procowner, procname); while (fetch_source_cursor(stmt_cursor, line, text) >= 0) loop if (line = 1) then line1s := line1s + 1; if (line1s = 2) then htp.print; end if; end if; htp.prints(translate(text,NL_CHAR,' ')); end loop; close_source_cursor(stmt_cursor); htp.preClose; signature; end; /**************************************************/ /* Procedures for printing out an OWA "signature" */ /**************************************************/ procedure signature is begin htp.line; htp.p('This page was produced by the '); htp.p(htf.bold('PL/SQL Web ToolKit')||' on '|| to_char(sysdate,'Month DD, YYYY HH12:MI PM')||; end; procedure signature(cname in varchar2 character set any_cs) is begin signature; htp.anchor(owa_util.get_owa_service_path|| 'owa_util.showsource?cname='||cname, 'View PL/SQL source code'); end; /******************************************************/ /* Procedure for printing a page generated by htp/htf */ /* in SQL*Plus or SQL*DBA */ /******************************************************/ procedure showpage is begin htp.showpage; end; /**************************************************************/ /* Procedure/function for accessing CGI environment variables */ /**************************************************************/ function get_cgi_env(param_name in varchar2) return varchar2 is upper_param_name varchar2(2000) := upper(param_name); begin for i in 1..owa.num_cgi_vars loop if (upper(owa.cgi_var_name(i)) = upper_param_name) then return(owa.cgi_var_val(i)); end if; end loop; return NULL; end; procedure print_cgi_env is begin for i in 1..owa.num_cgi_vars loop htp.print(owa.cgi_var_name(i)||' = '||owa.cgi_var_val(i)||; end loop; end; function get_owa_service_path return varchar2 is script_name varchar2(2000) := get_cgi_env('SCRIPT_NAME'); begin if (substr(script_name,-1) = '/') then return script_name; else return script_name||'/'; end if; end; procedure mime_header(ccontent_type in varchar2 DEFAULT 'text/html', bclose_header in boolean DEFAULT TRUE, ccharset in varchar2 DEFAULT 'MaGiC_KeY') is charset varchar2(40) := null; l_ccontent_type varchar2(32767); l_ccharset varchar2(32767); begin -- Validate parameters l_ccontent_type := validate_arg(ccontent_type); l_ccharset := validate_arg(ccharset); -- Check if ccharset is passed in if (l_ccharset = 'MaGiC_KeY') then -- Check the ccontent_type is of type 'text' if (upper(l_ccontent_type) like 'TEXT%') then charset := owa_util.get_cgi_env('REQUEST_IANA_CHARSET'); if (charset is null) then htp.prn('Content-type: '||l_ccontent_type||NL_CHAR); else htp.prn('Content-type: '||l_ccontent_type ||'; charset='||charset||NL_CHAR); end if; else htp.prn('Content-type: '||l_ccontent_type||NL_CHAR); end if; htp.setHTTPCharset(charset, owa_util.get_cgi_env('REQUEST_CHARSET')); else -- Just output what was passed in without check for type 'text' if (l_ccharset is null) then htp.prn('Content-type: '||l_ccontent_type||NL_CHAR); htp.setHTTPCharset(l_ccharset, owa_util.get_cgi_env('REQUEST_CHARSET')); else htp.prn('Content-type: '||l_ccontent_type ||'; charset='||l_ccharset||NL_CHAR); htp.setHTTPCharset(l_ccharset); end if; end if; if (bclose_header) then http_header_close; end if; end; procedure redirect_url(curl in varchar2 character set any_cs, bclose_header in boolean DEFAULT TRUE) is l_url varchar2(32767); begin l_url := validate_arg(curl); htp.prn('Location: '||l_url||NL_CHAR); if (bclose_header) then http_header_close; end if; end; procedure status_line(nstatus in integer, creason in varchar2 character set any_cs DEFAULT NULL, bclose_header in boolean DEFAULT TRUE) is l_creason varchar2(32767); begin -- validate parameter l_creason := validate_arg(creason); htp.prn('Status: '||nstatus||' '||l_creason||NL_CHAR); if (bclose_header) then http_header_close; end if; end; procedure http_header_close is begin htp.prn(NL_CHAR); end; /**********************************************/ /* A couple of handy routines used internally */ /**********************************************/ function get_next_col( col_list in varchar2 character set any_cs, inDB in boolean, loc_in in integer, loc_out out number, isExpr out boolean ) return varchar2 character set col_list%charset is ix number; len number := length(col_list); parenCnt number; inQuote boolean; nxt_ch varchar2(1) character set col_list%charset; begin if (inDB) then if (loc_in = 1) then colTbl.delete; dbms_utility.comma_to_table(col_list, colTblSz, colTbl); end if; if (loc_in <= colTblSz) then if (loc_in < colTblSz) then loc_out := loc_in; else loc_out := -1; end if; isExpr := (instr(colTbl(loc_in), '(') > 0); return(colTbl(loc_in)); end if; loc_out := -1; isExpr := false; return(NULL); end if; isExpr := false; parenCnt := 0; inQuote := false; ix := loc_in; while (ix <= len) loop nxt_ch := substr(col_list, ix, 1); if (nxt_ch = ',') then if (parenCnt = 0 and (not inQuote)) then exit; end if; elsif (nxt_ch = '(') then isExpr := true; if (not inQuote) then parenCnt := parenCnt + 1; end if; elsif (nxt_ch = ')') then isExpr := true; if (not inQuote) then parenCnt := parenCnt - 1; end if; elsif (nxt_ch = '''') then isExpr := true; inQuote := (not inQuote); end if; ix := ix + 1; end loop; if (ix > len) then loc_out := -1; return(ltrim(rtrim(substr(col_list, loc_in)))); else loc_out := ix; return(ltrim(rtrim(substr(col_list, loc_in, ix - loc_in)))); end if; end get_next_col; /* NCHAR version of comma_to_ident_arr */ procedure comma_to_ident_arr(list in varchar2 character set any_cs, arr out ident_narr, lenarr out num_arr, arrlen out integer) is tok_counter number; tok_loc_out number; isExpr boolean; begin if (list is null) then arrlen := 0; return; end if; tok_counter := 0; tok_loc_out := 0; while (tok_loc_out >= 0) loop tok_counter := tok_counter + 1; arr(tok_counter) := substr(get_next_col(list, FALSE, (tok_loc_out + 1), tok_loc_out, isExpr), 1, 30); lenarr(tok_counter) := length (arr(tok_counter)); end loop; arrlen := tok_counter; end; procedure comma_to_ident_arr(list in varchar2 character set any_cs, arr out ident_arr, lenarr out num_arr, arrlen out integer) is tok_counter number; tok_loc_out number; isExpr boolean; begin if (list is null) then arrlen := 0; return; end if; tok_counter := 0; tok_loc_out := 0; while (tok_loc_out >= 0) loop tok_counter := tok_counter + 1; arr(tok_counter) := substr(get_next_col(list, FALSE, (tok_loc_out + 1), tok_loc_out, isExpr), 1, 30); lenarr(tok_counter) := lengthb (arr(tok_counter)); end loop; arrlen := tok_counter; end; function align(cdata in varchar2, ncolumn_size in integer, calign in varchar2 DEFAULT 'LEFT') return varchar2 is lalign integer; align_type char(1); begin align_type := upper(substr(calign,1,1)); if (align_type = 'L') then lalign := 1 + nvl(lengthb(cdata),0); else if (align_type = 'R') then lalign := ncolumn_size+1; else /* align_type = 'C' */ lalign := 1 + ceil((ncolumn_size - nvl(lengthb(cdata),0))/2) + nvl(lengthb(cdata),0); end if; end if; return (rpad(lpad(nvl(cdata,' '), lalign), ncolumn_size+2)||table_border); end; /******************************************************************/ /* Procedures and functions for building HTML and non-HTML tables */ /******************************************************************/ /* This is just a function prototype */ procedure resolve_synonym(csynonym in varchar2, cschema in varchar2, resolved_name out varchar2, resolved_owner out varchar2, resolved_db_link out varchar2); procedure resolve_table( cobject in varchar2, cschema in varchar2, resolved_name out varchar2, resolved_owner out varchar2, resolved_db_link out varchar2 ) is stmt_cursor number; -- stmt cursor rc number; -- return code al constant number := 255; a varchar2(255); bl constant number := 255; b varchar2(255); cl constant number := 255; c varchar2(255); dblinkl constant number := 255; dblink varchar2(255); next_pos binary_integer; item_name varchar2(255); item_owner varchar2(255); dummy char(1); begin stmt_cursor := dbms_sql.open_cursor; sys.dbms_sys_sql.parse_as_user(stmt_cursor, 'begin dbms_utility.name_tokenize(:cobject, :a, :b, :c, :dblink, :next_pos); end;', dbms_sql.v7); dbms_sql.bind_variable(stmt_cursor, ':cobject', cobject); dbms_sql.bind_variable(stmt_cursor, ':a', a, al); dbms_sql.bind_variable(stmt_cursor, ':b', b, bl); dbms_sql.bind_variable(stmt_cursor, ':c', c, cl); dbms_sql.bind_variable(stmt_cursor, ':dblink', dblink, dblinkl); dbms_sql.bind_variable(stmt_cursor, ':next_pos', next_pos); rc := dbms_sql.execute(stmt_cursor); dbms_sql.variable_value(stmt_cursor, ':a', a); dbms_sql.variable_value(stmt_cursor, ':b', b); dbms_sql.variable_value(stmt_cursor, ':c', c); dbms_sql.variable_value(stmt_cursor, ':dblink', dblink); dbms_sql.variable_value(stmt_cursor, ':next_pos', next_pos); dbms_sql.close_cursor(stmt_cursor); if (c is not null) then /* For a table, we should see AT MOST owner.table */ /* If c has a value, we've got owner.table.column */ /* or owner.package.procedure */ raise_application_error(-20000, 'Value '||cobject||' passed to resolve_table is invalid'); end if; if (b is not null) then item_owner := a; item_name := b; else item_owner := cschema; item_name := a; end if; if (is_table(item_owner, item_name) or is_view(item_owner, item_name)) then resolved_name := item_name; resolved_owner := item_owner; resolved_db_link := dblink; else resolve_synonym(item_name, item_owner, resolved_name, resolved_owner, resolved_db_link); end if; end; procedure resolve_synonym(csynonym in varchar2, cschema in varchar2, resolved_name out varchar2, resolved_owner out varchar2, resolved_db_link out varchar2) is name varchar2(255); owner varchar2(255); db_link varchar2(128); is_also_syn number; begin if ( (get_synonym_defn(csynonym, cschema, name, owner, db_link) or get_synonym_defn(csynonym, 'PUBLIC', name, owner, db_link)) and not checked_synonyms.exists(name||'.'||owner)) then checked_synonyms(name||'.'||owner):= 1; if (db_link is null) then resolve_table(name, owner, resolved_name, resolved_owner, resolved_db_link); else raise_application_error(-20002, 'Cannot resolve remote object ' || csynonym); end if; else raise_application_error(-20001, 'Cannot resolve object ' || csynonym); end if; end; /* DESCRIBE_COLS returns the column_names and datatypes as */ /* arrays for passing to calc_col_sizes */ procedure describe_cols( ctable in varchar2, ccolumns in varchar2, col_names out ident_arr, col_dtypes out ident_arr, nnum_cols out integer ) is col_cursor integer; col_name varchar2(255); col_charset varchar(40); col_dtype varchar2(9); col_counter number; new_row boolean; col_num number; col_loc_out number; next_col varchar2(255); col_decode varchar2(2000); col_in_clause varchar2(2000); table_resolved varchar2(255); owner_resolved varchar2(255); db_link_resolved varchar2(255); ignore integer; isExpr boolean; begin /* There's no dynamic describe unfortunately. */ /* We will need to parse out the owner, etc. */ checked_synonyms.delete; resolve_table(ctable,USER, table_resolved,owner_resolved,db_link_resolved); col_counter := 0; if (ccolumns = '*') then col_cursor := dbms_sql.open_cursor; sys.dbms_sys_sql.parse_as_user(col_cursor, 'select column_name, data_type, character_set_name '|| 'from all_tab_columns '|| 'where table_name = '''||upper(table_resolved)||''' '|| ' and owner = '''||upper(owner_resolved)||''' '|| 'order by column_id', dbms_sql.v7); dbms_sql.define_column(col_cursor, 1, col_name, 255); dbms_sql.define_column(col_cursor, 2, col_dtype, 9); dbms_sql.define_column(col_cursor, 3, col_charset, 40); ignore := dbms_sql.execute(col_cursor); loop if (dbms_sql.fetch_rows(col_cursor) > 0) then dbms_sql.column_value(col_cursor, 3, col_charset); dbms_sql.column_value(col_cursor, 2, col_dtype); dbms_sql.column_value(col_cursor, 1, col_name); col_counter := col_counter + 1; if ((col_dtype = 'VARCHAR2') or (col_dtype = 'CHAR')) and (col_charset = 'NCHAR_CS') then col_dtypes(col_counter) := 'N' || col_dtype; else col_dtypes(col_counter) := col_dtype; end if; col_names(col_counter) := col_name; else exit; end if; end loop; dbms_sql.close_cursor(col_cursor); else col_decode := ''; col_in_clause := ''; col_loc_out := 0; while (col_loc_out >= 0) loop next_col := upper(get_next_col(ccolumns, FALSE, (col_loc_out + 1), col_loc_out, isExpr)); col_counter := col_counter + 1; col_names(col_counter) := next_col; if (not isExpr) then col_decode := col_decode || ',''' || next_col || ''',' || col_counter; col_in_clause := col_in_clause || '''' || next_col || ''','; end if; end loop; if (col_in_clause is null) then for i in 1..col_counter loop col_dtypes(i) := 'VARCHAR2'; end loop; else -- remove trailing ',' from col_in_clause col_in_clause := substr(col_in_clause, 1, length(col_in_clause)-1); col_cursor := dbms_sql.open_cursor; sys.dbms_sys_sql.parse_as_user(col_cursor, 'select column_name, data_type, character_set_name, '|| 'decode(column_name'||col_decode||') '|| 'from all_tab_columns '|| 'where table_name = '''||upper(table_resolved)||''' '|| ' and owner = '''||upper(owner_resolved)||''' '|| ' and column_name in ('||col_in_clause||') '|| 'order by 3', dbms_sql.v7); dbms_sql.define_column(col_cursor, 1, col_name, 255); dbms_sql.define_column(col_cursor, 2, col_dtype, 9); dbms_sql.define_column(col_cursor, 3, col_charset, 40); dbms_sql.define_column(col_cursor, 4, col_num, 9); ignore := dbms_sql.execute(col_cursor); new_row := (dbms_sql.fetch_rows(col_cursor) > 0); for i in 1..col_counter loop if (new_row) AND (i = col_num) then dbms_sql.column_value(col_cursor, 2, col_dtype); dbms_sql.column_value(col_cursor, 3, col_charset); if ((col_dtype = 'VARCHAR2') or (col_dtype = 'CHAR')) and (col_charset = 'NCHAR_CS') then col_dtypes(i) := 'N' || col_dtype; else col_dtypes(i) := col_dtype; end if; new_row := (dbms_sql.fetch_rows(col_cursor) > 0); else col_dtypes(i) := 'VARCHAR2'; end if; end loop; dbms_sql.close_cursor(col_cursor); end if; end if; nnum_cols := col_counter; end; procedure eliminate_longs( col_names in out ident_arr, col_aliases in out ident_arr, col_dtypes in out ident_arr, num_cols in out integer, num_aliases in out integer ) is col_dtype varchar2(2000); begin for i in 1..num_cols loop col_dtype := col_dtypes(i); if (col_dtype = 'LONG' OR col_dtype = 'LONG RAW') then num_cols := num_cols - 1; if (i < num_aliases) then num_aliases := num_aliases - 1; end if; for j in i..num_cols loop col_dtypes(j) := col_dtypes(j + 1); col_names(j) := col_names(j + 1); if (j <= num_aliases) then col_aliases(j) := col_aliases(j + 1); end if; end loop; /* To be totally clean, let's null the last values */ col_names(num_cols+1) := NULL; col_dtypes(num_cols+1) := NULL; col_aliases(num_aliases+1) := NULL; /* Since there is only one LONG allowed in a table, exit */ exit; end if; end loop; end; /* CALC_COL_SIZES will calculate the necessary column sizes */ /* for a table. If an ntable_type = HTML_TABLE, then it */ /* merely builds an array of NULLs, one entry for each column */ /* This is necessary for calls to print_headings. */ /* For PRE_TABLEs, CALC_COL_SIZES must scan the table up to */ /* the nrow_max-th to determine the widest values. If */ /* nrow_max is NULL, then the entire table is scanned. */ procedure calc_col_sizes(ctable in varchar2, ntable_type in integer, ccolumns in varchar2, col_names in ident_arr, col_dtypes in ident_arr, nnum_cols in integer, col_aliases_len in num_arr, num_aliases in integer DEFAULT 0, cclauses in varchar2 DEFAULT NULL, nrow_min in integer DEFAULT NULL, nrow_max in integer DEFAULT NULL, col_sizes in out num_arr, table_empty out boolean) is crsr integer; ignore integer; col_counter integer; col_dtype varchar2(2000); vc_var varchar2(2000); number_var number; date_var date; long_var varchar2(32767); raw_var raw(255); col_size integer; row_count number; begin if ntable_type = HTML_TABLE then for i in 1..nnum_cols loop col_sizes(i) := NULL; end loop; else crsr := dbms_sql.open_cursor; sys.dbms_sys_sql.parse_as_user(crsr, 'select '||ccolumns||' from '||ctable||' '||cclauses, dbms_sql.v7); for col_counter in 1..nnum_cols loop if (col_counter <= num_aliases) then col_sizes(col_counter):= nvl(col_aliases_len(col_counter),0); else col_sizes(col_counter):= nvl(lengthb(col_names(col_counter)),0); end if; col_dtype := col_dtypes(col_counter); if (col_dtype = 'VARCHAR2' OR col_dtype = 'CHAR') then dbms_sql.define_column(crsr, col_counter, vc_var, 2000); else if (col_dtype = 'NUMBER') then dbms_sql.define_column(crsr, col_counter, number_var); else if (col_dtype = 'DATE') then dbms_sql.define_column(crsr, col_counter, date_var); else if (col_dtype = 'LONG') then dbms_sql.define_column(crsr, col_counter, long_var, 32767); else if (col_dtype = 'RAW') then dbms_sql.define_column_raw(crsr, col_counter, raw_var, 255); end if; end if; end if; end if; end if; end loop; ignore := dbms_sql.execute(crsr); row_count := 0; if (nrow_min is NOT NULL) then while (row_count < nrow_min - 1) loop if (dbms_sql.fetch_rows(crsr) > 0) then row_count := row_count+1; else exit; end if; end loop; end if; while (nrow_max is NULL) or (row_count < nrow_max) loop if dbms_sql.fetch_rows(crsr) > 0 then row_count := row_count+1; for col_counter in 1..nnum_cols loop col_dtype := col_dtypes(col_counter); if (col_dtype = 'VARCHAR2' OR col_dtype = 'CHAR') then dbms_sql.column_value(crsr, col_counter, vc_var); col_size := nvl(lengthb(vc_var),0); else if (col_dtype = 'NUMBER') then dbms_sql.column_value(crsr, col_counter, number_var); col_size := nvl(lengthb(number_var),0); else if (col_dtype = 'DATE') then dbms_sql.column_value(crsr, col_counter, date_var); col_size := nvl(lengthb(date_var),0); else if (col_dtype = 'LONG') then dbms_sql.column_value(crsr, col_counter, long_var); col_size := nvl(lengthb(long_var),0); else if (col_dtype = 'RAW') then dbms_sql.column_value_raw(crsr, col_counter, raw_var); col_size := nvl(lengthb(raw_var),0); else col_size := length('Not Printable'); end if; end if; end if; end if; end if; if (col_size > col_sizes(col_counter)) then col_sizes(col_counter) := col_size; end if; end loop; else if row_count = 0 then table_empty := true; else table_empty := false; end if; exit; end if; end loop; dbms_sql.close_cursor(crsr); end if; end; /* PRINT_HEADINGS will print the column headings for a table. */ /* If ccol_aliases is populated, it will use them, else it */ /* will use ccol_names. */ /* skwong: ** need to add support for NCHAR in ident_arr. */ procedure print_headings( ccol_aliases in ident_narr, num_aliases in integer, ccol_names in ident_arr, ccol_sizes in num_arr, nnum_cols in integer, ntable_width in out integer, ntable_type in integer ) is row_string varchar2(32000); begin tableHeaderRowOpen(row_string, ntable_width, ntable_type); for i in 1..nnum_cols loop if (i <= num_aliases) then tableHeader(ccol_aliases(i), ccol_sizes(i), 'CENTER', row_string, ntable_width, ntable_type); else tableHeader(ccol_names(i), ccol_sizes(i), 'CENTER', row_string, ntable_width, ntable_type); end if; end loop; tableHeaderRowClose(row_string, ntable_width, ntable_type); end; procedure print_headings( ccol_aliases in ident_arr, num_aliases in integer, ccol_names in ident_arr, ccol_sizes in num_arr, nnum_cols in integer, ntable_width in out integer, ntable_type in integer ) is row_string varchar2(32000); begin tableHeaderRowOpen(row_string, ntable_width, ntable_type); for i in 1..nnum_cols loop if (i <= num_aliases) then tableHeader(ccol_aliases(i), ccol_sizes(i), 'CENTER', row_string, ntable_width, ntable_type); else tableHeader(ccol_names(i), ccol_sizes(i), 'CENTER', row_string, ntable_width, ntable_type); end if; end loop; tableHeaderRowClose(row_string, ntable_width, ntable_type); end; /* PRINT_ROWS will print the requested rows (nrow_min, nrow_max, */ /* cclauses) and columns (ccolumns) from the table (ctable) */ /* in the specified format (ntable_type). */ /* DESCRIBE_COLS (or a functional equivalent) must be called */ /* before calling PRINT_ROWS to populate col_dtypes, col_sizes. */ /* PRINT_ROWS returns TRUE if there are more rows (beyond */ /* nrow_max) to print. False otherwise. */ function print_rows( ctable in varchar2, ntable_type in integer DEFAULT HTML_TABLE, ccolumns in varchar2 DEFAULT '*', cclauses in varchar2 DEFAULT NULL, col_dtypes in ident_arr, col_sizes in num_arr, nnum_cols in integer, ntable_width in integer, nrow_min in integer DEFAULT 0, nrow_max in integer DEFAULT NULL ) return boolean is table_cursor integer; col_counter integer; col_dtype varchar2(2000); vc_var varchar2(2000); nc_var nvarchar2(2000); number_var number; date_var date; long_var varchar2(32767); raw_var raw(255); ignore integer; row_string varchar2(32000); row_count number; more_rows boolean := TRUE; begin table_cursor := dbms_sql.open_cursor; sys.dbms_sys_sql.parse_as_user(table_cursor, 'select '||ccolumns||' from '||ctable||' '||cclauses, dbms_sql.v7); for col_counter in 1..nnum_cols loop col_dtype := col_dtypes(col_counter); if (col_dtype = 'VARCHAR2' OR col_dtype = 'CHAR') then dbms_sql.define_column(table_cursor, col_counter, vc_var, 2000); elsif (col_dtype = 'NVARCHAR2' OR col_dtype = 'NCHAR') then dbms_sql.define_column(table_cursor, col_counter, nc_var, 2000); elsif (col_dtype = 'NUMBER') then dbms_sql.define_column(table_cursor, col_counter, number_var); elsif (col_dtype = 'DATE') then dbms_sql.define_column(table_cursor, col_counter, date_var); elsif (col_dtype = 'LONG') then dbms_sql.define_column(table_cursor, col_counter, long_var, 32767); /* Kelly: not sure over 2000 is valid */ elsif (col_dtype = 'RAW') then dbms_sql.define_column_raw(table_cursor, col_counter, raw_var, 32767); end if; end loop; ignore := dbms_sql.execute(table_cursor); row_count := 0; if (nrow_min is NOT NULL) then while (row_count < nrow_min - 1) loop if (dbms_sql.fetch_rows(table_cursor) > 0) then row_count := row_count+1; else exit; end if; end loop; end if; while (nrow_max is NULL) or (row_count < nrow_max) loop if dbms_sql.fetch_rows(table_cursor) > 0 then row_count := row_count+1; tableRowOpen(row_string, ntable_type); for col_counter in 1..nnum_cols loop col_dtype := col_dtypes(col_counter); if (col_dtype = 'VARCHAR2' OR col_dtype = 'CHAR') then dbms_sql.column_value(table_cursor, col_counter, vc_var); tableData(vc_var, col_sizes(col_counter), 'LEFT', row_string, ntable_type); elsif (col_dtype = 'NVARCHAR2' OR col_dtype = 'NCHAR') then dbms_sql.column_value(table_cursor, col_counter, nc_var); tableData(nc_var, col_sizes(col_counter), 'LEFT', row_string, ntable_type); elsif (col_dtype = 'NUMBER') then dbms_sql.column_value(table_cursor, col_counter,number_var); tableData(number_var, col_sizes(col_counter), 'LEFT', row_string, ntable_type); elsif (col_dtype = 'DATE') then dbms_sql.column_value(table_cursor, col_counter, date_var); tableData(to_nchar(date_var), col_sizes(col_counter), 'LEFT', row_string, ntable_type); elsif (col_dtype = 'LONG') then dbms_sql.column_value(table_cursor, col_counter,long_var); tableData(long_var, col_sizes(col_counter),'LEFT', row_string, ntable_type); elsif (col_dtype = 'RAW') then dbms_sql.column_value_raw(table_cursor, col_counter, raw_var); tableData(raw_var, col_sizes(col_counter), 'LEFT', row_string, ntable_type); else tableData('Not Printable', col_sizes(col_counter),'LEFT', row_string, ntable_type); end if; end loop; tableRowClose(row_string, ntable_type); else more_rows := FALSE; exit; end if; end loop; if (row_count < nrow_min) then tableRowOpen(row_string, ntable_type); tableNoData('LEFT', row_string, nnum_cols, ntable_width, ntable_type); tableRowClose(row_string, ntable_type); else if (more_rows) then more_rows := dbms_sql.fetch_rows(table_cursor) > 0; end if; end if; dbms_sql.close_cursor(table_cursor); return more_rows; end; procedure show_query_columns(ctable in varchar2) is ignore integer; cols_cursor integer; table_resolved varchar2(255); owner_resolved varchar2(255); db_link_resolved varchar2(255); col_name varchar2(2000); begin /* There's no dynamic describe unfortunately. */ /* We will need to parse out the owner, etc. */ checked_synonyms.delete; resolve_table(ctable,USER, table_resolved,owner_resolved,db_link_resolved); htp.formHidden('ctable', ctable); htp.formHidden('COLS', 'DUMMY'); cols_cursor := dbms_sql.open_cursor; sys.dbms_sys_sql.parse_as_user(cols_cursor, 'select column_name from all_tab_columns where table_name = upper(:t) and owner = upper(:o)', dbms_sql.v7); dbms_sql.bind_variable(cols_cursor, ':t', table_resolved); dbms_sql.bind_variable(cols_cursor, ':o', owner_resolved); dbms_sql.define_column(cols_cursor, 1, col_name, 2000); ignore := dbms_sql.execute(cols_cursor); loop if (dbms_sql.fetch_rows(cols_cursor) > 0) then dbms_sql.column_value(cols_cursor, 1, col_name); htp.formCheckbox('COLS', col_name); htp.print(col_name);; else exit; end if; end loop; dbms_sql.close_cursor(cols_cursor); htp.formSubmit(NULL,'Execute Query'); end; function tablePrint(ctable in varchar2, cattributes in varchar2 DEFAULT NULL, ntable_type in integer DEFAULT HTML_TABLE, ccolumns in varchar2 DEFAULT '*', cclauses in varchar2 DEFAULT NULL, ccol_aliases in varchar2 character set any_cs DEFAULT NULL, nrow_min in number DEFAULT 0, nrow_max in number DEFAULT 500) return boolean is col_names ident_arr; col_aliases ident_arr; col_aliases_nchar ident_narr; col_aliases_len num_arr; num_aliases integer; col_dtypes ident_arr; col_sizes num_arr; nnum_cols integer; ntable_width integer; no_data_len integer; inc_len integer; amt_left integer; table_empty boolean; more_rows boolean; nchar_path boolean; begin if (ccol_aliases is not null) then if (isnchar(ccol_aliases)) then nchar_path := TRUE; comma_to_ident_arr(ccol_aliases, col_aliases_nchar, col_aliases_len, num_aliases); else nchar_path := FALSE; comma_to_ident_arr(to_char(ccol_aliases), col_aliases, col_aliases_len, num_aliases); end if; else num_aliases := 0; end if; describe_cols(ctable, ccolumns, col_names, col_dtypes, nnum_cols); calc_col_sizes(ctable, ntable_type, ccolumns, col_names, col_dtypes, nnum_cols, col_aliases_len, num_aliases, cclauses, nrow_min, nrow_max, col_sizes, table_empty); if (table_empty) then ntable_width := 1; for i in 1..nnum_cols loop ntable_width := ntable_width + col_sizes(i) + 3; end loop; no_data_len := length(' No Data Found '); if (ntable_width < no_data_len) then amt_left := no_data_len - ntable_width; inc_len := ceil(amt_left/nnum_cols); for i in 1..nnum_cols loop if amt_left > inc_len then col_sizes(i) := col_sizes(i) + inc_len; amt_left := amt_left - inc_len; else col_sizes(i) := col_sizes(i) + amt_left; amt_left := 0; end if; end loop; end if; end if; tableOpen(cattributes, ntable_type); if (nchar_path) then print_headings(col_aliases_nchar, num_aliases, col_names, col_sizes, nnum_cols, ntable_width, ntable_type); else print_headings(col_aliases, num_aliases, col_names, col_sizes, nnum_cols, ntable_width, ntable_type); end if; more_rows := print_rows(ctable, ntable_type, ccolumns, cclauses, col_dtypes, col_sizes, nnum_cols, ntable_width, nrow_min, nrow_max); tableClose(ntable_width, ntable_type); return(more_rows); end; procedure tableOpen(cattributes in varchar2 DEFAULT NULL, ntable_type in integer DEFAULT HTML_TABLE) is begin if (ntable_type = HTML_TABLE) then htp.tableOpen(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, cattributes); else if (cattributes is not null) then table_border := '|'; else table_border := ' '; end if; htp.print('<PRE>'); end if; end; procedure tableCaption(ccaption in varchar2 character set any_cs, calign in varchar2 DEFAULT 'CENTER', ntable_type in integer DEFAULT HTML_TABLE) is begin if (ntable_type = HTML_TABLE) then htp.tableCaption(ccaption, calign); else htp.print(ccaption); end if; end; procedure tableHeaderRowOpen(crowstring in out varchar2, ntable_type in integer DEFAULT HTML_TABLE) is begin if (ntable_type = HTML_TABLE) then htp.tableRowOpen; else crowstring := table_border; end if; end; procedure tableHeaderRowOpen(crowstring in out varchar2, ntable_width out integer, ntable_type in integer DEFAULT HTML_TABLE) is begin if (ntable_type = HTML_TABLE) then htp.tableRowOpen; else ntable_width := 1; crowstring := table_border; end if; end; procedure tableHeader(ccolumn_name in varchar2 character set any_cs, ncolumn_size in integer, calign in varchar2 DEFAULT 'CENTER', crowstring in out varchar2, ntable_type in integer DEFAULT HTML_TABLE) is begin if (ntable_type = HTML_TABLE) then htp.tableHeader(ccolumn_name); else crowstring := crowstring||align(ccolumn_name,ncolumn_size,calign); end if; end; procedure tableHeader(ccolumn_name in varchar2 character set any_cs, ncolumn_size in integer, calign in varchar2 DEFAULT 'CENTER', crowstring in out varchar2, ntable_width in out integer, ntable_type in integer DEFAULT HTML_TABLE) is begin if (ntable_type = HTML_TABLE) then htp.tableHeader(ccolumn_name); else ntable_width := ntable_width+ncolumn_size+3; crowstring := crowstring||align(ccolumn_name,ncolumn_size,calign); end if; end; procedure tableHeaderRowClose(crowstring in out varchar2, ntable_type in integer DEFAULT HTML_TABLE) is begin if (ntable_type = HTML_TABLE) then htp.tableRowClose; else htp.print(crowstring); end if; end; procedure tableHeaderRowClose(crowstring in out varchar2, ntable_width in integer, ntable_type in integer DEFAULT HTML_TABLE) is begin if (ntable_type = HTML_TABLE) then htp.tableRowClose; else if (table_border = '|') then htp.print(rpad('-',ntable_width,'-')); htp.print(crowstring); htp.print(rpad('-',ntable_width,'-')); else htp.print(' '); htp.print(crowstring); htp.print(' '); end if; end if; end; procedure tableRowOpen(crowstring in out varchar2, ntable_type in integer DEFAULT HTML_TABLE) is begin if (ntable_type = HTML_TABLE) then htp.tableRowOpen; else crowstring := table_border; end if; end; procedure tableData(cdata in varchar2 character set any_cs, ncolumn_size in integer, calign in varchar2 DEFAULT 'LEFT', crowstring in out varchar2, ntable_type in integer DEFAULT HTML_TABLE) is begin if (ntable_type = HTML_TABLE) then htp.tableData(cdata, calign); else crowstring := crowstring||align(translate(cdata,NL_CHAR,' '), ncolumn_size, calign); end if; end; procedure tableNoData(calign in varchar2 DEFAULT 'LEFT', crowstring in out varchar2, nnum_cols in integer, ntable_width in integer, ntable_type in integer DEFAULT HTML_TABLE) is begin if (ntable_type = HTML_TABLE) then htp.tableData('No data found', ccolspan=>nnum_cols); else crowstring := crowstring||align('No data found',ntable_width-4,calign); end if; end; procedure tableRowClose(crowstring in out varchar2, ntable_type in integer DEFAULT HTML_TABLE) is begin if (ntable_type = HTML_TABLE) then htp.tableRowClose; else htp.print(crowstring); end if; end; procedure tableClose(ntable_type in integer DEFAULT HTML_TABLE) is begin if (ntable_type = HTML_TABLE) then htp.tableClose; else htp.print('</PRE>'); end if; end; procedure tableClose(ntable_width in integer, ntable_type in integer DEFAULT HTML_TABLE) is begin if (ntable_type = HTML_TABLE) then htp.tableClose; else if (table_border = '|') then htp.print(rpad('-',ntable_width,'-')); else htp.print(' '); end if; htp.print('</PRE>'); end if; end; /******************************************************************/ /* Procedures and functions for new utilities for 2.1 */ /******************************************************************/ /******************************************************************/ /* Function macro for if then else -- ite */ /******************************************************************/ function ite( tf in boolean, yes in varchar2, no in varchar2 ) return varchar2 is begin if ( tf ) then return yes; else return no; end if; end ite; /******************************************************************/ /* Internal procedures for new utilities */ /******************************************************************/ procedure bv( c in integer, n in varchar2, v in varchar2 character set any_cs ) is begin if ( n is NOT NULL ) then dbms_sql.bind_variable( c, n, v ); end if; end bv; function tochar( d in number, f in varchar2 ) return varchar2 is begin return nvl(ltrim(to_char(d,f)), '(null)'); end tochar; procedure format_cell( columnValue in varchar2 character set any_cs, format_numbers in varchar2 ) is begin htp.p(htf.format_cell(columnValue, format_numbers)); end format_cell; function bind_outputs( p_theCursor in integer, colCnt in number, rec_tab in dbms_sql.desc_tab2 ) return number is columnValue varchar2(1); ncolumnValue nvarchar2(1); status integer; begin for i in 1 .. colCnt loop begin if (rec_tab(i).col_charsetform = 2) or (rec_tab(i).col_type = 12) then dbms_sql.define_column( p_theCursor, i, ncolumnValue,2000); else dbms_sql.define_column( p_theCursor, i, columnValue, 2000 ); end if; exception when others then if ( sqlcode = -1007 ) then exit; else raise; end if; end; end loop; status := dbms_sql.execute(p_theCursor); return colCnt; end bind_outputs; function path_to_me return varchar2 is o varchar2(50); n varchar2(50); l number; t varchar2(50); begin who_called_me( o, n, l, t ); return owa_util.get_cgi_env( 'SCRIPT_NAME' ) || '/' || n; end path_to_me; /******************************************************************/ /* Procedure to get owner and name of the PL/SQL procedure */ /******************************************************************/ procedure who_called_me( owner out varchar2, name out varchar2, lineno out number, caller_t out varchar2 ) as call_stack varchar2(4096) default dbms_utility.format_call_stack; n number; found_stack BOOLEAN default FALSE; line varchar2(255); t varchar2(255); cnt number := 0; begin -- loop n := instr( call_stack, NL_CHAR ); exit when ( cnt = 3 or n is NULL or n = 0 ); -- line := ltrim(substr( call_stack, 1, n-1 )); call_stack := substr( call_stack, n+1 ); -- if ( NOT found_stack ) then if ( line like '%handle%number%name%' ) then found_stack := TRUE; end if; else cnt := cnt + 1; -- cnt = 1 is ME -- cnt = 2 is MY Caller -- cnt = 3 is Their Caller if ( cnt = 3 ) then -- Fix 718865 --lineno := to_number(substr( line, 13, 6 )); --line := substr( line, 21 ); n := instr(line, ' '); if (n > 0) then t := ltrim(substr(line, n)); n := instr(t, ' '); end if; if (n > 0) then lineno := to_number(substr(t, 1, n - 1)); line := ltrim(substr(t, n)); else lineno := 0; end if; if ( line like 'pr%' ) then n := length( 'procedure ' ); elsif ( line like 'fun%' ) then n := length( 'function ' ); elsif ( line like 'package body%' ) then n := length( 'package body ' ); elsif ( line like 'pack%' ) then n := length( 'package ' ); else n := length( 'anonymous block ' ); end if; caller_t := ltrim(rtrim(upper(substr( line, 1, n-1 )))); line := substr( line, n ); n := instr( line, '.' ); owner := ltrim(rtrim(substr( line, 1, n-1 ))); name := ltrim(rtrim(substr( line, n+1 ))); end if; end if; end loop; end; /******************************************************************/ /* Function to initialize the shared dynamic SQL */ /******************************************************************/ function bind_variables ( theQuery in varchar2, bv1Name in varchar2 default NULL, bv1Value in varchar2 character set any_cs default NULL, bv2Name in varchar2 default NULL, bv2Value in varchar2 character set any_cs default NULL, bv3Name in varchar2 default NULL, bv3Value in varchar2 character set any_cs default NULL, bv4Name in varchar2 default NULL, bv4Value in varchar2 character set any_cs default NULL, bv5Name in varchar2 default NULL, bv5Value in varchar2 character set any_cs default NULL, bv6Name in varchar2 default NULL, bv6Value in varchar2 character set any_cs default NULL, bv7Name in varchar2 default NULL, bv7Value in varchar2 character set any_cs default NULL, bv8Name in varchar2 default NULL, bv8Value in varchar2 character set any_cs default NULL, bv9Name in varchar2 default NULL, bv9Value in varchar2 character set any_cs default NULL, bv10Name in varchar2 default NULL, bv10Value in varchar2 character set any_cs default NULL, bv11Name in varchar2 default NULL, bv11Value in varchar2 character set any_cs default NULL, bv12Name in varchar2 default NULL, bv12Value in varchar2 character set any_cs default NULL, bv13Name in varchar2 default NULL, bv13Value in varchar2 character set any_cs default NULL, bv14Name in varchar2 default NULL, bv14Value in varchar2 character set any_cs default NULL, bv15Name in varchar2 default NULL, bv15Value in varchar2 character set any_cs default NULL, bv16Name in varchar2 default NULL, bv16Value in varchar2 character set any_cs default NULL, bv17Name in varchar2 default NULL, bv17Value in varchar2 character set any_cs default NULL, bv18Name in varchar2 default NULL, bv18Value in varchar2 character set any_cs default NULL, bv19Name in varchar2 default NULL, bv19Value in varchar2 character set any_cs default NULL, bv20Name in varchar2 default NULL, bv20Value in varchar2 character set any_cs default NULL, bv21Name in varchar2 default NULL, bv21Value in varchar2 character set any_cs default NULL, bv22Name in varchar2 default NULL, bv22Value in varchar2 character set any_cs default NULL, bv23Name in varchar2 default NULL, bv23Value in varchar2 character set any_cs default NULL, bv24Name in varchar2 default NULL, bv24Value in varchar2 character set any_cs default NULL, bv25Name in varchar2 default NULL, bv25Value in varchar2 character set any_cs default NULL ) return integer is theCursor integer; begin if ( upper( substr( ltrim( theQuery ), 1, 6 ) ) <> 'SELECT' ) then raise INVALID_QUERY; end if; -- theCursor := dbms_sql.open_cursor; sys.dbms_sys_sql.parse_as_user( theCursor, theQuery, dbms_sql.native ); -- bv( theCursor, bv1Name, bv1Value ); bv( theCursor, bv2Name, bv2Value ); bv( theCursor, bv3Name, bv3Value ); bv( theCursor, bv4Name, bv4Value ); bv( theCursor, bv5Name, bv5Value ); bv( theCursor, bv6Name, bv6Value ); bv( theCursor, bv7Name, bv7Value ); bv( theCursor, bv8Name, bv8Value ); bv( theCursor, bv9Name, bv9Value ); bv( theCursor, bv10name, bv10Value ); bv( theCursor, bv11name, bv11Value ); bv( theCursor, bv12name, bv12Value ); bv( theCursor, bv13name, bv13Value ); bv( theCursor, bv14name, bv14Value ); bv( theCursor, bv15name, bv15Value ); bv( theCursor, bv16name, bv16Value ); bv( theCursor, bv17name, bv17Value ); bv( theCursor, bv18name, bv18Value ); bv( theCursor, bv19name, bv19Value ); bv( theCursor, bv20name, bv20Value ); bv( theCursor, bv21name, bv21Value ); bv( theCursor, bv22name, bv22Value ); bv( theCursor, bv23name, bv23Value ); bv( theCursor, bv24name, bv24Value ); bv( theCursor, bv25name, bv25Value ); -- return theCursor; end bind_variables; /******************************************************************/ /* Procedure to print cells from a table */ /******************************************************************/ function cellsprint_fn( p_theCursor in integer, p_max_rows in number default 100, p_format_numbers in varchar2 default NULL, p_skip_rec in number default 0, p_reccnt out number) return boolean is columnValue varchar2(2000); ncolumnValue nvarchar2(2000); colCnt number default 0; tmpcursor number default p_theCursor; recIx number default 0; recCnt number default 0; rec_tab dbms_sql.desc_tab2; begin -- dbms_sql.describe_columns2(p_theCursor, colCnt, rec_tab); colCnt := bind_outputs(p_theCursor, colcnt, rec_tab); -- while (recCnt < p_max_rows) loop exit when (dbms_sql.fetch_rows(p_theCursor) <= 0); recIx := recIx + 1; if (recIx > p_skip_rec) then recCnt := recCnt + 1; htp.tableRowOpen; for i in 1..colCnt loop if (rec_tab(i).col_charsetform= 2) or (rec_tab(i).col_type = 12) then dbms_sql.column_value(p_theCursor, i, ncolumnValue); format_cell(ncolumnValue, p_format_numbers); else dbms_sql.column_value(p_theCursor, i, columnValue); format_cell(columnValue, p_format_numbers); end if; end loop; htp.tableRowClose; end if; end loop; dbms_sql.close_cursor(tmpCursor); p_reccnt := recCnt; return(recCnt >= p_max_rows); exception when others then if dbms_sql.is_open(p_theCursor) then dbms_sql.close_cursor(tmpCursor); end if; raise; end cellsprint_fn; procedure cellsprint(p_colCnt in integer, p_resultTbl in vc_arr, p_format_numbers in varchar2 default NULL) is recMax number; colRec number; begin if (p_colCnt < 1) then return; end if; recMax := p_resultTbl.count / p_colCnt; colRec := 0; for recIx in 1..recMax loop htp.tableRowOpen; for i in 1..p_colCnt loop colRec := colRec + 1; format_cell(p_resultTbl(colRec), p_format_numbers); end loop; htp.tableRowClose; end loop; end cellsprint; procedure cellsprint(p_colCnt in integer, p_resultTbl in nc_arr, p_format_numbers in varchar2 default NULL) is recMax number; colRec number; begin if (p_colCnt < 1) then return; end if; recMax := p_resultTbl.count / p_colCnt; colRec := 0; for recIx in 1..recMax loop htp.tableRowOpen; for i in 1..p_colCnt loop colRec := colRec + 1; format_cell(p_resultTbl(colRec), p_format_numbers); end loop; htp.tableRowClose; end loop; end cellsprint; procedure cellsprint( p_theQuery in varchar2, p_max_rows in number default 100, p_format_numbers in varchar2 default NULL ) is l_theCursor integer default bind_variables(p_theQuery); l_more_data boolean; reccnt number; begin l_more_data := cellsprint_fn( l_theCursor, p_max_rows, p_format_numbers, 0, reccnt); end; procedure cellsprint( p_theCursor in integer, p_max_rows in number default 100, p_format_numbers in varchar2 default NULL ) is l_more_data boolean; reccnt number; begin l_more_data := cellsprint_fn( p_theCursor, p_max_rows, p_format_numbers, 0, reccnt); end; procedure cellsprint( p_theQuery in varchar2, p_max_rows in number default 100, p_format_numbers in varchar2 default NULL, p_skip_rec in number default 0, p_more_data out boolean ) is l_theCursor integer default bind_variables(p_theQuery); reccnt number; begin p_more_data := cellsprint_fn( l_theCursor, p_max_rows, p_format_numbers, p_skip_rec, reccnt); end cellsprint; procedure cellsprint( p_theCursor in integer, p_max_rows in number default 100, p_format_numbers in varchar2 default NULL, p_skip_rec in number default 0, p_more_data out boolean) is reccnt number; begin p_more_data := cellsprint_fn( p_theCursor, p_max_rows, p_format_numbers, p_skip_rec, reccnt); end cellsprint; procedure cellsprint( p_theQuery in varchar2, p_max_rows in number default 100, p_format_numbers in varchar2 default NULL, p_reccnt out number ) is l_theCursor integer default bind_variables(p_theQuery); l_more_data boolean; begin l_more_data := cellsprint_fn( l_theCursor, p_max_rows, p_format_numbers, 0, p_reccnt); end; procedure cellsprint( p_theCursor in integer, p_max_rows in number default 100, p_format_numbers in varchar2 default NULL, p_reccnt out number ) is l_more_data boolean; begin l_more_data := cellsprint_fn( p_theCursor, p_max_rows, p_format_numbers, 0, p_reccnt); end; procedure cellsprint( p_theQuery in varchar2, p_max_rows in number default 100, p_format_numbers in varchar2 default NULL, p_skip_rec in number default 0, p_more_data out boolean, p_reccnt out number ) is l_theCursor integer default bind_variables(p_theQuery); begin p_more_data := cellsprint_fn( l_theCursor, p_max_rows, p_format_numbers, p_skip_rec, p_reccnt); end cellsprint; procedure cellsprint( p_theCursor in integer, p_max_rows in number default 100, p_format_numbers in varchar2 default NULL, p_skip_rec in number default 0, p_more_data out boolean, p_reccnt out number ) is begin p_more_data := cellsprint_fn( p_theCursor, p_max_rows, p_format_numbers, p_skip_rec, p_reccnt); end cellsprint; /******************************************************************/ /* Procedure to print a list from a query */ /******************************************************************/ procedure listprint( p_theCursor in integer, p_cname in varchar2, p_nsize in number, p_multiple in boolean default FALSE ) is colCnt number; value varchar2(2000); visible varchar2(2000); nc_visible nvarchar2(2000); nc_value nvarchar2(2000); selected varchar2(2000); rec_tab dbms_sql.desc_tab2; status integer; csform number; begin dbms_sql.describe_columns2(p_theCursor, colCnt, rec_tab); if (rec_tab(1).col_charsetform = 2 or rec_tab(2).col_charsetform = 2) then dbms_sql.define_column(p_theCursor, 1, nc_value, 2000); dbms_sql.define_column(p_theCursor, 2, nc_visible, 2000); csform := 2; else dbms_sql.define_column(p_theCursor, 1, value, 2000); dbms_sql.define_column(p_theCursor, 2, visible, 2000); csform := 1; end if; dbms_sql.define_column(p_theCursor, 3, selected, 2000); status := dbms_sql.execute(p_theCursor); htp.formSelectOpen( cname => p_cname, nsize => p_nsize, cattributes => ite( p_multiple,'multiple',NULL)); loop exit when ( dbms_sql.fetch_rows(p_theCursor) <= 0 ); if (csform = 2) then dbms_sql.column_value( p_theCursor, 1, nc_value ); dbms_sql.column_value( p_theCursor, 2, nc_visible ); dbms_sql.column_value( p_theCursor, 3, selected ); htp.formSelectOption( cvalue => nc_visible, cselected => ite( selected IS NULL, NULL, 'SELECT'), cattributes => 'value="' || nc_value || '"' ); else dbms_sql.column_value( p_theCursor, 1, value ); dbms_sql.column_value( p_theCursor, 2, visible ); dbms_sql.column_value( p_theCursor, 3, selected ); htp.formSelectOption( cvalue => visible, cselected => ite( selected IS NULL, NULL, 'SELECT'), cattributes => 'value="' || value || '"' ); end if; end loop; htp.formSelectClose; end listprint; procedure listprint( p_theQuery in varchar2, p_cname in varchar2, p_nsize in number, p_multiple in boolean default FALSE ) is theCursor integer default bind_variables( p_theQuery ); begin listprint( theCursor, p_cname, p_nsize, p_multiple ); end listprint; /******************************************************************/ /* Procedure to choose a date using HTML forms */ /******************************************************************/ procedure choose_date( p_name in varchar2, p_date in date default sysdate) is l_day number default to_number(to_char(p_date,'DD')); l_mon number default to_number(to_char(p_date,'MM')); l_year number default to_number(to_char(p_date,'YYYY')); begin htp.formSelectOpen( cname => p_name, nsize => 1 ); for i in 1 .. 31 loop htp.formSelectOption( cvalue => i, cselected => ite( i=l_day, 'SELECTED', NULL ), cattributes => 'value="' || ltrim(to_char(i,'00')) || '"' ); end loop; htp.formSelectClose; htp.p( '-' ); htp.formSelectOpen( cname => p_name, nsize => 1 ); for i in 1 .. 12 loop htp.formSelectOption( cvalue => to_nchar( to_date( i, 'MM' ), N'MON' ), cselected => ite( i=l_mon, 'SELECTED', NULL ), cattributes => 'value="' || ltrim(to_char(i,'00')) || '"' ); end loop; htp.formSelectClose; htp.p( '-' ); htp.formSelectOpen( cname => p_name, nsize => 1 ); for i in l_year-5 .. l_year+5 loop htp.formSelectOption( cvalue => i, cselected => ite( i=l_year, 'SELECTED', NULL ), cattributes => 'value="' || ltrim(to_char(i,'0000')) || '"' ); end loop; htp.formSelectClose; end; function todate( p_dateArray in dateType ) return date is begin return to_date( p_dateArray(1) || '-' || p_dateArray(2) || '-' || p_dateArray(3), 'DD-MM-YYYY' ); exception when no_data_found then return NULL; when others then return last_day( to_date( p_dateArray(2) || '-' || p_dateArray(3), 'MM-YYYY' ) ); end todate; /******************************************************************/ /* Procedure to print calender in HTML formats */ /******************************************************************/ /******************************************************************/ /* Internal procedures */ /******************************************************************/ function is_weekend( d in date ) return boolean is begin if ( to_char(d,'DY','NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE=AMERICAN') in ( 'SAT', 'SUN' ) ) then return true; else return false; end if; end is_weekend; procedure show_internal( p_mf_only in varchar2, p_start in date, p_dates in dateArray, p_text in vcArray, p_link in vcArray, p_cnt in number, p_ntext in ncArray, p_nlink in ncArray, nchar_path boolean) as l_start date default trunc(p_start,'month'); l_magic_date date default to_date('12111111','ddmmyyyy' ); l_cnt number default 0; l_width varchar2(25) default 'width="15%"'; l_loop_start number default 0; l_loop_stop number default 6; l_mf_only boolean default upper(p_mf_only) = 'Y'; begin if ( l_mf_only ) then l_width := 'width="20%"'; l_loop_start := 1; l_loop_stop := 5; end if; htp.tableOpen( cborder=>'border', cattributes=>'width="100%"' ); htp.tableCaption( to_nchar( l_start, N'Month YYYY' ) ); for i in l_loop_start .. l_loop_stop loop htp.tableHeader( cvalue => to_nchar( l_magic_date+i, N'Day' ), cattributes => l_width ); end loop; htp.tableRowOpen; loop exit when to_nchar( l_magic_date, N'DY' ) = to_nchar(l_start, N'DY'); if ( not l_mf_only or not is_weekend(l_magic_date) ) then htp.tableData( ); end if; l_magic_date := l_magic_date+1; end loop; loop exit when ( to_nchar( p_start, N'MON') <> to_nchar( l_start, N'MON') ); if ( not l_mf_only or not is_weekend(l_start) ) then htp.p( '<td valign="TOP" ' || l_width || '>' ); htp.p( htf.italic(htf.bold(to_nchar(l_start,N'DD'))) || ); end if; while(l_cnt < p_cnt AND to_nchar(l_start) = to_nchar(p_dates(l_cnt)) ) loop if ( not l_mf_only or not is_weekend(l_start) ) then htp.p( '»' ); if (nchar_path) then if ( p_nlink(l_cnt) is NULL ) then htp.p( p_ntext(l_cnt) ); else htp.anchor( p_nlink(l_cnt), p_ntext(l_cnt) ); end if; else if ( p_link(l_cnt) is NULL ) then htp.p( p_text(l_cnt) ); else htp.anchor( p_link(l_cnt), p_text(l_cnt) ); end if; end if;; end if; l_cnt := l_cnt+1; end loop; if ( not l_mf_only or not is_weekend( l_start ) ) then htp.p( '</td>' ); end if; if ( to_char(l_start,'DY','NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE=AMERICAN') = 'SAT' ) then htp.tableRowClose; if ( l_start <> last_day(l_start) ) then htp.tableRowOpen; end if; end if; l_start := l_start+1; end loop; if ( to_char(l_start ,'DY','NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE=AMERICAN') <> 'SUN' ) then loop if ( not l_mf_only or not is_weekend( l_start ) ) then htp.tableData( ); end if; exit when ( to_char(l_start,'DY','NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE=AMERICAN') = 'SAT' ); l_start := l_start+1; end loop; htp.tableRowClose; end if; htp.tableClose; end show_internal; /******************************************************************/ /* Procedure calendarprint */ /******************************************************************/ procedure calendarprint( p_query in varchar2, p_mf_only in varchar2 default 'N' ) is l_cursor integer default owa_util.bind_variables( p_query ); begin calendarprint( l_cursor, p_mf_only ); dbms_sql.close_cursor(l_cursor); exception when others then if dbms_sql.is_open(l_cursor) then dbms_sql.close_cursor(l_cursor); end if; raise; end calendarprint; procedure calendarprint( p_cursor in integer, p_mf_only in varchar2 default 'N' ) is l_dates dateArray; l_text vcArray; l_ntext ncArray; l_link vcArray; l_nlink ncArray; l_cnt number; l_yyyymon varchar2(7) default NULL; l_curr_date date; csform number; rec_tab dbms_sql.desc_tab2; l_colcnt number; begin l_dates(0) := NULL; l_text(0) := NULL; l_link(0) := NULL; l_ntext(0) := NULL; l_nlink(0) := NULL; l_colcnt:= 3; dbms_sql.describe_columns2(p_cursor, l_colcnt, rec_tab); dbms_sql.define_column( p_cursor, 1, l_dates(0) ); if (rec_tab(2).col_charsetform = 2) then csform := 2; dbms_sql.define_column( p_cursor, 2, l_ntext(0), 2000 ); dbms_sql.define_column( p_cursor, 3, l_nlink(0), 2000 ); else dbms_sql.define_column( p_cursor, 2, l_text(0), 2000 ); dbms_sql.define_column( p_cursor, 3, l_link(0), 2000 ); csform := 1; end if; l_cnt := dbms_sql.execute( p_cursor ); l_cnt := 0; loop exit when ( dbms_sql.fetch_rows( p_cursor ) <= 0 ); dbms_sql.column_value( p_cursor, 1, l_curr_date ); if (l_yyyymon is null) then l_yyyymon := to_char(l_curr_date, 'YYYYMON', 'NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE = AMERICAN'); end if; if (to_char(l_curr_date, 'YYYYMON', 'NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE = AMERICAN') <> l_yyyymon) then show_internal( p_mf_only, l_dates(0), l_dates, l_text, l_link, l_cnt, l_ntext, l_nlink, (csform = 2) ); l_cnt := 0; l_yyyymon := to_char(l_curr_date, 'YYYYMON', 'NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE = AMERICAN'); end if; l_dates(l_cnt) := l_curr_date; if (csform = 2) then dbms_sql.column_value( p_cursor, 2, l_ntext(l_cnt) ); dbms_sql.column_value( p_cursor, 3, l_nlink(l_cnt) ); else dbms_sql.column_value( p_cursor, 2, l_text(l_cnt) ); dbms_sql.column_value( p_cursor, 3, l_link(l_cnt) ); end if; l_cnt := l_cnt+1; end loop; if (l_cnt > 0) then show_internal(p_mf_only, l_dates(0), l_dates, l_text, l_link, l_cnt, l_ntext, l_nlink, (csform = 2)); end if; end calendarprint; /**********************************************************************/ /* Function to obtain the procedure being invoked by the PL/SQL Agent */ /**********************************************************************/ function get_procedure return varchar2 is path_info varchar2(255); procname varchar2(255); procowner varchar2(255); begin /* get PATH_INFO without the first '/' */ path_info := get_cgi_env('PATH_INFO'); --if (path_info like '/%') then --need to check if this is a flexible parameter so that we can take out if (substr(path_info, 1, 2) = '/!') then path_info := substr(path_info, 3); else if (substr(path_info, 1, 1) = '/') then path_info := substr(path_info, 2); end if; end if; /* resolve name and compose the real package.procedure */ name_resolve(path_info, procowner, procname); return(procname); end; /**********************************************************************/ /* Function to obtain the version number */ /**********************************************************************/ function get_version return varchar2 is begin return(owa_version); end; /**********************************************************************/ /* Procedure to print the version number */ /**********************************************************************/ procedure print_version is begin htp.print('Current OWA toolkit version is '||owa_version); end; end; / Show errors