Rem Copyright (c) 1999, 2000 by Oracle Corp. All Rights Reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem privcach.sql - PRIVate CACHe package Rem PURPOSE Rem Provide cache functions for caching PL/SQL generated contents Rem NOTES Rem This file is used to implement PL/SQL caching in the PL/SQL Gateway. Rem This script should be run by the owner of the OWA packages. Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem ehlee 09/28/01 - increase max len of Surrogate-Control to 200 Rem skwong 07/20/01 - Get NewLine character in portable manner Rem ehlee 07/16/01 - fix not reserving the Surrogate-Control header Rem ehlee 07/11/01 - adding Surrogate-Control reserve header Rem ehlee 12/28/00 - remove NOCOPY for 8.0.x compatibility Rem ehlee 06/20/00 - adding Expires model support Rem ehlee 05/11/00 - add check for GATEWAY_IVERSION Rem ehlee 05/02/00 - creation Rem CREATE OR replace PACKAGE BODY owa_cache AS -- -- Private types and global variables -- v_nstatusidx NUMBER := 1; -- the htbuf line index for status header v_netagidx NUMBER := 2; -- the htbuf line index for etag header v_nexpiresidx NUMBER := 2; -- the htbuf line index for expires header v_nlevelidx NUMBER := 3; -- the htbuf line index for level header v_nsurridx NUMBER := 4; -- the htbuf line index for surr-con header v_nendlineidx NUMBER := 5; -- the htbuf line index for end line -- -- Constants -- NL_CHAR constant varchar2(10) := owa_cx.nl_char; expires_header constant VARCHAR2(18) := 'X-ORACLE-EXPIRES: '; etag_header constant VARCHAR2(6) := 'ETag: '; level_header constant VARCHAR2(15) := 'Cache-Control: '; ignore_header constant VARCHAR2(23) := 'X-ORACLE-IGNORE: IGNORE'; read_header constant VARCHAR2(20) := 'X-ORACLE-CACHE: READ'; write_header constant VARCHAR2(21) := 'X-ORACLE-CACHE: WRITE'; surrcon_header constant VARCHAR2(19) := 'Surrogate-Control: '; stored_etag VARCHAR2(100) := 'MaGiC_KeY_728374'; stored_level VARCHAR2(100) := 'MaGiC_KeY_728374'; max_surrcon_len constant NUMBER := 200; max_cache_len constant NUMBER := 55; -- -- PROCEDURE: -- init -- DESCRIPTION: -- Reserve header spaces -- PARAMS: -- p_htbuf IN/OUT: the buffer to reserve the headers in -- p_rows_in IN/OUT: the current row number in that buffer -- NOTE: -- Should only be called before any data is written to the htbuf -- PROCEDURE init(p_htbuf IN OUT htp.htbuf_arr, p_rows_in IN OUT number) IS BEGIN -- Reserve four header spaces p_htbuf(v_nstatusidx) := ignore_header || NL_CHAR; p_htbuf(v_netagidx) := ignore_header || NL_CHAR; p_htbuf(v_nlevelidx) := ignore_header || NL_CHAR; p_htbuf(v_nsurridx) := ignore_header || NL_CHAR; p_htbuf(v_nendlineidx) := NL_CHAR; p_rows_in := 4; END init; -- -- PROCEDURE: -- disable -- DESCRIPTION: -- Disables the cache -- PROCEDURE disable IS BEGIN htp.print_header(ignore_header, v_nstatusidx); htp.print_header(ignore_header, v_netagidx); htp.print_header(ignore_header, v_nlevelidx); htp.print_header(ignore_header, v_nsurridx); END disable; -- -- PROCEDURE: -- set_expires -- DESCRIPTION: -- Sets up the cache headers -- PARAMS: -- p_expires IN: number of minutes this cached item is fresh -- p_level IN: the caching level for it (USER or SYSTEM for now) -- EXCEPTIONS: -- VALUE_ERROR : If p_expires is negative or zero, or p_level is not -- 'USER' or 'SYSTEM', this exception is thrown -- If p_expires is > 525600 (1 year), this exception is thrown -- PROCEDURE set_expires(p_expires IN number, p_level IN varchar2) IS BEGIN -- Check for negative numbers or zero IF (p_expires <= 0) THEN raise VALUE_ERROR; END IF; -- Check for > 525600 IF (p_expires > 525600) THEN raise VALUE_ERROR; END IF; -- Check for invalid levels IF (p_level IS NULL) THEN raise VALUE_ERROR; END IF; IF (p_level <> 'SYSTEM' AND p_level <> 'USER') THEN raise VALUE_ERROR; END IF; htp.print_header(write_header, v_nstatusidx); htp.print_header(expires_header || p_expires, v_nexpiresidx); htp.print_header(level_header || p_level, v_nlevelidx); END set_expires; -- -- PROCEDURE: -- set_cache -- DESCRIPTION: -- Sets up the cache headers -- PARAMS: -- p_etag IN: the ETag associated with this content -- p_level IN: the caching level for it (USER or SYSTEM for now) -- EXCEPTIONS: -- VALUE_ERROR : If p_etag is greater than max_cache_len in length or -- p_level is not 'USER' or 'SYSTEM', this exception is thrown -- PROCEDURE set_cache(p_etag IN varchar2, p_level IN varchar2) IS BEGIN -- Check for the etag length IF (p_etag IS NULL OR length(p_etag) > max_cache_len) THEN raise VALUE_ERROR; END IF; -- Check for invalid levels IF (p_level IS NULL) THEN raise VALUE_ERROR; END IF; IF (p_level <> 'SYSTEM' AND p_level <> 'USER') THEN raise VALUE_ERROR; END IF; htp.print_header(write_header, v_nstatusidx); htp.print_header(etag_header || p_etag, v_netagidx); htp.print_header(level_header || p_level, v_nlevelidx); END set_cache; -- -- PROCEDURE: -- set_not_modified -- DESCRIPTION: -- Sets up the headers for a not modified cache hit -- EXCEPTIONS: -- VALUE_ERROR : If the ETag or Cache-Control wasn't passed in, -- this exception is thrown -- PROCEDURE set_not_modified IS BEGIN IF (get_etag IS NULL OR get_level IS NULL) THEN raise VALUE_ERROR; END IF; htp.print_header(read_header, v_nstatusidx); htp.print_header(ignore_header, v_netagidx); htp.print_header(ignore_header, v_nlevelidx); END set_not_modified; -- -- PROCEDURE: -- set_surrogate_control -- DESCRIPTION: -- Sets up the headers for a surrogate-control header for web cache -- PARAMS: -- p_value IN: value to be passed as the Surrogate-Control header -- EXCEPTIONS: -- VALUE_ERROR : If p_value is greater than max_surrcon_len in length -- PROCEDURE set_surrogate_control(p_value IN varchar2) IS BEGIN -- Check for the value length IF (p_value IS NULL OR length(p_value) > max_surrcon_len) THEN raise VALUE_ERROR; END IF; htp.print_header(surrcon_header || p_value, v_nsurridx); END set_surrogate_control; -- -- FUNCTION: -- get_level -- DESCRIPTION: -- Returns the caching level -- PARAMS: -- none -- RETURN: -- The caching level string (USER or SYSTEM for now) -- FUNCTION get_level RETURN VARCHAR2 IS BEGIN IF (stored_level = 'MaGiC_KeY_728374') THEN stored_level := owa_util.get_cgi_env('HTTP_CACHE_CONTROL'); END IF; RETURN stored_level; END get_level; -- -- FUNCTION: -- get_etag -- DESCRIPTION: -- Returns the caching etag -- PARAMS: -- none -- RETURN: -- The caching etag string -- FUNCTION get_etag RETURN VARCHAR2 IS BEGIN IF (stored_etag = 'MaGiC_KeY_728374') THEN stored_etag := owa_util.get_cgi_env('HTTP_IF_MATCH'); END IF; RETURN stored_etag; END get_etag; END owa_cache; / show errors package body owa_cache