Rem Rem $Header: plspurity.sql 21-apr-98.19:27:13 nle Exp $ Rem Rem plspurity.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) Oracle Corporation 1998. All Rights Reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem plspur.sql - sys_stub_for_purity_analysis definitions Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem Define package sys_stub_for_purity_analysis. Rem As we create the top level subprograms, a dependency between Rem the subprogram and this package is formed. For more info on Rem this package, please refer to the document on interop purity Rem Rem NOTES Rem This package has to run after the creation of standard and Rem before any other creation of top level subprograms. Rem Top level subprograms should NOT be defined in standard.sql Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem nle 05/11/98 - change stub package name Rem nle 04/27/98 - Created Rem create or replace package sys_stub_for_purity_analysis as procedure prds; pragma restrict_references(prds, wnds, rnps, wnps); procedure pwds; pragma restrict_references(pwds, rnds, rnps, wnps); procedure prps; pragma restrict_references(prps, rnds, wnds, wnps); procedure pwps; pragma restrict_references(pwps, rnds, wnds, rnps); end sys_stub_for_purity_analysis; / show errors;