update wmsys.wm$env_vars set value = '' where name = 'OWM_VERSION'; commit; create table wmsys.wm$constraints_table ( owner varchar2(30), constraint_name varchar2(30), constraint_type varchar2(2), table_name varchar2(30), search_condition long, status varchar2(8), index_owner varchar2(30), index_name varchar2(30), index_type varchar2(40), aliasedColumns clob, numIndexCols integer, constraint wm$constraints_table_pk primary key (owner, constraint_name) ) ; create index wmsys.wm$constraints_table_tab_idx on wmsys.wm$constraints_table (owner, table_name) ; create or replace view wmsys.user_wm_constraints as select /*+ ORDERED */ constraint_name, constraint_type, table_name, search_condition, status, index_owner, index_name, index_type from wmsys.wm$constraints_table ct, user_views uv where ct.owner = USER and ct.table_name = uv.view_name ; execute wmsys.wm$execSQL('grant select on wmsys.user_wm_constraints to public with grant option'); create public synonym user_wm_constraints for wmsys.user_wm_constraints; create or replace view wmsys.all_wm_constraints as select /*+ ORDERED */ ct.owner, constraint_name, constraint_type, table_name, search_condition, status, index_owner, index_name, index_type from wmsys.wm$constraints_table ct, all_views av where ct.owner = av.owner and ct.table_name = av.view_name ; execute wmsys.wm$execSQL('grant select on wmsys.all_wm_constraints to public with grant option'); create public synonym all_wm_constraints for wmsys.all_wm_constraints ; /* * ############################################ * Insert the PK constraints info in the constraints table, because might * be coming from the upgrade path. * ############################################ */ insert into wmsys.wm$constraints_table select t1.owner, t2.constraint_name, 'P', t1.table_name, null, 'ENABLED', t1.owner, t2.constraint_name, 'NORMAL', null, null from wmsys.wm$versioned_tables t1, dba_constraints t2 where t1.owner = t2.owner and t1.table_name || '_LT' = t2.table_name and t2.constraint_type = 'P' ; commit; create or replace view wmsys.user_wm_ind_columns as select /*+ ORDERED */ t2.index_name, t1.table_name, t2.column_name, t2.column_position, t2.column_length, t2.descend from wmsys.wm$constraints_table t1, user_ind_columns t2 where t1.index_owner = USER and t1.index_name = t2.index_name and t1.constraint_type != 'P' union select /*+ ORDERED */ t2.index_name, t1.table_name, t2.column_name, t2.column_position-1, t2.column_length, t2.descend from wmsys.wm$constraints_table t1, user_ind_columns t2 where t1.index_owner = USER and t1.index_name = t2.index_name and t1.constraint_type = 'P' and t2.column_name not in ('VERSION','DELSTATUS') ; execute wmsys.wm$execSQL('grant select on wmsys.user_wm_ind_columns to public with grant option'); create public synonym user_wm_ind_columns for wmsys.user_wm_ind_columns; create or replace view wmsys.all_wm_ind_columns as select /*+ USE_NL(t1 t2) */ t2.index_owner, t2.index_name, t1.owner, t1.table_name, t2.column_name, t2.column_position, t2.column_length, t2.descend from wmsys.wm$constraints_table t1, all_ind_columns t2 where t1.index_owner = t2.index_owner and t1.index_name = t2.index_name and t1.constraint_type != 'P' union select /*+ USE_NL(t1 t2) */ t2.index_owner, t2.index_name, t1.owner, t1.table_name, t2.column_name, t2.column_position-1, t2.column_length, t2.descend from wmsys.wm$constraints_table t1, all_ind_columns t2 where t1.index_owner = t2.index_owner and t1.index_name = t2.index_name and t1.constraint_type = 'P' and t2.column_name not in ('VERSION','DELSTATUS') ; execute wmsys.wm$execSQL('grant select on wmsys.all_wm_ind_columns to public with grant option'); create public synonym all_wm_ind_columns for wmsys.all_wm_ind_columns; create or replace view wmsys.user_wm_ind_expressions as select /*+ ORDERED */ t2.index_name, t1.table_name, t2.column_expression, t2.column_position from wmsys.wm$constraints_table t1, user_ind_expressions t2 where t1.index_owner = USER and t1.index_name = t2.index_name ; execute wmsys.wm$execSQL('grant select on wmsys.user_wm_ind_expressions to public with grant option') ; create public synonym user_wm_ind_expressions for wmsys.user_wm_ind_expressions ; create or replace view wmsys.all_wm_ind_expressions as select /*+ USE_NL(t1 t2) */ t2.index_owner,t2.index_name, t1.owner, t1.table_name, t2.column_expression, t2.column_position from wmsys.wm$constraints_table t1, all_ind_expressions t2 where t1.index_owner = t2.index_owner and t1.index_name = t2.index_name ; execute wmsys.wm$execSQL('grant select on wmsys.all_wm_ind_expressions to public with grant option') ; create public synonym all_wm_ind_expressions for wmsys.all_wm_ind_expressions ; create or replace view wmsys.wm$conf1_hierarchy_view as select * from wmsys.wm$version_hierarchy_table start with version = (select current_version from wmsys.wm$workspaces_table where workspace = sys_context('lt_ctx', 'conflict_state')) connect by prior parent_version = version WITH READ ONLY; create or replace view wmsys.wm$conf2_hierarchy_view as select * from wmsys.wm$version_hierarchy_table start with version = (select current_version from wmsys.wm$workspaces_table where workspace = sys_context('lt_ctx', 'parent_conflict_state')) connect by prior parent_version = version WITH READ ONLY; create or replace view wmsys.wm$conf_base_hierarchy_view as select version from wmsys.wm$version_hierarchy_table start with version = sys_context('lt_ctx', 'confbasever') connect by prior parent_version = version WITH READ ONLY; create or replace view wmsys.wm$conf1_nextver_view as select next_vers from wmsys.wm$nextver_table where version in (select version from wmsys.wm$conf1_hierarchy_view) WITH READ ONLY; create or replace view wmsys.wm$conf2_nextver_view as select next_vers from wmsys.wm$nextver_table where version in (select version from wmsys.wm$conf2_hierarchy_view) WITH READ ONLY; create or replace view wmsys.wm$conf_base_nextver_view as select next_vers from wmsys.wm$nextver_table where version in (select version from wmsys.wm$conf_base_hierarchy_view) WITH READ ONLY; create public synonym wm$conf1_hierarchy_view for wmsys.wm$conf1_hierarchy_view ; create public synonym wm$conf2_hierarchy_view for wmsys.wm$conf2_hierarchy_view ; create public synonym wm$conf_base_hierarchy_view for wmsys.wm$conf_base_hierarchy_view ; create public synonym wm$conf1_nextver_view for wmsys.wm$conf1_nextver_view ; create public synonym wm$conf2_nextver_view for wmsys.wm$conf2_nextver_view ; create public synonym wm$conf_base_nextver_view for wmsys.wm$conf_base_nextver_view ; execute wmsys.wm$execSQL('grant select on wmsys.wm$conf1_hierarchy_view to public with grant option'); execute wmsys.wm$execSQL('grant select on wmsys.wm$conf2_hierarchy_view to public with grant option'); execute wmsys.wm$execSQL('grant select on wmsys.wm$conf_base_hierarchy_view to public with grant option'); execute wmsys.wm$execSQL('grant select on wmsys.wm$conf1_nextver_view to public with grant option'); execute wmsys.wm$execSQL('grant select on wmsys.wm$conf2_nextver_view to public with grant option'); execute wmsys.wm$execSQL('grant select on wmsys.wm$conf_base_nextver_view to public with grant option'); create or replace view wmsys.wm$all_nextver_view as select version, next_vers, workspace, split from wmsys.wm$nextver_table WITH READ ONLY; create public synonym wm$all_nextver_view for wmsys.wm$all_nextver_view ; execute wmsys.wm$execSQL('grant select on wmsys.wm$all_nextver_view to public with grant option'); create table wmsys.wm$cons_columns ( owner varchar2(30), constraint_name varchar2(30), table_name varchar2(30), column_name varchar2(4000), position number ) ; create index wmsys.wm$cons_columns_idx on wmsys.wm$cons_columns(owner, constraint_name) ; create or replace view wmsys.user_wm_cons_columns as select /*+ ORDERED */ t1.* from wmsys.wm$cons_columns t1, user_views t2 where t1.owner = USER and t1.table_name = t2.view_name; execute wmsys.wm$execSQL('grant select on wmsys.user_wm_cons_columns to public with grant option'); create public synonym user_wm_cons_columns for wmsys.user_wm_cons_columns; create or replace view wmsys.all_wm_cons_columns as select /*+ ORDERED */ t1.* from wmsys.wm$cons_columns t1, all_views t2 where t1.owner = t2.owner and t1.table_name = t2.view_name; execute wmsys.wm$execSQL('grant select on wmsys.all_wm_cons_columns to public with grant option'); create public synonym all_wm_cons_columns for wmsys.all_wm_cons_columns; drop sequence wmsys.wm$nested_columns_seq ; alter table wmsys.wm$versioned_tables add ( bl_workspace varchar2(30), bl_version integer ); create index wmsys.wm$ver_tab_bl_indx on wmsys.wm$versioned_tables(bl_workspace,bl_version); /* We had a bug wherein the latest versions in diff worskapces * were being cached in sys_context variables. So, when a * savepoint was created in that workspace, this sys_context was * becoming stale and incorrect. So, we are changing it so that * the sys_context stores a logical latest version. */ create or replace view wmsys.wm$diff1_hierarchy_view as select * from wmsys.wm$version_hierarchy_table start with version = decode(sys_context('lt_ctx', 'diffver1'), -1, (select current_version from wmsys.wm$workspaces_table where workspace = sys_context('lt_ctx', 'diffWspc1')), sys_context('lt_ctx', 'diffver1')) connect by prior parent_version = version WITH READ ONLY; create or replace view wmsys.wm$diff2_hierarchy_view as select version from wmsys.wm$version_hierarchy_table start with version = decode(sys_context('lt_ctx', 'diffver2'), -1, (select current_version from wmsys.wm$workspaces_table where workspace = sys_context('lt_ctx', 'diffWspc2')), sys_context('lt_ctx', 'diffver2')) connect by prior parent_version = version WITH READ ONLY; declare curTrigStatus varchar2(10) := null; verTabName varchar2(61); cursor verTabsCur is select owner || '.' || table_name from wmsys.wm$versioned_tables; badtab_exception EXCEPTION; PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(badtab_exception, -00942); column_exists_exception EXCEPTION; PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(column_exists_exception, -01430); begin BEGIN select substr(status,1,length(status)-1) into curTrigStatus from all_triggers where owner = 'SYS' and trigger_name = 'NO_VM_DROP'; execute immediate 'alter trigger sys.no_vm_drop disable'; EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN NULL; END; BEGIN open verTabsCur; loop fetch verTabsCur into verTabName; EXIT when verTabsCur%NOTFOUND; BEGIN execute immediate 'drop view ' || verTabName || '_DIF1'; EXCEPTION WHEN badtab_exception THEN NULL; END; BEGIN execute immediate 'drop view ' || verTabName || '_DIF2'; EXCEPTION WHEN badtab_exception THEN NULL; END; BEGIN execute immediate 'alter table ' || verTabName || '_AUX add (wm_opcode varchar2(3))'; EXCEPTION WHEN column_exists_exception THEN NULL; END; end loop; close verTabsCur; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN if (curTrigStatus is not null) then execute immediate 'alter trigger sys.no_vm_drop ' || curTrigStatus; end if; RAISE; END; if (curTrigStatus is not null) then execute immediate 'alter trigger sys.no_vm_drop ' || curTrigStatus; end if; end; / /* * Revisit these view and indexes as might have been created * by others */ create or replace view wmsys.wm$current_child_versions_view as select vht.version from wmsys.wm$version_hierarchy_table vht, wmsys.wm$version_table vt where ( vht.workspace = vt.workspace and vt.anc_workspace = nvl(sys_context('lt_ctx','state'),'LIVE') and vt.anc_version = decode(sys_context('lt_ctx','version'), null,(SELECT current_version FROM wmsys.wm$workspaces_table WHERE workspace = 'LIVE'), -1,(select current_version from wmsys.wm$workspaces_table where workspace = sys_context('lt_ctx','state')), sys_context('lt_ctx','version') ) ) WITH READ ONLY ; execute wmsys.wm$execSQL('grant select on wmsys.wm$current_child_versions_view to public with grant option'); create public synonym wm$current_child_versions_view for wmsys.wm$current_child_versions_view ; create index wmsys.wm$vt_anc_idx on wmsys.wm$version_table(anc_workspace, anc_version); create or replace view wmsys.wm$current_child_nextvers_view as select nvt.next_vers from wmsys.wm$nextver_table nvt, wmsys.wm$version_table vt where ( nvt.workspace = vt.workspace and vt.anc_workspace = nvl(sys_context('lt_ctx','state'),'LIVE') and vt.anc_version = decode(sys_context('lt_ctx','version'), null,(SELECT current_version FROM wmsys.wm$workspaces_table WHERE workspace = 'LIVE'), -1,(select current_version from wmsys.wm$workspaces_table where workspace = sys_context('lt_ctx','state')), sys_context('lt_ctx','version') ) ) WITH READ ONLY ; execute wmsys.wm$execSQL('grant select on wmsys.wm$current_child_nextvers_view to public with grant option'); create public synonym wm$current_child_nextvers_view for wmsys.wm$current_child_nextvers_view ; /* Insert 0 version entry in nextver_table */ insert into wmsys.wm$nextver_table values(0,',0,','LIVE',0) ; commit; drop index wmsys.wm$nextver_table_nv_indx; create unique index wmsys.wm$nextver_table_nv_indx on wmsys.wm$nextver_table(next_vers,version,workspace); alter table wmsys.wm$workspaces_table add ( cr_status varchar2(20) ); alter table wmsys.wm$workspaces_table add ( sync_parver integer ); update wmsys.wm$workspaces_table wt set sync_parver = nvl( (select min(version) from wmsys.wm$version_hierarchy_table where version > wt.parent_version and workspace = wt.parent_workspace), wt.parent_version) where wt.workspace != 'LIVE' ; commit; alter table wmsys.wm$workspaces_table add ( last_change date default sysdate); declare cursor c1 is select workspace, cr_status, rowid from wmsys.wm$workspaces_table; curWspc varchar2(30); curRID ROWID; curCRStatus varchar2(20); newCRStatus varchar2(20); cursor childWspcCur is select count(distinct isrefreshed), min(isrefreshed) from wmsys.wm$workspaces_table where parent_workspace = curWspc; cnt integer; isRefreshed integer; begin open c1; loop fetch c1 into curWspc, curCRStatus, curRID; EXIT when c1%NOTFOUND; if (curCRStatus is null) then open childWspcCur; fetch childWspcCur into cnt, isRefreshed; if (cnt = 0) then newCRStatus := wmsys.lt_ctx_pkg.CRSTATUS_LEAF; elsif (cnt = 2) then newCRStatus := wmsys.lt_ctx_pkg.CRSTATUS_MIXED; else if (isRefreshed = 0) then newCRStatus := wmsys.lt_ctx_pkg.CRSTATUS_ALLNONCR; else newCRStatus := wmsys.lt_ctx_pkg.CRSTATUS_ALLCR; end if; end if; update wmsys.wm$workspaces_table set cr_status = newCRStatus where rowid = curRID; close childWspcCur; end if; end loop; close c1; commit; end; / create or replace view wmsys.wm$current_workspace_view as select * from wmsys.wm$workspaces_table where workspace = nvl(SYS_CONTEXT('lt_ctx','state'),'LIVE') WITH READ ONLY; create or replace view wmsys.wm$parent_workspace_view as select * from wmsys.wm$workspaces_table where workspace = SYS_CONTEXT('lt_ctx','parent_state') WITH READ ONLY; alter table wmsys.wm$workspaces_table add (depth integer) ; alter table wmsys.wm$version_table add (anc_depth integer) ; declare wspc varchar2(30) ; cnt integer ; rid ROWID ; cursor all_workspaces is select workspace, rowid from wmsys.wm$workspaces_table ; begin open all_workspaces ; loop fetch all_workspaces into wspc, rid ; exit when all_workspaces%NOTFOUND ; select count(*) into cnt from wmsys.wm$version_table where workspace = wspc; update wmsys.wm$workspaces_table set depth = cnt where rowid = rid ; update wmsys.wm$version_table set anc_depth = cnt where anc_workspace = wspc ; end loop; close all_workspaces ; end; / create or replace view wmsys.wm$base_version_view as select decode(sign(vt1.anc_version - vt2.anc_version), 1, vt2.anc_version, vt1.anc_version) version, decode(sys_context('lt_ctx', 'isAncestor'), 'false','NO', decode(decode(sign(vt1.anc_version - vt2.anc_version), 1, vt2.anc_version, vt1.anc_version), wmt.current_version, 'YES', 'NO')) isCRAnc from (select vt1.anc_version from wmsys.wm$version_table vt1 where vt1.workspace = sys_context('lt_ctx', 'diffWspc1') and vt1.anc_workspace = sys_context('lt_ctx', 'anc_workspace') union all select decode(sys_context('lt_ctx', 'diffver1'), -1, decode(sys_context('lt_ctx','isCRChild'), 'true', (select sync_parver from wmsys.wm$workspaces_table where workspace = sys_context('lt_ctx', 'diffWspc2')), (select current_version from wmsys.wm$workspaces_table where workspace = sys_context('lt_ctx', 'diffWspc1'))), sys_context('lt_ctx', 'diffver1')) from dual where sys_context('lt_ctx', 'anc_workspace') = sys_context('lt_ctx', 'diffWspc1') ) vt1, (select vt2.anc_version from wmsys.wm$version_table vt2 where vt2.workspace = sys_context('lt_ctx', 'diffWspc2') and vt2.anc_workspace = sys_context('lt_ctx', 'anc_workspace') union all select decode(sys_context('lt_ctx', 'diffver2'), -1, decode(sys_context('lt_ctx','isCRChild'), 'true', (select sync_parver from wmsys.wm$workspaces_table where workspace = sys_context('lt_ctx', 'diffWspc1')), (select current_version from wmsys.wm$workspaces_table where workspace = sys_context('lt_ctx', 'diffWspc2'))), sys_context('lt_ctx', 'diffver2')) from dual where sys_context('lt_ctx', 'anc_workspace') = sys_context('lt_ctx', 'diffWspc2') ) vt2, wmsys.wm$workspaces_table wmt where wmt.workspace = sys_context('lt_ctx', 'anc_workspace'); execute wmsys.wm$execSQL('grant select on wmsys.wm$base_version_view to public with grant option'); create public synonym wm$base_version_view for wmsys.wm$base_version_view ; create or replace view wmsys.wm$base_hierarchy_view as select -1 version from dual union all select version from wmsys.wm$version_hierarchy_table start with version = (select version from wmsys.wm$base_version_view) connect by prior parent_version = version WITH READ ONLY; create or replace view wmsys.wm$curConflict_parvers_view (parent_vers, vtid) as select version, vtid from wmsys.wm$modified_tables where workspace = SYS_CONTEXT('lt_ctx','conflict_state') WITH READ ONLY; create or replace view wmsys.wm$curConflict_nextvers_view as select version, next_vers, workspace, split, cpv.vtid from wmsys.wm$nextver_table nt, wmsys.wm$curConflict_parvers_view cpv where nt.version = cpv.parent_vers WITH READ ONLY; create or replace view wmsys.wm$parConflict_parvers_view (parent_vers, vtid, afterSync) as (select version, vtid, decode(sign(mt.version - wt.sync_parver), -1, 'NO','YES') from wmsys.wm$modified_tables mt, wmsys.wm$workspaces_table wt where mt.workspace = SYS_CONTEXT('lt_ctx','parent_conflict_state') and wt.workspace = SYS_CONTEXT('lt_ctx','conflict_state') and mt.version >= decode(sign(wt.parent_version - wt.sync_parver),-1, (wt.parent_version+1), sync_parver) ) WITH READ ONLY; create or replace view wmsys.wm$parConflict_nextvers_view as select version, next_vers, workspace, split, ppv.vtid, ppv.afterSync from wmsys.wm$nextver_table nt, wmsys.wm$parConflict_parvers_view ppv where nt.version = ppv.parent_vers WITH READ ONLY; execute wmsys.wm$execSQL('grant select on wmsys.wm$version_hierarchy_table to public'); execute wmsys.wm$execSQL('grant select on wmsys.wm$version_table to public with grant option'); execute wmsys.wm$execSQL('grant select on wmsys.wm$nextver_table to public'); create or replace view wmsys.wm$mw_versions_view as select distinct version, modified_by from ( select vht.version, vht.workspace modified_by from wmsys.wm$mw_table mw, wmsys.wm$version_table vt, wmsys.wm$version_hierarchy_table vht where mw.workspace = vt.workspace and vt.anc_workspace = vht.workspace and vht.version <= vt.anc_version union all select vht.version, vht.workspace modified_by from wmsys.wm$mw_table mw, wmsys.wm$version_hierarchy_table vht where mw.workspace = vht.workspace ); create or replace view wmsys.wm$mw_nextvers_view as select nvt.next_vers from wmsys.wm$nextver_table nvt where nvt.workspace in (select workspace from wmsys.wm$mw_table) or exists ( select 1 from wmsys.wm$version_table vt where vt.workspace in (select workspace from wmsys.wm$mw_table) and nvt.workspace = vt.anc_workspace and nvt.version <= vt.anc_version ) ; create public synonym wm$mw_versions_view for wmsys.wm$mw_versions_view; create public synonym wm$mw_nextvers_view for wmsys.wm$mw_nextvers_view; execute wmsys.wm$execSQL('grant select on wmsys.wm$mw_versions_view to public with grant option'); execute wmsys.wm$execSQL('grant select on wmsys.wm$mw_nextvers_view to public with grant option'); create table wmsys.wm$sysparam_all_values ( name varchar2(100), value varchar2(512), IsDefault varchar2(9), constraint wm$env_sys_pk primary key(name, value) ) ; declare pess varchar2(30) := WMSYS.LT.PESSIMISTIC_LOCKING; opt varchar2(30) := WMSYS.LT.OPTIMISTIC_LOCKING; begin insert into wmsys.wm$sysparam_all_values values ('CR_WORKSPACE_MODE',pess,'NO') ; insert into wmsys.wm$sysparam_all_values values ('CR_WORKSPACE_MODE',opt,'YES') ; insert into wmsys.wm$sysparam_all_values values ('NONCR_WORKSPACE_MODE', pess, 'NO') ; insert into wmsys.wm$sysparam_all_values values ('NONCR_WORKSPACE_MODE', opt, 'YES') ; insert into wmsys.wm$sysparam_all_values values ('FIRE_TRIGGERS_FOR_NONDML_EVENTS', 'ON', 'YES'); insert into wmsys.wm$sysparam_all_values values ('FIRE_TRIGGERS_FOR_NONDML_EVENTS', 'OFF', 'NO'); commit ; end; / declare v varchar2(40); begin select value into v from wmsys.wm$env_vars where name = 'CR_WORKSPACE_MODE'; exception when no_data_found then insert into wmsys.wm$env_vars values('CR_WORKSPACE_MODE', WMSYS.LT.PESSIMISTIC_LOCKING) ; commit; end; / alter table wmsys.wm$udtrig_info add ( internal_type varchar2(50) default 'USER_DEFINED', tab_merge_wo_remove_col varchar2(4) default 'ON', tab_merge_w_remove_col varchar2(4) default 'ON', wspc_merge_wo_remove_col varchar2(4) default 'ON', wspc_merge_w_remove_col varchar2(4) default 'ON', dml_col varchar2(4) default 'ON', workspace_refresh_col varchar2(4) default 'ON', table_refresh_col varchar2(4) default 'ON', table_rollback_col varchar2(4) default 'ON', workspace_rollback_col varchar2(4) default 'ON', workspace_remove_col varchar2(4) default 'ON' ); alter table wmsys.wm$workspaces_table add (mp_root varchar2(30) default null); create index wmsys.wm$workspaces_mp_idx on wmsys.wm$workspaces_table(mp_root); alter table wmsys.wm$version_table add (refCount integer default 1); create table wmsys.wm$mp_parent_workspaces_table ( workspace varchar2(30), parent_workspace varchar2(30), parent_version integer, creator varchar2(30), createtime date, workspace_lock_id integer, isRefreshed integer, parent_flag varchar2(2), constraint wm$mp_parent_pk primary key(workspace, parent_workspace) ) ; create index wmsys.wm$mp_pws_tab_pws_ind on wmsys.wm$mp_parent_workspaces_table (parent_workspace); create index wmsys.wm$mp_pws_tab_pver_ind on wmsys.wm$mp_parent_workspaces_table (parent_version); create table wmsys.wm$mp_graph_workspaces_table ( mp_leaf_workspace varchar2(30), mp_graph_workspace varchar2(30), anc_version integer, mp_graph_flag varchar2(1), constraint wm$mp_graph_workspaces_pk primary key (mp_leaf_workspace,mp_graph_workspace) ) ; create index wmsys.wm$mp_graph_workspace_idx on wmsys.wm$mp_graph_workspaces_table(mp_graph_workspace) ; /* * For DML, post, commit, and refreshtable ops, the new data goes to * the current_version. The new data should be checked against the data * in the mp graph(s) only if the current_version belongs to CR workspace. * But for RefreshWorkspace operation, the new data is seen by current_mp_leafs, * and hence should be checked for conflicts against graph versions. */ create or replace view wmsys.wm$mp_graph_cons_versions as select vht.version, vht.workspace from wmsys.wm$mp_graph_workspaces_table mpg, wmsys.wm$version_hierarchy_table vht where instr(SYS_CONTEXT('lt_ctx','current_mp_leafs'), mpg.mp_leaf_workspace) > 0 and mpg.mp_graph_flag = 'I' and vht.workspace = mpg.mp_graph_workspace and vht.version <= mpg.anc_version and ( ( nvl(sys_context('lt_ctx','rowlock_status'),'X') = 'F' and nvl(sys_context('lt_ctx','flip_version'),'N') = 'Y' ) OR ( nvl(sys_context('lt_ctx','isrefreshed'),'0') = '1' ) ) WITH READ ONLY; create or replace view wmsys.wm$current_cons_versions_view as select version from wmsys.wm$current_child_versions_view union all select parent_vers from wmsys.wm$current_parvers_view union all select version from wmsys.wm$mp_graph_cons_versions union all select version from wmsys.wm$version_hierarchy_table where workspace in ( select workspace from wmsys.wm$version_table where anc_workspace = sys_context('lt_ctx','state') ) and ( nvl(sys_context('lt_ctx','rowlock_status'),'X') = 'F' and nvl(sys_context('lt_ctx','flip_version'),'N') = 'Y' ) WITH READ ONLY ; execute wmsys.wm$execSQL('grant select on wmsys.wm$current_cons_versions_view to public with grant option'); create public synonym wm$current_cons_versions_view for wmsys.wm$current_cons_versions_view ; /* * The versions in the current workspace should be included in the nextver * list only if you are not doing refresh workspace by flipping. */ create or replace view wmsys.wm$current_cons_nextvers_view as select /*+ INDEX(nvt WM$NEXTVER_TABLE_NV_INDX) */ nvt.next_vers from wmsys.wm$nextver_table nvt where ( ( nvt.workspace = nvl(sys_context('lt_ctx','state'),'LIVE') and nvt.version <= decode(sys_context('lt_ctx','version'), null,(SELECT current_version FROM wmsys.wm$workspaces_table WHERE workspace = 'LIVE'), -1,(select current_version from wmsys.wm$workspaces_table where workspace = sys_context('lt_ctx','state')), sys_context('lt_ctx','version') ) and not ( nvl(sys_context('lt_ctx','rowlock_status'),'X') = 'F' and nvl(sys_context('lt_ctx','flip_version'),'N') = 'Y' ) ) or ( exists ( select 1 from wmsys.wm$version_table vt where vt.workspace = nvl(sys_context('lt_ctx','state'),'LIVE') and nvt.workspace = vt.anc_workspace and nvt.version <= vt.anc_version ) ) ) WITH READ ONLY; execute wmsys.wm$execSQL('grant select on wmsys.wm$current_cons_nextvers_view to public with grant option'); create public synonym wm$current_cons_nextvers_view for wmsys.wm$current_cons_nextvers_view ; /* This view generates all the new versions being added by call to * AddAsParentWorkspace to the mp-graph. It computes: * 1. the parent versions of the leaf-workspace in the graph branch being added and * 2. for root workspace, any version before the anc_version */ create or replace view wmsys.wm$mp_graph_new_versions as select vht.version, vht.workspace from wmsys.wm$version_hierarchy_table vht, wmsys.wm$version_table vt where vt.workspace = sys_context('lt_ctx','new_mp_leaf') and vht.workspace = vt.anc_workspace and vht.version <= vt.anc_version and (vt.refCount < 0 or ( vht.workspace = sys_context('lt_ctx','new_mp_root') and vht.version > sys_context('lt_ctx','old_root_anc_version') ) ) WITH READ ONLY; /* * This view computes all the existing versions that were there is the * graph before a parent-workspace was added. It includes: * 1. Versions in the sibling branches of the mp-graph * 2. Versions in the root workspace before the anc_version * 3. All versions in the leaf-workspace * 4. Child-versions of the leaf-workspace */ create or replace view wmsys.wm$mp_graph_other_versions as select vht.version, vht.workspace from wmsys.wm$version_hierarchy_table vht, wmsys.wm$version_table vt where (vt.workspace = sys_context('lt_ctx','new_mp_leaf') and vht.workspace = vt.anc_workspace and vht.version <= vt.anc_version and vt.refCount > 0 ) or ( (vt.anc_workspace = sys_context('lt_ctx','new_mp_leaf') and vht.workspace = vt.workspace ) ) union all select vht.version, vht.workspace from wmsys.wm$version_hierarchy_table vht where vht.workspace = sys_context('lt_ctx','new_mp_leaf') union all select version, workspace from wmsys.wm$mp_graph_cons_versions WITH READ ONLY; create or replace view wmsys.user_wm_tab_triggers ( trigger_name, table_owner, table_name, trigger_type, status, when_clause, description, trigger_body, TAB_MERGE_WO_REMOVE, TAB_MERGE_W_REMOVE, WSPC_MERGE_WO_REMOVE, WSPC_MERGE_W_REMOVE, DML, WORKSPACE_REFRESH, TABLE_REFRESH, TABLE_ROLLBACK, WORKSPACE_ROLLBACK, WORKSPACE_REMOVE ) as select trig_name, table_owner_name, table_name, trig_type, status, when_clause, description, trig_code, TAB_MERGE_WO_REMOVE_COL, TAB_MERGE_W_REMOVE_COL, WSPC_MERGE_WO_REMOVE_COL, WSPC_MERGE_W_REMOVE_COL, DML_COL, WORKSPACE_REFRESH_COL, TABLE_REFRESH_COL, TABLE_ROLLBACK_COL, WORKSPACE_ROLLBACK_COL, WORKSPACE_REMOVE_COL from wmsys.wm$udtrig_info where trig_owner_name = USER with READ ONLY; create or replace view wmsys.all_wm_tab_triggers ( trigger_owner, trigger_name, table_owner, table_name, trigger_type, status, when_clause, description, trigger_body, TAB_MERGE_WO_REMOVE, TAB_MERGE_W_REMOVE, WSPC_MERGE_WO_REMOVE, WSPC_MERGE_W_REMOVE, DML, WORKSPACE_REFRESH, TABLE_REFRESH, TABLE_ROLLBACK, WORKSPACE_ROLLBACK, WORKSPACE_REMOVE ) as (select trig_owner_name, trig_name, table_owner_name, table_name, trig_type, status, when_clause, description, trig_code, TAB_MERGE_WO_REMOVE_COL, TAB_MERGE_W_REMOVE_COL, WSPC_MERGE_WO_REMOVE_COL, WSPC_MERGE_W_REMOVE_COL, DML_COL, WORKSPACE_REFRESH_COL, TABLE_REFRESH_COL, TABLE_ROLLBACK_COL, WORKSPACE_ROLLBACK_COL, WORKSPACE_REMOVE_COL from wmsys.wm$udtrig_info where trig_owner_name = USER or table_owner_name = USER or EXISTS ( select * from user_sys_privs where privilege = 'CREATE ANY TRIGGER' ) ) with READ ONLY; execute wmsys.wm$execSQL('grant select on wmsys.user_wm_tab_triggers to public with grant option'); create or replace public synonym user_wm_tab_triggers for wmsys.user_wm_tab_triggers; execute wmsys.wm$execSQL('grant select on wmsys.all_wm_tab_triggers to public with grant option'); create or replace public synonym all_wm_tab_triggers for wmsys.all_wm_tab_triggers; create table wmsys.wm$ric_locking_table( pt_owner varchar2(30), pt_name varchar2(30), slockNo integer, elockNo integer ); execute wmsys.wm$execSQL('grant select on wmsys.wm$ric_locking_table to sys'); alter table wmsys.wm$workspaces_table add constraint workspace_lock_id_unq unique(workspace_lock_id); create or replace view wmsys.wm$anc_version_view as select vht1.version, vht2.version parent_vers, vht1.workspace from wmsys.wm$version_hierarchy_table vht1, wmsys.wm$version_hierarchy_table vht2, wmsys.wm$version_table vt where (vht1.workspace = vt.workspace and vht2.workspace = vt.anc_workspace and vht2.version <= vt.anc_version) WITH READ ONLY; execute wmsys.wm$execSQL('grant select on wmsys.wm$anc_version_view to sys'); declare type_name_var varchar2(100); sql_string varchar2(32000); cursor adt_func_cur is select func_name, type_name from wmsys.wm$adt_func_table; begin for adt_rec in adt_func_cur loop if (substr(upper(adt_rec.type_name), 1, 7) = 'REF TO ') then type_name_var := replace(upper(adt_rec.type_name), 'REF TO ', 'REF '); else type_name_var := adt_rec.type_name ; end if; sql_string := 'create or replace function OVMADT' || adt_rec.func_name || ' return ' || type_name_var || ' is begin return null; end;'; execute immediate sql_string; sql_string := 'grant execute on OVMADT' || adt_rec.func_name || ' to public with grant option'; execute immediate sql_string; end loop; end; / /* For self ric, the parent table name has _LT in the end - * fix that */ update wmsys.wm$ric_triggers_table set pt_name = substr(pt_name,1,instr(pt_name,'_LT',-1,1)-1) where ( instr(pt_name,'_LT',-1,1) + 2 = length(pt_name) ) and length(pt_name) > 3 and pt_owner = ct_owner and substr(pt_name,1,instr(pt_name,'_LT',-1,1)-1) = ct_name ; commit ; /* Some previous release stored the trig_names as lower * case, change them to upper */ update wmsys.wm$ric_triggers_table set update_trigger_name = upper(update_trigger_name), delete_trigger_name = upper(delete_trigger_name) ; @@owmv922.plb