update wmsys.wm$env_vars set value = '' where name = 'OWM_VERSION'; commit; /* * Make current_session non-null for all session_duration freeze_modes. */ create or replace view sys.user_workspaces as select st.workspace, st.parent_workspace, ssp.savepoint parent_savepoint, st.owner, st.createTime, st.description, decode(st.freeze_status,'LOCKED','FROZEN', 'UNLOCKED','UNFROZEN') freeze_status, decode(st.oper_status, null, st.freeze_mode,'INTERNAL') freeze_mode, decode(st.freeze_mode, '1WRITER_SESSION', s.username, st.freeze_writer) freeze_writer, decode(st.session_duration, 0, st.freeze_owner, s.username) freeze_owner, decode(st.freeze_status, 'UNLOCKED', null, decode(st.session_duration, 1, 'YES', 'NO')) session_duration, decode(st.session_duration, 1, decode((select 1 from dual where s.sid=sys_context('lt_ctx', 'cid') and s.serial#=sys_context('lt_ctx', 'serial#')), 1, 'YES', 'NO'), null) current_session, decode(rst.workspace,null,'INACTIVE','ACTIVE') resolve_status, rst.resolve_user, decode(st.isRefreshed, 1, 'YES', 'NO') continually_refreshed, decode(substr(st.wm_lockmode, 1, 1), 'S', 'SHARED', 'E', 'EXCLUSIVE', 'C', 'CARRY', NULL) workspace_lockmode, decode(substr(st.wm_lockmode, 3, 1), 'Y', 'YES', 'N', 'NO', NULL) workspace_lockmode_override from wmsys.wm$workspaces_table st, wmsys.wm$workspace_savepoints_table ssp, wmsys.wm$resolve_workspaces_table rst, V$session s where st.owner = USER and ((ssp.position is null) or ( ssp.position = (select min(position) from wmsys.wm$workspace_savepoints_table where version=ssp.version) )) and st.parent_version = ssp.version (+) and st.workspace = rst.workspace (+) and to_char(s.sid(+)) = substr(st.freeze_owner, 1, instr(st.freeze_owner, ',')-1) and to_char(s.serial#(+)) = substr(st.freeze_owner, instr(st.freeze_owner, ',')+1) WITH READ ONLY; create or replace view sys.all_workspaces as select asp.workspace, asp.parent_workspace, ssp.savepoint parent_savepoint, asp.owner, asp.createTime, asp.description, decode(asp.freeze_status,'LOCKED','FROZEN', 'UNLOCKED','UNFROZEN') freeze_status, decode(asp.oper_status, null, asp.freeze_mode,'INTERNAL') freeze_mode, decode(asp.freeze_mode, '1WRITER_SESSION', s.username, asp.freeze_writer) freeze_writer, decode(asp.session_duration, 0, asp.freeze_owner, s.username) freeze_owner, decode(asp.freeze_status, 'UNLOCKED', null, decode(asp.session_duration, 1, 'YES', 'NO')) session_duration, decode(asp.session_duration, 1, decode((select 1 from dual where s.sid=sys_context('lt_ctx', 'cid') and s.serial#=sys_context('lt_ctx', 'serial#')), 1, 'YES', 'NO'), null) current_session, decode(rst.workspace,null,'INACTIVE','ACTIVE') resolve_status, rst.resolve_user, decode(asp.isRefreshed, 1, 'YES', 'NO') continually_refreshed, decode(substr(asp.wm_lockmode, 1, 1), 'S', 'SHARED', 'E', 'EXCLUSIVE', 'C', 'CARRY', NULL) workspace_lockmode, decode(substr(asp.wm_lockmode, 3, 1), 'Y', 'YES', 'N', 'NO', NULL) workspace_lockmode_override from wmsys.all_workspaces_internal asp, wmsys.wm$workspace_savepoints_table ssp, wmsys.wm$resolve_workspaces_table rst, v$session s where ((ssp.position is null) or ( ssp.position = (select min(position) from wmsys.wm$workspace_savepoints_table where version=ssp.version) )) and asp.parent_version = ssp.version (+) and asp.workspace = rst.workspace (+) and to_char(s.sid(+)) = substr(asp.freeze_owner, 1, instr(asp.freeze_owner, ',')-1) and to_char(s.serial#(+)) = substr(asp.freeze_owner, instr(asp.freeze_owner, ',')+1) WITH READ ONLY; create or replace view sys.dba_workspaces as select asp.workspace, asp.parent_workspace, ssp.savepoint parent_savepoint, asp.owner, asp.createTime, asp.description, decode(asp.freeze_status,'LOCKED','FROZEN', 'UNLOCKED','UNFROZEN') freeze_status, decode(asp.oper_status, null, asp.freeze_mode,'INTERNAL') freeze_mode, decode(asp.freeze_mode, '1WRITER_SESSION', s.username, asp.freeze_writer) freeze_writer, decode(asp.freeze_mode, '1WRITER_SESSION', substr(asp.freeze_writer, 1, instr(asp.freeze_writer, ',')-1), null) sid, decode(asp.freeze_mode, '1WRITER_SESSION', substr(asp.freeze_writer, instr(asp.freeze_writer, ',')+1), null) serial#, decode(asp.session_duration, 0, asp.freeze_owner, s.username) freeze_owner, decode(asp.freeze_status, 'UNLOCKED', null, decode(asp.session_duration, 1, 'YES', 'NO')) session_duration, decode(asp.session_duration, 1, decode((select 1 from dual where s.sid=sys_context('lt_ctx', 'cid') and s.serial#=sys_context('lt_ctx', 'serial#')), 1, 'YES', 'NO'), null) current_session, decode(rst.workspace,null,'INACTIVE','ACTIVE') resolve_status, rst.resolve_user from wmsys.wm$workspaces_table asp, wmsys.wm$workspace_savepoints_table ssp, wmsys.wm$resolve_workspaces_table rst, V$session s where nvl(ssp.is_implicit,1) = 1 and asp.parent_version = ssp.version (+) and asp.workspace = rst.workspace (+) and to_char(s.sid(+)) = substr(asp.freeze_owner, 1, instr(asp.freeze_owner, ',')-1) and to_char(s.serial#(+)) = substr(asp.freeze_owner, instr(asp.freeze_owner, ',')+1) WITH READ ONLY; alter sequence wmsys.wm$up_del_trig_name_sequence nocache; alter sequence wmsys.wm$insteadof_trigs_sequence nocache; alter sequence wmsys.wm$lock_sequence nocache; alter sequence wmsys.wm$vtid nocache; alter sequence wmsys.wm$adt_sequence nocache; alter sequence wmsys.wm$version_sequence nocache; alter sequence wmsys.wm$row_sync_id_sequence nocache; alter sequence wmsys.wm$udtrig_dispatcher_sequence nocache; alter sequence wmsys.wm$nested_columns_seq nocache; create or replace view sys.wm$workspace_sessions_view as select st.username, wt.workspace, st.sid, st.saddr from v$lock dl, wmsys.wm$workspaces_table wt, sys.v$session st where dl.type = 'UL' and dl.id1 = wt.workspace_lock_id + 1 and dl.sid = st.sid; create or replace view sys.dba_workspace_sessions as select sut.username, sut.workspace, sut.sid, decode(t.ses_addr, null, 'INACTIVE','ACTIVE') status from sys.wm$workspace_sessions_view sut, sys.v$transaction t where sut.saddr = t.ses_addr (+) WITH READ ONLY; declare curTrigStatus varchar2(10) := null; badtab_exception EXCEPTION; PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(badtab_exception, -00942); purgeOption varchar2(30) := null ; begin begin select substr(status,1,length(status)-1) into curTrigStatus from all_triggers where owner = 'SYS' and trigger_name = 'NO_VM_DROP'; execute immediate 'alter trigger sys.no_vm_drop disable'; exception when no_data_found then null ; end ; if (nlssort(wmsys.wm$getDbVersionStr, 'nls_sort=ascii7') >= nlssort('A.', 'nls_sort=ascii7')) then purgeOption := ' PURGE' ; end if ; begin execute immediate 'drop table wmsys.wm$workspace_sessions_table' || purgeOption ; exception when badtab_exception then null ; when others then if (curTrigStatus is not null) then execute immediate 'alter trigger sys.no_vm_drop ' || curTrigStatus; end if; raise ; end ; if (curTrigStatus is not null) then execute immediate 'alter trigger sys.no_vm_drop ' || curTrigStatus; end if; end; / /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* To allow gotoWS to be called from distributed txns., we had to use * dbms_locks instead of an auto txn from gotoWS. So, we had to use new * lock IDs which would indicate a sessions' presence in a workspace. We * use state_lock_id + 1 to indicate presence. So, we have to bump up all * the state_lock_ids for exisitong workspace by 2. */ /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ declare dummy integer; maxval integer := -1; begin BEGIN select 1 into dummy from dual where exists ( select 1 from wmsys.wm$workspaces_table wm1 where MOD(wm1.workspace_lock_id,2) != 0); update wmsys.wm$workspaces_table set workspace_lock_id = workspace_lock_id * 2; commit; EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN NULL; END; select max(workspace_lock_id) + 2 into maxval from wmsys.wm$workspaces_table; execute immediate ' drop sequence wmsys.wm$lock_sequence'; execute immediate ' create sequence wmsys.wm$lock_sequence start with ' || maxval || ' increment by 2 nocache'; end; / @@owmv920.plb