update wmsys.wm$env_vars set value = '' where name = 'OWM_VERSION'; commit; begin insert into wmsys.wm$sysparam_all_values values ('USE_SCALAR_TYPES_FOR_VALIDTIME', 'ON', 'NO'); insert into wmsys.wm$sysparam_all_values values ('USE_SCALAR_TYPES_FOR_VALIDTIME', 'OFF', 'YES'); commit ; exception when dup_val_on_index then null ; end; / begin insert into wmsys.wm$sysparam_all_values values ('KEEP_REMOVED_WORKSPACES_INFO', 'ON', 'NO'); insert into wmsys.wm$sysparam_all_values values ('KEEP_REMOVED_WORKSPACES_INFO', 'OFF', 'YES'); commit ; exception when dup_val_on_index then null ; end; / begin insert into wmsys.wm$sysparam_all_values values ('ADD_UNIQUE_COLUMN_TO_HISTORY_VIEW', 'ON', 'NO'); insert into wmsys.wm$sysparam_all_values values ('ADD_UNIQUE_COLUMN_TO_HISTORY_VIEW', 'OFF', 'YES'); commit ; exception when dup_val_on_index then null ; end; / begin insert into wmsys.wm$sysparam_all_values values ('COMPRESS_PARENT_AFTER_REMOVE', 'ON', 'YES'); insert into wmsys.wm$sysparam_all_values values ('COMPRESS_PARENT_AFTER_REMOVE', 'OFF', 'NO'); commit ; exception when dup_val_on_index then null ; end; / begin insert into wmsys.wm$sysparam_all_values values ('ROW_LEVEL_LOCKING', 'ON', 'NO'); insert into wmsys.wm$sysparam_all_values values ('ROW_LEVEL_LOCKING', 'OFF', 'YES'); commit ; exception when dup_val_on_index then null ; end; / begin delete from wmsys.wm$sysparam_all_values where name = 'NUMBER_OF_ROWS_TO_PROCESS' ; delete from wmsys.wm$env_vars where name = 'NUMBER_OF_ROWS_TO_PROCESS' ; insert into wmsys.wm$sysparam_all_values values ('TARGET_PGA_MEMORY', '8388608', 'YES'); commit ; exception when dup_val_on_index then null ; end; / create table wmsys.wm$removed_workspaces_table (owner varchar2(30), workspace_name varchar2(30), workspace_id integer, parent_workspace_name varchar2(30), parent_workspace_id integer, createtime date, retiretime date, description varchar2(1000), mp_root_id integer, isRefreshed integer, constraint removed_workspaces_pk primary key(workspace_id)) ; create or replace view wmsys.user_removed_workspaces as select owner, workspace_name, workspace_id, parent_workspace_name, parent_workspace_id, createtime, retiretime, description, mp_root_id mp_root_workspace_id, decode(rwt.isRefreshed, 1, 'YES', 'NO') continually_refreshed from wmsys.wm$removed_workspaces_table rwt where rwt.owner = USER; execute wmsys.wm$execSQL('grant select on wmsys.user_removed_workspaces to public with grant option'); create public synonym user_removed_workspaces for wmsys.user_removed_workspaces; create or replace view wmsys.all_removed_workspaces as select owner, workspace_name, workspace_id, parent_workspace_name, parent_workspace_id, createtime, retiretime, description, mp_root_id mp_root_workspace_id, decode(rwt.isRefreshed, 1, 'YES', 'NO') continually_refreshed from wmsys.wm$removed_workspaces_table rwt where exists (select 1 from wmsys.user_wm_privs where privilege like '%ANY%') union select owner, workspace_name, workspace_id, parent_workspace_name, parent_workspace_id, createtime, retiretime, description, mp_root_id mp_root_workspace_id, decode(rwt.isRefreshed, 1, 'YES', 'NO') continually_refreshed from wmsys.wm$removed_workspaces_table rwt, (select distinct workspace from wmsys.user_wm_privs) u where rwt.workspace_name = u.workspace union select owner, workspace_name, workspace_id, parent_workspace_name, parent_workspace_id, createtime, retiretime, description, mp_root_id mp_root_workspace_id, decode(rwt.isRefreshed, 1, 'YES', 'NO') continually_refreshed from wmsys.wm$removed_workspaces_table rwt where rwt.owner = USER; execute wmsys.wm$execSQL('grant select on wmsys.all_removed_workspaces to public with grant option'); create public synonym all_removed_workspaces for wmsys.all_removed_workspaces; create or replace view wmsys.dba_removed_workspaces as select owner, workspace_name, workspace_id, parent_workspace_name, parent_workspace_id, createtime, retiretime, description, mp_root_id mp_root_workspace_id, decode(rwt.isRefreshed, 1, 'YES', 'NO') continually_refreshed from wmsys.wm$removed_workspaces_table rwt; execute wmsys.wm$execSQL('grant select on wmsys.dba_removed_workspaces to wm_admin_role'); create public synonym dba_removed_workspaces for wmsys.dba_removed_workspaces; create table wmsys.wm$hint_table( hint_id integer, owner varchar2(30), table_name varchar2(30), hint_text varchar2(4000), isDefault integer) ; alter table wmsys.wm$hint_table add constraint hint_table_unq1 unique(hint_id, owner, table_name, isDefault); begin insert into wmsys.wm$hint_table values(1001, null, null, 'USE_NL(z1) ROWID(z1)', 1) ; insert into wmsys.wm$hint_table values(1002, null, null, 'ORDERED USE_NL(t1 t2) INDEX(t1 $$VERINDEX(t1)$$) INDEX(t2 $$PKI(t2)$$)', 1) ; insert into wmsys.wm$hint_table values(1003, null, null, 'NO_INDEX(a $$AP1(a)$$ $$AP2(a)$$)', 1) ; insert into wmsys.wm$hint_table values(1004, null, null, 'ORDERED USE_NL(lt)', 1) ; insert into wmsys.wm$hint_table values(1005, null, null, 'USE_HASH(t2)', 1) ; insert into wmsys.wm$hint_table values(1008, null, null, 'USE_NL(lt)', 1) ; insert into wmsys.wm$hint_table values(1009, null, null, 'ORDERED INDEX(t2 $$VERINDEX(t2)$$)', 1) ; insert into wmsys.wm$hint_table values(1010, null, null, 'USE_NL(z1) ROWID(z1)', 1) ; insert into wmsys.wm$hint_table values(1011, null, null, 'ORDERED USE_NL(t1 t2) INDEX(t1 $$VERINDEX(t1)$$) INDEX(t2 $$PKI(t2)$$)', 1) ; insert into wmsys.wm$hint_table values(1012, null, null, 'INDEX(t1 $$VERINDEX(t1)$$)', 1) ; insert into wmsys.wm$hint_table values(1013, null, null, 'INDEX(t1 $$VERINDEX(t1)$$)', 1) ; insert into wmsys.wm$hint_table values(1014, null, null, 'INDEX(t1 $$VERINDEX(t1)$$)', 1) ; insert into wmsys.wm$hint_table values(1015, null, null, 'INDEX(t1 $$VERINDEX(t1)$$)', 1) ; insert into wmsys.wm$hint_table values(1016, null, null, 'INDEX(lt $$VERINDEX(lt)$$)', 1) ; insert into wmsys.wm$hint_table values(1017, null, null, 'ORDERED', 1) ; insert into wmsys.wm$hint_table values(1018, null, null, 'ORDERED', 1) ; insert into wmsys.wm$hint_table values(1019, null, null, 'NO_UNNEST', 1) ; insert into wmsys.wm$hint_table values(1020, null, null, 'INDEX(t1 $$VERINDEX(t1)$$)', 1) ; insert into wmsys.wm$hint_table values(1022, null, null, 'USE_NL(v1 v2)', 1) ; insert into wmsys.wm$hint_table values(1023, null, null, 'USE_NL(lt)', 1) ; insert into wmsys.wm$hint_table values(1024, null, null, 'ORDERED', 1) ; insert into wmsys.wm$hint_table values(1025, null, null, 'INDEX(vt $$VERINDEX(vt)$$)', 1) ; insert into wmsys.wm$hint_table values(1026, null, null, 'INDEX(lt $$VERINDEX(lt)$$)', 1) ; insert into wmsys.wm$hint_table values(1027, null, null, 'USE_NL(lt)', 1) ; insert into wmsys.wm$hint_table values(1028, null, null, 'ORDERED', 1) ; insert into wmsys.wm$hint_table values(1029, null, null, 'INDEX(vt $$VERINDEX(vt)$$)', 1) ; insert into wmsys.wm$hint_table values(1030, null, null, 'INDEX(lt $$VERINDEX(lt)$$)', 1) ; insert into wmsys.wm$hint_table values(1031, null, null, 'ORDERED USE_NL(lt)', 1) ; insert into wmsys.wm$hint_table values(1032, null, null, 'USE_HASH(t2)', 1) ; insert into wmsys.wm$hint_table values(1033, null, null, 'ORDERED USE_NL(lt)', 1) ; insert into wmsys.wm$hint_table values(1034, null, null, 'USE_HASH(t2)', 1) ; insert into wmsys.wm$hint_table values(1035, null, null, 'USE_NL(z1) ROWID(z1)', 1) ; insert into wmsys.wm$hint_table values(1036, null, null, 'ORDERED USE_NL(t1 t2) INDEX(t2 $$PKI(t2)$$)', 1) ; insert into wmsys.wm$hint_table values(1037, null, null, 'INDEX(vt $$VERINDEX(vt)$$)', 1) ; insert into wmsys.wm$hint_table values(1038, null, null, 'INDEX(lt $$VERINDEX(lt)$$)', 1) ; insert into wmsys.wm$hint_table values(1039, null, null, 'USE_NL(z1) ROWID(z1)', 1) ; insert into wmsys.wm$hint_table values(1040, null, null, 'ORDERED USE_NL(t1 t2) INDEX(t1 $$VERINDEX(t1)$$) INDEX(t2 $$PKI(t2)$$)', 1) ; insert into wmsys.wm$hint_table values(1041, null, null, 'INDEX(vt $$VERINDEX(vt)$$)', 1) ; insert into wmsys.wm$hint_table values(1042, null, null, 'INDEX(lt $$VERINDEX(lt)$$)', 1) ; insert into wmsys.wm$hint_table values(1043, null, null, 'USE_NL(z1) ROWID(z1)', 1) ; insert into wmsys.wm$hint_table values(1044, null, null, 'ORDERED USE_NL(t1 t2) INDEX(t2 $$PKI(t2)$$)', 1) ; insert into wmsys.wm$hint_table values(1045, null, null, 'INDEX(vt $$VERINDEX(vt)$$)', 1) ; insert into wmsys.wm$hint_table values(1046, null, null, 'INDEX(lt $$VERINDEX(lt)$$)', 1) ; insert into wmsys.wm$hint_table values(1047, null, null, 'USE_NL(z1) ROWID(z1)', 1) ; insert into wmsys.wm$hint_table values(1048, null, null, 'ORDERED USE_NL(t1 t2) INDEX(t1 $$VERINDEX(t1)$$) INDEX(t2 $$PKI(t2)$$)', 1) ; insert into wmsys.wm$hint_table values(1049, null, null, 'INDEX(vt $$VERINDEX(vt)$$)', 1) ; insert into wmsys.wm$hint_table values(1050, null, null, 'INDEX(lt $$VERINDEX(lt)$$)', 1) ; insert into wmsys.wm$hint_table values(1051, null, null, 'INDEX(t1 $$VERINDEX(t1)$$)', 1) ; insert into wmsys.wm$hint_table values(1052, null, null, 'INDEX(t1 $$VERINDEX(t1)$$)', 1) ; insert into wmsys.wm$hint_table values(1053, null, null, 'INDEX(t1 $$VERINDEX(t1)$$)', 1) ; insert into wmsys.wm$hint_table values(1054, null, null, 'INDEX(t1 $$VERINDEX(t1)$$)', 1) ; insert into wmsys.wm$hint_table values(1055, null, null, 'INDEX(t1 $$VERINDEX(t1)$$)', 1) ; insert into wmsys.wm$hint_table values(1056, null, null, 'INDEX(t1 $$VERINDEX(t1)$$)', 1) ; insert into wmsys.wm$hint_table values(1057, null, null, 'INDEX(lt $$VERINDEX(lt)$$)', 1) ; insert into wmsys.wm$hint_table values(1058, null, null, 'RULE', 1) ; insert into wmsys.wm$hint_table values(1059, null, null, 'RULE', 1) ; insert into wmsys.wm$hint_table values(1060, null, null, 'RULE', 1) ; insert into wmsys.wm$hint_table values(2005, null, null, 'INDEX(pt $$PKI(pt)$$)', 1) ; commit ; exception when dup_val_on_index then null ; end; / create or replace view wmsys.dba_wm_versioned_tables as select /*+ ORDERED */ t.table_name, t.owner, disabling_ver state, t.hist history, decode(t.notification, 0, 'NO', 1, 'YES') notification, substr(notifyWorkspaces,2,length(notifyworkspaces)-2) notifyworkspaces, wmsys.ltadm.AreThereConflicts(t.owner, t.table_name) conflict, wmsys.ltadm.AreThereDiffs(t.owner, t.table_name) diff, decode(t.validtime, 0, 'NO', 1, 'YES') validtime from wmsys.wm$versioned_tables t, dba_views u where t.table_name = u.view_name and t.owner = u.owner WITH READ ONLY; create or replace view wmsys.all_wm_versioned_tables as select /*+ ORDERED */ t.table_name, t.owner, disabling_ver state, t.hist history, decode(t.notification, 0, 'NO', 1, 'YES') notification, substr(notifyWorkspaces,2,length(notifyworkspaces)-2) notifyworkspaces, wmsys.ltadm.AreThereConflicts(t.owner, t.table_name) conflict, wmsys.ltadm.AreThereDiffs(t.owner, t.table_name) diff, decode(t.validtime, 0, 'NO', 1, 'YES') validtime from wmsys.wm$versioned_tables t, all_views av where t.table_name = av.view_name and t.owner = av.owner union all select /*+ ORDERED */ t.table_name, t.owner, disabling_ver state, t.hist history, decode(t.notification, 0, 'NO', 1, 'YES') notification, substr(notifyWorkspaces,2,length(notifyworkspaces)-2) notifyworkspaces, wmsys.ltadm.AreThereConflicts(t.owner, t.table_name) conflict, wmsys.ltadm.AreThereDiffs(t.owner, t.table_name) diff, decode(t.validtime, 0, 'NO', 1, 'YES') validtime from wmsys.wm$versioned_tables t, all_tables at where t.table_name = at.table_name and t.owner = at.owner WITH READ ONLY; create or replace view wmsys.user_wm_versioned_tables as select t.table_name, t.owner, disabling_ver state, t.hist history, decode(t.notification, 0, 'NO', 1, 'YES') notification, substr(notifyWorkspaces,2,length(notifyworkspaces)-2) notifyworkspaces, wmsys.ltadm.AreThereConflicts(t.owner, t.table_name) conflict, wmsys.ltadm.AreThereDiffs(t.owner, t.table_name) diff, decode(t.validtime, 0, 'NO', 1, 'YES') validtime from wmsys.wm$versioned_tables t where t.owner = USER WITH READ ONLY; declare invalid_revoke EXCEPTION; PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(invalid_revoke, -01927); begin begin wmsys.wm$execSQL('revoke select on wmsys.wm$version_hierarchy_table from public') ; exception when invalid_revoke then null; end ; begin wmsys.wm$execSQL('revoke select on wmsys.wm$workspaces_table from public') ; exception when invalid_revoke then null; end ; begin wmsys.wm$execSQL('revoke select on wmsys.wm$nextver_table from public') ; exception when invalid_revoke then null; end ; begin wmsys.wm$execSQL('revoke select on wmsys.wm$modified_tables from public') ; exception when invalid_revoke then null; end ; begin wmsys.wm$execSQL('revoke select on wmsys.wm$version_table from public') ; exception when invalid_revoke then null; end ; end; / declare cursor ver_tabs is select distinct owner from wmsys.wm$versioned_tables ; begin for ver_rec in ver_tabs loop wmsys.wm$execSQL('grant select on wmsys.wm$version_hierarchy_table to ' || ver_rec.owner) ; wmsys.wm$execSQL('grant select on wmsys.wm$workspaces_table to ' || ver_rec.owner) ; wmsys.wm$execSQL('grant select on wmsys.wm$nextver_table to ' || ver_rec.owner) ; wmsys.wm$execSQL('grant select on wmsys.wm$modified_tables to ' || ver_rec.owner) ; wmsys.wm$execSQL('grant select on wmsys.wm$version_table to ' || ver_rec.owner || ' with grant option') ; end loop ; end; / declare cursor trig_cur is select trigger_name from dba_triggers where owner = 'SYS' and trigger_name in ('NO_VM_ALTER', 'NO_VM_CREATE', 'NO_VM_DROP', 'NO_VM_DROP_A') ; begin for trig_rec in trig_cur loop execute immediate 'drop trigger sys.' || trig_rec.trigger_name ; end loop ; end; / declare cursor proc_cur is select object_name from dba_objects where owner = 'SYS' and object_type = 'PROCEDURE' and object_name in ('NO_VM_ALTER_PROC', 'NO_VM_CREATE_PROC', 'NO_VM_DROP_PROC') ; begin for proc_rec in proc_cur loop execute immediate 'drop procedure sys.' || proc_rec.object_name ; end loop ; end; / grant execute on dbms_rls to wmsys ; grant execute on dbms_aqadm to wmsys ; grant execute on dbms_repcat to wmsys ; grant execute on dbms_defer_sys to wmsys ; grant select any dictionary to wmsys with admin option ; grant select any table, insert any table, update any table, delete any table to wmsys ; grant lock any table to wmsys ; grant create any table, drop any table, alter any table to wmsys ; grant create any index, drop any index, alter any index to wmsys ; grant create any view, drop any view to wmsys ; grant create any trigger, drop any trigger, alter any trigger to wmsys ; grant create any procedure, drop any procedure, execute any procedure, alter any procedure to wmsys ; grant administer database trigger, create sequence, execute any type to wmsys ; /* Move views currently in sys schema to wmsys */ declare invalid_view EXCEPTION; PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(invalid_view, -00942); begin execute immediate 'drop view sys.wm_installation' ; exception when invalid_view then null ; end; / drop view sys.wm$workspace_sessions_view ; create or replace view wmsys.wm$workspace_sessions_view as select st.username, wt.workspace, st.sid, st.saddr from v$lock dl, wmsys.wm$workspaces_table wt, v$session st where dl.type = 'UL' and dl.id1 - 1 = wt.workspace_lock_id and dl.sid = st.sid; drop view sys.dba_workspace_sessions ; create or replace view wmsys.dba_workspace_sessions as select sut.username, sut.workspace, sut.sid, decode(t.ses_addr, null, 'INACTIVE','ACTIVE') status from wmsys.wm$workspace_sessions_view sut, v$transaction t where sut.saddr = t.ses_addr (+) WITH READ ONLY; grant select on wmsys.dba_workspace_sessions to wm_admin_role; create or replace public synonym dba_workspace_sessions for wmsys.dba_workspace_sessions; drop view sys.user_workspaces ; create or replace view wmsys.user_workspaces as select st.workspace, st.workspace_lock_id workspace_id, st.parent_workspace, ssp.savepoint parent_savepoint, st.owner, st.createTime, st.description, decode(st.freeze_status,'LOCKED','FROZEN', 'UNLOCKED','UNFROZEN') freeze_status, decode(st.oper_status, null, st.freeze_mode,'INTERNAL') freeze_mode, decode(st.freeze_mode, '1WRITER_SESSION', s.username, st.freeze_writer) freeze_writer, decode(st.session_duration, 0, st.freeze_owner, s.username) freeze_owner, decode(st.freeze_status, 'UNLOCKED', null, decode(st.session_duration, 1, 'YES', 'NO')) session_duration, decode(st.session_duration, 1, decode((select 1 from dual where s.sid=sys_context('lt_ctx', 'cid') and s.serial#=sys_context('lt_ctx', 'serial#')), 1, 'YES', 'NO'), null) current_session, decode(rst.workspace,null,'INACTIVE','ACTIVE') resolve_status, rst.resolve_user, decode(st.isRefreshed, 1, 'YES', 'NO') continually_refreshed, decode(substr(st.wm_lockmode, 1, instr(st.wm_lockmode, ',')-1), 'S', 'SHARED', 'E', 'EXCLUSIVE', 'WE', 'WORKSPACE EXCLUSIVE', 'VE', 'VERSION EXCLUSIVE', 'C', 'CARRY', NULL) workspace_lockmode, decode(substr(st.wm_lockmode, instr(st.wm_lockmode, ',')+1, 1), 'Y', 'YES', 'N', 'NO', NULL) workspace_lockmode_override, mp_root mp_root_workspace from wmsys.wm$workspaces_table st, wmsys.wm$workspace_savepoints_table ssp, wmsys.wm$resolve_workspaces_table rst, v$session s where st.owner = USER and ((ssp.position is null) or ( ssp.position = (select min(position) from wmsys.wm$workspace_savepoints_table where version=ssp.version) )) and st.parent_version = ssp.version (+) and st.workspace = rst.workspace (+) and to_char(s.sid(+)) = substr(st.freeze_owner, 1, instr(st.freeze_owner, ',')-1) and to_char(s.serial#(+)) = substr(st.freeze_owner, instr(st.freeze_owner, ',')+1) WITH READ ONLY; grant select on wmsys.user_workspaces to public with grant option; create or replace public synonym user_workspaces for wmsys.user_workspaces; drop view sys.all_workspaces ; create or replace view wmsys.all_workspaces as select asp.workspace, asp.workspace_lock_id workspace_id, asp.parent_workspace, ssp.savepoint parent_savepoint, asp.owner, asp.createTime, asp.description, decode(asp.freeze_status,'LOCKED','FROZEN', 'UNLOCKED','UNFROZEN') freeze_status, decode(asp.oper_status, null, asp.freeze_mode,'INTERNAL') freeze_mode, decode(asp.freeze_mode, '1WRITER_SESSION', s.username, asp.freeze_writer) freeze_writer, decode(asp.session_duration, 0, asp.freeze_owner, s.username) freeze_owner, decode(asp.freeze_status, 'UNLOCKED', null, decode(asp.session_duration, 1, 'YES', 'NO')) session_duration, decode(asp.session_duration, 1, decode((select 1 from dual where s.sid=sys_context('lt_ctx', 'cid') and s.serial#=sys_context('lt_ctx', 'serial#')), 1, 'YES', 'NO'), null) current_session, decode(rst.workspace,null,'INACTIVE','ACTIVE') resolve_status, rst.resolve_user, decode(asp.isRefreshed, 1, 'YES', 'NO') continually_refreshed, decode(substr(asp.wm_lockmode, 1, instr(asp.wm_lockmode, ',')-1), 'S', 'SHARED', 'E', 'EXCLUSIVE', 'WE', 'WORKSPACE EXCLUSIVE', 'VE', 'VERSION EXCLUSIVE', 'C', 'CARRY', NULL) workspace_lockmode, decode(substr(asp.wm_lockmode, instr(asp.wm_lockmode, ',')+1, 1), 'Y', 'YES', 'N', 'NO', NULL) workspace_lockmode_override, mp_root mp_root_workspace from wmsys.all_workspaces_internal asp, wmsys.wm$workspace_savepoints_table ssp, wmsys.wm$resolve_workspaces_table rst, v$session s where ((ssp.position is null) or ( ssp.position = (select min(position) from wmsys.wm$workspace_savepoints_table where version=ssp.version) )) and asp.parent_version = ssp.version (+) and asp.workspace = rst.workspace (+) and to_char(s.sid(+)) = substr(asp.freeze_owner, 1, instr(asp.freeze_owner, ',')-1) and to_char(s.serial#(+)) = substr(asp.freeze_owner, instr(asp.freeze_owner, ',')+1) WITH READ ONLY; grant select on wmsys.all_workspaces to public with grant option; create or replace public synonym all_workspaces for wmsys.all_workspaces; drop view sys.dba_workspaces ; create or replace view wmsys.dba_workspaces as select asp.workspace, asp.workspace_lock_id workspace_id, asp.parent_workspace, ssp.savepoint parent_savepoint, asp.owner, asp.createTime, asp.description, decode(asp.freeze_status,'LOCKED','FROZEN', 'UNLOCKED','UNFROZEN') freeze_status, decode(asp.oper_status, null, asp.freeze_mode,'INTERNAL') freeze_mode, decode(asp.freeze_mode, '1WRITER_SESSION', s.username, asp.freeze_writer) freeze_writer, decode(asp.freeze_mode, '1WRITER_SESSION', substr(asp.freeze_writer, 1, instr(asp.freeze_writer, ',')-1), null) sid, decode(asp.freeze_mode, '1WRITER_SESSION', substr(asp.freeze_writer, instr(asp.freeze_writer, ',')+1), null) serial#, decode(asp.session_duration, 0, asp.freeze_owner, s.username) freeze_owner, decode(asp.freeze_status, 'UNLOCKED', null, decode(asp.session_duration, 1, 'YES', 'NO')) session_duration, decode(asp.session_duration, 1, decode((select 1 from dual where s.sid=sys_context('lt_ctx', 'cid') and s.serial#=sys_context('lt_ctx', 'serial#')), 1, 'YES', 'NO'), null) current_session, decode(rst.workspace,null,'INACTIVE','ACTIVE') resolve_status, rst.resolve_user, mp_root mp_root_workspace from wmsys.wm$workspaces_table asp, wmsys.wm$workspace_savepoints_table ssp, wmsys.wm$resolve_workspaces_table rst, v$session s where nvl(ssp.is_implicit,1) = 1 and asp.parent_version = ssp.version (+) and asp.workspace = rst.workspace (+) and to_char(s.sid(+)) = substr(asp.freeze_owner, 1, instr(asp.freeze_owner, ',')-1) and to_char(s.serial#(+)) = substr(asp.freeze_owner, instr(asp.freeze_owner, ',')+1) WITH READ ONLY; create or replace public synonym dba_workspaces for wmsys.dba_workspaces ; grant select on wmsys.dba_workspaces to wm_admin_role, select_catalog_role; drop view sys.wm_compress_batch_sizes ; create or replace view wmsys.wm_compress_batch_sizes as select /*+ RULE */ vt.owner, vt.table_name, decode(dt.data_type, 'CHAR',decode(dt.num_buckets,null,'TABLE',0,'TABLE',1,'TABLE','TABLE/PRIMARY_KEY_RANGE'), 'VARCHAR2',decode(dt.num_buckets,null,'TABLE',0,'TABLE',1,'TABLE','TABLE/PRIMARY_KEY_RANGE'), 'NUMBER',decode(dt.num_buckets,null,'TABLE',0,'TABLE','TABLE/PRIMARY_KEY_RANGE'), 'DATE',decode(dt.num_buckets,null,'TABLE',0,'TABLE','TABLE/PRIMARY_KEY_RANGE'), 'TIMESTAMP',decode(dt.num_buckets,null,'TABLE',0,'TABLE','TABLE/PRIMARY_KEY_RANGE'), 'TABLE') BATCH_SIZE , decode(dt.data_type, 'CHAR',decode(dt.num_buckets,null,1,0,1,1,1,dt.num_buckets), 'VARCHAR2',decode(dt.num_buckets,null,1,0,1,1,1,dt.num_buckets), 'NUMBER',decode(dt.num_buckets,null,1,0,1,1,(wmsys.ltadm.GetSystemParameter('NUMBER_OF_COMPRESS_BATCHES')),dt.num_buckets), 'DATE',decode(dt.num_buckets,null,1,0,1,1,(wmsys.ltadm.GetSystemParameter('NUMBER_OF_COMPRESS_BATCHES')),dt.num_buckets), 'TIMESTAMP',decode(dt.num_buckets,null,1,0,1,1,(wmsys.ltadm.GetSystemParameter('NUMBER_OF_COMPRESS_BATCHES')),dt.num_buckets), 1) NUM_BATCHES from wmsys.wm$versioned_tables vt, dba_ind_columns di, dba_tab_columns dt where di.table_owner = vt.owner and di.table_name = vt.table_name || '_LT' and di.index_name = vt.table_name || '_PKI$' and di.column_position = 1 and dt.owner = vt.owner and dt.table_name = vt.table_name || '_LT' and dt.column_name = di.column_name ; create or replace public synonym wm_compress_batch_sizes for wmsys.wm_compress_batch_sizes ; grant select on wmsys.wm_compress_batch_sizes to wm_admin_role ; create or replace force view wmsys.wm$all_locks_view as select t.table_owner, t.table_name, decode(wmsys.lt_ctx_pkg.getltlockinfo(translate(t.info USING CHAR_CS),'ROW_LOCKMODE'), 'E', 'EXCLUSIVE', 'S', 'SHARED', 'VE', 'VERSION EXCLUSIVE', 'WE', 'WORKSPACE EXCLUSIVE') Lock_mode, wmsys.lt_ctx_pkg.getltlockinfo(translate(t.info USING CHAR_CS),'ROW_LOCKUSER') Lock_owner, wmsys.lt_ctx_pkg.getltlockinfo(translate(t.info USING CHAR_CS),'ROW_LOCKSTATE') Locking_state from (select table_owner, table_name, info from table( cast(wmsys.ltadm.get_lock_table() as wmsys.wm$lock_table_type))) t with READ ONLY ; create or replace view wmsys.user_mp_parent_workspaces as select mp.workspace mp_leaf_workspace,mp.parent_workspace,mp.creator,mp.createtime, decode(mp.isRefreshed,0,'NO','YES') IsRefreshed, decode(mp.parent_flag,'DP','DEFAULT_PARENT','ADDITIONAL_PARENT') parent_flag from wmsys.wm$mp_parent_workspaces_table mp, wmsys.user_workspaces uw where mp.workspace = uw.workspace ; create or replace view wmsys.user_mp_graph_workspaces as select mpg.mp_leaf_workspace, mpg.mp_graph_workspace GRAPH_WORKSPACE, decode(mpg.mp_graph_flag,'R','ROOT_WORKSPACE','I','INTERMEDIATE_WORKSPACE','L','LEAF_WORKSPACE') GRAPH_FLAG from wmsys.wm$mp_graph_workspaces_table mpg, wmsys.user_workspaces uw where mpg.mp_leaf_workspace = uw.workspace ; create or replace view wmsys.all_mp_parent_workspaces as select mp.workspace mp_leaf_workspace,mp.parent_workspace,mp.creator,mp.createtime, decode(mp.isRefreshed,0,'NO','YES') ISREFRESHED, decode(mp.parent_flag,'DP','DEFAULT_PARENT','ADDITIONAL_PARENT') PARENT_FLAG from wmsys.wm$mp_parent_workspaces_table mp, wmsys.all_workspaces aw where mp.workspace = aw.workspace ; create or replace view wmsys.all_mp_graph_workspaces as select mpg.mp_leaf_workspace, mpg.mp_graph_workspace GRAPH_WORKSPACE, decode(mpg.mp_graph_flag,'R','ROOT_WORKSPACE','I','INTERMEDIATE_WORKSPACE','L','LEAF_WORKSPACE') GRAPH_FLAG from wmsys.wm$mp_graph_workspaces_table mpg, wmsys.all_workspaces uw where mpg.mp_leaf_workspace = uw.workspace ; declare invalid_function EXCEPTION; PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(invalid_function, -04043); cursor adt_cur is select func_name from wmsys.wm$adt_func_table ; begin for adt_rec in adt_cur loop begin execute immediate 'drop function sys.OVMADT' || adt_rec.func_name ; exception when invalid_function then null ; end; end loop ; end; / declare invalid_procedure EXCEPTION; PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(invalid_procedure, -04043); cursor proc_cur is select dispatcher_name from wmsys.wm$udtrig_dispatch_procs ; begin for proc_rec in proc_cur loop begin execute immediate 'drop procedure ' || proc_rec.dispatcher_name ; exception when invalid_procedure then null ; end; begin execute immediate 'drop procedure ' || proc_rec.dispatcher_name || '_io'; exception when invalid_procedure then null ; end; end loop; end; / update wmsys.wm$udtrig_dispatch_procs set dispatcher_name = 'wmsys' || substr(dispatcher_name, 7) where substr(lower(dispatcher_name), 1, 7) = 'system.' ; commit ; declare invalid_package EXCEPTION; PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(invalid_package, -04043); begin begin execute immediate 'drop package sys.lt' ; exception when invalid_package then null; end ; begin execute immediate 'drop package sys.ltadm' ; exception when invalid_package then null; end ; begin execute immediate 'drop package sys.ltaq' ; exception when invalid_package then null; end ; begin execute immediate 'drop package sys.ltddl' ; exception when invalid_package then null; end ; begin execute immediate 'drop package sys.ltdtrg' ; exception when invalid_package then null; end ; begin execute immediate 'drop package sys.ltpriv' ; exception when invalid_package then null; end ; begin execute immediate 'drop package sys.ltric' ; exception when invalid_package then null; end ; begin execute immediate 'drop package sys.ltutil' ; exception when invalid_package then null; end ; begin execute immediate 'drop package sys.lt_ctx_pkg' ; exception when invalid_package then null; end ; begin execute immediate 'drop package sys.lt_export_pkg' ; exception when invalid_package then null; end ; begin execute immediate 'drop package sys.owm_9ip_pkg' ; exception when invalid_package then null; end ; begin execute immediate 'drop package sys.owm_assert_pkg' ; exception when invalid_package then null; end ; begin execute immediate 'drop package sys.owm_bulk_load_pkg' ; exception when invalid_package then null; end ; begin execute immediate 'drop package sys.owm_ddl_pkg' ; exception when invalid_package then null; end ; begin execute immediate 'drop package sys.owm_iexp_pkg' ; exception when invalid_package then null; end ; begin execute immediate 'drop package sys.owm_mig_pkg' ; exception when invalid_package then null; end ; begin execute immediate 'drop package sys.owm_mp_pkg' ; exception when invalid_package then null; end ; begin execute immediate 'drop package sys.owm_reputil' ; exception when invalid_package then null; end ; begin execute immediate 'drop package sys.owm_reputil' ; exception when invalid_package then null; end ; begin execute immediate 'drop package sys.owm_vt_pkg' ; exception when invalid_package then null; end ; begin execute immediate 'drop package sys.ud_trigs' ; exception when invalid_package then null; end ; begin execute immediate 'drop package sys.wm_ddl_util' ; exception when invalid_package then null; end ; begin execute immediate 'drop package sys.wm_error' ; exception when invalid_package then null; end ; begin execute immediate 'drop package sys.lt_repln' ; exception when invalid_package then null; end ; end; / drop function sys.wm$convertDbVersion ; declare invalid_revoke EXCEPTION; PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(invalid_revoke, -01927); begin begin execute immediate 'revoke select on wmsys.wm$udtrig_info from system' ; exception when invalid_revoke then null; end ; begin wmsys.wm$execSQL('revoke select on wmsys.wm$anc_version_view from sys') ; exception when invalid_revoke then null; end ; begin wmsys.wm$execSQL('revoke select on wmsys.wm$ric_locking_table from sys') ; exception when invalid_revoke then null; end ; end; / declare cnt integer ; begin select count(*) into cnt from dba_synonyms where owner = 'PUBLIC' and synonym_name = 'DBMS_WM' and table_owner = 'WMSYS' and table_name = 'LT' ; if (cnt=0) then execute immediate 'create or replace public synonym DBMS_WM for wmsys.lt' ; end if ; end; / update sys.exppkgact$ set schema='WMSYS' where schema='SYS' and package='LT_EXPORT_PKG' ; commit; declare cursor oper_cur is select operator_name from dba_operators where owner = 'SYS' and operator_name in ('WM_OVERLAPS', 'WM_INTERSECTION', 'WM_LDIFF', 'WM_RDIFF', 'WM_CONTAINS', 'WM_MEETS', 'WM_LESSTHAN', 'WM_GREATERTHAN', 'WM_EQUALS') ; invalid_operator EXCEPTION; PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(invalid_operator, -29807); begin for oper_rec in oper_cur loop begin execute immediate 'drop operator sys.' || oper_rec.operator_name ; exception when invalid_operator then null ; end ; end loop ; end; / declare policy_name varchar2(30) ; found integer ; type cursor_type is ref cursor ; ols_rec cursor_type; ols_policy_str varchar2(200) := 'select policy_name from dba_sa_table_policies dp, wmsys.wm$versioned_tables vt where dp.schema_name = vt.owner and dp.table_name = vt.table_name || ''_LT''' ; no_view EXCEPTION; PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(no_view, -00942); begin open ols_rec for ols_policy_str ; loop fetch ols_rec into policy_name ; exit when ols_rec%NOTFOUND ; select count(*) into found from session_roles where role = policy_name || '_DBA' ; if (found=0) then execute immediate 'grant ' || policy_name || '_DBA to sys' ; end if ; execute immediate 'begin sa_user_admin.SET_PROG_PRIVS(''' || policy_name || ''', ''WMSYS'', ''LTADM'', ''FULL'') ; end;' ; execute immediate 'begin sa_user_admin.SET_PROG_PRIVS(''' || policy_name || ''', ''WMSYS'', ''LTDDL'', ''FULL'') ; end;' ; execute immediate 'begin sa_user_admin.SET_PROG_PRIVS(''' || policy_name || ''', ''WMSYS'', ''LTRIC'', ''FULL'') ; end;' ; execute immediate 'begin sa_user_admin.SET_PROG_PRIVS(''' || policy_name || ''', ''WMSYS'', ''OWM_BULK_LOAD_PKG'', ''FULL'') ; end;' ; execute immediate 'begin sa_user_admin.SET_PROG_PRIVS(''' || policy_name || ''', ''WMSYS'', ''OWM_DDL_PKG'', ''FULL'') ; end;' ; execute immediate 'begin sa_user_admin.SET_PROG_PRIVS(''' || policy_name || ''', ''WMSYS'', ''OWM_IEXP_PKG'', ''FULL'') ; end;' ; execute immediate 'begin sa_user_admin.SET_PROG_PRIVS(''' || policy_name || ''', ''WMSYS'', ''OWM_MIG_PKG'', ''FULL'') ; end;' ; execute immediate 'begin sa_user_admin.SET_PROG_PRIVS(''' || policy_name || ''', ''WMSYS'', ''OWM_MP_PKG'', ''FULL'') ; end;' ; execute immediate 'begin sa_user_admin.SET_PROG_PRIVS(''' || policy_name || ''', ''WMSYS'', ''WM_DDL_UTIL'', ''FULL'') ; end;' ; if (found=0) then execute immediate 'revoke ' || policy_name || '_DBA from sys' ; end if ; end loop ; close ols_rec ; exception when no_view then null; end; / declare sql_string varchar2(32000) ; cursor ind_cur is select ct.owner, ct.table_name, ct.index_owner, ct.index_name, dc.index_owner cio, dc.index_name cin, dc.status from wmsys.wm$versioned_tables vt, wmsys.wm$constraints_table ct, dba_constraints dc where vt.owner = ct.owner and vt.table_name = ct.table_name and vt.validtime = 0 and ct.table_name || '_LT' = dc.table_name and ct.owner = dc.owner and ct.constraint_type in ('P', 'PU', 'PN') and dc.constraint_type = 'P' and dc.status = 'DISABLED' ; begin for ind_rec in ind_cur loop execute immediate 'alter table ' || ind_rec.owner || '.' || ind_rec.table_name || '_LT modify primary key enable' ; end loop ; end; / @@owmv1116.plb