@@owmcmdv.plb create or replace function sys.wm$convertDbVersion wrapped a000000 1 abcd abcd abcd abcd abcd abcd abcd abcd abcd abcd abcd abcd abcd abcd abcd 8 270 158 7YzoyUrxd7Gdk3sWAMdGV8+fL5QwgxDxJJkVfC+VkPg+SC+DrOMNRVR70nI9ORTm8W/ErAaP cJnFRc7uAHmNFt9eFe3+Er9x8ZR6zH7X7p92ueySRSRMJXm+JJAoLs2JFhTejcPhl1oUQhTo 0efDAo9P4VRZo6becfekBOpTovNpbMYuPVyah8bHHdXUbIYaA0eo2gEeEGAztJ+oNixxaa0i EE+K6efC46r7IKKCRJYsbJ88LzT0b6UqdJW091XTU/EPyBesBhwRJ6zxHIV4Nd4oIYI1tB3X LmkzQDDyHva7VR32//hzmotzn7t3KDLctSqW7W3oggR6ptu2iZs= / grant execute on sys.wm$convertDBVersion to public; column file_name new_value comp_file noprint; var owm_script varchar2(30); select * from wm_installation ; declare found integer ; no_col_exception EXCEPTION ; PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(no_col_exception, -00904) ; no_tab_exception EXCEPTION ; PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(no_tab_exception, -00942) ; begin begin execute immediate 'select 1 from wm_installation where name=''OWM_VERSION'' and value=''NOT_INSTALLED''' into found; raise_application_error(-20000, 'Workspace Manager not installed. Cannot upgrade.') ; exception when no_data_found then null ; end ; begin execute immediate 'select 1 from wmsys.wm$replication_table where status = ''E'' and rownum=1' into found ; raise_application_error(-20000, 'disable replication support before upgrading to a newer version') ; exception when no_data_found then null ; when no_col_exception then null ; when no_tab_exception then null ; end ; end; / declare found integer; owm_version varchar2(100) ; no_tab_exception EXCEPTION ; PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(no_tab_exception, -00942) ; begin execute immediate 'select 1 from wmsys.wm$replication_table where status = ''E''' into found; :owm_script := 'nothing.sql'; exception when others then select sys.wm$convertDbVersion(value) into owm_version from wm_installation where name = 'OWM_VERSION'; owm_version := nlssort(owm_version, 'nls_sort=ascii7') ; if (owm_version = nlssort('', 'nls_sort=ascii7') or owm_version = nlssort('', 'nls_sort=ascii7')) then :owm_script := 'owmu901.plb' ; elsif (owm_version = nlssort('', 'nls_sort=ascii7')) then :owm_script := 'owmu9013.plb' ; elsif (1=1) then :owm_script := 'owmuany.plb' ; else :owm_script := 'nothing.sql' ; end if ; begin execute immediate 'select count(*) from wmsys.wm$versioned_tables where disabling_ver!=''VERSIONED''' into found ; if (found>0) then :owm_script := 'nothing.sql'; raise_application_error(-20000, 'All versioned tables must have a ''VERSIONED'' status before upgrading.') ; end if ; exception when no_tab_exception then null ; end ; end; / select :owm_script as file_name from dual ; @@&comp_file