/* Call dbms_registry.upgrade This is always the first call in Upgrade */ declare ver varchar2(100) ; found integer ; begin select 1 into found from dba_registry where comp_id = 'OWM' ; dbms_registry.upgrading('OWM', new_proc=>'VALIDATE_OWM'); exception when no_data_found then select value into ver from wm_installation where name = 'OWM_VERSION' ; dbms_registry.loading('OWM', 'Oracle Workspace Manager', 'VALIDATE_OWM', 'WMSYS'); dbms_registry.loaded('OWM', ver, 'Oracle Workspace Manager Release ' || ver || ' - Beta'); dbms_registry.upgrading('OWM'); end; / create or replace function wmsys.wm$convertDbVersion wrapped a000000 1 abcd abcd abcd abcd abcd abcd abcd abcd abcd abcd abcd abcd abcd abcd abcd 8 270 158 7YzoyUrxd7Gdk3sWAMdGV8+fL5QwgxDxJJkVfC+VkPg+SC+DrOMNRVR70nI9ORTm8W/ErAaP cJnFRc7uAHmNFt9eFe3+Er9x8ZR6zH7X7p92ueySRSRMJXm+JJAoLs2JFhTejcPhl1oUQhTo 0efDAo9P4VRZo6becfekBOpTovNpbMYuPVyah8bHHdXUbIYaA0eo2gEeEGAztJ+oNixxaa0i EE+K6efC46r7IKKCRJYsbJ88LzT0b6UqdJW091XTU/EPyBesBhwRJ6zxHIV4Nd4oIYI1tB3X LmkzQDDyHva7VR32//hzmotzn7t3KDLctSqW7W3oggR6ptu2iZs= / grant execute on wmsys.wm$convertDBVersion to public; /* We added OIDs to object types for AQs as import/export bug-fix. To ensure * that objects are recreated with new OIDs, we have to drop the dependent * tables. So, uinstall AQs. They will be reinstalled as part of the upgrade. */ declare owm_curr_version varchar2(50) ; purgeOption varchar2(30) := null ; version_str varchar2(50); compatibility_str varchar2(50); begin dbms_utility.db_version(version_str,compatibility_str); version_str := wmsys.wm$convertDbVersion(version_str); if (nlssort(version_str, 'nls_sort=ascii7') >= nlssort('A.', 'nls_sort=ascii7')) then purgeOption := ' PURGE' ; end if ; select wmsys.wm$convertDBVersion(value) into owm_curr_version from wm_installation where name = 'OWM_VERSION'; if (nlssort(owm_curr_version, 'nls_sort=ascii7') >= nlssort('', 'nls_sort=ascii7') and nlssort(owm_curr_version, 'nls_sort=ascii7') < nlssort('', 'nls_sort=ascii7')) then begin dbms_aqadm.stop_queue( queue_name => 'WMSYS.WM$EVENT_QUEUE'); dbms_aqadm.drop_queue( queue_name => 'WMSYS.WM$EVENT_QUEUE'); dbms_aqadm.drop_queue_table( queue_table => 'WMSYS.WM$EVENT_QUEUE_TABLE', force => true); execute immediate 'drop public synonym wm_events_info' ; execute immediate 'drop view wmsys.wm_events_info' ; execute immediate 'drop table wmsys.wm$events_info' || purgeOption ; execute immediate 'drop type wmsys.wm$event_type' ; execute immediate 'drop type wmsys.wm$nv_pair_nt_type' ; execute immediate 'drop type wmsys.wm$nv_pair_type' ; exception when others then null; end; end if ; end; / /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Create package specs */ /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ @@owmcpkgs.plb /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Will Create all the views, etc. */ /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ column v_file_name new_value v_file noprint; var owm_version varchar2(30); var owm_v_script varchar2(30); declare nver varchar2(100) ; begin select wmsys.wm$convertDBVersion(value) into :owm_version from wm_installation where name = 'OWM_VERSION'; nver := nlssort(:owm_version, 'nls_sort=ascii7') ; if (nver = nlssort('', 'nls_sort=ascii7')) then :owm_v_script := 'owmv9014.plb' ; elsif (nver >= nlssort('', 'nls_sort=ascii7') and nver < nlssort('', 'nls_sort=ascii7')) then :owm_v_script := 'owmv920.plb' ; elsif (nver >= nlssort('A.', 'nls_sort=ascii7') and nver < nlssort('A.', 'nls_sort=ascii7')) then :owm_v_script := 'owmv1010.plb' ; elsif ((nver >= nlssort('', 'nls_sort=ascii7') and nver <= nlssort('', 'nls_sort=ascii7')) or (nver >= nlssort('', 'nls_sort=ascii7') and nver <= nlssort('', 'nls_sort=ascii7')) or (nver >= nlssort('A.', 'nls_sort=ascii7') and nver <= nlssort('A.', 'nls_sort=ascii7'))) then :owm_v_script := 'owmv1012.plb' ; elsif ((nver >= nlssort('', 'nls_sort=ascii7') and nver <= nlssort('', 'nls_sort=ascii7')) or (nver >= nlssort('', 'nls_sort=ascii7') and nver <= nlssort('', 'nls_sort=ascii7')) or (nver >= nlssort('A.', 'nls_sort=ascii7') and nver <= nlssort('A.', 'nls_sort=ascii7')) or (nver >= nlssort('A.', 'nls_sort=ascii7') and nver <= nlssort('A.', 'nls_sort=ascii7'))) then :owm_v_script := 'owmv1020.plb' ; elsif ((nver >= nlssort('', 'nls_sort=ascii7') and nver <= nlssort('', 'nls_sort=ascii7')) or (nver >= nlssort('A.', 'nls_sort=ascii7') and nver <= nlssort('A.', 'nls_sort=ascii7')) or (nver >= nlssort('A.', 'nls_sort=ascii7') and nver <= nlssort('A.', 'nls_sort=ascii7')) or (nver >= nlssort('B.', 'nls_sort=ascii7') and nver <= nlssort('B.', 'nls_sort=ascii7'))) then :owm_v_script := 'owmv1116.plb' ; elsif (1=1 ) then :owm_v_script := 'owmv1120.plb' ; else :owm_v_script := 'nothing.sql' ; end if; end; / select :owm_v_script AS v_file_name from dual; @@&v_file /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Create package body */ /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ @@owmcpkgb.plb execute wmsys.ltadm.recreateAdtFunctions ; /* Init the old owm version - somethings in migration depend on that */ begin wmsys.owm_mig_pkg.old_owm_version_for_upgrade := :owm_version ; end; / /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Light-weight EnableVersion the tables. */ /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ execute wmsys.owm_mig_pkg.enableversionTopoIndexTables ; execute wmsys.owm_mig_pkg.AllLwEnableVersioning ; execute wmsys.ltric.recreatePtUpdDelTriggers; execute wmsys.owm_mig_pkg.moveWMMetaData; /* Recompile any invalid objects */ execute wmsys.owm_mig_pkg.recompileAllObjects ; /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* If there is atleast one versioned table, enable the system triggers. */ /* This is because reinstall of WM creates triggers as disabled. */ /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ declare found integer; begin select 1 into found from dual where exists (select 1 from wmsys.wm$versioned_tables); wmsys.ltadm.enableSystemTriggers_exp; exception when no_data_found then null; end; / create or replace public synonym DBMS_WM for wmsys.lt ; select owner, name, type, text from dba_errors where owner = 'WMSYS' or owner in (select owner from wmsys.wm$versioned_tables) or (owner || '.' || name) in (select dispatcher_name from wmsys.wm$udtrig_dispatch_procs) order by 1,2; /* * Update the regsitry after verifying successful install. This * should always be the last step. */ declare version_str varchar2(100) ; compatibility_str varchar2(100) ; ver varchar2(100) ; begin dbms_utility.db_version(version_str,compatibility_str); version_str := wmsys.wm$convertDbVersion(version_str); if (1=1) then dbms_registry.upgraded('OWM'); else select value into ver from wm_installation where name = 'OWM_VERSION' ; dbms_registry.upgraded('OWM', ver, 'Oracle Workspace Manager Release ' || ver || ' - Production'); end if ; if ((nlssort(version_str, 'nls_sort=ascii7') >= nlssort('', 'nls_sort=ascii7') and nlssort(version_str, 'nls_sort=ascii7') < nlssort('A.', 'nls_sort=ascii7')) or nlssort(version_str, 'nls_sort=ascii7') >= nlssort('A.', 'nls_sort=ascii7')) then execute immediate 'begin sys.validate_owm; end;' ; else execute immediate 'begin wmsys.validate_owm; end;' ; end if; end; /