Rem Rem $Header: ovm/src/server/ovmrelod.sql /st_ovm_11.2.0/1 2009/08/11 14:44:33 bspeckha Exp $ Rem Rem ovmrelod.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2002, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Rem All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem ovmrelod.sql - Reload script Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem The "patch" script is used to apply bug fixes to the component. Rem It is run in the context of catpatch.sql, after the RDBMS catalog.sql Rem and catproc.sql scripts are run. It is run with a special EVENT set Rem which causes CREATE OR REPLACE statements to only recompile objects Rem if the new source is different than the source stored in the database. Rem Tables, types, and public interfaces should not be changed by patch scripts. Rem Rem ALTER SESSION SET CURRENT_SCHEMA = MYCSYS; Rem EXECUTE dbms_registry.loading('MYC','My Component Name'); Rem Rem Only reload views, private PL/SQL types and packages, and type/package bodies Rem @@mycpvs.plb Rem @@mycview.sql Rem @@myctyb.plb Rem @@mycplb.plb Rem Rem Rem Reload classes if Java is in the database Rem COLUMN file_name NEW_VALUE comp_file NOPRINT; Rem SELECT dbms_registry.script('JAVAVM','@initmyc.sql') AS file_name FROM DUAL; Rem @&comp_file Rem EXECUTE dbms_registry.loaded('MYC'); /* uses RDBMS release version number */ Rem EXECUTE myc_validate; Rem ALTER SESSION SET CURRENT_SCHEMA = SYS; Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem bspeckha 08/10/09 - do not set old_version with loaded procedure Rem bspeckha 03/11/09 - invoke v script Rem bspeckha 12/05/07 - change downgrading to loading Rem bspeckha 11/09/07 - use nls_sort=ascii7 when comparing versionstrings Rem bspeckha 10/24/06 - moving everything to wmsys Rem bspeckha 10/13/06 - grant execute on packages to wmsys Rem bspeckha 08/02/06 - oldest db release supported is now 9.2 Rem bspeckha 01/25/05 - use recompileAllObjects Rem bspeckha 10/11/04 - owm_validate changed to validate_owm Rem bspeckha 08/08/03 - fix registry status after upgrade Rem bspeckha 01/17/03 - call recompileObjects Rem saagarwa 12/16/02 - Rem saagarwa 11/19/02 - Add calls in the begining and end Rem saagarwa 09/30/02 - use enablesystemtriggers_exp Rem saagarwa 09/11/02 - Remove creation of system views Rem saagarwa 08/28/02 - Recreate views while downgrading Rem saagarwa 07/31/02 - Reload OWM on downgrade Rem saagarwa 07/28/02 - saagarwa_conflict_view_perf_fix_and_922_scripts Rem saagarwa 07/23/02 - Created Rem WHENEVER SQLERROR EXIT; EXECUTE dbms_registry.check_server_instance; WHENEVER SQLERROR CONTINUE; VAR old_version varchar2(30); begin select value into :old_version from wm_installation where name = 'OWM_VERSION' ; dbms_registry.loading('OWM', 'Oracle Workspace Manager', 'VALIDATE_OWM', 'WMSYS') ; end; / /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Create package specs */ /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ @@owmcpkgs.plb @@owmv1120.plb delete wmsys.wm$env_vars where name not in(select name from wmsys.wm$sysparam_all_values) and name!='OWM_VERSION'; commit ; /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Create package body */ /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ @@owmcpkgb.plb execute wmsys.ltadm.recreateAdtFunctions ; /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Light-weight EnableVersion the tables. */ /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ execute wmsys.owm_mig_pkg.enableversionTopoIndexTables ; execute wmsys.owm_mig_pkg.AllLwEnableVersioning ; execute wmsys.ltric.recreatePtUpdDelTriggers; /* Recompile any invalid objects */ execute wmsys.owm_mig_pkg.recompileAllObjects ; /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* If there is atleast one versioned table, enable the system triggers. */ /* This is because reinstall of WM creates triggers as disabled. */ /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ declare found integer; begin begin select 1 into found from dual where exists (select 1 from wmsys.wm$versioned_tables); wmsys.ltadm.enableSystemTriggers_exp; exception when no_data_found then null; when others then raise; end; end; / create or replace public synonym DBMS_WM for ; select owner, name, type, text from dba_errors where owner = 'WMSYS' or owner in (select owner from wmsys.wm$versioned_tables) or (owner || '.' || name) in (select dispatcher_name from wmsys.wm$udtrig_dispatch_procs) order by 1,2; declare version_str varchar2(100) ; compatibility_str varchar2(100) ; begin dbms_utility.db_version(version_str,compatibility_str); version_str := wmsys.wm$convertDbVersion(version_str); dbms_registry.loaded('OWM') ; if ((nlssort(version_str, 'nls_sort=ascii7') >= nlssort('', 'nls_sort=ascii7') and nlssort(version_str, 'nls_sort=ascii7') < nlssort('A.', 'nls_sort=ascii7')) or nlssort(version_str, 'nls_sort=ascii7') >= nlssort('A.', 'nls_sort=ascii7')) then execute immediate 'begin sys.validate_owm; end;' ; else execute immediate 'begin wmsys.validate_owm; end;' ; end if; end; /