declare found integer := 0; version_str varchar2(50) := wmsys.wm$getDbVersionStr ; begin select count(*) into found from all_triggers where owner = 'WMSYS' and trigger_name in ('NO_VM_DDL', 'NO_VM_DROP_A'); if (found < 2) then WMSYS.WM_ERROR.RAISEERROR(WMSYS.LT.WM_ERROR_99_NO); end if; select count(*) into found from all_errors where owner = 'WMSYS' and type = 'TRIGGER' and name in ('NO_VM_DDL', 'NO_VM_DROP_A'); if (found != 0) then WMSYS.WM_ERROR.RAISEERROR(WMSYS.LT.WM_ERROR_99_NO); end if; if (nlssort(version_str, 'nls_sort=ascii7') >= nlssort('A.', 'nls_sort=ascii7')) then wmsys.wm$execSQL('grant execute on wmsys.lt_ctx_pkg to public') ; wmsys.wm$execSQL('grant execute on wmsys.owm_vt_pkg to public') ; else wmsys.wm$execSQL('grant execute on wmsys.lt_ctx_pkg to public with grant option') ; wmsys.wm$execSQL('grant execute on wmsys.owm_vt_pkg to public with grant option') ; end if ; wmsys.wm$execSQL('grant execute on to public') ; wmsys.wm$execSQL('grant execute on wmsys.wm_error to public') ; wmsys.wm$execSQL('grant execute on wmsys.lt_export_pkg to public') ; wmsys.wm$execSQL('grant execute on wmsys.ltadm to imp_full_database') ; end; / execute wmsys.wm$execSQL('grant delete on wmsys.wm$workspaces_table to imp_full_database') ; execute wmsys.wm$execSQL('grant delete on wmsys.wm$workspace_priv_table to imp_full_database') ; execute wmsys.wm$execSQL('grant delete on wmsys.wm$version_hierarchy_table to imp_full_database') ; declare obj_name varchar2(30) ; cursor c1 is select object_name from dba_objects where owner = 'WMSYS' and status != 'VALID' and object_type = 'VIEW' order by created ; cursor c2 is select ds.synonym_name from dba_objects do, dba_synonyms ds where do.owner = 'PUBLIC' and do.status != 'VALID' and do.object_type = 'SYNONYM' and ds.owner = 'PUBLIC' and ds.synonym_name = do.object_name and ds.table_owner = 'WMSYS' ; begin loop open c1 ; fetch c1 into obj_name ; exit when c1%NOTFOUND ; execute immediate 'alter view WMSYS.' || dbms_assert.simple_sql_name(obj_name) || ' compile' ; close c1 ; end loop; for c2_rec in c2 loop execute immediate 'alter public synonym ' || dbms_assert.simple_sql_name(c2_rec.synonym_name) || ' compile' ; end loop; end; / /* Drop the temporary procedure created */ drop procedure wmsys.wm$execSQL;