Rem Rem $Header: ovme920.sql 06-mar-2008.10:16:38 bspeckha Exp $ Rem Rem ovme920.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2002, 2008, Oracle. All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem ovme920.sql - Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem Rem Rem NOTES Rem Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem bspeckha 03/06/08 - added version to LwDisableVersioning Rem bspeckha 12/05/07 - drop dbms_registry validate procedures Rem bspeckha 11/08/07 - use nls_sort=ascii7 when comparing version strings Rem bspeckha 04/02/07 - call disableversionTopoIndexTables Rem bspeckha 10/24/06 - moving everything to wmsys Rem bspeckha 11/19/03 - move convertDbVersion Rem saagarwa 07/02/03 - Use env_vars instead of wm_installation Rem saagarwa 06/20/03 - Always set the registrinfo at the end Rem bspeckha 03/26/03 - Rem bspeckha 01/28/03 - drop types use in ltadm Rem rachatte 09/19/02 - move to system tablespace Rem saagarwa 06/21/02 - Create execSQL here Rem saagarwa 04/29/02 - saagarwa_multi_workspace_and_test_fix Rem saagarwa 04/29/02 - Created Rem /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Create procedure in wmsys schema for grating privs, etc. */ /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ create or replace procedure wmsys.wm$execSQL(sqlstr varchar2) as begin execute immediate sqlstr; end; / /* * Call dbms_registry.downgrade This is always the first call in Upgrade. */ declare version_str varchar2(1000) := ''; compatibility_str varchar2(1000) := ''; begin dbms_utility.db_version(version_str,compatibility_str); version_str := wmsys.wm$convertDbVersion(version_str); if (nlssort(version_str, 'nls_sort=ascii7') >= nlssort('', 'nls_sort=ascii7')) then execute immediate 'begin dbms_registry.downgrading(''OWM''); end;' ; end if; end; / -- ################################################################ -- Disable System Triggers to allow Temporary DisableVersioning -- ################################################################ execute wmsys.ltadm.disableSystemTriggers_exp ; -- ################################################################ -- Downgrade tables, packages, metadata -- ################################################################ /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Light-weight DisableVersion the tables. They will be lwEnabled later. */ /* This is becuase triggers, dispatch procs, views etc are dependent on */ /* new packages and tables. */ /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ execute wmsys.owm_mig_pkg.disableversionTopoIndexTables ; execute wmsys.owm_mig_pkg.AllLwDisableVersioning('') ; -- downgrade history columns execute wmsys.owm_mig_pkg.dgHistoryColumns_internal; execute wmsys.owm_mig_pkg.moveWMMetaData('SYSTEM'); /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Call owmr9013.plb to Rollback the metadate to 9013. */ /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ @@owmr920.plb -- Drop objects that did not exist in the 920 release drop type wmsys.oper_lockvalues_array_type ; drop type wmsys.oper_lockvalues_type ; drop type wmsys.IntToStr_array_type ; drop type wmsys.trigOptionsType ; drop procedure sys.validate_owm ; drop procedure wmsys.validate_owm ; /* * Update the regsitry. This should always be the last step. */ declare version_str varchar2(100) := ''; compatibility_str varchar2(100) := ''; cnt integer := 0 ; ver varchar2(100) := null; begin dbms_utility.db_version(version_str,compatibility_str); version_str := sys.wm$convertDbVersion(version_str); if (nlssort(version_str, 'nls_sort=ascii7') >= nlssort('', 'nls_sort=ascii7')) then execute immediate 'select value from wmsys.wm$env_vars where name = ''OWM_VERSION''' into ver ; execute immediate 'begin dbms_registry.downgraded(''OWM'',''' || ver || '''); end;' ; end if; end; /