Rem Rem $Header: ovme901.sql 05-dec-2007.13:07:10 bspeckha Exp $ Rem Rem ovme901.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2002, 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem ovme901.sql - Downgrade script run in new server. This is Rem invoked by RDBMSs f0900010.sql while downgrading to 901 Rem release Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem This is run before RDBMS downgrade. For only OWM downgrade, Rem its invoked by owmd901 Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem bspeckha 12/05/07 - drop dbms_registry validate procedures Rem bspeckha 11/08/07 - use nls_sort=ascii7 when comparing version strings Rem bspeckha 01/26/07 - downgrade pk index Rem bspeckha 10/24/06 - moving everything to wmsys Rem bspeckha 11/19/03 - move convertDbVersion Rem bspeckha 03/21/03 - dont filter wm_ columns Rem bspeckha 01/30/03 - group by in 817 cant use parentheses when using multiple columns Rem bspeckha 01/28/03 - drop types use in ltadm Rem bspeckha 11/06/02 - filter out all columns starting with WM$ or WM_ Rem saagarwa 09/30/02 - MOve moveWMMetadata to before calling r script Rem rachatte 09/19/02 - move to system tablespace Rem rachatte 08/09/02 - downgrade history columns before disablversioning Rem saagarwa 07/29/02 - Create proc in wmsys to grant privs Rem saagarwa 07/26/02 - Copy insertion of sentinels in this file for 901 Rem saagarwa 06/24/02 - Store versioned_tables column in temp table before downgrading to 901 Rem saagarwa 06/13/02 - saagarwa_fix_upgrade_downgrade_bugs Rem saagarwa 06/12/02 - Fix implicit savepoint bug Rem saagarwa 04/19/02 - Convert db_version for comparison Rem saagarwa 04/22/02 - Copy only required columns of _aux tables for downgrade Rem saagarwa 03/29/02 - saagarwa_split_downgrade_scripts_into_e_and_o Rem saagarwa 03/29/02 - Created Rem /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Create procedure in wmsys schema for grating privs, etc. */ /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ create or replace procedure wmsys.wm$execSQL(sqlstr varchar2) as begin execute immediate sqlstr; end; / /* * Call dbms_registry.downgrade This is always the first call in Downgrade. */ declare version_str varchar2(1000) := ''; compatibility_str varchar2(1000) := ''; begin dbms_utility.db_version(version_str,compatibility_str); version_str := wmsys.wm$convertDbVersion(version_str); if (nlssort(version_str, 'nls_sort=ascii7') >= nlssort('', 'nls_sort=ascii7')) then execute immediate 'begin dbms_registry.downgrading(''OWM''); end;' ; end if; end; / /* * Re-insert sentinel rows and de-populate ltlock columns * ====================================================== */ create or replace function wm$getNullInsStr( schema varchar2, tab_name varchar2 ) return varchar2 is l_column_name varchar2(40); null_str varchar2(32000); found integer; defaultValue long; cursor col_info_cur is select column_name from all_tab_columns where owner = schema and table_name = tab_name || '_LT' and column_name not in(select column_name from wmsys.wm$nested_columns_table where owner = schema and table_name = tab_name) and column_name not in ('VERSION','CREATETIME','RETIRETIME','NEXTVER','DELSTATUS','LTLOCK') and column_name not like 'WM$%' order by column_id; begin open col_info_cur; fetch col_info_cur into l_column_name; loop begin select 1 into found from dual where exists ( select 1 from all_cons_columns where owner = schema and table_name = tab_name || '_LT' and instr('"'||column_name||'"','"'||l_column_name||'"') > 0 ) ; select data_default into defaultValue from dba_tab_columns where owner = schema and table_name = tab_name || '_LT' and column_name = upper(l_column_name); null_str := null_str || l_column_name; exception when no_data_found then select count(*) into found from dba_part_key_columns where owner = schema and name = tab_name || '_LT' and instr(object_type, 'TABLE') > 0 and column_name = l_column_name; if (found > 0) then -- partition key select data_default into defaultValue from dba_tab_columns where owner = schema and table_name = tab_name || '_LT' and column_name = upper(l_column_name); null_str := null_str || l_column_name; else null_str := null_str || 'null'; end if; end ; fetch col_info_cur into l_column_name; exit when col_info_cur%NOTFOUND; null_str := null_str || ','; end loop; return null_str ; end; / create or replace function wm$getWhereClauseStr( str varchar2, prfx1 varchar2, prfx2 varchar2 ) return varchar2 is retVal varchar2(32000) := ''; comma_pos integer; col_width integer; colname varchar2(50); begin comma_pos := 1; col_width := instr (str, ',', comma_pos, 1); loop col_width := col_width - comma_pos; colname := substr (str, comma_pos, col_width); retVal := retVal || prfx1 || colname || ' = ' || prfx2 || colname; comma_pos := comma_pos + col_width +1; col_width := instr (str, ',', comma_pos, 1); exit when col_width = 0; retVal := retVal || ' AND '; end loop; return retVal; end; / create or replace procedure wm$Fixsentinelandltlock( schema varchar2, tab_name varchar2) is sql_string1 varchar2(8000) ; sql_string2 varchar2(8000) ; next_ver varchar2(50) ; version_var integer ; ltlock_var varchar2(100) ; rowid_var rowid ; type cursor_type is ref cursor ; c1 cursor_type ; c2 cursor_type ; keycols varchar2(4000) ; md_str varchar2(4000) ; hist_var varchar2(100) ; where_clause_str varchar2(4000) ; begin select pkey_cols, hist into keycols, hist_var from wmsys.wm$versioned_tables where owner = schema and table_name = tab_name ; where_clause_str := wm$getwhereclausestr(keycols || ',', 't1.', 't2.'); sql_string1 := ' select min(rowid) from ' || schema || '.' || tab_name || '_LT where version > 0 and ((' || keycols || ') not in (select ' || keycols || ' from ' || schema || '.' || tab_name || '_LT where version = 0 or version = -1) ) group by ' || keycols ; open c1 for sql_string1 ; loop fetch c1 into rowid_var ; exit when c1%NOTFOUND ; sql_string2 := ' select t1.version, t1.ltlock from ' || schema || '.' || tab_name || '_LT t1, ' || schema || '.' || tab_name || '_LT t2 where substr(t1.ltlock, (instr(t1.ltlock, '','', instr(t1.ltlock, ''*'',1,1) , 2) + 1), (instr(t1.ltlock,''*'',1,2) - instr(t1.ltlock, '','', instr(t1.ltlock, ''*'', 1,1) ,2) - 1) ) = ''-1'' and t2.rowid = ''' || rowid_var || ''' and ' || where_clause_str ; next_ver := ',' ; open c2 for sql_string2 ; loop fetch c2 into version_var, ltlock_var ; exit when c2%NOTFOUND ; next_ver := next_ver || version_var || ',' ; end loop; close c2 ; if(next_ver = ',') then raise_application_error(-20000, 'Internal error while populating sentinel rows') ; end if ; if(ltlock_var is not null and instr(ltlock_var,'*') > 0) then ltlock_var := substr(ltlock_var,1,instr(ltlock_var,'@',1,2)) || substr(ltlock_var,instr(ltlock_var,'*',1,2)+1) ; end if; if(hist_var = 'NONE') then md_str := ',-1,''' || next_ver || ''',-9,''' || ltlock_var || '''' ; else md_str := ',-1,sysdate,null,''' || next_ver || ''',-9,''' || ltlock_var || '''' ; end if ; /* Insert sentinels */ execute immediate 'insert into ' || schema || '.' || tab_name || '_LT select ' || wm$getNullInsStr(schema, tab_name) || md_str || ' from ' || schema || '.' || tab_name || '_LT where rowid = ''' || rowid_var || '''' ; end loop; close c1; /* Remove source-ver info from ltlock */ execute immediate 'update ' || schema || '.' || tab_name || '_LT set ltlock = substr(ltlock,1,instr(ltlock,''@'',1,2)) || substr(ltlock,instr(ltlock,''*'',1,2)+1) where (ltlock is not null and instr(ltlock,''*'',1,1) > 0) and version >= 0'; commit ; end ; / declare owner_var varchar2(30) ; table_name_var varchar2(30) ; cursor c1 is select owner, table_name from wmsys.wm$versioned_tables ; begin open c1; loop fetch c1 into owner_var, table_name_var ; exit when c1%NOTFOUND ; wm$Fixsentinelandltlock(owner_var, table_name_var) ; end loop; close c1; end; / drop function wm$getNullInsStr ; drop function wm$getWhereClauseStr ; drop procedure wm$Fixsentinelandltlock ; -- ################################################################ -- Rollback the Architectural changes after 9013 -- ################################################################ /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Fix CR workspaces to hang off latest version in parent-workspace */ /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ execute wmsys.owm_mig_pkg.RollbackFixCrWorkspaces ; /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Fix the version number of sentinel rows */ /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ execute wmsys.owm_mig_pkg.AllRollbackFixSentinelVersion ; -- ################################################################ -- Downgrade tables, packages, metadata -- ################################################################ /* Store modified_tables in a temp table because it will get blown away * when we temporary verion-disable the tables. */ create table wm$modified_tables$ as select * from wmsys.wm$modified_tables; -- ################################################################ -- Disable System Triggers to allow Temporary DisableVersioning -- ################################################################ execute wmsys.ltadm.disableSystemTriggers_exp ; /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Temporary Disable Version the tables without blowing the data. */ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ create table wm_downgrade_tables ( id integer primary key, owner varchar2(30), table_name varchar2(30), hist varchar2(50) default 'NONE', /* history option */ pkey_cols varchar2(4000), status varchar2(100), error_msg varchar2(200), constraint wm_downgrade_tables_unq unique (owner,table_name) ); -- downgrade history columns execute wmsys.owm_mig_pkg.dgHistoryColumns_internal; -- downgrade constraints execute wmsys.owm_mig_pkg.dgPrimaryKeyIndex ; -- call disableversioning on topology index tables execute wmsys.owm_mig_pkg.disableversionTopoIndexTables ; /* * Algorithm for temporary DisableVersioning without removing the data is as follows : * For each versioned tables - * 1. Rename _LT to _L$ * 2. Rename _pki$ index to _p$ so that Re-EnableVersioning does not generate an error. * 3. create empty _LT table with same definition as original _LT. * 4. DisableVersion the table. * 5. Create PK constraint on the table (to allow EnableVersioning later). */ declare id_var integer := 0; l_owner varchar2(30); l_table_name varchar2(30); l_hist varchar2(50); l_pkey_cols varchar2(4000); found integer; error_flag boolean := false; err_num number; err_msg varchar2(200); colname varchar2(100); pkcols varchar2(1000); cname varchar2(50); cursor vertab_cur is select owner, table_name, hist, pkey_cols from wmsys.wm$versioned_tables where disabling_ver = 'VERSIONED' order by ricweight; begin open vertab_cur; loop fetch vertab_cur into l_owner, l_table_name, l_hist, l_pkey_cols; EXIT WHEN vertab_cur%NOTFOUND; begin /* update state for the tables being downgraded. Also allows to bypass the * no_vm_drop trigger. */ insert into wm_downgrade_tables values(id_var, l_owner, l_table_name, l_hist, l_pkey_cols, 'PRE_ERROR_PRE_DISABLE_VERSIONING', null); id_var := id_var + 1; update wm_downgrade_tables set status = 'PRE_ERROR_RENAMING_LT_TO_L$' where owner = l_owner and table_name = l_table_name; /* Do not exceed current length while renaming */ execute immediate 'create or replace procedure ' || l_owner || '.' || l_table_name || '_R$ is begin execute immediate ''rename ' || l_table_name || '_LT to ' || l_table_name || '_L$''; end;' ; execute immediate 'begin ' || l_owner || '.' || l_table_name || '_R$; end;' ; execute immediate 'drop procedure ' || l_owner || '.' || l_table_name || '_R$' ; execute immediate 'alter index ' || l_owner || '.' || l_table_name || '_PKI$ rename to ' || l_table_name || '_P$'; execute immediate 'create table ' || l_owner || '.' || l_table_name || '_LT as select * from ' || l_owner || '.' || l_table_name || '_L$ where 1=2'; /* Copy _aux table to _au$ */ update wm_downgrade_tables set status = 'PRE_ERROR_COPYING_AUX_TABLE_TO_AU$' where owner = l_owner and table_name = l_table_name; execute immediate 'create table ' || l_owner || '.' || l_table_name || '_AU$ as select ' || l_pkey_cols || ',childstate,parentstate,snapshotchild,versionchild,snapshotparent,versionparent,value from ' || l_owner || '.' || l_table_name || '_AUX'; /* Disable Version the Empty _LT table */ update wm_downgrade_tables set status = 'PRE_ERROR_DISABLE_VERSIONING' where owner = l_owner and table_name = l_table_name; delete from wmsys.wm$constraints_table where owner = l_owner and table_name = l_table_name ; commit ; -- This is needed for self_ric. During DisableVersioning the ric constraint is created on the -- non-versioned tables and foreign key should be primary key for the parent table. execute immediate 'alter table ' || l_owner || '.' || l_table_name || '_LT add constraint ' || l_table_name || '_PK$ PRIMARY KEY (' || l_pkey_cols || ')'; dbms_wm.disableVersioning(l_owner || '.' || l_table_name); update wm_downgrade_tables set status = 'DONE_PRE_DOWNGRADE' where owner = l_owner and table_name = l_table_name; commit; exception when others then begin err_num := SQLCODE; err_msg := substr(SQLERRM,1,200); error_flag := true; update wm_downgrade_tables set error_msg = err_msg where owner = l_owner and table_name = l_table_name; end; end; end loop; close vertab_cur; if(error_flag) then -- Raise an error if some table failed during migration WMSYS.WM_ERROR.RAISEERROR(WMSYS.LT.WM_ERROR_192_NO, err_msg); end if; end; / /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Drop things that might cause owminst to fail */ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Create procedure in sys schema for executing sql with ignoring error. */ create or replace procedure wm$execSQLIgnoreError(sql_stmt varchar2) is begin begin execute immediate sql_stmt; exception when others then null; end; end; / execute wmsys.owm_mig_pkg.moveWMMetaData('SYSTEM'); /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Call owmr9013.plb to Rollback the metadate to 9013. */ /* Ideally we should have owmr901.plb but 901 release was a special case */ /* where we blow away the metadata user that existed in 9013, so there */ /* is no incremental rollback needed from 9013 to 901. */ /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ @@owmr9013.plb drop procedure sys.validate_owm ; drop procedure wmsys.validate_owm ; /* Rename the implicit sp names, so that they do not conflict with 901 release * while creating a child workspace. */ update wmsys.wm$workspace_savepoints_table set savepoint = savepoint || '-' || workspace where is_implicit = 1; commit; /* store versioned_tables columns in temp table because * wmsys.wm$unco_code_table_type doesn't compile in 9i. */ create table sys.wm$versioned_tables_tmp as select vtid,table_name,owner,notification,notifyWorkspaces,disabling_ver,ricWeight,isFastLive,isWorkflow,hist,pkey_cols from wmsys.wm$versioned_tables ; /* Drop packages added after 901 in SYS schema. Drop synonyms also */ Begin /* Drop procs and trigs */ wm$execSQLIgnoreError('drop procedure logon_proc'); wm$execSQLIgnoreError('drop trigger sys_logon'); /* Drop packages */ wm$execSQLIgnoreError('drop package owm_ddl_pkg'); /* Drop Synonyms */ wm$execSQLIgnoreError('drop public synonym all_wm_vt_errors'); wm$execSQLIgnoreError('drop public synonym user_wm_vt_errors'); wm$execSQLIgnoreError('drop public synonym wm_installation'); wm$execSQLIgnoreError('drop public synonym wm$parvers_view'); wm$execSQLIgnoreError('drop public synonym wm$versions_in_live_view'); /* Drop SYS views */ wm$execSQLIgnoreError('drop view wm_installation'); End; / /* drop all other public synonyms, because they will be re-created for tables,views in SYS schema */ Declare t integer; Begin wm$execSQLIgnoreError('drop public synonym all_workspaces_internal'); wm$execSQLIgnoreError('drop public synonym all_version_hview'); wm$execSQLIgnoreError('drop public synonym user_wm_privs'); wm$execSQLIgnoreError('drop public synonym role_wm_privs'); wm$execSQLIgnoreError('drop public synonym user_workspaces'); wm$execSQLIgnoreError('drop public synonym all_workspaces'); wm$execSQLIgnoreError('drop public synonym lt_workspace_tree'); wm$execSQLIgnoreError('drop public synonym user_workspace_privs'); wm$execSQLIgnoreError('drop public synonym all_workspace_privs'); wm$execSQLIgnoreError('drop public synonym user_wm_versioned_tables'); wm$execSQLIgnoreError('drop public synonym all_wm_versioned_tables'); wm$execSQLIgnoreError('drop public synonym user_workspace_savepoints'); wm$execSQLIgnoreError('drop public synonym all_workspace_savepoints'); wm$execSQLIgnoreError('drop public synonym user_wm_modified_tables'); wm$execSQLIgnoreError('drop public synonym all_wm_modified_tables'); wm$execSQLIgnoreError('drop public synonym dba_workspace_sessions'); wm$execSQLIgnoreError('drop public synonym user_wm_ric_info'); wm$execSQLIgnoreError('drop public synonym all_wm_ric_info'); wm$execSQLIgnoreError('drop public synonym user_wm_tab_triggers'); wm$execSQLIgnoreError('drop public synonym all_wm_tab_triggers'); wm$execSQLIgnoreError('drop public synonym all_wm_locked_tables'); wm$execSQLIgnoreError('drop public synonym user_wm_locked_tables'); wm$execSQLIgnoreError('drop public synonym dba_workspaces'); wm$execSQLIgnoreError('drop public synonym dba_workspace_savepoints'); wm$execSQLIgnoreError('drop public synonym dba_wm_versioned_tables'); wm$execSQLIgnoreError('drop public synonym dba_workspace_privs'); wm$execSQLIgnoreError('drop public synonym dba_wm_sys_privs'); wm$execSQLIgnoreError('drop public synonym wm$current_parvers_view'); wm$execSQLIgnoreError('drop public synonym wm$current_nextvers_view'); wm$execSQLIgnoreError('drop public synonym wm$curConflict_parvers_view'); wm$execSQLIgnoreError('drop public synonym wm$curConflict_nextvers_view'); wm$execSQLIgnoreError('drop public synonym wm$parConflict_parvers_view'); wm$execSQLIgnoreError('drop public synonym wm$parConflict_nextvers_view'); wm$execSQLIgnoreError('drop public synonym wm$current_workspace_view'); wm$execSQLIgnoreError('drop public synonym wm$parent_workspace_view'); wm$execSQLIgnoreError('drop public synonym wm$current_hierarchy_view'); wm$execSQLIgnoreError('drop public synonym wm$parent_hierarchy_view'); wm$execSQLIgnoreError('drop public synonym wm$curConflict_hierarchy_view'); wm$execSQLIgnoreError('drop public synonym wm$parConflict_hierarchy_view'); wm$execSQLIgnoreError('drop public synonym wm$current_savepoints_view'); wm$execSQLIgnoreError('drop public synonym wm$diff1_hierarchy_view'); wm$execSQLIgnoreError('drop public synonym wm$diff2_hierarchy_view'); wm$execSQLIgnoreError('drop public synonym wm$base_hierarchy_view'); wm$execSQLIgnoreError('drop public synonym wm$diff1_nextver_view'); wm$execSQLIgnoreError('drop public synonym wm$diff2_nextver_view'); wm$execSQLIgnoreError('drop public synonym wm$base_nextver_view'); wm$execSQLIgnoreError('drop public synonym wm$current_ver_view'); wm$execSQLIgnoreError('drop public synonym wm$ver_bef_inst_parvers_view'); wm$execSQLIgnoreError('drop public synonym wm$ver_bef_inst_nextvers_view'); wm$execSQLIgnoreError('drop role wm_admin_role'); wm$execSQLIgnoreError('drop procedure logoff_proc'); wm$execSQLIgnoreError('drop trigger sys_logoff'); wm$execSQLIgnoreError('drop public synonym DBMS_WM'); -- Drop objects that did not exist in the 901 release wm$execSQLIgnoreError('drop type wmsys.oper_lockvalues_array_type') ; wm$execSQLIgnoreError('drop type wmsys.oper_lockvalues_type') ; wm$execSQLIgnoreError('drop type wmsys.IntToStr_array_type') ; wm$execSQLIgnoreError('drop type wmsys.trigOptionsType') ; -- delete the entry from exppkgact$ which tells export the package to -- invoke system procedural actions from. delete from sys.exppkgact$ where package = 'LT_EXPORT_PKG' and schema = 'SYS'; commit; End; / /* * Update the registry. This should always be the last step. */ declare version_str varchar2(100) := ''; compatibility_str varchar2(100) := ''; cnt integer := 0 ; ver varchar2(100) := null; begin dbms_utility.db_version(version_str,compatibility_str); version_str := sys.wm$convertDbVersion(version_str); if (nlssort(version_str, 'nls_sort=ascii7') >= nlssort('', 'nls_sort=ascii7')) then execute immediate 'begin dbms_registry.loading(''OWM'',''Oracle Workspace Manager'',NULL,''SYS''); end;' ; execute immediate 'begin dbms_registry.downgraded(''OWM'',''''); end;' ; end if; end; /