/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Invoke owme901 before invoking this script. For RDBMS downgrade, the */ /* the owme901 script is invoked by RDBMS scripts. */ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Install 901 release. This will install things in SYS schema */ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ @@owminst.plb alter table wmsys.wm$adt_func_table modify(type_name varchar2(68)) ; /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Delete any rows added by owminst, because they will copied from */ /* WMSYS schema */ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ delete from wm$workspaces_table ; delete from wm$version_hierarchy_table ; delete from wm$workspace_priv_table ; commit; /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Move data from wmsys schema to SYS */ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ insert into sys.wm$version_table select * from wmsys.wm$version_table; insert into sys.wm$nextver_table select * from wmsys.wm$nextver_table; insert into sys.wm$version_hierarchy_table select * from wmsys.wm$version_hierarchy_table; insert into sys.wm$workspaces_table(workspace,parent_workspace,current_version, parent_version,post_version,verlist,owner,createTime,description,workspace_lock_id, freeze_status,freeze_mode,freeze_writer,oper_status,wm_lockmode,isRefreshed) select workspace,parent_workspace,current_version,parent_version,post_version, verlist,owner,createTime,description,workspace_lock_id,freeze_status, substr(freeze_mode,1,12),freeze_writer,oper_status,wm_lockmode,isRefreshed from wmsys.wm$workspaces_table; insert into sys.wm$workspace_priv_table select * from wmsys.wm$workspace_priv_table; delete from sys.wm$workspace_priv_table where grantee = 'WM_ADMIN_ROLE' and workspace is null and grantor = 'SYS' and priv = 'FA' and admin = 1; insert into sys.wm$workspace_sessions_table select * from wmsys.wm$workspace_sessions_table; insert into sys.wm$workspace_savepoints_table select * from wmsys.wm$workspace_savepoints_table; insert into sys.wm$resolve_workspaces_table select * from wmsys.wm$resolve_workspaces_table; insert into sys.wm$adt_func_table select * from wmsys.wm$adt_func_table; declare vtid_v integer; table_name_v varchar2(30); owner_v varchar2(30); notification_v integer; notifyWorkspaces_v varchar2(4000); disabling_ver_v VARCHAR2(13); ricWeight_v integer; isFastLive_v integer default 0; isWorkflow_v integer default 0; hist_v varchar2(50) ; pkey_cols_v varchar2(4000) default ''; index_type_v integer; index_field_v integer; sql_str_v clob; cursor c1 is select vtid,table_name,owner,notification,notifyWorkspaces,disabling_ver,ricWeight,isFastLive,isWorkflow,hist,pkey_cols from sys.wm$versioned_tables_tmp; begin open c1; loop fetch c1 into vtid_v,table_name_v,owner_v,notification_v,notifyWorkspaces_v,disabling_ver_v,ricWeight_v,isFastLive_v,isWorkflow_v,hist_v,pkey_cols_v; exit when c1%NOTFOUND; insert into sys.wm$versioned_tables values(vtid_v,table_name_v,owner_v,notification_v,notifyWorkspaces_v,disabling_ver_v,ricWeight_v,isFastLive_v,isWorkflow_v,hist_v,pkey_cols_v,sys.wm$ed_undo_code_table_type()); end loop; close c1; end; / declare purgeOption varchar2(30) := null ; version_str varchar2(50); compatibility_str varchar2(50); begin dbms_utility.db_version(version_str,compatibility_str); version_str := sys.wm$convertDbVersion(version_str); if (nlssort(version_str, 'nls_sort=ascii7') >= nlssort('A.', 'nls_sort=ascii7')) then purgeOption := ' PURGE' ; end if ; execute immediate 'drop table sys.wm$versioned_tables_tmp' || purgeOption ; end; / /* Create RIC tables */ insert into sys.wm$ric_table select * from wmsys.wm$ric_table; insert into sys.wm$ric_triggers_table select * from wmsys.wm$ric_triggers_table; insert into sys.wm$insteadof_trigs_table select * from wmsys.wm$insteadof_trigs_table; /* Copy the rows using cursor because select * not supported for long columns. */ declare trig_owner_name_v varchar2(50); trig_name_v varchar2(50); table_owner_name_v varchar2(50); table_name_v varchar2(50); trig_type_v varchar2(3); status_v varchar(10); trig_procedure_v varchar2(50); when_clause_v varchar2(4000); description_v varchar2(4000); trig_code_v long; cursor c1 is select trig_owner_name,trig_name,table_owner_name,table_name,trig_type,status, trig_procedure,when_clause,description,trig_code from wmsys.wm$udtrig_info; begin open c1; loop fetch c1 into trig_owner_name_v,trig_name_v,table_owner_name_v,table_name_v,trig_type_v,status_v, trig_procedure_v,when_clause_v,description_v,trig_code_v; exit when c1%NOTFOUND; insert into system.wm$udtrig_info values(trig_owner_name_v,trig_name_v,table_owner_name_v,table_name_v,trig_type_v,status_v, trig_procedure_v,when_clause_v,description_v,trig_code_v); end loop; close c1; end; / insert into sys.wm$udtrig_dispatch_procs select * from wmsys.wm$udtrig_dispatch_procs; insert into system.wm$lockrows_info select * from wmsys.wm$lockrows_info; /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Downgrade the metadata here */ /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ update wmsys.wm$versioned_tables set disabling_ver = 'NO'; commit; /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Set the sequence values to current values in WMSYS schema. */ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ drop sequence sys.wm$up_del_trig_name_sequence; drop sequence sys.wm$insteadof_trigs_sequence; drop sequence sys.wm$lock_sequence; drop sequence sys.wm$vtid; drop sequence sys.wm$adt_sequence; drop sequence sys.wm$version_sequence; drop sequence sys.wm$row_sync_id_sequence; drop sequence sys.wm$udtrig_dispatcher_sequence; Declare val integer; Begin select wmsys.wm$up_del_trig_name_sequence.nextval into val from dual; execute immediate 'create sequence sys.wm$up_del_trig_name_sequence start with ' || val; select wmsys.wm$insteadof_trigs_sequence.nextval into val from dual; execute immediate 'create sequence sys.wm$insteadof_trigs_sequence start with ' || val; select wmsys.wm$lock_sequence.nextval into val from dual; execute immediate 'create sequence sys.wm$lock_sequence start with ' || val; select wmsys.wm$vtid.nextval into val from dual; execute immediate 'create sequence sys.wm$vtid start with ' || val; select wmsys.wm$adt_sequence.nextval into val from dual; execute immediate 'create sequence sys.wm$adt_sequence start with ' || val; select wmsys.wm$version_sequence.nextval into val from dual; execute immediate 'create sequence sys.wm$version_sequence start with ' || val; select wmsys.wm$row_sync_id_sequence.nextval into val from dual; execute immediate 'create sequence sys.wm$row_sync_id_sequence start with ' || val; select wmsys.wm$udtrig_dispatcher_sequence.nextval into val from dual; execute immediate 'create sequence sys.wm$udtrig_dispatcher_sequence start with ' || val; End; / /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Drop WMSYS user. This will drop all the tables, views, synonyms etc., */ /* contained in WMSYS. /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ drop user wmsys cascade; /* * Change the VIEW_WO_OVERWRITE_PERF to VIEW_WO_OVERWRITE because * _PERF not supported in 901,9012. */ update wm_downgrade_tables set hist = 'VIEW_WO_OVERWRITE' where hist = 'VIEW_WO_OVERWRITE_PERF'; commit; /* * Copy data from wm_downgrade_tables to temp table because * frequent updates to the same table when the cursor is open * results is loss of old snapshot - results in bad error */ create table wm_downgrade_tables_temp as select * from wm_downgrade_tables ; /* * Algorithm for Re-EnableVersioning is as follows : * For each temporary version-disabled tables - * 1. Drop _LT table (its an empty table, data is in _L$) * 2. Rename _p$ index to _pki$ to restore the original name. * 3. Rename _L$ to _LT. */ declare l_owner varchar2(30); l_table_name varchar2(30); l_hist varchar2(30); l_pkey_cols varchar2(4000); l_pkey_cols_lt varchar2(4100); l_trig_name varchar2(40); vtid_var integer; found integer; error_flag boolean := false; err_num number; err_msg varchar2(200); colname varchar2(100); pkcols varchar2(1000); l_constraint_name varchar2(30); purgeOption varchar2(30) := null ; version_str varchar2(50); compatibility_str varchar2(50); cursor vertab_cur is select owner, table_name, hist, pkey_cols from wm_downgrade_tables_temp where status = 'DONE_PRE_DOWNGRADE' order by id desc; begin dbms_utility.db_version(version_str,compatibility_str); version_str := sys.wm$convertDbVersion(version_str); if (nlssort(version_str, 'nls_sort=ascii7') >= nlssort('A.', 'nls_sort=ascii7')) then purgeOption := ' PURGE' ; end if ; open vertab_cur; loop fetch vertab_cur into l_owner, l_table_name, l_hist, l_pkey_cols; EXIT WHEN vertab_cur%NOTFOUND; begin update wm_downgrade_tables set status = 'POST_ERROR_ENABLE_VERSIONING' where owner = l_owner and table_name = l_table_name; dbms_wm.enableVersioning(l_owner || '.' || l_table_name, l_hist); sys.lt_expadm_pkg.DisableSystemTriggers ; update wm_downgrade_tables set status = 'POST_ERROR_COPYING_AUX_TABLES' where owner = l_owner and table_name = l_table_name; execute immediate 'insert into ' || l_owner || '.' || l_table_name || '_AUX select * from ' || l_owner || '.' || l_table_name || '_AU$'; execute immediate 'drop table ' || l_owner || '.' || l_table_name || '_AU$' || purgeOption; update wm_downgrade_tables set status = 'POST_ERROR_RENAMING_LT' where owner = l_owner and table_name = l_table_name; execute immediate 'drop table ' || l_owner || '.' || l_table_name || '_LT' || purgeOption; execute immediate 'alter index ' || l_owner || '.' || l_table_name || '_P$ rename to ' || l_table_name || '_PKI$'; execute immediate 'create or replace procedure ' || l_owner || '.' || l_table_name || '_R$ is begin execute immediate ''rename ' || l_table_name || '_L$ to ' || l_table_name || '_LT''; end;' ; execute immediate 'begin ' || l_owner || '.' || l_table_name || '_R$; end;' ; execute immediate 'drop procedure ' || l_owner || '.' || l_table_name || '_R$' ; if(l_hist = 'VIEW_WO_OVERWRITE') then update wm_downgrade_tables set status = 'POST_ERROR_RECREATING_PK_CONSTRAINT' where owner = l_owner and table_name = l_table_name; select constraint_name into l_constraint_name from dba_constraints where owner = l_owner and table_name = l_table_name || '_LT' and constraint_type = 'P'; execute immediate 'alter table ' || l_owner || '.' || l_table_name || '_LT drop constraint ' || l_constraint_name ; select count(*) into found from dba_indexes where table_owner = l_owner and index_name = l_constraint_name ; if (found>0) then execute immediate 'drop index ' || l_owner || '.' || l_constraint_name ; end if ; l_pkey_cols_lt := 'VERSION,' || l_pkey_cols || ',CREATETIME,DELSTATUS'; execute immediate 'alter table ' || l_owner || '.' || l_table_name || '_LT add constraint ' || l_constraint_name || ' PRIMARY KEY (' || l_pkey_cols_lt || ')'; end if; update wm_downgrade_tables set status = 'POST_ERROR_COPYING_MODIFIED_TABLES' where owner = l_owner and table_name = l_table_name; select vtid into vtid_var from wm$versioned_tables where owner = l_owner and table_name = l_table_name; execute immediate 'insert into wm$modified_tables select ' || vtid_var || ',table_name,version,workspace from wm$modified_tables$ where table_name = ''' || l_owner || '.' || l_table_name || ''' and version != 0'; delete from wm$modified_tables$ where table_name = l_owner || '.' || l_table_name ; update wm_downgrade_tables set status = 'POST_ERROR_RECOMPILING_THE_TRIGGERS' where owner = l_owner and table_name = l_table_name; select insert_trig_name into l_trig_name from wm$insteadof_trigs_table where table_owner = l_owner and table_name = l_table_name; execute immediate 'alter trigger ' || l_owner || '.' || l_trig_name || ' compile' ; select update_trig_name into l_trig_name from wm$insteadof_trigs_table where table_owner = l_owner and table_name = l_table_name; execute immediate 'alter trigger ' || l_owner || '.' || l_trig_name || ' compile' ; select delete_trig_name into l_trig_name from wm$insteadof_trigs_table where table_owner = l_owner and table_name = l_table_name; execute immediate 'alter trigger ' || l_owner || '.' || l_trig_name || ' compile' ; update wm$versioned_tables set disabling_ver = 'NO' where owner = l_owner and table_name = l_table_name; delete from wm_downgrade_tables where owner = l_owner and table_name = l_table_name; commit; exception when others then begin err_num := SQLCODE; err_msg := substr(SQLERRM,1,200); error_flag := true; update wm_downgrade_tables set error_msg = err_msg where owner = l_owner and table_name = l_table_name; commit; end; end; end loop; close vertab_cur; if(error_flag) then RAISE_application_error(-20000, 'Atleast one table failed during Re-EnableVersioning Select from sys.wm_downgrade_tables to get the tables and error message'); end if; end; / /* Drop wm_downgrade_tables if all the tables went through successfully */ declare idummy integer ; purgeOption varchar2(30) := null ; version_str varchar2(50); compatibility_str varchar2(50); begin dbms_utility.db_version(version_str,compatibility_str); version_str := sys.wm$convertDbVersion(version_str); if (nlssort(version_str, 'nls_sort=ascii7') >= nlssort('A.', 'nls_sort=ascii7')) then purgeOption := ' PURGE' ; end if ; begin select 1 into idummy from dual where exists (select 1 from wm_downgrade_tables) ; exception when no_data_found then execute immediate 'drop table wm_downgrade_tables' || purgeOption; end; end; / /* Drop the temp table. */ declare purgeOption varchar2(30) := null ; version_str varchar2(50); compatibility_str varchar2(50); begin dbms_utility.db_version(version_str,compatibility_str); version_str := sys.wm$convertDbVersion(version_str); if (nlssort(version_str, 'nls_sort=ascii7') >= nlssort('A.', 'nls_sort=ascii7')) then purgeOption := ' PURGE' ; end if ; execute immediate 'drop table wm_downgrade_tables_temp' || purgeOption; end; / Declare delTrigCode varchar2(32000); updTrigCode varchar2(32000); cursor ricPtTrigCur is select * from sys.wm$ric_triggers_table where not exists ( select 1 from sys.wm$versioned_tables where owner = pt_owner and (table_name = pt_name or table_name || '_LT' = pt_name) ) ; Begin for ricPtTrigCurRec in ricPtTrigCur loop sys.ltric.getPtBeforeTrigStrs(ricPtTrigCurRec.ct_owner, ricPtTrigCurRec.ct_name, ricPtTrigCurRec.pt_owner, ricPtTrigCurRec.pt_name, ricPtTrigCurRec.update_trigger_name, updTrigCode, ricPtTrigCurRec.delete_trigger_name, delTrigCode); execute immediate delTrigCode; execute immediate updTrigCode; end loop; End; / /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* If there is atleast one versioned table, enable the system triggers. */ /* This is because reinstall of WM creates triggers as disabled. */ /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ declare found integer; begin begin select 1 into found from dual where exists (select 1 from wm$versioned_tables); sys.lt_expadm_pkg.enableSystemTriggers; exception when no_data_found then null; when others then raise; end; end; / /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Copy back the modified_tables data. */ /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ insert into wm$modified_tables select * from wm$modified_tables$; commit; declare purgeOption varchar2(30) := null ; version_str varchar2(50); compatibility_str varchar2(50); begin dbms_utility.db_version(version_str,compatibility_str); version_str := sys.wm$convertDbVersion(version_str); if (nlssort(version_str, 'nls_sort=ascii7') >= nlssort('A.', 'nls_sort=ascii7')) then purgeOption := ' PURGE' ; end if ; execute immediate 'drop table wm$modified_tables$' || purgeOption; end; / /* Drop the temporary procedure created */ drop procedure wm$execSQLIgnoreError; /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Install the wm_installation view also, because its not done as part */ /* of 901 installation. */ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ declare sql_str varchar2(1000); env_vars_table varchar2(61) := null; release_ver varchar2(50); cnt integer; table_not_exists EXCEPTION; PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(table_not_exists, -00942); begin select count(*) into cnt from dba_tables where owner = 'WMSYS' and table_name = 'WM$ENV_VARS'; if(cnt = 1) then env_vars_table := 'WMSYS.WM$ENV_VARS'; else select count(*) into cnt from dba_tables where owner = 'SYSTEM' and table_name = 'WM$ENV_VARS'; if(cnt = 1) then env_vars_table := 'SYSTEM.WM$ENV_VARS'; else execute immediate 'create or replace view sys.wm_installation as select ''OWM_VERSION'' name, ''NOT_INSTALLED'' value from dual'; end if; end if; if(env_vars_table is not null) then sql_str := 'create or replace view sys.wm_installation as select * from ' || env_vars_table; execute immediate 'select count(*) from ' || env_vars_table || ' where name = ''OWM_VERSION''' into cnt; if(cnt = 0) then select count(*) into cnt from dba_tables where owner = 'SYSTEM' and table_name = 'WM$LOCKROWS_INFO'; if(cnt = 1) then release_ver := ''; else release_ver := 'BETA RELEASE'; end if; sql_str := sql_str || ' union select ''OWM_VERSION'',''' || release_ver || ''' from dual'; end if; sql_str := sql_str || ' union select ''IMPORT_ALLOWED'',''NO'' from dual where exists (select 1 from all_version_hview where version != 0) OR exists (select 1 from dba_wm_versioned_tables) union select ''IMPORT_ALLOWED'',''YES'' from dual where not (exists (select 1 from all_version_hview where version != 0) OR exists (select 1 from dba_wm_versioned_tables))' ; begin execute immediate 'select 1 from dual where exists (select 1 from wmsys.wm$sysparam_all_values)' into cnt ; sql_str := sql_str || ' union select name,value from wmsys.wm$sysparam_all_values sv where isdefault = ''YES'' and not exists (select 1 from wmsys.wm$env_vars ev where ev.name = sv.name) ' ; exception when table_not_exists then null; end ; execute immediate sql_str || ' WITH READ ONLY'; end if; end; / grant select on sys.wm_installation to public with grant option; create public synonym wm_installation for sys.wm_installation; drop function sys.wm$convertDbVersion ;