/* * SYS cannot directly grant execute on wmsys.type to public. * So, we have to do this hack of creating a procedure in wmsys, * that does the SQL... * * Although its created in ovmctab, create the proc here also, because * you can come here from two different paths, * Installation and Migration. */ /* Create a ADMIN role for state management. This role is initially granted to 'dba' It has privs to access, drop, commit, create any workspace */ execute wmsys.wm$execSQL('create role wm_admin_role'); grant wm_admin_role to dba; /* USER_WORKSPACE_PRIVILEGE VIEWS */ create or replace view wmsys.user_wm_privs (workspace, privilege,grantor, grantable) as select workspace, decode(priv,'A','ACCESS_WORKSPACE', 'C','MERGE_WORKSPACE', 'R','ROLLBACK_WORKSPACE', 'D','REMOVE_WORKSPACE', 'M','CREATE_WORKSPACE', 'F','FREEZE_WORKSPACE', 'AA','ACCESS_ANY_WORKSPACE', 'CA','MERGE_ANY_WORKSPACE', 'RA','ROLLBACK_ANY_WORKSPACE', 'DA','REMOVE_ANY_WORKSPACE', 'MA','CREATE_ANY_WORKSPACE', 'FA','FREEZE_ANY_WORKSPACE', 'UNKNOWN_PRIV') privilege, grantor, decode(admin, 0, 'NO', 1, 'YES') grantable from wmsys.wm$workspace_priv_table where grantee in (select role from session_roles UNION ALL select 'WM_ADMIN_ROLE' from dual where USER = 'SYS' UNION ALL select USER from dual UNION ALL select 'PUBLIC' from dual) WITH READ ONLY; create or replace view wmsys.role_wm_privs (role, workspace, privilege, grantable) as select grantee role, workspace, decode(priv,'A','ACCESS_WORKSPACE', 'C','MERGE_WORKSPACE', 'R','ROLLBACK_WORKSPACE', 'D','REMOVE_WORKSPACE', 'M','CREATE_WORKSPACE', 'F','FREEZE_WORKSPACE', 'AA','ACCESS_ANY_WORKSPACE', 'CA','MERGE_ANY_WORKSPACE', 'RA','ROLLBACK_ANY_WORKSPACE', 'DA','REMOVE_ANY_WORKSPACE', 'MA','CREATE_ANY_WORKSPACE', 'FA','FREEZE_ANY_WORKSPACE', 'UNKNOWN_PRIV') privilege, decode(admin, 0, 'NO', 1, 'YES') grantable from wmsys.wm$workspace_priv_table where grantee in (select role from session_roles union all select 'WM_ADMIN_ROLE' from dual where USER = 'SYS') WITH READ ONLY; /* WORKSPACE VIEWS */ create or replace view wmsys.all_workspaces_internal as select s.* from wmsys.wm$workspaces_table s where exists (select 1 from wmsys.user_wm_privs where privilege like '%ANY%') union select s.* from wmsys.wm$workspaces_table s, (select distinct workspace from wmsys.user_wm_privs) u where u.workspace = s.workspace union select s.* from wmsys.wm$workspaces_table s where owner = USER WITH READ ONLY; create or replace view sys.user_workspaces as select st.workspace, st.parent_workspace, ssp.savepoint parent_savepoint, st.owner, st.createTime, st.description, decode(st.freeze_status,'LOCKED','FROZEN', 'UNLOCKED','UNFROZEN') freeze_status, decode(st.oper_status, null, st.freeze_mode,'INTERNAL') freeze_mode, decode(st.freeze_mode, '1WRITER_SESSION', s.username, st.freeze_writer) freeze_writer, decode(st.session_duration, 0, st.freeze_owner, s.username) freeze_owner, decode(st.freeze_status, 'UNLOCKED', null, decode(st.session_duration, 1, 'YES', 'NO')) session_duration, decode(rst.workspace,null,'INACTIVE','ACTIVE') resolve_status, rst.resolve_user, decode(st.isRefreshed, 1, 'YES', 'NO') continually_refreshed, decode(substr(st.wm_lockmode, 1, 1), 'S', 'SHARED', 'E', 'EXCLUSIVE', 'C', 'CARRY', NULL) workspace_lockmode, decode(substr(st.wm_lockmode, 3, 1), 'Y', 'YES', 'N', 'NO', NULL) workspace_lockmode_override from wmsys.wm$workspaces_table st, wmsys.wm$workspace_savepoints_table ssp, wmsys.wm$resolve_workspaces_table rst, V$session s where st.owner = USER and ((ssp.position is null) or ( ssp.position = (select min(position) from wmsys.wm$workspace_savepoints_table where version=ssp.version) )) and st.parent_version = ssp.version (+) and st.workspace = rst.workspace (+) and to_char(s.sid(+)) = substr(st.freeze_owner, 1, instr(st.freeze_owner, ',')-1) and to_char(s.serial#(+)) = substr(st.freeze_owner, instr(st.freeze_owner, ',')+1) WITH READ ONLY; grant select on sys.user_workspaces to public with grant option; create public synonym user_workspaces for sys.user_workspaces; create or replace view sys.all_workspaces as select asp.workspace, asp.parent_workspace, ssp.savepoint parent_savepoint, asp.owner, asp.createTime, asp.description, decode(asp.freeze_status,'LOCKED','FROZEN', 'UNLOCKED','UNFROZEN') freeze_status, decode(asp.oper_status, null, asp.freeze_mode,'INTERNAL') freeze_mode, decode(asp.freeze_mode, '1WRITER_SESSION', s.username, asp.freeze_writer) freeze_writer, decode(asp.session_duration, 0, asp.freeze_owner, s.username) freeze_owner, decode(asp.freeze_status, 'UNLOCKED', null, decode(asp.session_duration, 1, 'YES', 'NO')) session_duration, decode(rst.workspace,null,'INACTIVE','ACTIVE') resolve_status, rst.resolve_user, decode(asp.isRefreshed, 1, 'YES', 'NO') continually_refreshed, decode(substr(asp.wm_lockmode, 1, 1), 'S', 'SHARED', 'E', 'EXCLUSIVE', 'C', 'CARRY', NULL) workspace_lockmode, decode(substr(asp.wm_lockmode, 3, 1), 'Y', 'YES', 'N', 'NO', NULL) workspace_lockmode_override from wmsys.all_workspaces_internal asp, wmsys.wm$workspace_savepoints_table ssp, wmsys.wm$resolve_workspaces_table rst, v$session s where ((ssp.position is null) or ( ssp.position = (select min(position) from wmsys.wm$workspace_savepoints_table where version=ssp.version) )) and asp.parent_version = ssp.version (+) and asp.workspace = rst.workspace (+) and to_char(s.sid(+)) = substr(asp.freeze_owner, 1, instr(asp.freeze_owner, ',')-1) and to_char(s.serial#(+)) = substr(asp.freeze_owner, instr(asp.freeze_owner, ',')+1) WITH READ ONLY; create or replace view sys.dba_workspaces as select asp.workspace, asp.parent_workspace, ssp.savepoint parent_savepoint, asp.owner, asp.createTime, asp.description, decode(asp.freeze_status,'LOCKED','FROZEN', 'UNLOCKED','UNFROZEN') freeze_status, decode(asp.oper_status, null, asp.freeze_mode,'INTERNAL') freeze_mode, decode(asp.freeze_mode, '1WRITER_SESSION', s.username, asp.freeze_writer) freeze_writer, decode(asp.freeze_mode, '1WRITER_SESSION', substr(asp.freeze_writer, 1, instr(asp.freeze_writer, ',')-1), null) sid, decode(asp.freeze_mode, '1WRITER_SESSION', substr(asp.freeze_writer, instr(asp.freeze_writer, ',')+1), null) serial#, decode(asp.session_duration, 0, asp.freeze_owner, s.username) freeze_owner, decode(asp.freeze_status, 'UNLOCKED', null, decode(asp.session_duration, 1, 'YES', 'NO')) session_duration, decode(rst.workspace,null,'INACTIVE','ACTIVE') resolve_status, rst.resolve_user from wmsys.wm$workspaces_table asp, wmsys.wm$workspace_savepoints_table ssp, wmsys.wm$resolve_workspaces_table rst, V$session s where nvl(ssp.is_implicit,1) = 1 and asp.parent_version = ssp.version (+) and asp.workspace = rst.workspace (+) and to_char(s.sid(+)) = substr(asp.freeze_owner, 1, instr(asp.freeze_owner, ',')-1) and to_char(s.serial#(+)) = substr(asp.freeze_owner, instr(asp.freeze_owner, ',')+1) WITH READ ONLY; /* user_workspace_privs and all_workspace_privs views */ create or replace view wmsys.dba_wm_sys_privs(grantee, privilege, grantor, grantable) as select spt.grantee, decode(spt.priv,'A','ACCESS_WORKSPACE', 'C','MERGE_WORKSPACE', 'R','ROLLBACK_WORKSPACE', 'D','REMOVE_WORKSPACE', 'M','CREATE_WORKSPACE', 'F','FREEZE_WORKSPACE', 'AA','ACCESS_ANY_WORKSPACE', 'CA','MERGE_ANY_WORKSPACE', 'RA','ROLLBACK_ANY_WORKSPACE', 'DA','REMOVE_ANY_WORKSPACE', 'MA','CREATE_ANY_WORKSPACE', 'FA','FREEZE_ANY_WORKSPACE', 'UNKNOWN_PRIV') privilege, spt.grantor, decode(spt.admin, 0, 'NO', 1, 'YES') grantable from wmsys.wm$workspace_priv_table spt where spt.workspace is null; create or replace view wmsys.user_workspace_privs (grantee, workspace, privilege, grantor, grantable) as select spt.grantee, spt.workspace, decode(spt.priv,'A','ACCESS_WORKSPACE', 'C','MERGE_WORKSPACE', 'R','ROLLBACK_WORKSPACE', 'D','REMOVE_WORKSPACE', 'M','CREATE_WORKSPACE', 'F','FREEZE_WORKSPACE', 'AA','ACCESS_ANY_WORKSPACE', 'CA','MERGE_ANY_WORKSPACE', 'RA','ROLLBACK_ANY_WORKSPACE', 'DA','REMOVE_ANY_WORKSPACE', 'MA','CREATE_ANY_WORKSPACE', 'FA','FREEZE_ANY_WORKSPACE', 'UNKNOWN_PRIV') privilege, spt.grantor, decode(spt.admin, 0, 'NO', 1, 'YES') grantable from user_workspaces ult, wmsys.wm$workspace_priv_table spt where ult.workspace = spt.workspace; create or replace view wmsys.all_workspace_privs (grantee, workspace, privilege, grantor, grantable) as select spt.grantee, spt.workspace, decode(spt.priv,'A','ACCESS_WORKSPACE', 'C','MERGE_WORKSPACE', 'R','ROLLBACK_WORKSPACE', 'D','REMOVE_WORKSPACE', 'M','CREATE_WORKSPACE', 'F','FREEZE_WORKSPACE', 'AA','ACCESS_ANY_WORKSPACE', 'CA','MERGE_ANY_WORKSPACE', 'RA','ROLLBACK_ANY_WORKSPACE', 'DA','REMOVE_ANY_WORKSPACE', 'MA','CREATE_ANY_WORKSPACE', 'FA','FREEZE_ANY_WORKSPACE', 'UNKNOWN_PRIV') privilege, spt.grantor, decode(spt.admin, 0, 'NO', 1, 'YES') grantable from wmsys.all_workspaces_internal alt, wmsys.wm$workspace_priv_table spt where alt.workspace = spt.workspace; create or replace view wmsys.dba_workspace_privs (grantee, workspace, privilege, grantor, grantable) as select spt.grantee, spt.workspace, decode(spt.priv,'A','ACCESS_WORKSPACE', 'C','MERGE_WORKSPACE', 'R','ROLLBACK_WORKSPACE', 'D','REMOVE_WORKSPACE', 'M','CREATE_WORKSPACE', 'F','FREEZE_WORKSPACE', 'AA','ACCESS_ANY_WORKSPACE', 'CA','MERGE_ANY_WORKSPACE', 'RA','ROLLBACK_ANY_WORKSPACE', 'DA','REMOVE_ANY_WORKSPACE', 'MA','CREATE_ANY_WORKSPACE', 'FA','FREEZE_ANY_WORKSPACE', 'UNKNOWN_PRIV') privilege, spt.grantor, decode(spt.admin, 0, 'NO', 1, 'YES') grantable from wmsys.wm$workspaces_table alt, wmsys.wm$workspace_priv_table spt where alt.workspace = spt.workspace; /* VERSIONED-TABLES VIEWS */ create or replace view wmsys.user_wm_versioned_tables as select t.table_name, t.owner, disabling_ver state, decode(t.notification,0,'NO',1,'YES') notification, substr(notifyWorkspaces,2,length(notifyworkspaces)-2) notifyworkspaces, wmsys.ltadm.AreThereConflicts(t.owner, t.table_name) conflict, wmsys.ltadm.AreThereDiffs(t.owner, t.table_name) diff from wmsys.wm$versioned_tables t where t.owner = USER WITH READ ONLY; create or replace view wmsys.all_wm_versioned_tables as select /*+ ORDERED */ t.table_name, t.owner, disabling_ver state, decode(t.notification,0,'NO',1,'YES') notification, substr(notifyWorkspaces,2,length(notifyworkspaces)-2) notifyworkspaces, wmsys.ltadm.AreThereConflicts(t.owner, t.table_name) conflict, wmsys.ltadm.AreThereDiffs(t.owner, t.table_name) diff from wmsys.wm$versioned_tables t, all_views u where t.table_name = u.view_name and t.owner = u.owner WITH READ ONLY; create or replace view wmsys.dba_wm_versioned_tables as select /*+ ORDERED */ t.table_name, t.owner, disabling_ver state, decode(t.notification,0,'NO',1,'YES') notification, substr(notifyWorkspaces,2,length(notifyworkspaces)-2) notifyworkspaces, wmsys.ltadm.AreThereConflicts(t.owner, t.table_name) conflict, wmsys.ltadm.AreThereDiffs(t.owner, t.table_name) diff from wmsys.wm$versioned_tables t, dba_views u where t.table_name = u.view_name and t.owner = u.owner WITH READ ONLY; create or replace view wmsys.user_wm_modified_tables as select table_name, workspace, savepoint from (select distinct o.table_name, o.workspace, nvl(s.savepoint, 'LATEST') savepoint, min(s.is_implicit) imp, count(s.version) counter from wmsys.wm$modified_tables o, wmsys.wm$workspace_savepoints_table s where substr(o.table_name, 1, instr(table_name,'.')-1) = USER and o.version = s.version (+) group by o.table_name, o.workspace, savepoint) where (imp = 0 or imp is null or counter = 1); create or replace view wmsys.all_wm_modified_tables as select table_name, workspace, savepoint from (select distinct o.table_name, o.workspace, nvl(s.savepoint, 'LATEST') savepoint, min(s.is_implicit) imp, count(s.version) counter from wmsys.wm$modified_tables o, wmsys.wm$workspace_savepoints_table s, all_views a where substr(o.table_name, 1, instr(table_name,'.')-1) = a.owner and substr(o.table_name, instr(table_name,'.')+1) = a.view_name and o.version = s.version (+) group by o.table_name, o.workspace, savepoint) where (imp = 0 or imp is null or counter = 1); /* USER-DEFINED TRIGGERS VIEWS */ create or replace view wmsys.user_wm_tab_triggers ( trigger_name, table_owner, table_name, trigger_type, status, when_clause, description, trigger_body ) as select trig_name, table_owner_name, table_name, trig_type, status, when_clause, description, trig_code from wmsys.wm$udtrig_info where trig_owner_name = USER with READ ONLY; create or replace view wmsys.all_wm_tab_triggers ( trigger_owner, trigger_name, table_owner, table_name, trigger_type, status, when_clause, description, trigger_body ) as (select trig_owner_name, trig_name, table_owner_name, table_name, trig_type, status, when_clause, description, trig_code from wmsys.wm$udtrig_info where trig_owner_name = USER or table_owner_name = USER or EXISTS ( select * from user_sys_privs where privilege = 'CREATE ANY TRIGGER' ) ) with READ ONLY; /* SAVEPOINT VIEWS */ create or replace view wmsys.user_workspace_savepoints as select t.savepoint, t.workspace, decode(t.is_implicit,0,'NO',1,'YES') implicit, t.position, t.owner, t.createTime, t.description, decode(sign(t.version - max.pv), -1, 'NO','YES') canRollbackTo from wmsys.wm$workspace_savepoints_table t, wmsys.wm$workspaces_table u, (select max(parent_version) pv, parent_workspace pw from wmsys.wm$workspaces_table group by parent_workspace) max where t.workspace = u.workspace and u.owner = USER and t.workspace = max.pw (+) WITH READ ONLY; create or replace view wmsys.all_workspace_savepoints as select t.savepoint, t.workspace, decode(t.is_implicit,0,'NO',1,'YES') implicit, t.position, t.owner, t.createTime, t.description, decode(sign(t.version - max.pv), -1, 'NO','YES') canRollbackTo from wmsys.wm$workspace_savepoints_table t, wmsys.all_workspaces_internal asi, (select max(parent_version) pv, parent_workspace pw from wmsys.wm$workspaces_table group by parent_workspace) max where t.workspace = asi.workspace and t.workspace = max.pw (+) WITH READ ONLY; create or replace view wmsys.dba_workspace_savepoints as select t.savepoint, t.workspace, decode(t.is_implicit,0,'NO',1,'YES') implicit, t.position, t.owner, t.createTime, t.description, decode(sign(t.version - max.pv), -1, 'NO','YES') canRollbackTo from wmsys.wm$workspace_savepoints_table t, wmsys.wm$workspaces_table asi, (select max(parent_version) pv, parent_workspace pw from wmsys.wm$workspaces_table group by parent_workspace) max where t.workspace = asi.workspace and t.workspace = max.pw (+) WITH READ ONLY; /* Ramesh - * This is the only view created in the SYS schema. * This is b'cos we cannot grant privs on dynamc views * like v$session to wmsys and we don't want to give * dba to wmsys just for this. */ /* USERS IN A SESSION VIEW */ create or replace view sys.dba_workspace_sessions as select sut.username, sut.workspace, wmsys.ltUtil.getSid(sut.sid) sid, wmsys.ltUtil.getsno(sut.sid) serial#, decode(t.ses_addr, null, 'INACTIVE','ACTIVE') status from wmsys.wm$workspace_sessions_table sut, sys.v$session s, sys.v$transaction t where wmsys.ltUtil.getsid(sut.sid) = s.sid and wmsys.ltUtil.getsno(sut.sid) = s.serial# and s.saddr = t.ses_addr (+) WITH READ ONLY; /* REFERENTIAL INTEGRITY INFO VIEWS */ create or replace view wmsys.user_wm_ric_info (ct_owner, ct_name, pt_owner, pt_name, ric_name, ct_cols, pt_cols, r_constraint_name, delete_rule, status) as select ct_owner, ct_name, pt_owner, pt_name, ric_name, rtrim(ct_cols,','), rtrim(pt_cols,','), pt_unique_const_name, my_mode, status from wmsys.wm$ric_table rt, user_views uv where uv.view_name = rt.ct_name and rt.ct_owner = USER; create or replace view wmsys.all_wm_ric_info (ct_owner, ct_name, pt_owner, pt_name, ric_name, ct_cols, pt_cols, r_constraint_name, delete_rule, status) as select /*+ ORDERED */ ct_owner, ct_name, pt_owner, pt_name, ric_name, rtrim(ct_cols,','), rtrim(pt_cols,','), pt_unique_const_name, my_mode, status from wmsys.wm$ric_table rt, all_views uv where uv.view_name = rt.ct_name and uv.owner = rt.ct_owner; /* VERSION HIERRACHY RELATED VIEW */ create or replace view wmsys.all_version_hview as select version, parent_version, workspace from wmsys.wm$version_hierarchy_table WITH READ ONLY; /* We add translate...USING CHAR_CS to convert to the database character set * The problem, or why it surfaced, is not really clear...but not having * the conversion in place causes a "character set name is not recognized" (PLS-553) * error. As a temporary bandaid, we put the translate...USING CHAR_CS. * May want to come back here and investigate this further */ create or replace view wmsys.wm$all_locks_view as select t.table_owner, t.table_name, decode(wmsys.lt_ctx_pkg.getltlockinfo(translate(t.info USING CHAR_CS),'ROW_LOCKMODE'), 'E', 'EXCLUSIVE', 'S', 'SHARED') Lock_mode, wmsys.lt_ctx_pkg.getltlockinfo(translate(t.info USING CHAR_CS),'ROW_LOCKUSER') Lock_owner, wmsys.lt_ctx_pkg.getltlockinfo(translate(t.info USING CHAR_CS),'ROW_LOCKSTATE') Locking_state from (select table_owner, table_name, info from table( cast(wmsys.ltadm.get_lock_table() as wmsys.wm$lock_table_type))) t with READ ONLY; create or replace view wmsys.all_wm_locked_tables as select /*+ ORDERED */ t.table_owner, t.table_name, t.Lock_mode, t.Lock_owner, t.Locking_state from wmsys.wm$all_locks_view t, all_views s where t.table_owner = s.owner and t.table_name = s.view_name with READ ONLY; create or replace view wmsys.user_wm_locked_tables as select t.table_owner, t.table_name, t.Lock_mode, t.Lock_owner, t.Locking_state from wmsys.wm$all_locks_view t where t.table_owner = USER with READ ONLY; /* GRANT THE REQUIRED PRIVS ON THE ABOVE VIEWS */ execute wmsys.wm$execSQL('grant select on wmsys.wm$workspaces_table to public'); execute wmsys.wm$execSQL('grant select on wmsys.user_wm_privs to public with grant option'); create public synonym user_wm_privs for wmsys.user_wm_privs; execute wmsys.wm$execSQL('grant select on role_wm_privs to public with grant option'); create public synonym role_wm_privs for wmsys.role_wm_privs; grant select on sys.all_workspaces to public with grant option; create public synonym all_workspaces for sys.all_workspaces; execute wmsys.wm$execSQL('grant select on wmsys.all_workspaces_internal to public with grant option'); create public synonym all_workspaces_internal for wmsys.all_workspaces_internal; execute wmsys.wm$execSQL('grant select on wmsys.user_workspace_privs to public with grant option'); create public synonym user_workspace_privs for wmsys.user_workspace_privs; execute wmsys.wm$execSQL('grant select on wmsys.all_workspace_privs to public with grant option'); create public synonym all_workspace_privs for wmsys.all_workspace_privs; execute wmsys.wm$execSQL('grant select on wmsys.user_wm_versioned_tables to public with grant option'); create public synonym user_wm_versioned_tables for wmsys.user_wm_versioned_tables; execute wmsys.wm$execSQL('grant select on wmsys.all_wm_versioned_tables to public with grant option'); create public synonym all_wm_versioned_tables for wmsys.all_wm_versioned_tables; execute wmsys.wm$execSQL('grant select on wmsys.user_wm_modified_tables to public with grant option'); create public synonym user_wm_modified_tables for wmsys.user_wm_modified_tables; execute wmsys.wm$execSQL('grant select on wmsys.all_wm_modified_tables to public with grant option'); create public synonym all_wm_modified_tables for wmsys.all_wm_modified_tables; execute wmsys.wm$execSQL('grant select on wmsys.user_workspace_savepoints to public with grant option'); create public synonym user_workspace_savepoints for wmsys.user_workspace_savepoints; execute wmsys.wm$execSQL('grant select on wmsys.all_workspace_savepoints to public with grant option'); create public synonym all_workspace_savepoints for wmsys.all_workspace_savepoints; execute wmsys.wm$execSQL('grant select on wmsys.user_wm_tab_triggers to public with grant option'); create public synonym user_wm_tab_triggers for wmsys.user_wm_tab_triggers; execute wmsys.wm$execSQL('grant select on wmsys.all_wm_tab_triggers to public with grant option'); create public synonym all_wm_tab_triggers for wmsys.all_wm_tab_triggers; grant select on sys.dba_workspace_sessions to wm_admin_role; create public synonym dba_workspace_sessions for sys.dba_workspace_sessions; execute wmsys.wm$execSQL('grant select on wmsys.user_wm_ric_info to public with grant option'); create public synonym user_wm_ric_info for wmsys.user_wm_ric_info; execute wmsys.wm$execSQL('grant select on wmsys.all_wm_ric_info to public with grant option'); create public synonym all_wm_ric_info for wmsys.all_wm_ric_info; execute wmsys.wm$execSQL('grant select on wmsys.wm$all_locks_view to public with grant option'); execute wmsys.wm$execSQL('grant select on wmsys.all_wm_locked_tables to public with grant option'); create public synonym all_wm_locked_tables for wmsys.all_wm_locked_tables; execute wmsys.wm$execSQL('grant select on wmsys.user_wm_locked_tables to public with grant option'); create public synonym user_wm_locked_tables for wmsys.user_wm_locked_tables; execute wmsys.wm$execSQL('grant select on wmsys.all_version_hview to public with grant option'); create public synonym all_version_hview for wmsys.all_version_hview; grant select on sys.dba_workspaces to wm_admin_role, select_catalog_role; execute wmsys.wm$execSQL('grant select on wmsys.dba_workspace_savepoints to wm_admin_role, select_catalog_role'); execute wmsys.wm$execSQL('grant select on wmsys.dba_wm_versioned_tables to wm_admin_role, select_catalog_role'); execute wmsys.wm$execSQL('grant select on wmsys.dba_workspace_privs to wm_admin_role, select_catalog_role'); execute wmsys.wm$execSQL('grant select on wmsys.dba_wm_sys_privs to wm_admin_role, select_catalog_role'); create public synonym dba_workspaces for sys.dba_workspaces; create public synonym dba_workspace_savepoints for wmsys.dba_workspace_savepoints; create public synonym dba_wm_versioned_tables for wmsys.dba_wm_versioned_tables; create public synonym dba_workspace_privs for wmsys.dba_workspace_privs; create public synonym dba_wm_sys_privs for wmsys.dba_wm_sys_privs; /* VERSION VIEWS */ create or replace view wmsys.wm$version_view as select vht1.version, vht2.version parent_vers, vht1.workspace from wmsys.wm$version_hierarchy_table vht1, wmsys.wm$version_hierarchy_table vht2, wmsys.wm$version_table vt where (vht1.workspace = vt.workspace and vht2.workspace = vt.anc_workspace and vht2.version <= vt.anc_version) union all select vht1.version, vht2.version parent_vers, vht1.workspace from wmsys.wm$version_hierarchy_table vht1, wmsys.wm$version_hierarchy_table vht2 where (vht2.version <= vht1.version and vht2.workspace = vht1.workspace) WITH READ ONLY; begin if ( 1=2 ) then execute immediate ' create or replace view wmsys.wm$ver_bef_inst_parvers_view as (select parent_vers from wmsys.wm$version_view where version = wmsys.lt_ctx_pkg.my_sys_context(''lt_ctx'',''ver_before_instant'')) WITH READ ONLY'; execute immediate ' create or replace view wmsys.wm$current_parvers_view (parent_vers) as (select version from wmsys.wm$version_hierarchy_table where workspace = nvl(wmsys.lt_ctx_pkg.my_sys_context(''lt_ctx'',''state''),''LIVE'') and version <= decode(wmsys.lt_ctx_pkg.my_sys_context(''lt_ctx'',''version''), null,(SELECT current_version FROM wmsys.wm$workspaces_table WHERE workspace = ''LIVE''), -1,(select current_version from wmsys.wm$workspaces_table where workspace = wmsys.lt_ctx_pkg.my_sys_context(''lt_ctx'',''state'')), wmsys.lt_ctx_pkg.my_sys_context(''lt_ctx'',''version''))) union all (select vht.version from wmsys.wm$version_hierarchy_table vht, wmsys.wm$version_table vt where vt.workspace = nvl(wmsys.lt_ctx_pkg.my_sys_context(''lt_ctx'',''state''),''LIVE'') and vht.workspace = vt.anc_workspace and vht.version <= vt.anc_version) WITH READ ONLY'; else execute immediate ' create or replace view wmsys.wm$ver_bef_inst_parvers_view as (select parent_vers from wmsys.wm$version_view where version = sys_context(''lt_ctx'',''ver_before_instant'')) WITH READ ONLY'; execute immediate ' create or replace view wmsys.wm$current_parvers_view (parent_vers) as (select version from wmsys.wm$version_hierarchy_table where workspace = nvl(sys_context(''lt_ctx'',''state''),''LIVE'') and version <= decode(sys_context(''lt_ctx'',''version''), null,(SELECT current_version FROM wmsys.wm$workspaces_table WHERE workspace = ''LIVE''), -1,(select current_version from wmsys.wm$workspaces_table where workspace = sys_context(''lt_ctx'',''state'')), sys_context(''lt_ctx'',''version''))) union all (select vht.version from wmsys.wm$version_hierarchy_table vht, wmsys.wm$version_table vt where vt.workspace = nvl(sys_context(''lt_ctx'',''state''),''LIVE'') and vht.workspace = vt.anc_workspace and vht.version <= vt.anc_version) WITH READ ONLY'; end if; end; / create or replace view wmsys.wm$current_nextvers_view as select next_vers from wmsys.wm$nextver_table where version IN (SELECT parent_vers FROM wmsys.wm$current_parvers_view) WITH READ ONLY; create or replace view wmsys.wm$ver_bef_inst_nextvers_view as select next_vers from wmsys.wm$nextver_table where version IN (SELECT parent_vers FROM wmsys.wm$ver_bef_inst_parvers_view) WITH READ ONLY; create or replace view wmsys.wm$curConflict_parvers_view (parent_vers) as (select version from wmsys.wm$version_hierarchy_table where workspace = SYS_CONTEXT('lt_ctx','conflict_state') and version <= (select current_version from wmsys.wm$workspaces_table where workspace = SYS_CONTEXT('lt_ctx','conflict_state')) ) WITH READ ONLY; create or replace view wmsys.wm$curConflict_nextvers_view as select version, next_vers, workspace, split from wmsys.wm$nextver_table where version in (select parent_vers FROM wmsys.wm$curConflict_parvers_view) WITH READ ONLY; create or replace view wmsys.wm$parConflict_parvers_view (parent_vers) as (select version from wmsys.wm$version_hierarchy_table where workspace = SYS_CONTEXT('lt_ctx','parent_conflict_state') and version <= (select current_version from wmsys.wm$workspaces_table where workspace = SYS_CONTEXT('lt_ctx','parent_conflict_state')) and version > SYS_CONTEXT('lt_ctx','parent_ver') ) WITH READ ONLY; create or replace view wmsys.wm$parConflict_nextvers_view as select version, next_vers, workspace, split from wmsys.wm$nextver_table where version in (select parent_vers FROM wmsys.wm$parConflict_parvers_view) WITH READ ONLY; create or replace view wmsys.wm$current_workspace_view as select * from wmsys.wm$workspaces_table where workspace = nvl(SYS_CONTEXT('lt_ctx','state'),'LIVE') WITH READ ONLY; create or replace view wmsys.wm$parent_workspace_view as select * from wmsys.wm$workspaces_table where workspace = SYS_CONTEXT('lt_ctx','parent_state') WITH READ ONLY; create or replace view wmsys.wm$current_hierarchy_view as select * from wmsys.wm$version_hierarchy_table where workspace = nvl(sys_context('lt_ctx','state'),'LIVE') WITH READ ONLY; create or replace view wmsys.wm$parent_hierarchy_view as select * from wmsys.wm$version_hierarchy_table where workspace = sys_context('lt_ctx','parent_state') WITH READ ONLY; create or replace view wmsys.wm$curConflict_hierarchy_view as select * from wmsys.wm$version_hierarchy_table where workspace = nvl(sys_context('lt_ctx','conflict_state'),'LIVE') WITH READ ONLY; create or replace view wmsys.wm$parConflict_hierarchy_view as select * from wmsys.wm$version_hierarchy_table where workspace = sys_context('lt_ctx','parent_conflict_state') and version > sys_context('lt_ctx','parent_ver') WITH READ ONLY; create or replace view wmsys.wm$current_savepoints_view as select * from wmsys.wm$workspace_savepoints_table where workspace = nvl(sys_context('lt_ctx','state'),'LIVE') WITH READ ONLY; create or replace view wmsys.wm$modified_tables_view as select table_name, version, workspace from wmsys.wm$modified_tables WITH READ ONLY; begin if ( 1=2 ) then execute immediate ' create or replace view wmsys.wm$current_ver_view as select (decode( nvl(wmsys.lt_ctx_pkg.my_sys_context(''lt_ctx'',''version''), -1), -1, ( select current_version from wmsys.wm$workspaces_table where workspace = nvl(wmsys.lt_ctx_pkg.my_SYS_CONTEXT(''lt_ctx'',''state''),''LIVE'') ), wmsys.lt_ctx_pkg.my_sys_context(''lt_ctx'',''version'') )) cver from dual WITH READ ONLY'; else execute immediate ' create or replace view wmsys.wm$current_ver_view as (select current_version from wmsys.wm$workspaces_table where workspace = nvl(SYS_CONTEXT(''lt_ctx'',''state''),''LIVE'') and ( sys_context(''lt_ctx'', ''version'') is null or sys_context(''lt_ctx'', ''version'') = -1)) union all (select to_number(sys_context(''lt_ctx'', ''version'')) from dual where sys_context(''lt_ctx'', ''version'') is not null and sys_context(''lt_ctx'', ''version'') != -1) WITH READ ONLY'; end if; end; / /* DIFF VIEWS */ create or replace view wmsys.wm$diff1_hierarchy_view as select * from wmsys.wm$version_hierarchy_table start with version = sys_context('lt_ctx', 'diffver1') connect by prior parent_version = version WITH READ ONLY; create or replace view wmsys.wm$diff2_hierarchy_view as select version from wmsys.wm$version_hierarchy_table start with version = sys_context('lt_ctx', 'diffver2') connect by prior parent_version = version WITH READ ONLY; create or replace view wmsys.wm$base_hierarchy_view as select version from wmsys.wm$version_hierarchy_table start with version = sys_context('lt_ctx', 'diffbasever') connect by prior parent_version = version WITH READ ONLY; create or replace view wmsys.wm$diff1_nextver_view as select next_vers from wmsys.wm$nextver_table where version in (select version from wmsys.wm$diff1_hierarchy_view) WITH READ ONLY; create or replace view wmsys.wm$diff2_nextver_view as select next_vers from wmsys.wm$nextver_table where version in (select version from wmsys.wm$diff2_hierarchy_view) WITH READ ONLY; create or replace view wmsys.wm$base_nextver_view as select next_vers from wmsys.wm$nextver_table where version in (select version from wmsys.wm$base_hierarchy_view) WITH READ ONLY; create public synonym wm$current_parvers_view for wmsys.wm$current_parvers_view; create public synonym wm$current_nextvers_view for wmsys.wm$current_nextvers_view; create public synonym wm$curConflict_parvers_view for wmsys.wm$curConflict_parvers_view; create public synonym wm$curConflict_nextvers_view for wmsys.wm$curConflict_nextvers_view; create public synonym wm$parConflict_parvers_view for wmsys.wm$parConflict_parvers_view; create public synonym wm$parConflict_nextvers_view for wmsys.wm$parConflict_nextvers_view; create public synonym wm$current_workspace_view for wmsys.wm$current_workspace_view; create public synonym wm$parent_workspace_view for wmsys.wm$parent_workspace_view; create public synonym wm$current_hierarchy_view for wmsys.wm$current_hierarchy_view; create public synonym wm$parent_hierarchy_view for wmsys.wm$parent_hierarchy_view; create public synonym wm$curConflict_hierarchy_view for wmsys.wm$curConflict_hierarchy_view; create public synonym wm$parConflict_hierarchy_view for wmsys.wm$parConflict_hierarchy_view; create public synonym wm$current_savepoints_view for wmsys.wm$current_savepoints_view; create public synonym wm$diff1_hierarchy_view for wmsys.wm$diff1_hierarchy_view; create public synonym wm$diff2_hierarchy_view for wmsys.wm$diff2_hierarchy_view; create public synonym wm$base_hierarchy_view for wmsys.wm$base_hierarchy_view; create public synonym wm$diff1_nextver_view for wmsys.wm$diff1_nextver_view; create public synonym wm$diff2_nextver_view for wmsys.wm$diff2_nextver_view; create public synonym wm$base_nextver_view for wmsys.wm$base_nextver_view; create public synonym wm$current_ver_view for wmsys.wm$current_ver_view; create public synonym wm$ver_bef_inst_parvers_view for wmsys.wm$ver_bef_inst_parvers_view; create public synonym wm$ver_bef_inst_nextvers_view for wmsys.wm$ver_bef_inst_nextvers_view; execute wmsys.wm$execSQL('grant select on wmsys.wm$current_parvers_view to public with grant option'); execute wmsys.wm$execSQL('grant select on wmsys.wm$current_nextvers_view to public with grant option'); execute wmsys.wm$execSQL('grant select on wmsys.wm$curConflict_parvers_view to public with grant option'); execute wmsys.wm$execSQL('grant select on wmsys.wm$curConflict_nextvers_view to public with grant option'); execute wmsys.wm$execSQL('grant select on wmsys.wm$parConflict_parvers_view to public with grant option'); execute wmsys.wm$execSQL('grant select on wmsys.wm$parConflict_nextvers_view to public with grant option'); execute wmsys.wm$execSQL('grant select on wmsys.wm$current_workspace_view to public with grant option'); execute wmsys.wm$execSQL('grant select on wmsys.wm$parent_workspace_view to public with grant option'); execute wmsys.wm$execSQL('grant select on wmsys.wm$current_hierarchy_view to public with grant option'); execute wmsys.wm$execSQL('grant select on wmsys.wm$parent_hierarchy_view to public with grant option'); execute wmsys.wm$execSQL('grant select,insert,update,delete on wmsys.wm$curConflict_hierarchy_view to public with grant option'); execute wmsys.wm$execSQL('grant select,insert,update,delete on wmsys.wm$parConflict_hierarchy_view to public with grant option'); execute wmsys.wm$execSQL('grant select on wmsys.wm$current_savepoints_view to public with grant option'); execute wmsys.wm$execSQL('grant select on wmsys.wm$diff1_hierarchy_view to public with grant option'); execute wmsys.wm$execSQL('grant select on wmsys.wm$diff2_hierarchy_view to public with grant option'); execute wmsys.wm$execSQL('grant select on wmsys.wm$base_hierarchy_view to public with grant option'); execute wmsys.wm$execSQL('grant select on wmsys.wm$diff1_nextver_view to public with grant option'); execute wmsys.wm$execSQL('grant select on wmsys.wm$diff2_nextver_view to public with grant option'); execute wmsys.wm$execSQL('grant select on wmsys.wm$base_nextver_view to public with grant option'); execute wmsys.wm$execSQL('grant select on wmsys.wm$current_ver_view to public with grant option'); execute wmsys.wm$execSQL('grant select on wmsys.wm$ver_bef_inst_parvers_view to public with grant option'); execute wmsys.wm$execSQL('grant select on wmsys.wm$ver_bef_inst_nextvers_view to public with grant option'); execute wmsys.wm$execSQL('grant select on wmsys.wm$modified_tables_view to public with grant option'); /* !!!!!!!!!!! BEGIN 902 related CHANGES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! * -------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* NOTE: Please add all changes to views for 902 in this section. * For downgrades, we need to keep track of what views to drop. * and since we are not keeping delta changes for each release * for views in separate files (like for tables), we have to keep * new changes in well commented sections in this file itself. */ /* * Added in 902 MAIN branch. documented for migration tool. * Separated to keep track of incremental changes after 901 release. * Anything after OVM_9. label should be put * in the following area. */ create or replace view wmsys.wm$mw_parvers_view as select unique parent_vers from wmsys.wm$version_view where version in ( select current_version from wmsys.wm$workspaces_table where workspace in (select workspace from wmsys.wm$mw_table) ); execute wmsys.wm$execSQL('grant select on wmsys.wm$mw_parvers_view to public with grant option'); create or replace view wmsys.wm$mw_nextvers_view as select next_vers from wmsys.wm$nextver_table where version in (select parent_vers from wmsys.wm$mw_parvers_view); execute wmsys.wm$execSQL('grant select on wmsys.wm$mw_nextvers_view to public with grant option'); /* * Bug: We are joining with all_view table, but top view may have been * dropped in the disable-versioning error window ... think of a * workaround. Can't use _LT because we revoke granted privs from it * at time of enable-versioning. * Temp-Fix : In case of an error, most of the time, top view will not exist, so this view * will not show that table. Combine with all_tables and join in _LT table, to at least * show it correctly to someone with DBA privs. */ create or replace view wmsys.all_wm_vt_errors as select vt.owner,vt.table_name,vt.state,vt.sql_str,et.status,et.error_msg from (select t1.owner,t1.table_name,t1.disabling_ver state,nt.index_type,nt.index_field,dbms_lob.substr(nt.sql_str,4000,1) sql_str from wmsys.wm$versioned_tables t1, table(t1.undo_code) nt) vt, wmsys.wm$vt_errors_table et, all_tables av where vt.owner = et.owner and vt.table_name = et.table_name and vt.index_type = et.index_type and vt.index_field = et.index_field and vt.owner = av.owner and vt.table_name || '_LT' = av.table_name; execute wmsys.wm$execSQL('grant select on wmsys.all_wm_vt_errors to public with grant option'); create public synonym all_wm_vt_errors for wmsys.all_wm_vt_errors; create or replace view wmsys.user_wm_vt_errors as select vt.owner,vt.table_name,vt.state,vt.sql_str,et.status,et.error_msg from (select t1.owner,t1.table_name,t1.disabling_ver state,nt.index_type,nt.index_field,dbms_lob.substr(nt.sql_str,4000,1) sql_str from wmsys.wm$versioned_tables t1, table(t1.undo_code) nt) vt, wmsys.wm$vt_errors_table et where vt.owner = et.owner and vt.table_name = et.table_name and vt.index_type = et.index_type and vt.index_field = et.index_field and vt.owner = USER; execute wmsys.wm$execSQL('grant select on wmsys.user_wm_vt_errors to public with grant option'); create public synonym user_wm_vt_errors for wmsys.user_wm_vt_errors; create or replace view wmsys.wm$parvers_view (parent_vers) as (select version from wmsys.wm$version_hierarchy_table where workspace = nvl(sys_context('lt_ctx','state'),'LIVE')) union all (select vht.version from wmsys.wm$version_hierarchy_table vht, wmsys.wm$version_table vt where vt.workspace = nvl(sys_context('lt_ctx','state'),'LIVE') and vht.workspace = vt.anc_workspace and vht.version <= vt.anc_version) WITH READ ONLY; execute wmsys.wm$execSQL('grant select on wmsys.wm$parvers_view to public with grant option'); create public synonym wm$parvers_view for wmsys.wm$parvers_view; create or replace view wmsys.wm$versions_in_live_view (parent_vers) as (select version from wmsys.wm$version_hierarchy_table where workspace = 'LIVE') WITH READ ONLY; execute wmsys.wm$execSQL('grant select on wmsys.wm$versions_in_live_view to public with grant option'); create public synonym wm$versions_in_live_view for wmsys.wm$versions_in_live_view; /* !!!!!!!!!!! END 913 related CHANGES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! * -------------------------------------------------------------- */ @@owmv9013.plb