/* NOTE: * We create the wmsys user and lock his account because we want * to make his password public but restrict access to the account * to the SYS schema. So, to unlock the account, dba privs are * required. */ create or replace function sys.wm$convertDbVersion wrapped a000000 1 abcd abcd abcd abcd abcd abcd abcd abcd abcd abcd abcd abcd abcd abcd abcd 8 270 158 7YzoyUrxd7Gdk3sWAMdGV8+fL5QwgxDxJJkVfC+VkPg+SC+DrOMNRVR70nI9ORTm8W/ErAaP cJnFRc7uAHmNFt9eFe3+Er9x8ZR6zH7X7p92ueySRSRMJXm+JJAoLs2JFhTejcPhl1oUQhTo 0efDAo9P4VRZo6becfekBOpTovNpbMYuPVyah8bHHdXUbIYaA0eo2gEeEGAztJ+oNixxaa0i EE+K6efC46r7IKKCRJYsbJ88LzT0b6UqdJW091XTU/EPyBesBhwRJ6zxHIV4Nd4oIYI1tB3X LmkzQDDyHva7VR32//hzmotzn7t3KDLctSqW7W3oggR6ptu2iZs= / grant execute on sys.wm$convertDBVersion to public; Declare cnt integer; version_str varchar2(1000) := ''; compatibility_str varchar2(1000) := ''; Begin dbms_utility.db_version(version_str,compatibility_str); version_str := sys.wm$convertDbVersion(version_str); compatibility_str := sys.wm$convertDbVersion(compatibility_str); select count(*) into cnt from dba_tablespaces where tablespace_name = 'SYSAUX'; if (nlssort(version_str, 'nls_sort=ascii7') >= nlssort('A.', 'nls_sort=ascii7') and nlssort(compatibility_str, 'nls_sort=ascii7') >= nlssort('', 'nls_sort=ascii7') and cnt > 0) then execute immediate 'create user wmsys identified by wmsys account lock password expire default tablespace SYSAUX'; else execute immediate 'create user wmsys identified by wmsys account lock password expire'; end if; End; / grant connect, resource, create public synonym, drop public synonym, create role to wmsys; /* * SYS cannot directly grant execute on wmsys.type to public. * So, we have to do this hack of creating a procedure in wmsys, * that does the SQL... */ create or replace procedure wmsys.wm$execSQL wrapped a000000 1 abcd abcd abcd abcd abcd abcd abcd abcd abcd abcd abcd abcd abcd abcd abcd 7 50 89 WeCtcur8g/RiT0kmc2+9WwlxhP8wg5nnm7+fMr2ywFwWclyhO1ouy8vSs6YGj8jKAnzGyhco xsrvLkTGcNFJ6r+uJNFERLHn6sFQL+pErg8P6h+ugMqZUYPs2T1ylez7po3alPQ= / /* * !!!!!!!!!! NOTE !!!!! NOTE !!!!!!! NOTE !!!!!!! NOTE !!!!!!!!!!!!! * ------------------------------------------------------------------ * Whenever the definition of a table is changed i.e. either a new column * is added or the definition of any column is changed OR whenever a new * table is added, please make sure that export is made aware of the change. * The export support code is tightly dependent on the definition of the * system tables and will break if the table definitons are modified. * All the export support code is in the following files: * ovmeadms.sql, ovmeadmb.sql, ovmexps.sql, ovmexpb.sql */ create type wmsys.wm$lock_info_type TIMESTAMP '2001-07-29:12:06:07' OID '8A3DB78598BD5DE2E034080020EDC61B' wrapped a000000 1 abcd abcd abcd abcd abcd abcd abcd abcd abcd abcd abcd abcd abcd abcd abcd d 9c a2 xByvrbM+14dgykYpNRIWwI7LR5owg5n0dLhcFnJc+vqu/0pyRwzZ0JYmVlpDCbh0K6W/m8Ay y7OPCanWL4BJLLEwtbgkscoCfMbKFyjGyu+yth0upHQqP0q84p5XPTCSvjpqtLgqQDk57HFn ppSxoMmmps7fZnE= / create type wmsys.wm$lock_table_type TIMESTAMP '2001-07-29:12:06:07' OID '8A3DB78598C35DE2E034080020EDC61B' as table of wmsys.wm$lock_info_type; / execute wmsys.wm$execSQL('grant execute on wmsys.wm$lock_table_type to public'); /* Referential integrity constraints table */ create table wmsys.wm$ric_table ( ct_owner varchar2(40), /* child table owner */ ct_name varchar2(40), /* child table name */ pt_owner varchar2(40), /* parent table owner */ pt_name varchar2(40), /* parent table name */ ric_name varchar2(40), /* referential integrity constraint name */ ct_cols varchar2(4000), /* foreign key columns of the child table participating in the RIC. Comma separated and comma at the end. */ pt_cols varchar2(4000), /* unique key columns of the parent table participating in the RIC. comma separated and comma at the end. */ pt_unique_const_name varchar2(40), /* name of the unique constraint defined on the parent table. */ my_mode varchar2(2), /* cascade or restrict */ status varchar2(8), /* 'ENABLED' or 'DISABLED' */ constraint wm$ric_pk PRIMARY KEY (ct_owner, ric_name) ); create index wmsys.wm$ric_table_ct_idx on wmsys.wm$ric_table(ct_owner, ct_name); create index wmsys.wm$ric_table_pt_idx on wmsys.wm$ric_table(pt_owner, pt_name); /* * Table for storing sql code for before update and before delete triggers * on a non-version-enabled parent table. The child table is version enabled. */ create table wmsys.wm$ric_triggers_table ( pt_owner varchar2(40), /* parent table owner */ pt_name varchar2(40), /* parent table name */ ct_owner varchar2(40), /* child table owner */ ct_name varchar2(40), /* child table name */ update_trigger_name varchar2(40), /* before update trigger name */ delete_trigger_name varchar2(40), /* before delete trigger name */ CONSTRAINT wm$ric_triggers_pk PRIMARY KEY (pt_owner, pt_name, ct_owner, ct_name) ); /* * sequence for generating names of before update and delete triggers * defined on a non-versioned parent table for implementing RIC's */ create sequence wmsys.wm$up_del_trig_name_sequence; /* table for storing istead of triggers names */ create table wmsys.wm$insteadof_trigs_table ( table_owner varchar2(40), table_name varchar2(40), insert_trig_name varchar2(40), update_trig_name varchar2(40), delete_trig_name varchar2(40), CONSTRAINT wm$insteadof_trigs_pk PRIMARY KEY (table_owner, table_name)); /* sequence for constructing instead of trigger names */ create sequence wmsys.wm$insteadof_trigs_sequence; create table wmsys.wm$workspaces_table ( workspace varchar2(30), parent_workspace varchar2(30), current_version number, parent_version number, post_version number, verlist varchar2(2000), owner varchar2(30), createTime date, description varchar2(1000), workspace_lock_id integer, freeze_status varchar2(8), freeze_mode varchar2(12), freeze_writer varchar2(30), oper_status varchar2(30), wm_lockmode varchar2(5), isRefreshed integer, constraint wm$workspaces_pk PRIMARY KEY (workspace) ); /* UNCOMMENT FOR EXTENDED STATE NAMES create index state_table_indx on state_table (reverse(state_name)); */ insert into wmsys.wm$workspaces_table values ('LIVE',null,0,null,null,null,'SYS', null, null, 0, 'UNLOCKED',null,null,null,null,0); commit; /* sequence for constructing instead of trigger names */ create sequence wmsys.wm$lock_sequence; /* create table wmsys.wm$version_table ( version integer, parent_vers integer, workspace varchar2(30), constraint wm$version_pk PRIMARY KEY (version,parent_vers)); */ create table wmsys.wm$version_table ( workspace varchar2(30), anc_workspace varchar2(30), anc_version integer, constraint wm$version_pk PRIMARY KEY (workspace, anc_workspace)); create table wmsys.wm$nextver_table ( version integer, next_vers varchar2(500), workspace varchar2(30), split integer); create index wmsys.wm$nextver_table_indx on wmsys.wm$nextver_table(version); create table wmsys.wm$version_hierarchy_table ( version integer, parent_version integer, workspace varchar2(30), constraint wm$version_hierarchy_pk PRIMARY KEY (version)); insert into wmsys.wm$version_hierarchy_table values (0,-1,'LIVE'); /* Create the Versioned tables table */ /* create enable/disable versioning undo code related types */ create type wmsys.wm$ed_undo_code_node_type TIMESTAMP '2001-07-29:12:08:55' OID '8A3DA47750525DCEE034080020EDC61B' wrapped a000000 1 abcd abcd abcd abcd abcd abcd abcd abcd abcd abcd abcd abcd abcd abcd abcd d 6e 9a fHTTF+bP2yxALCA3XsB94Bz3+kkwg5n0dLhcFnJcoS70ltcM+tCu/66h8HId82yNRCZxSq+e +dyH4v+onqtxnkE/0eLzCKjKpJ5n3OMKmPbIy1m01+s9xkSTV1dQSSJXFFr7Nm4Q5JCOITuI pq51HHU= / execute wmsys.wm$execSQL('grant execute on wmsys.wm$ed_undo_code_node_type to public'); create type wmsys.wm$ed_undo_code_table_type TIMESTAMP '2001-07-29:12:08:55' OID '8A3DA47750585DCEE034080020EDC61B' as table of wmsys.wm$ed_undo_code_node_type; / execute wmsys.wm$execSQL('grant execute on wmsys.wm$ed_undo_code_table_type to public'); create table wmsys.wm$versioned_tables ( vtid integer not null, table_name varchar2(30), owner varchar2(30), notification integer, notifyWorkspaces varchar2(4000), disabling_ver VARCHAR2(13), ricWeight integer, isFastLive integer default 0, isWorkflow integer default 0, hist varchar2(50) default 'NONE', /* history option */ pkey_cols varchar2(4000) default '', undo_code wmsys.wm$ed_undo_code_table_type, constraint wm$versioned_tables__pk PRIMARY KEY (table_name, owner) ) nested table undo_code store as wm$versioned_tables_undo_code; create sequence wmsys.wm$vtid; create table wmsys.wm$workspace_priv_table ( grantee varchar2(30), workspace varchar2(30), grantor varchar2(30), priv varchar2(10), admin integer ); insert into wmsys.wm$workspace_priv_table values ('WM_ADMIN_ROLE',null,'SYS','AA',1); insert into wmsys.wm$workspace_priv_table values ('WM_ADMIN_ROLE',null,'SYS','CA',1); insert into wmsys.wm$workspace_priv_table values ('WM_ADMIN_ROLE',null,'SYS','RA',1); insert into wmsys.wm$workspace_priv_table values ('WM_ADMIN_ROLE',null,'SYS','DA',1); insert into wmsys.wm$workspace_priv_table values ('WM_ADMIN_ROLE',null,'SYS','MA',1); insert into wmsys.wm$workspace_priv_table values ('PUBLIC','LIVE','SYS','M',0); insert into wmsys.wm$workspace_priv_table values ('PUBLIC','LIVE','SYS','A',0); commit; create table wmsys.wm$workspace_sessions_table ( username varchar2(30), workspace varchar2(30), sid varchar2(25), myver integer default -1, constraint wm$workspace_sessions_pk PRIMARY KEY (workspace, sid)); create table wmsys.wm$workspace_savepoints_table ( workspace varchar2(30), savepoint varchar2(30), version number, position integer, is_implicit number, owner varchar2(30), createTime date, description varchar2(1000), constraint wm$workspace_savepoints_pk PRIMARY KEY (workspace, savepoint)); create type wmsys.wm$conflict_payload_type TIMESTAMP '2001-07-29:12:06:11' OID '8A3DB78598D25DE2E034080020EDC61B' wrapped a000000 1 abcd abcd abcd abcd abcd abcd abcd abcd abcd abcd abcd abcd abcd abcd abcd d c2 db 3YwKUdKWq/KvN+tzJk9r1uTl7fswg5n0dLhcFnJcof9yDNn6WdH0llrYR/quWfSWJlZaQ8B0 K6W/m8Ayy8xQjwnnsp+ynstSdFJcqal8xsoXKMbK77ILHS6k0QIvrg/qDqAgpsODRE3TFoqK u8FvLLksXaR2j32Kq19QAeBwprPBfV2G/MF9bWpUILGFfIBPaXVW5oPnTZAM6+z7prXclo8= / create table wmsys.wm$modified_tables ( vtid integer, /* unique id for versioned_table */ table_name varchar2(61), /* owner_name.table_name */ version integer, workspace varchar2(30) ); alter table wmsys.wm$modified_tables add constraint modified_tables_pk PRIMARY KEY (workspace, table_name, version) ; create table wmsys.wm$adt_func_table ( func_name varchar2(30), type_name varchar2(30), ref_count number /* number of cols using this type */ ); create sequence wmsys.wm$adt_sequence; /* begin dbms_aqadm.create_queue_table( queue_table=> 'wmsys.wm$conflicts_queue_table', multiple_consumers => TRUE, queue_payload_type => 'wmsys.wm$conflict_payload_type', compatible => '8.1.5'); dbms_aqadm.create_queue( queue_name => 'wmsys.wm$conflicts_queue', queue_table => 'wmsys.wm$conflicts_queue_table', retention_time => 1, comment => 'Q for WM Conflicts'); dbms_aqadm.start_queue('wmsys.wm$conflicts_queue'); end; / */ create sequence wmsys.wm$version_sequence; create sequence wmsys.wm$row_sync_id_sequence start with 11; create table wmsys.wm$udtrig_info ( trig_owner_name varchar2(50), trig_name varchar2(50), table_owner_name varchar2(50), table_name varchar2(50), trig_type varchar2(3), status varchar(10), /* ENABLED OR DISABLED */ trig_procedure varchar2(50), /* wmsys.wm generated proc implementing the trigger */ when_clause varchar2(4000), description varchar2(4000), trig_code long, constraint wm$udtrig_info_pk primary key (trig_owner_name,trig_name)); /* stores names of OVM generated procedures for dispatching procedures implementing user-defined triggers */ create table wmsys.wm$udtrig_dispatch_procs ( table_owner_name varchar2(50), table_name varchar2(50), dispatcher_name varchar2(50), bir_flag varchar2(3) default '', air_flag varchar2(3) default '', bur_flag varchar2(3) default '', aur_flag varchar2(3) default '', bdr_flag varchar2(3) default '', adr_flag varchar2(3) default '', constraint wm$udtrig_dispatch_procs_pk primary key (table_owner_name,table_name)); create sequence wmsys.wm$udtrig_dispatcher_sequence; create table wmsys.wm$resolve_workspaces_table ( workspace varchar2(30), resolve_user varchar2(30), undo_sp_name varchar2(30), undo_sp_ver integer, oldFreezeMode varchar2(30), oldFreezeWriter varchar2(30), constraint wm$resolve_workspaces_pk PRIMARY KEY (workspace) ); INSERT INTO sys.exppkgact$ VALUES ('LT_EXPORT_PKG','WMSYS',1,1000); INSERT INTO sys.exppkgact$ VALUES ('LT_EXPORT_PKG','WMSYS',2,1000); commit; create table wmsys.wm$env_vars( name varchar2(100), value varchar2(4000) ); /* Ramesh - * In workspace operations like commit,remove, etc. it becomes very * expensive to look for rows that were locked by an explicit call to * lockRows - These are ancestor rows that are locked but not versioned * in the workspace. So, finding these rows essentially requires a table * scan. In order to avoid the table scan, we keep additional info during * each lockRows call. We keep the workspace, table_name and the where * clause passed in to lock Rows for use later.. */ create table wmsys.wm$lockrows_info( workspace varchar2(30), owner varchar2(30), table_name varchar2(30), where_clause clob); create index wmsys.wm$lockrows_info_idx on wmsys.wm$lockrows_info (workspace); insert into wmsys.wm$env_vars values('OWM_VERSION',''); commit; @@owmt9012.plb