declare sql_str varchar2(1000); env_vars_table varchar2(61) := null; release_ver varchar2(50); cnt integer; wmsys_exist integer; table_not_exists EXCEPTION; PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(table_not_exists, -00942); invalid_synonym EXCEPTION; PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(invalid_synonym, -01432); begin select count(*) into cnt from dba_tables where owner = 'WMSYS' and table_name = 'WM$ENV_VARS'; if (cnt = 1) then env_vars_table := 'WMSYS.WM$ENV_VARS'; else select count(*) into cnt from dba_tables where owner = 'SYSTEM' and table_name = 'WM$ENV_VARS'; if (cnt = 1) then env_vars_table := 'SYSTEM.WM$ENV_VARS'; else execute immediate 'create or replace view sys.wm_installation as select ''OWM_VERSION'' name, ''NOT_INSTALLED'' value from dual'; end if; end if; if (env_vars_table is not null) then select count(*) into wmsys_exist from dba_users where username = 'WMSYS' ; if (wmsys_exist>0) then begin execute immediate 'drop view sys.wm_installation' ; exception when table_not_exists then null ; end ; sql_str := 'create or replace view wmsys.wm_installation as select name, value from ' || env_vars_table; else begin execute immediate 'drop view wmsys.wm_installation' ; exception when table_not_exists then null ; end ; sql_str := 'create or replace view sys.wm_installation as select name, value from ' || env_vars_table; end if ; execute immediate 'select count(*) from ' || env_vars_table || ' where name = ''OWM_VERSION''' into cnt; if (cnt = 0) then select count(*) into cnt from dba_tables where owner = 'SYSTEM' and table_name = 'WM$LOCKROWS_INFO'; if(cnt = 1) then release_ver := ''; else release_ver := 'BETA RELEASE'; end if; sql_str := sql_str || ' union select ''OWM_VERSION'',''' || release_ver || ''' from dual'; end if; begin select 1 into cnt from dba_tab_columns where owner = 'WMSYS' and table_name = 'WM$ENV_VARS' and column_name = 'HIDDEN' ; sql_str := sql_str || ' where hidden=0' ; exception when no_data_found then null; end ; begin execute immediate 'select 1 from dual where exists (select 1 from wmsys.wm$sysparam_all_values)' into cnt ; sql_str := sql_str || ' union select name, value from wmsys.wm$sysparam_all_values sv where isdefault = ''YES'' and not exists (select 1 from wmsys.wm$env_vars ev where = ' ; exception when table_not_exists then null; end ; execute immediate sql_str || ' WITH READ ONLY'; end if; if (wmsys_exist>0) then execute immediate 'grant select on wmsys.wm_installation to public with grant option' ; execute immediate 'create or replace public synonym wm_installation for wmsys.wm_installation' ; else execute immediate 'grant select on sys.wm_installation to public with grant option' ; execute immediate 'create or replace public synonym wm_installation for sys.wm_installation' ; end if ; end; /