Rem Copyright (c) 1995, 1996, 1997 by Oracle Corp. All Rights Reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem owaload7.sql - PL/SQL Gateway package installation (For 7.x DB) Rem PURPOSE Rem Install the PL/SQL packages needed to run the PL/SQL Rem gateway. Rem NOTES Rem This driver script installs the PL/SQL gateway toolkit Rem packages (such as HTP/HTP/OWA_UTIL, WPG_DOCLOAD etc.) Rem as well as other internal packages needed by the Rem PL/SQL gateway. Rem HISTORY Rem pkapasi 10/12/00 - owaload.sql modified to work with 7.x databases Rem whenever oserror exit 32767 set define on spool &&1 Rem Rem Create the wpiutl describe package in SYS. Rem DECLARE -- procedure executes a DDL and ignores errors if any. PROCEDURE execute_ddl(ddl_statement VARCHAR2) IS ddl_cursor INTEGER; BEGIN -- try to execute DDL ddl_cursor := dbms_sql.open_cursor; -- issue the DDL statement dbms_sql.parse (ddl_cursor, ddl_statement, dbms_sql.native); dbms_sql.close_cursor (ddl_cursor); EXCEPTION -- ignore exceptions when others then if (dbms_sql.is_open(ddl_cursor)) then dbms_sql.close_cursor(ddl_cursor); end if; END; BEGIN execute_ddl ('drop package sys.wpiutl'); END; / @@wpiutl7.sql set define off Rem call owacomm.sql TO load ALL OF the common owa/gateway packages @@owacomm7.sql spool off exit