Rem Rem $Header: wwg_src_1/admin/owa/owainst.sql /st_www_101200rdbms/9 2010/03/30 01:44:47 rpang Exp $ Rem Rem owainst.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2001, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Rem All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem owainst.sql - OWA pkg installation script Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem This file is a driver file that installs the OWA packages Rem bundled with the database. If you are directly invoking Rem the script you must run this script as SYS. Rem Rem Note: this script also gets used during upgrades. Rem If the OWA packages already loaded in the database (if any) Rem are more recent (based on OWA_UTIL.get_version() value), Rem then this script will not reload the shipped OWA packages. Rem Rem NOTES Rem This script can automatically install OWA packages in databases Rem version 8.0.x and higher and is normally invoked via owaload.sql Rem Here is what the script does Rem - For 9.0.x and above, installs owacomm.sql Rem - For 8.1.x and above, installs wpiutl.sql and owacomm8i.sql Rem - For 8.0.x and above, installs wpiutl.sql and owacomm8.sql Rem To install the OWA packages in a 7.x database (not certified, Rem but should work), manually install wpiutl7.sql and owacomm7.sql Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem rpang 03/30/10 - Revalidate objects after revoke Rem rpang 01/20/10 - Revoke debug privilege Rem pkapasi 06/25/07 - Increment version(bug#6013207) Rem pkapasi 11/03/06 - Bump up owa version for next release Rem pkapasi 10/12/06 - Increment version number Rem mmuppago 04/27/06 - bumping up ship version Rem akatti 11/14/05 - Bump up version Rem mmuppago 10/03/05 - Bump up the version Rem ehlee 04/25/05 - Bump up version Rem ehlee 09/02/04 - Bump up version Rem dnonkin 09/01/04 - Bump up version Rem pkapasi 11/27/03 - Bump up version Rem pkapasi 05/29/03 - Fix bugs and bump up version Rem ehlee 11/01/02 - Bump up version Rem ehlee 10/31/02 - Bump up version Rem pkapasi 10/09/02 - Bump up version Rem pkapasi 08/07/02 - Bump up version Rem ehlee 06/10/02 - Bump up version Rem ehlee 12/03/01 - Bump up version Rem ehlee 10/15/01 - Bump up version Rem pkapasi 09/21/01 - Bump up version Rem skwong 08/20/01 - Add owacomm8i.sql for 8i. Rem pkapasi 08/02/01 - Remove recompile of owa_util. causes invalidations Rem ehlee 07/11/01 - Change version to Rem pkapasi 06/14/01 - Change script to work for all 8.x databases Rem pkapasi 06/12/01 - Cleanup logic to figure which file is installed Rem pkapasi 06/12/01 - Add logic to install based on database version Rem kmuthukk 04/27/01 - version check based OWA pkg install Rem kmuthukk 04/27/01 - Created Rem whenever sqlerror exit sql.sqlcode Prompt Revoking the debug privileges declare l_privilege varchar2(10) := 'DEBUG'; l_owner varchar2(10) := 'PUBLIC'; /** * Revokes the debug privilege on specific packages * for which excess privileges were granted * incorrectly in earlier releases. **/ procedure revoke_privileges ( p_privilege in varchar2, p_user in varchar2 ) is object_name dba_tab_privs.table_name%type := null; -- Fetch all the specific objects -- for which the user has the privilege. -- Here we are revoking privileges on precise objects for which -- privileges were granted incorrectly in earlier releases through -- the scripts owacomm.sql and privcust.sql. -- This cursor will be invoked using the -- 'Debug' Privilege and 'Public' user. cursor object_prv (p_privilege IN varchar2 ,p_user IN varchar2) is select table_name from dba_tab_privs, dba_objects where privilege=p_privilege and grantee = p_user and table_name = object_name and object_type ='PACKAGE' and dba_objects.OWNER ='SYS' and dba_objects.OWNER = dba_tab_privs.OWNER and object_name in ('OWA_CUSTOM','OWA', 'HTF', 'HTP','OWA_COOKIE','OWA_IMAGE', 'OWA_OPT_LOCK','OWA_PATTERN','OWA_SEC', 'OWA_TEXT','OWA_UTIL','OWA_CACHE','OWA_MATCH'); l_revoke_cmd varchar2(4000); begin -- Execute the query for fetching -- the objects for which the user has privilege. open object_prv (p_privilege,p_user); -- Loop through the objects on which -- the user has the privilege and -- revoke the privilege. loop fetch object_prv into object_name; exit when object_prv%NOTFOUND; -- Execute the revoke privilege command l_revoke_cmd := 'Revoke ' || p_privilege || ' on ' || object_name || ' from ' || p_user; dbms_output.put_line ('Revoking privilege on ' || object_name); execute immediate l_revoke_cmd ; end loop; -- Close the cursor. close object_prv; exception when others then dbms_output.put_line ('ERROR: owacomm.sql while revoking the privilege on ' || object_name ); dbms_output.put_line(sqlerrm ); if object_prv%isopen then close object_prv; end if; raise; end revoke_privileges; /** * Returns true if the user has * privilege on specific packages for which * excess privilege was granted incorrectly * during earlier releases. * False otherwise. */ function has_privilege ( p_privilege in varchar2, p_user in varchar2 ) return boolean is l_count number := null; -- Fetch the count of objects (precise packages) -- for which the user has the privilege. -- This cursor will be invoked using the -- 'Debug' Privilege and 'Public' user. -- So this fetches the count of precise packages for which -- the public user has debug privileges that were -- incorrectly granted in earlier releases. cursor object_prv (p_privilege IN varchar2 ,p_user IN varchar2) is select count(1) from dba_tab_privs, dba_objects where privilege = p_privilege and grantee = p_user and table_name = object_name and dba_objects.OWNER ='SYS' and dba_objects.OWNER = dba_tab_privs.OWNER and object_type ='PACKAGE' and object_name in ('OWA_CUSTOM','OWA', 'HTF', 'HTP','OWA_COOKIE','OWA_IMAGE', 'OWA_OPT_LOCK','OWA_PATTERN','OWA_SEC', 'OWA_TEXT','OWA_UTIL','OWA_CACHE','OWA_MATCH'); l_has_privilege boolean := false; begin -- Get the count of owa packages -- for which the user has the privilege. -- Execute the query. open object_prv (p_privilege,p_user); -- Fetch the result. fetch object_prv into l_count; -- Close the cursor. close object_prv; -- Return true if there are packages -- with debug privileges for public. -- False otherwise. if l_count > 0 then l_has_privilege := true; end if; return l_has_privilege; exception when others then dbms_output.put_line ('ERROR: owacomm.sql while checking privileges.'); dbms_output.put_line(sqlerrm ); if object_prv%isopen then close object_prv; end if; raise; end has_privilege; /** * Revalidate any invalid packages and package bodies * after the revoke. **/ procedure revalidate_objects is object_name dba_objects.object_name%type := null; object_type dba_objects.object_type%type := null; -- Fetch all the invalid objects after the revoke. cursor invalid_obj is select object_name, object_type from dba_objects where object_type in ('PACKAGE', 'PACKAGE BODY') and owner ='SYS' and object_name in ('OWA_CUSTOM','OWA', 'HTF', 'HTP','OWA_COOKIE','OWA_IMAGE', 'OWA_OPT_LOCK','OWA_PATTERN','OWA_SEC', 'OWA_TEXT','OWA_UTIL','OWA_CACHE','OWA_MATCH') and status <> 'VALID' order by object_type; l_compile_cmd varchar2(4000); begin -- Execute the query for fetching invalid objects. open invalid_obj; -- Loop through the invalid objects loop fetch invalid_obj into object_name, object_type; exit when invalid_obj%NOTFOUND; -- Execute the compile command l_compile_cmd := 'Alter package ' || object_name || ' compile'; if object_type = 'PACKAGE BODY' then l_compile_cmd := l_compile_cmd || ' body'; end if; execute immediate l_compile_cmd ; end loop; -- Close the cursor. close invalid_obj; exception when others then dbms_output.put_line ('ERROR: owacomm.sql while revalidating ' || object_name ); dbms_output.put_line(sqlerrm ); if invalid_obj%isopen then close invalid_obj; end if; raise; end revalidate_objects; begin /* Check if the public user has debug privileges * on specific packages. Skip this step if the user * doesn't have the debug privilege. */ if has_privilege(l_privilege, l_owner) then dbms_output.put_line ('Revoking the debug privilege from PUBLIC schema.'); dbms_output.put_line ('Revoking debug privilege started at ' || to_char(sysdate, 'dd-mon-yyyy HH:MI:SS')); -- Revoke the debug privileges from the public user. revoke_privileges(l_privilege, l_owner); -- Revalidate any invalid objects revalidate_objects; dbms_output.put_line ('Revoking debug privilege ended at ' || to_char(sysdate, 'dd-mon-yyyy HH:MI:SS')); else dbms_output.put_line ('Debug Privileges not granted for PUBLIC.' || ' Skipping this step.'); end if; end; / whenever sqlerror continue variable owa_file_name varchar2(200); variable wpi_file_name varchar2(200); variable owa_dbg_msg varchar2(1000); variable db_version number; Rem Rem always initialize owa_file_name and wpi_file_name to some dummy value. Rem begin :owa_file_name := 'dummy_value'; end; / begin :wpi_file_name := 'dummy_value'; end; / DECLARE /* * This next line must be updated whenever * OWA_UTIL.owa_version is updated. */ shipped_owa_version VARCHAR2(80) := ''; installed_owa_version VARCHAR2(80); new_line VARCHAR2(4) := ' '; install_pkgs BOOLEAN; is_supported_db_ver boolean; -- procedure executes a DDL and ignores errors if any. PROCEDURE execute_ddl(ddl_statement VARCHAR2) IS ddl_cursor INTEGER; BEGIN -- try to execute DDL ddl_cursor := dbms_sql.open_cursor; -- issue the DDL statement dbms_sql.parse (ddl_cursor, ddl_statement, dbms_sql.native); dbms_sql.close_cursor (ddl_cursor); EXCEPTION -- ignore exceptions when others then if (dbms_sql.is_open(ddl_cursor)) then dbms_sql.close_cursor(ddl_cursor); end if; END; -- -- takes a string of the form 'num1.num2.num3.....' -- returns "num1" AND updates string to 'num2.num3...' -- FUNCTION get_next_int_and_advance(str IN OUT varchar2) RETURN PLS_INTEGER is loc pls_integer; ans pls_integer; BEGIN loc := instr(str, '.', 1); if (loc > 0) then ans := to_number(substr(str, 1, loc - 1)); str := substr(str, loc + 1, length(str) - loc); else ans := to_number(str); str := ''; end if; return ans; END; -- -- Determines the database version and returns a number like 80500, 81700 etc -- FUNCTION get_db_version RETURN NUMBER is ans NUMBER; l_version VARCHAR2(32); l_comp_version VARCHAR2(32); BEGIN -- Get the version of the backend database dbms_utility.db_version(l_version, l_comp_version); -- Convert string to a number ans := 0; FOR i in 1..5 LOOP ans := 10 * ans + get_next_int_and_advance(l_version); END LOOP; RETURN ans; END; -- -- If shipped version of OWA packages is higher than the -- pre-installed version of the OWA packages, then -- we need to reinstall the OWA packages. -- FUNCTION needs_reinstall(shipped_owa_version IN VARCHAR2, installed_owa_version IN VARCHAR2) RETURN BOOLEAN is shp_str VARCHAR2(80) := shipped_owa_version; shp_vsn PLS_INTEGER; ins_str VARCHAR2(80) := installed_owa_version; ins_vsn PLS_INTEGER; BEGIN -- -- either OWA pkgs are not already installed (as can happen -- with a new DB) or an older version of the pkg is installed -- where version numbering was not implemented. -- IF (installed_owa_version is NULL) THEN return TRUE; END IF; -- If version is the same, then we don't install it again to avoid -- recompiling all dependent packages. -- IF (installed_owa_version = shipped_owa_version) THEN return FALSE; END IF; -- -- Check if shipped version is higher. -- -- The OWA_UTIL version number format is V1.V2.V3.V4.V5. -- Lets compare versions by comparing Vi's from left to right. -- FOR i in 1..5 LOOP -- parse "shipped_version" one int at a time, from L to R shp_vsn := get_next_int_and_advance(shp_str); -- parse "installed_version" one int at a time, from L to R ins_vsn := get_next_int_and_advance(ins_str); IF (shp_vsn > ins_vsn) THEN return TRUE; END IF; IF (shp_vsn < ins_vsn) THEN return FALSE; END IF; END LOOP; -- -- Should never come here. Return TRUE in this case as well. -- RETURN TRUE; END; FUNCTION get_installed_owa_version RETURN VARCHAR2 IS owa_version VARCHAR2(80); l_cursor INTEGER; l_stmt VARCHAR2(256); l_status INTEGER; BEGIN -- -- Run this block via dynamic SQL and not static SQL -- because compilation of this block could fail as OWA_UTIL -- might be non-existant. Doing it from dynamic SQL allows -- us to catch the compile error as a run-time exception -- and proceed. -- l_stmt := 'select OWA_UTIL.get_version from dual'; l_cursor := dbms_sql.open_cursor; dbms_sql.parse(l_cursor, l_stmt, dbms_sql.native); dbms_sql.define_column( l_cursor, 1, owa_version, 80 ); l_status := dbms_sql.execute(l_cursor); loop if dbms_sql.fetch_rows (l_cursor) > 0 then dbms_sql.column_value(l_cursor, 1, owa_version); else exit; end if; end loop; dbms_sql.close_cursor(l_cursor); return owa_version; EXCEPTION -- -- Either OWA pkgs have not been preinstalled -- Or, they are older set of OWA pkgs which -- a.) did not implement the OWA_UTIL.get_version method -- b.) resulted in ORA-6571 : ignore it -- WHEN OTHERS THEN if dbms_sql.is_open(l_cursor) then dbms_sql.close_cursor(l_cursor); end if; return NULL; END; BEGIN -- Get the version of OWA packages installed in the database installed_owa_version := get_installed_owa_version; -- Format a message for display IF (installed_owa_version is NULL) THEN :owa_dbg_msg := 'No older OWA packages detected or OWA packages too old'; ELSE :owa_dbg_msg := 'Installed OWA version is: ' || installed_owa_version; END IF; :owa_dbg_msg := :owa_dbg_msg || ';' || new_line || 'Shipped OWA version is : ' || shipped_owa_version || ';'; -- Get the version of the backend database :db_version := get_db_version; -- Check if we have the right DB version if (:db_version < 81720) or (:db_version between 90100 and 90109) then is_supported_db_ver := false; else is_supported_db_ver := true; end if; -- Proceed with the install if (is_supported_db_ver) then -- Check if we need to install the OWA packages? install_pkgs := needs_reinstall(shipped_owa_version, installed_owa_version); IF (install_pkgs) THEN -- Setup the debug message :owa_dbg_msg := :owa_dbg_msg || new_line || 'OWA packages v' || shipped_owa_version || ' will be installed into your database v' || :db_version; IF (:db_version < 90000) THEN -- Databases >= 9.x will come preinstalled with wpiutl.sql -- Databases < 9.x have our version of wpiutl.sql. Drop them execute_ddl ('drop package sys.wpiutl'); IF (:db_version < 80000) THEN -- Dealing with a 7.x or older database :wpi_file_name := 'wpiutl7.sql'; :owa_file_name := 'owacomm7.sql'; ELSE -- Dealing with an 8.x database IF (:db_version < 81000) THEN -- Dealing with 8.0.x database :wpi_file_name := 'wpiutl.sql'; :owa_file_name := 'owacomm8.sql'; ELSE -- Dealing with an 8.1.x database :wpi_file_name := 'wpiutl.sql'; :owa_file_name := 'owacomm8i.sql'; END IF; END IF; ELSE -- Dealing with 9.x and above :wpi_file_name := 'owadummy.sql'; :owa_file_name := 'owacomm.sql'; END IF; :owa_dbg_msg := :owa_dbg_msg || new_line || 'Will install ' || :wpi_file_name || ' and ' || :owa_file_name; ELSE :wpi_file_name := 'owadummy.sql'; :owa_file_name := 'owadummy.sql'; :owa_dbg_msg := :owa_dbg_msg || new_line || 'You already have a newer version of the OWA packages' || new_line || 'No install is required'; END IF; else -- DB version is not right, print message and exit :owa_dbg_msg := :owa_dbg_msg || new_line || 'To install OWA packages v' || shipped_owa_version || ' database version should be at least or, your database is v' || :db_version || ', OWA packages will not be installed.'; :wpi_file_name := 'owadummy.sql'; :owa_file_name := 'owadummy.sql'; end if; END; / print :owa_dbg_msg; COLUMN :wpi_file_name NEW_VALUE wpi_file_var NOPRINT; SELECT :wpi_file_name FROM DUAL; COLUMN :owa_file_name NEW_VALUE owa_file_var NOPRINT; SELECT :owa_file_name FROM DUAL; alter session set events '10520 trace name context forever, level 10'; @@&wpi_file_var; @@&owa_file_var; alter session set events '10520 trace name context off';