Rem Rem $Header: owaddemo.sql 15-oct-2001.17:20:28 rdecker Exp $ Rem Rem owaddemo.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2001, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem owaddemo.sql - OWA Debug Demo Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem This package provides code to demostrate how a plsql web Rem application developer might use the OWA_DEBUG package Rem to debug their application. Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem pkapasi 10/18/02 - Add some doc item Rem pkapasi 01/24/02 - Fix bug#2176216 (cookie scoping incorrect) Rem pkapasi 11/13/01 - Remove tabs Rem rdecker 10/05/01 - Merged rdecker_owa_debug_jdwp Rem rdecker 09/13/01 - Created Rem SET ECHO ON SET FEEDBACK 1 SET NUMWIDTH 10 SET LINESIZE 80 SET TRIMSPOOL ON SET TAB OFF SET PAGESIZE 100 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------- OWA_DEBUG_DEMO PACKAGE DESCRIPTION ------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- The OWA_DEBUG_DEMO package contains code to demonstrate how a -- plsql web application developer should use the OWA_DEBUG package -- to debug their application. -- -- The package contains 3 entrypoints: -- main_form: to display an html form to be used for submitting debug -- session values or for dropping a debug session. -- create_debug_session: to act as the action procedure for main_form, -- and create the OWA Debug Session. -- drop_debug_session: to drop the OWA Debug Session -- Of these 3 entry points, it will only be necessary to call main_form -- from the browser to create or drop a debug session. -- -- Steps to run the demo: -- 1. Load this file (containing the owa_debug_demo and owa_debug_demo_app -- packages) into a demo schema. -- 2. Configure a mod_plsql DAD to use this schema and enable OWA Debug -- Set PlsqlOWADebugEnable On -- 3. Due to security reasons, mod_plsql will disallow calling of any -- procedure name which has "owa_*" in it. Disable this behaviour with -- the following directive (not to be done for production sites) -- Set PlsqlExclusionList "#None#" -- 4. In your web browser, type: -- http://:/pls//owa_debug_demo.main_form -- where : describe the host and port where the database -- TNS listener is running. -- 5. In the html form that is displayed, you can enable JDWP debugging -- (available only on 9iR2+), sql tracing or plsql profiling. CREATE OR replace PACKAGE owa_debug_demo IS -- These are the Oracle supplied debug packages jdwp_debug_package CONSTANT VARCHAR2(15) := 'OWA_DEBUG_JDWP'; trace_debug_package CONSTANT VARCHAR2(16) := 'OWA_DEBUG_TRACE'; profiler_debug_package CONSTANT VARCHAR2(19) := 'OWA_DEBUG_PROFILER'; -- Name: main_form -- Description: Show the form used to create and drop the debug session. -- Parameters: -- msg IN an optional message to be displayed on the form page PROCEDURE main_form(msg IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL); -- Name: create_debug_session -- Description: Create an OWA Debug Session. The interface of this -- procedure is designed such that it can be called using -- the Flexible Parameters feature of the PL/SQL Gateway. -- Parameters: -- name_array IN OUT array containing the name part of name/values -- value_array IN OUT array containing the value part of name/values PROCEDURE create_debug_session(name_array IN owa_util.vc_arr, value_array IN owa_util.vc_arr); -- Name: drop_debug_session -- Description: Drop the OWA Debug Session. -- Parameters: none. PROCEDURE drop_debug_session; END owa_debug_demo; / show errors; CREATE OR replace PACKAGE BODY owa_debug_demo is PROCEDURE main_form(msg IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL) IS show_msg VARCHAR2(200); BEGIN htp.htmlopen; htp.headopen; -- Alert the user that they are about to submit potentially -- sensitive information. htp.script(' function check_protocol() { if (location.protocol != "https:") return confirm("You are about to submit potentially sensitive information over an unsecure protocol. Do you wish to continue?"); else return true; } ', 'JavaScript'); htp.headclose; -- Display a message IF (msg IS NULL) THEN show_msg := 'Welcome to the OWA Debug Demo!'; ELSE show_msg := msg; END IF;'


'); -- Call create_debug_session using the Flexible Parameters feature -- of the PL/SQL Gateway. htp.formOpen(curl=>'!owa_debug_demo.create_debug_session', cattributes=>'onSubmit="return check_protocol()"'); -- Now create the text fields htp.print('
Enable JDWP Debugging'); htp.formcheckbox(cname=>'enable_jdwp'); htp.print('
JDWP Debugger Host: '); htp.formText(cname=>'host'); htp.print('
JDWP Debugger Port: '); htp.formText(cname=>'port'); htp.print('
JDWP Debug Role: '); htp.formText(cname=>'debug_role'); htp.print('
JDWP Debug Role Password: '); htp.formPassword(cname=>'debug_role_pwd'); htp.line; htp.print('
Enable SQL Tracing '); htp.formcheckbox(cname=>'enable_trace'); htp.line; htp.print('
Enable Profiler '); htp.formcheckbox(cname=>'enable_profiler'); htp.print(' Run Comments: '); htp.formtext(cname=>'run_comment'); htp.line; htp.print('
Debug Cookie Path: '); htp.formText(cname=>'cookie_path', cvalue=>owa_util.get_cgi_env('SCRIPT_NAME')); htp.print('
Idle Timeout (in minutes): '); htp.formText(cname=>'idle_timeout', cvalue=>'20');;; htp.formsubmit(cvalue=>'Create Debug Session'); htp.formClose; htp.line; htp.formOpen(curl=>'owa_debug_demo.drop_debug_session'); htp.formsubmit(cvalue=>'Drop Debug Session'); htp.formclose; htp.htmlclose; END main_form; -- Name: get_value (private function) -- Description: This function will retrieve a value from the value -- array given the correlated name. -- Parameters: -- name IN the name to be removed from the arrays -- and whose value we wish to retrieve -- name_array IN array containing the names -- value_array IN array containing the values -- RETURNS the value corresponding to the name -- FUNCTION get_value(name IN VARCHAR2, name_array IN owa_util.vc_arr, value_array IN owa_util.vc_arr) RETURN varchar2 IS BEGIN -- Get the array index for a given name FOR i IN 1..name_array.last LOOP IF (name_array(i) = name) THEN RETURN value_array(i); END IF; END LOOP; RETURN NULL; END get_value; PROCEDURE create_debug_session (name_array IN owa_util.vc_arr, value_array IN owa_util.vc_arr) IS cookie_path VARCHAR2(32767); idle_timeout pls_integer; debug_session varchar2(64); call_name_array owa_util.vc_arr; call_value_array owa_util.vc_arr; null_array owa_util.vc_arr; send_cookie BOOLEAN := false; BEGIN owa_util.mime_header('text/html', false); -- Get the cookie_path out of the name/value arrays. The cookie -- path can be used to scope debug sessions so that we can do things -- like attach the debugger to DAD 'A', which we want to debug -- but not DAD 'B', which we don't want to debug. cookie_path := get_value('cookie_path', name_array, value_array); -- Get the idle_timeout from the name/value arrays; the idle -- timeout refers to the period between the time we finish -- debugging one page and disconnect the debugger to the time -- we connect again to the same debug session and begin debugging -- the next page. idle_timeout := get_value('idle_timeout', name_array, value_array); BEGIN debug_session := owa_debug.create_debug_session; EXCEPTION -- Watch out for exceptions thrown from create_debug_session WHEN owa_debug.exceeded_session_limit THEN -- Too many open sessions! owa_util.http_header_close;'

There are too many open debug sessions!


Please close some debug sessions and run the demo again!

'); RETURN; WHEN OTHERS THEN RETURN; END; IF (get_value('enable_jdwp', name_array, value_array) = 'on') THEN send_cookie := true; call_name_array(1) := 'host'; call_value_array(1) := get_value('host', name_array, value_array); call_name_array(2) := 'port'; call_value_array(2) := get_value('port', name_array, value_array); call_name_array(3) := 'debug_role'; call_value_array(3) := get_value('debug_role', name_array, value_array); call_name_array(4) := 'debug_role_pwd'; call_value_array(4) := get_value('debug_role_pwd', name_array, value_array); owa_debug.addto_debug_session(debug_session, call_name_array, call_value_array, jdwp_debug_package, idle_timeout); END IF; IF (get_value('enable_trace', name_array, value_array) = 'on') THEN send_cookie := true; call_name_array := null_array; call_value_array := null_array; owa_debug.addto_debug_session(debug_session, call_name_array, call_value_array, trace_debug_package, idle_timeout); END IF; IF (get_value('enable_profiler', name_array, value_array) = 'on') THEN send_cookie := true; call_name_array := null_array; call_value_array := null_array; call_name_array(1) := 'run_comment'; call_value_array(1) := get_value('run_comment', name_array, value_array); owa_debug.addto_debug_session(debug_session, call_name_array, call_value_array, profiler_debug_package, idle_timeout); END IF; IF (send_cookie = true) THEN owa_cookie.send(name=>owa_debug.get_cookie_name, value=>debug_session, path=>cookie_path); END IF; owa_util.http_header_close;'

Debug Session has been created

');; htp.p('

To continue:');; htp.p('Click '); htp.anchor('owa_debug_demo_app.page_one', 'here'); htp.p(' to run the OWA debug demo application OR');; htp.p(' Begin running your own application'); END; PROCEDURE drop_debug_session IS cookie_names owa_cookie.vc_arr; BEGIN -- First drop the debug session owa_debug.drop_debug_session; -- Now remove the debug session ID cookie owa_util.mime_header('text/html', false); owa_cookie.remove(owa_debug.get_cookie_name, NULL); owa_util.redirect_url('owa_debug_demo.main_form?msg=%3CH3%3EThe%20session%20has%20been%20dropped.'); END; END owa_debug_demo; / show errors; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------- OWA_DEBUG_DEMO_APP PACKAGE DESCRIPTION --------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- The OWA_DEBUG_DEMO_APP is used to demonstrate the -- OWA_DEBUG_DEMO package. -- CREATE OR replace PACKAGE owa_debug_demo_app IS PROCEDURE page_one; PROCEDURE page_two; END owa_debug_demo_app; / show errors; CREATE OR replace PACKAGE BODY owa_debug_demo_app IS PROCEDURE page_one IS BEGIN FOR i IN 1..3 loop'This is the first page of the OWA debug demo app'); END LOOP;; htp.p('

Click '); htp.anchor('owa_debug_demo_app.page_two', 'here'); htp.p(' to view page 2 or '); htp.anchor('owa_debug_demo.drop_debug_session', 'here'); htp.p(' to drop the debug session.'); END; PROCEDURE page_two IS BEGIN FOR i IN 1..3 loop'This is the second page of the OWA debug demo app'); END LOOP;; htp.p('

Click '); htp.anchor('owa_debug_demo_app.page_one', 'here'); htp.p(' to view page 1 or '); htp.anchor('owa_debug_demo.drop_debug_session', 'here'); htp.p(' to drop the debug session.'); END; END owa_debug_demo_app; / show errors;