Rem Rem $Header: owadbginst.sql 19-nov-2001.18:00:00 pkapasi Exp $ Rem Rem owadbginst.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) Oracle Corporation 2001. All Rights Reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem owadbginst.sql - OWA Debug Package installation script Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem This file is a driver file that installs the OWA_DEBUG packages Rem and must be run as SYS. This script is meant for development Rem environments only. Rem Rem NOTES Rem DUE TO POSSIBLE SECURITY CONCERNS, THIS SCRIPT SHOULD NOT BE Rem INSTALLED IN A PRODUCTION ENVIRONMENT Rem 1. Install this script as SYS Rem 2. Setup the DAD configuration as follows Rem - PlsqlOWADebugEnable On Rem - PlsqlMaxRequestsPerSession 1 Rem - PlsqlExclusionList #None# Rem 3. Access the url http://host:port/pls/DAD/owa_debug_demo.main_form Rem Select the options that you wish to enable for this session Rem and hit "Create Debug Session". This will create a cookie for you Rem which will be used to track your "Debug Session" preferences. Rem 4. Access the procedure you want to get SQL*Trace/SQL*Profile for Rem 5. To deinstall these scripts, run owadbgdrop.sql Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem pkapasi 01/10/01 - Refine documentation Rem pkapasi 11/19/01 - Created Rem Rem Install the OWA Debug packages @pubowad.sql @privowad.plb Rem Install package needed for SQL*Trace @pubtrace.sql Rem Install package needed for SQL*Profiling @pubprof.sql Rem Install owa_debug_demo package @owaddemo.sql grant execute on owa_debug_demo to public; create public synonym owa_debug_demo for owa_debug_demo;