Rem Copyright (c) 1995, 2004, Oracle. All Rights Reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem owacomm7.sql - PL/SQL Gateway package installation Rem PURPOSE Rem Install the PL/SQL packages needed to run the PL/SQL Rem gateway. Rem NOTES Rem This script installs the PL/SQL gateway toolkit Rem packages (such as HTP/HTP/OWA_UTIL, WPG_DOCLOAD etc.) Rem it should be called BY a driver script such AS owaload.sql Rem history Rem dnonkin 08/31/04 - removed call to owadins.sql Rem pkapasi 06/17/01 - Add support for EBCDIC databases(bug#1778693) Rem rdecker 12/28/00 - handle 7.x databases Rem rdecker 07/21/00 - split synonym handling INTO NEW files Rem ehlee 05/05/00 - fixing spelling error for "package" Rem ehlee 05/05/00 - add owa_cache Rem rdecker 04/20/00 - split off FROM owaload.sql Rem @@owachars.sql @@pubcust.sql @@pubht8.sql @@pubutil8.sql @@pubsec.sql @@pubowa.sql @@pubtext.sql @@pubpat.sql @@pubimg.sql @@pubcook.sql @@puboolk.sql @@pubcach8.sql @@pubmat.sql @@wpgdocs7.sql @@privcust.sql @@privht8.sql @@privowa.sql @@privutil8.sql @@privtext.sql @@privpat.sql @@privimg.sql @@privcook.sql @@privoolk.sql @@privsec.sql @@privcac8.sql @@privmat.sql @@wpgdocb7.sql grant all on OWA_CUSTOM to public; grant all on OWA to public; grant all on HTF to public; grant all on HTP to public; grant all on OWA_COOKIE to public; grant all on OWA_IMAGE to public; grant all on OWA_OPT_LOCK to public; grant all on OWA_PATTERN to public; grant all on OWA_SEC to public; grant all on OWA_TEXT to public; grant all on OWA_UTIL to public; grant all on OWA_CACHE to public; grant all on OWA_MATCH to public; grant execute on WPG_DOCLOAD to public; REM CREATE PUBLIC owa synonyms @@owacsyn