Rem Rem $Header: rdbms/admin/olspatch.sql /st_rdbms_11.2.0/1 2011/06/24 13:29:44 jkati Exp $ Rem Rem olspatch.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2002, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Rem All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem olspatch.sql - Oracle Label Security patch script Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem This script is used to apply bugfixes to the OLS component.It is run Rem in the context of catpatch.sql, after the RDBMS catalog.sql and Rem catproc.sql scripts are run. It is run with a special EVENT set which Rem causes CREATE OR REPLACE statements to only recompile objects if the Rem new source is different than the source stored in the database. Rem Tables, types, and public interfaces should not be changed here. Rem Rem NOTES Rem Called from catpatch.sql Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem jkati 06/21/11 - grant execute on dbms_zhelp to lbacsys Rem mjgreave 05/05/08 - Add support for OID enabled OLS. Rem srtata 02/26/08 - remove olsdap.sql as now it is 11.1.0 version and Rem this script was intending to patch 92 DB Rem cchui 10/08/04 - 3936531: use validate_ols Rem vpesati 11/25/02 - add server instance check Rem srtata 10/17/02 - call olsdap.sql Rem srtata 07/22/02 - srtata_bug-2434758_main Rem srtata 06/26/02 - Created Rem WHENEVER SQLERROR EXIT; GRANT EXECUTE ON SYS.DBMS_ZHELP TO LBACSYS; EXECUTE dbms_registry.check_server_instance; WHENEVER SQLERROR CONTINUE; -- add OLS to the registry EXECUTE DBMS_REGISTRY.LOADING('OLS', 'Oracle Label Security', 'validate_ols', 'LBACSYS'); -- Check if we need to run OID specific scripts later COLUMN prvtlbd NEW_VALUE prvtlbd_script NOPRINT; COLUMN prvtsad NEW_VALUE prvtsad_script NOPRINT; select decode(count(*), 1, 'prvtlbd.plb', 'nothing.sql') as prvtlbd, decode(count(*), 1, 'prvtsad.plb', 'nothing.sql') as prvtsad from lbacsys.lbac$props where name = 'OID_STATUS_FLAG'and value$ = 1; -- Load LBAC framework packages. @@catlbac -- Load SA policy packages. @@catsa @@catlabel -- Run OID specific scripts - these may be null scripts if not OID enabled @@&prvtlbd_script @@&prvtsad_script BEGIN dbms_registry.loaded('OLS'); SYS.validate_ols; END; / commit;