Rem Rem $Header: emll/admin/scripts/ocmdbb.sql /st_emll_10.3.5/1 2011/05/03 15:19:46 davili Exp $ Rem Rem ocmdbb.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2005, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Rem All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem ocmdbb.sql - OCM DB configuration collection package Body Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem Rem Rem NOTES Rem Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem davili 04/30/11 - XbranchMerge davili_bug-11939982 from main Rem davili 04/25/11 - Add exadata releaseVersion and patches Rem jsutton 03/07/11 - Flush output so as not to consume PGA per bug Rem 8738709 Rem nmittal 02/23/11 - bug 11677129 Rem glavash 02/08/11 - add gc columns Rem ysun 12/03/10 - add version Rem ckalivar 11/18/10 - Bug 10198634: handled case- missing Rem diagnostic_dest parameter from v Rem aghanti 10/14/10 - Bug 9033775 - Write end marker to Rem .ll*/.ccr/.emrep file Rem jsutton 08/17/10 - XbranchMerge jsutton_xmldb_check from Rem st_emll_10.3.3 Rem ckalivar 07/22/10 - XbranchMerge ckalivar_bug-9903308 from main Rem ckalivar 07/20/10 - Bug 9903308 - Improve query to check usage of Rem data_vault Rem jsutton 04/23/10 - add trigger for db startup (RAC instance Rem discovery aid) Rem raankire 02/10/10 - Adding autotask_client metric Rem raankire 02/10/10 - Adding supplemental log to db_dbNInstanceInfo table Rem aghanti 12/07/09 - Use word length to determine bit-ness of the DB Rem jsutton 07/24/09 - catch exceptions when writing header Rem bkchoudh 07/15/09 - Fixed Bug 8686321 Rem jsutton 06/10/09 - Get IP address of host where collection runs Rem bkchoudh 06/04/09 - add db_compnents and db scheduler jobs Rem pparida 06/04/09 - 8268571: Check for compatible param too. Rem aghanti 04/26/09 - Collect NLS_CHARACTERSET & add it as config Rem property to .ll file Rem ysun 04/22/09 - add more versions Rem ysun 04/10/09 - update column size Rem ysun 03/13/09 - add cell support Rem pparida 02/19/09 - 6111739: Fix query in Rem collect_high_water_mark_stats Rem glavash 01/05/09 - increase size of l_column for escape characters Rem in write_results Rem glavash 12/15/08 - change write_oem query to be non dynamic Rem glavash 12/11/07 - escape | Rem dkapoor 07/26/07 - implement LMS infrastructure Rem pparida 08/06/07 - ER 5900734: Construct is_64bit and rel_status Rem columns for metric db_dbNInstanceInfo. Rem dkapoor 03/30/07 - add cpu usage stats Rem dkapoor 06/13/06 - exception enabled interface Rem dkapoor 01/23/07 - collect dbfus and highwwater mark separately Rem dkapoor 10/03/06 - add create bytes in datafile metric Rem dkapoor 09/12/06 - set proper number format Rem dkapoor 09/12/06 - add db_users Rem dkapoor 06/17/06 - collect ha_info for 8i Rem dkapoor 06/13/06 - support for 11g Rem dkapoor 06/02/06 - change ccr_user to ocm Rem dkapoor 04/04/06 - remove HMMSize in db_rollback_segs Rem dkapoor 12/09/05 - use v$instance for version Rem dkapoor 11/23/05 - add release,edition,version in Rem db_dbNInstanceInfo Rem dkapoor 11/16/05 - add db feature usage and high water mark config Rem dkapoor 10/11/05 - impl stats pack, backup metrics Rem dkapoor 10/10/05 - change user to ccr Rem dkapoor 10/05/05 - mask archived column of redologs metric Rem dkapoor 10/05/05 - round of SGAsizes Rem dkapoor 10/05/05 - use the time stamp format:(yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss) Rem dkapoor 09/30/05 - impl 8.1.7 support Rem dkapoor 09/22/05 - fix the 9.2 sql query Rem ndutko 08/03/05 - ndutko_code_checkin Rem dkapoor 03/22/05 - Created Rem CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE body ORACLE_OCM.MGMT_DB_LL_METRICS AS g_config_handle UTL_FILE.FILE_TYPE := NULL; g_version_category VARCHAR2(10) := NULL; g_dbID v$database.DBID%TYPE := NULL; g_db_version v$instance.version%TYPE := NULL; METRIC_END_MARKER constant VARCHAR2(4) := ':End'; METRIC_BEGIN_MARKER constant VARCHAR2(6) := ':Begin'; INSTANCE_DELIMITER constant VARCHAR2(1) := ':'; CELL_DELIMITER constant VARCHAR2(1) := '&'; /* Compute the version category */ FUNCTION get_version_category RETURN VARCHAR2 IS l_db_version v$instance.version%TYPE; l_temp_version v$instance.version%TYPE; l_compat_vers v$parameter.value%TYPE; l_major_version_ndx NUMBER; BEGIN IF g_db_version IS NULL THEN select version into l_db_version from v$instance; ELSE l_db_version := g_db_version; END IF; begin select substr(value,1,5) into l_compat_vers from v$parameter where lower(name) = 'compatible'; exception WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN l_compat_vers := SUBSTR(l_db_version,1,5); end; l_temp_version := LPAD(l_db_version,10, '0'); IF l_temp_version < MIN_SUPPORTED_VERSION THEN return NOT_SUPPORTED_VERSION; END IF; IF l_compat_vers = '8.1.7' THEN return VERSION_817; END IF; l_temp_version := SUBSTR(l_db_version,1,4); IF l_temp_version = '10.1' THEN return VERSION_10gR1; END IF; l_temp_version := SUBSTR(l_db_version,1,4); IF l_temp_version= '10.2' THEN return VERSION_10gR2; END IF; IF l_temp_version= '11.1' THEN return VERSION_11gR1; END IF; IF l_temp_version= '11.2' THEN return VERSION_11gR2; END IF; l_temp_version := SUBSTR(l_db_version,1,3); IF l_temp_version = '9.2' THEN return VERSION_9iR2; END IF; l_temp_version := SUBSTR(l_db_version,1,3); IF l_temp_version = '9.0' THEN return VERSION_9i; END IF; l_temp_version := SUBSTR(l_db_version,1,5); IF l_temp_version = '8.1.7' THEN return VERSION_817; END IF; return HIGHER_SUPPORTED_VERSION; END get_version_category; /* Write em_error record */ PROCEDURE write_error(p_error_msg VARCHAR2) IS BEGIN UTL_FILE.PUT_LINE(g_config_handle,'em_error=' || p_error_msg); UTL_FILE.FFLUSH(g_config_handle); END write_error; /* Put marker for the metric */ PROCEDURE put_metric_marker( marker in VARCHAR2, metric in VARCHAR2, instance_name in VARCHAR2 default null, cell_name in VARCHAR2 default null ) IS BEGIN UTL_FILE.PUT( g_config_handle, metric ); IF instance_name is not NULL THEN UTL_FILE.PUT( g_config_handle, INSTANCE_DELIMITER||instance_name); END IF; IF cell_name is not NULL THEN UTL_FILE.PUT( g_config_handle, CELL_DELIMITER||cell_name); END IF; UTL_FILE.PUT_LINE(g_config_handle,marker); END put_metric_marker; /* Generic function to write results of the query to the config dump file */ PROCEDURE write_results( query IN VARCHAR2, separator IN VARCHAR2 default '|') IS l_em_result_cur INTEGER DEFAULT DBMS_SQL.OPEN_CURSOR; l_col_cnt NUMBER DEFAULT 0; /* increase size to handle escape characters */ l_columnValue VARCHAR2(6000); l_status NUMBER ; BEGIN BEGIN dbms_sql.parse(l_em_result_cur, query, dbms_sql.native ); /* define all the columns */ FOR i IN 1 .. 255 LOOP BEGIN dbms_sql.define_column( l_em_result_cur, i, l_columnValue, 4000 ); l_col_cnt := i; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN IF ( sqlcode = -1007 ) THEN exit; ELSE RAISE; END IF; END; END LOOP; dbms_sql.define_column( l_em_result_cur, 1, l_columnValue, 4000 ); l_status := DBMS_SQL.EXECUTE (l_em_result_cur); LOOP exit when ( dbms_sql.fetch_rows(l_em_result_cur) <= 0 ); UTL_FILE.PUT( g_config_handle, 'em_result='); FOR i IN 1 .. l_col_cnt LOOP IF i != 1 THEN UTL_FILE.PUT( g_config_handle, separator); END IF; dbms_sql.column_value( l_em_result_cur, i, l_columnValue ); /* replace seperators with escaped separators */ l_columnValue := replace(l_columnValue,'#','##'); l_columnValue := replace(l_columnValue,separator,'#'|| separator); UTL_FILE.PUT( g_config_handle, l_columnValue ); END LOOP; UTL_FILE.NEW_LINE(g_config_handle ); END LOOP; dbms_sql.close_cursor(l_em_result_cur); EXCEPTION WHEN UTL_FILE.INVALID_FILEHANDLE OR UTL_FILE.INVALID_OPERATION OR UTL_FILE.WRITE_ERROR THEN IF DBMS_SQL.IS_OPEN(l_em_result_cur) = TRUE THEN dbms_sql.close_cursor(l_em_result_cur); END IF; RAISE; WHEN OTHERS THEN IF DBMS_SQL.IS_OPEN(l_em_result_cur) = TRUE THEN dbms_sql.close_cursor(l_em_result_cur); END IF; /* On any non-utl file exceptions, log as em_error for the metric. */ write_error('SQLERRM: ' || SQLERRM || ' SQLCODE: ' || SQLCODE); END; END write_results; /* Generic function to write to the config dump file */ PROCEDURE write_metric( metric IN VARCHAR2,query IN VARCHAR2, instance_name in VARCHAR2 default null, cell_name in VARCHAR2 default null, separator IN VARCHAR2 default '|') IS l_end_done BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE; BEGIN put_metric_marker(METRIC_BEGIN_MARKER,metric,instance_name, cell_name); write_results(query,separator); put_metric_marker(METRIC_END_MARKER,metric,instance_name, cell_name); l_end_done := TRUE; UTL_FILE.FFLUSH(g_config_handle); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN IF NOT l_end_done THEN put_metric_marker(METRIC_END_MARKER,metric,instance_name, cell_name); UTL_FILE.FFLUSH(g_config_handle); END IF; RAISE; END write_metric; /* Private procedure Collect metric=db_init_params */ procedure collect_db_init_params IS CURSOR l_res_cur IS select inst_id,instance_name from gv$instance; BEGIN FOR inst_id_row in l_res_cur LOOP write_metric('db_init_params',' SELECT name,value,isdefault FROM gv$parameter where INST_ID = ' || inst_id_row.inst_id,inst_id_row.instance_name); END LOOP; END collect_db_init_params; /* Private procedure Collect metric=db_asm_disk */ procedure collect_db_asm_disk IS BEGIN IF g_version_category = VERSION_10gR1 OR g_version_category = VERSION_10gR2 OR g_version_category = VERSION_11gR1 OR g_version_category = VERSION_11gR2 OR g_version_category = HIGHER_SUPPORTED_VERSION THEN write_metric('db_asm_disk',' select inst_id,group_number,disk_number,header_status, path from gv$asm_disk where group_number > 0 and header_status != ''MEMBER'' '); END IF; END collect_db_asm_disk; /* Private procedure Collect metric=autotask_client */ procedure collect_autotask_client IS BEGIN IF g_version_category = VERSION_11gR1 OR g_version_category = VERSION_11gR2 OR g_version_category = HIGHER_SUPPORTED_VERSION THEN write_metric('db_autotask_client',' select client_name, status from DBA_AUTOTASK_CLIENT where lower(client_name) = ''sql tuning advisor'' '); END IF; END collect_autotask_client; /* Private procedure Collect metric=db_components */ procedure collect_db_components IS BEGIN IF g_version_category <> VERSION_817 THEN IF g_version_category = VERSION_9iR2 OR g_version_category = VERSION_9i THEN write_metric('db_components',' select '' '' namespace, comp_id,comp_name, version, status,schema from sys.dba_registry'); ELSE write_metric('db_components',' select namespace, comp_id,comp_name, version, status,schema from sys.dba_registry'); END IF; END IF; END collect_db_components; /* Private procedure Collect metric=db_invobj_cnt */ procedure collect_db_invobj_cnt IS BEGIN write_metric('db_invobj_cnt',' select owner, count(*) from sys.dba_objects where status = ''INVALID'' group by owner '); END collect_db_invobj_cnt; /* Private procedure Collect metric=db_scheduler_jobs */ procedure collect_db_scheduler_jobs IS BEGIN IF g_version_category = VERSION_10gR2 OR g_version_category = VERSION_10gR1 THEN write_metric('db_scheduler_jobs',' select OWNER,JOB_NAME,STATE,SCHEDULE_NAME from sys.dba_scheduler_jobs where job_name=''GATHER_STATS_JOB'''); END IF; END collect_db_scheduler_jobs; /* Private procedure Collect metric=db_redoLogs */ procedure collect_db_redoLogs IS BEGIN write_metric('db_redoLogs', ' SELECT group_num, ' || /* Comment this column as it changes frequently ' NLS_INITCAP(l.status) status, ' || */ ' '''', ' || ' l.members members, ' || ' lf.member file_name, ' || /* Comment this column as it changes frequently ' NLS_INITCAP(l.archived) archived, ' || */ ' '''', ' || ' l.bytes logsize, ' || /* Comment this column as it changes frequently ' l.sequence# sequence_num, ' || */ ' '''', ' || /* Comment this column as it changes frequently ' l.first_change# first_change_scn, ' || */ ' '''', ' || ' l.thread# as thread_num , lf.type type' || ' FROM v$log l, ' || ' v$logfile lf ' || ' WHERE ='); END collect_db_redoLogs; /* Private procedure Collect metric=db_datafiles */ procedure collect_db_datafiles IS BEGIN IF g_version_category = VERSION_9iR2 THEN write_metric('db_datafiles', ' SELECT /*+ ORDERED */ ' || ' ddf.file_name file_name, vdf.status status, ' || ' ddf.tablespace_name tablespace_name, '''', ' || ' ddf.autoextensible autoextensible, ddf.increment_by increment_by, ' || ' ddf.maxbytes max_file_size, ' || ' vdf.create_bytes, ' || ' ''NA'' os_storage ' || ' FROM v$datafile vdf, sys.dba_data_files ddf ' || ' WHERE vdf.file# = ddf.file_id ' || ' UNION ALL ' || ' SELECT /*+ ORDERED */ ' || ' dtf.file_name file_name, vtf.status status, dtf.tablespace_name ' || ' tablespace_name, '''', ' || ' dtf.autoextensible autoextensible, dtf.increment_by increment_by, ' || ' dtf.maxbytes max_file_size, ' || ' vtf.create_bytes, ' || ' ''NA'' os_storage ' || ' FROM v$tempfile vtf, sys.dba_temp_files dtf ' || ' WHERE dtf.file_id = vtf.file# '); ELSE write_metric('db_datafiles', 'SELECT ddf.file_name file_name, ' || ' vdf.status status, ' || ' ddf.tablespace_name tablespace_name, ' || /* Comment this column as per George ' NVL(ddf.bytes,0) file_size, ' || */ ' '''', ' || ' ddf.autoextensible autoextensible, ' || ' ddf.increment_by increment_by, ' || ' ddf.maxbytes max_file_size, ' || ' vdf.create_bytes, ' || ' ''NA'' os_storage ' || ' FROM sys.dba_data_files ddf, ' || ' v$datafile vdf /*+ all_rows use_concat */ ' || ' WHERE (ddf.file_name = ' || 'UNION ALL ' || ' SELECT dtf.file_name file_name, ' || ' vtf.status status, ' || ' dtf.tablespace_name tablespace_name, ' || /* Comment this column as per George ' NVL(dtf.bytes,0) file_size, ' || */ ' '''', ' || ' dtf.autoextensible autoextensible, ' || ' dtf.increment_by increment_by, ' || ' dtf.maxbytes max_file_size, ' || ' vtf.create_bytes, ' || ' ''NA'' os_storage ' || ' FROM sys.dba_temp_files dtf, ' || ' v$tempfile vtf ' || ' WHERE (dtf.file_id = vtf.file#) ' ); END IF; END collect_db_datafiles; /* Private procedure Collect metric=db_tablespaces */ procedure collect_db_tablespaces IS l_sql_db_tablespaces VARCHAR2(4000); BEGIN IF g_version_category = VERSION_817 THEN l_sql_db_tablespaces := ' SELECT dtp.tablespace_name ,' || ' dtp.status ,' || ' dtp.contents ,' || ' dtp.extent_management ,' || ' dtp.allocation_type ,' || ' dtp.logging ,' || /* Comment this column as per George ' NVL(ts.bytes, 0) ,' || */ ' '''' ,' || ' dtp.initial_extent ,' || ' dtp.next_extent ,' || ' dtp.pct_increase ,' || ' dtp.max_extents ,' || /* Comment this column as per George ' NVL(ts.bytes - NVL(f.bytes,0),0) ,' || */ ' '''' ,' || ' dtp.min_extents,' || ' dtp.min_extlen,' || ' '''' ,' || ' '''' ,' || ' '''' ' || ' FROM sys.dba_tablespaces dtp' ; END IF; IF g_version_category = VERSION_9iR2 OR g_version_category = VERSION_9i THEN l_sql_db_tablespaces := 'SELECT dtp.tablespace_name ,' || ' dtp.status ,' || ' dtp.contents ,' || ' dtp.extent_management ,' || ' dtp.allocation_type ,' || ' dtp.logging ,' || /* Comment this column as per George ' NVL(ts.bytes, 0) ,' || */ ' '''' ,' || ' dtp.initial_extent ,' || ' dtp.next_extent ,' || ' dtp.pct_increase ,' || ' dtp.max_extents ,' || /* Comment this column as per George ' NVL(ts.bytes - NVL(f.bytes,0),0) ,' || */ ' '''', ' || ' dtp.min_extents,' || ' dtp.min_extlen,' || ' dtp.segment_space_management ,' || ' dtp.block_size' || ' FROM sys.dba_tablespaces dtp'; END IF; IF g_version_category = VERSION_10gR2 OR g_version_category = VERSION_10gR1 OR g_version_category = VERSION_11gR1 OR g_version_category = VERSION_11gR2 OR g_version_category = HIGHER_SUPPORTED_VERSION THEN l_sql_db_tablespaces := 'SELECT dtp.tablespace_name ,' || ' dtp.status ,' || ' dtp.contents ,' || ' dtp.extent_management ,' || ' dtp.allocation_type ,' || ' dtp.logging ,' || /* Comment this column as per George ' NVL(ts.bytes, 0) ,' || */ ' '''' ,' || ' dtp.initial_extent ,' || ' dtp.next_extent ,' || ' dtp.pct_increase ,' || ' dtp.max_extents ,' || /* Comment this column as per George ' NVL(ts.bytes - NVL(f.bytes,0),0) ,' || */ ' '''', ' || ' dtp.min_extents,' || ' dtp.min_extlen,' || ' dtp.segment_space_management ,' || ' dtp.block_size,' || ' dtp.bigfile ' || ' FROM sys.dba_tablespaces dtp' ; END IF; write_metric('db_tablespaces',l_sql_db_tablespaces); END collect_db_tablespaces; /* Private procedure Collect metric=db_controlfiles */ procedure collect_db_controlfiles IS BEGIN write_metric('db_controlfiles', 'SELECT file_name, ' || ' db.controlfile_type status, ' || ' to_char(db.controlfile_created,''YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'') creation_date, ' || /* Comment this column as it changes frequently ' db.controlfile_sequence# sequence_num, ' || */ ' '''', ' || /* Comment this column as it changes frequently ' db.controlfile_change# change_num, ' || */ ' '''', ' || /* Comment this column as it changes frequently ' to_char(db.controlfile_time,''YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'') mod_date ' || */ ' '''', ' || /* Comment this column as it is unavailable from db ' os_storage_entity ' */ ' ''NA'' ' || ' FROM v$controlfile cf, ' || ' v$database db ' ); END collect_db_controlfiles; /* Private procedure Collect metric=db_rollback_segs */ procedure collect_db_rollback_segs IS BEGIN write_metric('db_rollback_segs', ' SELECT drs.segment_name rollname, ' || ' drs.status status, ' || ' drs.tablespace_name tablespace_name, ' || ' rs.extents extents, ' || /* Comment this column as per George ' rs.rssize rollsize, ' || */ ' '''', ' || ' drs.initial_extent initial_size, ' || ' drs.next_extent next_size, ' || ' drs.max_extents maximum_extents, ' || ' drs.min_extents minimum_extents, ' || ' drs.pct_increase pct_increase, ' || ' rs.optsize optsize, ' || ' rs.aveactive aveactive, ' || ' rs.wraps wraps, ' || ' rs.shrinks shrinks, ' || ' rs.aveshrink aveshrink, ' || /* Comment this column as its a volatile data ' rs.hwmsize hwmsize ' || */ ' '''' ' || ' FROM sys.dba_rollback_segs drs, ' || ' v$rollstat rs ' || ' WHERE drs.segment_id = rs.usn (+) ' || ' and substr(drs.segment_name,1,7) != ''_SYSSMU'' ' ); END collect_db_rollback_segs; /* Private procedure Collect metric=db_sga */ procedure collect_db_sga IS CURSOR l_res_cur IS select inst_id,instance_name from gv$instance; BEGIN FOR inst_id_row in l_res_cur LOOP write_metric('db_sga', ' select sganame,sgasize ' || ' from ' || ' ((SELECT ''Shared Pool (MB)'' sganame, ' || ' ROUND(NVL(sum(bytes)/1024/1024,0)) sgasize ' || ' FROM gv$sgastat ' || ' WHERE INST_ID = ' || inst_id_row.inst_id || ' AND pool = ''shared pool'') ' || ' UNION ' || ' (SELECT ''Buffered Cache (MB)'' sganame, ' || ' ROUND(NVL(bytes/1024/1024,0)) sgasize ' || ' FROM gv$sgastat ' || ' WHERE INST_ID = ' || inst_id_row.inst_id || ' AND ( (name = ''db_block_buffers'' AND pool IS NULL ) OR name = ''buffer_cache'') ) ' || ' UNION ' || ' (SELECT ''Large Pool (KB)'' "NAME", ' || ' ROUND(NVL(sum(bytes)/1024,0)) "SIZE" ' || ' FROM gv$sgastat ' || ' WHERE INST_ID = ' || inst_id_row.inst_id || ' AND pool = ''large pool'') ' || ' UNION ' || ' (SELECT ''Java Pool (MB)'' "NAME", ' || ' ROUND(NVL(sum(bytes)/1024/1024,0)) "SIZE" ' || ' FROM gv$sgastat ' || ' WHERE INST_ID = ' || inst_id_row.inst_id || ' AND pool = ''java pool'') ' || ' UNION ' || ' (SELECT ''Fixed SGA (KB)'' "NAME", ' || ' ROUND(NVL(value/1024,0)) "SIZE" ' || ' FROM gv$sga ' || ' WHERE INST_ID = ' || inst_id_row.inst_id || ' AND name=''Fixed Size'') ' || ' UNION ' || ' (SELECT ''Variable SGA (MB)'' "NAME", ' || ' ROUND(NVL(value/1024/1024,0)) "SIZE" ' || ' FROM gv$sga ' || ' WHERE INST_ID = ' || inst_id_row.inst_id || ' AND name=''Variable Size'') ' || ' UNION ' || ' (SELECT ''Redo Buffers (KB)'' "NAME", ' || ' ROUND(NVL(value/1024,0)) "SIZE" ' || ' FROM gv$sga ' || ' WHERE INST_ID = ' || inst_id_row.inst_id || ' AND name=''Redo Buffers'') ' || ' UNION ' || ' (SELECT ''Total SGA (MB)'' "NAME", ' || ' ROUND(NVL(sum(bytes)/1024/1024,0)) "SIZE" ' || ' FROM gv$sgastat WHERE INST_ID = ' || inst_id_row.inst_id || ') ' || ' UNION ' || ' (SELECT ''Maximum SGA (MB)'' "NAME", ' || ' ROUND(NVL(sum(value)/1024/1024,0)) "SIZE" ' || ' FROM gv$sga WHERE INST_ID = ' || inst_id_row.inst_id || ')) ' || ' ORDER BY sgasize ' , inst_id_row.instance_name); END LOOP; END collect_db_sga; /* Private procedure Collect metric=db_license */ procedure collect_db_license IS BEGIN write_metric('db_license', ' SELECT sessions_max, ' || ' sessions_warning , ' || /* Comment this column as per George ' sessions_current , ' || */ ' '''', ' || ' sessions_highwater , ' || ' users_max ' || ' FROM v$license '); END collect_db_license; /* Private procedure Collect metric=db_options */ procedure collect_db_options IS BEGIN IF g_version_category = VERSION_817 OR g_version_category = VERSION_9i THEN write_metric('db_options', ' select ''INTER_MEDIA'' as name, decode((select username from dba_users where username=''ORDSYS''), ''ORDSYS'', ''TRUE'', ''FALSE'') as selected ' || ' from dual ' || ' union ' || ' select ''SPATIAL'' as name, decode((select username from dba_users where username=''MDSYS''), ''MDSYS'', ''TRUE'', ''FALSE'') as selected ' || ' from dual ' || ' union ' || ' select ''OLAP'' as name, decode((select username from dba_users where username=''OLAPSYS''), ''OLAPSYS'', ''TRUE'', ''FALSE'') as selected ' || ' from dual ' || ' union ' || ' select ''ORACLE_TEXT'' as name, decode((select username from dba_users where username=''CTXSYS''), ''CTXSYS'', ''TRUE'', ''FALSE'') as selected ' || ' from dual ' || ' union ' || ' select ''ULTRA_SEARCH'' as name, decode((select username from dba_users where username=''WKSYS''), ''WKSYS'', ''TRUE'', ''FALSE'') as selected ' || ' from dual ' || ' union ' || ' select ''LABEL_SECURITY'' as name, decode((select username from dba_users where username=''LBACSYS''), ''LBACSYS'', ''TRUE'', ''FALSE'') as selected ' || ' from dual ' || ' union ' || ' select ''SAMPLE_SCHEMA'' as name, decode((select count(*) from dba_users where username IN(''HR'',''PM'',''QS'',''SH'',''OE'')), 0, ''FALSE'', ''TRUE'') as selected ' || ' from dual ' || ' union ' || ' select ''JSERVER'' as name, decode((select count(*) from sys.obj$ where type#=29), 0, ''FALSE'', ''TRUE'') as selected ' || ' from dual ' || ' union ' || ' select ''ORACLE_DATA_MINING'' as name, ''FALSE'' as selected ' || ' from dual ' || ' union ' || ' select ''XDB'' as name, decode((select username from dba_users where username=''XDB''), ''XDB'', ''TRUE'', ''FALSE'') as selected ' || ' from dual ' || ' union ' || ' select ''EM_REPOSITORY'' as name, decode((select username from dba_users where username=''SYSMAN''), ''SYSMAN'', ''TRUE'', ''FALSE'') as selected ' || ' from dual '); END IF; IF g_version_category = VERSION_9iR2 OR g_version_category = VERSION_10gR1 OR g_version_category = VERSION_10gR2 OR g_version_category = VERSION_11gR1 OR g_version_category = VERSION_11gR2 OR g_version_category = HIGHER_SUPPORTED_VERSION THEN write_metric('db_options', 'select ''INTER_MEDIA'' as name, decode((select username from dba_users where username=''ORDSYS''), ''ORDSYS'', ''TRUE'', ''FALSE'') as selected '|| 'from dual '|| 'union '|| 'select ''SPATIAL'' as name, decode((select username from dba_users where username=''MDSYS''), ''MDSYS'', ''TRUE'', ''FALSE'') as selected '|| 'from dual '|| 'union '|| 'select ''OLAP'' as name, decode((select username from dba_users where username=''OLAPSYS''), ''OLAPSYS'', ''TRUE'', ''FALSE'') as selected '|| 'from dual '|| 'union '|| 'select ''ORACLE_TEXT'' as name, decode((select username from dba_users where username=''CTXSYS''), ''CTXSYS'', ''TRUE'', ''FALSE'') as selected '|| 'from dual '|| 'union '|| 'select ''ULTRA_SEARCH'' as name, decode((select username from dba_users where username=''WKSYS''), ''WKSYS'', ''TRUE'', ''FALSE'') as selected '|| 'from dual '|| 'union '|| 'select ''LABEL_SECURITY'' as name, decode((select username from dba_users where username=''LBACSYS''), ''LBACSYS'', ''TRUE'', ''FALSE'') as selected '|| 'from dual '|| 'union '|| 'select ''SAMPLE_SCHEMA'' as name, decode((select count(*) from dba_users where username IN(''HR'',''PM'',''QS'',''SH'',''OE'')), 0, ''FALSE'', ''TRUE'') as selected '|| 'from dual '|| 'union '|| 'select ''JSERVER'' as name, decode((select count(*) from sys.obj$ where type#=29), 0, ''FALSE'', ''TRUE'') as selected '|| 'from dual '|| 'union '|| 'select ''ORACLE_DATA_MINING'' as name, decode((select status from dba_registry where comp_id=''ODM''), ''VALID'', ''TRUE'', ''FALSE'') as selected '|| 'from dual '|| 'union '|| 'select ''XDB'' as name, decode((select username from dba_users where username=''XDB''), ''XDB'', ''TRUE'', ''FALSE'') as selected '|| 'from dual '|| 'union '|| 'select ''EM_REPOSITORY'' as name, decode((select username from dba_users where username=''SYSMAN''), ''SYSMAN'', ''TRUE'', ''FALSE'') as selected '|| 'from dual'); END IF; END collect_db_options; /* Private procedure Collect metric=statspack_config */ procedure collect_statspack_config IS BEGIN write_metric('statspack_config', 'select (select decode(count(*),1,''YES'',''NO'') FROM sys.obj$ o, sys.user$ u WHERE = ''PERFSTAT'' AND o.owner# = u.user# AND = ''STATSPACK'' AND o.type# = 11 AND o.status = 1) is_installed , (select nvl(INTERVAL,'''') from dba_jobs where what like ''statspack.snap%'' and SCHEMA_USER=''PERFSTAT'' and rownum =1) freq from dual'); END collect_statspack_config; /* Private procedure Collect metric=db_users */ procedure collect_db_users IS BEGIN write_metric('db_users', 'select USERNAME,USER_ID,DEFAULT_TABLESPACE,TEMPORARY_TABLESPACE,to_char(CREATED,''YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'') creation_time,PROFILE,to_char(EXPIRY_DATE,''YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'') expire_time from dba_users'); END collect_db_users; /* Private procedure Collect metric=backup_config */ /* procedure collect_backup_config IS BEGIN write_metric('backup_config', ' select DEVICE_TYPE, ''DATAFILE'' from v$backup_datafile d,V$BACKUP_PIECE p where d.SET_COUNT=p.SET_COUNT and d.SET_STAMP=p.SET_STAMP and p.STATUS =''A'' and d.FILE# != 0 union all select p.DEVICE_TYPE,''REDOLOG'' from V$BACKUP_REDOLOG r,V$BACKUP_PIECE p where r.SET_COUNT=p.SET_COUNT and r.SET_STAMP=p.SET_STAMP and p.STATUS =''A'''); END collect_backup_config; */ /* Private procedure Collect metric=ha_info */ procedure collect_ha_info IS BEGIN IF g_version_category = VERSION_817 OR g_version_category = VERSION_9i THEN write_metric('ha_info', 'SELECT dbid , log_mode FROM v$database'); END IF; IF g_version_category = VERSION_9iR2 THEN write_metric('ha_info', 'SELECT dbid , log_mode , force_logging , database_role FROM v$database'); END IF; IF g_version_category = VERSION_10gR1 OR g_version_category = VERSION_10gR2 OR g_version_category = VERSION_11gR1 OR g_version_category = VERSION_11gR2 OR g_version_category = HIGHER_SUPPORTED_VERSION THEN write_metric('ha_info', 'SELECT dbid , log_mode , force_logging , database_role , flashback_on , supplemental_log_data_min FROM v$database'); END IF; END collect_ha_info; /* Private procedure Collect metric=ha_rman_config */ procedure collect_ha_rman_config IS BEGIN IF g_version_category = VERSION_9i OR g_version_category = VERSION_9iR2 OR g_version_category = VERSION_10gR1 OR g_version_category = VERSION_10gR2 OR g_version_category = VERSION_11gR1 OR g_version_category = VERSION_11gR2 OR g_version_category = HIGHER_SUPPORTED_VERSION THEN write_metric('ha_rman_config', ' select ''CONTROLFILE AUTOBACKUP'',nvl((select value from v$rman_configuration where name=''CONTROLFILE AUTOBACKUP''),'''')from dual union select name, value from v$rman_configuration where name=''CONTROLFILE AUTOBACKUP FORMAT FOR DEVICE TYPE'' and value like ''DISK%'' ' ); END IF; END collect_ha_rman_config; /* Private procedure Collect metric=db_dbNInstanceInfo */ procedure collect_db_dbNInstanceInfo IS CURSOR l_res_cur IS select inst_id,instance_name from gv$instance; l_word_length NUMBER; l_is_64bit VARCHAR2(1); l_banner_bitrelstr VARCHAR2(4000); l_banner_bitrelstr_clause VARCHAR2(4000); l_banner_split_clause VARCHAR2(4000) ; l_db_ver_num VARCHAR2(3); l_supplemental_log VARCHAR2(100); l_dv_status VARCHAR2(1000); BEGIN -- l_supplemental log string IF g_version_category = VERSION_817 OR g_version_category = VERSION_9i THEN l_supplemental_log :=', null as SUPPLEMENTAL_LOG '; ELSIF g_version_category = VERSION_9iR2 OR g_version_category = VERSION_10gR1 OR g_version_category = VERSION_10gR2 OR g_version_category = VERSION_11gR1 OR g_version_category = VERSION_11gR2 OR g_version_category = HIGHER_SUPPORTED_VERSION THEN l_supplemental_log := ',a.supplemental_log_data_min as SUPPLEMENTAL_LOG '; END IF; IF g_version_category = VERSION_817 THEN l_dv_status := ' , NULL as dv_status_code '; ELSIF g_version_category = VERSION_9i OR g_version_category = VERSION_9iR2 OR g_version_category = VERSION_10gR1 OR g_version_category = VERSION_10gR2 OR g_version_category = VERSION_11gR1 OR g_version_category = VERSION_11gR2 OR g_version_category = HIGHER_SUPPORTED_VERSION THEN l_dv_status := ' , case when (select count(*) from dba_users where username =''DVSYS'' and user_id = 1279990) > 0 then case when (select value from v$option where parameter =''Oracle Database Vault'') =''TRUE'' then 1 -- Enabled else 0 --Disabled end when (select count(*) from dba_users where username =''DVSYS'' and user_id = 1279990) = 0 then case when (select value from v$option where parameter =''Oracle Database Vault'') = ''TRUE'' then -1 -- Not Configured else -2 -- Not Installed end end dv_status_code '; END IF; -- the word length denotes 32 or 64-bit select length(addr)*4 into l_word_length from v$process where rownum=1; IF l_word_length = 64 THEN l_is_64bit := 'Y'; ELSE l_is_64bit := 'N'; END IF; -- The portion after the - in the banner is given by -- substr(banner, instr(banner, '-') + 2) l_banner_bitrelstr := 'substr(banner, instr(banner, ''-'') + 2)'; l_banner_bitrelstr_clause := ' , ''' || l_is_64bit || ''' , ' || ' substr(' || l_banner_bitrelstr || ', instr(' || l_banner_bitrelstr || ', '' '') + 1) '; IF g_version_category = VERSION_817 THEN l_banner_split_clause := ' , substr(banner,instr(banner,''Oracle8i''),8) , ' || ' nvl(trim(substr(banner,instr(banner,''Oracle8i'') + 8,instr(banner,'' Release'') ' || ' - instr(banner,''Oracle8i'') - 8 )),decode(instr(banner,''Personal''),0,'''',''Personal'')) , ' ; ELSIF g_version_category = VERSION_9i OR g_version_category = VERSION_9iR2 THEN l_banner_split_clause := ' , substr(banner,instr(banner,''Oracle9i''),8) , ' || ' nvl(trim(substr(banner,instr(banner,''Oracle9i'') + 8,instr(banner,'' Release'') ' || ' - instr(banner,''Oracle9i'') - 8 )),decode(instr(banner,''Personal''),0,'''',''Personal'')) , '; ELSE IF g_version_category = VERSION_10gR1 OR g_version_category = VERSION_10gR2 THEN l_db_ver_num := '10g'; ELSE l_db_ver_num := '11g'; END IF; l_banner_split_clause := ' , substr(banner,instr(banner,''Oracle Database ' || l_db_ver_num || ''' ),19) , ' || 'nvl(trim(substr(banner,instr(banner,''Oracle Database ' || l_db_ver_num || ''' ) + 19,instr(banner,'' Release'') ' || '- instr(banner,''Oracle Database ' || l_db_ver_num || ''' ) - 19 )),decode(instr(banner,''Personal''),0,'''',''Personal'')) ,' ; END IF; IF g_version_category = VERSION_9i OR g_version_category = VERSION_9iR2 OR g_version_category = VERSION_10gR1 OR g_version_category = VERSION_10gR2 OR g_version_category = VERSION_11gR1 OR g_version_category = VERSION_11gR2 OR g_version_category = HIGHER_SUPPORTED_VERSION THEN FOR inst_id_row in l_res_cur LOOP write_metric('db_dbNInstanceInfo', ' SELECT database_name, ' || ' e.global_name global_name, ' || ' b.banner banner, ' || ' c.host_name host_name, ' || ' c.instance_name instance_name, ' || ' to_char(c.startup_time,''YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'') startup_time, ' || ' decode(c.logins,''RESTRICTED'',''YES'',''NO'') logins, ' || ' a.log_mode log_mode, ' || ' decode(a.open_mode,''READ ONLY'',''YES'',''NO'') open_mode, ' || ' nlsp1.value characterset, ' || ' nlsp2.value national_characterset, ' || ' p.property_value default_temp_tablespace, ' || ' to_char(a.created,''YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'') created ' || l_banner_split_clause || ' c.version' || l_banner_bitrelstr_clause || l_supplemental_log || l_dv_status || ' FROM gv$database a, ' || ' gv$version b, ' || ' gv$instance c, ' || ' global_name e, ' || ' gv$nls_parameters nlsp1 , ' || ' gv$nls_parameters nlsp2, ' || ' database_properties p ' || ' WHERE b.banner LIKE ''%Oracle%'' ' || ' AND nlsp1.parameter = ''NLS_CHARACTERSET'' ' || ' AND nlsp2.parameter = ''NLS_NCHAR_CHARACTERSET'' ' || ' AND p.property_name = ''DEFAULT_TEMP_TABLESPACE'' ' || ' AND a.INST_ID = ' || inst_id_row.inst_id || ' AND b.INST_ID = ' || inst_id_row.inst_id || ' AND c.INST_ID = ' || inst_id_row.inst_id || ' AND nlsp1.INST_ID = ' || inst_id_row.inst_id || ' AND nlsp2.INST_ID = ' || inst_id_row.inst_id ,inst_id_row.instance_name); END LOOP; END IF; IF g_version_category = VERSION_817 THEN FOR inst_id_row in l_res_cur LOOP write_metric('db_dbNInstanceInfo', ' SELECT database_name, ' || ' e.global_name global_name, ' || ' b.banner banner, ' || ' c.host_name host_name, ' || ' c.instance_name instance_name, ' || ' to_char(c.startup_time,''YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'') startup_time, ' || ' decode(c.logins,''RESTRICTED'',''YES'',''NO'') logins, ' || ' a.log_mode log_mode, ' || ' decode(a.open_mode,''READ ONLY'',''YES'',''NO'') open_mode, ' || ' nlsp1.value characterset, ' || ' nlsp2.value national_characterset, ' || ' ''SYSTEM'' default_temp_tablespace, ' || ' to_char(a.created,''YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'') created ' || l_banner_split_clause || ' c.version' || l_banner_bitrelstr_clause || l_supplemental_log || l_dv_status || ' FROM gv$database a, ' || ' gv$version b, ' || ' gv$instance c, ' || ' global_name e, ' || ' gv$nls_parameters nlsp1 , ' || ' gv$nls_parameters nlsp2 ' || ' WHERE b.banner LIKE ''%Oracle%'' ' || ' AND nlsp1.parameter = ''NLS_CHARACTERSET'' ' || ' AND nlsp2.parameter = ''NLS_NCHAR_CHARACTERSET'' ' || ' AND a.INST_ID = ' || inst_id_row.inst_id || ' AND b.INST_ID = ' || inst_id_row.inst_id || ' AND c.INST_ID = ' || inst_id_row.inst_id || ' AND nlsp1.INST_ID = ' || inst_id_row.inst_id || ' AND nlsp2.INST_ID = ' || inst_id_row.inst_id ,inst_id_row.instance_name); END LOOP; END IF; END collect_db_dbNInstanceInfo; -- write the record for an option, if its found to be installed -- 'OCM ' is appended to the Option Name, so that to distinguish it from other -- mechanism of collections like db feature usage statistics. procedure write_option_record(p_name VARCHAR2,p_install_sql VARCHAR2, p_usage_sql VARCHAR2, p_info_sql VARCHAR2 DEFAULT null,p_version_sql VARCHAR2 DEFAULT null) IS l_isInstalled INTEGER := 0; l_isUsed VARCHAR2(5) :='FALSE'; TYPE cur_type IS REF CURSOR; l_featureInfoCur cur_type; l_feature_row VARCHAR2(4000) := NULL; l_feature_info VARCHAR2(4000) := NULL; l_size INTEGER := 4000; l_row_separator VARCHAR2(1) := ';'; l_option_version v$instance.version%TYPE := NULL; BEGIN --check if installed IF p_install_sql is NOT NULL THEN BEGIN execute immediate 'select 1 from dual where exists ( ' || p_install_sql || ' )' into l_isInstalled; EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN null; WHEN OTHERS THEN -- error out exception that is not -- 00942: table or view does not exist -- 00904: invalid identifier -- 01031: insufficient privileges IF ( sqlcode != -942 AND sqlcode != -904 AND sqlcode != -1031) THEN write_error(p_name || ' install_sql=[' || p_install_sql ||'] SQLERRM: ' || SQLERRM || ' SQLCODE: ' || SQLCODE); END IF; -- if insufficient priv, set the used to unknown -- and place the error in the feature info IF ( sqlcode = -1031) THEN l_isUsed := 'UNK'; l_feature_info := 'i:' || SQLCODE; END IF; END; END IF; --check if used BEGIN execute immediate 'select ''TRUE'' from dual where exists ( ' || p_usage_sql || ' )' into l_isUsed; EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN null; WHEN OTHERS THEN -- error out exception that is not -- 00942: table or view does not exist -- 00904: invalid identifier -- 01031: insufficient privileges IF ( sqlcode != -942 AND sqlcode != -904 AND sqlcode != -1031) THEN write_error(p_name || ' usage_sql=[' || p_usage_sql ||'] SQLERRM: ' || SQLERRM || ' SQLCODE: ' || SQLCODE); END IF; -- if insufficient priv, set the used to unknown -- and place the error in the feature info IF ( sqlcode = -1031) THEN l_isUsed := 'UNK'; l_feature_info := 'u:'||SQLCODE; END IF; END; --if the option is used it is installed too by default. IF l_isUsed = 'TRUE' then l_isInstalled := 1; END IF; -- the option is being used and the sql to get its -- information is not null IF l_isUsed = 'TRUE' AND p_info_sql IS NOT NULL THEN -- feature is used, get feature details l_feature_info :=''; BEGIN OPEN l_featureInfoCur FOR p_info_sql; EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN null; WHEN OTHERS THEN -- Capture any exception in info sql -- error out exception that is not -- 00942: table or view does not exist -- 00904: invalid identifier -- 01031: insufficient privileges IF ( sqlcode != -942 AND sqlcode != -904 AND sqlcode != -1031) THEN write_error(p_name || ' feature_info_sql=[' || p_info_sql ||'] SQLERRM: ' || SQLERRM || ' SQLCODE: ' || SQLCODE); END IF; -- if insufficient priv set the used to unknown -- and place the error in the feature info IF ( sqlcode = -1031) THEN l_feature_info := 'fi:' ||SQLCODE; END IF; END; BEGIN LOOP FETCH l_featureInfoCur INTO l_feature_row; EXIT WHEN l_featureInfoCur%NOTFOUND; l_feature_info := l_feature_info || l_feature_row || l_row_separator ; l_feature_row := NULL; END LOOP; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN IF l_feature_row IS NOT NULL THEN -- save the data 3 chars less than the limit l_feature_info := substr(l_feature_info || l_feature_row || l_row_separator ,0,l_size - 3); -- save the trailing elipses to indicate that more data was present l_feature_info := l_feature_info || '...'; END IF; END; END IF; -- write a record for this option, if its installed or there -- is an entry in the option feature IF l_isInstalled = 1 OR l_feature_info IS NOT NULL THEN -- get the option version if a version sql is present IF p_version_sql is NOT NULL THEN BEGIN execute immediate p_version_sql into l_option_version; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN l_option_version := g_db_version; END; ELSE l_option_version := g_db_version; END IF; -- replace '|' char in feature into with '#' write_results( 'select ' || '''' || g_dbID || ''', ' || -- DBID '''' || substr('OCM ' || p_name,0,64) || ''',' || -- NAME '''' || l_option_version || ''',' || -- Version 'decode(''' || l_isUsed || ''',''TRUE'',''1'',''''),' || -- Detected Usages '1,' || -- Total Samples '''' || l_isUsed || ''' ,' || -- Currently Used ''''',' || -- First Usage Date ''''',' || -- Last Usage Date ''''',' || -- Aux Count ''''',' || -- Last Sample Date ''''',' || -- Last Sample Period '''' || replace(l_feature_info,'|','#') || '''' || -- Feature Info ' from dual'); END IF; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN --capture any error write_error(p_name || ' SQLERRM: ' || SQLERRM || ' SQLCODE: ' || SQLCODE); END write_option_record; /* --- TEMPLATE FUNCTION FOR DB Option collection Write option Provide three sqls: 1. check for install 2. check for usage 3. get option information for validation */ /* PROCEDURE write_ IS l_isInstalledSQL VARCHAR2(500) := '