Rem $Header: rdbms/admin/i1101000.sql /main/7 2009/01/22 08:47:55 hongyang Exp $
Rem i1101000.sql
Rem Copyright (c) 2007, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates.
Rem All rights reserved. 
Rem    NAME
Rem      i1101000.sql - load 11.1 specific tables that are need to
Rem                     process basic DDL statements
Rem      This script MUST be one of the first things called from the 
Rem      top-level upgrade script.
Rem      Only put statements in here that must be run in order
Rem      to process basic sql commands.  For example, in order to 
Rem      drop a package, the server code may depend on new tables.
Rem      If these tables do not exist, a recursive sql error will occur,
Rem      causing the command to be aborted.
Rem      The upgrade is performed in the following stages:
Rem        STAGE 1: upgrade from 11.1 to the current release
Rem        STAGE 2: invoke script for subsequent release
Rem    NOTES
Rem      * This script must be run using SQL*PLUS.
Rem      * You must be connected AS SYSDBA to run this script.
Rem    hongyang    01/12/09 - remove obsolete dependencie
Rem    rsamuels    12/16/08 - OLAP API new columns & renamed columns
Rem    rsamuels    11/21/08 - Add olap_multi_options$
Rem    nmacnaug    10/06/08 - remove hash locking
Rem    huagli      04/15/08 - lrg 3369670: move MV related upgrade script
Rem                           from c1101000.sql to this script
Rem    achoi       03/14/08 - remove versionable bit from public in user
Rem    geadon      03/04/08 - bug 5373923: TRANSIENT_IOT$
Rem    rburns      08/20/07 - created for 11.1 upgrade

Rem =========================================================================
Rem BEGIN STAGE 1: upgrade from 11.1 to the current release
Rem =========================================================================
update user$ set spare1=spare1-16 
   where bitand(spare1, 16) = 16 and name='PUBLIC'

Rem transient_iot$ is used to track transient IOTs created during partition
Rem maintenance operations (PMOs) on IOTs (bug #5373923)
create table transient_iot$
( obj#            number not null,              /* obj# of the transient IOT */
  parent_obj#     number,                  /* IOT object targeted by the PMO */
  parent_ptn_obj# number             /* partition object targeted by the PMO */
tablespace system

Rem remove obsolete dependencies before dropping any fixed views
delete from dependency$ where d_obj# in (select obj# from obj$ where name in

delete from dependency$ where p_obj# in (4294951141,4294951142);

Rem =================================
Rem  Begin Materialized View changes
Rem =================================

-- add new columns to MV log DD
alter table sys.mlog$ add (
  purge_start       date,                                /* purge start date */
  purge_next        varchar2(200),             /* purge next date expression */
  purge_job         varchar2(30),                          /* purge job name */
  last_purge_date   date,                                 /* last purge date */
  last_purge_status number,    /* last purge status: error# or 0 for success */
  rows_purged       number,                     /* last purge: # rows purged */
  oscn_pk           number,                    /* oldest SCN of primary key  */
  oscn_seq          number,                     /* oldest SCN of sequence no */
  oscn_oid          number,                       /* oldest SCN of object ID */
  oscn_new          number                       /* oldest SCN of new values */

-- add new column to MV DD
alter table sys.snap$ add (flag3 number);

-- add new column to MV direct loader log
alter table sys.sumdelta$ add (xid number);

-- add new clumn to MV PMOP log
alter table sys.sumpartlog$ add (xid number, cscn number);

-- add new column to MV direct loader log DD
alter table sys.snap_logdep$ add (rscn number);

-- create a new dictionary table snap_xcmt$
create table snap_xcmt$ /* xid and commit_scn mapping table */
( xid          number not null, /* transaction id */
  commit_scn   number not null  /* commit SCn */

-- add new column to MV log filter column DD
alter table sys.mlog_refcol$ add (oldest_scn number);

-- add new column to MV direct loader log DD
alter table sys.snap_loadertime$ add (oldest_scn number);

Rem ===============================
Rem  End Materialized View changes
Rem ===============================

Rem ========================
Rem  Begin OLAP API changes
Rem ========================

alter table olap_aw_deployment_controls$ modify (
  physical_name varchar2(64)            /* name of physical aw object */
) add (
  spare5 varchar2(1000)

alter table olap_impl_options$ modify (
  option_value varchar2(200)
) add (
  spare5 varchar2(1000)

create table olap_multi_options$
 owning_objectid number not null,       /* owning object ID */
 object_type number not null,           /* object type */
 option_type number not null,           /* option type enum */
 option_order number(20,0) not null,    /* order of this value in the option */
 option_value varchar2(80),             /* option value */
 option_num_value number,               /* option num value */
 option_ref_obj_type number,   /* if option_num_value represents an object, 
                                  the type of object */
 spare1 number,
 spare2 number,
 spare3 varchar2(1000),
 spare4 varchar2(1000)

create unique index i_olap_multi_options on olap_multi_options$ 
  (owning_objectid, object_type, option_type, option_order)

Rem ======================
Rem  End OLAP API changes
Rem ======================

Rem =========================================================================
Rem BEGIN STAGE 2: invoke script for subsequent release
Rem =========================================================================

Rem uncomment the following line for next release to call subsequent i script
Rem @@ixxxxxxx.sql

Rem =========================================================================
Rem END STAGE 2: invoke script for subsequent release
Rem =========================================================================

Rem *************************************************************************
Rem END i1101000.sql
Rem *************************************************************************