Rem Rem $Header: i0902000.sql 12-oct-2006.00:57:45 slynn Exp $ Rem Rem i0902000.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 1999, 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem i0902000.sql - load 10.1 specific tables that are need to Rem process basic DDL statements Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem This script MUST be one of the first things called from the Rem one path upgrade scripts (ie - u0902000.sql, ...) Rem Rem Only put statements in here that must be run in order Rem to process basic sql commands. For example, in order to Rem drop a package, the server code may depend on new tables. Rem If these tables do not exist, we get a recursive sql error Rem causing the command to be aborted. Rem Rem The upgrade is performed in the following stages: Rem STAGE 1: load 10.1 specific tables Rem STAGE 2: invoke script for subsequent version Rem Rem NOTES Rem * This script must be run using SQL*PLUS. Rem * You must be connected AS SYSDBA to run this script. Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem slynn 10/12/06 - smartfile->securefile Rem smuthuli 05/19/06 - project 18567: nglob Rem smuthuli 05/02/06 - project 18567 Rem rburns 11/04/05 - change for patch script Rem rburns 01/07/04 - add calls to 10.1 scripts Rem kmuthukk 10/27/03 - add dllname column to ncomp_dll$ Rem arithikr 10/24/03 - 3126930 - add drop_segments column to mon_mods Rem rburns 08/28/03 - cleanup Rem rburns 06/27/03 - add removed fixed tables Rem arithikr 06/30/03 - 1486580 - add sys.ind_online$ table Rem krajaman 05/20/03 - Remove d_owner# from dependency$ Rem tbgraves 03/13/03 - revert_updown_scripts Rem spolsani 11/21/02 - Rem tbgraves 10/04/02 - no tabs Rem tbgraves 10/03/02 - svrmgmt updown scripts Rem rxgovind 09/15/02 - finer grained dependencies Rem weiwang 07/30/02 - back out rules engine upgrade script Rem weiwang 04/11/02 - add rules engine upgrade script Rem rburns 06/05/02 - move dependency deletes Rem rburns 03/17/02 - rburns_10i_updown_scripts Rem rburns 02/12/02 - Created Rem Rem ========================================================================= Rem BEGIN STAGE 1: load 10.1 specific tables for basic DDL Rem ========================================================================= Rem set SYSTEM tablespace as the default permanent tablespace Rem do not change or insert anything if a value already exists Rem Add columns to partition dictionary. alter table partlob$ add ( defmaxsize number, defretention number, defmintime number); alter table tabcompart$ add ( defmaxsize number); alter table partobj$ add ( defmaxsize number); alter table lobcomppart$ add ( defmaxsize number, defretention number, defmintime number); alter table indcompart$ add ( defmaxsize number); insert into props$ (name, value$, comment$) (select 'DEFAULT_PERMANENT_TABLESPACE', 'SYSTEM', 'Default Permanent Tablespace ID' from dual where 'DEFAULT_PERMANENT_TABLESPACE' NOT IN (select name from props$ where name = 'DEFAULT_PERMANENT_TABLESPACE')); commit; Rem remove obsolete dependencies before dropping any fixed views delete from dependency$ where d_obj# in (select obj# from obj$ where name in ('V_$COMPATIBILITY', 'GV_$COMPATIBILITY', 'V_$COMPATSEG', 'GV_$COMPATSEG')); Rem need explicit delete for 9.2 fixed objects not in 10.1 Rem V$COMPATIBILITY,V$COMPATSEG,GV$COMPATIBILITY,GV$COMPATSEG, Rem X$KSFHDVNT,X$KSMGST,X$KSMGOP,X$KSMGV,X$KSMGSC,X$BUFQM, Rem X$TEMPORARY_LOB_REFCNT delete from dependency$ where p_obj# in (4294951125,4294951126,4294951321, 4294951322,4294951380,4294951662,4294951663,4294951664,4294951734, 4294951932,4294951944); commit; Rem Remove d_owner# from dependency$ ALTER TABLE dependency$ modify(d_owner# null); Rem Finer grained dependencies need these extra columns in dependency$ ALTER TABLE dependency$ ADD(d_attrs raw(2000), d_reason raw(2000)); create table ncomp_dll$ /* table for ncomp dlls */ ( obj# number not null, /* object number */ version number, /* version number */ dll blob, /* dll object */ dllname raw(1024)) /* os base file name for dll */ storage (initial 10k next 100k maxextents unlimited pctincrease 0); create unique index i_ncomp_dll1 ON ncomp_dll$(obj#, version); REM REM ADD warning_settings$ rem create table warning_settings$ ( obj# number not null, /* object number */ warning_num number not null, /* warning number*/ global_mod number, /* global modifier*/ property number); create index i_warning_settings on warning_settings$(obj#); REM REM ADD IND_ONLINE$ table to keep track of ONLINE index rebuild REM create table ind_online$ ( obj# number not null, type# number not null, /* what kind of index is this? */ /* normal : 1 */ /* bitmap : 2 */ /* cluster : 3 */ /* iot - top : 4 */ /* iot - nested : 5 */ /* secondary : 6 */ /* ansi : 7 */ /* lob : 8 */ /* cooperative index method : 9 */ flags number not null /* index is being online built : 0x100 */ /* index is being online rebuilt : 0x200 */ ); rem REM changes IN error$ REM ALTER TABLE error$ ADD ( property NUMBER default 0, error# NUMBER default 0); Rem =========================================== Rem add drop_segments column to mon_mods$ table Rem See comments in sql.bsq Rem if the column is already existed, just ignore the ORA-01430 Rem =========================================== alter table sys.mon_mods$ add ( drop_segments number default 0 ) / alter system flush shared_pool; Rem ========================================================================= Rem BEGIN STAGE 2: invoke script for subsequent release Rem ========================================================================= @@i1001000 Rem ========================================================================= Rem END STAGE 2: invoke script for subsequent release Rem ========================================================================= Rem ************************************************************************* Rem END i0902000.sql Rem *************************************************************************