Rem $Header: rdbms/admin/f1002000.sql /main/25 2009/09/02 14:33:56 rgmani Exp $ Rem Rem f1002000.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2006, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Rem All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem f1002000.sql - additional downgrade script from current release Rem to 10.2.0 Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem Rem Additional downgrade script to be run during the downgrade from Rem current release to 10.2. This must be run before e1002000.sql. Rem Rem This script is called from catdwgrd.sql and f1001000.sql Rem Rem Put any downgrade actions that reference PL/SQL packages here. Rem The PL/SQL packages must be called from this script prior to Rem any downgrade actions in e1002000.sql which could invalidate Rem the referenced PL/SQL calls. Rem Rem NOTES Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem rgmani 08/31/09 - XbranchMerge rgmani_lrg-3945958 from Rem st_rdbms_11. Rem rgmani 07/23/09 - Fix downgrade LRG Rem gagarg 03/28/09 - Lrg3824865: Move plsql NTFN changes to Rem f1101000.sql file Rem pbelknap 03/20/09 - move STA downgrade before SPM Rem gagarg 09/05/08 - Bug7360952: Drop plsql notification queues Rem created for each instance Rem mjstewar 01/08/08 - drop DRA maintenance jobs Rem mtao 01/07/08 - bug 6121044: remove foreign log cf entries Rem cdilling 11/28/07 - move dbms_assert calls from e1002000.sql Rem rgmani 10/24/07 - Rem jawilson 10/23/07 - force kill jobs left in running state Rem cdilling 09/25/07 - move drop data mining programs from e1002000.sql Rem rburns 09/25/07 - add 11g downgrade Rem sylin 09/24/07 - add drop created class Rem pbelknap 09/17/07 - drop SYS_AUTO_SQL_TUNING_TASK Rem cdilling 07/11/07 - move .downgraded calls here from e1002000.sql Rem jawilson 05/25/07 - drop propagation job cache object Rem qiwang 06/28/07 - BUG 5845153: LSBY ckpt downgrade Rem jawilson 05/25/07 - drop propagation job cache object Rem ilistvin 05/01/07 - fix AUTOTASK downgrade logic Rem jawilson 04/24/07 - drop AQ$_PROPAGATION_JOB_CLASS Rem akoeller 04/12/07 - Access Advisor changes Rem hosu 04/06/07 - move dropping spm package to e1002000.sql Rem suelee 03/29/07 - LRG 2902772 Rem kchen 03/19/07 - fixed lrg 2900123 Rem schakkap 10/24/06 - delete statistics history entries during Rem downgrade Rem arogers 10/10/06 - 5572026 - stop and drop created service metrics Rem queue Rem ddas 10/27/06 - rename OPM to SPM Rem mziauddi 09/23/06 - move in SPM downgrade script from e1002000.sql Rem cdilling 09/14/06 - Created Rem ========================================================================= Rem BEGIN STAGE 1: downgrade from the current release Rem ========================================================================= @@f1101000.sql Rem ========================================================================= Rem END STAGE 1: downgrade from the current release Rem ========================================================================= Rem ========================================================================= Rem BEGIN STAGE 2: downgrade dictionary from current release to 10.2.0 Rem ========================================================================= BEGIN dbms_registry.downgrading('CATALOG'); dbms_registry.downgrading('CATPROC'); END; / Rem ==================================== Rem BEGIN SQL Tuning Advisor changes Rem IMPORTANT This must be done BEFORE SPM downgrade Rem ==================================== -- -- Drop the new auto task that was created during upgrade to 11g. We add -- a little extra code just to be careful that we are really dropping the -- right task. -- -- Any auto-created SQL profiles will survive the downgrade. -- declare tname wri$; begin select max(name) into tname from wri$_adv_tasks t where = prvt_advisor.TASK_RESERVED_NAME_ASQLT and t.owner_name = 'SYS' and bitand(, prvt_advisor.TASK_PROP_SYSTEMTASK) <> 0; if (tname is not null) then dbms_sqltune.drop_tuning_task(tname); end if; end; / Rem ==================================== Rem END SQL Tuning Advisor changes Rem ==================================== Rem ----------------------------------------------- Rem SQL Plan Management (SPM) Downgrade Begin Rem ----------------------------------------------- Rem truncate new tables truncate table sqllog$; truncate table smb$config; rem change definition of sql$ and move it to SYSAUX -- temporary table create table sql$_sys /* base table for SQL Tuning Base */ ( signature number not null, /* signature of normalized SQL text */ nhash number not null, /* hash value for normalized text */ sqlarea_hash number not null, /* sql cache hash value */ last_used date not null, /* week of last use */ inuse_features number not null, /* bit map of features used by this object */ /* 0x01 - SQLProfiles, 0x02 - stored outlines */ flags number not null, /* not used currently */ modified date not null, /* last modification timestamp */ incarnation number not null, /* modification incarnation number */ spare1 number, /* spare column */ spare2 varchar2(1000) /* spare column */ ) / -- copy over values from the old table insert into sql$_sys (signature, nhash, sqlarea_hash, last_used, inuse_features, flags, modified, incarnation) select s.signature, 0, 0, nvl(o.last_executed, systimestamp), s.inuse_features, s.flags, systimestamp, 0 from sql$ s, sqlobj$auxdata sa, sqlobj$ o where s.signature = sa.signature and sa.signature = o.signature and sa.category = o.category and sa.obj_type = 1 and o.obj_type = 1; commit; rem change definition of sql$text and move it from SYSAUX create table sql$text_sys /* holds SQL text for sql$ entries */ ( signature number not null, /* signature of normalized SQL text */ sql_text CLOB not null, /* un-normalized SQL text */ sql_len number not null /* length of SQL text */ ) / -- copy over values from the table in sysaux insert into sql$text_sys select signature, sql_text, dbms_lob.getlength(sql_text) from sql$text t where exists (select 1 from sqlobj$ o where o.obj_type = 1 and o.signature = t.signature); commit; -- drop the table drop table sql$text; -- rename the temporary table to its new name alter table sql$text_sys rename to sql$text; -- recreate indices create index i_sql$text on sql$text(signature); rem create sqlprof$ create table sqlprof$ /* base table for storing SQL profile objects */ ( sp_name varchar2(30) not null, /* name (potentially generated) */ signature number not null,/* signature of normalized SQL txt */ category varchar2(30) not null, /* category name */ nhash number not null, /* hash value for normalized text */ created date not null, /* creation date */ last_modified date not null, /* last modified date */ type number not null, /* '1' for manual, */ /* '2' for auto-tune */ status number not null, /* '1' for enabled, */ /* '2' for disabled, '3' for void */ flags number not null, /* not used */ spare1 number, /* spare column */ spare2 varchar2(1000) /* spare column */ ) / create unique index i_sqlprof$ on sqlprof$(signature, category) / create unique index i_sqlprof$name on sqlprof$(sp_name) / rem populate sqlprof$ from sqlobj$ and sqlobj$auxdata rem sqlprof$.flags must not be null, but not used, rem we insert a default value 0 for it insert into sqlprof$ (sp_name, signature, category, nhash, created, last_modified, type, status, flags) select, sa.signature, sa.category, 0, sa.created, sa.last_modified, sa.origin, decode(s.flags, null, 3, decode(bitand(s.flags, 1), 1, 1, 2)), 0 from sqlobj$ s, sqlobj$auxdata sa where s.signature = sa.signature and s.obj_type = 1 and sa.obj_type = 1; commit; rem truncate new tables truncate table sqlobj$; rem create table sqlprof$attr create table sqlprof$attr /* table containing attributes for SQL profiles */ ( signature number not null, /* signature of normalized SQL txt */ category varchar2(30) not null, /* join key: category name */ attr# number not null, /* attr number within profile */ attr_val varchar2(500) not null /* attribute value */ ) / rem populate sqlprof$attr from sqlobj$data insert into sqlprof$attr select signature, category, row_number() over (partition by signature, category order by signature), extractValue(value(t), '/hint') from sqlobj$data sd, table(xmlsequence(extract(xmltype(sd.comp_data), '/outline_data/hint'))) t where sd.obj_type = 1; commit; create unique index i_sqlprof$attr on sqlprof$attr (signature, category, attr#) / create table sqlprof$desc /* descriptions for SQL profiles */ ( signature number not null, /* signature of normalized SQL txt */ category varchar2(30) not null, /* join key: category name */ description varchar2(500) /* profile description (potentially generated) */ ) / insert into sqlprof$desc select signature, category, description from sqlobj$auxdata where obj_type = 1; commit; rem truncate new table truncate table sqlobj$data; -- drop the table and its associated indices drop table sql$; -- rename the temporary table to its new name alter table sql$_sys rename to sql$; rem recreate indices create unique index i_sql$signature on sql$(signature); rem truncate new table sqlobj$auxdata truncate table sqlobj$auxdata; Rem --------------------------------------------- Rem SQL Plan Management (SPM) Downgrade End Rem --------------------------------------------- Rem========================================================================= Rem Run PL/SQL blocks to downgrade procedural objects Rem========================================================================= Rem MV Log-related changes Rem Downgrade unpublished MV logs Rem Publish flag: KKZLOGPUBL = 0x2000 = 8192 DECLARE curscn NUMBER; CURSOR mvlogcur IS SELECT greatest(l.youngest+1, sysdate) as maxdate FROM sys.mlog$ l WHERE bitand(l.flag, 8192) = 0 FOR UPDATE; BEGIN FOR r1 IN mvlogcur LOOP curscn := dbms_flashback.get_system_change_number; UPDATE sys.mlog$ SET youngest = r1.maxdate, oldest = greatest(oldest, r1.maxdate), oldest_pk = greatest(oldest_pk, r1.maxdate), oldest_seq = greatest(oldest_seq, r1.maxdate), oldest_oid = greatest(oldest_oid, r1.maxdate), oldest_new = greatest(oldest_new, r1.maxdate), oscn = curscn, yscn = curscn WHERE CURRENT OF mvlogcur; END LOOP; END; / COMMIT; Rem======================= Rem Streams Changes Begin Rem======================= alter session set events '10866 trace name context forever, level 4'; DECLARE CURSOR s_c IS SELECT oid, destination, job_name, last_run FROM$_schedules where job_name is not null; jobname VARCHAR2(30); job_no NUMBER; mydestination VARCHAR2(128); mystart_time DATE; myduration VARCHAR2(8); mynext_time VARCHAR2(200); mylatency VARCHAR2(8); disabled_state VARCHAR2(1); mybatch_size NUMBER; inst NUMBER; cur_time DATE; saved_state BOOLEAN; last_start_date timestamp with time zone; failure_count NUMBER; num_windows NUMBER; sql_stmt VARCHAR2(2000); job_state VARCHAR2(30); stopped BOOLEAN := FALSE; stop_counter BINARY_INTEGER := 0; st_time date; delta NUMBER := 0; STOPPED_STILL_RUNNING exception; PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(STOPPED_STILL_RUNNING, -27365); JOB_NOT_RUNNING exception; PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(JOB_NOT_RUNNING, -27366); NOT_STOPPED_STILL_RUNNING exception; PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(NOT_STOPPED_STILL_RUNNING, -27478); RAC_JOB_TIMEOUT EXCEPTION; PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(RAC_JOB_TIMEOUT, -16509); RAC_JOB_ERR EXCEPTION; PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(RAC_JOB_TIMEOUT, -16510); BEGIN FOR s_c_rec in s_c LOOP BEGIN jobname := s_c_rec.job_name; stopped := FALSE; SELECT value INTO mydestination FROM DBA_SCHEDULER_JOB_ARGS WHERE JOB_NAME=jobname AND ARGUMENT_NAME='DESTINATION'; SELECT value INTO myduration FROM DBA_SCHEDULER_JOB_ARGS WHERE JOB_NAME=jobname AND ARGUMENT_NAME='DURATION'; SELECT value INTO mylatency FROM DBA_SCHEDULER_JOB_ARGS WHERE JOB_NAME=jobname AND ARGUMENT_NAME='LATENCY'; SELECT to_number(value) INTO mybatch_size FROM DBA_SCHEDULER_JOB_ARGS WHERE JOB_NAME=jobname AND ARGUMENT_NAME='HTTP_BATCH_SIZE'; SELECT decode(enabled,'TRUE','N','Y'), state INTO disabled_state, job_state FROM DBA_SCHEDULER_JOBS WHERE JOB_NAME=jobname; SELECT SYSDATE INTO cur_time FROM dual; dbms_scheduler.get_attribute(jobname, 'start_date', mystart_time); dbms_scheduler.get_attribute(jobname, 'repeat_interval', mynext_time); dbms_scheduler.get_attribute(jobname, 'instance_id', inst); -- query properties to updated aq$_schedules sql_stmt := 'SELECT decode(j.failure_count, 1, 16, j.retry_count),'|| ' j.last_start_date, '|| ' GREATEST(1, (select count (*) '|| ' from dba_scheduler_job_run_details '|| ' where job_name = j.job_name)) '|| ' FROM dba_scheduler_jobs j where job_name = :1'; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE sql_stmt INTO failure_count, last_start_date, num_windows USING jobname; sys.dbms_aqadm_syscalls.kwqa_3gl_BeginTrans(TRUE, saved_state); st_time := SYSDATE; WHILE (stopped = FALSE) AND (delta <= 150) AND (stop_counter <= 31) LOOP BEGIN delta := (SYSDATE-st_time)*24*3600; IF (stop_counter > 30) OR ( delta > 150) THEN dbms_scheduler.stop_job(jobname, force => TRUE); ELSE dbms_scheduler.stop_job(jobname); END IF; stopped := TRUE; EXCEPTION WHEN STOPPED_STILL_RUNNING THEN dbms_lock.sleep(10); stop_counter := stop_counter + 1; WHEN RAC_JOB_TIMEOUT OR RAC_JOB_ERR THEN dbms_lock.sleep(10); stop_counter := stop_counter + 1; WHEN JOB_NOT_RUNNING OR NOT_STOPPED_STILL_RUNNING THEN -- Unrecovered jobs should be given a kill signal to clean -- them up. SELECT state INTO job_state FROM DBA_SCHEDULER_JOBS WHERE JOB_NAME=jobname; IF job_state = 'RUNNING' THEN BEGIN dbms_scheduler.stop_job(jobname, force => TRUE); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN RAISE; END; END IF; stopped := TRUE; WHEN OTHERS THEN RAISE; END; END LOOP; dbms_scheduler.drop_job(job_name => jobname, force => TRUE); sys.dbms_aqadm_syscalls.kwqa_3gl_DestroyCacheObject( jobname, mydestination, s_c_rec.oid); -- only submit a job if schedule is enabled. -- job is started immediately without regard to -- periodicity IF (disabled_state = 'N') THEN DBMS_JOB.SUBMIT( job_no, 'next_date :=$_propaq(job);', cur_time,NULL,TRUE, inst); END IF; -- For run-once jobs that have stopped (succeeded), mark as disabled=N -- to match 10.2 semantics but do not submit job. If last_run is not -- null, then the schedule was completed, then upgraded. IF disabled_state = 'Y' AND (job_state = 'SUCEEDED' OR s_c_rec.last_run IS NOT NULL) THEN disabled_state := 'N'; END IF; sql_stmt := ' UPDATE$_schedules '|| ' SET jobno = :1, '|| ' latency = :2, '|| ' duration = :3, '|| ' start_time = :4, '|| ' next_time = :5, '|| ' spare1 = :6, '|| ' instance = :7, '|| ' disabled = :8, '|| ' job_name = null, '|| ' failures = :9, '|| ' last_run = :10, '|| ' total_windows = :11, '|| ' cur_start_time = :12 ' || ' WHERE job_name = :13 '; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE sql_stmt USING job_no, mylatency, myduration, nvl(mystart_time, SYSDATE), mynext_time, mybatch_size, inst, disabled_state, failure_count, nvl(from_tz(last_start_date, sessiontimezone), s_c_rec.last_run), num_windows, nvl(mystart_time, SYSDATE), jobname; sys.dbms_aqadm_syscalls.kwqa_3gl_EndTrans(TRUE, saved_state); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN sys.dbms_aqadm_syscalls.kwqa_3gl_EndTrans(FALSE, saved_state); dbms_system.ksdwrt(dbms_system.trace_file, 'AQ: ' || SQLERRM); dbms_system.ksdwrt(dbms_system.trace_file, 'AQ: propagation schedule downgrade failed ' || ' for queue:'||s_c_rec.oid || ' destination:'|| s_c_rec.destination|| ' Job :'||jobname); END; END LOOP; END; / alter session set events '10866 trace name context off'; BEGIN DBMS_SCHEDULER.DROP_PROGRAM( program_name => 'AQ$_PROPAGATION_PROGRAM', force => TRUE); DBMS_SCHEDULER.DROP_JOB_CLASS( job_class_name => 'AQ$_PROPAGATION_JOB_CLASS', force => TRUE); END; / Rem======================= Rem Streams Changes End Rem======================= Rem========================================================================= Rem BEGIN Logical Standby downgrade items Rem========================================================================= Rem Rem BUG 5845153 Rem Convert Logical Standby Ckpt data from 11 format to 10.2 format Rem begin sys.dbms_logmnr_internal.agespill_11to102; end; / Rem BUG 6121044 Rem Remove foreign logs from flash recovery area when downgrading to 10.2 Rem begin sys.dbms_backup_restore.cleanupforeignarchivedlogs; end; / Rem========================================================================= Rem End Logical Standby downgrade items Rem========================================================================= Rem============================================================================ Rem Begin BSLN Changes Rem============================================================================ Rem ******************************** Rem * drop scheduler entities Rem ******************************** declare K_NOTAJOB constant binary_integer := 27475; K_DOESNOTEXIST constant binary_integer := 27476; begin begin dbms_scheduler.drop_job('BSLN_MAINTAIN_STATS_JOB', TRUE); exception when others then if SQLCODE = K_NOTAJOB then NULL; else raise; end if; end; begin dbms_scheduler.drop_schedule('BSLN_MAINTAIN_STATS_SCHED', TRUE); exception when others then if SQLCODE = K_DOESNOTEXIST then NULL; else raise; end if; end; begin dbms_scheduler.drop_program('BSLN_MAINTAIN_STATS_PROG', TRUE); exception when others then if SQLCODE = K_DOESNOTEXIST then NULL; else raise; end if; end; end; / Rem ******************************** Rem * 1. truncate tables Rem ******************************** alter table dbsnmp.bsln_statistics disable constraint bsln_statistics_fk; alter table dbsnmp.bsln_threshold_params disable constraint bsln_thresholds_fk; truncate table dbsnmp.bsln_threshold_params; truncate table dbsnmp.bsln_statistics; truncate table dbsnmp.bsln_baselines; truncate table dbsnmp.bsln_timegroups; truncate table dbsnmp.bsln_metric_defaults; alter table dbsnmp.bsln_statistics enable constraint bsln_statistics_fk; alter table dbsnmp.bsln_threshold_params enable constraint bsln_thresholds_fk; Rem ******************************** Rem * 2. drop views Rem ******************************** drop view dbsnmp.mgmt_bsln_intervals; drop view dbsnmp.mgmt_bsln_metrics; drop view dbsnmp.mgmt_bsln_statistics; drop view dbsnmp.mgmt_bsln_threshold_parms; drop view dbsnmp.mgmt_bsln_baselines; drop view dbsnmp.mgmt_bsln_datasources; Rem ******************************** Rem * 3. drop packages Rem ******************************** drop synonym dbsnmp.mgmt_bsln; drop package dbsnmp.bsln; drop package dbsnmp.bsln_internal; Rem ******************************** Rem * 4. drop types Rem ******************************** drop type dbsnmp.bsln_metric_set; drop type dbsnmp.bsln_metric_t; drop type dbsnmp.bsln_variance_set; drop type dbsnmp.bsln_variance_t; drop type dbsnmp.bsln_observation_set; drop type dbsnmp.bsln_observation_t; drop type dbsnmp.bsln_statistics_set; drop type dbsnmp.bsln_statistics_t; Rem ******************************** Rem * 5. restore legacy tables Rem ******************************** declare -- prefixes to replace on rename K_BSLN_OLDPREFIX constant varchar2(10) := 'MGMT_BSLN_'; K_BSLN_CURRPREFIX constant varchar2(9) := 'BSLN_102_'; begin -- loop over the set of tables for l_tab in (select table_name current_name ,K_BSLN_OLDPREFIX||SUBSTR(table_name,LENGTH(K_BSLN_CURRPREFIX)+1) old_name from dba_tables where owner = 'DBSNMP' and table_name like K_BSLN_CURRPREFIX||'%') loop -- rename here, trapping exceptions that may arise in the case the -- tables have already been renamed begin execute immediate 'alter table dbsnmp.'|| dbms_assert.enquote_name(l_tab.current_name, FALSE) || ' rename to '|| dbms_assert.enquote_name(l_tab.old_name, FALSE); exception when others then if (SQLCODE = -942) then NULL; else raise; end if; end; end loop; end; / Rem============================================================================ Rem BSLN Changes End Rem============================================================================ -- drop program for automatic sql tuning task begin dbms_scheduler.drop_program('AUTO_SQL_TUNING_PROG', true); exception when others then if (sqlcode = -27476) then -- prog does not exist null; else raise; end if; end; / Rem ========================== Rem Begin AUTOTASK changes Rem ========================== exec dbms_auto_task_export.downgrade_from_11g; Rem ========================== Rem End AUTOTASK changes Rem ========================== Rem =============================== Rem Begin dbms_scheduler changes Rem =============================== Rem Drop scheduler credentials DECLARE CURSOR all_credentials IS SELECT credential_name, owner from DBA_SCHEDULER_CREDENTIALS; BEGIN FOR credential in all_credentials LOOP dbms_scheduler.drop_credential('"' || credential.owner || '"."' || credential.credential_name || '"', TRUE); END LOOP; END; / Rem remove all lightweight jobs declare cursor all_lwjobs IS select owner, job_name from dba_scheduler_jobs where job_style <> 'REGULAR'; begin for lwjob in all_lwjobs loop dbms_scheduler.drop_job ('"' || lwjob.owner || '"."' || lwjob.job_name || '"', TRUE); end loop; end; / -- stop and drop created remote database jobs queue BEGIN dbms_aqadm.stop_queue('SYS.SCHEDULER$_REMDB_JOBQ'); dbms_aqadm.drop_queue('SYS.SCHEDULER$_REMDB_JOBQ'); dbms_aqadm.drop_queue_table('SYS.SCHEDULER$_REMDB_JOBQTAB'); END; / -- stop and drop created service metrics queue BEGIN dbms_aqadm.remove_subscriber(queue_name=>'SYS$SERVICE_METRICS', subscriber=>$_agent('SYS$RLB_GEN_SUB',null,null)); dbms_transform.drop_transformation('SYS','SYS$SERVICE_METRICS_GEN_TS'); dbms_transform.drop_transformation('SYS','SYS$SERVICE_METRICS_TS'); dbms_aqadm.stop_queue('SYS$SERVICE_METRICS'); dbms_aqadm.drop_queue('SYS$SERVICE_METRICS'); dbms_aqadm.drop_queue_table('SYS$SERVICE_METRICS_TAB'); END; / begin sys.dbms_scheduler.drop_program ( 'hs_parallel_sampling', true ) ; exception when others then if SQLCODE != -27476 THEN raise ; end if; end; / Rem drop created class. This class is only used if compat >= 11 begin dbms_scheduler.drop_job_class(job_class_name => 'DBMS_JOB$', force=>true); exception when others then if sqlcode = -27476 then NULL; else raise; end if; end; / Rem Truncate attribute LAST_OBSERVED_EVENT declare attrval varchar2(256); begin select value into attrval from dba_scheduler_global_attribute where attribute_name = 'LAST_OBSERVED_EVENT'; if length(attrval) > 32 then dbms_isched.drop_scheduler_attribute('LAST_OBSERVED_EVENT'); dbms_scheduler.set_scheduler_attribute('LAST_OBSERVED_EVENT', substr(attrval, 1, 32)); end if; exception when others then if abs(sqlcode) = 942 or abs(sqlcode) = 1403 or abs(sqlcode) = 955 then null; else raise; end if; end; / Rem =============================== Rem Drop Timestamp and SCN columns Rem in subscriber tables. Rem =============================== DECLARE qt_schema VARCHAR2(30); qt_name VARCHAR2(30); qt_flags NUMBER; CURSOR find_qt_c IS SELECT schema, name, flags, objno FROM$_queue_tables; subtab_sql VARCHAR2(1024); upd_col_sql VARCHAR2(300); ignore INTEGER; q_name VARCHAR2(30); BEGIN FOR q_rec IN find_qt_c LOOP -- iterate all queue tables qt_schema := q_rec.schema; -- get queue table schema qt_name :=; -- get queue table name qt_flags := q_rec.flags; -- get queue table flags IF ((bitand(qt_flags, 8) = 8) AND (bitand(qt_flags, 1) = 1)) THEN upd_col_sql := 'UPDATE ' || dbms_assert.enquote_name(qt_schema, FALSE) || '.' || dbms_assert.enquote_name('AQ$_' || qt_name || '_S', FALSE) || ' SET SCN_AT_REMOVE = NULL, ' || 'CREATION_TIME = NULL, MODIFICATION_TIME = NULL,' || 'DELETION_TIME = NULL '; BEGIN EXECUTE IMMEDIATE upd_col_sql; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN dbms_system.ksdwrt(1,' Error Msg ' || SQLERRM) ; END; END IF; END LOOP; END; / Rem ==================================== Rem BEGIN Extended stats related changes Rem ==================================== Rem We have added a new column to the stats history table during upgrade Rem to 11g. We can not use the history once we downgrade the database. The Rem following stmt will purge all statistics history entries. exec dbms_stats.purge_stats(systimestamp); Rem ==================================== Rem END Extended stats related changes Rem ==================================== Rem ==================================== Rem BEGIN SQL Access Advisor changes Rem ==================================== Rem Reset all AA tasks. This will delete all data from the new 11g tables, Rem so no truncate is necessary later in e1002000.sql declare cursor task_cur IS SELECT id FROM sys.wri$_adv_tasks a where advisor_id = 2; l_id number; begin open task_cur; loop fetch task_cur into l_id; exit when task_cur%NOTFOUND; prvt_advisor.reset_task(l_id); end loop; close task_cur; end; / Rem ==================================== Rem END SQL Access Advisor changes Rem ==================================== Rem drop data mining programs exec dbms_scheduler.drop_program('sys.jdm_build_program', true ); exec dbms_scheduler.drop_program('sys.jdm_test_program', true ); exec dbms_scheduler.drop_program('sys.jdm_sql_apply_program', true ); exec dbms_scheduler.drop_program('sys.jdm_export_program', true ); exec dbms_scheduler.drop_program('sys.jdm_import_program', true ); exec dbms_scheduler.drop_program('sys.jdm_xform_program', true ); exec dbms_scheduler.drop_program('sys.jdm_predict_program', true ); exec dbms_scheduler.drop_program('sys.jdm_explain_program', true ); DECLARE /* Procedure to drop user */ PROCEDURE drop_user( user IN VARCHAR2,dir_name IN VARCHAR2) IS l_ll_user_exists NUMBER; l_ll_pkg_exists NUMBER; l_vers v$instance.version%TYPE; l_dirobj_cnt NUMBER; BEGIN select count(*) into l_ll_user_exists from dba_users where username = user; IF l_ll_user_exists = 1 THEN SELECT count(*) into l_ll_pkg_exists FROM sys.user$ u, sys.obj$ o WHERE = user AND ='MGMT_DB_LL_METRICS' AND o.owner# = u.user# AND o.type# = 9 AND o.status LIKE '%' ; IF l_ll_pkg_exists = 1 THEN execute immediate 'drop user '|| dbms_assert.enquote_name(user, FALSE) ||' cascade'; END IF; END IF; select substr(version,1,5) into l_vers from v$instance; IF l_vers != '9.0.1' AND l_vers != '8.1.7' THEN select count(*) into l_dirobj_cnt from dba_directories where DIRECTORY_NAME = dir_name ; IF l_dirobj_cnt = 1 THEN execute immediate 'DROP DIRECTORY ' || dbms_assert.enquote_name(dir_name, FALSE); END IF; END IF; END drop_user; BEGIN -- Drop previous OCM user drop_user('ORACLE_OCM','ORACLE_OCM_CONFIG_DIR'); END; / Rem ========================== Rem Begin DRA changes Rem ========================== BEGIN dbms_scheduler.drop_job( job_name => 'HM_CREATE_OFFLINE_DICTIONARY', force => TRUE); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN IF SQLCODE = -27475 THEN NULL; -- Not a job ELSE raise; END IF; END; / BEGIN dbms_scheduler.drop_job( job_name => 'DRA_REEVALUATE_OPEN_FAILURES', force => TRUE); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN IF SQLCODE = -27475 THEN NULL; -- Not a job ELSE raise; END IF; END; / Rem ========================== Rem End DRA changes Rem ========================== Rem ========================================================================= Rem END STAGE 2: downgrade dictionary from current release 10.2.0 Rem ========================================================================= Rem update status in component registry (last) BEGIN dbms_registry.downgraded('CATALOG','10.2.0'); dbms_registry.downgraded('CATPROC','10.2.0'); END; / Rem ************************************************************************* Rem END f1002000.sql Rem *************************************************************************