Rem Rem $Header: exfu102.sql 25-feb-2008.11:34:41 ayalaman Exp $ Rem Rem exfu102.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2005, 2008, Oracle. All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem exfu102.sql - Upgrade script for Expression Filter Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem Upgrade script for Expression Filter from release 10.2 Rem Rem NOTES Rem Upgrades the Expression Filter objects and tables to Rem accommodate the new functionality introduced after 10.2 Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem ayalaman 02/25/08 - upgrade to 11.2 Rem ayalaman 02/18/06 - bug 5030164 Rem ayalaman 02/23/06 - upgrade fix Rem ayalaman 02/02/06 - extend the column size Rem ayalaman 09/19/05 - ayalaman_exf_contains_oper Rem ayalaman 08/11/05 - Created Rem REM REM Upgrade of EXF from 10.2.0 to 11.0 REM REM REM Drop obsolete objects from 10.2 REM REM REM Create new tables and indexes REM -- --- Support for CONTAINS operator in stored expressions -- -- add CONTAINS as one of the valid operators -- declare widvar VARCHAR2(40); begin select operstr into widvar from exfsys.exf$validioper where operstr = 'CONTAINS'; exception when no_data_found then insert into exf$validioper values ('CONTAINS'); end; / REM REM ALTER tables to add/change columns and constraints for the new release REM -- --- Support for CONTAINS operator in stored expressions -- -- add overflow segment -- to avoid OVERFLOW already exist error use exception handling -- begin EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'alter table exf$attrlist add overflow'; exception when others then if (SQLCODE != -25197) then raise; end if; end; / alter table exf$attrlist including attrprop overflow; -- add the column to store text preferences -- alter table exf$attrlist add (attrtxtprf VARCHAR2(1000)); BEGIN EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'alter table exfsys.exf$attrlist modify (attrtptab VARCHAR2(75))'; EXCEPTION when others then null; END; / REM REM Modify static tables for the new release REM REM REM UPDATE existing columns as needed to reflect new algorithms, etc. REM REM REM Create new types for the release REM -- --- Support for CONTAINS operator in stored expressions -- -- EXF$TEXT : Text datatype for CONTAINS operator create type exfsys.exf$text as object ( preferences VARCHAR2(1000) ); / create or replace public synonym exf$text for exfsys.exf$text; grant execute on exf$text to public; REM REM ALTER existing types to add/change attributes and methods for the new release REM REM REM Drop any onsolete packages/procedures REM REM REM GRANT any additional privileges required by EXFSYS for the new release REM REM REM Call the upgrade script for next release REM @@exfu111.sql