Rem Rem $Header: dbmsxres.sql 04-dec-2006.19:13:39 mkandarp Exp $ Rem Rem dbmsxres.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2005, 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem dbmsxres.sql - <one-line expansion of the name> Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem <short description of component this file declares/defines> Rem Rem NOTES Rem <other useful comments, qualifications, etc.> Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem mkandarp 12/04/06 - 5655708: Increase DOM handle size Rem ataracha 07/27/06 - Add getContentRef Rem thoang 08/09/04 - Add isNull function for XDBResource Rem ataracha 03/19/04 - Add XDBResource and related APIs Rem thoang 09/13/04 - Created - Moved APIs from dbmsxdb.sql Rem CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE xdb.dbms_xdbresource AUTHID CURRENT_USER IS -------------------------------------------- -- TYPES -- -------------------------------------------- SUBTYPE xdbrestype IS RAW(13); TYPE XDBResource IS RECORD(id xdbrestype); --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- XDBResource related API --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- -- FUNCTION - isNull -- Checks if the input res is null. -- PARAMETERS - -- res - input resource -- RETURNS - -- TRUE if the input res is null. --------------------------------------------- FUNCTION isNull(res IN XDBResource) return BOOLEAN; --------------------------------------------- -- PROCEDURE - freeResource -- Frees any memory associated with an XDBResource -- PARAMETERS - -- res - The XDBResource to free --------------------------------------------- PROCEDURE freeResource (res IN XDBResource); --------------------------------------------- -- FUNCTION - getACL -- Given an XDBResource, returns its ACL as string. -- PARAMETERS - -- res - An XDBResource -- RETURNS - -- The ACL of the XDBResource as VARCHAR2 --------------------------------------------- FUNCTION getACL (res IN XDBResource) return VARCHAR2; FUNCTION getACLDocFromRes(res IN XDBResource) return sys.xmltype; --------------------------------------------- -- FUNCTION - getAuthor -- Given an XDBResource, returns its author. -- PARAMETERS - -- res - An XDBResource -- RETURNS - -- The Author of the XDBResource. --------------------------------------------- FUNCTION getAuthor(res IN XDBResource) return VARCHAR2; --------------------------------------------- -- FUNCTION - getCharacterSet -- Given an XDBResource, returns its characterset. -- PARAMETERS - -- res - An XDBResource -- RETURNS - -- The character set of the XDBResource. --------------------------------------------- FUNCTION getCharacterSet(res IN XDBResource) return VARCHAR2; --------------------------------------------- -- FUNCTION - getComment -- Given an XDBResource, returns its comment. -- PARAMETERS - -- res - An XDBResource -- RETURNS - -- The Comment of the XDBResource. --------------------------------------------- FUNCTION getComment(res IN XDBResource) return VARCHAR2; --------------------------------------------- -- FUNCTION - getContentType -- Given an XDBResource, returns its content-type. -- PARAMETERS - -- res - An XDBResource -- RETURNS - -- The content type of the XDBResource. --------------------------------------------- FUNCTION getContentType(res IN XDBResource) return VARCHAR2; --------------------------------------------- -- FUNCTION - getCreationDate -- Given an XDBResource, returns its creation date. -- PARAMETERS - -- res - An XDBResource -- RETURNS - -- The creation date of the XDBResource. --------------------------------------------- FUNCTION getCreationDate(res IN XDBResource) return TIMESTAMP; --------------------------------------------- -- FUNCTION - getCreator -- Given an XDBResource, returns its creator. -- PARAMETERS - -- res - An XDBResource -- RETURNS - -- The creator of the XDBResource. --------------------------------------------- FUNCTION getCreator(res IN XDBResource) return VARCHAR2; --------------------------------------------- -- FUNCTION - getDisplayName -- Given an XDBResource, returns its display name. -- PARAMETERS - -- res - An XDBResource -- RETURNS - -- The display name of the XDBResource. --------------------------------------------- FUNCTION getDisplayName(res IN XDBResource) return VARCHAR2; --------------------------------------------- -- FUNCTION - getLanguage -- Given an XDBResource, returns its language. -- PARAMETERS - -- res - An XDBResource -- RETURNS - -- The language of the XDBResource. --------------------------------------------- FUNCTION getLanguage (res IN XDBResource) return VARCHAR2; --------------------------------------------- -- FUNCTION - getLastModifier -- Given an XDBResource, returns its last modifier. -- PARAMETERS - -- res - An XDBResource -- RETURNS - -- The last modifier of the XDBResource. --------------------------------------------- FUNCTION getLastModifier(res IN XDBResource) return VARCHAR2; --------------------------------------------- -- FUNCTION - getModificationDate -- Given an XDBResource, returns its modification date. -- PARAMETERS - -- res - An XDBResource -- RETURNS - -- The modification date of the XDBResource. --------------------------------------------- FUNCTION getModificationDate(res IN XDBResource) return TIMESTAMP; --------------------------------------------- -- FUNCTION - getOwner -- Given an XDBResource, returns its owner. -- PARAMETERS - -- res - An XDBResource -- RETURNS - -- The owner of the XDBResource. --------------------------------------------- FUNCTION getOwner(res IN XDBResource) return VARCHAR2; --------------------------------------------- -- FUNCTION - getRefCount -- Given an XDBResource, returns its reference count. -- PARAMETERS - -- res - An XDBResource -- RETURNS - -- The reference count of the XDBResource. --------------------------------------------- FUNCTION getRefCount (res IN XDBResource) return PLS_INTEGER; --------------------------------------------- -- FUNCTION - getVersionId -- Given an XDBResource, returns its version id. -- PARAMETERS - -- res - An XDBResource -- RETURNS - -- The version id of the XDBResource. --------------------------------------------- FUNCTION getVersionId(res IN XDBResource) return PLS_INTEGER; --------------------------------------------- -- PROCEDURE - setAuthor -- Sets the author of the given XDBResource to the specified varchar2. -- PARAMETERS - -- res - An XDBResource -- author - The new author -- --------------------------------------------- PROCEDURE setAuthor(res IN OUT XDBResource, author IN VARCHAR2); --------------------------------------------- -- PROCEDURE - setACL -- Sets the acl of the given XDBResource to the path specified varchar2. -- PARAMETERS - -- res - An XDBResource -- ACLPath - The absolute path of the new acl --------------------------------------------- PROCEDURE setACL(res IN OUT XDBResource, ACLPath IN VARCHAR2); --------------------------------------------- -- PROCEDURE - setCharacterSet -- Sets the character set of the given XDBResource to the specified varchar2. -- PARAMETERS - -- res - An XDBResource -- charset - The new charset --------------------------------------------- PROCEDURE setCharacterSet(res IN OUT XDBResource, charSet IN VARCHAR2); --------------------------------------------- -- PROCEDURE - setComment -- Sets the comment of the given XDBResource to the specified varchar2. -- PARAMETERS - -- res - An XDBResource -- comment - The new comment --------------------------------------------- PROCEDURE setComment(res IN OUT XDBResource, comment IN VARCHAR2); --------------------------------------------- -- PROCEDURE - setContentType -- Sets the content-type of the given XDBResource to the specified varchar2. -- PARAMETERS - -- res - An XDBResource -- conttype - The new content-type --------------------------------------------- PROCEDURE setContentType(res IN OUT XDBResource, conttype IN VARCHAR2); --------------------------------------------- -- PROCEDURE - setDisplayName -- Sets the display name of the given XDBResource to the specified varchar2. -- PARAMETERS - -- res - An XDBResource -- name - The new display name --------------------------------------------- PROCEDURE setDisplayName(res IN OUT XDBResource, name IN VARCHAR2); --------------------------------------------- -- PROCEDURE - setLanguage -- Sets the language of the given XDBResource to the specified varchar2. -- PARAMETERS - -- res - An XDBResource -- lang - The new language --------------------------------------------- PROCEDURE setLanguage(res IN OUT XDBResource, lang IN VARCHAR2); --------------------------------------------- -- PROCEDURE - setOwner -- Sets the owner of the given XDBResource to the specified varchar2. -- PARAMETERS - -- res - An XDBResource -- owner - The new owner --------------------------------------------- PROCEDURE setOwner(res IN OUT XDBResource, owner IN VARCHAR2); --------------------------------------------- -- FUNCTION - hasAuthorChanged -- Returns TRUE if the author of the given resource has changed, -- FALSE otherwise. -- PARAMETERS - -- res - An XDBResource -- RETURNS - -- --------------------------------------------- FUNCTION hasAuthorChanged(res IN XDBResource) return BOOLEAN; --------------------------------------------- -- FUNCTION - hasCharacterSetChanged -- Returns TRUE if the charset of the given resource has changed, -- FALSE otherwise. -- PARAMETERS - -- res - An XDBResource -- RETURNS - -- TRUE if the charset of the given resource has changed, -- FALSE otherwise. --------------------------------------------- FUNCTION hasCharacterSetChanged(res IN XDBResource) return BOOLEAN; --------------------------------------------- -- FUNCTION - hasCommentChanged -- Returns TRUE if the comment of the given resource has changed, -- FALSE otherwise. -- PARAMETERS - -- res - An XDBResource -- RETURNS - -- TRUE if the comment of the given resource has changed, -- FALSE otherwise. --------------------------------------------- FUNCTION hasCommentChanged(res IN XDBResource) return BOOLEAN; --------------------------------------------- -- FUNCTION - hasContentTypeChanged -- Returns TRUE if the content-type of the given resource has changed, -- FALSE otherwise. -- PARAMETERS - -- res - An XDBResource -- RETURNS - -- TRUE if the content-type of the given resource has changed, -- FALSE otherwise. --------------------------------------------- FUNCTION hasContentTypeChanged(res IN XDBResource) return BOOLEAN; --------------------------------------------- -- FUNCTION - hasContentChanged -- Returns TRUE if the contents of the given resource has changed, -- FALSE otherwise. -- PARAMETERS - -- res - An XDBResource -- RETURNS - -- TRUE if the contents of the given resource has changed, -- FALSE otherwise. --------------------------------------------- FUNCTION hasContentChanged(res IN XDBResource) return BOOLEAN; --------------------------------------------- -- FUNCTION - hasCreationDateChanged -- Returns TRUE if the creation date of the given resource has changed, -- FALSE otherwise. -- PARAMETERS - -- res - An XDBResource -- RETURNS - -- TRUE if the creation date of the given resource has changed, -- FALSE otherwise. --------------------------------------------- FUNCTION hasCreationDateChanged(res IN XDBResource) return BOOLEAN; --------------------------------------------- -- FUNCTION - hasCreatorChanged -- Returns TRUE if the creator of the given resource has changed, -- FALSE otherwise. -- PARAMETERS - -- res - An XDBResource -- RETURNS - -- TRUE if the creator of the given resource has changed, -- FALSE otherwise. --------------------------------------------- FUNCTION hasCreatorChanged(res IN XDBResource) return BOOLEAN; --------------------------------------------- -- FUNCTION - hasDisplayName -- Returns TRUE if the display name of the given resource has changed, -- FALSE otherwise. -- PARAMETERS - -- res - An XDBResource -- RETURNS - -- TRUE if the display name of the given resource has changed, -- FALSE otherwise. --------------------------------------------- FUNCTION hasDisplayNameChanged(res IN XDBResource) return BOOLEAN; --------------------------------------------- -- FUNCTION - hasLanguageChanged -- Returns TRUE if the language of the given resource has changed, -- FALSE otherwise. -- PARAMETERS - -- res - An XDBResource -- RETURNS - -- TRUE if the language of the given resource has changed, -- FALSE otherwise. --------------------------------------------- FUNCTION hasLanguageChanged(res IN XDBResource) return BOOLEAN; --------------------------------------------- -- FUNCTION - hasLastModifierChanged -- Returns TRUE if the last modifier of the given resource has changed, -- FALSE otherwise. -- PARAMETERS - -- res - An XDBResource -- RETURNS - -- TRUE if the last modifier of the given resource has changed, -- FALSE otherwise. --------------------------------------------- FUNCTION hasLastModifierChanged(res IN XDBResource) return BOOLEAN; --------------------------------------------- -- FUNCTION - hasModificationDate -- Returns TRUE if the modification date of the given resource has changed, -- FALSE otherwise. -- PARAMETERS - -- res - An XDBResource -- RETURNS - -- TRUE if the modification date of the given resource has changed, -- FALSE otherwise. --------------------------------------------- FUNCTION hasModificationDateChanged(res IN XDBResource) return BOOLEAN; --------------------------------------------- -- FUNCTION - hasOwnerChanged -- Returns TRUE if the owner of the given resource has changed, -- FALSE otherwise. -- PARAMETERS - -- res - An XDBResource -- RETURNS - -- TRUE if the owner of the given resource has changed, -- FALSE otherwise. --------------------------------------------- FUNCTION hasOwnerChanged(res IN XDBResource) return BOOLEAN; --------------------------------------------- -- FUNCTION - hasRefCountChanged -- Returns TRUE if the reference count of the given resource has changed, -- FALSE otherwise. -- PARAMETERS - -- res - An XDBResource -- RETURNS - -- TRUE if the reference count of the given resource has changed, -- FALSE otherwise. --------------------------------------------- FUNCTION hasRefCountChanged(res IN XDBResource) return BOOLEAN; --------------------------------------------- -- FUNCTION - hasVersionId -- Returns TRUE if the version id of the given resource has changed, -- FALSE otherwise. -- PARAMETERS - -- res - An XDBResource -- RETURNS - -- TRUE if the version id of the given resource has changed, -- FALSE otherwise. --------------------------------------------- FUNCTION hasVersionIdChanged(res IN XDBResource) return BOOLEAN; --------------------------------------------- -- FUNCTION - hasACLChanged -- Returns TRUE if the ACL of the given resource has changed, -- FALSE otherwise. -- PARAMETERS - -- res - An XDBResource -- RETURNS - -- TRUE if the ACL of the given resource has changed, -- FALSE otherwise. --------------------------------------------- FUNCTION hasACLChanged(res IN XDBResource) return BOOLEAN; --------------------------------------------- -- FUNCTION - isFolder -- Checks if the given resource is a folder or not. -- PARAMETERS - -- res - An XDBResource -- RETURNS - -- TRUE if the given resource is a folder, -- FALSE otherwise. --------------------------------------------- FUNCTION isFolder(res IN XDBResource) return BOOLEAN; --------------------------------------------- -- FUNCTION - getContentClob -- Returns the contents of the resource as a clob. -- PARAMETERS - -- res - An XDBResource -- RETURNS - -- The contents as CLOB. --------------------------------------------- FUNCTION getContentClob(res IN XDBResource) return CLOB; --------------------------------------------- -- FUNCTION - getContentBlob -- Returns the contents of the resource as a blob. -- PARAMETERS - -- res - An XDBResource -- csid - OUT - The character set id of the blob returned. -- RETURNS - -- The contents as BLOB. --------------------------------------------- FUNCTION getContentBlob(res IN XDBResource, csid OUT PLS_INTEGER) return BLOB; --------------------------------------------- -- FUNCTION - getContentXML -- Returns the contents of the resource as an XMLType. -- PARAMETERS - -- res - An XDBResource -- RETURNS - -- The contents as XMLType. --------------------------------------------- FUNCTION getContentXML(res IN XDBResource) return SYS.XMLType; --------------------------------------------- -- FUNCTION - getContentVarchar2 -- Returns the contents of the resource as an Varchar2. -- PARAMETERS - -- res - An XDBResource -- RETURNS - -- The contents as Varchar2. --------------------------------------------- FUNCTION getContentVarchar2(res IN XDBResource) return VARCHAR2; --------------------------------------------- -- FUNCTION - getContentRef -- Returns the contents of the resource as a Ref. -- PARAMETERS - -- res - An XDBResource -- RETURNS - -- The contents as an XMLTypeRef. --------------------------------------------- FUNCTION getContentRef(res IN XDBResource) return REF SYS.XMLType; --------------------------------------------- -- PROCEDURE - setContent -- Replaces the contents of the given resource with the given clob. -- PARAMETERS - -- res - An XDBResource -- data - The clob --------------------------------------------- PROCEDURE setContent(res IN OUT XDBResource, data IN CLOB); --------------------------------------------- -- PROCEDURE - -- Replaces the contents of the given resource with the given blob. -- PARAMETERS - -- res - An XDBResource -- data - The blob -- csid - The character-set id of the blob --------------------------------------------- PROCEDURE setContent(res IN OUT XDBResource, data IN BLOB, csid IN PLS_INTEGER); --------------------------------------------- -- PROCEDURE - -- Replaces the contents of the given resource with the given XMLType. -- PARAMETERS - -- res - An XDBResource -- data - The XMLType --------------------------------------------- PROCEDURE setContent(res IN OUT XDBResource, data IN SYS.XMLType); --------------------------------------------- -- PROCEDURE - -- Replaces the contents of the given resource with the given string. -- PARAMETERS - -- res - An XDBResource -- data - The input string --------------------------------------------- PROCEDURE setContent(res IN OUT XDBResource, data IN VARCHAR2); --------------------------------------------- -- PROCEDURE - -- Replaces the contents of the given resource with the given REF to XMLType. -- PARAMETERS - -- res - An XDBResource -- data - The REF to XMLType --------------------------------------------- PROCEDURE setContent(res IN OUT XDBResource, data IN REF SYS.XMLType, sticky IN BOOLEAN := TRUE); --------------------------------------------- -- PROCEDURE - -- Replaces the contents of the given resource with the given BFILE. -- PARAMETERS - -- res - An XDBResource -- data - The input bfile -- csid_bfile - The character set id of the bfile --------------------------------------------- PROCEDURE setContent(res IN OUT XDBResource, data IN BFILE, csid_bfile IN PLS_INTEGER); --------------------------------------------- -- PROCEDURE - save -- Updates the resource with any modifications that were done on it. -- PARAMETERS - -- res - An XDBResource --------------------------------------------- PROCEDURE save(res IN XDBResource); --------------------------------------------- -- FUNCTION - makeDocument -- Converts the XDBResource to DOMDocument. This can be used in -- XMLDOM APIs. (Please refer to the XMLDOM package). -- PARAMETERS - -- res - An XDBResource -- RETURNS - -- The DOMDocument for this resource. --------------------------------------------- FUNCTION makeDocument(res IN XDBResource) return DBMS_XMLDOM.DOMDocument; FUNCTION hasChanged(res IN XDBResource, xpath IN VARCHAR2, bnamespace IN VARCHAR2) return BOOLEAN; FUNCTION getCustomMetadata(res IN XDBResource, xpath IN VARCHAR2, namespace IN VARCHAR2) return SYS.XMLType; FUNCTION hasCustomMetadataChanged(res IN XDBResource) return BOOLEAN; PROCEDURE setCustomMetadata(res IN XDBResource, xpath IN VARCHAR2, namespace IN VARCHAR2, newMetadata IN SYS.XMLType); end dbms_xdbresource; / show errors; CREATE OR REPLACE PUBLIC SYNONYM dbms_xdbresource FOR xdb.dbms_xdbresource / GRANT EXECUTE ON xdb.dbms_xdbresource TO PUBLIC / show errors;