Rem Rem $Header: dbmstrig.sql 24-may-2001.10:32:48 gviswana Exp $ Rem Rem dbmstrig.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) Oracle Corporation 1998, 2000. All Rights Reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem dbmstrig.sql - DBMS TRIGger function Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem A group of system event attribute functions: use inside system trigger Rem body Rem Rem NOTES Rem to be created in the schema of SYS Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem gviswana 05/24/01 - CREATE OR REPLACE SYNONYM Rem htseng 04/12/01 - eliminate execute twice (remove ;). Rem kquinn 09/16/00 - 1200228: privileg_list -> privilege_list Rem weiwang 05/02/00 - add error functions Rem najain 04/25/00 - add partition_pos function Rem najain 04/14/00 - add sqltext attr. func Rem weiwang 02/28/00 - fix bug 1209532 Rem weiwang 08/02/99 - change name_list_t to ora_name_list_t Rem weiwang 07/13/99 - add public synonyms to event attribute functions Rem weiwang 02/09/99 - add new attribute functions Rem weiwang 11/13/98 - Created Rem Rem returns the system event that invokes the system trigger create or replace function sysevent return varchar2 is begin return dbms_standard.sysevent; end; / grant execute on sysevent to public / create or replace public synonym ora_sysevent for sysevent / Rem returns the object type on which the DDL statement is being done create or replace function dictionary_obj_type return varchar2 is begin return dbms_standard.dictionary_obj_type; end; / grant execute on dictionary_obj_type to public / create or replace public synonym ora_dict_obj_type for dictionary_obj_type / Rem returns the object owner on which the DDL statement is being done create or replace function dictionary_obj_owner return varchar2 is begin return dbms_standard.dictionary_obj_owner; end; / grant execute on dictionary_obj_owner to public / create or replace public synonym ora_dict_obj_owner for dictionary_obj_owner / Rem returns the object name on which the DDL statement is being done create or replace function dictionary_obj_name return varchar2 is begin return dbms_standard.dictionary_obj_name; end; / grant execute on dictionary_obj_name to public / create or replace public synonym ora_dict_obj_name for dictionary_obj_name / Rem returns the current database name create or replace function database_name return varchar2 is begin return dbms_standard.database_name; end; / grant execute on database_name to public / create or replace public synonym ora_database_name for database_name / Rem returns the current instance number create or replace function instance_num return binary_integer is begin return dbms_standard.instance_num; end; / grant execute on instance_num to public / create or replace public synonym ora_instance_num for instance_num / Rem returns the current login user create or replace function login_user return varchar2 is begin return dbms_standard.login_user; end; / grant execute on login_user to public / create or replace public synonym ora_login_user for login_user / Rem whether the specified error number (errno) is in the error stack create or replace function is_servererror (errno binary_integer) return boolean is begin return dbms_standard.is_servererror(errno); end; / grant execute on is_servererror to public / create or replace public synonym ora_is_servererror for is_servererror / Rem returns the error in the specified position of the error stack create or replace function server_error (position binary_integer) return binary_integer is begin return dbms_standard.server_error(position); end; / grant execute on server_error to public / create or replace public synonym ora_server_error for server_error / Rem returns the DES encrypted password of the user being created or altered create or replace function des_encrypted_password (user varchar2 default NULL) return varchar2 is begin return dbms_standard.des_encrypted_password(user); end; / grant execute on des_encrypted_password to public / create or replace public synonym ora_des_encrypted_password for des_encrypted_password / Rem whether the specified column is altered in the statement create or replace function is_alter_column (column_name varchar2) return boolean is begin return dbms_standard.is_alter_column(column_name); end; / grant execute on is_alter_column to public / create or replace public synonym ora_is_alter_column for is_alter_column / Rem whether the specified column is dropped in the statement create or replace function is_drop_column (column_name varchar2) return boolean is begin return dbms_standard.is_drop_column(column_name); end; / grant execute on is_drop_column to public / create or replace public synonym ora_is_drop_column for is_drop_column / create or replace function grantee (user_list out ora_name_list_t) return binary_integer is begin return dbms_standard.grantee(user_list); end; / grant execute on grantee to public / create or replace public synonym ora_grantee for grantee / create or replace function revokee (user_list out ora_name_list_t) return binary_integer is begin return dbms_standard.revokee(user_list); end; / grant execute on revokee to public / create or replace public synonym ora_revokee for revokee / create or replace function privilege_list (priv_list out ora_name_list_t) return binary_integer is begin return dbms_standard.privilege_list(priv_list); end; / grant execute on privilege_list to public / create or replace public synonym ora_privilege_list for privilege_list / create or replace function with_grant_option return boolean is begin return dbms_standard.with_grant_option; end; / grant execute on with_grant_option to public / create or replace public synonym ora_with_grant_option for with_grant_option / create or replace function dictionary_obj_owner_list (owner_list out ora_name_list_t) return binary_integer is begin return dbms_standard.dictionary_obj_owner_list(owner_list); end; / grant execute on dictionary_obj_owner_list to public / create or replace public synonym ora_dict_obj_owner_list for dictionary_obj_owner_list / create or replace function dictionary_obj_name_list (object_list out ora_name_list_t) return binary_integer is begin return dbms_standard.dictionary_obj_name_list(object_list); end; / grant execute on dictionary_obj_name_list to public / create or replace public synonym ora_dict_obj_name_list for dictionary_obj_name_list / create or replace function is_creating_nested_table return boolean is begin return dbms_standard.is_creating_nested_table; end; / grant execute on is_creating_nested_table to public / create or replace public synonym ora_is_creating_nested_table for is_creating_nested_table / create or replace function client_ip_address return varchar2 is begin return dbms_standard.client_ip_address; end; / grant execute on client_ip_address to public / create or replace public synonym ora_client_ip_address for client_ip_address / create or replace function sql_txt (sql_text out ora_name_list_t) return binary_integer is begin return dbms_standard.sql_txt(sql_text); end; / grant execute on sql_txt to public / create or replace public synonym ora_sql_txt for sql_txt / create or replace function server_error_msg (position in binary_integer) return varchar2 is begin return dbms_standard.server_error_msg(position); end; / grant execute on server_error_msg to public / create or replace public synonym ora_server_error_msg for server_error_msg / create or replace function server_error_depth return binary_integer is begin return dbms_standard.server_error_depth; end; / grant execute on server_error_depth to public / create or replace public synonym ora_server_error_depth for server_error_depth / create or replace function server_error_num_params (position in binary_integer) return binary_integer is begin return dbms_standard.server_error_num_params(position); end; / grant execute on server_error_num_params to public / create or replace public synonym ora_server_error_num_params for server_error_num_params / create or replace function partition_pos return binary_integer is begin return dbms_standard.partition_pos; end; / grant execute on partition_pos to public / create or replace public synonym ora_partition_pos for partition_pos / create or replace function server_error_param (position in binary_integer, param in binary_integer) return varchar2 is begin return dbms_standard.server_error_param(position, param); end; / grant execute on server_error_param to public / create or replace public synonym ora_server_error_param for server_error_param /