Rem Rem $Header: dbmsrmpr.sql 24-may-2001.15:36:07 gviswana Exp $ Rem Rem dbmsrmpriv.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) Oracle Corporation 1998. All Rights Reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem dbmsrmpriv.sql - public interface for DBMS Resource Manager PRIVileges Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem Specification for the resource manager privileges package Rem Rem NOTES Rem Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem gviswana 05/24/01 - CREATE OR REPLACE SYNONYM Rem gviswana 07/30/98 - Remove SQL_NAME_RESOLVE Rem akalra 06/01/98 - Remove switch_current_consumer_group Rem akalra 05/20/98 - Change interface Rem akalra 04/02/98 - Created Rem CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE dbms_resource_manager_privs AUTHID CURRENT_USER AS -- -- grant a system privilege to a user/role. -- -- Input arguments: -- grantee - name of the user or role to whom privilege is to be -- granted -- privilege_name - name of the privilege to be granted. -- admin_option - TRUE if the grant is with admin_option, FALSE otherwise -- PROCEDURE grant_system_privilege(grantee_name IN VARCHAR2, privilege_name IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'ADMINISTER_RESOURCE_MANAGER', admin_option IN BOOLEAN); -- -- revoke a system privilege from a user/role -- -- Input arguments: -- revokee_name - name of the user or role from whom privilege is to be -- revoked -- PROCEDURE revoke_system_privilege(revokee_name IN VARCHAR2, privilege_name in VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'ADMINISTER_RESOURCE_MANAGER'); -- -- allow the specified user/role to switch to the given consumer group -- -- Input arguments: -- grantee_name - name of user/role to which to grant access -- consumer_group - name of consumer_group -- grant_option - TRUE if grantee should be allowed to grant access, -- FALSE otherwise. -- PROCEDURE grant_switch_consumer_group(grantee_name IN VARCHAR2, consumer_group IN VARCHAR2, grant_option IN BOOLEAN); -- -- disallow the specified user/role from switching to the given -- consumer group, and from granting access to the group to other -- users/roles. -- -- Input arguments: -- revokee_name - name of user/role from which to revoke access -- consumer_group - name of consumer group -- PROCEDURE revoke_switch_consumer_group(revokee_name IN VARCHAR2, consumer_group IN VARCHAR2); END dbms_resource_manager_privs; / CREATE OR REPLACE PUBLIC SYNONYM dbms_resource_manager_privs FOR sys.dbms_resource_manager_privs / GRANT EXECUTE ON dbms_resource_manager_privs TO public /