create or replace package dbms_rcvman IS ---------------------------------------- -- PUBLIC VARIABLES AND TYPES SECTION -- ---------------------------------------- actual_dbinc_key number := NULL; -- see comments on getActualDbinc TRUE# CONSTANT number := 1; FALSE# CONSTANT number := 0; -- Below public variables used in KQFV.H to obtain summary information based -- on job filter attributes. SESSION_KEY number; SESSION_FROMTIME DATE; SESSION_UNTILTIME DATE; -- The values here must never be changed, because the 8.0 rman executables have -- these values hard-coded in the krmkbt enum in krmk.h. The setFrom procedure -- in particular is using hard-coded values. -- The 8.1.5 rman executable calls a procedure, set_package_constants, that -- re-assigns these constants to whatever the package needs them to be, then -- queries the package for their new values. The 8.1.5 rman does not care -- what the values are, however, the cursor used by reportGetDFDel used to use -- these values to perform an order-by to return rows in preference order. -- The preference order is used to decide which ones to delete. -- As of 8.1.6, the order-by in reportGetDFDel is independant of these values. -- The 8.1.6 rman does not use these values at all, except in setFrom. -- However, for backwards compatibility with the 8.1.5 RMAN, these must remain -- as public package constants. COPY number := 1; -- any image copy of a file FULL_DF_BACKUP number := 2; -- datafile in a full backup set INCREMENTAL_DF_BACKUP number := 3; -- datafile in an incr backup set BACKUP number := 4; -- any file in a backup set (incl proxy) OFFLINE_RANGE number := 5; -- an offline range CUMULATIVE number := 6; -- cumulative incremental - for LIST only PROXY number := 7; -- any proxy copy of a file NONPROXY number := 9; -- any image, backup set other than proxy -- Recovery Action Kinds (Obsolete as of 8.1.6) -- implicitOfflRange CONSTANT NUMBER := 2**0; cleanRange CONSTANT NUMBER := 2**1; applyOfflRange CONSTANT NUMBER := 2**2; dfCopy CONSTANT NUMBER := 2**3; proxyFull CONSTANT NUMBER := 2**4; buSet CONSTANT NUMBER := 2**5; applyIncremental CONSTANT NUMBER := 2**6; redo CONSTANT NUMBER := 2**7; -- kind masks maxKind CONSTANT NUMBER := redo; -- last real kind above allKind CONSTANT NUMBER := (maxKind*2) - 1; -- all real backup types fullKind CONSTANT NUMBER := dfCopy + proxyFull + buSet; tagKind CONSTANT NUMBER := fullKind + applyIncremental; -- pseudo kinds deletedKind CONSTANT NUMBER := maxKind*2; -- action deleted ---------------------------------- -- Backupset Availability Masks -- ---------------------------------- BSavailable CONSTANT BINARY_INTEGER := 2**0; BSunavailable CONSTANT BINARY_INTEGER := 2**1; BSdeleted CONSTANT BINARY_INTEGER := 2**2; BSexpired CONSTANT BINARY_INTEGER := 2**3; -- BSpartial_avail is a backupset validation mask and NOT a backuppiece -- filter. For eg. to get 'A', 'U', 'X' pieces and to enable validation -- to succeed for partially available backupset use -- BSpartial_avail + BSavailable + BSunavailable + BSexpired. BSpartial_avail CONSTANT BINARY_INTEGER := 2**4; ---------------------- -- BackupType Mask --- ---------------------- BSdatafile_full CONSTANT BINARY_INTEGER := 2**0; BSdatafile_incr CONSTANT BINARY_INTEGER := 2**1; BSarchivelog CONSTANT BINARY_INTEGER := 2**2; --------------------------- -- ControlfileType Mask --- --------------------------- BScfile_all CONSTANT BINARY_INTEGER := 2**0; -- shouldn't be altered BScfile_auto CONSTANT BINARY_INTEGER := 2**1; --------------------- -- Datafile Record -- --------------------- TYPE dfRec_t IS RECORD ( dfNumber number, dfCreationSCN number, dfCreationTime date, fileName varchar2(1024), tsName varchar2(30), tsNumber number, status number, blocks number, blockSize number, kbytes number, unrecovSCN number, stopSCN number, readOnly number, rfNumber number, inBackup number, -- if greater than 0 then -- included_in_database_backup is set auxName varchar2(1024), dbincKey number, dfOfflineSCN number, dfOnlineSCN number, dfOnlineTime date, encrypt number, -- encrypt value 1=ON, 2=OFF, 3=CLEAR foreignDbid number, -- foreign database id pluggedRonly binary_integer, -- 1 for read-only. Otherwise, 0 pluginSCN number, -- plugin change# pluginRlgSCN number, -- plugin resetlogs_change# pluginRlgTime date, -- plugin resetlogs_time newDfCreationSCN number, -- plugin scn or creation scn creation_thread number, -- creation thread creation_size number -- creation size ); --------------------- -- Tempfile Record -- --------------------- TYPE tfRec_t IS RECORD ( tfNumber number, tfCreationSCN number, tfCreationTime date, fileName varchar2(1024), tsName varchar2(30), tsNumber number, status number, isSFT varchar2(3), blocks number, blockSize number, maxSize number, nextSize number, rfNumber number, dbincKey number ); ------------------------- -- Archived Log Record -- ------------------------- TYPE alRec_t IS RECORD ( key number, recid number, stamp number, thread number, sequence number, fileName varchar2(1024), lowSCN number, lowTime date, nextSCN number, nextTime date, rlgSCN number, rlgTime date, blocks number, blockSize number, status varchar2(1), compTime date, duplicate number, isrdf varchar2(3), compressed varchar2(3), stby varchar2(1), terminal varchar2(3), site_key number, site_key_order_col number, source_dbid number ); -- All of the queries which return data about a backup/imagecopy/proxycopy -- select into a rcvRec_t record type. We have standardized all of our -- queries to have a common select-list and the results of the queries are -- returned through a common public package function. The reason for this is -- so that krmk.pc can populate its internal data structures consistantly, -- regardless of what particular procedure it has called to query the catalog. -- By having all queries select into the same record type, we can ensure -- that all queries use the same select list. Any new fields that get added -- to this record will require updating the select lists of all queries. -- Failure to make the correct updates will result in PLSQL giving an error -- when the package body is re-created, so the error will be easily detected -- without the need to run any test suite. -- The record is divided into three sections. These correpond to -- three krmk.h data structures which will be populated with the data -- from this record. Refer to krmk.h for a description of the purpose -- of each of these three data strucutres. -- Think of this as: the container acts on the object. --------------------- -- Recovery Record -- --------------------- TYPE rcvRec_t IS RECORD ( -- *** Recovery Container Section *** type_con number(3), -- recovery container type key_con number(15), -- primary key recid_con number(10), -- recid stamp_con number(10), -- stamp setStamp_con number(10), -- set count if backup set (null) setCount_con number(10), -- set stamp if backup set (null) bsRecid_con number(10), -- backup set recid (null) bsStamp_con number(10), -- backup set stamp (null) bsKey_con number(15), -- backup set key (null) bsLevel_con number(1), -- backup set level (null) bsType_con varchar2(1), -- backup set type elapseSecs_con number(10), -- backup set elapse seconds (null) pieceCount_con number(5), -- backup set piece count (null) fileName_con varchar2(1024), -- filename if a copy (or) piece (null) tag_con varchar2(32), -- tag (null) -- filled in by addAction() for -- backup sets copyNumber_con number(3), -- backup set copy# (null) maxlimit 256 -- filled in by addAction() only status_con varchar2(1), -- status (null) blocks_con number(10), -- size of file in blocks (null) blockSize_con number(5), -- block size (null) deviceType_con varchar2(255), -- device type required (null) -- filled in by addAction() for -- backup sets compTime_con date, -- completion time cfCreationTime_con date, -- controlfile creation time if -- offline range (null) pieceNumber_con number, bpCompTime_con date, bpCompressed_con varchar2(3), multi_section_con varchar2(1), -- multi-section backup piece -- *** Recovery Action Section *** type_act number(3), -- recovery action type fromSCN_act number(15), toSCN_act number(15), toTime_act date, rlgSCN_act number(15), rlgTime_act date, dbincKey_act number(15), level_act number(1), section_size_act number, -- *** Recovery Object Section *** dfNumber_obj number(6), dfCreationSCN_obj number(15), cfSequence_obj number(15), -- controlfile autobackup sequence cfDate_obj date, -- controlfile autobackup date logSequence_obj number(10), logThread_obj number(4), logRlgSCN_obj number(15), logRlgTime_obj date, logLowSCN_obj number(15), logLowTime_obj date, logNextSCN_obj number(15), logNextTime_obj date, logTerminal_obj varchar2(3), cfType_obj varchar2(1), -- controlfile type ('B' or 'S') -- *** Retention Policy Section *** keep_options number(4), keep_until date, -- *** Optimization Action Section *** afzSCN_act number(15), rfzTime_act date, rfzSCN_act number(15), -- *** media Action Section *** media_con varchar2(80), -- media volume name for backup piece isrdf_con varchar2(3), -- ** site specific information for recovery action *** site_key_con number, -- *** plugged Section *** foreignDbid_obj number, -- foreign database id pluggedRonly_obj binary_integer, -- 1 for read-only. Otherwise, 0 pluginSCN_obj number, -- plugin change# pluginRlgSCN_obj number, -- plugin resetlogs change# pluginRlgTime_obj date, -- plugin resetlogs time -- ** sort order Section *** newDfCreationSCN_obj number, -- plugin scn or creation scn newToSCN_act number, -- plugin scn or checkpoint scn newRlgSCN_act number, -- plugin rlgscn or rlgscn newRlgTime_act date, -- plugin rlgtime or rlgtime -- ** SPFILE specific data ** sfDbUniqueName_obj VARCHAR2(30) ); ------------------------------ -- Recovery Container Types -- ------------------------------ -- -- NOTE!!! NOTE!!! NOTE!!! -- -- You must never change these constants values between releases. Doing so -- would break the compatibility by making lower version of RMAN executable -- not able to talk to this recovery catalog. We have never changed these -- constants from 8.1.5 onwards. See bug 893864 for details. -- -- NOTE: Order is important, it is used in an ORDER BY. offlineRangeRec_con_t CONSTANT NUMBER := 2**0; proxyCopy_con_t CONSTANT NUMBER := 2**1; imageCopy_con_t CONSTANT NUMBER := 2**2; backupSet_con_t CONSTANT NUMBER := 2**3; addredo_con_t CONSTANT NUMBER := 2**4; deleted_con_t CONSTANT NUMBER := 2**8; datafile_con_t CONSTANT NUMBER := 2**9; -- Masks backupMask_con_t CONSTANT NUMBER := proxyCopy_con_t + imageCopy_con_t + backupSet_con_t; tagMask_con_t CONSTANT NUMBER := proxyCopy_con_t + imageCopy_con_t + backupSet_con_t; --------------------------- -- Recovery Action Types -- --------------------------- full_act_t CONSTANT NUMBER := 2**0; incremental_act_t CONSTANT NUMBER := 2**1; redo_act_t CONSTANT NUMBER := 2**2; offlineRange_act_t CONSTANT NUMBER := 2**3; cleanRange_act_t CONSTANT NUMBER := 2**4; implicitRange_act_t CONSTANT NUMBER := 2**5; spanningRange_act_t CONSTANT NUMBER := 2**6; createdatafile_act_t CONSTANT NUMBER := 2**7; ----------------------------------------- -- Recovery Record Returning Functions -- ----------------------------------------- -- These defines are used as the funCode arg to getRcvRec to tell it which -- function it should call. We do this so that krmk.pc can have a single -- interface routine for getting a rcvRec_t. getCfCopy CONSTANT NUMBER := 0; getDfCopy CONSTANT NUMBER := 1; getAnyProxy CONSTANT NUMBER := 2; getCfBackup CONSTANT NUMBER := 3; listCfCopy CONSTANT NUMBER := 4; listDfCopy CONSTANT NUMBER := 5; listCfBackup CONSTANT NUMBER := 6; listDfBackup CONSTANT NUMBER := 7; listAlBackup CONSTANT NUMBER := 8; listDfProxy CONSTANT NUMBER := 9; getRecovAction CONSTANT NUMBER := 10; getAlBackup CONSTANT NUMBER := 11; listAlCopy CONSTANT NUMBER := 12; listBSet CONSTANT NUMBER := 13; getSfBackup CONSTANT NUMBER := 14; listSfBackup CONSTANT NUMBER := 15; getAllBSet CONSTANT NUMBER := 16; listAlProxy CONSTANT NUMBER := 17; getRangeAlBackup CONSTANT NUMBER := 18; ------------------------ -- RMAN command types -- ------------------------ -- These defines are used as an interface to find out the command executed -- by rman. -- unknownCmd_t CONSTANT BINARY_INTEGER := 0; recoverCmd_t CONSTANT BINARY_INTEGER := 1; rcvCopyCmd_t CONSTANT BINARY_INTEGER := 2; obsoleteCmd_t CONSTANT BINARY_INTEGER := 3; restoreCmd_t CONSTANT BINARY_INTEGER := 4; blkRestoreCmd_t CONSTANT BINARY_INTEGER := 5; ---------------------------------------- -- What to do when archiver is stuck? -- ---------------------------------------- -- Set this to 0 if you want to disable the behavior of using memory -- sorting when archiver is stuck. -- stuckMemorySize CONSTANT NUMBER := 50 * 1024 * 1024; ----------------------- -- Backup Set Record -- ----------------------- TYPE bsRec_t IS RECORD ( recid number, stamp number, key number, setStamp number, setCount number, bsType varchar2(1), level number, elapseSecs number, compTime date, status varchar2(1), pieceCount number, keep_options number(4), keep_until date, multi_section varchar2(1) ); ------------------------ -- Backup Piece Record -- ------------------------- TYPE bpRec_t IS RECORD ( recid number, stamp number, key number, bskey number, setStamp number, setCount number, pieceNumber number, copyNumber number, status varchar2(1), compTime date, handle varchar2(1024), tag varchar2(32), deviceType varchar2(255), media varchar2(80), bytes number, compressed varchar2(3), site_key number ); --------------------------------- -- Backupset Validation Record -- --------------------------------- TYPE validBackupSetRec_t IS RECORD ( deviceType varchar2(255), tag varchar2(32), -- may be null copyNumber number, -- null if code 2 or 3 code number -- 1 => same copy# -- 2 => mix of copy#s, but -- same tag -- 3 => mix of copy#s and tags ); bsRecCacheEnabled constant boolean := TRUE; -- FALSE to use pre10i method bsRecCacheLowLimit constant number := 2048; -- minimum cache size bsRecCacheHighLimit constant number := 32768; -- maximum cache size TYPE incarnation_t IS RECORD ( INCARNATION# NUMBER, RESETLOGS_CHANGE# NUMBER, RESETLOGS_TIME DATE, PRIOR_RESETLOGS_CHANGE# NUMBER, PRIOR_RESETLOGS_TIME DATE, STATUS VARCHAR2(7), RESETLOGS_ID NUMBER, PRIOR_INCARNATION# NUMBER ); TYPE incarnation_set IS VARRAY(1) OF incarnation_t; -------------------- -- backup history -- -------------------- TYPE bhistoryRec_t IS RECORD ( dfNumber number, create_scn number, reset_scn number, reset_time date, ckp_scn number, ckp_time date, stop_scn number, logThread number, logSequence number, setStamp number, setCount number, compTime date, nbackups number, logTerminal varchar2(3), next_scn number, pluggedRonly binary_integer, -- 1 for read-only. Otherwise, 0 pluginSCN number, pluginRlgSCN number, pluginRlgTime date, newcreate_scn number, -- create_scn or pluginSCN newreset_scn number, -- reset_scn or pluginRlgSCN newreset_time date -- reset_time or pluginRlgTime ); --------------- -- aged file -- --------------- TYPE agedFileRec_t IS RECORD ( type number, key number, stamp number ); -------------------------------------------------------- -- List Backup Constants, Record and Global Varaibles -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- Constants -- NOTE: These constants are will be displayed in the RC_ view and will be -- visible to the user. backupset_txt CONSTANT VARCHAR2(16) := 'BACKUP SET'; copy_txt CONSTANT VARCHAR2(16) := 'COPY'; proxycopy_txt CONSTANT VARCHAR2(16) := 'PROXY COPY'; datafile_txt CONSTANT VARCHAR2(16) := 'DATAFILE'; spfile_txt CONSTANT VARCHAR2(16) := 'SPFILE'; archivedlog_txt CONSTANT VARCHAR2(16) := 'ARCHIVED LOG'; controlfile_txt CONSTANT VARCHAR2(16) := 'CONTROLFILE'; piece_txt CONSTANT VARCHAR2(16) := 'PIECE'; available_txt CONSTANT VARCHAR2(16) := 'AVAILABLE'; unavailable_txt CONSTANT VARCHAR2(16) := 'UNAVAILABLE'; expired_txt CONSTANT VARCHAR2(16) := 'EXPIRED'; deleted_txt CONSTANT VARCHAR2(16) := 'DELETED'; other_txt CONSTANT VARCHAR2(16) := 'OTHER'; full_txt CONSTANT VARCHAR2(16) := 'FULL'; incr1_txt CONSTANT VARCHAR2(16) := 'INCR1'; incr2_txt CONSTANT VARCHAR2(16) := 'INCR2'; incr3_txt CONSTANT VARCHAR2(16) := 'INCR3'; incr4_txt CONSTANT VARCHAR2(16) := 'INCR4'; incr_txt CONSTANT VARCHAR2(16) := 'INCR'; -- level unknown -- The following record type is returned by the listBackup() function -- NOTE: The name of variables in this structure are displayed in -- the view V_$BACKUP_FILES. rc_lbRec_t structure is used to display -- RC_BACKUP_FILES. So, remember to make change in rc_lbRec_t, -- rc_lbRec_t_body and rc_listBackup() if you need to make new -- columns visible to user. -- TYPE lbRec_t IS RECORD ( list_order1 NUMBER, -- just hint to correctly order records list_order2 NUMBER, -- just hint to correctly order records pkey NUMBER, -- primary key -- -- row part -- backup_type VARCHAR2(32), -- Type of the backup: -- * 'BACKUP SET' -- * 'COPY' -- * 'PROXY COPY' -- -- file part -- file_type VARCHAR2(32), -- Type of the file: -- * 'DATAFILE', -- * 'CONTROLFILE' -- * 'SPFILE' -- * 'REDO LOG' -- * 'PIECE' -- Common part. -- This part is shared by rows returned from listBackup. keep VARCHAR2(3), keep_until DATE, keep_options VARCHAR2(13), status VARCHAR2(16), -- Status of the piece/copy: -- * 'AVAIABLE' -- * 'UNAVAIABLE' -- * 'EXPIRED' -- * 'OTHER' fname VARCHAR2(1024), -- piece or copy name tag VARCHAR2(32), -- piece or copy tag media VARCHAR2(80), recid NUMBER, stamp NUMBER, device_type VARCHAR2(255), block_size NUMBER, completion_time DATE, is_rdf VARCHAR2(3), compressed VARCHAR2(3), obsolete VARCHAR2(3), keep_for_dbpitr VARCHAR2(3), bytes NUMBER, -- BACKUP SET part. -- Valid only when backup_type is 'BACKUP SET'. bs_key NUMBER, bs_count NUMBER, bs_stamp NUMBER, bs_type VARCHAR2(32), -- Type of the backup set: -- * 'DATAFILE' -- * 'ARCHIVED LOG' bs_incr_type VARCHAR2(32), bs_pieces NUMBER, bs_copies NUMBER, bs_completion_time DATE, bs_status VARCHAR2(16), -- Status of the backup set: -- * 'AVAIABLE' -- * 'UNAVAIABLE' -- * 'EXPIRED' -- * 'OTHER' bs_bytes NUMBER, bs_compressed VARCHAR2(3), -- If backup set is compressed: -- * 'YES' -- * 'NO' -- * 'OTHER' bs_tag VARCHAR2(1024), -- List of all tags of pieces. -- We don't repeate same tags. Tags -- divided by commas. bs_device_type VARCHAR2(255), -- List of device types of pieces. -- Device types are divided by commas. -- BACKUP PIECE part. -- Valid only when file_type is 'PIECE' and backup_type is 'BACKUP SET'. bp_piece# NUMBER, bp_copy# NUMBER, -- DATAFILE part. -- Valid only when file_type is 'DATAFILE', 'CONTROLFILE', or 'SPFILE'. df_file# NUMBER, df_tablespace VARCHAR2(30), df_resetlogs_change# NUMBER, df_creation_change# NUMBER, df_checkpoint_change# NUMBER, df_ckp_mod_time DATE, df_incremental_change# NUMBER, -- REDO LOG part. -- This part is valid only when file_type is 'REDO LOG'. rl_thread# NUMBER, rl_sequence# NUMBER, rl_resetlogs_change# NUMBER, rl_first_change# NUMBER, rl_first_time DATE, rl_next_change# NUMBER, rl_next_time DATE, -- SPFILE part sf_db_unique_name VARCHAR2(30) ); -- This record keeps a datafile information for listBackup function. -- In addition to normal datafile record, it contains various keepscn -- information. TYPE lbDfRec_t IS RECORD ( dfRec dfRec_t, -- This is the minimum checkpoint_change# of the backup that are kept -- for retention policy and its corresponding resetlogs_change#. -- A full backup of this datafile is kept if its checkpoint_change# is -- greater than fullmin_scn and its resetlogs_change# is greater -- that fullmin_scn or equal to fullmin_rlgscn. fullmin_scn NUMBER, fullmin_rlgscn NUMBER, -- This is the minimum checkpoint_change# of the backup that are kept -- for retention policy and its corresponding resetlogs_change#. -- A incremental backup of this datafile is kept if its checkpoint_change# -- is greater than incrmin_scn and its resetlogs_change# is greater -- than incrmin_scn or equal to incrmin_rlgscn. incrmin_scn NUMBER, incrmin_rlgscn NUMBER, -- This is the minimum checkpoint_change# of its backup that are kept -- for archived logs attribute and its corresponding resetlogs_change#. -- All archivelogs and its backups are kept if its first_change# is -- greater than the logmin_scn and its resetlogs_change# is greater -- thatn logmin_scn or equal to logmin_rlgscn. logmin_scn NUMBER, logmin_rlgscn NUMBER ); TYPE lbDfRecTab_t IS TABLE OF lbDfRec_t INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER; TYPE lbRecTab_t IS TABLE OF lbRec_t INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER; TYPE lbRecVar_t IS VARRAY(1) OF lbRec_t; TYPE rcvRecTabI_t IS TABLE OF rcvRec_t INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER; TYPE rcvRecTabII_t IS TABLE OF rcvRecTabI_t INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER; TYPE dfRecTab_t IS TABLE OF dfRec_t INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER; TYPE numTab_t IS TABLE OF number INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER; TYPE lbCursor_t IS REF CURSOR; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- The following structire is used by the function listBackup. -- The variables in the strcuture are initialized when listBackup is called -- with firstCall=TRUE. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- TYPE lbState_t IS RECORD ( -- The collection table lbRecOutTab keeps track of the rows which should -- returned by the function listBackup. The function listBackup will loop -- until it does not fill lbRecOutTab with at least one element. lbRecOutTab lbRecTab_t, lbRecOutTab_count binary_integer, -- The collection table lbRecTmpTab keeps track of the backup datafiles and -- backup archived log rows which are part of the backup set. lbRecTmpTab lbRecTab_t, -- The collection lbRecCmn keeps track of the backup set attributes. lbRecCmn lbRec_t, -- The collection table lbDfRecTab contains the list of all database files -- which ever existed after untilSCN. lbDfRecTabUs lbDfRecTab_t, -- The collection table lbDfRecTab contains the list of all database files -- which ever existed. lbDfRecTab dfRecTab_t, -- This variable hols the maximum number of the datafile. It is used for -- indextin of lbDfRecTab. lbMaxDfNumber number, -- For keep backups we need to know the current time. lbNowTime date, -- The table piece_count stores number of pieces in each copy. The variable -- copy_count says how many copies we have. lbPieceCountTab numTab_t, lbCopyCount binary_integer, -- Must Keep List is a table of rcvRecTabI_t indexed by binary_integer -- which itself is a table of rcvRec_t lbMkTab rcvRecTabII_t, -- Must Keep Incremental List is a table of rcvRecTabI_t indexed by -- binary_integer which itself is a table of rcvRec_t lbMkITab rcvRecTabII_t, -- The variable lbMinGrsp stands for minimum guaranteed restore point. -- An archived log backup set is obsolete if all rl_first_change# -- in the backup set is less than lbMinGrsp. No resetlogs information -- is compared. The redo log copies DOES NOT FOLLOW this rule. We -- keep the redo log copies only if needed by guaranteed restore point. -- The idea of keeping the backupset of redo log since the oldest GRP is -- to flashback to GRP2 from GRP1 (where GRP2 > GRP1) because it -- will require archivelogs outside the range listed by grsp table -- (from_scn - to_scn column). lbMinGrsp number, -- The variable lbFbUntilTime stands for Flashback Until Time. -- An archived log backup set is obsolete if all rl_first_time in the -- backup set is less than lbFbUntilTime. No resetlogs information is -- compared. The redo log copies (that is archived logs and proxy -- copies) follow the same rule. lbFbUntilTime date, -- The variable lbRlKeepRlgSCN is the resetlogs_change# associated with -- the lbRlKeepSCN. It is used in conjunction with lbRlKeepSCN to -- decide an obsolete archived log. When NULL, the resetlogs_change# -- is unknown. lbRlKeepRlgSCN number, -- The variable lbRlKeepSCN says that archived log backup set is -- obsolete if the rl_first_change# in the backup set is less than -- lbRlKeepSCN and its resetlogs_change# greater than lbRlKeepSCN and -- equal to lbRlKeepRlgSCN. -- The redo logs copies (that is archived logs and proxy copies) -- follow the same rule. lbRlKeepSCN number, -- If either lbObsoleteRetention or lbObsoleteKeep is set to TRUE when the -- current backup processed by listBackup is obsolete. -- If lbObsoleteRetention is TRUE, then the backup is obsolete because of -- retention policy. If lbObsoleteKeep is TRUE, then the backup is obsolete -- because of its keep attributes. lbObsoleteRetention boolean, lbKeepForDBPITR boolean, lbObsoleteKeep boolean, lbNeedObsoleteData boolean ); -- In case that listBackup is not called from pipeline function, then -- there is no need for the called to save and maintain the state: the -- function will use state from the package. lbStatePck lbState_t; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- End of global variable used by the function listBackup. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Intelligent Repair variables TYPE failureRec_t IS RECORD ( priority VARCHAR2(8), failureId NUMBER, parentId NUMBER, childCount NUMBER, description VARCHAR2(1024), timeDetected DATE, status VARCHAR2(12), impacts VARCHAR2(1024) ); TYPE repairRec_t IS RECORD ( type NUMBER, failureidx NUMBER, repairidx NUMBER, description VARCHAR2(1024) ); TYPE repairParmsRec_t IS RECORD ( type NUMBER, failureidx NUMBER, repairidx NUMBER, name VARCHAR2(256), value VARCHAR2(512) ); TYPE repairOptionRec_t IS RECORD ( optionidx NUMBER, description VARCHAR2(1024) ); TYPE repairStepRec_t IS RECORD ( type NUMBER, failureidx NUMBER, repairidx NUMBER, repairstepidx NUMBER, workingrepair NUMBER, description VARCHAR2(1024), repairscript VARCHAR2(1024) ); ----------------------------------------------------- -- PUBLIC FUNCTION/PROCEDURE SPECIFICATION SECTION -- ----------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- -- Debugging functions and procedures -- ---------------------------------------- FUNCTION dumpState( lineno IN number) RETURN varchar2; PROCEDURE dumpPkgState(msg in varchar2 default null); PROCEDURE setDebugOn; PROCEDURE setDebugOff; ---------------------------- -- Package Initialization -- ---------------------------- -- This is a vestigal function that was released to customers in 8.1.3 Beta. -- It is no longer called, and is no longer needed, but must still be here -- because this version of the package may be called by an 8.1.3 rman -- executable. PROCEDURE initialize(rman_vsn IN number); -- Used by 8.1.5 to re-assign the order of the backup_type constants to their -- correct order. This procedure is not called by 8.1.4-, so the constants -- will reamin set to the above values for those executables. PROCEDURE set_package_constants; ----------------------- -- Utility functions -- ----------------------- FUNCTION stamp2date(stamp IN number) RETURN date; ------------------------------------ -- Get Current Database Incarnation ------------------------------------ PROCEDURE getCurrentIncarnation( db_id IN number ,reset_scn OUT number ,reset_time OUT date); ------------------------------ -- Set Database Incarnation -- ------------------------------ -- setDatabase selects which target database subsequent dbms_rcvman -- procedures operate on. Note that only the current incarnation can be -- selected. If the target database or its current incarnation is not -- registered then setDatabase will fail. -- setDatabase sets the package state variables to point to the selected -- database and its current incarnation. -- The settings will be valid until the end of the session unless setDatabase -- is called again -- When dbms_rcvman package executes against the target database controlfile, -- setDatabase just returns without doing anything. -- Input parameters: -- db_id -- the value of kccfhdbi from the controlfile of the target database -- db_name -- the name of the database -- reset_scn -- the resetlogs SCN of this database -- reset_time -- the resetlogs time -- Exceptions: -- DATABASE_NOT_FOUND (ORA-20001) -- No database with the given db_id was found in the recovery catalog -- The database must be registered using registerDatabase first -- DATABASE_INCARNATION_NOT_FOUND (ORA-20003) -- No database incarnation matches the given arguments -- The database incarnation must be registered using resetDatabase first PROCEDURE setDatabase( db_name IN varchar2 ,reset_scn IN number ,reset_time IN date ,db_id IN number ,db_unique_name IN varchar2 default NULL ,site_aware IN boolean default FALSE ,dummy_instance IN boolean default FALSE); -- Return the db_unique_name associated with the db_id if there is one -- db_unique_name. If there is more than one db_unique_name, then raise -- too_many_rows error. If there is no row, then return NULL. FUNCTION getDbUniqueName( db_id IN number) RETURN varchar2; -- Return TRUE if the database site identified by current db_unique_name -- is standby FUNCTION DbUniqueNameIsStandby RETURN NUMBER; -- setCanConvertCf used to tell that client is capable of control file -- conversion PROCEDURE setCanConvertCf(flag IN boolean); -- setDbincKey used in lieu of setDatabase for when SET DBID command is -- issued. PROCEDURE setDbincKey( key IN number); -- getParent Incarnation returns the parent incarnation. If resetlogs_change# -- is NULL on input, then the current incarnation is returned. Returns TRUE -- if a row was returned, otherwise returns FALSE. FUNCTION getParentIncarnation( resetlogs_change# IN OUT number ,resetlogs_time IN OUT date) RETURN number; -- getCheckpoint gets and returns the highest recovery catalog checkpoint SCN -- for FULL checkpoints. This SCN indicates how current the datafilenames and -- lognames in the recovery catalog are. This SCN can be compared with a -- backup controlfile SCN to decide which name to use if they differ. PROCEDURE getCheckpoint( scn OUT number ,seq OUT number); -- This version of getCheckpoint is only used internally by -- dbms_rcvcat.cleanupCKP, to find out which rows can't be deleted from ckp. PROCEDURE getCheckpoint( scn OUT number ,seq OUT number ,ckp_key_1 OUT number ,ckp_key_2 OUT number); -- This procedure sets the package variables to return all logs not -- backed ntimes to specific device type until sbpscn (standby became primary -- SCN) ignore needstby flag for the subsequent archivelog translations. PROCEDURE SetGetSinceLastBackedAL(ntimes IN number DEFAULT 1, devtype IN varchar2 DEFAULT NULL, sbpscn IN number); ------------------- -- Query Filters -- ------------------- -- setCompletedRange sets completedBefore and/or completedAfter filters for -- use by computeRecoveryActions. -- setLikePattern sets fileName patter for computeRecoveryActions. -- -- setUntilTime, setUntilScn, setUntilLog, setToLog, setUntilResetlogs, -- resetUntil. -- These procedures are used to inform dbms_rcvman of an until_clause. -- The setUntil remains in effect until another setUntil has been called, -- or until resetUntil has been called. -- If none of these have been called, then all queries for name -- translation, restore, and recovery should assume that a complete recovery -- is being done. Otherwise, all restore and recovery queries should limit -- their replies to backup sets and datafile copies that are appropriate for -- use in an incomplete recovery until the specified until condition. Name -- translations should be done relative to the specified epoch. -- -- "appropriate" means that the fuzziness of the backup datafile or datafile -- copy ends at an SCN less than the untilChange SCN (for untilChange), or the -- low SCN of the specified log (for untilLog), or the fuzziness timestamp is -- less than the specified time (for unttime). Note that datafiles have three -- kinds of fuzziness, all of which must be less than the specified SCN or -- time. If the fuzziness of a datafile is unknown, then it should be -- ignored. -- -- The setUntil procedures will signal an error when executed against -- the target database controlfile. The resetUntil procedure can be -- executed against the controlfile, it but doesn't have any effect. -- Input parameters: -- unttime -- The incomplete recovery will stop when this timestamp is reached -- in the redo log. -- scn -- The incomplete recovery will stop when this scn is reached in the redo -- log. -- sequence#, thread# -- The incomplete recovery will stop when this log becomes the very next -- log to be applied. -- -- Exceptions: -- NO_RECOVERY_CATALOG (ORA-20300) -- this operation is not supported without the recovery catalog -- SEQUENCE_IS_NULL (ORA-20205) -- A null log sequence# was given -- LOG_MISSING (ORA-20206) -- No log with the give thread# and sequence# was found PROCEDURE setCompletedRange( after IN date ,before IN date); PROCEDURE setLikePattern( pattern IN varchar2); PROCEDURE setcanApplyAnyRedo( flag IN boolean); -- Obsolete as of 8.1.6 PROCEDURE setAllFlag( flag IN boolean); PROCEDURE setAllIncarnations( flag IN boolean); PROCEDURE setUntilTime( unttime IN date); -- If rlgscn, rlgtime is not provided, then the provided scn belongs to -- current or one of its parent. Otherwise, it should belong to the given -- rlgscn and lrgtime. -- If flbrp (flashback to restore point) is TRUE, then allow scn to be -- in orphan branch. Otherwise, we force scn be in one of its parent or -- current branch. PROCEDURE setUntilScn( scn IN number ,rlgscn IN number DEFAULT NULL ,rlgtime IN date DEFAULT NULL ,flbrp IN boolean DEFAULT FALSE ,rpoint IN boolean DEFAULT FALSE); PROCEDURE setUntilLog( sequence# IN number ,thread# IN number); PROCEDURE setToLog( sequence# IN number ,thread# IN number); PROCEDURE setUntilResetlogs; FUNCTION getUntilTime return date; FUNCTION getUntilScn return number; PROCEDURE resetUntil; -- setFrom is used to limit the potential restore candidates to either -- backup sets or datafile copies, or to allow either kind of file to -- be used. -- -- Input parameters: -- restorefrom -- One of BACKUP, COPY, or NULL. PROCEDURE setFrom( restorefrom IN number DEFAULT NULL); -- setDeviceType specifies the type of an allocated device. It is called 1 or -- more (up to 8) times , depending on the number of different device types -- that are allocated. dbms_rcvman should return only files that can be -- accessed through one of the device types specifed through this call. -- -- Input parameters: -- type -- type of the device -- Exceptions: -- NULL_DEVICE_TYPE -- A null device type was specied -- TOO_MANY_DEVICE_TYPES -- At most 8 device types can be specified PROCEDURE setDeviceType( type IN varchar2); -- setDeviceTypeAny is an alternative to setDeviceType. It causes dbms_rcvman -- to return a backup set on ANY device type. PROCEDURE setStandby( stby IN boolean); PROCEDURE setDeviceTypeAny; -- resetDeviceType resets the list of device types to null. PROCEDURE resetDeviceType; -- setTag is used to limit the restore candidates to backups and copies with -- the given tag. If the tag is NULL then all backups and copies are searched -- by the find functions. -- -- Input parameters: -- tag -- tag of the datafile copies to be translated -- The tag must be passed in uppercase ### ok? PROCEDURE setTag(tag IN varchar2 DEFAULT NULL); -- setRecoveryDestFile is used to limit the translation only to recovery -- area files. -- -- Input parameters: -- onlyrdf -- TRUE - only recovery area files -- FALSE - all files PROCEDURE setRecoveryDestFile(onlyrdf IN BOOLEAN); -- Set a site name in catalog -- all the translation will happen against this -- site. The package variable will be cleared after translation. -- If for_realfiles parameter is non-zero, then the translation for files -- in working area (datafile/onlinelogs/tempfiles) are done against -- the requested site. PROCEDURE setSiteName(db_unique_name IN VARCHAR2, for_realfiles IN NUMBER); -- Clear package variables set by setSiteName procedure PROCEDURE clrSiteName; -- get site name for given site_key FUNCTION getSiteName(site_key IN NUMBER) RETURN VARCHAR2; -- get site key for given db_unique_name FUNCTION getSiteKey(db_unique_name IN VARCHAR2) RETURN NUMBER; -- set Archive log file sharing scope attributes for the session PROCEDURE setArchiveFileScopeAttributes(logs_shared IN NUMBER); -- set Backup file sharing scope attributes for the session PROCEDURE setBackupFileScopeAttributes( disk_backups_shared IN NUMBER, tape_backups_shared IN NUMBER); -- resetAll calls resetUntil, setFrom, resetDevice and setTag to reset -- everything. PROCEDURE resetAll(transclause IN BOOLEAN DEFAULT TRUE); --------------------------- -- Backup Set Validation -- --------------------------- -- Use the findValidBackupSetRec public variable to save a backupset record -- for later use as an input argument to this procedure. findValidBackupSetRcvRec rcvRec_t; -- place to save a rcvRec_t PROCEDURE findValidBackupSet( backupSetRec IN rcvRec_t ,deviceType IN varchar2 DEFAULT NULL ,tag IN varchar2 DEFAULT NULL ,available IN number DEFAULT TRUE# -- for compat. ,unavailable IN number DEFAULT FALSE# -- for compat. ,deleted IN number DEFAULT FALSE# -- for compat. ,expired IN number DEFAULT FALSE# -- for compat. ,availableMask IN binary_integer DEFAULT NULL); -- for compat. findValidBackupSetBsRec bsRec_t; -- place to save a bsRec_t -- Obsolete as of 8.1.7 PROCEDURE findValidBackupSet( backupSetRec IN bsRec_t ,deviceType IN varchar2 DEFAULT NULL ,tag IN varchar2 DEFAULT NULL ,available IN number DEFAULT TRUE# -- for compat. ,unavailable IN number DEFAULT FALSE# -- for compat. ,deleted IN number DEFAULT FALSE# -- for compat. ,expired IN number DEFAULT FALSE# -- for compat. ,availableMask IN binary_integer DEFAULT NULL); -- for compat. FUNCTION getValidBackupSet( validBackupSetRec OUT NOCOPY validBackupSetRec_t ,checkDeviceIsAllocated IN number DEFAULT FALSE#) RETURN number; -- TRUE# -> got a record -- FALSE# -> no_data_found --------------------- -- Get an rcvRec_t -- --------------------- -- This function is a cover function for all procedures/functions that -- return a rcvRec_t. It routes the call to the correct procedure. It -- is provided for the convienence of krmk.pc. The function return value -- is whatever the underlying function returns. If we call a procedure, -- then getRcvRec returns 0. Refer to the funCode list above in the -- types/variables section. FUNCTION getRcvRec( funCode IN number ,rcvRec OUT NOCOPY rcvRec_t ,callAgain OUT number) RETURN number; -------------------------- -- Datafile Translation -- -------------------------- -- translateTableSpace translates a tablespace name into a list of datafile -- numbers. translateDataBase translates the database into a list of datafile -- numbers in the database excluding datafiles belonging to tablespaces -- specified using skipTableSpace. The translation is performed relative to -- epoch setting currently in use. getDataFile is used to obtain the datafile -- numbers, one at a time until null is returned. -- When doing the translation relative to current time the client should -- ensure that recovery catalog is up-to-date. When doing translations -- relative to an point-in-time in the past two potential anomalies may -- show up. -- -- 1) files belonging to a tablespace that was dropped before the point-in-time -- may be returned since the drop_scn and drop_time are approximations. -- As a result of this point-in-time recovery will restore and recover -- a tablespace which will be dropped before the database is opened. -- No real harm, just extra work for the recovery. And this won't happen -- if rcvcat is resynced immediatly after dropping a tablespace. -- 2) A tablespace which is created and dropped between two consecutive -- recovery catalog resyncs will never be recorded in the rcvcat. It is -- conceivable that such a tablespace existed at the intended point-in-time. -- As a result the tablespace will not be recovered and must be dropped -- after the database is opened. The worst case scenario is that a rollback -- segment was also created in this tablespace. The recovered database -- might fail to rollback some transactions. Again, this won't happen if -- rcvcat is always resynced after creating a tablespace. -- PS. These anomalies won't occur if the point-in-time is chosen to be -- a rcvcat checkpoint. -- Input parameters: -- ts_name -- name of the tablespace to be translated or skipped. -- The name must be in uppercase -- Exceptions: -- TABLESPACE_DOES_NOT_EXIST (ORA-20202) -- the tablespace to be translated does not exists (does not have any -- datafiles). Check that the recovery catalog is current. -- TRANSLATION_IN_PROGRESS (ORA-20203) -- the previous translation conversation is still in progess. -- To terminate get all datafiles with getDataFile. -- TRANSLATION_NOT_IN_PROGRESS (ORA-20204) -- getDataFile was called with no translation in progress PROCEDURE translateDatabase( sinceUntilSCN IN number DEFAULT NULL); PROCEDURE skipTableSpace( ts_name IN varchar2); PROCEDURE translateTablespace( ts_name IN varchar2); -- translateDataFile translates the datafile name/number into -- a datafile number and creation SCN and filename. getDataFile must -- be called to obtain the translation info, just as for the other translate -- functions. -- Unlike the other translation functions, translateDatafile by name is always -- performed relative to current time. If an until setting is in effect, -- and if the filename is ambiguous, then an exception is raised. Ambiguous -- means that the filename refers to different datafile at the until time than -- it does at the current time. This happens only when a filename has been -- reused. When fno and ckpscn are passed, the filename and other info as of -- that scn is returned. -- Input parameters: -- fname -- name of the datafile to be translated. -- The name must be a normalized filename. -- fno -- The datafile number. If the datafile number was not in use at the -- until time, then an exception is raised. -- Exceptions: -- DATAFILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST (ORA-20201) -- the datafile to be translated does not exists -- Check that the recovery catalog is current. PROCEDURE translateDataFile( fname IN varchar2); PROCEDURE translateDatafile( fno IN number); PROCEDURE translateDatafile( fno IN number ,ckpscn IN number); -- translateAllDatafile returns a list of all datafiles that ever -- existed in this database. PROCEDURE translateAllDatafile; PROCEDURE translateCorruptList; PROCEDURE getDatafile( dfRec OUT NOCOPY dfRec_t ,oldClient IN boolean DEFAULT FALSE); -- Obsolete as of 8.1.6 PROCEDURE getDataFile( file# OUT number ,crescn OUT number ,creation_time OUT date ,fname OUT varchar2 ,ts_name OUT varchar2 ,status OUT number ,blksize OUT number ,kbytes OUT number ,blocks OUT number ,unrecoverable_change# OUT number ,stop_change# OUT number ,read_only OUT number); -------------------------- -- Tempfile Translation -- -------------------------- -- translateTempfile translates tempfiles known to database in current -- incarnation. PROCEDURE translateTempfile; PROCEDURE translateTempfile(fname IN varchar2); PROCEDURE translateTempfile(fno IN number); -- Fetch the cursor opened by translateTempfiles and return a row one -- at a time until all rows are returned. Signal ORA-1403 (no-data-found) -- when there are no more rows to return. PROCEDURE getTempfile(tfRec OUT NOCOPY tfRec_t); ---------------------------- -- Online Log Translation -- ---------------------------- -- translateOnlineLogs translates the database to a list of online redo logs. -- The translation is always performed relative to current epoch. PROCEDURE translateOnlineLogs(srls IN number DEFAULT 0); PROCEDURE getOnlineLog( fname OUT varchar2 ,thread# OUT number ,group# OUT number); ----------------------------- -- Archivedlog Translation -- ----------------------------- -- translateArchivedLogKey translates the archived log key to a archived -- log recid and stamp in V$ARCHIVED_LOG. -- translateArchivedLogRange* procedures translate a specified -- archive log range to a list of archived logs. -- getArchivedLog is used to get the recid and stamp for each archived log, -- one at a time until null is returned. -- The available, unavailable and deleted parameters are used to limit -- the translation to archived logs with the desired status. For example, -- only available archived logs can be backed up, but unavailable and deleted -- archived logs can be restored from backups. -- The duplicates parameter controls whether the translation returns all -- archived logs or eliminates duplicate ones. Archived logs that have the -- same thread#, sequence# and low_scn are considered duplicates. (duplicate -- archived logs are usually created by copying archived logs). -- Note that only archived logs recorded in the recovery catalog or -- controlfile file are returned. If there is an archived log that belongs -- to the range but is not known, there will be a "hole" in the range. -- Input parameters: -- al_key -- key of the archived log record in the recovery catalog -- thread# -- return only logs that belong to this thread# -- if NULL return logs for all threads -- fromseq# -- lowest log sequence number in the range -- toseq# -- highest log sequence number in the range -- fromtime -- exclude logs that were switched out before fromtime -- totime -- exclude logs that were switched in after totime -- fromscn -- exclude logs that were switched out before fromscn -- toscn -- exclude logs that were switched in after toscn -- pattern -- return only archived logs whose filename match the pattern -- The pattern is matched against normalized filenames ### ok? -- available -- if TRUE (1) return available archived logs -- unavailable -- if TRUE (1) return unavailable archived logs -- deleted -- if TRUE (1) return deleted archived logs -- online -- if TRUE (1) return also inspected online logs (in addition to -- archived logs) -- duplicates -- if TRUE (1) return all archived logs -- if FALSE (0) eliminate duplicate archived logs -- Output parameters: -- recid -- recid of the archived log record (in V$ARCHIVED_LOG) -- stamp -- stamp of the archived log record (in V$ARCHIVED_LOG) -- thread# -- sequence# -- low_scn -- fname -- reset_scn -- block_size -- Exceptions: -- NO_RECOVERY_CATALOG (ORA-20300) -- this operation is not supported without the recovery catalog -- ARCHIVED_LOG_DOES_NOT_EXIST -- the key does not match any archived log -- TRANSLATION_IN_PROGRESS (ORA-20203) -- the previous translation conversation is still in progess. -- To terminate get all datafiles with getArchivedLog. -- TRANSLATION_NOT_IN_PROGRESS (ORA-20204) -- getArchivedLog was called with no translation in progress -- THREAD_IS_NULL (ORA-20210) -- a null thread# was passed to translateArchivedLogSeqRange -- HIGH_SEQUENCE_IS_NULL -- a null toseq# was passed to translateArchivedLogSeqRange -- UNTIL_TIME_IS_NULL (ORA-20212) -- a null totime was passed to translateArchivedLogTimeRange -- UNTIL_SCN_IS_NULL (ORA-20213) -- a null toscn was passed to translateArchivedLogSCNRange -- ARCHIVED_LOG_RANGE_IS_EMPTY -- the specified range doesn't contain any archived log ------------------------------ -- Archived Log Translation -- ------------------------------ PROCEDURE getArchivedLog( alRec OUT NOCOPY alRec_t ,closeCursor IN boolean DEFAULT FALSE); PROCEDURE translateArchivedLogKey( al_key IN number ,available IN number DEFAULT 1 -- ignored (for compatability) ,unavailable IN number DEFAULT 1 -- ignored (for compatability) ,deleted IN number DEFAULT 1 -- ignored (for compatability) ,online IN number DEFAULT 1 -- ignored (for compatability) ,recid OUT number ,stamp OUT number ,thread# OUT number ,sequence# OUT number ,low_scn OUT number ,reset_scn OUT number ,block_size OUT number ,fname OUT varchar2 ,needstby IN number DEFAULT NULL); PROCEDURE translateArchivedLogName( fname IN varchar2 ,available IN number DEFAULT NULL -- for compatability ,unavailable IN number DEFAULT NULL -- for compatability ,deleted IN number DEFAULT NULL -- for compatability ,online IN number -- ignored ,duplicates IN number ,statusMask IN binary_integer DEFAULT NULL -- for compatability ,needstby IN number DEFAULT NULL); -- for compatability -- For translate functions, the incarn parameter is interpreted as: -- -1 -- current incarnation -- 0 -- any incarnation -- other-- a specific incarnation number -- NULL -- should be defaulted PROCEDURE translateArchivedLogSeqRange( thread# IN number ,fromseq# IN number ,toseq# IN number ,pattern IN varchar2 ,available IN number DEFAULT NULL -- for compatability ,unavailable IN number DEFAULT NULL -- for compatability ,deleted IN number DEFAULT NULL -- for compatability ,online IN number -- ignored ,duplicates IN number ,statusMask IN binary_integer DEFAULT NULL -- for compatability ,needstby IN number DEFAULT NULL -- for compatability ,foreignal IN binary_integer DEFAULT 0 -- for compatability ,incarn IN number DEFAULT NULL); -- for compatibility PROCEDURE translateArchivedLogTimeRange( thread# IN number ,fromTime IN date ,toTime IN date ,pattern IN varchar2 ,available IN number DEFAULT NULL -- for compatability ,unavailable IN number DEFAULT NULL -- for compatability ,deleted IN number DEFAULT NULL -- for compatability ,online IN number -- ignored ,duplicates IN number ,statusMask IN binary_integer DEFAULT NULL -- for compatability ,needstby IN number DEFAULT NULL -- for compatability ,foreignal IN binary_integer DEFAULT 0 -- for compatability ,incarn IN number DEFAULT NULL); -- for compatibility PROCEDURE translateArchivedLogSCNRange( thread# IN number ,fromSCN IN number ,toSCN IN number ,pattern IN varchar2 ,available IN number DEFAULT NULL -- for compatability ,unavailable IN number DEFAULT NULL -- for compatability ,deleted IN number DEFAULT NULL -- for compatability ,online IN number ,duplicates IN number ,statusMask IN binary_integer DEFAULT NULL -- for compatability ,needstby IN number DEFAULT NULL ,doingRecovery IN number DEFAULT FALSE# ,onlyrdf IN binary_integer DEFAULT 0 -- for compatability ,reset_scn IN number DEFAULT NULL -- for compatability ,reset_time IN date DEFAULT NULL -- for compatability ,sequence# IN number DEFAULT NULL -- for compatability ,foreignal IN binary_integer DEFAULT 0 -- for compatability ,incarn IN number DEFAULT NULL); -- for compatibility PROCEDURE translateArchivedLogPattern( pattern IN varchar2 ,available IN number DEFAULT NULL -- for compatability ,unavailable IN number DEFAULT NULL -- for compatability ,deleted IN number DEFAULT NULL -- for compatability ,online IN number -- ignored ,duplicates IN number ,statusMask IN binary_integer DEFAULT NULL -- for compatability ,needstby IN number DEFAULT NULL -- for compatability ,foreignal IN binary_integer DEFAULT 0); -- for compatability PROCEDURE translateArchivedLogCancel; -- Set/Get filter functions for job views PROCEDURE sv_setSessionKey(skey IN NUMBER); PROCEDURE sv_setSessionTimeRange(fromTime IN DATE, untilTime IN DATE); FUNCTION sv_getSessionKey RETURN NUMBER; FUNCTION sv_getSessionfromTimeRange RETURN DATE; FUNCTION sv_getSessionUntilTimeRange RETURN DATE; -- translateBackupPieceKey looks up a backup piece by primary key. -- translateBackupPieceHandle looks up a backup piece by handle and deviceType. -- translatebackupPieceTag looks up backup pieces by tag. -- The available are unavailable parameters are used to limit the translation -- to backup pieces with the desired status. For example, only available -- backup pieces can be backed up, but unavailable pieces can be made -- available. Deleted backup pieces are never returned. -- Input parameters: -- bp_key -- key of the backup piece record in the recovery catalog -- handle -- backup piece handle -- device type -- device type on which the backup piece resides -- Exceptions: -- NO_RECOVERY_CATALOG (ORA-20300) -- this operation is not supported without the recovery catalog -- BACKUP_PIECE_DOES_NOT_EXIST -- the key does not match any backup piece -- BACKUP_PIECE_HANDLE_IS_AMBIGUOUS -- the key does not match any backup piece -- Obsolete as of 8.1.6 PROCEDURE getArchivedLog( recid OUT number ,stamp OUT number ,thread# OUT number ,sequence# OUT number ,low_scn OUT number ,nxt_scn OUT number ,fname OUT varchar2 ,reset_scn OUT number ,block_size OUT number ,blocks OUT number); --------------------------------- -- Controlfilecopy Translation -- --------------------------------- -- translateControlFileCopyName translates a control file name into a list of -- control file copies. -- Input parameters: -- fname -- name of the controlfile copy to be translated. -- The name must be a normalized filename -- Exceptions: -- CONTROLFILE_COPY_DOES_NOT_EXIST -- The filename does not match any controlfile copy PROCEDURE translateControlFileCopyName( fname IN varchar2 ,available IN number DEFAULT NULL -- for compatability ,unavailable IN number DEFAULT NULL -- for compatability ,duplicates IN number ,statusMask IN binary_integer DEFAULT NULL -- for compatability ,onlyone IN number DEFAULT 1); PROCEDURE translateControlFileCopyTag( cftag IN varchar2 ,available IN number DEFAULT NULL -- for compatability ,unavailable IN number DEFAULT NULL -- for compatability ,duplicates IN number ,statusMask IN binary_integer DEFAULT NULL -- for compatability ,onlyone IN number DEFAULT 1); PROCEDURE translateControlFileCopyKey( key IN number ,available IN number DEFAULT NULL -- for compatability ,unavailable IN number DEFAULT NULL -- for compatability ,statusMask IN binary_integer DEFAULT NULL); -- for compatability PROCEDURE getControlFileCopy( rcvRec IN OUT NOCOPY rcvRec_t); -- Obsolete as of 8.1.6 PROCEDURE getControlFileCopy( recid OUT number ,stamp OUT number ,reset_scn OUT number ,ckp_scn OUT number ,block_size OUT number); ------------------------------ -- Datafilecopy Translation -- ------------------------------ PROCEDURE getDataFileCopy( rcvRec OUT NOCOPY rcvRec_t ,closeCursor IN boolean DEFAULT FALSE); -- translateDataFileCopyKey translates the datafile copy key into a -- datafile copy recid and stamp in V$DATAFILE_COPY. -- translateDataFileCopyNumber translates a file number and (optional) tag -- to a datafile copy recid and stamp. Not used currently in 8.0. -- translatedDataFileCopyName translates the datafile copy name into a -- a list of datafile copies and getDataFileCopy returns the recid and stamp -- of each datafile copy. The duplicates parameter controls whether -- getDataFileCopy returns all matching datafile copies or just the most -- recent copy (highest stamp in rcvcat or highest recid in controlfile). -- translateDataFileCopyTag translates the tag into a list of datafile -- copies and getDataFileCopy returns the recid and stamp of each datafile copy -- one at a time until null is returned. -- translateDataFileCopyFno translates a file number into a list of datafile -- copies. getDataFileCopy returns the recid and stamp of each datafile -- copy one at at time until null is returned. The duplicates parameter -- controls whether getDataFileCopy returns all matching datafile copies or -- just the most recent copy (highest stamp in rcvcat or highest recid in -- controlfile). -- The available are unavailable parameters are used to limit the translation -- to datafile copies with the desired status. For example, only available -- datafile copies can be backed up, but unavailable copies can be made -- available. Deleted copies are never returned. -- The duplicates parameter controls whether getDataFileCopy returns all -- datafile copies or just the most recent (highest checkpoint scn) copy -- of each datafile (file#). -- Input parameters: -- cdf_key -- key of the datafile copy record in the recovery catalog -- fname -- name of the datafile copy to be translated. -- The name must be a normalized filename -- tag -- tag of the datafile copies to be translated -- The tag must be passed exactly as stored in the controlfile, -- it is not uppercased by translate -- available -- if TRUE (1) return available datafile copies -- unavailable -- if TRUE (1) return unavailable datafile copies -- duplicates -- if TRUE (1) return all datafile copies -- if FALSE (0) eliminate duplicate datafile copies -- -- The remaining parameters are returned for deleteDataFileCopy -- -- file# -- fname -- reset_scn -- create_scn -- ckp_scn -- blocks_size -- -- Exceptions: -- NO_RECOVERY_CATALOG (ORA-20300) -- translation by key is not supported without the recovery catalog -- DATAFILE_COPY_DOES_NOT_EXIST -- the specified key or filename does not match any datafile copy -- DATAFILE_COPY_NAME_AMBIGUOUS -- the specified filename matches more than one datafile copy -- TAG_DOES_NOT_MATCH -- the specified tag doesn't match any datafile copies -- TRANSLATION_IN_PROGRESS (ORA-20203) -- the previous translation conversation is still in progess. -- To terminate get all datafiles with getDataFileCopy. -- TRANSLATION_NOT_IN_PROGRESS (ORA-20204) -- getDataFileCopy was called with no translation in progress PROCEDURE translateDataFileCopyKey( cdf_key IN number ,available IN number DEFAULT NULL -- for compatability ,unavailable IN number DEFAULT NULL -- for compatability ,statusMask IN binary_integer DEFAULT NULL); -- for compatability -- Obsolete as of 8.1.6 PROCEDURE translateDataFileCopyKey( cdf_key IN number ,available IN number ,unavailable IN number ,recid OUT number ,stamp OUT number ,file# OUT number ,fname OUT varchar2 ,reset_scn OUT number ,create_scn OUT number ,ckp_scn OUT number ,block_size OUT number ,blocks OUT number); PROCEDURE translateDataFileCopyName( fname IN varchar2 ,available IN number DEFAULT NULL -- for compatability ,unavailable IN number DEFAULT NULL -- for compatability ,duplicates IN number ,statusMask IN binary_integer DEFAULT NULL -- for compatability ,onlyone IN number DEFAULT 1 ,pluginSCN IN number DEFAULT 0); PROCEDURE translateDataFileCopyTag( tag IN varchar2 ,available IN number DEFAULT NULL -- for compatibility ,unavailable IN number DEFAULT NULL -- for compatibility ,duplicates IN number ,statusMask IN binary_integer DEFAULT NULL -- for compatibility ,pluginSCN IN number DEFAULT 0 ,onlytc IN binary_integer DEFAULT FALSE#); -- for compatibility PROCEDURE translateDataFileCopyFno( fno IN number ,available IN number DEFAULT NULL ,unavailable IN number DEFAULT NULL ,duplicates IN number ,statusMask IN binary_integer DEFAULT NULL ,pluginSCN IN number DEFAULT 0); PROCEDURE translateDataFileCopy( duplicates IN number ,statusMask IN binary_integer ,onlyrdf IN binary_integer ,pluginSCN IN number DEFAULT 0); -- Bug 2391697 PROCEDURE translateDatafileCancel; -- Obsolete as of 8.1.6 PROCEDURE getDataFileCopy( recid OUT number ,stamp OUT number ,file# OUT number ,fname OUT varchar2 ,reset_scn OUT number ,create_scn OUT number ,ckp_scn OUT number ,block_size OUT number ,blocks OUT number); ---------------------------- -- Proxy Copy Translation -- ---------------------------- PROCEDURE getProxyCopy( rcvRec OUT NOCOPY rcvRec_t ,closeCursor IN boolean DEFAULT FALSE); PROCEDURE translateProxyCopyKey( pc_key IN number ,deviceType IN varchar2 ,available IN number DEFAULT NULL -- for compatability ,unavailable IN number DEFAULT NULL -- for compatability ,deleted IN number DEFAULT NULL -- for compatability ,expired IN number DEFAULT NULL -- for compatability ,statusMask IN binary_integer DEFAULT NULL); -- for compatability -- Obsolete as of 8.1.6 PROCEDURE translateProxyCopyKey( pc_key IN number ,device_type IN varchar2 ,available IN number ,unavailable IN number ,deleted IN number ,recid OUT number ,stamp OUT number ,handle OUT varchar2); PROCEDURE translateProxyCopyHandle( handle IN varchar2 ,deviceType IN varchar2 ,available IN number DEFAULT NULL -- for compatability ,unavailable IN number DEFAULT NULL -- for compatability ,deleted IN number DEFAULT NULL -- for compatability ,expired IN number DEFAULT NULL -- for compatability ,statusMask IN binary_integer DEFAULT NULL); -- for compatability -- Obsolete as of 8.1.6 PROCEDURE translateProxyCopyHandle( handle IN varchar2 ,device_type IN varchar2 ,available IN number ,unavailable IN number ,deleted IN number ,recid OUT number ,stamp OUT number); PROCEDURE translateProxyCopyTag( tag IN varchar2 ,device_type IN varchar2 ,available IN number DEFAULT NULL -- for compatability ,unavailable IN number DEFAULT NULL -- for compatability ,deleted IN number DEFAULT NULL -- for compatability ,statusMask IN binary_integer DEFAULT NULL); -- for compatability -- translateProxyCopyKey translates a proxy copy key to a -- recid and stamp in V$PROXY_DATAFILE/V$PROXY_ARCHIVEDLOG -- translateProxyCopyHandle translates handle and device type to a -- proxy copy recid and stamp. -- getProxyCopy returns one proxy copy after calling translateProxyCopyTag. -- keep calling getProxyCopy until recid is null. -- The available and unavailable parameters are used to limit the -- translation to backup pieces with the desired status. -- Input parameters: -- pc_key -- key of the proxy copy record in the recovery catalog -- handle -- proxy copy handle -- device type -- device type on which the proxy copy resides -- Output parameters: -- recid -- recid/stamp of the proxy copy record (in V$PROXY_DATAFILE or -- V$PROXY_ARCHIVEDLOG) -- Exceptions: -- NO_RECOVERY_CATALOG (ORA-20300) -- this operation is not supported without the recovery catalog -- PROXY_COPY_DOES_NOT_EXIST -- the key does not match any proxy copy -- PROXY_COPY_HANDLE_IS_AMBIGUOUS -- the key matches more than one proxy copy -- Obsolete as of 8.1.6 PROCEDURE getProxyCopy( recid OUT number ,stamp OUT number ,handle OUT varchar2); ------------------------------ -- Backup Piece Translation -- ------------------------------ PROCEDURE getBackupPiece( bpRec OUT NOCOPY bpRec_t ,closeCursor IN boolean DEFAULT FALSE); PROCEDURE translateBackupPieceKey( key IN number ,available IN number DEFAULT TRUE# ,unavailable IN number DEFAULT TRUE# ,expired IN number DEFAULT TRUE# ,statusMask IN binary_integer DEFAULT NULL); -- for compatability PROCEDURE translateBackupPieceKey( -- only used in 8.1.6 bp_key IN number ,available IN number ,unavailable IN number ,recid OUT number ,stamp OUT number ,handle OUT varchar2 ,set_stamp OUT number ,set_count OUT number ,piece# OUT number); PROCEDURE translateBackupPieceHandle( handle IN varchar2 ,deviceType IN varchar2 ,available IN number DEFAULT NULL -- for compatability ,unavailable IN number DEFAULT NULL -- for compatability ,expired IN number DEFAULT NULL -- for compatability ,statusMask IN binary_integer DEFAULT NULL); -- for compatability PROCEDURE translateBackupPieceHandle( -- only used in 8.1.6 handle IN varchar2 ,device_type IN varchar2 ,available IN number ,unavailable IN number ,recid OUT number ,stamp OUT number ,set_stamp OUT number ,set_count OUT number ,piece# OUT number); PROCEDURE translateBackupPieceTag( tag IN varchar2 ,available IN number DEFAULT NULL -- for compatability ,unavailable IN number DEFAULT NULL -- for compatability ,statusMask IN binary_integer DEFAULT NULL); -- for compatability PROCEDURE translateBackupPieceBSKey( key IN number ,tag IN varchar2 DEFAULT NULL ,deviceType IN varchar2 DEFAULT NULL ,pieceCount IN number ,duplicates IN number DEFAULT TRUE# ,copyNumber IN number DEFAULT NULL ,available IN number DEFAULT TRUE# ,unavailable IN number DEFAULT FALSE# ,deleted IN number DEFAULT FALSE# ,expired IN number DEFAULT FALSE# ,statusMask IN binary_integer DEFAULT NULL); -- for compatability PROCEDURE translateBackupPieceBsKey( startBsKey IN number ,tag IN varchar2 DEFAULT NULL ,statusMask IN binary_integer DEFAULT NULL); -- Translates all backupsets starting with specified backupset key, tag and -- status. Used to fetch a list of backuppieces in one cursor. PROCEDURE translateSeekBpBsKey( bsKey IN number ,deviceType IN varchar2 ,pieceCount IN number ,duplicates IN number DEFAULT TRUE# ,copyNumber IN number DEFAULT NULL); -- Seek follows translateBackupPieceBsKey. It is used seek to a specified -- backupset key, device, copyNumber. May return no_data_found if the -- backupset key is not found or the cursor have passed over the -- backupset key, device, copyNumber. -- If this function doesn't return any error, then use getBackupPiece to -- fetch all backuppieces until no_data_found. -- Then seek again for a backupset key that is greater than previous. -- The seek is expected to succeed always if the feeded backupset key is -- in ascending order. PROCEDURE translateBpBsKeyCancel; -- End the translation once you are done with fetching pieces of all -- backupsets. This will close the cursor and reset the package translation -- variables. -- Obsolete as of 8.1.6 PROCEDURE translateBackupSetKey( bs_key IN number ,device_type IN varchar2 ,available IN number ,unavailable IN number ,deleted IN number ,duplicates IN number ,backup_type OUT varchar2 ,recid OUT number ,stamp OUT number ,set_stamp OUT number ,set_count OUT number ,bslevel OUT number ,completion_time OUT date); -- Obsolete as of 8.1 PROCEDURE translateBackupSetKey( bs_key IN number ,device_type IN varchar2 ,available IN number ,unavailable IN number ,deleted IN number ,duplicates IN number ,backup_type OUT varchar2 ,recid OUT number ,stamp OUT number); -- Obsolete as of 8.1.6 PROCEDURE translateBackupSetRecid( recid IN number ,stamp IN number ,device_type IN varchar2 ,bs_key OUT number ,bslevel OUT number ,completed OUT date); -- Obsolete as of 8.1 PROCEDURE translateBackupSetRecid( recid IN number ,stamp IN number ,device_type IN varchar2); -- translateBackupPieceBSKey translates the specified backup set into a list of -- backup pieces. If there are multiple available copies of a piece then -- only the latest (with highest stamp) is returned. If there is no available -- copy of a piece then raise an exception. -- -- Input parameters: -- key -- key of the backup set record in the recovery catalog -- recid -- recid of the backup set record (in V$BACKUP_SET) -- stamp -- stamp of the backup set record (in V$BACKUP_SET) -- startBsKey -- translate all backupsets with this key and above. -- tag -- translate backuppieces with this tag -- statusMask -- translate backuppieces with this status -- deviceType -- translate backuppieces that are resides on this device -- Exceptions: -- BACKUP_SET_MISSING -- no backup set with the specified recid and stamp found -- NO_RECOVERY_CATALOG (ORA-20300) -- translation by bs_key is not supported without the recovery catalog -- Obsolete as of 8.1.6 PROCEDURE getBackupPiece( recid OUT number ,stamp OUT number ,bpkey OUT number ,set_stamp OUT number ,set_count OUT number ,piece# OUT number ,copy# OUT number ,status OUT varchar2 ,completion OUT date ,handle OUT varchar2); -- Obsolete as of 8.1 PROCEDURE getBackupPiece( recid OUT number ,stamp OUT number ,set_stamp OUT number ,set_count OUT number ,piece# OUT number ,handle OUT varchar2); ---------------------------- -- Backup Set Translation -- ---------------------------- PROCEDURE translateBackupSetKey( key IN number ,bsRec OUT NOCOPY bsRec_t); PROCEDURE translateAllBackupSet( backupType IN binary_integer ,tag IN varchar2 ,statusMask IN binary_integer ,completedAfter IN date ,completedBefore IN date ,onlyrdf IN binary_integer DEFAULT 0); PROCEDURE getAllBackupSet( rcvRec OUT NOCOPY rcvRec_t); ------------------------ -- Controlfile Backup -- ------------------------ -- allCopies = TRUE fetches duplex ones PROCEDURE findControlfileBackup( allCopies IN boolean default FALSE); -- getControlfileBackup is not a public function, but needs to be here due -- to bug 1269570. FUNCTION getControlfileBackup( rcvRec OUT NOCOPY rcvRec_t) RETURN number; -- getPrimaryDfName: return the name of a datafile as it appears on the primary FUNCTION getPrimaryDfName(fno IN NUMBER) RETURN VARCHAR2; -- findControlFileBackup finds the optimal copy or backup of the controlfile -- based on the given criteria. -- The optimal copy is the one with highest checkpoint SCN. Returns one of: -- SUCCESS, AVAILABLE, UNAVAILABLE. -- This is for 8.0.4 thru 8.1.5 compatibility FUNCTION findControlFileBackup( type OUT number ,recid OUT number ,stamp OUT number ,fname OUT varchar2 ,device_type OUT varchar2 ,ckp_scn OUT number) RETURN number; -- Obsolete as of 8.1.6 (8.1.5 uses this) FUNCTION findControlFileBackup( type OUT number ,recid OUT number ,stamp OUT number ,fname OUT varchar2 ,device_type OUT varchar2 ,ckp_scn OUT number ,rlg_scn OUT number ,blksize OUT number) RETURN number; ------------------------- -- Archived Log Backup -- ------------------------- PROCEDURE findRangeArchivedLogBackup( minthread IN number ,minsequence IN number ,minlowSCN IN number ,maxthread IN number ,maxsequence IN number ,maxlowSCN IN number ,allCopies IN boolean default FALSE); -- findRangeArchivedLogBackup finds all the backup sets that are required to -- restore the archivelog specified in the range. -- getRangeArchivedLogBackup returns the record for the backup set. The -- return value is one of: SUCCESS, AVAILABLE, UNAVAILABLE for each of the -- backup sets. -- -- Input Parameter: -- minthread#, maxthread# - range of threads -- minsequence#, maxsequence# - range of sequence# -- minlowSCN, maxlowSCN - range of lowSCN -- allCopies - TRUE fetches duplex ones -- Obsolete as of 11g PROCEDURE findArchivedLogBackup( thread IN number ,sequence IN number ,lowSCN IN number ,allCopies IN boolean default FALSE); -- findArchivedLogBackup finds a backup set containing the given archived log. -- getArchivedLogBackup returns the record for the backup set. The return -- value is one of: SUCCESS, AVAILABLE, UNAVAILABLE. -- -- Input Parameter: -- thread# -- sequence# -- low_scn -- allCopies - TRUE fetches duplex ones -- Obsolete as of 11g FUNCTION getArchivedLogBackup( rcvRec OUT NOCOPY rcvRec_t) RETURN binary_integer; -- Obsolete as of 8.1.6 FUNCTION findArchivedLogBackup( thread# IN number ,sequence# IN number ,low_scn IN number ,type OUT number ,recid OUT number ,stamp OUT number ,device_type OUT varchar2) RETURN number; ------------------- -- SPFILE Backup -- ------------------- -- allCopies = TRUE fetches duplex ones -- redundancy determine the number of redundant copies to fetch. -- rmanCmd = is the specific rman command -- scn_warn = 1 if we must estimate the time, 0 otherwise PROCEDURE findSpfileBackup( allCopies IN boolean default FALSE ,redundancy IN number default NULL ,rmanCmd IN number default unknownCmd_t); PROCEDURE findSpfileBackup( allCopies IN boolean default FALSE ,redundancy IN number default NULL ,rmanCmd IN number default unknownCmd_t ,scn_warn OUT number); -- redundancy determine the number of redundant copies to fetch if -- findSpfileBackup wasn't called earlier. FUNCTION getSpfileBackup( rcvRec OUT NOCOPY rcvRec_t ,redundancy IN number default NULL ,rmanCmd IN number default unknownCmd_t) RETURN number; --------------- -- List Copy -- --------------- PROCEDURE listTranslateControlfileCopy( tag IN varchar2 ,completedAfter IN date ,completedBefore IN date ,statusMask IN binary_integer DEFAULT BSavailable+BSunavailable+BSexpired ,liststby IN binary_integer DEFAULT NULL -- default for 8.1 ,file_pattern IN varchar2 DEFAULT NULL); PROCEDURE listGetControlfileCopy( rcvRec OUT NOCOPY rcvRec_t); -- Obsolete as of 8.1.6 FUNCTION listGetControlfileCopy( bcfkey OUT number ,ckpscn OUT number ,ckptime OUT date ,status OUT varchar2 ,completion OUT date ,fname OUT varchar2) RETURN number; PROCEDURE listTranslateDataFileCopy( file# IN number ,creation_change# IN number ,tag IN varchar2 DEFAULT NULL ,file_name_pattern IN varchar2 DEFAULT NULL ,completedAfter IN date DEFAULT NULL ,completedBefore IN date DEFAULT NULL ,statusMask IN binary_integer DEFAULT BSavailable+BSunavailable -- default for 8.1 ,pluginSCN IN number DEFAULT 0); PROCEDURE listGetDataFileCopy( rcvRec OUT NOCOPY rcvRec_t); -- Obsolete as of 8.1.6 FUNCTION listGetDataFileCopy( cdf_key OUT number ,status OUT varchar2 ,fname OUT varchar2 ,completion_time OUT date ,checkpoint_change# OUT number ,checkpoint_time OUT date) RETURN number; PROCEDURE listTranslateArchivedLogCopy( thread# IN number ,sequence# IN number ,first_change# IN number ,file_name_pattern IN varchar2 DEFAULT NULL ,completedAfter IN date DEFAULT NULL ,completedBefore IN date DEFAULT NULL ,statusMask IN binary_integer DEFAULT BSavailable+BSunavailable+BSexpired -- 8.0/8.1 defaults ,needstby IN number DEFAULT NULL); PROCEDURE listGetArchivedLogCopy( rcvRec OUT NOCOPY rcvRec_t); -- Obsolete as of 8.1.6 FUNCTION listGetArchivedLogCopy( al_key OUT number ,status OUT varchar2 ,fname OUT varchar2 ,completion_time OUT date) RETURN number; ----------------- -- List Backup -- ----------------- PROCEDURE listTranslateControlfileBackup( tag IN varchar2 ,completedAfter IN date ,completedBefore IN date ,statusMask IN binary_integer DEFAULT BSavailable+BSunavailable+BSexpired -- 8.0/8.1 defaults ,autobackup IN binary_integer DEFAULT BScfile_all ,liststby IN binary_integer DEFAULT NULL); PROCEDURE listGetControlfileBackup( rcvRec OUT NOCOPY rcvRec_t); -- Obsolete as of 8.1.6 FUNCTION listGetControlfileBackup( bskey OUT number, ckpscn OUT number, ckptime OUT date) RETURN number; PROCEDURE listTranslateSpfileBackup( completedAfter IN date ,completedBefore IN date); PROCEDURE listGetSpfileBackup( rcvRec OUT NOCOPY rcvRec_t); PROCEDURE listTranslateDataFileBackup( file# IN number ,creation_change# IN number ,tag IN varchar2 DEFAULT NULL ,completedAfter IN date DEFAULT NULL ,completedBefore IN date DEFAULT NULL ,statusMask IN binary_integer DEFAULT BSavailable+BSunavailable+BSexpired -- 8.0/8.1 defaults ,pluginSCN IN number DEFAULT 0); PROCEDURE listGetDataFileBackup( rcvRec OUT NOCOPY rcvRec_t); -- Obsolete as of 8.1.6 FUNCTION listGetDataFileBackup( bs_key OUT number ,backup_type OUT varchar2 ,incremental_level OUT number ,completion_time OUT date ,checkpoint_change# OUT number ,checkpoint_time OUT date) RETURN number; -- 8.1.5 LIST implementation PROCEDURE translateBackupFile( bs_recid IN number ,bs_stamp IN number ,fno IN number ,bskey OUT number ,inclevel OUT number ,backup_type OUT varchar2 ,completed OUT date); -- Used by 8.0 and 8.1.6, but not 8.1.5 PROCEDURE listTranslateArchivedLogBackup( thread# IN number ,sequence# IN number ,first_change# IN number ,completedAfter IN date DEFAULT NULL ,completedBefore IN date DEFAULT NULL ,statusMask IN binary_integer DEFAULT BSavailable+BSunavailable+BSexpired); -- 8.0/8.1 defaults PROCEDURE listGetArchivedLogBackup( rcvRec OUT NOCOPY rcvRec_t); -- Obsolete as of 8.1 FUNCTION listGetArchivedLogBackup( bs_key OUT number ,completion_time OUT date) RETURN number; -- Obsolete as of 8.1.6, but used in 9.0 PROCEDURE listTranslateArchivedLogBackup( thread# IN number DEFAULT NULL ,lowseq IN number DEFAULT NULL ,highseq IN number DEFAULT NULL ,lowscn IN number DEFAULT NULL ,highscn IN number DEFAULT NULL ,from_time IN date DEFAULT NULL ,until_time IN date DEFAULT NULL ,pattern IN varchar2 DEFAULT NULL); -- Obsolete as of 8.1.6 FUNCTION listGetArchivedLogBackup( bs_key OUT number ,thread# OUT number ,sequence# OUT number ,first_change# OUT number ,next_change# OUT number ,first_time OUT date ,next_time OUT date) RETURN number; -------------------- -- List Backupset -- -------------------- PROCEDURE listTranslateBackupsetFiles( bs_key IN number); PROCEDURE listGetBackupsetFiles( rcvRec OUT NOCOPY rcvRec_t); --------------------- -- List Proxy Copy -- --------------------- -- Note that this is used for both datafiles and the controlfile PROCEDURE listTranslateProxyDataFile( file# IN number ,creation_change# IN number ,tag IN varchar2 DEFAULT NULL ,handle_pattern IN varchar2 DEFAULT NULL ,completedAfter IN date DEFAULT NULL ,completedBefore IN date DEFAULT NULL ,statusMask IN binary_integer DEFAULT BSavailable+BSunavailable+BSexpired ,liststby IN binary_integer DEFAULT NULL -- default for 8.1 ,pluginSCN IN number DEFAULT 0); PROCEDURE listGetProxyDataFile( rcvRec OUT NOCOPY rcvRec_t); -- Obsolete as of 8.1.6 FUNCTION listGetProxyDataFile( xdf_key OUT number ,recid OUT number ,stamp OUT number ,status OUT varchar2 ,handle OUT varchar2 ,completion_time OUT date ,checkpoint_change# OUT number ,checkpoint_time OUT date) RETURN number; -- This procedure serves absolutely no purpose. It is here only for -- backwards compatbility with 8.1.5. The only call to this is from -- krmkafs(), which gets called from krmkgra(). Since the calls are always -- in sequence, we can simply save the last record returned from -- getRecoveryAction and avoid doing an extra query. -- The only value this functions returns that krmkgra() didn't already have -- in 8.1.5 is the xdf_key. Completion time was being estimated from the -- stamp. PROCEDURE listTranslateProxyDFRecid( recid IN number ,stamp IN number ,xdf_key OUT number ,file# OUT number ,status OUT varchar2 ,handle OUT varchar2 ,completion_time OUT date ,checkpoint_change# OUT number ,checkpoint_time OUT date); PROCEDURE listTranslateProxyArchivedLog( thread# IN number ,sequence# IN number ,first_change# IN number ,tag IN varchar2 DEFAULT NULL ,handle_pattern IN varchar2 DEFAULT NULL ,completedAfter IN date DEFAULT NULL ,completedBefore IN date DEFAULT NULL ,statusMask IN binary_integer DEFAULT BSavailable+BSunavailable+BSexpired); PROCEDURE listGetProxyArchivedLog( rcvRec OUT NOCOPY rcvRec_t); ------------------------------- -- List Database Incarnation -- ------------------------------- PROCEDURE listTranslateDBIncarnation( db_name IN varchar2 DEFAULT NULL, all_databases IN number DEFAULT 0); FUNCTION listGetDBIncarnation( db_key OUT number ,dbinc_key OUT number ,db_name OUT varchar2 ,db_id OUT number ,current_inc OUT varchar2 ,resetlogs_change# OUT number ,resetlogs_time OUT date ,dbinc_status OUT varchar2) RETURN number; FUNCTION listGetDBIncarnation( db_key OUT number ,dbinc_key OUT number ,db_name OUT varchar2 ,db_id OUT number ,current_inc OUT varchar2 ,resetlogs_change# OUT number ,resetlogs_time OUT date) RETURN number; ------------------------------- -- List Database Sites -- ------------------------------- PROCEDURE listTranslateDBSite( db_name IN varchar2 DEFAULT NULL, alldbs IN binary_integer DEFAULT 1); FUNCTION listGetDBSite( db_key OUT number ,db_id OUT number ,db_name OUT varchar2 ,db_role OUT varchar2 ,db_unique_name OUT varchar2) RETURN number; -------------------------------------- -- List Rollback Segment Tablespace -- -------------------------------------- PROCEDURE listRollbackSegTableSpace; FUNCTION listGetTableSpace( ts# OUT number ,ts_name OUT varchar2) RETURN number; ------------------------ -- Incremental Backup -- ------------------------ -- getIncrementalScn returns the starting scn for an incremental backup. -- Input Parameters: -- file# -- datafile number -- reset_scn -- the resetlogs SCN of the datafile -- reset_time -- the resetlogs time of the datafile -- incr_scn -- level of the incremental backup -- cumulative -- TRUE# if the backup is cumulative -- first -- TRUE open the cursor, otherwise just fetch from already opened cursor -- sourcemask -- the source on which this incremental is based on -- tag -- the source tag on which this incremental is based on -- Exceptions -- DATAFILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST -- INVALID_LEVEL -- NO_PARENT_BACKUP_FOUND FUNCTION getIncrementalScn( file# IN number ,create_scn IN number ,reset_scn IN number ,reset_time IN date ,incr_level IN number ,cumulative IN number ,sourcemask IN number DEFAULT NULL ,tag IN varchar2 DEFAULT NULL ,pluginSCN IN number DEFAULT 0) RETURN number; -- This one is an improved version of above. If you want to get -- incremental scn for all datafiles by opening the cursor only once, then -- using this will give enormous performance improvement. -- -- NOTE!! NOTE!! NOTE!! -- If you pass NULL to file# then it means all of the following -- o all datafiles -- o datafiles which has reset_scn and reset_time of current incarnation. -- It is the callers responsibility to fetch the incremental scn of remaining -- datafiles which doesn't have reset_scn and reset_time of current -- incarnation. PROCEDURE getIncrementalScn( first IN boolean -- open the cursor if this is TRUE ,file# IN number ,create_scn IN number ,reset_scn IN number ,reset_time IN date ,incr_level IN number ,cumulative IN number ,rcvRec OUT NOCOPY rcvRec_t ,sourcemask IN number DEFAULT NULL ,tag IN varchar2 DEFAULT NULL ,pluginSCN IN number DEFAULT 0 ,keep IN boolean DEFAULT NULL); -------------------- -- Offline Ranges -- -------------------- PROCEDURE findOfflineRangeCopy( offr_recid IN number ,offr_ckpscn IN number ,cf_cretime IN date ,dbinc_key IN number); PROCEDURE getOfflineRangeCopy( rcvRec OUT NOCOPY rcvRec_t); -- Obsolete as of 8.1.6 FUNCTION getOfflineRangeCopy RETURN varchar2; -- findOfflineRangeCopy begins the search for a controlfile copy -- containing a specified offline range. getOfflinRangeCopy is called -- to retrieve the controlfile names one by one. NULL is returned at -- end of fetch. -- Input Parameters: -- offr_recid -- recid of offline range -- offr_ckpscn -- online checkpoint SCN (end) of offline range -- dbinc_rlgscn -- resetlogs SCN of the db incarnation that contains this range -- Output Parameters: -- offr_recid -- recid of the offline range record -- offr_stamp -- stamp of the offline range record -- type -- type of the controlfile that contains the offline range. -- COPY or BACKUP -- recid -- the recid of datafile copy record or -- the recid of the backup set record -- stamp -- The timestamp associated with the recid in the controlfile. -- fname -- filename of the controlfile copy -- NULL if a backup controlfile is returned -- returns TRUE (1) if a copy or backup was found -- returns FALSE (0) if no copy or backup was found -- Exceptions: -- OFFLINE_RANGE_NOT_FOUND (ORA-20250) -- No offline range was found for the datafile starting at the offline SCN --------------------------------------- -- Recovery Functions and Procedures -- --------------------------------------- PROCEDURE setComputeRecoveryActionMasks( containerMask IN number ,actionMask IN number ,allRecords IN number ,availableMask IN binary_integer ,fullBackups IN number DEFAULT NULL); -- Input parameters: -- fullBackups -- Stop when these many full backups are fetched. Dependency on -- allRecords value is as follows: -- 1. When allRecords = FALSE# and fullBackups = NULL, we stop when -- one full backup is fetched. -- 2. When allRecords = FALSE# and fullBackups = N, we stop when -- N full backups are fetched. -- 3. When allRecords = TRUE# and fullBackups = NULL, we get all -- records. -- 4. When allRecords = TRUE# and fullBackups = N, we stack N -- full backups and all non-full backup records. -- --Obsolete as of 8.1.7 PROCEDURE setComputeRecoveryActionMasks( containerMask IN number ,actionMask IN number ,allRecords IN number); -- Obsolete as of 8.1.6 PROCEDURE setRAflags( kindMask IN number ,allRecords IN boolean); FUNCTION computeRecoveryActions( fno IN number, -- Datafile number. crescn IN number, -- Datafile creation SCN. df_rlgscn IN number -- Datafile resetlogs SCN. Null if this is a RESTORE default null, -- command, else this is the value in the datafile -- header for the datafile we are RECOVERing. df_rlgtime IN date -- Datafile resetlogs time. Null if df_rlgscn is default null, -- null, else value from datafile header. df_ckpscn IN number -- Datafile checkpoint SCN. Null if df_rlgscn is default null, -- null, else value from datafile header. offlscn IN number -- kccfeofs (may be null). default 0, onlscn IN number -- kccfeonc (null if offlscn is null). default 0, onltime IN date -- kccfeonc_time default null, cleanscn IN number -- kccfecps if either SOR or WCC set, else null. default 0, clean2scn IN number -- CF ckpt SCN if WCC set, infinity if SOR bit set default 0, -- else null. clean2time IN date -- cf ckpt time if WCC, SYSDATE if SOR default null, allowfuzzy IN boolean -- TRUE if can be fuzzy at until SCN/time, FALSE if default FALSE, -- not. default is FALSE. partial_rcv IN boolean -- TRUE if can do partial recovery, FALSE if not default FALSE, cf_scn IN number -- controlfile checkpoint SCN (NULL if none mounted) default NULL, cf_cretime IN date -- controlfile creation time (NULL if none mounted) default NULL, cf_offrrid IN number -- recid of oldest offline range in controlfile default NULL, -- (NULL if none mounted) allCopies IN boolean -- if TRUE, then stack all valid copies of a bu set default FALSE, df_cretime IN date -- datafile creation time default NULL, rmanCmd IN binary_integer default unknownCmd_t, foreignDbid IN number default 0, pluggedRonly IN binary_integer default 0, pluginSCN IN number default 0, pluginRlgSCN IN number default 0, pluginRlgTime IN date default NULL, creation_thread IN number default NULL, creation_size IN number default NULL ) return binary_integer; -- Returns: -- SUCCESS -> the file can be restored/recovered. -- else one of RESTORABLE, AVAILABLE, UNAVAILABLE, NO_ACTION. -- computeRecoveryActions return values -- SUCCESS CONSTANT binary_integer := 0; UNAVAILABLE CONSTANT binary_integer := 1; AVAILABLE CONSTANT binary_integer := 2; RESTORABLE CONSTANT binary_integer := 3; NO_ACTION CONSTANT binary_integer := 4; -- SUCCESS: A file has been found for RESTORE, or the file on disk -- can be recovered. -- UNAVAILABLE: If RESTORE, then no datafilecopy or level 0 backup was found. -- If RECOVER, then some incremental backup is missing, or the -- datafile on disk is too old to recover. -- AVAILABLE: If RESTORE, then some level 0 or datafilecopy exists, but -- the required device type is not allocated. -- RESTORABLE: This is returned only when doing a RECOVER. It means that -- the file on disk cannot be recovered, but there is some level -- 0 or datafilecopy that could be restored and then recovered. -- NO_ACTION: There are no incrementals or offline ranges to apply, but -- the file should be recoverable with redo. No guarantee is -- made that the logs needed are actually available. FUNCTION getRecoveryAction( action OUT NOCOPY rcvRec_t) RETURN binary_integer; -- Obsolete as of 8.1.6 FUNCTION getRecoveryAction( kind OUT number ,set_stamp OUT number ,set_count OUT number ,recid OUT number ,stamp OUT number ,fname OUT varchar2 ,blocksize OUT number ,blocks OUT number ,devtype OUT varchar2 ,from_scn OUT number ,to_scn OUT number ,to_time OUT date ,rlgscn OUT number ,rlgtime OUT date ,cfcretime OUT date ,dbinc_key OUT number) RETURN binary_integer; PROCEDURE printRecoveryActions; PROCEDURE trimRecoveryActions( maxActions IN number ,containerMask IN number ,actionMask IN number); -- trimRecoveryActions will trim the stack down to the specified number -- actions if it contains more. This is used by report obsolete to implement -- the redundancy count. The reason for it is that getRecoveryActions -- returns actions in LIFO order. This means the oldest actions, which -- were stacked most recently, are returned first. However, report obsolete -- wants to keep only the most recent backups when constructing the -- "must keep" list. We solve the problem by getting rid of any excess -- actions first, and so the order in which getRecoveryActions returns them -- won't matter. Note that only actions whose type_con and type_act are -- selected by the masks will be deleted. Other actions are left on the -- stack. --------------------- -- Report Obsolete -- --------------------- PROCEDURE reportTranslateDFDel ; -- pre 8.1.5 version FUNCTION reportGetDFDel( file# OUT number ,filetype OUT number ,checkpoint_change# OUT number ,checkpoint_time OUT date ,resetlogs_change# OUT number ,resetlogs_time OUT date ,incremental_change# OUT number ,fuzzy_change# OUT number ,recid OUT number ,stamp OUT number ,fname OUT varchar2 ,restorable OUT number) RETURN number; -- 8.1.5+ version FUNCTION reportGetDFDel( file# OUT number ,filetype OUT number ,checkpoint_change# OUT number ,checkpoint_time OUT date ,resetlogs_change# OUT number ,resetlogs_time OUT date ,incremental_change# OUT number ,fuzzy_change# OUT number ,recid OUT number ,stamp OUT number ,fname OUT varchar2 ,restorable OUT number ,key OUT number ,completion_time OUT date) RETURN number; ------------ -- TSPITR -- ------------ FUNCTION getCloneName( fno IN number ,crescn IN number ,pluscn IN number DEFAULT 0) RETURN varchar2; --------------- -- DUPLICATE -- --------------- FUNCTION wasFileOffline( fno IN number ,untilscn IN number) RETURN number; ------------------------- -- RMAN Configuration --- ------------------------- procedure getConfig( conf# OUT number ,name IN OUT varchar2 ,value IN OUT varchar2 ,first IN boolean); ------------------------------ -- Get max(copy#) -- ------------------------------ FUNCTION getmaxcopyno( bsstamp IN number ,bscount IN number) RETURN number; -------------------------- -- Add Corruption Table -- -------------------------- PROCEDURE bmrAddCorruptTable( dfnumber OUT number ,blknumber OUT number ,range OUT number ,first IN boolean); ------------------------ -- Get Backup History -- ------------------------ PROCEDURE getDfBackupHistory( backedUpDev IN varchar2 ,first IN boolean ,bhistoryRec OUT NOCOPY bhistoryRec_t ,recentbackup IN boolean DEFAULT FALSE -- get no: recent backups ,doingCmd IN varchar2 DEFAULT NULL ,keepTag IN varchar2 DEFAULT NULL ,toDest1 IN varchar2 DEFAULT NULL ,toDest2 IN varchar2 DEFAULT NULL ,toDest3 IN varchar2 DEFAULT NULL ,toDest4 IN varchar2 DEFAULT NULL); PROCEDURE getAlBackupHistory( backedUpDev IN varchar2 ,first IN boolean ,bhistoryRec OUT NOCOPY bhistoryRec_t ,doingCmd IN varchar2 DEFAULT NULL ,keepTag IN varchar2 DEFAULT NULL ,toDest1 IN varchar2 DEFAULT NULL ,toDest2 IN varchar2 DEFAULT NULL ,toDest3 IN varchar2 DEFAULT NULL ,toDest4 IN varchar2 DEFAULT NULL); PROCEDURE getBsBackupHistory( backedUpDev IN varchar2 ,first IN boolean ,set_stamp IN number DEFAULT NULL ,set_count IN number DEFAULT NULL ,bhistoryRec OUT NOCOPY bhistoryRec_t ,doingCmd IN varchar2 DEFAULT NULL ,keepTag IN varchar2 DEFAULT NULL ,toDest1 IN varchar2 DEFAULT NULL ,toDest2 IN varchar2 DEFAULT NULL ,toDest3 IN varchar2 DEFAULT NULL ,toDest4 IN varchar2 DEFAULT NULL); PROCEDURE getDcBackupHistory( backedUpDev IN varchar2 ,first IN boolean ,bhistoryRec OUT NOCOPY bhistoryRec_t ,doingCmd IN varchar2 DEFAULT NULL ,keepTag IN varchar2 DEFAULT NULL ,toDest1 IN varchar2 DEFAULT NULL ,toDest2 IN varchar2 DEFAULT NULL ,toDest3 IN varchar2 DEFAULT NULL ,toDest4 IN varchar2 DEFAULT NULL); -- Obsolute as of PROCEDURE getBackupHistory( dfRec IN dfRec_t ,backedUpDev IN varchar2 ,nbackupsFlag IN number ,bscompletionFlag IN number ,nbackups OUT number ,bscompletion OUT date); -- Obsolute as of PROCEDURE getBackupHistory( alRec IN alRec_t ,backedUpDev IN varchar2 ,nbackupsFlag IN number ,bscompletionFlag IN number ,nbackups OUT number ,bscompletion OUT date); PROCEDURE getBackupHistory( bpRec IN bpRec_t ,backedUpDev IN varchar2 ,nbackupsFlag IN number ,bscompletionFlag IN number ,nbackups OUT number ,bscompletion OUT date ,toDest1 IN varchar2 DEFAULT NULL ,toDest2 IN varchar2 DEFAULT NULL ,toDest3 IN varchar2 DEFAULT NULL ,toDest4 IN varchar2 DEFAULT NULL); ------------------ -- Version Info -- ------------------ FUNCTION getPackageVersion RETURN varchar2; ------------------ -- Simple Calls -- ------------------ FUNCTION isStatusMatch(status IN VARCHAR2, mask IN NUMBER) RETURN NUMBER; FUNCTION isDeviceTypeAllocated(deviceType IN varchar2) RETURN NUMBER; FUNCTION isBackupTypeMatch(btype IN VARCHAR2, mask IN binary_integer) RETURN NUMBER; ------------------------------ -- set rcvRecBackupAge value -- ------------------------------- PROCEDURE setRcvRecBackupAge(age IN number); ------------------------------ -- reset thisBackupAge value -- ------------------------------- PROCEDURE resetthisBackupAge; ------------------------------------- -- List (Obsolete) Backup Function -- ------------------------------------- PROCEDURE getRetentionPolicy(recovery_window OUT number ,redundancy OUT number); -- -- The function getRetentionPolicy is used to get currently configured -- retention policy. -- FUNCTION listBackup(lbRecOut OUT NOCOPY lbRec_t ,firstCall IN boolean ,only_obsolete IN boolean ,redundancy IN number ,piped_call IN boolean ,lbCursor IN OUT NOCOPY lbCursor_t ,lbState IN OUT NOCOPY lbState_t ,extRlKeepSCN IN number DEFAULT NULL) RETURN boolean; -- -- The function listBackup lists (obsolete) backups (backup sets, pieces, -- copies, proxy copies, and archived logs). -- -- The parameter firstCall must be TRUE on the very first call of the function. -- The return of the function is stored in lbRecOut. However the function can -- return without putting data in lbRecOut, so the caller should always check -- whether lbRecOut is NULL. -- If the exit code of the function is FALSE, then it means that all there -- no more data to be returned. -- -- piped_call - If FALSE, you must pass dbms_rcvman.lbStatePck as lbState. -- extRlKeepSCN - When passed a non-null value, the algorithm ensure to -- keep all archivelogs at and above this scn. PROCEDURE setNeedObsoleteData(NeedObsoleteData IN boolean DEFAULT TRUE); -- The function is an optimization fix to not to call computeRecoveryAction if -- client is not interested in obsolete column value. ----------------------------- getCopyofDatafile ------------------------------- -- This function obtains the latest AVAILABLE datafilecopy for all translated -- datafiles (and possibly the datafilecopies having a specific tag). PROCEDURE getCopyofDatafile( first IN boolean -- TRUE if this is the first time called ,itag IN varchar2 -- tag that the copy should have or NULL ,fno OUT number -- datafile number ,crescn OUT number -- creation scn of the datafile ,rlogscn OUT number -- resetlogs scn of the datafile ,rlgtime OUT date -- resetlogs time of the datafile ,recid OUT binary_integer -- recid of the latest datafilecopy ,stamp OUT binary_integer -- stamp of the latest datafilecopy ,name OUT varchar2 -- name of the datafilecopy ,otag OUT varchar2 -- tag of the datafilecopy ,status OUT varchar2 -- status of the datafilecopy ,nblocks OUT binary_integer -- number of blocks of datafilecopy ,bsz OUT binary_integer -- blocksize of the datafilecopy ,ctime OUT date -- creation time of the datafilecopy ,toscn OUT number -- checkpoint scn of the datafilecopy ,totime OUT date -- checkpoint time of the datafilecopy ,pluggedRonly OUT binary_integer -- 1 for read-only. Otherwise, 0 ,pluginSCN OUT number -- plugin scn ,pluginRlgSCN OUT number -- resetlogs when datafile was plugged ,pluginRlgTime OUT date); -- resetlog time when df was plugged -- This function obtains the latest AVAILABLE datafilecopy for a given -- datafile number (and possibly the datafilecopy having a specific tag). -- It returns all the information identifying the datafilecopy. -- Obsolete as of PROCEDURE getCopyofDatafile( dfnumber IN number -- datafile number ,itag IN varchar2 -- tag that the copy should have or NULL ,crescn IN OUT number -- creation scn of the datafile ,rlogscn IN OUT number -- resetlogs scn of the datafile ,rlgtime IN OUT date -- resetlogs time of the datafile ,recid OUT binary_integer -- recid of the latest datafilecopy ,stamp OUT binary_integer -- stamp of the latest datafilecopy ,name OUT varchar2 -- name of the datafilecopy ,otag OUT varchar2 -- tag of the datafilecopy ,status OUT varchar2 -- status of the datafilecopy ,nblocks OUT binary_integer -- number of blocks of datafilecopy ,bsz OUT binary_integer -- blocksize of the datafilecopy ,ctime OUT date -- creation time of the datafilecopy ,toscn OUT number -- checkpoint scn of the datafilecopy ,totime OUT date -- checkpoint time of the datafilecopy ,pluggedRonly OUT binary_integer -- 1 for read-only. Otherwise, 0 ,pluginSCN IN number); -- plugin scn -- This function obtains the latest AVAILABLE datafilecopy for a given -- datafile number (and possibly the datafilecopy having a specific tag). -- It returns all the information identifying the datafilecopy. -- Obsolete as of 11g PROCEDURE getCopyofDatafile( dfnumber IN number -- datafile number ,itag IN varchar2 -- tag that the copy should have or NULL ,crescn IN number -- creation scn of the datafile ,rlogscn IN number -- resetlogs scn of the datafile ,rlgtime IN date -- resetlogs time of the datafile ,recid OUT binary_integer -- recid of the latest datafilecopy ,stamp OUT binary_integer -- stamp of the latest datafilecopy ,name OUT varchar2 -- name of the datafilecopy ,otag OUT varchar2 -- tag of the datafilecopy ,status OUT varchar2 -- status of the datafilecopy ,nblocks OUT binary_integer -- number of blocks of the datafilecopy ,bsz OUT binary_integer -- blocksize of the datafilecopy ,ctime OUT date -- creation time of the datafilecopy ,toscn OUT number -- checkpoint scn of the datafilecopy ,totime OUT date); -- checkpoint time of the datafilecopy --------------- -- Aged File -- --------------- PROCEDURE getdropOSFiles( first IN boolean ,agedFileRec OUT NOCOPY agedFileRec_t); PROCEDURE getBackedUpFiles( first IN boolean ,agedFileRec OUT NOCOPY agedFileRec_t); -- getRedoLogDeletion Policy -- -- Returns the policyType string as 'TO NONE' or 'TO APPLIED ON STANDBY' -- PROCEDURE getRedoLogDeletionPolicy( policy OUT varchar2); -- setRedoLogDeletion Policy -- -- Initialize global variables -- a) policyType to 'TO NONE' or 'TO APPLIED ON STANDBY' -- b) policyBind to 'MANDATORY' or 'NULL' -- c) policyTarget to 'NULL', 'STANDBY' or 'REMOTE' -- -- If standbyConfig validation failed to enfore the specified policyType, -- then we fallback to 'NONE' policy. -- -- Input parameters: -- policy - 'TO NONE' or 'TO APPLIED ON STANDBY' -- alldest - TRUE indicates the policyType is enforced on all destinations. -- Otherwise, only MANDATORY destination is honored. -- PROCEDURE setRedoLogDeletionPolicy( policy IN varchar2 ,alldest IN number); -- For a specified policyType, validate the standby configuration. -- Basically, it checks if there is atleast one destination on which the -- APPLIED policy can be enforced. Returns TRUE on success. Otherwise, -- FALSE. -- FUNCTION validateStandbyConfig( policy IN varchar2 ,alldest IN number) RETURN NUMBER; -- getSCNForAppliedPolicy-- -- Must be called after setRedoLogDeletionPolicy call. -- The function is intended to compute the SCN -- above which all archivelogs are kept for TO APPLIED|SHIPPED policy. -- -- Output Parameters: -- minscn - minimum scn that is applied on all standby and -- guaranteed restore point -- rlgscn - resetlogs scn corresponding to minscn -- PROCEDURE getSCNForAppliedPolicy( minscn OUT number ,rlgscn OUT number); -- getAppliedAl -- -- Return archivelogs records that has been applied on all destinations -- specified by validateStandbyConfig TARGET string and redoLogDeletionPolicy. -- -- Input parameters: -- first - Pass it TRUE when you are calling for first time. -- agedFileRec - Archivelog record that can be deleted. -- PROCEDURE getAppliedAl( first IN boolean ,agedFileRec OUT NOCOPY agedFileRec_t); -- getRequiredSCN -- -- Calculate the lowest gap for all destinations. Calculate the highest -- scn available on all valid standby destinations. If no gap, return the -- high scn, otherwise return the gap. If streams is true consider streams -- also when computing remote destination required SCN. PROCEDURE getRequiredSCN( reqscn OUT number ,rlgscn OUT number ,streams IN number DEFAULT 0 ,alldest IN number DEFAULT 0); -- getAppliedSCN -- -- returns the SCN till where the logs are applied at physical standby database PROCEDURE getAppliedSCN( appscn OUT number ,rlgscn OUT number ,alldest IN number); -- Is this file translated by RMAN? -- Returns TRUE# if translated. Otherwise, FALSE# FUNCTION isTranslatedFno(fno IN number) RETURN NUMBER; -- Is this a match in cacheBsRec Table?. -- Returns TRUE# if hit. Otherwise, FALSE# FUNCTION isBsRecCacheMatch( key IN number ,deviceType IN varchar2 ,tag IN varchar2 ,status IN varchar2) RETURN NUMBER; -- Reset reclaimable record. PROCEDURE resetReclRecid; -- Set Reclaimable record. PROCEDURE setReclRecid( rectype IN binary_integer ,recid IN number); -- Is this record reclaimable? -- Returns TRUE# if so. Otherwise, FALSE#. FUNCTION IsReclRecid( rectype IN binary_integer ,recid IN number) RETURN NUMBER; -- Return space reclaimable in bytes for files in reclaimable record table -- ceilAsm - when TRUE, ceil ASM file size in MB FUNCTION getSpaceRecl(ceilAsm IN binary_integer default 0) RETURN NUMBER; -- Given a name return information about the restore point. PROCEDURE getRestorePoint( name IN varchar2 ,rlgscn OUT number ,rlgtime OUT date ,scn OUT number ,guaranteed OUT number); -- Prep for LIST RESTORE POINT [name/null] PROCEDURE listTranslateRestorePoint( name IN varchar2); -- Fetch for LIST RESTORE POINT [name/null] PROCEDURE listGetRestorePoint( name OUT varchar2 ,scn OUT number ,rsptime OUT date ,cretime OUT date ,rsptype OUT varchar2); -- Convert input number to displayable canonical format. The number is -- converted to nearest M (mega bytes)/ G (giga bytes)/ T (tera bytes) -- /P (peta bytes). FUNCTION Num2DisplaySize(input_size IN NUMBER) return VARCHAR2; -- Convert input seconds to displayable canonical format [HH:MM:SI] FUNCTION Sec2DisplayTime(input_secs IN NUMBER) return VARCHAR2; FUNCTION getEncryptTSCount RETURN BINARY_INTEGER; -- Hint to indicate the archivelog that is interested. Later, -- isTranslatedArchivedLog can be called to verify the presence. It doesn't -- take resetlogs information in order to keep it simple. It is responsible -- for the client to validate further by comparing resetlogs information. PROCEDURE setArchivedLogRecord( thread# IN number ,sequence# IN number ,first IN boolean); -- To indicate that the database can handle backup transportable tablespace. -- Hence, RMAN client should make the plugged readonly files visible for -- translation. PROCEDURE setCanHandleTransportableTbs( flag IN boolean); -- Return the maximum next SCN to which the database can be recovered using -- archived logs. FUNCTION getArchivedNextSCN RETURN NUMBER; -- Check if there a log is missing between fromscn to untilscn. Return TRUE -- if a log is missing. Otherwise, FALSE. FUNCTION isArchivedLogMissing(fromSCN IN NUMBER, untilSCN IN NUMBER) RETURN NUMBER; -- Return the incarnation key to which the untilscn belongs if the untilscn -- is in one of its parent. 0 to indicate if the untilscn is in current -- incarnation. FUNCTION getIncarnationKey(untilSCN IN NUMBER) RETURN NUMBER; -- Hint to indicate the dbid that is interested. Later, isTranslatedDbid can -- be called to verify the presence. PROCEDURE setDbidTransClause(dbid IN number); -- Is this dbid translated by RMAN? -- Returns TRUE# if translated. Otherwise, FALSE# FUNCTION isTranslatedDbid(dbid IN number) RETURN NUMBER; -- Obtain maximum scn from archived logs registered in the catalog -- Obsolete in 11.2 FUNCTION getMaxScn RETURN number; FUNCTION getMaxScn(logmaxnt OUT date) RETURN NUMBER; FUNCTION getActualDbinc RETURN number; -- Returns the key of the incarnation that a previous set until -- performed with allIncarnations = TRUE# ended up using when -- the current incarnation was not selected. This is a recovery catalog -- only function. -- At the time of introduction of this function, it is only used by -- targetless duplicate. ----------------------------------- -- Intelligent Repair Procedures -- ----------------------------------- ----------------------------- isInFailureList --------------------------------- -- -- isInFailureList is called to find out whether the parent_id or failureid -- is part of getFailureNumList or getFailureExclude list. -- Return TRUE# if present in failure_list. Otherwise, return FALSE#. -- -- Input parameters: -- parent_id : parent id in question -- failureid : failure id in question -- for_exclude : > 0 if to look up getFailureExclude. Otherwise, 0 -- to look up getFailureNumList. -- FUNCTION isInFailureList( parentId IN number ,failureId IN number ,for_exclude IN binary_integer ) RETURN NUMBER; ----------------------------- createFailureList ------------------------------- -- -- createFailureList is called to initialize a failure list in dbms_rcvman -- package. -- -- Input parameters: -- first_call : Pass it as TRUE if this is first entry in the list -- failureId : The failure id to be added to the list -- for_exclude : FALSE to initialize getFailureNumList and TRUE to -- initialize getFailureExclude list. -- PROCEDURE createFailureList( first_call IN boolean ,failureId IN number ,for_exclude IN boolean); ------------------------------ translateFailure ------------------------------- -- -- translateFailure is called to open the cursor in order to retrieve the list -- of failures (using getFailure) from ADR. createFailureList may be -- called before this function to initialize getFailureNumList and -- getFailureExclude list which is used to filter the output that corresponds -- to FAILNUM or EXCLUDE FAILNUM option in the grammar. -- -- Input Parameters: -- critical : > 0 if priority is critical or ALL. Otherwise, 0. -- high : > 0 if priroity is high or ALL. Otherwise, 0. -- low : > 0 if priority is low or ALL. Otherwise, 0. -- closed : > 0 if to list closed failures. Otherwise, 0. -- adviseId : If non-null adviseid is passed, then other parameters -- are ignored because adviseid the grammar doesn't -- allow adviseid with other options. -- PROCEDURE translateFailure( critical IN binary_integer ,high IN binary_integer ,low IN binary_integer ,closed IN binary_integer ,adviseId IN number); --------------------------------- getFailure ---------------------------------- -- -- getFailure is called to retrieve the failure list whose cursor is opened -- by translateFailure procedure. Until it returns no-data-found exception, -- this function is called again and again to retrieve all the failures. -- -- Output Parameters: -- failureRec : failure record that describes the failure. -- PROCEDURE getFailure( failureRec OUT NOCOPY failureRec_t); ------------------------------ translateRepair -------------------------------- -- -- translateRepair is called to open the cursor in order to retrieve the list -- of repairs (using getRepair). -- -- Input Parameters: -- adviseId : available repairs that corresponds to this advise id. -- PROCEDURE translateRepair( adviseid IN number); ----------------------------------- getRepair --------------------------------- -- -- getRepair is called to retrieve the repair list whose cursor is opened -- by translateRepair procedure. Until it returns no-data-found exception, -- this function is called again and again to retrieve all the options. -- -- Output Parameters: -- repairRec: repair record that describes the repair. -- PROCEDURE getRepair( repairRec OUT NOCOPY repairRec_t); -------------------------- translateRepairParms ------------------------------- -- -- translateRepairParms is called to open the cursor in order to retrieve -- the list of repair parameters(using getRepairParms). -- -- Input Parameters: -- adviseId : available repairs that corresponds to this advise id. -- PROCEDURE translateRepairParms( adviseid IN number); --------------------------------- getRepairParms ----------------------------- -- -- getRepairParms is called to retrieve the repair parameters whose cursor -- is opened by translateRepairParms procedure. Until it returns no-data-found -- exception, this function is called again and again to retrieve all -- the repair parameters. -- -- Output Parameters: -- repairRecParams: repair record that describes the repair. -- PROCEDURE getRepairParms( repairParmsRec OUT NOCOPY repairParmsRec_t); ---------------------------- translateRepairOption -------------------------- -- -- translateRepairOption is called to open the cursor in order to retrieve -- the list of repair option (using getRepairOption). -- -- Input Parameters: -- adviseId : available repair option that corresponds to this advise id. -- PROCEDURE translateRepairOption( adviseid IN number); ------------------------------- getRepairOption ------------------------------- -- -- getRepairOption is called to retrieve the repair option list whose cursor -- is opened by translateRepairOption procedure. Until it returns -- no-data-found exception, this function is called again and again to -- retrieve all the options. -- -- Output Parameters: -- repairOptionRec: repair option record that describes the option. -- PROCEDURE getRepairOption( repairOptionRec OUT NOCOPY repairOptionRec_t); ----------------------------- translateRepairStep ---------------------------- -- -- translateRepairStep is called to open the cursor in order to retrieve the -- list of repair step (using getRepairStep). -- -- Input Parameters: -- optionidx: available repair step that corresponds to this option idx. -- PROCEDURE translateRepairStep( optionidx IN number); -------------------------------- getRepairStep -------------------------------- -- -- getRepairStep is called to retrieve the repair steps whose cursor -- is opened by translateRepairStep procedure. Until it returns -- no-data-found exception, this function is called again and again to -- retrieve all the steps. -- -- Output Parameters: -- repairStepRec: repair step record that describes the step. -- PROCEDURE getRepairStep( repairStepRec OUT NOCOPY repairStepRec_t); ---------------------------- translateManualRepair ---------------------------- -- -- translateManualRepair is called to open the cursor in order to retrieve -- the list of manual repairs (using getManualRepair). -- -- Input Parameters: -- adviseId : available manualrepairs that corresponds to this advise id. -- PROCEDURE translateManualRepair( adviseId IN number); -------------------------------- getManualRepair ------------------------------ -- -- getManualRepair is called to retrieve the manual repair message whose cursor -- is opened by translateManualRepair procedure. Until it returns -- no-data-found exception, this function is called again and again to -- retrieve all the manual messages. -- -- Return: -- Return the manual repair message. -- FUNCTION getManualRepair( mandatory OUT varchar2) RETURN varchar2; ----------------------------- getRepairScriptName ----------------------------- -- -- getRepairScriptName is called to retrieve the repair script filename -- from v$ir_repair and description. -- -- Input Parameters: -- repairId : retrieve repair script filename for this repair id -- Return: -- Return the repair script location and description. -- FUNCTION getRepairScriptName( repairId IN number, description OUT varchar2) RETURN varchar2; pragma TIMESTAMP('2000-03-12:13:51:00'); END; -- dbms_rcvman or x$dbms_rcvman / -- Move the role/grant here from catalog.sql due to restructuring. -- Recovery Catalog owner role -- Do not drop this role recovery_catalog_owner. -- Drop this role will revoke this role from all rman users. -- If this role exists, ORA-1921 is expected. declare role_exists exception; pragma exception_init(role_exists, -1921); begin execute immediate 'create role recovery_catalog_owner'; exception when role_exists then null; end; / grant create session,alter session,create synonym,create view, create database link,create table,create cluster,create sequence, create trigger,create procedure, create type to recovery_catalog_owner; drop public synonym v$backup_files; drop view v_$backup_files; drop function v_listBackupPipe; drop type v_lbRecSetImpl_t; drop type v_lbRecSet_t; drop type v_lbRec_t; -- obsolete column is at 20 position in this object and the object -- implementation performs some optimization based on whether user selected -- obsolete column (see Fetch function). If you happen to add a element in -- this object before 20th position, you should fix the Fetch function also. create type v_lbRec_t as object ( list_order1 NUMBER, list_order2 NUMBER, pkey NUMBER, backup_type VARCHAR2(32), file_type VARCHAR2(32), keep VARCHAR2(3), keep_until DATE, keep_options VARCHAR2(13), status VARCHAR2(16), fname VARCHAR2(1024), tag VARCHAR2(32), media VARCHAR2(80), recid NUMBER, stamp NUMBER, device_type VARCHAR2(255), block_size NUMBER, completion_time DATE, is_rdf VARCHAR2(3), compressed VARCHAR2(3), obsolete VARCHAR2(3), bytes NUMBER, bs_key NUMBER, bs_count NUMBER, bs_stamp NUMBER, bs_type VARCHAR2(32), bs_incr_type VARCHAR2(32), bs_pieces NUMBER, bs_copies NUMBER, bs_completion_time DATE, bs_status VARCHAR2(16), bs_bytes NUMBER, bs_compressed VARCHAR2(3), bs_tag VARCHAR2(1024), bs_device_type VARCHAR2(255), bp_piece# NUMBER, bp_copy# NUMBER, df_file# NUMBER, df_tablespace VARCHAR2(30), df_resetlogs_change# NUMBER, df_creation_change# NUMBER, df_checkpoint_change# NUMBER, df_ckp_mod_time DATE, df_incremental_change# NUMBER, rl_thread# NUMBER, rl_sequence# NUMBER, rl_resetlogs_change# NUMBER, rl_first_change# NUMBER, rl_first_time DATE, rl_next_change# NUMBER, rl_next_time DATE ); / create type v_lbRecSet_t as table of v_lbRec_t; / create type v_lbRecSetImpl_t as object ( curval number, -- current rownum done number, -- done with the query needobsolete number, -- user requested obsolete column static function ODCITablePrepare(sctx OUT v_lbRecSetImpl_t, ti IN SYS.ODCITabFuncInfo) return number, static function ODCITableStart(sctx IN OUT v_lbRecSetImpl_t) return number, member function ODCITableFetch(self IN OUT v_lbRecSetImpl_t, nrows IN number, objSet OUT v_lbRecSet_t) return number, member function ODCITableClose(self IN v_lbRecSetImpl_t) return number ); / create or replace type body v_lbRecSetImpl_t is static function ODCITablePrepare(sctx OUT v_lbRecSetImpl_t, ti IN SYS.ODCITabFuncInfo) return number is begin -- create instance of object, initialise curval, done and needobsolete sctx:=v_lbRecSetImpl_t(0, 0, 0); -- check if user is interested in obsolete column. If this column location -- is changed in object definition, this should be fixed. for i in ti.Attrs.first .. ti.Attrs.last loop if (ti.Attrs(i) = 20) then sctx.needobsolete := 1; exit; end if; end loop; return SYS.ODCIConst.Success; end ODCITablePrepare; static function ODCITableStart(sctx IN OUT v_lbRecSetImpl_t) return number is begin return SYS.ODCIConst.Success; end ODCITableStart; -- Fetch function is not called more than once. It returns all rows when -- called first time for each query because we can not have package composite -- types within object definition. For the same reason, the nrows parameter -- is ignored. member function ODCITableFetch(self IN OUT v_lbRecSetImpl_t, nrows IN number, objSet OUT v_lbRecSet_t) return number is n number := 0; firstCall boolean := TRUE; ret boolean := TRUE; redundancy number; recovery_window number; untilTime date; lbRec sys.dbms_rcvman.lbrec_t; lbCursor sys.dbms_rcvman.lbCursor_t; lbState sys.dbms_rcvman.lbState_t; begin objSet:=v_lbRecSet_t(); -- reset package state sys.dbms_rcvman.resetAll; -- Set database so that user does not need to care sys.dbms_rcvman.setDatabase(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); redundancy := 1; recovery_window := 0; -- We need to get the retention policy, and to set untilTime if -- retention policy is recovery_window. -- Get retention policy (recovery window and redunadcy). sys.dbms_rcvman.getRetentionPolicy(recovery_window, redundancy); -- Always work with all incarnations. sys.dbms_rcvman.setAllIncarnations(TRUE); -- Set untilTime and untilSCN for recovery window (if any). if (recovery_window > 0) then select (sysdate-recovery_window) into untilTime from dual; sys.dbms_rcvman.setUntilTime(untilTime); end if; sys.dbms_rcvman.setDeviceTypeAny; if (recovery_window = 0 and redundancy = 0) then -- don't need obsolete data if there the policy is NONE sys.dbms_rcvman.setNeedObsoleteData(false); else if self.needobsolete = 1 then sys.dbms_rcvman.setNeedObsoleteData(true); else sys.dbms_rcvman.setNeedObsoleteData(false); end if; end if; while ret and self.done = 0 loop ret := sys.dbms_rcvman.listBackup(lbRec, firstCall, FALSE, redundancy, TRUE, lbCursor, lbState, null); if (lbRec.pkey is not null) then objSet.extend; n := n + 1; objSet(n):= v_lbRec_t( to_number(null), -- list_order1 to_number(null), -- list_order2 to_number(null), -- pkey to_char(null), -- backup_type to_char(null), -- file_type to_char(null), -- keep to_date(null), -- keep_until to_char(null), -- keep_options to_char(null), -- status to_char(null), -- fname to_char(null), -- tag to_char(null), -- media to_number(null), -- recid to_number(null), -- stamp to_char(null), -- device_type to_number(null), -- block_size to_date(null), -- completion_time to_char(null), -- is_rdf to_char(null), -- compressed to_char(null), -- obsolete to_number(null), -- bytes to_number(null), -- bs_key to_number(null), -- bs_count to_number(null), -- bs_stamp to_char(null), -- bs_type to_char(null), -- bs_incr_type to_number(null), -- bs_pieces to_number(null), -- bs_copies to_date(null), -- bs_completion_time to_char(null), -- bs_status to_number(null), -- bs_bytes to_char(null), -- bs_compressed to_char(null), -- bs_tag to_char(null), -- bs_device_type to_number(null), -- bp_piece# to_number(null), -- bp_copy# to_number(null), -- df_file# to_char(null), -- df_tablespace to_number(null), -- df_resetlogs_change# to_number(null), -- df_creation_change# to_number(null), -- df_checkpoint_change# to_date(null), -- df_ckp_mod_time to_number(null), -- df_incremental_change# to_number(null), -- rl_thread# to_number(null), -- rl_sequence# to_number(null), -- rl_resetlogs_change# to_number(null), -- rl_first_change# to_date(null), -- rl_first_time to_number(null), -- rl_next_change# to_date(null)); -- rl_next_time; objSet(n).list_order1 := lbRec.list_order1; objSet(n).list_order2 := lbRec.list_order2; objSet(n).pkey := lbRec.pkey; objSet(n).backup_type := lbRec.backup_type; objSet(n).file_type := lbRec.file_type; objSet(n).keep := lbRec.keep; objSet(n).keep_until := lbRec.keep_until; objSet(n).keep_options := lbRec.keep_options; objSet(n).status := lbRec.status; objSet(n).fname := lbRec.fname; objSet(n).tag := lbRec.tag; objSet(n).media :=; objSet(n).recid := lbRec.stamp; objSet(n).stamp := lbRec.stamp; objSet(n).device_type := lbRec.device_type; objSet(n).block_size := lbRec.block_size; objSet(n).completion_time := lbRec.completion_time; objSet(n).is_rdf := lbRec.is_rdf; objSet(n).compressed := lbRec.compressed; objSet(n).obsolete := lbRec.obsolete; objSet(n).bytes := lbRec.bytes; objSet(n).bs_key := lbRec.bs_key; objSet(n).bs_count := lbRec.bs_count; objSet(n).bs_stamp := lbRec.bs_stamp; objSet(n).bs_type := lbRec.bs_type; objSet(n).bs_incr_type := lbRec.bs_incr_type; objSet(n).bs_pieces := lbRec.bs_pieces; objSet(n).bs_copies := lbRec.bs_copies; objSet(n).bs_completion_time := lbRec.bs_completion_time; objSet(n).bs_status := lbRec.bs_status; objSet(n).bs_bytes := lbRec.bs_bytes; objSet(n).bs_compressed := lbRec.bs_compressed; objSet(n).bs_tag := lbRec.bs_tag; objSet(n).bs_device_type := lbRec.bs_device_type; objSet(n).bp_piece# := lbRec.bp_piece#; objSet(n).bp_copy# := lbRec.bp_copy#; objSet(n).df_file# := lbRec.df_file#; objSet(n).df_tablespace := lbRec.df_tablespace; objSet(n).df_resetlogs_change# := lbRec.df_resetlogs_change#; objSet(n).df_creation_change# := lbRec.df_creation_change#; objSet(n).df_checkpoint_change# := lbRec.df_checkpoint_change#; objSet(n).df_ckp_mod_time := lbRec.df_ckp_mod_time; objSet(n).df_incremental_change# := lbRec.df_incremental_change#; objSet(n).rl_thread# := lbRec.rl_thread#; objSet(n).rl_sequence# := lbRec.rl_sequence#; objSet(n).rl_resetlogs_change# := lbRec.rl_resetlogs_change#; objSet(n).rl_first_change# := lbRec.rl_first_change#; objSet(n).rl_first_time := lbRec.rl_first_time; objSet(n).rl_next_change# := lbRec.rl_next_change#; objSet(n).rl_next_time := lbRec.rl_next_time; end if; firstCall := false; self.curval:=self.curval+1; if not ret then self.done := 1; end if; end loop; return SYS.ODCIConst.Success; end ODCITableFetch; member function ODCITableClose(self IN v_lbRecSetImpl_t) return number is begin return SYS.ODCIConst.Success; end ODCITableClose; end; / CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION v_listBackupPipe RETURN v_lbRecSet_t PIPELINED using v_lbRecSetImpl_t; / -- -- The following views are connected with dbms_rcvman packages and -- they are only part of the admin/dbmsrman.sql file which started from -- catproc.sql. Note that these views are not fixed views and they don't -- NOTE: The following elemnts from lbRect_t should not be in the view: -- - is_rdf -- - list_order -- - df_incremental_change# -- create or replace view v_$backup_files as select pkey, backup_type, file_type, keep, keep_until, keep_options, status, fname, tag, media, recid, stamp, device_type, block_size, completion_time, compressed, obsolete, bytes, bs_key, bs_count, bs_stamp, bs_type, bs_incr_type, bs_pieces, bs_copies, bs_completion_time, bs_status, bs_bytes, bs_compressed, bs_tag, bs_device_type, bp_piece#, bp_copy#, df_file#, df_tablespace, df_resetlogs_change#, df_creation_change#, df_checkpoint_change#, df_ckp_mod_time, rl_thread#, rl_sequence#, rl_resetlogs_change#, rl_first_change#, rl_first_time, rl_next_change#, rl_next_time from table(v_listBackupPipe); create or replace public synonym v$backup_files for v_$backup_files; / grant execute on sys.dbms_rcvman to select_catalog_role; grant select on v_$backup_files to select_catalog_role; create or replace view v_$rman_backup_subjob_details as select * from v$rman_backup_subjob_details; create or replace public synonym v$rman_backup_subjob_details for v_$rman_backup_subjob_details; grant select on v_$rman_backup_subjob_details to select_catalog_role; create or replace view v_$rman_backup_job_details as select * from v$rman_backup_job_details; create or replace public synonym v$rman_backup_job_details for v_$rman_backup_job_details; grant select on v_$rman_backup_job_details to select_catalog_role; create or replace view v_$backup_set_details as select * from v$backup_set_details; create or replace public synonym v$backup_set_details for v_$backup_set_details; grant select on v_$backup_set_details to select_catalog_role; create or replace view v_$backup_piece_details as select * from v$backup_piece_details; create or replace public synonym v$backup_piece_details for v_$backup_piece_details; grant select on v_$backup_piece_details to select_catalog_role; create or replace view v_$backup_copy_details as select * from v$backup_copy_details; create or replace public synonym v$backup_copy_details for v_$backup_copy_details; grant select on v_$backup_copy_details to select_catalog_role; create or replace view v_$proxy_copy_details as select * from v$proxy_copy_details; create or replace public synonym v$proxy_copy_details for v_$proxy_copy_details; grant select on v_$proxy_copy_details to select_catalog_role; create or replace view v_$proxy_archivelog_details as select * from v$proxy_archivelog_details; create or replace public synonym v$proxy_archivelog_details for v_$proxy_archivelog_details; grant select on v_$proxy_archivelog_details to select_catalog_role; create or replace view v_$backup_datafile_details as select * from v$backup_datafile_details; create or replace public synonym v$backup_datafile_details for v_$backup_datafile_details; grant select on v_$backup_datafile_details to select_catalog_role; create or replace view v_$backup_controlfile_details as select * from v$backup_controlfile_details; create or replace public synonym v$backup_controlfile_details for v_$backup_controlfile_details; grant select on v_$backup_controlfile_details to select_catalog_role; create or replace view v_$backup_archivelog_details as select * from v$backup_archivelog_details; create or replace public synonym v$backup_archivelog_details for v_$backup_archivelog_details; grant select on v_$backup_archivelog_details to select_catalog_role; create or replace view v_$backup_spfile_details as select * from v$backup_spfile_details; create or replace public synonym v$backup_spfile_details for v_$backup_spfile_details; grant select on v_$backup_spfile_details to select_catalog_role; create or replace view v_$backup_set_summary as select * from v$backup_set_summary; create or replace public synonym v$backup_set_summary for v_$backup_set_summary; grant select on v_$backup_set_summary to select_catalog_role; create or replace view v_$backup_datafile_summary as select * from v$backup_datafile_summary; create or replace public synonym v$backup_datafile_summary for v_$backup_datafile_summary; grant select on v_$backup_datafile_summary to select_catalog_role; create or replace view v_$backup_controlfile_summary as select * from v$backup_controlfile_summary; create or replace public synonym v$backup_controlfile_summary for v_$backup_controlfile_summary; grant select on v_$backup_controlfile_summary to select_catalog_role; create or replace view v_$backup_archivelog_summary as select * from v$backup_archivelog_summary; create or replace public synonym v$backup_archivelog_summary for v_$backup_archivelog_summary; grant select on v_$backup_archivelog_summary to select_catalog_role; create or replace view v_$backup_spfile_summary as select * from v$backup_spfile_summary; create or replace public synonym v$backup_spfile_summary for v_$backup_spfile_summary; grant select on v_$backup_spfile_summary to select_catalog_role; create or replace view v_$backup_copy_summary as select * from v$backup_copy_summary; create or replace public synonym v$backup_copy_summary for v_$backup_copy_summary; grant select on v_$backup_copy_summary to select_catalog_role; create or replace view v_$proxy_copy_summary as select * from v$proxy_copy_summary; create or replace public synonym v$proxy_copy_summary for v_$proxy_copy_summary; grant select on v_$proxy_copy_summary to select_catalog_role; create or replace view v_$proxy_archivelog_summary as select * from v$proxy_archivelog_summary; create or replace public synonym v$proxy_archivelog_summary for v_$proxy_archivelog_summary; grant select on v_$proxy_archivelog_summary to select_catalog_role; create or replace view v_$unusable_backupfile_details as select * from v$unusable_backupfile_details; create or replace public synonym v$unusable_backupfile_details for v_$unusable_backupfile_details; grant select on v_$unusable_backupfile_details to select_catalog_role; create or replace view v_$rman_backup_type as select * from v$rman_backup_type; create or replace public synonym v$rman_backup_type for v_$rman_backup_type; grant select on v_$rman_backup_type to select_catalog_role; create or replace view v_$rman_encryption_algorithms as select * from v$rman_encryption_algorithms; create or replace public synonym v$rman_encryption_algorithms for v_$rman_encryption_algorithms; grant select on v_$rman_encryption_algorithms to select_catalog_role;