Rem Rem $Header: dbmsplsw.sql 28-apr-2006.11:37:21 achoi Exp $ Rem Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2002, 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem dbmsplsw.sql - dbms_warning package and view definitions for Rem PL/SQL warning settings Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem This file defines the dbms_warning package and various user and Rem dba views to access PL/SQL warning settings. Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem achoi 04/14/06 - support application edition Rem ciyer 08/06/03 - cleanup Rem sagrawal 06/06/03 - bug 2995317 Rem sagrawal 04/18/03 - clean up Rem sagrawal 03/17/03 - fix permissions Rem sagrawal 03/06/03 - DBMS_PLSQL_warning library Rem sagrawal 01/08/03 - improve view performance Rem sagrawal 12/04/02 - package implementation Rem sagrawal 11/26/02 - clean up Rem sagrawal 11/18/02 - fix comments Rem sagrawal 11/08/02 - sagrawal_plsql_compiler_warning_framework Rem sagrawal 10/03/02 - PL/SQL compiler warnings package API Rem sagrawal 10/02/02 - move dbms_warning body INTO plb file Rem sagrawal 04/09/02 - PL/SQL warnings views Rem sagrawal 04/09/02 - Created REM -- DBMS_WARNING packages, exposes API's to set and get warning settings -- for the SESSION or SYSTEM CREATE OR replace PACKAGE sys.dbms_warning AUTHID CURRENT_USER AS /* * For the following functions, meanings of parameters are: * * 1. warning_category - one of: * - 'ALL' * - 'INFORMATIONAL' * - 'SEVERE' * - 'PERFORMANCE' * * 2. warning_value - one of: * - 'ENABLE' * - 'DISABLE' * - 'ERROR' * * 3. scope - one of: * - 'SYSTEM' * - 'SESSION' * * 4. warning_number - any valid warning number */ -- -- This API changes the warning_category to warning value without affecting -- other independent categories. -- PROCEDURE add_warning_setting_cat(warning_category IN VARCHAR2, warning_value IN VARCHAR2, scope IN VARCHAR2); -- -- This API changes the warning_number to warning value without affecting -- other existing settings. -- PROCEDURE add_warning_setting_num(warning_number IN PLS_INTEGER, warning_value IN VARCHAR2, scope IN VARCHAR2); -- -- This API returns the session warning_value for a given warning_category -- If any of parameter values are incorrect or, if the function was -- unsuccessful 'INVALID' is returned, the session warning_value is -- returned on successful completion. -- FUNCTION get_warning_setting_cat(warning_category IN VARCHAR2) RETURN VARCHAR2; -- -- This API returns the session warning_value for a given warning_number -- If any of parameter values are incorrect or, if the function was -- unsuccessful 'INVALID' is returned, the session warning_value is -- returned on successful completion. -- FUNCTION get_warning_setting_num(warning_number IN PLS_INTEGER) RETURN VARCHAR2; -- -- This API returns the entire warning setting string for the current -- session -- FUNCTION get_warning_setting_string RETURN VARCHAR2; -- -- This API sets the entire warning string, replacing the old values. -- It can set the value for the SESSION or for SYSTEM depending on the -- value of the scope parameter. -- PROCEDURE set_warning_setting_string(VALUE IN VARCHAR2, scope IN VARCHAR2); -- -- This API returns the warning category name for the given warning number -- FUNCTION get_category(warning_number IN PLS_INTEGER) RETURN VARCHAR2; END dbms_warning; / @@prvtplsw.plb GRANT EXECUTE ON dbms_warning to PUBLIC WITH GRANT OPTION; CREATE OR REPLACE PUBLIC SYNONYM dbms_warning FOR dbms_warning; CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW user_warning_settings (object_name, object_id, object_type, warning, setting) AS SELECT, o.obj#, DECODE(o.type#, 7, 'PROCEDURE', 8, 'FUNCTION', 9, 'PACKAGE', 11, 'PACKAGE BODY', 12, 'TRIGGER', 13, 'TYPE', 14, 'TYPE BODY', 'UNDEFINED'), DECODE(w.warning, -1, 'INFORMATIONAL', -2, 'PERFORMANCE', -3, 'SEVERE', -4, 'ALL', w.warning), DECODE(w.setting, 0, 'DISABLE', 1, 'ENABLE', 2, 'ERROR', 'INVALID') FROM sys."_CURRENT_EDITION_OBJ" o, TABLE(dbms_warning_internal.show_warning_settings(o.obj#)) w WHERE o.linkname IS NULL AND o.obj# = w.obj_no AND o.type# IN (7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14) AND o.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') / comment on table user_warning_settings is 'Warning Parameter settings for objects owned by the user' / comment on column user_warning_settings.object_name is 'Name of the object' / comment on column user_warning_settings.object_id is 'Object number of the object' / comment on column user_warning_settings.object_type is 'Type of the object' / comment on column user_warning_settings.warning is 'Warning number or category' / comment on column user_warning_settings.setting is 'Value of the warning setting' / CREATE OR REPLACE PUBLIC SYNONYM user_warning_settings FOR user_warning_settings; GRANT SELECT ON user_warning_settings TO PUBLIC WITH GRANT OPTION; CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW all_warning_settings (owner, object_name, object_id, object_type, warning, setting) AS SELECT,, o.obj#, DECODE(o.type#, 7, 'PROCEDURE', 8, 'FUNCTION', 9, 'PACKAGE', 11, 'PACKAGE BODY', 12, 'TRIGGER', 13, 'TYPE', 14, 'TYPE BODY', 'UNDEFINED'), DECODE(w.warning, -1, 'INFORMATIONAL', -2, 'PERFORMANCE', -3, 'SEVERE', -4, 'ALL', w.warning), DECODE(w.setting, 0, 'DISABLE', 1, 'ENABLE', 2, 'ERROR', 'INVALID') FROM sys."_CURRENT_EDITION_OBJ" o, sys.user$ u, TABLE(dbms_warning_internal.show_warning_settings(o.obj#)) w WHERE o.owner# = u.user# AND o.linkname IS NULL AND o.type# IN (7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14) AND w.obj_no = o.obj# AND ( o.owner# IN (userenv('SCHEMAID'), 1 /* PUBLIC */) OR ( ( ( (o.type# = 7 OR o.type# = 8 OR o.type# = 9 OR o.type# = 13) and o.obj# in (select obj# from sys.objauth$ where grantee# in (select kzsrorol from x$kzsro) and privilege# = 12 /* EXECUTE */) ) or exists ( select null from sys.sysauth$ where grantee# in (select kzsrorol from x$kzsro) and ( ( /* procedure */ (o.type# = 7 or o.type# = 8 or o.type# = 9) and ( privilege# = -144 /* EXECUTE ANY PROCEDURE */ or privilege# = -141 /* CREATE ANY PROCEDURE */ ) ) or ( /* package body */ o.type# = 11 and privilege# = -141 /* CREATE ANY PROCEDURE */ ) or ( /* type */ o.type# = 13 and ( privilege# = -184 /* EXECUTE ANY TYPE */ or privilege# = -181 /* CREATE ANY TYPE */ ) ) or ( /* type body */ o.type# = 14 and privilege# = -181 /* CREATE ANY TYPE */ ) ) ) ) ) ) / comment on table all_warning_settings is 'Warnings ettings for objects accessible to the user' / comment on column all_warning_settings.owner is 'Username of the owner of the object' / comment on column all_warning_settings.object_name is 'Name of the object' / comment on column all_warning_settings.object_id is 'Object number of the object' / comment on column all_warning_settings.object_type is 'Type of the object' / comment on column all_warning_settings.warning is 'Warning number or category' / comment on column all_warning_settings.setting is 'Value of the warning setting' / CREATE OR REPLACE PUBLIC SYNONYM all_warning_settings FOR all_warning_settings; GRANT SELECT ON all_warning_settings TO PUBLIC WITH GRANT OPTION; CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW dba_warning_settings (owner, object_name, object_id, object_type, warning, setting) AS SELECT,, o.obj#, DECODE(o.type#, 7, 'PROCEDURE', 8, 'FUNCTION', 9, 'PACKAGE', 11, 'PACKAGE BODY', 12, 'TRIGGER', 13, 'TYPE', 14, 'TYPE BODY', 'UNDEFINED'), DECODE(w.warning, -1, 'INFORMATIONAL', -2, 'PERFORMANCE', -3, 'SEVERE', -4, 'ALL', w.warning), DECODE(w.setting, 0, 'DISABLE', 1, 'ENABLE', 2, 'ERROR', 'INVALID') FROM sys."_CURRENT_EDITION_OBJ" o, sys.user$ u, TABLE(dbms_warning_internal.show_warning_settings(o.obj#)) w WHERE o.owner# = u.user# AND o.linkname is null AND o.type# IN (7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14) AND w.obj_no = o.obj# / comment on table dba_warning_settings is 'warning settings for all objects' / comment on column dba_warning_settings.owner is 'Username of the owner of the object' / comment on column dba_warning_settings.object_name is 'Name of the object' / comment on column dba_warning_settings.object_id is 'Object number of the object' / comment on column dba_warning_settings.object_type is 'Type of the object' / comment on column dba_warning_settings.warning is 'Warning number or category' / comment on column dba_warning_settings.setting is 'Value of the warning setting' / CREATE OR REPLACE PUBLIC SYNONYM dba_warning_settings FOR dba_warning_settings; GRANT SELECT ON dba_warning_settings TO select_catalog_role;