Rem Rem $Header: dbmspitr.sql 29-jul-99.12:47:58 smuthuli Exp $ Rem Rem dbmspitr.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) Oracle Corporation 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999. All Rights Reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem dbmspitr.sql - tablespace point-in-time recovery functions Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem This package contains a set of procedures using during Rem a tablespace point-in-time recovery. Rem Rem NOTES Rem This package uses dynamic SQL to execute DDL statements. Rem CATPROC.SQL script should be run. Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem smuthuli 07/29/99 - change prototype: tablespace migration Rem apareek 10/14/98 - bitmap support Rem wuling 10/14/98 - bitmap tablespace support Rem asurpur 01/13/97 - Adding grant on dbms_pitr to EXECUTE_CATALOG_ROLE Rem wuling 10/25/96 - change endTablespace Rem wuling 10/15/96 - Add exceptions Rem wuling 10/03/96 - Change timestamp type to number Rem wuling 09/11/96 - dropTablespaces -> commitPitr Rem wuling 08/07/96 - Interface changes Rem gpongrac 08/07/96 - add new emit interface Rem wuling 07/29/96 - Creation Rem gpongrac 08/03/95 - creation Rem CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE dbms_pitr IS TS_PITR_VERSION CONSTANT varchar2(15) := ''; ------------------ -- Introduction -- ------------------ -- This package contains procedures which get called during the import -- phase and export phase of point-in-time recovery (PITR). -- -- During the export phase, EXP calls this package to obtain the text -- of 2 anonymous PL/SQL blocks. The first block goes at the front of -- the .dmp file, and the second block goes at the end. Inbetween the 2 -- blocks are the DDL commands created by EXP to reconstruct the dictionary -- for the tablespaces being PITR'd. -- -- The emitted PL/SQL code contains calls to other procedures in this -- package. IMP must read each anonymous PL/SQL block from the .dmp file, -- collect it into a single contiguous memory buffer, and then parse -- and execute the PL/SQL block. The parsed SQL statement (the plsql -- anonymous block) must precisely the lines of text that were returned -- to EXP from this package, with no characters added or deleted. -- -- The "emit" procedures are intended to be called in the following sequence: -- -- dbms_pitr.beginExport; -- -- dbms_pitr.selectTablespace('tsname_1'); \ -- : > called once per tablespace -- dbms_pitr.selectTablespace('tsname_N'); / -- -- dbms_pitr.selectBlock(dbms_pitr.ts_pitr_begin); -- -- dbms_pitr.getLine; > called until it returns NULL -- -- dbms_pitr.selectBlock(dbms_pitr.ts_pitr_end); -- -- dbms_pitr.getLine; > called until it returns NULL -- -- -- In the exp.dmp file, it would look like: -- dbms_pitr.beginImport; -- -- dbms_pitr.adjustCompatibility(...); -- : -- -- dbms_pitr.beginTablespace(tsname); -- dbms_pitr.doFileVerify(...); -- : -- dbms_pitr.endTablespace; -- -- dbms_pitr.commitPitr; -- -- dbms_pitr.endImport; ------------------------------- -- Package Public Exceptions -- ------------------------------- pitr_others EXCEPTION; PRAGMA exception_init(pitr_others, -29300); pitr_others_num NUMBER := -29300; wrong_order EXCEPTION; PRAGMA exception_init(wrong_order, -29301); wrong_order_num NUMBER := -29301; database_not_open_clone EXCEPTION; PRAGMA exception_init(database_not_open_clone, -29302); database_not_open_clone_num NUMBER := -29302; user_not_SYS EXCEPTION; PRAGMA exception_init(user_not_SYS, -29303); user_not_SYS_num NUMBER := -29303; wrong_tsname EXCEPTION; PRAGMA exception_init(wrong_tsname, -29304); wrong_tsname_num NUMBER := -29304; not_read_only EXCEPTION; PRAGMA exception_init(not_read_only, -29305); not_read_only_num NUMBER := -29305; file_offline EXCEPTION; PRAGMA exception_init(file_offline, -29306); file_offline_num NUMBER := -29306; file_error EXCEPTION; PRAGMA exception_init(file_error, -29307); file_error_num NUMBER := -29307; pitr_check EXCEPTION; PRAGMA exception_init(pitr_check, -29308); pitr_check_num NUMBER := -29308; wrong_package_version EXCEPTION; PRAGMA exception_init(wrong_package_version, -29309); wrong_package_version_num NUMBER := -29309; not_open_primary EXCEPTION; PRAGMA exception_init(not_open_primary, -29310); not_open_primary_num NUMBER := -29310; database_not_match EXCEPTION; PRAGMA exception_init(database_not_match, -29311); database_not_match_num NUMBER := -29311; not_compatible EXCEPTION; PRAGMA exception_init(not_compatible, -29312); not_compatible_num NUMBER := -29312; ts_twice EXCEPTION; PRAGMA exception_init(ts_twice, -29313); ts_twice_num NUMBER := -29313; not_offline_for_recovery EXCEPTION; PRAGMA exception_init(not_offline_for_recovery, -29314); not_offline_for_recovery_num NUMBER := -29314; tablespace_recreated EXCEPTION; PRAGMA exception_init(tablespace_recreated, -29315); tablespace_recreated_num NUMBER := -29315; file_twice EXCEPTION; PRAGMA exception_init(file_twice, -29316); file_twice_num NUMBER := -29316; no_datafile EXCEPTION; PRAGMA exception_init(no_datafile, -29317); no_datafile_num NUMBER := -29317; file_online EXCEPTION; PRAGMA exception_init(file_online, -29318); file_online_num NUMBER := -29318; import_file_error EXCEPTION; PRAGMA exception_init(import_file_error, -29319); import_file_error_num NUMBER := -29319; fileheader_error EXCEPTION; PRAGMA exception_init(fileheader_error, -29320); fileheader_error_num NUMBER := -29320; too_many_file EXCEPTION; PRAGMA exception_init(too_many_file, -29321); too_many_file_num NUMBER := -29321; -- EXCEPTION; -- PRAGMA exception_init(, -); -- _num NUMBER := -; ------------------------------------------- -- PLSQL Anonymous Block Emit Procedures -- ------------------------------------------- PROCEDURE beginExport; -- This procedure initialize all private variables in dbms_pitr package. -- It must be called before any other procedure calls. -- It also checks if database is open clone; if user login as SYS. -- If there is any indoubt txn, the txn is abort. -- It also brings unnecessary tablespaces offline. -- -- Exceptions: -- DATABASE_NOT_OPEN_CLONE (ORA-29302) -- database is not open as a clone database. -- USER_NOT_SYS (ORA-29303) -- user does not login as SYS -- PITR_OTHERS (ORA-29300) -- other oracle error. PROCEDURE selectTablespace( tsname IN varchar2 ); -- This procedure informs this package that the caller intends to do -- point-in-time recovery on the specified tablespace. This procedure must -- be called once for each tablespace in the recovery set. -- It alter selected tablespace read only, also checks datafiles in the -- selected tablespace. -- -- Input parameters: -- tsname -- The tablespace name. -- -- Exceptions: -- WRONG_ORDER (ORA-29301) -- wrong dbms_pitr package functions/procedure order. -- WRONG_TSNAME (ORA-29304) -- select tablespace does not exist -- NOT_READ_ONLY (ORA-29305) -- cannot alter the tablespace read only -- FILE_OFFLINE (ORA-29306) -- datafile is not online -- FILE_ERROR (ORA-29307) -- datafile error -- PITR_OTHERS (ORA-29300) -- other oracle error. PROCEDURE selectBlock( blockId IN binary_integer ); -- This procedures selects a particular PL/SQL anonymous block for retrieval. -- The various blocks that may be selected are listed below as constant -- public package variables. -- When select the 1st block, selectBlock would check if there any crossing -- reference objects exist. -- After selectBlock is called, selectBlock cannot be called again until -- getLine gets a NULL return. -- -- Input parameters: -- blockId -- One of the public package constants defined below. -- -- Exceptions: -- WRONG_ORDER (ORA-29301) -- wrong dbms_pitr package functions/procedure order. -- PITR_CHECK (ORA-29308) -- view TS_PITR_CHECK failure -- PITR_OTHERS (ORA-29300) -- other oracle error. --------------- -- Block IDs -- --------------- TS_PITR_BEGIN CONSTANT BINARY_INTEGER := 1; TS_PITR_END CONSTANT BINARY_INTEGER := 2; FUNCTION getLine RETURN varchar2; -- This function returns the next line of a block that has been -- previously selected for retrieval via selectBlock. -- -- Returns: -- The next line of the block. The maximum length of a line is 200 -- characters. NULL is returned when all lines of a block have -- been returned. -- -- Exceptions: -- WRONG_ORDER (ORA-29301) -- wrong dbms_pitr package functions/procedure order. -- PITR_OTHERS (ORA-29300) -- other oracle error. -------------------------------------- -- PUBLIC Functions and Procedures -- -------------------------------------- -- The PLSQL code to call the following procedures/functions should -- be obtained only by calling the procedures described above. PROCEDURE beginImport( packageVersion IN varchar2 ,databaseID IN number ,resetSCN IN number ,resetStamp IN number ,highestSCN IN number ); -- This procedure is called from an anonymous PL/SQL block embedded. -- It checks package version, database ID, resetlog SCN and stamp. -- It also adjusts primary database SCN if necessary, and enable pseudo -- create syntax. -- -- Input parameters: -- packageVersion -- The version number of the package that emitted the PL/SQL anonymous -- block. -- databaseID -- 32 bits database ID. -- resetSCN -- Reset SCN expected in primary database. -- resetStamp -- Reset timesatmp expected in primary database. -- highestSCN -- It is the highest clean SCN of the tablespaces in the clone database. -- The production database needs to adjust the SCN if the highest clean -- SCN is larger than the SCN in production database. -- -- Exceptions: -- WRONG_ORDER (ORA-29301) -- wrong dbms_pitr package functions/procedure order. -- WRONG_PACKAGE_VERSION (ORA-29309) -- packageVersion does not match the packageVersion in clone. -- NOT_OPEN_PRIMARY (ORA-29310) -- database is either not open or open as a clone. -- DATABASE_NOT_MATCH (ORA-29311) -- databaseID does not match the clone databaseID. -- reset scn and time stamp do not match the previous reset of the clone. -- PITR_OTHERS (ORA-29300) -- other oracle error. PROCEDURE adjustCompatibility( comID IN varchar2 ,comRL IN varchar2 ); -- This routine checks the primary database compatibility segment. -- If an entry already exists in the clone databasebut not in the primary -- database, then the entry is created. -- If the primary compatible parameter does not recognize the format, -- then an error is returned. -- -- This is called once for each entry in the clone database compatibility -- segment other than undo, bootstrap, and the compatibility segment itself. -- -- Input parameters: -- comID -- Compatibility type id. -- comRL -- Current release level used by type comID. -- -- Exceptions: -- WRONG_ORDER (ORA-29301) -- wrong dbms_pitr package functions/procedure order. -- NOT_COMPATIBLE (ORA-29312) -- current using database is not compatible with the database used -- at the point-in-time -- PITR_OTHERS (ORA-29300) -- other oracle error. PROCEDURE beginTablespace( tsid IN binary_integer ,createSCN IN number ,tsBitmap IN number ,tsFlags IN number ,tsSegfno IN number ,tsSegbno IN number ,tsSegsize IN number); -- This procedure is called from an anonymous PL/SQL block embedded -- at the beginning of the .dmp file. The anonymous block is parsed -- and executed by IMP. -- -- Input parameters: -- tsid -- The tablespace number undergoing point-in-time recovery. -- createSCN -- Tablespace creation SCN. -- tsBitmap -- Is tablespace bitmapped -- tsFlags -- Other flags -- -- Exceptions: -- WRONG_ORDER (ORA-29301) -- wrong dbms_pitr package functions/procedure order. -- TS_TWICE (ORA-29313) -- tablespace has been imported already -- NOT_OFFLINE_FOR_RECOVERY (ORA-29314) -- tablespace is not OFFLINE FOR RECOVERY nor READ ONLY -- TABLESPACE_RECREATED (ORA-29315) -- tablespace has been recreated -- PITR_OTHERS (ORA-29300) -- other oracle error. PROCEDURE doFileVerify( fno IN binary_integer ,tsid IN binary_integer ,ckptSCN IN number ,resetSCN IN number ,resetStamp IN number ,filesize IN number ,hdba IN number ); -- This procedure must follow a beginTablespace call. The file must -- be for the tablespace. There must be one call for each datafile -- that is part of the tablespace (in the clone database). -- EXP shoud obtain the text for the call to this procedure by calling -- emitFileVerify. -- -- Input parameters: -- fno -- Absolute datafile number -- tsid -- Corresponding tablespace number. -- ckptSCN -- The datafile checkpoint SCN. -- resetSCN -- Reset SCN in file header. -- resetStamp -- Reset timesatmp in file header. -- filesize -- The size of the file in blocks. -- -- Exceptions: -- WRONG_ORDER (ORA-29301) -- wrong dbms_pitr package functions/procedure order. -- DATAFILE_TWICE (ORA-29316) -- datafile been imported twice -- NO_DATAFILE (ORA-29317) -- datafile not found -- FILE_ONLINE (ORA-29318) -- datafile online -- IMPORT_FILE_ERROR (ORA-29319) -- datafile header error -- FILEHEADER_ERROR (ORA-29320) -- datafile header error -- PITR_OTHERS (ORA-29300) -- other oracle error. PROCEDURE endTablespace( cleanSCN IN number ,resetSCN IN number ,resetStamp IN number ); -- This procedure must follow the last doFileVerify call. Each -- beginTablespace call must have a matching endTablespace call. -- It builds a list of the files added between the current and the -- recovery point-in-time. -- -- Input parameters: -- cleanSCN -- tablespace clean SCN from the clone database. -- resetSCN -- tablespace resetlog SCN from the clone database. -- resetStamp -- tablespace resetlog time stamp from the clone database. -- -- Exceptions: -- WRONG_ORDER (ORA-29301) -- wrong dbms_pitr package functions/procedure order. -- PITR_OTHERS (ORA-29300) -- other oracle error. PROCEDURE commitPitr; -- This procedure is called after all tablespaces have been registered -- by beginTablespace and endTablespace. This ICD actually drops the -- tablespaces in tspitr set on production database. -- -- Exceptions: -- WRONG_ORDER (ORA-29301) -- wrong dbms_pitr package functions/procedure order. -- PITR_CHECK (ORA-29308) -- view TS_PITR_CHECK failure -- TOO_MANY_FILE (ORA-29321) -- too many datafile added since the point-in-time -- PITR_OTHERS (ORA-29300) -- other oracle error. PROCEDURE endImport; -- This procedure is called from an anonymous PL/SQL block embedded. -- It provides recovery layer an entry point to do what it should do in -- the end of importing. It should be called in the end of IMPORT. -- It does nothing in this version. -- -- Exceptions: -- WRONG_ORDER (ORA-29301) -- wrong dbms_pitr package functions/procedure order. -- PITR_OTHERS (ORA-29300) -- other oracle error. END dbms_pitr; / GRANT EXECUTE ON dbms_pitr TO execute_catalog_role;