Rem Rem $Header: dbmsncdb.sql 27-may-2005.13:30:02 lvbcheng Exp $ Rem Rem dbmsncdb.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2002, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem dbmsncdb.sql - DBMS setup package for Natively Compiling a Database Rem and the reverse. Rem DESCRIPTION Rem This package provides setup routines for compiling a database Rem native and back to interpreted. Rem Rem NOTES Rem * This script must be run using SQL*PLUS. Rem * You must be connected AS SYSDBA to run this script. Rem * This package is to be used in conjunction with dbmsupgnv.sql Rem and dbmsupgin.sql and not on its own. Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem lvbcheng 05/17/05 - Comments Rem lvbcheng 04/14/05 - Add package spec parameterization Rem lvbcheng 07/18/02 - lvbcheng_bug-2188517 Rem lvbcheng 04/05/02 - Add invoker rights Rem lvbcheng 02/05/02 - Created Rem create or replace package sys.dbmsncdb authid current_user is /* DESCRIPTION: Database is not open for migration. If you encounter this exception, execute "SHUTDOWN", "STARTUP UPGRADE" and re-execute the setup call (setup_for_native_compile or setup_for_interpreted_compile) */ procedure setup_for_native_compile(bodyOnly boolean default TRUE); /* DESCRIPTION: Setup database for native compile. By default (bodyOnly set to TRUE), only the following kinds of objects will be setup for native compile: PROCEDURE FUNCTION TRIGGER PACKAGE BODY TYPE BODY That is, PACKAGE specifications and TYPE specifications are excluded. If bodyOnly is FALSE then PACKAGE specifications are included in the list of objects setup for native compilation while TYPE specifications continue to be excluded. A TYPE specification contains no executable code, so compiling it native does not provide any performance benefits. */ procedure setup_for_interpreted_compile; /* DESCRIPTION: Setup database for interpreted compile. All code units, that is: PROCEDURE FUNCTION TRIGGER PACKAGE PACKAGE BODY TYPE TYPE BODY will be setup for INTERPRETED compile. Note that PACKAGE specifications and TYPE specifications are also affected. */ end dbmsncdb; / show errors;