Rem Rem $Header: plsql/admin/dbmsnacl.sql /main/9 2008/08/26 16:03:56 rpang Exp $ Rem Rem dbmsnacl.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2006, 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem dbmsnacl.sql - DBMS Network ACL Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem This package provides the PL/SQL interface to administer the Rem access control list of network access from the database through Rem the PL/SQL network-related utility packages. Rem Rem NOTES Rem This package must be created under SYS. Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem rpang 03/17/08 - Add API to assign ACL to wallets Rem rpang 01/02/08 - IPv6 support Rem rpang 03/09/07 - Use ACLID Rem rpang 12/13/06 - Move check_privilege_aclid impl to body Rem rpang 09/21/06 - Handle ACE start_date and end_date Rem rpang 08/24/06 - Add ACE start_date/end_date Rem rpang 06/08/06 - Created Rem create or replace package dbms_network_acl_admin is /* * DBMS_NETWORK_ACL_ADMIN is the PL/SQL package that provides the interface * to administer the network ACL. The EXECUTE privilege on the package will * be granted only to the DBA role by default. */ ---------------- -- Exceptions -- ---------------- ace_already_exists EXCEPTION; empty_acl EXCEPTION; acl_not_found EXCEPTION; invalid_acl_path EXCEPTION; invalid_host EXCEPTION; invalid_privilege EXCEPTION; invalid_wallet_path EXCEPTION; bad_argument EXCEPTION; PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(ace_already_exists, -24243); PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(empty_acl, -24246); PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(acl_not_found, -31001); PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(invalid_acl_path, -46059); PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(invalid_host, -24244); PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(invalid_privilege, -24245); PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(invalid_wallet_path, -29248); PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(bad_argument, -29261); ace_already_exists_num constant PLS_INTEGER := -24243; empty_acl_num constant PLS_INTEGER := -24246; acl_not_found_num constant PLS_INTEGER := -31001; invalid_acl_path_num constant PLS_INTEGER := -46059; invalid_host_num constant PLS_INTEGER := -24244; invalid_privilege_num constant PLS_INTEGER := -24245; invalid_wallet_path_num constant PLS_INTEGER := -29248; bad_argument_num constant PLS_INTEGER := -29261; -- IP address mask: IP_ADDR_MASK constant VARCHAR2(80) := '([[:digit:]]+\.){3}[[:digit:]]+'; -- IP submet mask:* IP_SUBNET_MASK constant VARCHAR2(80) := '([[:digit:]]+\.){0,3}\*'; -- Hostname mask: ???.???.???...??? HOSTNAME_MASK constant VARCHAR2(80) := '[^\.\:\/\*]+(\.[^\.\:\/\*]+)*'; -- Hostname mask: *.???.???...??? DOMAIN_MASK constant VARCHAR2(80) := '\*(\.[^\.\:\/\*]+)*'; /*--------------- API for ACL and privilege administration ---------------*/ /* * Creates an access control list (ACL) with an initial privilege setting. * An ACL must have at least one privilege setting. The ACL has no access * control effect unless it is assigned to a network host. * * PARAMETERS * acl the name of the ACL. Relative path will be relative to * "/sys/acls". * description the description attribute in the ACL * principal the principal (database user or role) whom the privilege * is granted to or denied from * is_grant is the privilege is granted or denied * privilege the network privilege to be granted or denied * start_date the start date of the access control entry (ACE). When * specified, the ACE will be valid only on and after the * specified date. * end_date the end date of the access control entry (ACE). When * specified, the ACE will expire after the specified date. * The end_date must be greater than or equal to the * start_date. * RETURN * None * EXCEPTIONS * * NOTES * To remove the ACL, use DROP_ACL. To assign the ACL to a network host, * use ASSIGN_ACL. */ procedure create_acl(acl in varchar2, description in varchar2, principal in varchar2, is_grant in boolean, privilege in varchar2, start_date in timestamp with time zone default null, end_date in timestamp with time zone default null); /* * Adds a privilege to grant or deny the network access to the user. The * access control entry (ACE) will be created if it does not exist. * * PARAMETERS * acl the name of the ACL. Relative path will be relative to * "/sys/acls". * principal the principal (database user or role) whom the privilege * is granted to or denied from * is_grant is the privilege is granted or denied * privilege the network privilege to be granted or denied * position the position of the ACE. If a non-null value is given, * the privilege will be added in a new ACE at the given * position and there should not be another ACE for the * principal with the same is_grant (grant or deny). If a null * value is given, the privilege will be added to the ACE * matching the principal and the is_grant if one exists, or * to the end of the ACL if the matching ACE does not exist. * start_date the start date of the access control entry (ACE). When * specified, the ACE will be valid only on and after the * specified date. The start_date will be ignored if the * privilege is added to an existing ACE. * end_date the end date of the access control entry (ACE). When * specified, the ACE will expire after the specified date. * The end_date must be greater than or equal to the * start_date. The end_date will be ignored if the * privilege is added to an existing ACE. * RETURN * None * EXCEPTIONS * * NOTES * To remove the privilege, use DELETE_privilege. */ procedure add_privilege(acl in varchar2, principal in varchar2, is_grant in boolean, privilege in varchar2, position in pls_integer default null, start_date in timestamp with time zone default null, end_date in timestamp with time zone default null); /* * Delete a privilege. * * PARAMETERS * acl the name of the ACL. Relative path will be relative to * "/sys/acls". * principal the principal (database user or role) for whom the * privileges will be deleted * is_grant is the privilege is granted or denied. If a null * value is given, the deletion is applicable to both * granted or denied privileges. * privilege the privilege to be deleted. If a null value is given, * the deletion is applicable to all privileges. * RETURN * None * EXCEPTIONS * * NOTES * Any ACE that does not contain any privilege after the deletion will * be removed also. */ procedure delete_privilege(acl in varchar2, principal in varchar2, is_grant in boolean default null, privilege in varchar2 default null); /* * Drops an access control list (ACL). * * PARAMETERS * acl the name of the ACL. Relative path will be relative to * "/sys/acls". * RETURN * None * EXCEPTIONS * */ procedure drop_acl(acl in varchar2); /*--------- API for ACL assignment to network hosts and wallets ---------*/ /* * Assigns an access control list (ACL) to a network host, and optionally * specific to a TCP port range. * * PARAMETERS * acl the name of the ACL. Relative path will be relative to * "/sys/acls". * host the host to which the ACL will be assigned. The host can be * the name or the IP address of the host. A wildcard can be * used to specify a domain or a IP subnet. The host or * domain name is case-insensitive. * lower_port the lower bound of a TCP port range if not NULL. * upper_port the upper bound of a TCP port range. If NULL, * lower_port is assumed. * RETURN * None * EXCEPTIONS * * NOTES * 1. The ACL assigned to a domain takes a lower precedence than the other * ACLs assigned sub-domains, which take a lower precedence than the ACLs * assigned to the individual hosts. So for a given host say * "", the following domains are listed in decreasing * precedences: * - * - * * - * * - *.com * - * * In the same way, the ACL assigned to an subnet takes a lower * precedence than the other ACLs assigned smaller subnets, which take a * lower precedence than the ACLs assigned to the individual IP addresses. * So for a given IP address say "", the following subnets * are listed in decreasing precedences: * - * - 192.168.0.* * - 192.168.* * - 192.* * - * * 2. The port range is applicable only to the "connect" privilege * assignments in the ACL. The "resolve" privilege assignments in an ACL * have effects only when the ACL is assigned to a host without a port * range. * 3. For the "connect" privilege assignments, an ACL assigned to the host * without a port range takes a lower precedence than other ACLs assigned * to the same host with a port range. * 4. When specifying a TCP port range, both lower_port and upper_port must * not be NULL and upper_port must be greater than or equal to lower_port. * The port range must not overlap with any other port ranges for the same * host assigned already. * 5. To remove the assignment, use UNASSIGN_ACL. */ procedure assign_acl(acl in varchar2, host in varchar2, lower_port in pls_integer default null, upper_port in pls_integer default null); /* * Unassign the access control list (ACL) currently assigned to a network * host. * * PARAMETERS * acl the name of the ACL. Relative path will be relative to * "/sys/acls". If acl is NULL, any ACL assigned to the host * will be unassigned. * host the host remove the ACL assignment from. The host can be * the name or the IP address of the host. A wildcard can be * used to specify a domain or a IP subnet. The host or * domain name is case-insensitive. If host is null, the ACL * will be unassigned from any host. If both host and acl are * NULL, all ACLs assigned to any hosts will be unassigned. * lower_port if not NULL, the lower bound of a TCP port range for the * host. * upper_port the upper bound of a TCP port range. If NULL, * lower_port is assumed. * RETURN * None * EXCEPTIONS * */ procedure unassign_acl(acl in varchar2 default null, host in varchar2 default null, lower_port in pls_integer default null, upper_port in pls_integer default null); /* * Assigns an access control list (ACL) to a wallet. * * PARAMETERS * acl the name of the ACL. Relative path will be relative to * "/sys/acls". * wallet_path the directory path of the wallet to which the ACL will be * assigned. The path is case-sensitive and of the format * "file:". * RETURN * None * EXCEPTIONS * * NOTES * To remove the assignment, use UNASSIGN_WALLET_ACL. */ procedure assign_wallet_acl(acl in varchar2, wallet_path in varchar2); /* * Unassign the access control list (ACL) currently assigned to a wallet. * * PARAMETERS * acl the name of the ACL. Relative path will be relative to * "/sys/acls". If acl is NULL, any ACL assigned to the wallet * will be unassigned. * wallet_path the directory path of the wallet to which the ACL will be * assigned. The path is case-sensitive and of the format * "file:". If wallet_path is null, the ACL * will be unassigned from any wallet. * RETURN * None * EXCEPTIONS * */ procedure unassign_wallet_acl(acl in varchar2 default null, wallet_path in varchar2 default null); /* * Check if a privilege is granted to or denied from the user in an * access control list. * * PARAMETERS * acl the name of the ACL. Relative path will be relative to * "/sys/acls". * aclid the object ID of the ACL. * user the user to check against. If the user is NULL, the invoker * is assumed. The username is case-sensitive as in the * USERNAME column of the ALL_USERS view. * privilege the network privilege to check * RETURN * 1 when the privilege is granted; 0 when the privilege is denied; * NULL when the privilege is neither granted or denied. * EXCEPTIONS * */ function check_privilege(acl in varchar2, user in varchar2, privilege in varchar2) return number; function check_privilege_aclid(aclid in raw, user in varchar2, privilege in varchar2) return number; /* * This procedure is for internal use. It is the pre-delete XDB event * handler to remove the ACL assignments when the ACL is dropped. */ procedure handlePreDelete(event in DBMS_XEvent.XDBRepositoryEvent); end; / grant execute on sys.dbms_network_acl_admin to dba; grant execute on sys.dbms_network_acl_admin to xdb; create or replace public synonym dbms_network_acl_admin for sys.dbms_network_acl_admin; create or replace package dbms_network_acl_utility is /* * DBMS_NETWORK_ACL_UTILITY is the PL/SQL package that provides the utility * functions to facilitate the evaluation of ACL assignments governing * TCP connections to network hosts. */ ----------- -- Types -- ----------- type domain_table is table of varchar2(1000); /* * For a given host, return the domains whose ACL assigned will be used to * determine if a user has the privilege to access the given host or not. * When the IP address of the host is given, return the subnets instead. * * PARAMETERS * host the network host. * RETURN * The domains or subnets for the given host. * EXCEPTIONS * * NOTES * This function cannot handle IPv6 addresses. Nor can it generate * subnets of arbitrary number of prefix bits for an IPv4 address. */ function domains(host in varchar2) return domain_table pipelined; /* * Return the domain level of the given host name, domain, or subnet. * * PARAMETERS * host the network host, domain, or subnet. * RETURN * The domain level of the given host, domain, or subnet. * EXCEPTIONS * * NOTES * This function cannot handle IPv6 addresses and subnets, and subnets * in Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) notation. */ function domain_level(host in varchar2) return number; /* * Determines if the two given hosts, domains, or subnets are equal. For * IP addresses and subnets, this function can handle different * representations of the same address or subnet. For example, an IPv6 * representation of an IPv4 address versus its IPv4 representation. * * PARAMETERS * host1 the network host, domain, or subnet to compare. * host2 the network host, domain, or subnet to compare. * RETURN * 1 if the two hosts, domains, or subnets are equal. 0 when not equal. * NULL when either of the hosts is NULL. * EXCEPTIONS * * NOTES * This function does not perform domain name resolution when comparing * any host or domain for equality. */ function equals_host(host1 in varchar2, host2 in varchar2) return number; pragma interface(C, equals_host); /* * Determines if the given host is equal to or contained in the given host, * domain, or subnet. For IP addresses and subnets, this function can handle * different representations of the same address or subnet. For example, an * IPv6 representation of an IPv4 address versus its IPv4 representation. * * PARAMETERS * host the network host. * domain the host, domain, or subnet. * RETURN * A non-NULL value will be returned if the given host is equal to or * contained in the given host, domain, or subnet: * - if domain is a hostname, the level of its domain + 1 will be * returned; * - if domain is a domain name, the domain level will be returned; * - if domain is an IP address or subnet, the number of significant * address bits of the IP address or subnet will be returned; * - if domain is the wildcard "*", 0 will be returned. * The non-NULL value returned indicates the precedence of the domain or * subnet for ACL assignment. The higher the value, the higher is the * precedence. NULL will be returned if the host is not equal to or * contained in the given host, domain or subnet. NULL will also be * returned if either the host or domain is NULL. * EXCEPTIONS * * NOTES * This function does not perform domain name resolution when evaluating * any host or domain. */ function contains_host(host in varchar2, domain in varchar2) return number; pragma interface(C, contains_host); end; / grant execute on sys.dbms_network_acl_utility to public; create or replace public synonym dbms_network_acl_utility for sys.dbms_network_acl_utility; create or replace view USER_NETWORK_ACL_PRIVILEGES (HOST, LOWER_PORT, UPPER_PORT, PRIVILEGE, STATUS) as select, a.lower_port, a.upper_port, p.priv, decode(p.status, 0, 'DENIED', 1, 'GRANTED', null) from net$_acl a, (select /*+ no_merge no_push_pred */ aclid, 'connect' priv, dbms_network_acl_admin.check_privilege_aclid(aclid, name, 'connect') status from (select distinct aclid from net$_acl) ac, user$ where user# = userenv('SCHEMAID')) p where a.aclid = p.aclid and p.status is not null union select, a.lower_port, a.upper_port, p.priv, decode(p.status, 0, 'DENIED', 1, 'GRANTED', null) from net$_acl a, (select /*+ no_merge no_push_pred */ aclid, 'resolve' priv, dbms_network_acl_admin.check_privilege_aclid(aclid, name, 'resolve') status from (select distinct aclid from net$_acl where lower_port is null and upper_port is null), user$ where user# = userenv('SCHEMAID')) p where a.aclid = p.aclid and a.lower_port is null and a.upper_port is null and p.status is not null / grant select on USER_NETWORK_ACL_PRIVILEGES to PUBLIC / create or replace public synonym USER_NETWORK_ACL_PRIVILEGES for USER_NETWORK_ACL_PRIVILEGES / comment on table USER_NETWORK_ACL_PRIVILEGES is 'User privileges to access network hosts through PL/SQL network utility packages' / comment on column USER_NETWORK_ACL_PRIVILEGES.HOST is 'Network host' / comment on column USER_NETWORK_ACL_PRIVILEGES.LOWER_PORT is 'Lower bound of the port range' / comment on column USER_NETWORK_ACL_PRIVILEGES.UPPER_PORT is 'Upper bound of the port range' / comment on column USER_NETWORK_ACL_PRIVILEGES.PRIVILEGE is 'Privilege' / comment on column USER_NETWORK_ACL_PRIVILEGES.STATUS is 'Privilege status' /