Rem Rem $Header: dbmslibc.sql 24-may-2001.15:08:17 gviswana Exp $ Rem Rem dbmslibc.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) Oracle Corporation 2000. All Rights Reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem dbmslibc.sql - routines for compiling the library cache Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem This package provides a mechanism for applications to view Rem and compile cursors in the local library cache. Rem Rem RETURNS Rem Success - PL/SQL completes successfully Rem Errors - displays the standard Oracle error stack Rem Rem NOTES Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem gviswana 05/24/01 - CREATE OR REPLACE SYNONYM Rem sltam 02/07/01 - Merged sltam_dbmslibc_src Rem ccolrain 08/08/00 - created. Rem ccolrain 09/26/00 - modified for Oracle 8i to allow database links. Rem sltam 12/18/00 - Check-in ----------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE dbms_libcache as ------------ -- OVERVIEW -- -- These routines allow an application to compile cursors in the local library -- using cursors selected from the library cache on a remote instance. ------------------------------------------------ -- SUMMARY OF SERVICES PROVIDED BY THIS PACKAGE -- -- COMPILE_FROM_REMOTE -- Compile cursors is a PL/SQL procedure that provides the driving routine for -- the parse processes. This routine fetches descriptors for all SQL statements -- that match the selection criteria. It then compilation jobs to complete the -- parsing. -- COMPILE_FROM_REMOTE_JOB -- Compile cursors job is a PL/SQL procedure that is initiated as a standalone -- job by compile_cursors. The procedure builds SQL cursors for the following -- statement types. -- SELECT - SQL cursors are completed, including type def. and execution plan -- DML - SQL cursors are parsed. -- PL/SQL - SQL cursors are parsed, loading all heaps except MCode. ---------------------------- -- REQUIREMENTS -- 1. The session executing the procedure has the role SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE -- 2. The session executing the procedure has the authority to ALTER SCHEMA. -- 3. The session executing the procedure has a valid database link to the same user -- in the source instance. ---------------------------- -- EXAMPLE SETUP -- 1. Connect to the SYS user. -- 2. Execute the definition package @catlibc.sql -- Create a new view on the shared pool -- Create the parsing user -- 3. Create this package header @dbmslibc.sql -- Create the package body ---------------------------- -- GENERAL USAGE RULES -- -- The package is intended for (but not limited) use with Oracle Parallel Server. -- The public function, compile_from_remote, should be executed as follows: -- 1) on the target instance, immediately before sessions are switched over to this -- instance. -- 2) on a scheduled basis on the target instance, in advance of an unplanned -- failover to this instance. -- The scheduled execution should start after the primary instances' library -- cache is stable. ie. The v$sysstat statistic "hard parses" is not increasing. ---------------------------- -- EXAMPLE USAGE -- -- Example 1: Compile all cursors extracted from the primary instance. -- Compile all cursors locally, extracted from the instance at link PARSE_LINK. -- This routine may be executed as a regular job or immediately preceding switchover. -- connect PARSER/PARSER's password -- set serveroutput on; -- execute sys.dbms_libcache.compile_from_remote('LIBC_LINK'); -- Example 2: Compile all cursors for the GL application. -- Cursors are compiled locally from the instance at link PARSE_LINK for the parsing -- user GL. Since the first parsing user is APPS, the procedure is executed twice, -- once for APPS and once for GL: -- connect PARSER/PARSER's password -- set serveroutput on; -- execute sys.dbms_libcache.compile_from_remote('LIBC_LINK', 'APPS'); -- execute sys.dbms_libcache.compile_from_remote('LIBC_LINK', 'GL'); -- Example 3: Repeated calls to compile cursors. -- Executing compile cursors is non-destructive. Once the cursor has been built -- subsequent executions result in soft parse calls only. It is recommended to -- wrapper calls with a check on the parse statistics. When stable, the total parse -- calls increases and hard parses are static. This can be seen by selecting parse -- values from V$SYSSTAT or V$MYSTAT before and after execution, as follows - -- select name, value from V$SYSSTAT where name like '%parse%' ; -- For example, the following is a sample run file. When executing this script, note in the parse count where DBMS_LibCache also compiles recursive SQL in advance. -- set serveroutput on; -- spool parse.lis -- col name format a30 trunc -- select, m.value -- from v$mystat m, v$statname c -- where like '%parse%' -- and m.statistic# = c.statistic# ; -- execute sys.dbms_libcache.compile_from_remote('LIBC_LINK') ; -- select, m.value -- from v$mystat m, v$statname c -- where like '%parse%' -- and m.statistic# = c.statistic# ; -- spool off ---------------------------- -- -- PROCEDURES AND FUNCTIONS -- ---------------------------- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- COMPILE FROM REMOTE -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- USAGE -- This procedure should be call when the library cache on the source -- instance is stable, and whenever the target library cache is restarted. -- procedure compile_from_remote ( p_db_link in dbms_libcache$def.db_link%type , p_username in varchar2 default null , p_threshold_executions in natural default 3 , p_threshold_sharable_mem in natural default 1000 , p_parallel_degree in natural default 1 ); -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Input arguments: -- p_db_link Database link to the source name (mandatory) -- p_instance_name Source instance name (reserved for future use) -- p_username Source username (default is all users) -- p_threshold_executions Lower bound on number of executions -- p_threshold_shared_memory Lower bound on shared memory size -- p_parallel_degree Number of parallel jobs -- P_DB_LINK -- The database link pointing to the instance that will be used for -- extracting the SQL statements. The user must have the role select_on_catalog -- at the source instance. T\For improved security, the connection may use a password -- file or LDAP authentication. The database link is mandatory only for releases with -- dbms_libcache$def.ACCESS_METHOD = DB_LINK_METHOD -- P_INSTANCE_NAME (reserved for future use) -- The name of the instance that will be used for extracting the SQL -- statements. The instance name must be unique for all instances -- excluding the local instance. The name is not case sensitive.. -- P_USERNAME -- The name of the username that will be used for extracting the SQL -- statements. The username is an optional parameter that is used -- to ensure the parsing user id is the same as that on the source -- instance. For an application where users connect as a single userid, for -- example APPS, APPS is the parsing user_id that is recorded in the shared pool. -- To select only SQL statements parsed by APPS, enter the string 'APPS' -- in this field. To also select statements executed by batch, repeat the -- executing the procedure with the schem ownner, for example GL. -- If the username is supplied it must be valid. The name is not case sensitive. -- P_THRESHOLD_EXECUTIONS -- The lower bound for the number of executions, below which a SQL -- statement will not be selected for parsing. This parameter is optional. It -- It allows the application to extract and compile statements with executions -- for example, greater than 3. The default value is one. This means -- SQL statements that have never executed, including invalid SQL -- statements, will not be extracted. -- P_THRESHOLD_SHARABLE_MEM -- The lower bound for the size of the shared memory consumed by the -- cursors on the source instance. Below this value a SQL -- statement will not be selected for parsing. This parameter is optional. It -- It allows the application to extract and compile statements with -- shared memory for example, greater than 10000 bytes. -- P_PARALLEL_DEGREE -- The number of parallel jobs that execute to complete the parse operation. -- These tasks are spawned as parallel jobs against a sub-range of the SQL -- statements selected for parsing. -- This parameter is reserved for parallel compile jobs (release 2). -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- COMPILE FROM REMOTE JOB -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- USAGE -- Compile curors job is called as a standalone job. This allows for -- parallel execution of the comilation task. A number of optimizations -- are possible for the parallel execution, including by command type, by -- parsing user-id, and by serving the SQL descriptors to parallel slaves. -- Parsing by user-id and range partitioning are provided in the first release. procedure compile_from_remote_job ( p_db_link in dbms_libcache$def.db_link%type , p_SQL_tab in out dbms_libcache$def.SQL_tab , p_lower_bound in binary_integer , p_upper_bound in binary_integer ); -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Input arguments: -- p_db_link Database link to the source name (mandatory) -- p_SQL_tab SQL descriptors addressing the SQL statements to be parsed -- p_upper_bound Upper address of the SQL descriptors, 1.. p_upper_bound -- P_DB_LINK -- The database link pointing to the instance that will be used for -- extracting the SQL statements. The database link is mandatory only -- for releases with dbms_libcache$def.ACCESS_METHOD = DB_LINK_METHOD -- P_SQL_TAB -- A table of descriptive records addressing each of the SQL statements to -- be parsed. This table is constructed in the driver procedure, compile_cursors. -- The record descriptor is maintianed in the include package, dbms_libcache$def. -- P_LOWER_BOUND -- A binary index that marks the lower element of the table, P_SQL_TAB. The -- elements are addressed from lower.. upper bound. -- P_UPPER_BOUND -- A binary index that marks the upper element of the table, P_SQL_TAB. The -- elements are addressed from lower bound.. upper bound. end dbms_libcache; / --------------------------------- -- -- skip errors due to dropping synonyms. whenever sqlerror continue; create or replace public synonym dbms_libcache for dbms_libcache / grant execute on dbms_libcache to public / grant execute on dbms_libcache to execute_catalog_role / --------------------------------- -- -- create the package body @prvtlibc.plb