Rem Rem $Header: rdbms/admin/dbmsldap.sql /main/17 2010/02/12 11:17:53 vmedam Exp $ Rem Rem dbmsldap.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2000, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Rem All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem dbmsldap.sql - <one-line expansion of the name> Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem <short description of component this file declares/defines> Rem Rem NOTES Rem <other useful comments, qualifications, etc.> Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem vmedam 02/01/10 - bug#9066715 Rem rbollu 08/06/04 - fix bug#3264021 Rem rbollu 11/18/03 - Rem bnanjund 10/30/03 - COLLECTION TYPE limit to 32k Rem rbollu 10/07/02 - fwdmrge bug#2382299 Rem rbollu 04/15/02 - fix bug-2322803 Rem rbollu 12/07/01 - 2127189 Rem rbollu 11/12/01 - Add get_subscriber_ext_properties Rem rbollu 10/02/01 - Add VERSION to Packages Rem rbollu 09/25/01 - Add get_user_extended_properties Rem rbollu 08/22/01 - Add new package DBMS_LDAP_UTL Rem rbollu 04/24/01 - Add berfree,msgfree functions Rem akolli 08/07/00 - remove unnecessary traces Rem dlin 06/07/00 - modified entry associated parameters Rem dlin 05/24/00 - add mts_not_supported execption Rem dlin 05/17/00 - changed init_fail to init_failed Rem dlin 05/09/00 - comment out explode_rdn Rem dlin 05/02/00 - add exception_init Rem dlin 04/20/00 - add rename_s, explode_dn, explode_rdn Rem dlin 03/21/00 - modify modification functions Rem dlin 03/15/00 - add ldap_err2string Rem dlin 03/13/00 - add exception handling implementation Rem dlin 03/09/00 - changed ldap function names Rem dlin 03/02/00 - add modify logic Rem akolli 02/28/00 - extend ldap_search to all attributes Rem akolli 02/24/00 - add value functions Rem akolli 02/23/00 - remove trusted lib definition Rem dlin 02/22/00 - added data type definitions Rem - modified API spec Rem akolli 01/07/00 - PL/SQL interface to LDAP servers Rem REM *************************************** REM THIS PACKAGE MUST BE CREATED UNDER SYS REM *************************************** ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- Package specification for DBMS_LDAP --- This is the primary interface used by various clients to --- make LDAP requests ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE DBMS_LDAP AUTHID CURRENT_USER AS VERSION CONSTANT VARCHAR2(256) := '2'; INTERFACE_VERSION CONSTANT VARCHAR2(256) := '2'; -- -- DBMS_LDAP data type definitions -- -- We use RAW(32) as a data structure to store external pointers -- It is big enough to store 256 bit pointers! -- this data structure holds a pointer to an LDAP session SUBTYPE SESSION IS RAW(32); -- this data structure holds a pointer to an LDAP message SUBTYPE MESSAGE IS RAW(32); -- this data structure holds a pointer to an LDAP mod array SUBTYPE MOD_ARRAY IS RAW(32); -- this data structure is used to hold binary value SUBTYPE BERVAL IS raw(32000); -- this data structure is used to pass time limit information to -- the LDAP api. TYPE TIMEVAL IS RECORD ( seconds PLS_INTEGER, useconds PLS_INTEGER ); -- this data structure is used to pass LDAP control to the api. TYPE ldapcontrol IS RECORD (ldctl_oid VARCHAR2(256), ldctl_value BERVAL, ldctl_iscritical VARCHAR2(1)); -- this data structure holds a pointer to the BER Element used -- for decoding the incoming message SUBTYPE BER_ELEMENT is RAW(32); -- this data structure is used to hold a list of values TYPE STRING_COLLECTION is TABLE of VARCHAR2(32767) INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER; -- this data structure is used to hold a list of binary values TYPE BINVAL_COLLECTION is TABLE of RAW(32767) INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER; -- this data structure is used to hold a list of berval values TYPE BERVAL_COLLECTION is TABLE of RAW(32767) INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER; -- this data structure is used to hold a list of berval values TYPE BLOB_COLLECTION is TABLE of BLOB INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER; -- -- DBMS_LDAP function definitions -- -- Checks the Support for Interface Version. FUNCTION check_interface_version(interface_version IN VARCHAR2) RETURN PLS_INTEGER; -- Initializes the LDAP library and return a session handler -- for use in subsequent calls. FUNCTION init (hostname IN VARCHAR2, portnum IN PLS_INTEGER ) RETURN SESSION; -- Synchronously authenticates to the directory server using -- a Distinguished Name and password. FUNCTION simple_bind_s (ld IN SESSION, dn IN VARCHAR2, passwd IN VARCHAR2) RETURN PLS_INTEGER; -- Synchronously authenticates to the directory server using -- a Distinguished Name and some arbitrary credentials. FUNCTION bind_s (ld IN SESSION, dn IN VARCHAR2, cred IN VARCHAR2, meth IN PLS_INTEGER ) RETURN PLS_INTEGER; -- Synchronously disposes of an LDAP session, freeing all -- associated resources. FUNCTION unbind_s (ld IN OUT SESSION ) RETURN PLS_INTEGER; -- Compares a value with a attribute value contained in an -- entry. FUNCTION compare_s (ld IN SESSION, dn IN VARCHAR2, attr IN VARCHAR2, value IN VARCHAR2) RETURN PLS_INTEGER; -- Searches for directory entries. FUNCTION search_s (ld IN SESSION, base IN VARCHAR2, scope IN PLS_INTEGER, filter IN VARCHAR2, attrs IN STRING_COLLECTION, attronly IN PLS_INTEGER, res OUT MESSAGE) RETURN PLS_INTEGER; -- Searches for directory entries, respecting a local timeout. FUNCTION search_st (ld IN SESSION, base IN VARCHAR2, scope IN PLS_INTEGER, filter IN VARCHAR2, attrs IN STRING_COLLECTION, attronly IN PLS_INTEGER, tv IN TIMEVAL, res OUT MESSAGE) RETURN PLS_INTEGER; -- Returns the first entry in a chain of results. FUNCTION first_entry (ld IN SESSION, msg IN MESSAGE ) RETURN MESSAGE; -- Returns the next entry in a chain of search results. FUNCTION next_entry (ld IN SESSION, msg IN MESSAGE ) RETURN MESSAGE; -- Determines the number of entries in an LDAP result -- message chain. FUNCTION count_entries (ld IN SESSION, msg IN MESSAGE ) RETURN PLS_INTEGER; -- Returns the first attribute in an entry. FUNCTION first_attribute (ld IN SESSION, ldapentry IN MESSAGE, ber_elem OUT BER_ELEMENT) RETURN VARCHAR2; -- Returns the next attribute contained in an entry. FUNCTION next_attribute (ld IN SESSION, ldapentry IN MESSAGE, ber_elem IN BER_ELEMENT) RETURN VARCHAR2; -- Retrieves the Distinguished Name of an entry. FUNCTION get_dn(ld IN SESSION, ldapentry IN MESSAGE) RETURN VARCHAR2; -- Retrieves values associated with a char attribute for a given entry FUNCTION get_values(ld IN SESSION, ldapentry IN MESSAGE, attr IN VARCHAR2) RETURN STRING_COLLECTION; -- Retrieves binary values associated with an attribute for a given entry FUNCTION get_values_len(ld IN SESSION, ldapentry IN MESSAGE, attr IN VARCHAR2) RETURN BINVAL_COLLECTION; -- Retrieves large binary values(greater than 32kb) -- associated with an attribute for a given entry FUNCTION get_values_blob(ld IN SESSION, ldapentry IN MESSAGE, attr IN VARCHAR2) RETURN BLOB_COLLECTION; -- Deletes an entry from the LDAP directory. The caller is -- blocked until the deletion is complete. FUNCTION delete_s(ld IN SESSION, entrydn IN VARCHAR2) RETURN PLS_INTEGER; -- Deletes an entry from the LDAP directory. FUNCTION delete(ld IN SESSION, entrydn IN VARCHAR2) RETURN PLS_INTEGER; -- Renames the given entry to have the new relative -- distinguished name. The caller is blocked until the -- renaming is complete. FUNCTION modrdn2_s(ld IN SESSION, entrydn IN VARCHAR2, newrdn IN VARCHAR2, deleteoldrdn IN PLS_INTEGER) RETURN PLS_INTEGER; -- Gets the string representation of an LDAP return code FUNCTION err2string( ldap_err IN PLS_INTEGER ) RETURN VARCHAR2; -- Gets the pointer of the ldapmod representation -- which contains size, count, and a pointer to an array -- of ldapmod structure. -- ldapmod structure contains mod_op, mod_type, and an -- array of string/berval. -- If the return value is NULL, then there is an error. FUNCTION create_mod_array(num IN PLS_INTEGER) RETURN MOD_ARRAY; -- Populates the ldapmod structure, string value. -- If the return modptr is NULL, then there is an error. PROCEDURE populate_mod_array(modptr IN MOD_ARRAY, mod_op IN PLS_INTEGER, mod_type IN VARCHAR2, modval IN STRING_COLLECTION); -- Populates the ldapmod structure, binary value. -- If the return modptr is NULL, then there is an error. PROCEDURE populate_mod_array(modptr IN MOD_ARRAY, mod_op IN PLS_INTEGER, mod_type IN VARCHAR2, modbval IN BERVAL_COLLECTION); -- Populates the ldapmod structure, large binary value (greater than 32kb). -- If the return modptr is NULL, then there is an error. PROCEDURE populate_mod_array(modptr IN MOD_ARRAY, mod_op IN PLS_INTEGER, mod_type IN VARCHAR2, modbval IN BLOB_COLLECTION); -- Modifies an existing LDAP directory entry. The caller is -- blocked until the modification is complete. FUNCTION modify_s(ld IN SESSION, entrydn IN VARCHAR2, modptr IN MOD_ARRAY) RETURN PLS_INTEGER; -- Adds a new entry to the LDAP directory. The caller is -- blocked until the addition is complete. FUNCTION add_s(ld IN SESSION, entrydn IN VARCHAR2, modptr IN MOD_ARRAY) RETURN PLS_INTEGER; -- Frees up the memory used by the ldapmod representation (array). PROCEDURE free_mod_array(modptr IN MOD_ARRAY); -- Counts the number of values returned by get_values() FUNCTION count_values(vals IN STRING_COLLECTION) RETURN PLS_INTEGER; -- Counts the number of values returned by get_values_len() FUNCTION count_values_len(vals IN BINVAL_COLLECTION) RETURN PLS_INTEGER; -- Counts the number of values returned by get_values_blob() FUNCTION count_values_blob(vals IN BLOB_COLLECTION) RETURN PLS_INTEGER; -- Frees the memory associated with binary attribute values -- that were returned by get_values_blob() function. PROCEDURE value_free_blob(vals IN OUT BLOB_COLLECTION); -- Performs modify dn operation FUNCTION rename_s(ld IN SESSION, dn IN VARCHAR2, newrdn IN VARCHAR2, newparent IN VARCHAR2, deleteoldrdn IN PLS_INTEGER, serverctrls IN LDAPCONTROL DEFAULT NULL, clientctrls IN LDAPCONTROL DEFAULT NULL) RETURN PLS_INTEGER; -- Breaks a Distinguished Name (DN) up into its components FUNCTION explode_dn(dn IN VARCHAR2, notypes IN PLS_INTEGER) RETURN STRING_COLLECTION; -- Establishes a SSL connection FUNCTION open_ssl(ld IN SESSION, sslwrl IN VARCHAR2, sslwalletpasswd IN VARCHAR2, sslauth IN PLS_INTEGER) RETURN PLS_INTEGER; FUNCTION get_session_info(ld IN SESSION, data_type IN PLS_INTEGER, data OUT VARCHAR2) RETURN PLS_INTEGER; FUNCTION msgfree(lm IN MESSAGE) RETURN PLS_INTEGER; PROCEDURE ber_free(ber IN BER_ELEMENT, freebuf IN PLS_INTEGER); FUNCTION nls_convert_to_utf8 ( data_local IN VARCHAR2) RETURN VARCHAR2; FUNCTION nls_convert_to_utf8 ( data_local IN STRING_COLLECTION) RETURN STRING_COLLECTION; FUNCTION nls_convert_from_utf8 ( data_utf8 IN VARCHAR2) RETURN VARCHAR2; FUNCTION nls_convert_from_utf8 ( data_utf8 IN STRING_COLLECTION) RETURN STRING_COLLECTION; FUNCTION nls_get_dbcharset_name RETURN VARCHAR2; -------------------- Tracing functions ---------------- ---- To be used by Oracle Support Analysts ONLY ------- ------------------------------------------------------- PROCEDURE set_trace_level(new_trace_level IN PLS_INTEGER); FUNCTION get_trace_level RETURN PLS_INTEGER; ---------------- End of Trace Functions ----------------- -- LDAP Flag definitions -- set use_exception flag to FALSE: not use exception (return error code) -- set use_exception flag to TRUE: use exception. USE_EXCEPTION BOOLEAN DEFAULT TRUE; -- set user_conversion flag to TRUE: All the input string data to the -- Package functions would -- be converted from database characterset -- to UTF8 character set. -- All the output string data would be -- converted from UTF8 character set to -- database character set. -- set user_conversion flag to FALSE: No conversions would be done. UTF8_CONVERSION BOOLEAN DEFAULT TRUE; -- -- LDAP constant definitions -- PORT CONSTANT NUMBER := 389; SSL_PORT CONSTANT NUMBER := 636; -- various options that can be set/unset OPT_DESC CONSTANT NUMBER := 1; OPT_DEREF CONSTANT NUMBER := 2; OPT_SIZELIMIT CONSTANT NUMBER := 3; OPT_TIMELIMIT CONSTANT NUMBER := 4; OPT_THREAD_FN_PTRS CONSTANT NUMBER := 5; OPT_REBIND_FN CONSTANT NUMBER := 6; OPT_REBIND_ARG CONSTANT NUMBER := 7; OPT_REFERRALS CONSTANT NUMBER := 8; OPT_RESTART CONSTANT NUMBER := 9; OPT_SSL CONSTANT NUMBER := 10; OPT_IO_FN_PTRS CONSTANT NUMBER := 11; OPT_CACHE_FN_PTRS CONSTANT NUMBER := 13; OPT_CACHE_STRATEGY CONSTANT NUMBER := 14; OPT_CACHE_ENABLE CONSTANT NUMBER := 15; OPT_REFERRAL_HOP_LIMIT CONSTANT NUMBER := 16; OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION CONSTANT NUMBER := 17; OPT_SERVER_CONTROLS CONSTANT NUMBER := 18; OPT_CLIENT_CONTROLS CONSTANT NUMBER := 19; OPT_PREFERRED_LANGUAGE CONSTANT NUMBER := 20; OPT_ERROR_NUMBER CONSTANT NUMBER := 49; OPT_ERROR_STRING CONSTANT NUMBER := 50; -- for on/off options OPT_ON CONSTANT NUMBER := 1; OPT_OFF CONSTANT NUMBER := 0; -- SSL Authentication modes GSLC_SSL_NO_AUTH CONSTANT NUMBER := 1; GSLC_SSL_ONEWAY_AUTH CONSTANT NUMBER := 32; GSLC_SSL_TWOWAY_AUTH CONSTANT NUMBER := 64; -- search scopes SCOPE_BASE CONSTANT NUMBER := 0; SCOPE_ONELEVEL CONSTANT NUMBER := 1; SCOPE_SUBTREE CONSTANT NUMBER := 2; -- for modifications MOD_ADD CONSTANT NUMBER := 0; MOD_DELETE CONSTANT NUMBER := 1; MOD_REPLACE CONSTANT NUMBER := 2; MOD_BVALUES CONSTANT NUMBER := 128; /* authentication methods available */ AUTH_NONE CONSTANT NUMBER := 0; AUTH_SIMPLE CONSTANT NUMBER := 128; -- context specific + primitive AUTH_SASL CONSTANT NUMBER := 163; -- v3 SASL -- structure for representing an LDAP server connection CONNST_NEEDSOCKET CONSTANT NUMBER := 1; CONNST_CONNECTING CONSTANT NUMBER := 2; CONNST_CONNECTED CONSTANT NUMBER := 3; -- structure used to track outstanding requests REQST_INPROGRESS CONSTANT NUMBER := 1; REQST_CHASINGREFS CONSTANT NUMBER := 2; REQST_NOTCONNECTED CONSTANT NUMBER := 3; REQST_WRITING CONSTANT NUMBER := 4; -- structure representing an ldap connection DEREF_NEVER CONSTANT NUMBER := 0; DEREF_SEARCHING CONSTANT NUMBER := 1; DEREF_FINDING CONSTANT NUMBER := 2; DEREF_ALWAYS CONSTANT NUMBER := 3; -- types for ldap URL handling URL_ERR_NOTLDAP CONSTANT NUMBER := 1; -- URL doesn't begin with "ldap URL_ERR_NODN CONSTANT NUMBER := 2; -- URL has no DN (required) URL_ERR_BADSCOPE CONSTANT NUMBER := 3; -- URL scope string is invalid URL_ERR_MEM CONSTANT NUMBER := 4; -- can't allocate memory space -- types for session info TYPE_ADD_INFO CONSTANT NUMBER := 1; -- -- possible error codes we can return from LDAP server -- SUCCESS CONSTANT NUMBER := 0; OPERATIONS_ERROR CONSTANT NUMBER := 1; PROTOCOL_ERROR CONSTANT NUMBER := 2; TIMELIMIT_EXCEEDED CONSTANT NUMBER := 3; SIZELIMIT_EXCEEDED CONSTANT NUMBER := 4; COMPARE_FALSE CONSTANT NUMBER := 5; COMPARE_TRUE CONSTANT NUMBER := 6; STRONG_AUTH_NOT_SUPPORTED CONSTANT NUMBER := 7; STRONG_AUTH_REQUIRED CONSTANT NUMBER := 8; PARTIAL_RESULTS CONSTANT NUMBER := 9; REFERRAL CONSTANT NUMBER := 10; ADMINLIMIT_EXCEEDED CONSTANT NUMBER := 11; UNAVAILABLE_CRITIC CONSTANT NUMBER := 12; NO_SUCH_ATTRIBUTE CONSTANT NUMBER := 16; UNDEFINED_TYPE CONSTANT NUMBER := 17; INAPPROPRIATE_MATCHING CONSTANT NUMBER := 18; CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION CONSTANT NUMBER := 19; TYPE_OR_VALUE_EXISTS CONSTANT NUMBER := 20; INVALID_SYNTAX CONSTANT NUMBER := 21; NO_SUCH_OBJECT CONSTANT NUMBER := 32; ALIAS_PROBLEM CONSTANT NUMBER := 33; INVALID_DN_SYNTAX CONSTANT NUMBER := 34; IS_LEAF CONSTANT NUMBER := 35; ALIAS_DEREF_PROBLEM CONSTANT NUMBER := 36; INAPPROPRIATE_AUTH CONSTANT NUMBER := 48; INVALID_CREDENTIALS CONSTANT NUMBER := 49; INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS CONSTANT NUMBER := 50; BUSY CONSTANT NUMBER := 51; UNAVAILABLE CONSTANT NUMBER := 52; UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM CONSTANT NUMBER := 53; LOOP_DETECT CONSTANT NUMBER := 54; NAMING_VIOLATION CONSTANT NUMBER := 64; OBJECT_CLASS_VIOLATION CONSTANT NUMBER := 65; NOT_ALLOWED_ON_NONLEAF CONSTANT NUMBER := 66; NOT_ALLOWED_ON_RDN CONSTANT NUMBER := 67; ALREADY_EXISTS CONSTANT NUMBER := 68; NO_OBJECT_CLASS_MODS CONSTANT NUMBER := 69; RESULTS_TOO_LARGE CONSTANT NUMBER := 70; OTHER CONSTANT NUMBER := 80; SERVER_DOWN CONSTANT NUMBER := 81; LOCAL_ERROR CONSTANT NUMBER := 82; ENCODING_ERROR CONSTANT NUMBER := 83; DECODING_ERROR CONSTANT NUMBER := 84; TIMEOUT CONSTANT NUMBER := 85; AUTH_UNKNOWN CONSTANT NUMBER := 86; FILTER_ERROR CONSTANT NUMBER := 87; USER_CANCELLED CONSTANT NUMBER := 88; PARAM_ERROR CONSTANT NUMBER := 89; NO_MEMORY CONSTANT NUMBER := 90; -- -- possible error codes we can return from LDAP client -- INVALID_LDAP_SESSION CONSTANT NUMBER := 1024; INVALID_LDAP_AUTH_METHOD CONSTANT NUMBER := 1025; INVALID_LDAP_SEARCH_SCOPE CONSTANT NUMBER := 1026; INVALID_LDAP_TIME_VALUE CONSTANT NUMBER := 1027; INVALID_LDAP_MESSAGE CONSTANT NUMBER := 1027; INVALID_LDAP_ENTRY_DN CONSTANT NUMBER := 1028; INVALID_LDAPMOD CONSTANT NUMBER := 1029; INVALID_LDAP_DN CONSTANT NUMBER := 1030; INVALID_LDAP_NEWRDN CONSTANT NUMBER := 1031; INVALID_LDAP_NEWPARENT CONSTANT NUMBER := 1032; INVALID_LDAP_DELETEOLDRDN CONSTANT NUMBER := 1033; INVALID_SSLWRL CONSTANT NUMBER := 1034; INVALID_SSLWALLETPASSWD CONSTANT NUMBER := 1035; INVALID_SSLAUTH CONSTANT NUMBER := 1036; -- -- LDAP SERVER exception definitions -- -- LDAP general error general_error EXCEPTION; PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(general_error, -31202); -- LDAP Init Failed init_failed EXCEPTION; PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(init_failed, -31203); -- Invalid LDAP Session invalid_session EXCEPTION; PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(invalid_session, -31204); -- Invalid LDAP Auth method invalid_auth_method EXCEPTION; PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(invalid_auth_method, -31205); -- Invalid LDAP search scope invalid_search_scope EXCEPTION; PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(invalid_search_scope, -31206); -- Invalid LDAP search time value invalid_search_time_val EXCEPTION; PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(invalid_search_time_val, -31207); -- Invalid LDAP Message invalid_message EXCEPTION; PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(invalid_message, -31208); -- LDAP count_entry error count_entry_error EXCEPTION; PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(count_entry_error, -31209); -- LDAP get_dn error get_dn_error EXCEPTION; PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(get_dn_error, -31210); -- Invalid LDAP entry dn invalid_entry_dn EXCEPTION; PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(invalid_entry_dn, -31211); -- Invalid LDAP mod_array invalid_mod_array EXCEPTION; PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(invalid_mod_array, -31212); -- Invalid LDAP mod option invalid_mod_option EXCEPTION; PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(invalid_mod_option, -31213); -- Invalid LDAP mod type invalid_mod_type EXCEPTION; PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(invalid_mod_type, -31214); -- Invalid LDAP mod value invalid_mod_value EXCEPTION; PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(invalid_mod_value, -31215); -- Invalid LDAP rdn invalid_rdn EXCEPTION; PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(invalid_rdn, -31216); -- Invalid LDAP newparent invalid_newparent EXCEPTION; PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(invalid_newparent, -31217); -- Invalid LDAP deleteoldrdn invalid_deleteoldrdn EXCEPTION; PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(invalid_deleteoldrdn, -31218); -- Invalid LDAP notypes invalid_notypes EXCEPTION; PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(invalid_notypes, -31219); -- Invalid LDAP SSL wallet location invalid_ssl_wallet_loc EXCEPTION; PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(invalid_ssl_wallet_loc, -31220); -- Invalid LDAP SSL wallet passwd invalid_ssl_wallet_passwd EXCEPTION; PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(invalid_ssl_wallet_passwd, -31221); -- Invalid LDAP SSL authentication mode invalid_ssl_auth_mode EXCEPTION; PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(invalid_ssl_auth_mode, -31222); -- Not supporting MTS mode mts_mode_not_supported EXCEPTION; PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(mts_mode_not_supported, -31398); END DBMS_LDAP; / --show errors CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE DBMS_LDAP_UTL AS /** ************************************************************************************************* * NAME * DBMS_LDAP_UTL * * DESCRIPTION * Package specification for DBMS_LDAP_UTL * This pakcage contains Oracle EXtension utility functions. * These functions can be used for authentication or querying information * on users, groups or subscribers in the LDAP server. * * SYNTAX * N/A * * REQUIRES * 1. Most of the functions accept a valid ldap session as an argument. * This ldap session has to be obtained from DBMS_LDAP.init() function. * 2. The functions in the package lookup the Oracle Context schema in the * LDAP server to query information on users, groups and subscribers. * * PARAMETERS * NONE * * RETURNS * This package returns error codes and does not raise any exceptions. * See the documentation on individual functions for corresponding * error codes returned. * * EXCEPTIONS * THIS PACKAGE DOES NOT RAISE ANY EXCEPTIONS. * * USAGE * This Package can be used for querying information on users, groups * and subscribers in the LDAP server. * * EXAMPLES * * SEE * **************************************************************************************************** */ VERSION CONSTANT VARCHAR2(256) := '2'; INTERFACE_VERSION CONSTANT VARCHAR2(256) := '2'; -- -- DBMS_LDAP_UTL data type definitions -- -- We use RAW(32) as a data structure to store external pointers -- It is big enough to store 256 bit pointers! -- this data structure holds a pointer to Handle. SUBTYPE HANDLE IS RAW(32); -- this data structure holds a pointer to List of Properties. SUBTYPE PROPERTY_SET IS RAW(32); -- this data structure holds a pointer to List of Properties. SUBTYPE MOD_PROPERTY_SET IS RAW(32); -- this data structure holds a pointer to List of Property sets. TYPE PROPERTY_SET_COLLECTION is TABLE of PROPERTY_SET INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER; -- String collection. SUBTYPE STRING_COLLECTION IS DBMS_LDAP.STRING_COLLECTION; -- Binval collection. SUBTYPE BINVAL_COLLECTION IS DBMS_LDAP.BINVAL_COLLECTION; -- BLOB collection. SUBTYPE BLOB_COLLECTION IS DBMS_LDAP.BLOB_COLLECTION; -- Session. SUBTYPE SESSION IS DBMS_LDAP.SESSION; -- -- DBMS_LDAP_UTL function definitions -- /** ******************************************************************************* * NAME * check_interface_version * * DESCRIPTION * Checks for the support of interface version. * * SYNTAX * FUNCTION check_interface_version * ( * * interface_version IN VARCHAR2 * * ) * RETURN PLS_INTEGER; * * REQUIRES * * PARAMETERS * (VARCHAR2 ) interface_version - Version of the Interface. * * RETURNS * * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.SUCCESS - Version Supported. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.GENERAL_ERROR - Version not Supported. * * * USAGE * N/A * * EXAMPLES * * SEE * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.create_user_handle() * ****************************************************************************** */ FUNCTION check_interface_version ( interface_version IN VARCHAR2) RETURN PLS_INTEGER; /** ******************************************************************************* * NAME * create_subscriber_handle * * DESCRIPTION * This function creates a subscriber handle. * * SYNTAX * FUNCTION create_subscriber_handle * ( * * subscriber_hd OUT HANDLE, * subscriber_type IN PLS_INTEGER, * subscriber_id IN VARCHAR2 * * ) * RETURN PLS_INTEGER; * * REQUIRES * * PARAMETERS * (HANDLE ) subscriber_hd - A pointer to a handle to * subscriber. * (PLS_INTEGER ) subscriber_type - The type of subscriber id that * is passed. * Valid values for this argument are: * - DBMS_LDAP_UTL.TYPE_DN * - DBMS_LDAP_UTL.TYPE_GUID * - DBMS_LDAP_UTL.TYPE_NICKNAME * - DBMS_LDAP_UTL.TYPE_DEFAULT * (VARCHAR2 ) subscriber_id - The subscriber id representing * the subscriber entry. * This can be NULL if * subscriber_type is : * - DBMS_LDAP_UTL.TYPE_DEFAULT * then the default subscriber * would be fetched from * Root Oracle Context. * * RETURNS * * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.LDAP_SUCCESS - On a successful completion. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.PARAM_ERROR - Invalid input parameters. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.GENERAL_ERROR - Other Error * * * USAGE * N/A * * EXAMPLES * * SEE * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.get_subscriber_properties(). * ****************************************************************************** */ FUNCTION create_subscriber_handle ( subscriber_hd OUT HANDLE, subscriber_type IN PLS_INTEGER, subscriber_id IN VARCHAR2) RETURN PLS_INTEGER; /** ******************************************************************************* * NAME * get_subscriber_properties * * DESCRIPTION * Retrieves the subsciber properties for the given subscriber handle. * * SYNTAX * FUNCTION get_subscriber_properties * ( * * ld IN SESSION, * subscriber_handle IN HANDLE, * attrs IN STRING_COLLECTION, * ptype IN PLS_INTEGER, * ret_pset_coll OUT PROPERTY_SET_COLLECTION, * * ) * RETURN PLS_INTEGER; * * REQUIRES * This function requires a valid ldap session handle which * has to be obtained from DBMS_LDAP.init() function. * * PARAMETERS * (SESSION ) ld - A valid ldap session handle. * (HANDLE ) subscriber_handle - The subscriber handle * (STRING_COLLECTION ) attrs - List of Attributes that * need to be fetched for * the subscriber. * (PLS_INTEGER ) ptype - Type of properties to be * returned. * Valid values: * - DBMS_LDAP_UTL.ENTRY_PROPERITES * - DBMS_LDAP_UTL.COMMON_PROPERITES : To retrieve Subscriber's Oracle Context Properties. * (PROPERTY_SET_COLLECTION ) ret_pset_coll - The subscriber details * containing the requested * attributes by the caller. * * RETURNS * * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.SUCCESS - On a successful completion. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.PARAM_ERROR - Invalid input parameters. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.NO_SUCH_SUBSCRIBER - Subscriber doesn't exist. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.MULTIPLE_SUBSCRIBER_ENTRIES - Multiple number of subscriber * DN entries exist in the * directory for the given * subscriber. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.INVALID_ROOT_ORCL_CTX - Invalid Root Oracle Context. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.GENERAL_ERROR - Other Error * DBMS_LDAP error codes - Returns proper LDAP error codes * for unconditional failures * while carrying out * LDAP operations by the ldap * server. * * * USAGE * This function can only be called after a valid * ldap session is obtained from a call to DBMS_LDAP.init(). * * EXAMPLES * * SEE * DBMS_LDAP.init(), DBMS_LDAP_UTL.create_subscriber_handle(). * ****************************************************************************** */ FUNCTION get_subscriber_properties( ld IN SESSION, subscriber_handle IN HANDLE, attrs IN STRING_COLLECTION, ptype IN PLS_INTEGER, ret_pset_coll OUT PROPERTY_SET_COLLECTION) RETURN PLS_INTEGER; /** ******************************************************************************* * NAME * get_subscriber_ext_properties * * DESCRIPTION * Retrieves the subsciber extended properties for the given subscriber handle. * * SYNTAX * FUNCTION get_subscriber_ext_properties * ( * * ld IN SESSION, * subscriber_handle IN HANDLE, * attrs IN STRING_COLLECTION, * ptype IN PLS_INTEGER, * filter IN VARCHAR2, * ret_pset_coll OUT PROPERTY_SET_COLLECTION, * * ) * RETURN PLS_INTEGER; * * REQUIRES * This function requires a valid ldap session handle which * has to be obtained from DBMS_LDAP.init() function. * * PARAMETERS * (SESSION ) ld - A valid ldap session handle. * (HANDLE ) subscriber_handle - The subscriber handle * (STRING_COLLECTION ) attrs - List of Attributes that * need to be fetched for * the subscriber. * (PLS_INTEGER ) ptype - Type of properties to be * returned. * Valid values: * - DBMS_LDAP_UTL.DEFAULT_RAD_PROPERTIES * - DBMS_LDAP_UTL.COMMON_PROPERITES : To retrieve Subscriber's Oracle Context Properties. * (VARCHAR2) filter - Ldap filter to further * refine the user properties * returned by function. * (PROPERTY_SET_COLLECTION ) ret_pset_coll - The subscriber details * containing the requested * attributes by the caller. * * RETURNS * * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.SUCCESS - On a successful completion. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.PARAM_ERROR - Invalid input parameters. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.NO_SUCH_SUBSCRIBER - Subscriber doesn't exist. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.MULTIPLE_SUBSCRIBER_ENTRIES - Multiple number of subscriber * DN entries exist in the * directory for the given * subscriber. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.INVALID_ROOT_ORCL_CTX - Invalid Root Oracle Context. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.GENERAL_ERROR - Other Error * DBMS_LDAP error codes - Returns proper LDAP error codes * for unconditional failures * while carrying out * LDAP operations by the ldap * server. * * * USAGE * This function can only be called after a valid * ldap session is obtained from a call to DBMS_LDAP.init(). * * EXAMPLES * * SEE * DBMS_LDAP.init(), DBMS_LDAP_UTL.create_subscriber_handle(). * ****************************************************************************** */ FUNCTION get_subscriber_ext_properties( ld IN SESSION, subscriber_handle IN HANDLE, attrs IN STRING_COLLECTION, ptype IN PLS_INTEGER, filter IN VARCHAR2, ret_pset_coll OUT PROPERTY_SET_COLLECTION) RETURN PLS_INTEGER; /** ******************************************************************************* * NAME * get_subscriber_dn * * DESCRIPTION * Returns the subscriber DN. * * SYNTAX * FUNCTION get_subscriber_dn * ( * * ld IN SESSION, * subscriber_handle IN HANDLE, * dn OUT VARCHAR2 * * ) * RETURN PLS_INTEGER; * * REQUIRES * This function requires a valid ldap session handle which * has to be obtained from DBMS_LDAP.init() function. * * PARAMETERS * (SESSION ) ld - A valid ldap session handle. * (HANDLE ) subscriber_handle - The subscriber handle * (VARCHAR2 ) dn - The subscriber DN * * RETURNS * * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.SUCCESS - On a successful completion. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.PARAM_ERROR - Invalid input parameters. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.NO_SUCH_SUBSCRIBER - Subscriber doesn't exist. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.MULTIPLE_SUBSCRIBER_ENTRIES - Multiple number of subscriber * DN entries exist in the * directory for the given * subscriber. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.INVALID_ROOT_ORCL_CTX - Invalid Root Oracle Context. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.GENERAL_ERROR - Other Error * DBMS_LDAP error codes - Returns proper LDAP error codes * for unconditional failures * while carrying out * LDAP operations by the ldap * server. * * * USAGE * This function can only be called after a valid * ldap session is obtained from a call to DBMS_LDAP.init(). * * EXAMPLES * * SEE * DBMS_LDAP.init(). * ****************************************************************************** */ FUNCTION get_subscriber_dn( ld IN SESSION, subscriber_handle IN HANDLE, dn OUT VARCHAR2) RETURN PLS_INTEGER; /** ******************************************************************************* * NAME * free_propertyset_collection * * DESCRIPTION * Frees the memory associated with Property set collection. * * SYNTAX * PROCEDURE free_propertyset_collection * ( * * pset_collection IN OUT PROPERTY_SET_COLLECTION * * ); * * REQUIRES * * PARAMETERS * (PROPERTY_SET_COLLECTION ) pset_collection - Property set collection * returned from one of the * following functions: * - DBMS_LDAP_UTL.get_group_membership(). * - DBMS_LDAP_UTL.get_subscriber_properties(). * - DBMS_LDAP_UTL.get_user_properties(). * - DBMS_LDAP_UTL.get_group_properties(). * * RETURNS * NONE * * * USAGE * N/A * * EXAMPLES * * SEE * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.get_group_membership(), DBMS_LDAP_UTL.get_subscriber_properties(), DBMS_LDAP_UTL.get_user_properties(), DBMS_LDAP_UTL.get_group_properties(). * ****************************************************************************** */ PROCEDURE free_propertyset_collection ( pset_collection IN OUT PROPERTY_SET_COLLECTION); /** ******************************************************************************* * NAME * create_user_handle * * DESCRIPTION * This function creates a user handle. * * SYNTAX * FUNCTION create_user_handle * ( * * user_hd OUT HANDLE, * user_type IN PLS_INTEGER, * user_id IN VARCHAR2 * * ) * RETURN PLS_INTEGER; * * REQUIRES * * PARAMETERS * (HANDLE ) user_hd - A pointer to a handle to * user. * (PLS_INTEGER ) user_type - The type of user id that * is passed. * Valid values for this argument are: * - DBMS_LDAP_UTL.TYPE_DN * - DBMS_LDAP_UTL.TYPE_GUID * - DBMS_LDAP_UTL.TYPE_NICKNAME * (VARCHAR2 ) user_id - The user id representing * the user entry. * * RETURNS * * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.SUCCESS - On a successful completion. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.PARAM_ERROR - Invalid input parameters. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.GENERAL_ERROR - Other Error * * * USAGE * N/A * * EXAMPLES * * SEE * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.get_user_properties(), DBMS_LDAP_UTL.set_user_handle_properties(). * ****************************************************************************** */ FUNCTION create_user_handle ( user_hd OUT HANDLE, user_type IN PLS_INTEGER, user_id IN VARCHAR2) RETURN PLS_INTEGER; /** ******************************************************************************* * NAME * set_user_handle_properties * * DESCRIPTION * Configures the user handle properties. * * SYNTAX * FUNCTION set_user_handle_properties * ( * * user_hd IN HANDLE, * property_type IN PLS_INTEGER, * property IN HANDLE * * ) * RETURN PLS_INTEGER; * * REQUIRES * * PARAMETERS * (HANDLE ) user_hd - A pointer to a handle to * user. * (PLS_INTEGER ) property_type - The type of property that * is passed. * Valid values for this argument are: * - DBMS_LDAP_UTL.SUBSCRIBER_HANDLE * (HANDLE ) property - The property describing * the user entry. * * RETURNS * * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.SUCCESS - On a successful completion. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.PARAM_ERROR - Invalid input parameters. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.RESET_HANDLE - When caller tries to reset * the existing handle * properties. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.GENERAL_ERROR - Other Error * * * USAGE * Subscriber Handle need not be set in User Handle Properties * if the User Handle is created with TYPE_DN or TYPE_GUID as user_type. * * * EXAMPLES * * SEE * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.get_user_properties(). * ****************************************************************************** */ FUNCTION set_user_handle_properties ( user_hd IN HANDLE, property_type IN PLS_INTEGER, property IN HANDLE) RETURN PLS_INTEGER; /** ******************************************************************************* * NAME * get_user_properties * * DESCRIPTION * Retrieves the user properties. * * SYNTAX * FUNCTION get_user_properties * ( * * ld IN SESSION, * user_handle IN HANDLE, * attrs IN STRING_COLLECTION, * ptype IN PLS_INTEGER, * ret_pset_coll OUT PROPERTY_SET_COLLECTION * * ) * RETURN PLS_INTEGER; * * REQUIRES * This function requires a valid ldap session handle which * has to be obtained from DBMS_LDAP.init() function. * * * PARAMETERS * (SESSION ) ld - A valid ldap session handle. * (HANDLE ) user_handle - The user handle * (STRING_COLLECTION ) attrs - List of Attributes that * need to be fetched for * the user. * (PLS_INTEGER ) ptype - Type of properties to be * returned. * Valid values: * - DBMS_LDAP_UTL.ENTRY_PROPERITES * - DBMS_LDAP_UTL.NICKNAME_PROPERTY * (PROPERTY_SET_COLLECTION ) ret_pset_collection - The user details * containing the requested * attributes by the caller. * * RETURNS * * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.SUCCESS - On a successful completion. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.PARAM_ERROR - Invalid input parameters. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.NO_SUCH_USER - User doesn't exist. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.MULTIPLE_USER_ENTRIES - Multiple number of user * DN entries exist in the * directory for the given * user. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.INVALID_ROOT_ORCL_CTX - Invalid Root Oracle Context. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.GENERAL_ERROR - Other Error * DBMS_LDAP error codes - Returns proper LDAP error codes * for unconditional failures * while carrying out * LDAP operations by the ldap * server. * * * USAGE * This function requires a valid ldap session handle which * has to be obtained from DBMS_LDAP.init() function. * * This function requires a valid subscriber handle to be set * in the user handle properties if the user type is of: * - DBMS_LDAP_UTL.TYPE_NICKNAME. * This function doesn't identify a NULL subscriber handle * as a default subscriber. * Default subscriber can be obtained from : * - DBMS_LDAP_UTL.create_subscriber_handle() * where a NULL subscriber_id is passed as an argument. * If the user type is any of the following: * - DBMS_LDAP_UTL.TYPE_GUID. * - DBMS_LDAP_UTL.TYPE_DN. * then the subscriber handle need not be set in the user * handle properties, even if set it would be ignored. * * EXAMPLES * * SEE * DBMS_LDAP.init(), DBMS_LDAP_UTL.create_user_handle(). * ****************************************************************************** */ FUNCTION get_user_properties( ld IN SESSION, user_handle IN HANDLE, attrs IN STRING_COLLECTION, ptype IN PLS_INTEGER, ret_pset_coll OUT PROPERTY_SET_COLLECTION) RETURN PLS_INTEGER; /** ******************************************************************************* * NAME * get_user_dn * * DESCRIPTION * Returns the user DN. * * SYNTAX * FUNCTION get_user_dn * ( * * ld IN SESSION, * user_handle IN HANDLE, * dn OUT VARCHAR2 * * ) * RETURN PLS_INTEGER; * * REQUIRES * This function requires a valid ldap session handle which * has to be obtained from DBMS_LDAP.init() function. * * PARAMETERS * (SESSION ) ld - A valid ldap session handle. * (HANDLE ) user_handle - The user handle * (VARCHAR2 ) dn - The user DN * * RETURNS * * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.SUCCESS - On a successful completion. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.PARAM_ERROR - Invalid input parameters. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.NO_SUCH_USER - User doesn't exist. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.MULTIPLE_USER_ENTRIES - Multiple number of user * DN entries exist in the * directory for the given * user. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.INVALID_ROOT_ORCL_CTX - Invalid Root Oracle Context. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.GENERAL_ERROR - Other Error * DBMS_LDAP error codes - Returns proper LDAP error codes * for unconditional failures * while carrying out * LDAP operations by the ldap * server. * * * USAGE * This function can only be called after a valid * ldap session is obtained from a call to DBMS_LDAP.init(). * * EXAMPLES * * SEE * DBMS_LDAP.init(). * ****************************************************************************** */ FUNCTION get_user_dn( ld IN SESSION, user_handle IN HANDLE, dn OUT VARCHAR2) RETURN PLS_INTEGER; /** ******************************************************************************* * NAME * create_group_handle * * DESCRIPTION * This function creates a group handle. * * SYNTAX * FUNCTION create_group_handle * ( * * group_hd OUT HANDLE, * group_type IN PLS_INTEGER, * group_id IN VARCHAR2 * * ) * RETURN PLS_INTEGER; * * REQUIRES * * PARAMETERS * (HANDLE ) group_hd - A pointer to a handle to * group. * (PLS_INTEGER ) group_type - The type of group id that * is passed. * Valid values for this argument are: * - DBMS_LDAP_UTL.TYPE_DN * - DBMS_LDAP_UTL.TYPE_GUID * - DBMS_LDAP_UTL.TYPE_NICKNAME * (VARCHAR2 ) group_id - The group id representing * the group entry. * * RETURNS * * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.SUCCESS - On a successful completion. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.PARAM_ERROR - Invalid input parameters. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.GENERAL_ERROR - Other Error * * * USAGE * N/A * * * EXAMPLES * * SEE * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.get_group_properties(), DBMS_LDAP_UTL.set_group_handle_properties(). * ****************************************************************************** */ FUNCTION create_group_handle ( group_hd OUT HANDLE, group_type IN PLS_INTEGER, group_id IN VARCHAR2) RETURN PLS_INTEGER; /** ******************************************************************************* * NAME * set_group_handle_properties * * DESCRIPTION * Configures the group handle properties. * * SYNTAX * FUNCTION set_group_handle_properties * ( * * group_hd IN HANDLE, * property_type IN PLS_INTEGER, * property IN HANDLE * * ) * RETURN PLS_INTEGER; * * REQUIRES * * PARAMETERS * (HANDLE ) group_hd - A pointer to a handle to * group. * (PLS_INTEGER ) property_type - The type of property that * is passed. * Valid values for this argument are: * - DBMS_LDAP_UTL.GROUP_HANDLE * (HANDLE ) property - The property describing * the group entry. * * RETURNS * * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.SUCCESS - On a successful completion. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.PARAM_ERROR - Invalid input parameters. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.RESET_HANDLE - When caller tries to reset * the existing handle * properties. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.GENERAL_ERROR - Other Error * * * USAGE * Subscriber Handle need not be set in Group Handle Properties * if the Group Handle is created with TYPE_DN or TYPE_GUID as group_type. * * * EXAMPLES * * SEE * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.get_group_properties(). * ****************************************************************************** */ FUNCTION set_group_handle_properties ( group_hd IN HANDLE, property_type IN PLS_INTEGER, property IN HANDLE) RETURN PLS_INTEGER; /** ******************************************************************************* * NAME * get_group_properties * * DESCRIPTION * Retrieves the group properties. * * SYNTAX * FUNCTION get_group_properties * ( * * ld IN SESSION, * group_handle IN HANDLE, * attrs IN STRING_COLLECTION, * ptype IN PLS_INTEGER, * ret_pset_coll OUT PROPERTY_SET_COLLECTION * * ) * RETURN PLS_INTEGER; * * REQUIRES * This function requires a valid ldap session handle which * has to be obtained from DBMS_LDAP.init() function. * * PARAMETERS * (SESSION ) ld - A valid ldap session handle. * (HANDLE ) group_handle - The group handle * (STRING_COLLECTION ) attrs - List of Attributes that * need to be fetched for * the group. * (PLS_INTEGER ) ptype - Type of properties to be * returned. * Valid values: * - DBMS_LDAP_UTL.ENTRY_PROPERITES * (PROPERTY_SET_COLLECTION ) ret_pset_coll - The group details * containing the requested * attributes by the caller. * * RETURNS * * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.SUCCESS - On a successful completion. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.PARAM_ERROR - Invalid input parameters. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.NO_SUCH_GROUP - Group doesn't exist. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.MULTIPLE_GROUP_ENTRIES - Multiple number of group * DN entries exist in the * directory for the given * group. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.INVALID_ROOT_ORCL_CTX - Invalid Root Oracle Context. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.GENERAL_ERROR - Other Error * DBMS_LDAP error codes - Returns proper LDAP error codes * for unconditional failures * while carrying out * LDAP operations by the ldap * server. * * * USAGE * This function requires a valid ldap session handle which * has to be obtained from DBMS_LDAP.init() function. * This function requires a valid subscriber handle to be set * in the group handle properties if the group type is of: * - DBMS_LDAP_UTL.TYPE_NICKNAME. * This function doesn't identify a NULL subscriber handle * as a default subscriber. * Default subscriber can be obtained from : * - DBMS_LDAP_UTL.create_subscriber_handle() * where a NULL subscriber_id is passed as an argument. * If the group type is any of the following: * - DBMS_LDAP_UTL.TYPE_GUID. * - DBMS_LDAP_UTL.TYPE_DN. * then the subscriber handle need not be set in the group * handle properties, even if set it would be ignored. * * EXAMPLES * * SEE * DBMS_LDAP.init(), DBMS_LDAP_UTL.create_group_handle(). * ****************************************************************************** */ FUNCTION get_group_properties( ld IN SESSION, group_handle IN HANDLE, attrs IN STRING_COLLECTION, ptype IN PLS_INTEGER, ret_pset_coll OUT PROPERTY_SET_COLLECTION) RETURN PLS_INTEGER; /** ******************************************************************************* * NAME * get_group_dn * * DESCRIPTION * Returns the group DN. * * SYNTAX * FUNCTION get_group_dn * ( * * ld IN SESSION, * group_handle IN HANDLE, * dn OUT VARCHAR2 * * ) * RETURN PLS_INTEGER; * * REQUIRES * This function requires a valid ldap session handle which * has to be obtained from DBMS_LDAP.init() function. * * PARAMETERS * (SESSION ) ld - A valid ldap session handle. * (HANDLE ) group_handle - The group handle * (VARCHAR2 ) dn - The group DN * * RETURNS * * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.SUCCESS - On a successful completion. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.PARAM_ERROR - Invalid input parameters. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.NO_SUCH_GROUP - Group doesn't exist. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.MULTIPLE_GROUP_ENTRIES - Multiple number of group * DN entries exist in the * directory for the given * group. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.INVALID_ROOT_ORCL_CTX - Invalid Root Oracle Context. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.GENERAL_ERROR - Other Error * DBMS_LDAP error codes - Returns proper LDAP error codes * for unconditional failures * while carrying out * LDAP operations by the ldap * server. * * * USAGE * This function can only be called after a valid * ldap session is obtained from a call to DBMS_LDAP.init(). * * EXAMPLES * * SEE * DBMS_LDAP.init(). * ****************************************************************************** */ FUNCTION get_group_dn( ld IN SESSION, group_handle IN HANDLE, dn OUT VARCHAR2) RETURN PLS_INTEGER; /** ******************************************************************************* * NAME * authenticate_user * * DESCRIPTION * This function Authenticates the user against OiD. * * SYNTAX * FUNCTION authenticate_user * ( * * ld IN SESSION, * user_handle IN HANDLE, * auth_type IN PLS_INTEGER, * credentials IN VARCHAR2, * binary_credentials IN RAW * * ) * RETURN PLS_INTEGER; * * REQUIRES * This function requires a valid ldap session handle which * has to be obtained from init() function. * * PARAMETERS * (SESSION ) ld - A valid ldap session handle. * (HANDLE ) user - User handle. * (PLS_INTEGER ) auth_type - Type of authentication, * Valid values are: * - DBMS_LDAP_UTL.AUTH_SIMPLE * (VARCHAR2 ) credentials - The user credentials, * Valid values : * for DBMS_LDAP_UTL.AUTH_SIMPLE - password * (RAW ) binary_credentials - The binary credentials, * Valid values : * for DBMS_LDAP_UTL.AUTH_SIMPLE - NULL * * RETURNS * * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.SUCCESS - On a successful completion. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.PARAM_ERROR - Invalid input parameters. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.GENERAL_ERROR - Authentication failed. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.NO_SUCH_USER - User doesn't exist. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.MULTIPLE_USER_ENTRIES - Multiple number of user DN * entries exist in the * directory for the given user. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.INVALID_SUBSCRIBER_ORCL_CTX - Invalid Subscriber Oracle Context. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.NO_SUCH_SUBSCRIBER - Subscriber doesn't exist. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.MULTIPLE_SUBSCRIBER_ENTRIES - Multiple number of subscriber * DN entries exist in the * directory for the given * subscriber. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.INVALID_ROOT_ORCL_CTX - Invalid Root Oracle Context. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.ACCT_TOTALLY_LOCKED_EXCP - User account is locked. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.AUTH_PASSWD_CHANGE_WARN - Password should be changed. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.AUTH_FAILURE_EXCP - Authentication failed. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.PWD_EXPIRED_EXCP - User password has expired. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.PWD_GRACELOGIN_WARN - Grace login for User. * LDAP error codes - Returns proper DBMS_LDAP error * codes for unconditional * failures while carrying out * LDAP operations by the ldap * server. * * USAGE * This function can only be called after a valid * ldap session is obtained from a call to DBMS_LDAP.init(). * * EXAMPLES * * SEE * DBMS_LDAP.init(), DBMS_LDAP_UTL.create_user_handle(). * **************************************************************************** */ FUNCTION authenticate_user( ld IN SESSION, user_handle IN HANDLE, auth_type IN PLS_INTEGER, credentials IN VARCHAR2, binary_credentials IN RAW) RETURN PLS_INTEGER; /** ******************************************************************************* * NAME * get_user_props_and_auth * * DESCRIPTION * This function Authenticates the user against OiD. * * SYNTAX * FUNCTION get_user_props_and_auth * ( * * ld IN SESSION, * user_handle IN HANDLE, * auth_type IN PLS_INTEGER, * attrs IN STRING_COLLECTION, * credentials IN VARCHAR2, * binary_credentials IN RAW, * ret_pset_coll OUT PROPERTY_SET_COLLECTION * * ) * RETURN PLS_INTEGER; * * REQUIRES * This function requires a valid ldap session handle which * has to be obtained from init() function. * * PARAMETERS * (SESSION ) ld - A valid ldap session handle. * (HANDLE ) user - User handle. * (PLS_INTEGER ) auth_type - Type of authentication, * Valid values are: * - DBMS_LDAP_UTL.AUTH_SIMPLE * (STRING_COLLECTION) attrs - List of required attributes * of user. * (VARCHAR2 ) credentials - The user credentials, * Valid values : * for DBMS_LDAP_UTL.AUTH_SIMPLE - password * (RAW ) binary_credentials - The binary credentials, * Valid values : * for DBMS_LDAP_UTL.AUTH_SIMPLE - NULL * (PROPERTY_SET_COLLECTION ) ret_pset_coll - The user details * containing the attributes * requested by the caller. * * RETURNS * * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.SUCCESS - On a successful completion. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.PARAM_ERROR - Invalid input parameters. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.GENERAL_ERROR - Authentication failed. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.NO_SUCH_USER - User doesn't exist. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.MULTIPLE_USER_ENTRIES - Multiple number of user DN * entries exist in the * directory for the given user. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.INVALID_SUBSCRIBER_ORCL_CTX - Invalid Subscriber Oracle Context. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.NO_SUCH_SUBSCRIBER - Subscriber doesn't exist. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.MULTIPLE_SUBSCRIBER_ENTRIES - Multiple number of subscriber * DN entries exist in the * directory for the given * subscriber. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.INVALID_ROOT_ORCL_CTX - Invalid Root Oracle Context. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.ACCT_TOTALLY_LOCKED_EXCP - User account is locked. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.AUTH_PASSWD_CHANGE_WARN - Password should be changed. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.AUTH_FAILURE_EXCP - Authentication failed. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.PWD_EXPIRED_EXCP - User password has expired. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.PWD_GRACELOGIN_WARN - Grace login for User. * LDAP error codes - Returns proper DBMS_LDAP error * codes for unconditional * failures while carrying out * LDAP operations by the ldap * server. * * USAGE * This function can only be called after a valid * ldap session is obtained from a call to DBMS_LDAP.init(). * * EXAMPLES * * SEE * DBMS_LDAP.init(), DBMS_LDAP_UTL.create_user_handle(). * **************************************************************************** */ FUNCTION get_user_props_and_auth( ld IN SESSION, user_handle IN HANDLE, auth_type IN PLS_INTEGER, attrs IN STRING_COLLECTION, credentials IN VARCHAR2, binary_credentials IN RAW, ret_pset_coll OUT PROPERTY_SET_COLLECTION) RETURN PLS_INTEGER; /** ******************************************************************************* * NAME * authenticate_user_ext * * DESCRIPTION * This function Authenticates the user against OiD. * * SYNTAX * FUNCTION authenticate_user_ext * ( * * ld IN SESSION, * user_handle IN HANDLE, * auth_type IN PLS_INTEGER, * password_attr IN VARCHAR2, * password IN VARCHAR2, * * ) * RETURN PLS_INTEGER; * * REQUIRES * This function requires a valid ldap session handle which * has to be obtained from init() function. * * PARAMETERS * (SESSION ) ld - A valid ldap session handle. * (HANDLE ) user - User handle. * (PLS_INTEGER ) auth_type - Type of authentication, * Valid values are: * - DBMS_LDAP_UTL.AUTH_EXTENDED * (VARCHAR2 ) password_attr - The password attribute * for comparision. * (VARCHAR2) password - User Credentials. * * RETURNS * * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.SUCCESS - On a successful completion. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.PARAM_ERROR - Invalid input parameters. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.GENERAL_ERROR - Authentication failed. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.NO_SUCH_USER - User doesn't exist. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.MULTIPLE_USER_ENTRIES - Multiple number of user DN * entries exist in the * directory for the given user. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.INVALID_SUBSCRIBER_ORCL_CTX - Invalid Subscriber Oracle Context. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.NO_SUCH_SUBSCRIBER - Subscriber doesn't exist. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.MULTIPLE_SUBSCRIBER_ENTRIES - Multiple number of subscriber * DN entries exist in the * directory for the given * subscriber. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.INVALID_ROOT_ORCL_CTX - Invalid Root Oracle Context. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.ACCT_TOTALLY_LOCKED_EXCP - User account is locked. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.AUTH_PASSWD_CHANGE_WARN - Password should be changed. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.AUTH_FAILURE_EXCP - Authentication failed. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.PWD_EXPIRED_EXCP - User password has expired. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.PWD_GRACELOGIN_WARN - Grace login for User. * LDAP error codes - Returns proper DBMS_LDAP error * codes for unconditional * failures while carrying out * LDAP operations by the ldap * server. * * USAGE * This function can only be called after a valid * ldap session is obtained from a call to DBMS_LDAP.init(). * * EXAMPLES * * SEE * DBMS_LDAP.init(), DBMS_LDAP_UTL.create_user_handle(). * **************************************************************************** */ FUNCTION authenticate_user_ext( ld IN SESSION, user_handle IN HANDLE, auth_type IN PLS_INTEGER, password_attr IN VARCHAR2, password IN VARCHAR2) RETURN PLS_INTEGER; /** ******************************************************************************* * NAME * get_group_membership * * DESCRIPTION * This function returns the list of groups of which the user * is a member. * * SYNTAX * FUNCTION get_group_membership * ( * * ld IN SESSION, * user_handle IN HANDLE, * nested IN PLS_INTEGER, * attr_list IN STRING_COLLECTION, * ret_groups OUT PROPERTY_SET_COLLECTION, * * ) * RETURN PLS_INTEGER; * * REQUIRES * This function requires a valid ldap session handle which * has to be obtained from DBMS_LDAP.init() function. * * PARAMETERS * (SESSION ) ld - LDAP session handle. * (HANDLE ) user_handle - User handle. * (PLS_INTEGER ) nested - Type of membership the * user holds in groups * valid values are : * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.NESTED_MEMBERSHIP * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.DIRECT_MEMBERSHIP * (STRING_COLLECTION ) attr_list - List of attributes to be * returned. * (PROPERTY_SET_COLLECTION ) ret_groups - Pointer to pointer to a * array of group entries. * * RETURNS * * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.SUCCESS - On a successful completion. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.PARAM_ERROR - Invalid input parameters. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.GENERAL_ERROR - Other Error * * * USAGE * This function can only be called after a valid * ldap session is obtained from a call to DBMS_LDAP.init(). * * EXAMPLES * * SEE * DBMS_LDAP.init(). * ****************************************************************************** */ FUNCTION get_group_membership ( ld IN SESSION, user_handle IN HANDLE, nested IN PLS_INTEGER, attr_list IN STRING_COLLECTION, ret_groups OUT PROPERTY_SET_COLLECTION) RETURN PLS_INTEGER; /** ******************************************************************************* * NAME * free_handle * * DESCRIPTION * Frees the memory associated with the handle. * * SYNTAX * PROCEDURE free_handle * ( * * handle IN OUT HANDLE * * ); * * REQUIRES * * PARAMETERS * (HANDLE *) handle - Pointer to handle. * * RETURNS * NONE * * * USAGE * N/A * * EXAMPLES * * SEE * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.create_user_handle(), DBMS_LDAP_UTL.create_subscriber_handle(), DBMS_LDAP_UTL.create_group_handle(). * ****************************************************************************** */ PROCEDURE free_handle ( handle IN OUT HANDLE); /** ******************************************************************************* * NAME * check_group_membership * * DESCRIPTION * This function checks the membership of the user to a group. * * SYNTAX * FUNCTION check_group_membership * ( * * ld IN SESSION, * user_handle IN HANDLE, * group_handle IN HANDLE, * nested IN PLS_INTEGER * * ) * RETURN PLS_INTEGER; * * REQUIRES * This function requires a valid ldap session handle which * has to be obtained from DBMS_LDAP.init() function. * * PARAMETERS * (SESSION ) ld - LDAP session handle. * (HANDLE ) user_handle - User handle. * (HANDLE ) group_handle - Group Handle. * (PLS_INTEGER ) nested - Type of membership the * user holds in groups * valid values are : * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.NESTED_MEMBERSHIP * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.DIRECT_MEMBERSHIP * * RETURNS * * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.SUCCESS - If user is a member. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.PARAM_ERROR - Invalid input parameters. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.NO_GROUP_MEMBERSHIP - If user is not a member. * * * USAGE * This function can only be called after a valid * ldap session is obtained from a call to DBMS_LDAP_UTL.init(). * * EXAMPLES * * SEE * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.get_group_membership(). * ****************************************************************************** */ FUNCTION check_group_membership( ld IN SESSION, user_handle IN HANDLE, group_handle IN HANDLE, nested IN PLS_INTEGER) RETURN PLS_INTEGER; /** ******************************************************************************* * NAME * get_property_names * * DESCRIPTION * Retrieves the list of property names in the propertyset. * * SYNTAX * FUNCTION get_property_names * ( * * pset IN PROPERTY_SET, * property_names OUT STRING_COLLECTION * * ) * RETURN PLS_INTEGER; * * REQUIRES * * PARAMETERS * (PROPERTY_SET ) pset - PropertySet in the PropertySet collection * returned from any of the following functions: * - DBMS_LDAP_UTL.get_group_membership() * - DBMS_LDAP_UTL.get_subscriber_properties() * - DBMS_LDAP_UTL.get_user_properties() * - DBMS_LDAP_UTL.get_group_properties() * (STRING_COLLECTION) property_names - List of Property Names associated * with PropertySet. * * RETURNS * * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.SUCCESS - On successful completion. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.PARAM_ERROR - Invalid input parameters. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.GENERAL_ERROR - On Error. * * USAGE * N/A * * EXAMPLES * * SEE * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.get_property_values(). * ****************************************************************************** */ FUNCTION get_property_names( pset IN PROPERTY_SET, property_names OUT STRING_COLLECTION) RETURN PLS_INTEGER; /** ******************************************************************************* * NAME * get_property_values * * DESCRIPTION * Retrieves the property values(strings) for a given property name * and property. * * SYNTAX * FUNCTION get_property_values * ( * * pset IN PROPERTY_SET, * property_name IN VARCHAR2, * property_values OUT STRING_COLLECTION * * ) * RETURN PLS_INTEGER; * * REQUIRES * * PARAMETERS * (VARCHAR2 ) property_name - Property name. * (PROPERTY_SET ) pset - PropertySet in PropertySet Collection obtained from * any of the following function returns: * - DBMS_LDAP_UTL.get_group_membership() * - DBMS_LDAP_UTL.get_subscriber_properties() * - DBMS_LDAP_UTL.get_user_properties() * - DBMS_LDAP_UTL.get_group_properties() * (STRING_COLLECTION ) property_values - List of property values(strings). * * RETURNS * * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.SUCCESS - On successful completion. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.PARAM_ERROR - Invalid input parameters. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.GENERAL_ERROR - On failure. * * * USAGE * N/A * * EXAMPLES * * SEE * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.get_property_values_len(). * ****************************************************************************** */ FUNCTION get_property_values(pset IN PROPERTY_SET, property_name IN VARCHAR2, property_values OUT STRING_COLLECTION) RETURN PLS_INTEGER; /** ******************************************************************************* * NAME * get_property_values_len * * DESCRIPTION * Retrieves the binary property values for a given property name * and property. * * SYNTAX * FUNCTION get_property_values_len * ( * * pset IN PROPERTY_SET, * property_name IN VARCHAR2, * property_values OUT BINVAL_COLLECTION * * ) * RETURN PLS_INTEGER; * * REQUIRES * * PARAMETERS * (VARCHAR2 ) property_name - Property name. * (PROPERTY_SET ) pset - PropertySet in PropertySet Collection obtained from * any of the following function returns: * - DBMS_LDAP_UTL.get_group_membership() * - DBMS_LDAP_UTL.get_subscriber_properties() * - DBMS_LDAP_UTL.get_user_properties() * - DBMS_LDAP_UTL.get_group_properties() * (BINVAL_COLLECTION ) property_values - List of binary property values. * * RETURNS * * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.SUCCESS - On successful completion. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.PARAM_ERROR - Invalid input parameters. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.GENERAL_ERROR - On failure. * * * USAGE * N/A * * EXAMPLES * * SEE * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.get_property_values(). * ****************************************************************************** */ FUNCTION get_property_values_len(pset IN PROPERTY_SET, property_name IN VARCHAR2, property_values OUT BINVAL_COLLECTION) RETURN PLS_INTEGER; /** ******************************************************************************* * NAME * get_property_values_blob * * DESCRIPTION * Retrieves the binary property values for a given property name * and property. * * SYNTAX * FUNCTION get_property_values_blob * ( * * pset IN PROPERTY_SET, * property_name IN VARCHAR2, * property_values OUT BLOB_COLLECTION * * ) * RETURN PLS_INTEGER; * * REQUIRES * * PARAMETERS * (VARCHAR2 ) property_name - Property name. * (PROPERTY_SET ) pset - PropertySet in PropertySet Collection obtained from * any of the following function returns: * - DBMS_LDAP_UTL.get_group_membership() * - DBMS_LDAP_UTL.get_subscriber_properties() * - DBMS_LDAP_UTL.get_user_properties() * - DBMS_LDAP_UTL.get_group_properties() * (BLOB_COLLECTION ) property_values - List of binary property values. * * RETURNS * * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.SUCCESS - On successful completion. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.PARAM_ERROR - Invalid input parameters. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.GENERAL_ERROR - On failure. * * * USAGE * N/A * * EXAMPLES * * SEE * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.get_property_values(). * ****************************************************************************** */ FUNCTION get_property_values_blob(pset IN PROPERTY_SET, property_name IN VARCHAR2, property_values OUT BLOB_COLLECTION) RETURN PLS_INTEGER; /** ******************************************************************************* * NAME * property_value_free_blob * * DESCRIPTION * Frees the property value memory * * SYNTAX * PROCEDURE property_value_free_blob * ( * * vals IN OUT BLOB_COLLECTION * * ); * * REQUIRES * * PARAMETERS * (BLOB_COLLECTION ) vals - Property values obtained from * get_property_values_len * * RETURNS * * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.SUCCESS - On successful completion. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.PARAM_ERROR - Invalid input parameters. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.GENERAL_ERROR - On failure. * * * USAGE * N/A * * EXAMPLES * * SEE * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.get_property_values_len(). * ****************************************************************************** */ PROCEDURE property_value_free_blob(vals IN OUT BLOB_COLLECTION); /** ******************************************************************************* * NAME * locate_subscriber_for_user * * DESCRIPTION * Retrieves the subsciber for the given user and returns a handle to it. * * SYNTAX * FUNCTION locate_subscriber_for_user * ( * * ld IN SESSION, * user_handle IN HANDLE, * subscriber_handle OUT HANDLE * * ) * RETURN PLS_INTEGER * * REQUIRES * This function requires a valid ldap session handle which * has to be obtained from ldap_init() function. * * PARAMETERS * (SESSION ) ld - A valid ldap session handle. * (HANDLE ) user_handle - The user handle * (HANDLE ) subscriber_handle - The subscriber handle. * RETURNS * * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.SUCCESS - On a successful completion. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.NO_SUCH_SUBSCRIBER - Subscriber doesn't exist. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.MULTIPLE_SUBSCRIBER_ENTRIES - Multiple number of subscriber * DN entries exist in the * directory for the given * subscriber. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.NO_SUCH_USER - User doesn't exist. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.MULTIPLE_USER_ENTRIES - Multiple number of user * DN entries exist in the * directory for the given * user. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.SUBSCRIBER_NOT_FOUND - Unable to locate subscriber * for the given user. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.INVALID_ROOT_ORCL_CTX - Invalid Root Oracle Context. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.GENERAL_ERROR - Other Error * LDAP error codes - Returns proper LDAP error codes * for unconditional failures * while carrying out * LDAP operations by the ldap * server. * * * USAGE * This function can only be called after a valid * ldap session is obtained from a call to ldap_init(). * * EXAMPLES * * SEE * DBMS_LDAP.init(), DBMS_LDAP_UTL.create_user_handle(). * ****************************************************************************** */ FUNCTION locate_subscriber_for_user ( ld IN SESSION, user_handle IN HANDLE, subscriber_handle OUT HANDLE) RETURN PLS_INTEGER; /** ******************************************************************************* * NAME * set_user_properties * * DESCRIPTION * Modifies the properties of a user. * * SYNTAX * FUNCTION set_user_properties * ( * * ld IN SESSION, * user_handle IN HANDLE, * pset_type IN PLS_INTEGER, * mod_pset IN PROPERTY_SET, * mod_op IN PLS_INTEGER * * ) * RETURN PLS_INTEGER * * REQUIRES * This function requires a valid ldap session handle which * has to be obtained from ldap_init() function. * * PARAMETERS * (SESSION ) ld - A valid ldap session handle. * (HANDLE ) user_handle - The user handle * (PLS_INTEGER) pset_type - Type of PropertySet being * Modified: * Valid Values: * - ENTRY_PROPERTIES * (PROPERTY_SET) mod_pset - Data Structure containing * Modify operations to be * performed on PropertySet. * (PLS_INTEGER) mod_op - Type of Modify operation to be * performed on the PropertySet: * Valid Values are: * - ADD_PROPERTYSET * - MODIFY_PROPERTYSET * - DELETE_PROPERTYSET * * RETURNS * * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.SUCCESS - On a successful completion. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.NO_SUCH_USER - User doesn't exist. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.MULTIPLE_USER_ENTRIES - Multiple number of user * DN entries exist in the * directory for the given * user. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.INVALID_ROOT_ORCL_CTX - Invalid Root Oracle Context. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.PWD_MIN_LENGTH_ERROR - Password length is less * than minimum required * length. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.PWD_NUMERIC_ERROR - Password must contain * numeric characters. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.PWD_NULL_ERROR - Password cannot be NULL. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.PWD_INHISTORY_ERROR - Password cannot not be * the same as the one * that is being replaced. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.PWD_ILLEGALVALUE_ERROR - Password contains * illegal characters. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.GENERAL_ERROR - Other Error * LDAP error codes - Returns proper LDAP error codes * for unconditional failures * while carrying out * LDAP operations by the ldap * server. * * * USAGE * This function can only be called after a valid * ldap session is obtained from a call to ldap_init(). * * * EXAMPLES * * SEE * DBMS_LDAP.init(), DBMS_LDAP_UTL.get_user_properties(). * ****************************************************************************** */ FUNCTION set_user_properties ( ld IN SESSION, user_handle IN HANDLE, pset_type IN PLS_INTEGER, mod_pset IN PROPERTY_SET, mod_op IN PLS_INTEGER) RETURN PLS_INTEGER; /** ******************************************************************************* * NAME * create_mod_propertyset * * DESCRIPTION * Creates a MOD_PROPERTY_SET data structure. * * SYNTAX * FUNCTION create_mod_propertyset * ( * * pset_type IN PLS_INTEGER, * pset_name IN VARCHAR2, * mod_pset OUT MOD_PROPERTY_SET * * ) * RETURN PLS_INTEGER * * REQUIRES * This function requires a valid ldap session handle which * has to be obtained from ldap_init() function. * * PARAMETERS * (PLS_INTEGER) pset_type - Type of PropertySet being * Modified: * Valid Values: * - ENTRY_PROPERTIES * (VARCHAR2) pset_name - Name of PropertySet. * This can be NULL if * ENTRY_PROPERTIES are being * modified. * (MOD_PROPERTY_SET) mod_pset - Data Structure to contain * Modify operations to be * performed on PropertySet. * RETURNS * * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.SUCCESS - On a successful completion. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.GENERAL_ERROR - Other Error * * * USAGE * N/A * * EXAMPLES * * SEE * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.populate_mod_propertyset(). * ****************************************************************************** */ FUNCTION create_mod_propertyset ( pset_type IN PLS_INTEGER, pset_name IN VARCHAR2, mod_pset OUT MOD_PROPERTY_SET) RETURN PLS_INTEGER; /** ******************************************************************************* * NAME * populate_mod_propertyset * * DESCRIPTION * Populates the MOD_PROPERTY_SET data structure. * * SYNTAX * FUNCTION populate_mod_propertyset * ( * * mod_pset IN MOD_PROPERTY_SET, * property_mod_op IN PLS_INTEGER, * property_name IN VARCHAR2, * property_values IN STRING_COLLECTION * * ) * RETURN PLS_INTEGER * * REQUIRES * This function requires a valid ldap session handle which * has to be obtained from ldap_init() function. * * PARAMETERS * (MOD_PROPERTY_SET) mod_pset - Mod-PropertySet data structure. * (PLS_INTEGER) property_mod_op - Type of Modify operation * to be performed on a Property. * Valid Values: * - ADD_PROPERTY * - REPLACE_PROPERTY * - DELETE_PROPERTY * (VARCHAR2) property_name - Name of the Property. * (STRING_COLLECTION) propery_values - Values associated to the * Property. * * RETURNS * * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.SUCCESS - On a successful completion. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.GENERAL_ERROR - Other Error * * * USAGE * N/A * * * EXAMPLES * * SEE * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.create_mod_propertyset(). * ****************************************************************************** */ FUNCTION populate_mod_propertyset ( mod_pset IN MOD_PROPERTY_SET, property_mod_op IN PLS_INTEGER, property_name IN VARCHAR2, property_values IN STRING_COLLECTION) RETURN PLS_INTEGER; /** ******************************************************************************* * NAME * free_mod_propertyset * * DESCRIPTION * Frees the MOD_PROPERTY_SET data structure. * * SYNTAX * PROCEDURE free_mod_propertyset * ( * * mod_pset IN MOD_PROPERTY_SET * * ); * * REQUIRES * NONE * * PARAMETERS * (PROPERTY_SET) mod_pset - Mod-PropertySet data structure. * * RETURNS * * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.SUCCESS - On a successful completion. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.GENERAL_ERROR - Other Error * * * USAGE * N/A * * EXAMPLES * * SEE * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.create_mod_propertyset(). * ****************************************************************************** */ PROCEDURE free_mod_propertyset ( mod_pset IN OUT MOD_PROPERTY_SET); /** ******************************************************************************* * NAME * get_user_extended_properties * * DESCRIPTION * Retrives user extended Properties. * * SYNTAX * FUNCTION get_user_extended_properties * ( * * ld IN SESSION, * user_handle IN HANDLE, * attrs IN STRING_COLLECTION, * ptype IN PLS_INTEGER, * filter IN VARCHAR2, * ret_pset_coll OUT PROPERTY_SET_COLLECTION * * ) * RETURN PLS_INTEGER; * * REQUIRES * This function requires a valid ldap session handle which * has to be obtained from ldap_init() function. * * PARAMETERS * (SESSION ) ld - A valid ldap session handle. * (HANDLE ) user_handle - The user handle * (STRING_COLLECTION ) attrs - List of Attributes that * need to be fetched for * the user. * (PLS_INTEGER ) ptype - Type of properties to be * returned. * Valid values: * - DBMS_LDAP_UTL.EXTPROPTYPE_RAD * (VARCHAR2) filter - Ldap filter to further * refine the user properties * returned by function. * (PROPERTY_SET_COLLECTION ) ret_pset_collection - The user details * containing the requested * attributes by the caller. * * RETURNS * * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.SUCCESS - On a successful completion. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.PARAM_ERROR - Invalid input parameters. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.NO_SUCH_USER - User doesn't exist. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.MULTIPLE_USER_ENTRIES - Multiple number of user * DN entries exist in the * directory for the given * user. * USER_PROPERTY_NOT_FOUND - User Extended Property * doesn't exist. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.INVALID_ROOT_ORCL_CTX - Invalid Root Oracle Context. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.GENERAL_ERROR - Other Error * DBMS_LDAP error codes - Returns proper LDAP error codes * for unconditional failures * while carrying out * LDAP operations by the ldap * server. * * USAGE * This function can only be called after a valid * ldap session is obtained from a call to DBMS_LDAP.init(). * * EXAMPLES * * SEE * DBMS_LDAP.init(), DBMS_LDAP_UTL.get_user_properties(). * ****************************************************************************** */ FUNCTION get_user_extended_properties ( ld IN SESSION, user_handle IN HANDLE, attrs IN STRING_COLLECTION, ptype IN PLS_INTEGER, filter IN VARCHAR2, ret_pset_coll OUT PROPERTY_SET_COLLECTION) RETURN PLS_INTEGER; /** ******************************************************************************* * NAME * normalize_dn_with_case * * DESCRIPTION * Normalizes the given DN. * * SYNTAX * FUNCTION normalize_dn_with_case * ( * * dn IN VARCHAR2, * lower_case IN PLS_INTEGER, * norm_dn OUT VARCHAR2 * * ) * RETURN PLS_INTEGER; * * REQUIRES * * PARAMETERS * (VARCHAR2 ) dn - DN. * (PLS_INTEGER ) lower_case - If set to 1 : The * normalized DN would * be returned in * lower case. * If set to 0 : The case * would be preserved * in the normalized * DN string. * * (VARCHAR2 ) norm_dn - Normalized DN. * * RETURNS * * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.SUCCESS - On a successful completion. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.PARAM_ERROR - Invalid input parameters. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.GENERAL_ERROR - On failure. * * USAGE * N/A * * EXAMPLES * * SEE * N/A * **************************************************************************** */ FUNCTION normalize_dn_with_case ( dn IN VARCHAR2, lower_case IN PLS_INTEGER, norm_dn OUT VARCHAR2) RETURN PLS_INTEGER; /** ******************************************************************************* * NAME * create_service_handle * * DESCRIPTION * This function creates a service handle. * * SYNTAX * FUNCTION create_service_handle * ( * * service_handle OUT HANDLE, * service_type IN PLS_INTEGER, * service_id IN VARCHAR2 * * ) * RETURN PLS_INTEGER; * * REQUIRES * * PARAMETERS * (HANDLE ) service_handle - A pointer to a handle to * service. * (PLS_INTEGER ) service_type - The type of service id that * is passed. * Valid values for this argument are: * - DBMS_LDAP_UTL.TYPE_DN * (VARCHAR2 ) service_id - The service id representing * the service entry. * * RETURNS * * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.SUCCESS - On a successful completion. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.PARAM_ERROR - Invalid input parameters. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.GENERAL_ERROR - Other Error * * * USAGE * N/A * * EXAMPLES * * SEE * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.get_subscribed_users(). * ****************************************************************************** */ FUNCTION create_service_handle ( service_handle OUT HANDLE, service_type IN PLS_INTEGER, service_id IN VARCHAR2) RETURN PLS_INTEGER; /** ******************************************************************************* * NAME * get_subscribed_users * * DESCRIPTION * This function retrieves all the users subscribed to a service. * * SYNTAX * FUNCTION get_subscribed_users * ( * * ld IN SESSION, * service_handle IN HANDLE, * users OUT STRING_COLLECTION * * ) * RETURN PLS_INTEGER; * * REQUIRES * * PARAMETERS * * (SESSION ) ld - A valid ldap session handle. * * (HANDLE ) service_handle - A pointer to a handle to * service. * (STRING_COLLECTION ) users - List of users subscribed to a service. * * RETURNS * * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.SUCCESS - On a successful completion. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.PARAM_ERROR - Invalid input parameters. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.NO_SUCH_SERVICE - Service doesn't exist. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.NO_USER_SUBSCRIPTIONS - No users have been * subscribed for this * service. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.GENERAL_ERROR - Other Error * * * USAGE * N/A * * EXAMPLES * * SEE * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.check_user_subscription(), DBMS_LDAP_UTL.subscribe_user(), DBMS_LDAP_UTL.unsubscribe_user(). * ****************************************************************************** */ FUNCTION get_subscribed_users ( ld IN SESSION, service_handle IN HANDLE, users OUT STRING_COLLECTION) RETURN PLS_INTEGER; /** ******************************************************************************* * NAME * get_subscribed_services * * DESCRIPTION * This function retrieves all the services to which a user is subscribed. * * SYNTAX * FUNCTION get_subscribed_services * ( * * ld IN SESSION, * user_handle IN HANDLE, * services OUT STRING_COLLECTION * * ) * RETURN PLS_INTEGER; * * REQUIRES * * PARAMETERS * * (SESSION ) ld - A valid ldap session handle. * * (HANDLE ) user_handle - A pointer to a handle to * user. * (STRING_COLLECTION ) services - List of services to which a user is subscribed. * * RETURNS * * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.SUCCESS - On a successful completion. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.PARAM_ERROR - Invalid input parameters. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.NO_SUBSCRIPTIONS_TO_SERVICES - User hasen't been * subscribed to any * services. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.GENERAL_ERROR - Other Error * * * USAGE * N/A * * EXAMPLES * * SEE * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.get_available_services(). * ****************************************************************************** */ FUNCTION get_subscribed_services ( ld IN SESSION, user_handle IN HANDLE, services OUT STRING_COLLECTION) RETURN PLS_INTEGER; /** ******************************************************************************* * NAME * get_available_services * * DESCRIPTION * This function retrieves all the Distinguished Names of services under * a subscriber. * * SYNTAX * FUNCTION get_available_services * ( * * ld IN SESSION, * subscriber_handle IN HANDLE, * services OUT STRING_COLLECTION * * ) * RETURN PLS_INTEGER; * * REQUIRES * * PARAMETERS * (SESSION ) ld - A valid ldap session handle. * (HANDLE ) subscriber_handle - A pointer to a handle to * subscriber. * (STRING_COLLECTION ) services - List of services under a subscriber. * * RETURNS * * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.SUCCESS - On a successful completion. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.PARAM_ERROR - Invalid input parameters. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.NO_SERVICES_INSTALLED - No services are * available for this * Subscriber. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.GENERAL_ERROR - Other Error * * * USAGE * N/A * * EXAMPLES * * SEE * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.get_subscribed_services(). * ****************************************************************************** */ FUNCTION get_available_services ( ld IN SESSION, subscriber_handle IN HANDLE, services OUT STRING_COLLECTION) RETURN PLS_INTEGER; /** ******************************************************************************* * NAME * check_user_subscription * * DESCRIPTION * This function checks if a user is subscribed to a service. * * SYNTAX * FUNCTION check_user_subscription * ( * * ld IN SESSION, * user_handle IN HANDLE, * service_handle IN HANDLE * * ) * RETURN PLS_INTEGER; * * REQUIRES * * PARAMETERS * * (SESSION ) ld - A valid ldap session handle. * * (HANDLE ) user_handle - A pointer to a handle to * user. * (HANDLE ) service_handle - A pointer to a handle to * service. * * RETURNS * * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.SUCCESS - On a successful completion. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.PARAM_ERROR - Invalid input parameters. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.USER_NOT_SUBSCRIBED - User is not subscribed * to the Service. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.GENERAL_ERROR - Other Error * * * USAGE * N/A * * EXAMPLES * * SEE * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.subscribe_user(), DBMS_LDAP_UTL.unsubscribe_user(). * ****************************************************************************** */ FUNCTION check_user_subscription ( ld IN SESSION, user_handle IN HANDLE, service_handle IN HANDLE) RETURN PLS_INTEGER; /** ******************************************************************************* * NAME * subscribe_user * * DESCRIPTION * This function subscribes a user to a service. * * SYNTAX * FUNCTION subscribe_user * ( * * ld IN SESSION, * user_handle IN HANDLE, * service_handle IN HANDLE * * ) * RETURN PLS_INTEGER; * * REQUIRES * * PARAMETERS * * (SESSION ) ld - A valid ldap session handle. * * (HANDLE ) user_handle - A pointer to a handle to * user. * (HANDLE ) service_handle - A pointer to a handle to * service. * * RETURNS * * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.SUCCESS - On a successful completion. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.PARAM_ERROR - Invalid input parameters. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.INVALID_SERVICE_SCHEMA - Unable to subscribe * the user due to * invalid service schema * in Subscriber Oracle * Context. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.GENERAL_ERROR - Other Error * * * USAGE * N/A * * EXAMPLES * * SEE * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.unsubscribe_user(), DBMS_LDAP_UTL.check_user_subscription(). * ****************************************************************************** */ FUNCTION subscribe_user ( ld IN SESSION, user_handle IN HANDLE, service_handle IN HANDLE) RETURN PLS_INTEGER; /** ******************************************************************************* * NAME * unsubscribe_user * * DESCRIPTION * This function unsubscribes a user from a service. * * SYNTAX * FUNCTION unsubscribe_user * ( * * ld IN SESSION, * user_handle IN HANDLE, * service_handle IN HANDLE * * ) * RETURN PLS_INTEGER; * * REQUIRES * * PARAMETERS * * (SESSION ) ld - A valid ldap session handle. * * (HANDLE ) user_handle - A pointer to a handle to * user. * (HANDLE ) service_handle - A pointer to a handle to * service. * * RETURNS * * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.SUCCESS - On a successful completion. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.PARAM_ERROR - Invalid input parameters. * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.GENERAL_ERROR - Other Error * * * USAGE * N/A * * EXAMPLES * * SEE * DBMS_LDAP_UTL.subscribe_user(). * ****************************************************************************** */ FUNCTION unsubscribe_user ( ld IN SESSION, user_handle IN HANDLE, service_handle IN HANDLE) RETURN PLS_INTEGER; -- Error Code Constants -- Except for DBMS_LDAP_UTL.SUCCESS all error codes are negative, -- (this is to distinguish them from DBMS_LDAP error codes) -- Successful completion SUCCESS CONSTANT NUMBER := 0; -- Other error GENERAL_ERROR CONSTANT NUMBER := -1; -- Invalid input parameters. PARAM_ERROR CONSTANT NUMBER := -2; -- User doesn't have any group membership. NO_GROUP_MEMBERSHIP CONSTANT NUMBER := -3; -- SUBSCRIBER doesn't exist. NO_SUCH_SUBSCRIBER CONSTANT NUMBER := -4; -- User DN doesn't exist. NO_SUCH_USER CONSTANT NUMBER := -5; -- Root oracle context doesn't exist. NO_ROOT_ORCL_CTX CONSTANT NUMBER := -6; -- More than one SUBSCRIBER entries MULTIPLE_SUBSCRIBER_ENTRIES CONSTANT NUMBER := -7; -- Root oracle context -- either doesn't contain -- all the required attributes and entries -- or -- does not have valid attribute values. INVALID_ROOT_ORCL_CTX CONSTANT NUMBER := -8; -- SUBSCRIBER's oracle context dosen't exist. NO_SUBSCRIBER_ORCL_CTX CONSTANT NUMBER := -9; -- Subscriber's oracle context -- either doesn't contain -- all the required attributes and entries -- or -- does not have valid attribute values. INVALID_SUBSCRIBER_ORCL_CTX CONSTANT NUMBER := -10; -- More than one SUBSCRIBER entries MULTIPLE_USER_ENTRIES CONSTANT NUMBER := -11; -- GROUP does not exist. NO_SUCH_GROUP CONSTANT NUMBER := -12; -- Multiple group entries. MULTIPLE_GROUP_ENTRIES CONSTANT NUMBER := -13; -- Password Policy Error Codes AUTH_FAILURE_EXCEPTION CONSTANT NUMBER := -16; -- Error Codes Returned by Server. ACCT_TOTALLY_LOCKED_EXCEPTION CONSTANT NUMBER := 9001; PWD_EXPIRED_EXCEPTION CONSTANT NUMBER := 9000; PWD_EXPIRE_WARN CONSTANT NUMBER := 9002; PWD_MINLENGTH_ERROR CONSTANT NUMBER := 9003; PWD_NUMERIC_ERROR CONSTANT NUMBER := 9004; PWD_NULL_ERROR CONSTANT NUMBER := 9005; PWD_INHISTORY_ERROR CONSTANT NUMBER := 9006; PWD_ILLEGALVALUE_ERROR CONSTANT NUMBER := 9007; PWD_GRACELOGIN_WARN CONSTANT NUMBER := 9008; PWD_MUSTCHANGE_ERROR CONSTANT NUMBER := 9009; USER_ACCT_DISABLED_ERROR CONSTANT NUMBER := 9050; -- Deprecated AUTH_PASSWD_CHANGE_WARN CONSTANT NUMBER := -15; RESET_HANDLE CONSTANT NUMBER := -18; SUBSCRIBER_NOT_FOUND CONSTANT NUMBER := -19; USER_PROPERTY_NOT_FOUND CONSTANT NUMBER := -28; PROPERTY_NOT_FOUND CONSTANT NUMBER := -30; -- Errors Related to Service Entity NO_SUCH_SERVICE CONSTANT NUMBER := -31; NO_USER_SUBSCRIPTIONS CONSTANT NUMBER := -32; NO_SUBSCRIPTIONS_TO_SERVICES CONSTANT NUMBER := -33; NO_SERVICES_INSTALLED CONSTANT NUMBER := -34; USER_NOT_SUBSCRIBED CONSTANT NUMBER := -35; INVALID_SERVICE_SCHEMA CONSTANT NUMBER := -36; -- Cannot Allocate Memory ERR_MEM_ALLOC CONSTANT NUMBER := -37; -- Internal Error ERR_INTERNAL CONSTANT NUMBER := -38; -- Options for various input arguments to functions -- nested levels NESTED_MEMBERSHIP CONSTANT NUMBER := 0; DIRECT_MEMBERSHIP CONSTANT NUMBER := 1; -- Type of User properties ENTRY_PROPERTIES CONSTANT NUMBER := 0; DETACHED_PROPERTIES CONSTANT NUMBER := 1; COMMON_PROPERTIES CONSTANT NUMBER := 2; NICKNAME_PROPERTY CONSTANT NUMBER := 3; EXTPROPTYPE_RAD CONSTANT NUMBER := 4; DEFAULT_RAD_PROPERTIES CONSTANT NUMBER := 5; IDENTIFICATION_PROPERTIES CONSTANT NUMBER := 6; -- Modify ADD_PROPERTY CONSTANT NUMBER := 0; REPLACE_PROPERTY CONSTANT NUMBER := 1; DELETE_PROPERTY CONSTANT NUMBER := 2; ADD_PROPERTY_SET CONSTANT NUMBER := 0; MODIFY_PROPERTY_SET CONSTANT NUMBER := 1; DELETE_PROPERTY_SET CONSTANT NUMBER := 2; -- Auth types AUTH_SIMPLE CONSTANT NUMBER := 0; AUTH_EXTENDED CONSTANT NUMBER := 1; -- Hint types TYPE_NICKNAME CONSTANT NUMBER := 1; TYPE_GUID CONSTANT NUMBER := 2; TYPE_DN CONSTANT NUMBER := 3; TYPE_DEFAULT CONSTANT NUMBER := 4; -- Handle Types SUBSCRIBER_HANDLE CONSTANT NUMBER := 1; USER_HANDLE CONSTANT NUMBER := 2; GROUP_HANDLE CONSTANT NUMBER := 3; APP_HANDLE CONSTANT NUMBER := 4; ORCLCTX_HANDLE CONSTANT NUMBER := 5; SERVICE_HANDLE CONSTANT NUMBER := 6; END DBMS_LDAP_UTL; / --show errors