Rem Rem $Header: rdbms/admin/dbmslcr.sql /st_rdbms_11.2.0/3 2011/06/10 11:35:33 elu Exp $ Rem Rem dbmslcr.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2001, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Rem All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem dbmslcr.sql - Logical Change Record Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem Has opaque type definitions for Rem - sys.lcr$_row_record Rem - sys.lcr$_ddl_record Rem - sys.lcr$_procedure_record Rem Rem NOTES Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem elu 06/06/11 - Backport elu_bug-12592488 from main Rem bpwang 04/14/11 - Backport bpwang_bug-11815316 from main Rem elu 03/23/11 - Backport elu_bug-9690366 from main Rem elu 05/25/11 - remove xml schema Rem elu 01/25/10 - xmlschema and logon_user Rem juyuan 01/25/10 - get_object_id Rem xingjin 11/11/09 - add bind_by_pos in lcr$_row_record constructor Rem elu 10/05/09 - stmt LCR Rem rmao 04/08/09 - bug8418598: rename get_instance_number to Rem get_thread_number Rem juyuan 02/24/09 - add get_commit_time Rem jinwu 02/25/09 - refactor handler code Rem jinwu 12/29/08 - add apply stmt handler Rem praghuna 12/20/08 - Add get_where_clause to lcr$_lcr_record Rem tianli 10/29/08 - Add edition to lcr$_ddl_record Rem elu 10/17/08 - remove commit pos Rem rihuang 08/18/08 - Add keep_columns to type lcr$_row_record Rem praghuna 06/16/08 - Added get_row_text methods Rem legao 06/02/08 - change get_instance_number return type Rem elu 03/31/08 - lcr id Rem thoang 03/18/08 - Add get_instance_number function Rem jinwu 11/13/06 - restructure: move anonymous block to execstr.sql Rem bpwang 05/31/06 - add get/set_xml_flags Rem elu 05/31/06 - add get/set_xml_flags Rem liwong 06/09/04 - Add get_source_time Rem liwong 02/21/04 - Fast column value evaluation Rem lkaplan 06/04/03 - LONG to LOB Rem nshodhan 04/07/03 - add constructor for lcr$_row_unit Rem nshodhan 03/21/03 - modify lcr$_row_unit for longs. Rem nshodhan 03/11/03 - Expose LONG columns Rem liwong 01/20/03 - Support compatible Rem alakshmi 10/02/02 - grant privileges with grant option Rem liwong 07/22/02 - Extended attributes Rem alakshmi 06/19/02 - Add signature for get_commit_scn Rem alakshmi 04/29/02 - Bug 2346481: add use_old to get methods Rem rvenkate 01/28/02 - re-order parameters Rem liwong 01/25/02 - Suppress errors during eval ctx creation Rem alakshmi 02/04/02 - Lob API changes Rem liwong 12/18/01 - Support fast method eval Rem weiwang 12/10/01 - change reference to$variable_type Rem liwong 11/16/01 - Unify evaluation contexts Rem liwong 11/14/01 - Grant streams$_evaluation_context to PUBLIC Rem liwong 11/13/01 - Unifying evaluation contexts Rem alakshmi 11/08/01 - Merged alakshmi_apicleanup Rem lkaplan 10/29/01 - API - dml hdlr, lcr.execute, set key options Rem liwong 10/31/01 - Hack evaluation context for partial rule Rem - evaluation Rem elu 10/27/01 - modify eval ctx Rem alakshmi 10/29/01 - use clob for ddl_text Rem rvenkate 10/24/01 - remove is_present Rem alakshmi 10/24/01 - DEFAULT_USER => CURRENT_SCHEMA in ddl lcr Rem liwong 10/23/01 - API cleanup Rem lkaplan 10/14/01 - lcr.execute Rem alakshmi 10/13/01 - lcr API changes Rem elu 10/12/01 - add eval ctx Rem alakshmi 10/08/01 - Add redo_tag APIs Rem rvenkate 10/01/01 - combine int/ext lcrs Rem alakshmi 10/05/01 - lcr interface changes Rem rvenkate 10/01/01 - combine int/ext lcrs Rem alakshmi 10/01/01 - get_publication=>is_null_redo_tag Rem rvenkate 09/12/01 - add map fn, remove rba, thread Rem alakshmi 09/12/01 - changes to object_type/command_type Rem rvenkate 09/12/01 - add map fn, remove rba, thread Rem rvenkate 08/30/01 - add internal lcr header struct Rem liwong 08/31/01 - Add streams$_evaluation_context Rem alakshmi 09/07/01 - change object_type to ub1 in XDLCR Rem arrajara 08/14/01 - Merged arrajara_external_ddl_lcr Rem arrajara 08/10/01 - Created Rem CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE dbms_lcr AS -- Constants for LOBs not_a_lob CONSTANT NUMBER := 1; null_lob CONSTANT NUMBER := 2; inline_lob CONSTANT NUMBER := 3; empty_lob CONSTANT NUMBER := 4; lob_chunk CONSTANT NUMBER := 5; last_lob_chunk CONSTANT NUMBER := 6; -- Constants for LONGs not_a_long CONSTANT NUMBER := 1; null_long CONSTANT NUMBER := 2; inline_long CONSTANT NUMBER := 3; long_chunk CONSTANT NUMBER := 4; last_long_chunk CONSTANT NUMBER := 5; -- Constants for XML not_xml CONSTANT NUMBER := 1; xml_doc CONSTANT NUMBER := 2; xml_diff CONSTANT NUMBER := 3; END dbms_lcr; / show errors CREATE OR REPLACE PUBLIC SYNONYM dbms_lcr FOR dbms_lcr / GRANT EXECUTE ON dbms_lcr TO PUBLIC / CREATE OR REPLACE LIBRARY lcr_row_lib TRUSTED IS STATIC; / CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE lcr$_row_unit AS OBJECT ( column_name VARCHAR2(4000), data SYS.ANYDATA, lob_information NUMBER, lob_offset NUMBER, lob_operation_size NUMBER, long_information NUMBER, -- as we are adding a new attribute, create a constructor for -- older type def to preserve backwards compatibility. CONSTRUCTOR FUNCTION lcr$_row_unit( column_name VARCHAR2, data SYS.ANYDATA, lob_information NUMBER, lob_offset NUMBER, lob_operation_size NUMBER) RETURN SELF AS RESULT ); / CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE BODY lcr$_row_unit AS CONSTRUCTOR FUNCTION lcr$_row_unit( column_name VARCHAR2, data SYS.ANYDATA, lob_information NUMBER, lob_offset NUMBER, lob_operation_size NUMBER) RETURN SELF AS RESULT AS BEGIN SELF.column_name := column_name; := data; SELF.lob_information := lob_information; SELF.lob_offset := lob_offset; SELF.lob_operation_size := lob_operation_size; SELF.long_information := dbms_lcr.not_a_long; RETURN; END; END; / GRANT EXECUTE ON LCR$_ROW_UNIT TO PUBLIC WITH GRANT OPTION / CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE lcr$_row_list AS TABLE OF sys.lcr$_row_unit; / GRANT EXECUTE ON LCR$_ROW_LIST TO PUBLIC WITH GRANT OPTION / CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE lcr$_row_record OID '00000000000000000000000000020013' AS OPAQUE VARYING (*) USING LIBRARY lcr_row_lib ( -- Constructor STATIC FUNCTION construct( source_database_name in varchar2, command_type in varchar2, object_owner in varchar2, object_name in varchar2, tag in raw DEFAULT NULL, transaction_id in varchar2 DEFAULT NULL, scn in number DEFAULT NULL, old_values in sys.lcr$_row_list DEFAULT NULL, new_values in sys.lcr$_row_list DEFAULT NULL, position in raw DEFAULT NULL, statement in varchar2 DEFAULT NULL, bind_variables in sys.lcr$_row_list DEFAULT NULL, bind_by_position in varchar2 DEFAULT 'N' ) RETURN lcr$_row_record, MAP MEMBER FUNCTION map_lcr RETURN NUMBER, ---------------## Accessors for lcr$_row_record.source_database_name -- Returns the source database name MEMBER FUNCTION get_source_database_name RETURN varchar2, -- Sets the source database name MEMBER PROCEDURE set_source_database_name (self in out nocopy lcr$_row_record, source_database_name IN varchar2), --------------## Accessors for lcr$_row_record.command_type -- Returns the command type of the LCR MEMBER FUNCTION get_command_type RETURN VARCHAR2, -- Sets the command type MEMBER PROCEDURE set_command_type (self in out nocopy lcr$_row_record, command_type IN VARCHAR2), --------------## Accessors for lcr$_row_record.object_owner -- Sets the object owner MEMBER procedure set_object_owner (self in out nocopy lcr$_row_record, object_owner IN VARCHAR2), -- Returns the object owner MEMBER FUNCTION get_object_owner RETURN varchar2, --------------## Accessors for lcr$_row_record.object_name -- Returns the object name MEMBER FUNCTION get_object_name RETURN varchar2, -- Sets the object name MEMBER procedure set_object_name (self in out nocopy lcr$_row_record, object_name IN VARCHAR2), --------------## Accessors for the the column values -- This FUNCTION returns the old or new value for the corresponding column. -- value_type can only be 'OLD' or 'NEW'. -- If the value is NULL, then a sys.AnyData instance with a NULL -- value inside is returned. If no value for such a column exists, -- NULL is returned. -- If use_old is 'Y' and value_type is NEW, and no new value exists then -- returns the corresponding old value. If N and value_type is new, then -- does not return the old value if new value does not exist. -- If the value_type is old or if the command_type of the row LCR is not -- UPDATE, then the value of the use_old parameter is ignored. MEMBER FUNCTION get_value( value_type IN VARCHAR2, column_name IN VARCHAR2, use_old IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'Y') RETURN Sys.AnyData, -- Overwrites the old or new value for the specified column MEMBER procedure set_value(self in out nocopy lcr$_row_record, value_type IN VARCHAR2, column_name IN VARCHAR2, column_value IN Sys.AnyData), -- Returns long information for the column. Could be one of the following -- dbms_lcr.not_a_long -- dbms_lcr.null_long -- dbms_lcr.inline_long -- dbms_lcr.long_chunk -- dbms_lcr.last_long_chunk -- If use_old is 'Y' and value_type is NEW, and no new value exists then -- returns the corresponding old value. If N and value_type is new, then -- does not return the old value if new value does not exist. -- If the value_type is old or if the command_type of the row LCR is not -- UPDATE, then the value of the use_old parameter is ignored. MEMBER FUNCTION get_long_information( value_type IN VARCHAR2, column_name IN VARCHAR2, use_old IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'Y') RETURN NUMBER, -- Returns lob information for the column. Could be one of the following -- dbms_lcr.not_a_lob -- dbms_lcr.null_lob -- dbms_lcr.inline_lob -- dbms_lcr.empty_lob -- dbms_lcr.lob_chunk -- dbms_lcr.last_lob_chunk -- If use_old is 'Y' and value_type is NEW, and no new value exists then -- returns the corresponding old value. If N and value_type is new, then -- does not return the old value if new value does not exist. -- If the value_type is old or if the command_type of the row LCR is not -- UPDATE, then the value of the use_old parameter is ignored. MEMBER FUNCTION get_lob_information( value_type IN VARCHAR2, column_name IN VARCHAR2, use_old IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'Y') RETURN NUMBER, -- Sets lob information for the column. An exception is raised if -- column doesn't exist. Valid values for lob_information -- dbms_lcr.not_a_lob -- dbms_lcr.null_lob -- dbms_lcr.inline_lob -- dbms_lcr.empty_lob -- dbms_lcr.lob_chunk -- dbms_lcr.last_lob_chunk MEMBER PROCEDURE set_lob_information(self in out nocopy lcr$_row_record, value_type IN VARCHAR2, column_name IN VARCHAR2, lob_information IN NUMBER), -- Returns lob offset for the column. value_type can only be 'OLD' or -- 'NEW'. If no value exists for the column -- or if there is no lob offset for the column, NULL is returned MEMBER FUNCTION get_lob_offset( value_type IN VARCHAR2, column_name IN VARCHAR2) RETURN NUMBER, -- Sets lob offset for the column. An exception is raised if -- column doesn't exist MEMBER PROCEDURE set_lob_offset(self in out nocopy lcr$_row_record, value_type IN VARCHAR2, column_name IN VARCHAR2, lob_offset IN NUMBER), -- Returns operation size for the lob column. value_type can only be -- 'OLD' or 'NEW'. If no value exists for the column -- or if this is not an out-of-line lob column -- or if the LCR operation is not LOB_ERASE or LOB_TRIM, -- NULL is returned MEMBER FUNCTION get_lob_operation_size( value_type IN VARCHAR2, column_name IN VARCHAR2) RETURN NUMBER, -- Sets the operation size for the lob column. An exception is raised if -- column doesn't exist. -- Applicable to lob_erase and lob_trim only MEMBER PROCEDURE set_lob_operation_size(self in out nocopy lcr$_row_record, value_type IN VARCHAR2, column_name IN VARCHAR2, lob_operation_size IN NUMBER), -- Returns xml information for the column. Could be one of the following -- dbms_lcr.not_xml -- dbms_lcr.xml_doc -- dbms_lcr.xml_diff MEMBER FUNCTION get_xml_information( column_name IN VARCHAR2) RETURN NUMBER, -- Sets xml information for the column. An exception is raised if -- column doesn't exist. Valid values for xml_flags -- dbms_lcr.not_xml -- dbms_lcr.xml_doc -- dbms_lcr.xml_diff -- The xmlschema owner and url can also be set. MEMBER PROCEDURE set_xml_information(self in out nocopy lcr$_row_record, column_name IN VARCHAR2, xml_information IN NUMBER), -- Returns a list of old or new values, depending on the value type -- specified -- If use_old is 'Y' and value_type is NEW, then returns a list of all -- new values in the LCR. If a new value does not exist in the list, then -- returns the corresponding old value. Therefore, the returned list -- contains all existing new values and old values for the new values that -- do not exist. If N and value_type is new, then returns a list of all -- new values in the LCR without returning any old values. -- If the value_type is old or if the command_type of the row LCR is not -- UPDATE, then the value of the use_old parameter is ignored. MEMBER FUNCTION get_values( value_type IN VARCHAR2, use_old IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'Y') return sys.lcr$_row_list, -- Replaces all the old values or all the new values for the LCR, -- depending on the value type specified MEMBER procedure set_values(self in out nocopy lcr$_row_record, value_type IN VARCHAR2, value_list IN sys.lcr$_row_list), -- Deletes the old or new values depending on the value type -- specified. An exception is raised if the column doesn't exist -- value_type is last in order to let default be useful MEMBER procedure delete_column(self in out nocopy lcr$_row_record, column_name IN varchar2, value_type IN varchar2 DEFAULT '*'), -- Keeps the old or new values depending on the value type -- specified. An exception is raised if the column list is NULL -- value_type is last in order to let default be useful MEMBER procedure keep_columns(self in out nocopy lcr$_row_record, column_list IN varchar2, value_type IN varchar2 DEFAULT '*'), -- Adds the value as old or new, depending on the value type -- specified, for the column MEMBER procedure add_column(self in out nocopy lcr$_row_record, value_type IN varchar2, column_name IN varchar2, column_value IN Sys.AnyData), -- This procedure renames the old column, new column or -- both (default) depending on the value type specified -- value_type is last in order to let default be useful MEMBER procedure rename_column(self in out nocopy lcr$_row_record, from_column_name IN varchar2, to_column_name IN varchar2, value_type IN varchar2 DEFAULT '*'), --------------## Accessors for lcr$_row_record.source_database_name -- This function returns the transaction ID of the LCR. MEMBER FUNCTION get_transaction_id RETURN VARCHAR2, -- This function returns the system change NUMBER (SCN) of the LCR. MEMBER FUNCTION get_scn RETURN NUMBER, --------------------------------------------## Methods for tag -- This function sets the tag for the LCR MEMBER PROCEDURE set_tag(self in out nocopy lcr$_row_record, tag IN RAW), -- This function gets the tag for the LCR MEMBER FUNCTION get_tag RETURN RAW, -- This function returns 'Y' or 'N' depending on whether or not -- tag for the LCR is NULL MEMBER FUNCTION is_null_tag RETURN VARCHAR2, -- This procedure constructs and applys the statement from the row lcr MEMBER procedure execute(self in lcr$_row_record, conflict_resolution in boolean), -- This function returns the system change NUMBER (SCN) of the commit lcr -- for the transaction to which this lcr belongs. -- FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY MEMBER FUNCTION get_commit_scn RETURN NUMBER, -- This function returns the source time of the commit lcr -- for the transaction to which this lcr belongs to. MEMBER FUNCTION get_commit_time RETURN DATE, -- This FUNCTION returns the value for the corresponding optional attribute. -- If the value is NULL, then a sys.AnyData instance with a NULL -- value inside is returned. If no value for such an attribute exists, -- NULL is returned. MEMBER FUNCTION get_extra_attribute( attribute_name IN VARCHAR2) RETURN Sys.AnyData, -- Overwrites the attribute value for the specified attribute MEMBER procedure set_extra_attribute(self in out nocopy lcr$_row_record, attribute_name IN VARCHAR2, attribute_value IN Sys.AnyData), -- Returns the minimum compatible setting when such LCR is supported -- by Streams. MEMBER FUNCTION get_compatible RETURN NUMBER, -- Replaces LONG/LONG RAW chunks to fixed width CLOB/BLOB chunks -- in the given LCR. MEMBER PROCEDURE convert_long_to_lob_chunk( self in out nocopy lcr$_row_record), -- Returns the creation/redo generation time of the lcr MEMBER FUNCTION get_source_time RETURN DATE, -- Returns the thread number where the redo for the lcr was generated MEMBER FUNCTION get_thread_number RETURN NUMBER, -- Returns the position MEMBER FUNCTION get_position RETURN RAW, -- Return the LCR SCN from an XStream Out position. STATIC FUNCTION get_scn_from_position(position IN RAW) RETURN NUMBER, -- Return the commit SCN from an XStream Out position. STATIC FUNCTION get_commit_scn_from_position(position IN RAW) RETURN NUMBER, -- Returns the SQL statement in a CLOB. MEMBER PROCEDURE get_row_text (self IN lcr$_row_record, row_text IN OUT NOCOPY CLOB), -- Returns the WHERE CLAUSE in a CLOB. MEMBER PROCEDURE get_where_clause (self IN lcr$_row_record, where_clause IN OUT NOCOPY CLOB), -- Returns the SQL statement, which will use bind -- variables. The values for the bind variables are -- in variable_list, and are in order of the binds. -- bind_var_syntax can have value ':' (binds will -- be of form :1, :2, etc.) or '?' (binds will be -- of the form '?'). MEMBER PROCEDURE get_row_text (self IN lcr$_row_record, row_text IN OUT NOCOPY CLOB, variable_list IN OUT NOCOPY sys.lcr$_row_list, bind_var_syntax IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT ':'), -- Returns the WHERE CLAUSE , which will use bind -- variables. The values for the bind variables are -- in variable_list, and are in order of the binds. -- bind_var_syntax can have value ':' (binds will -- be of form :1, :2, etc.) or '?' (binds will be -- of the form '?'). MEMBER PROCEDURE get_where_clause (self IN lcr$_row_record, where_clause IN OUT NOCOPY CLOB, variable_list IN OUT NOCOPY sys.lcr$_row_list, bind_var_syntax IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT ':'), -- This function returns 'Y' or 'N' depending on whether or not -- the LCR is a statement LCR MEMBER FUNCTION is_statement_lcr RETURN VARCHAR2, -- This procedure sets the SQL statment with bind variables. -- Use lcr$_row_unit.column_name for the bind variable name -- for bind by name. -- Specify the bind position in lcr$_row_unit.column_name for -- bind by position. MEMBER PROCEDURE set_row_text (self in out nocopy lcr$_row_record, row_text IN CLOB, variable_list IN sys.lcr$_row_list DEFAULT NULL, bind_by_position IN varchar2 DEFAULT 'N'), -- -- get base object name of a row LCR -- MEMBER FUNCTION get_base_object_id RETURN NUMBER, MEMBER FUNCTION get_object_id RETURN NUMBER ) / show errors GRANT EXECUTE ON LCR$_ROW_RECORD TO PUBLIC WITH GRANT OPTION / ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- External DDL LCR : lcr$_ddl_record ------------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE LIBRARY lcr_ddl_lib TRUSTED IS STATIC; / CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE lcr$_ddl_record OID '00000000000000000000000000020014' AS OPAQUE VARYING (*) USING LIBRARY lcr_ddl_lib ( -- Constructor STATIC FUNCTION construct( source_database_name in varchar2, command_type in varchar2, object_owner in varchar2, object_name in varchar2, object_type in varchar2, ddl_text in clob, logon_user in varchar2, current_schema in varchar2, base_table_owner in varchar2, base_table_name in varchar2, tag in raw DEFAULT NULL, transaction_id in varchar2 DEFAULT NULL, scn in number DEFAULT NULL, position in raw DEFAULT NULL, edition_name in varchar2 DEFAULT NULL, current_user in varchar2 DEFAULT NULL ) RETURN lcr$_ddl_record, MAP MEMBER FUNCTION map_lcr RETURN NUMBER, ---------------## Accessors for lcr$_ddl_record.source_database_name -- This function returns the source database name. If there is -- no source database name, NULL is returned. MEMBER FUNCTION get_source_database_name RETURN varchar2, -- Sets the name of the source database MEMBER PROCEDURE set_source_database_name (self in out nocopy lcr$_ddl_record, source_database_name IN varchar2), --------------## Accessors for lcr$_ddl_record.command_type -- This FUNCTION returns command type. MEMBER FUNCTION get_command_type RETURN varchar2, -- This procedure sets command type. If an input command_type -- does not make sense, an exception will be raised. For example, -- changing INSERT to GRANT. MEMBER PROCEDURE set_command_type (self in out nocopy lcr$_ddl_record, command_type IN varchar2), --------------## Accessors for lcr$_ddl_record.object_owner -- This FUNCTION returns the owner of the object. MEMBER FUNCTION get_object_owner RETURN varchar2, -- This procedure sets the owner of the object. MEMBER PROCEDURE set_object_owner (self in out nocopy lcr$_ddl_record, object_owner IN VARCHAR2), --------------## Accessors for lcr$_ddl_record.object_name -- This FUNCTION returns the name of the object. MEMBER FUNCTION get_object_name RETURN varchar2, -- This procedure sets the name of the object. MEMBER PROCEDURE set_object_name (self in out nocopy lcr$_ddl_record, object_name IN VARCHAR2), --------------## Accessors for lcr$_ddl_record.transaction_id -- This function returns the transaction ID of the LCR. MEMBER FUNCTION get_transaction_id RETURN VARCHAR2, -- This function returns the system change NUMBER (SCN) of the LCR. MEMBER FUNCTION get_scn RETURN NUMBER, --------------## Accessors for lcr$_ddl_record.object_type -- This FUNCTION returns the type of the object. MEMBER FUNCTION get_object_type RETURN varchar2, -- This procedure sets the type of the object. MEMBER PROCEDURE set_object_type (self in out nocopy lcr$_ddl_record, object_type IN VARCHAR2), --------------## Accessors for lcr$_ddl_record.logon_user -- This FUNCTION returns the logon user name MEMBER FUNCTION get_logon_user RETURN varchar2, -- This procedure sets the logon user name MEMBER PROCEDURE set_logon_user (self in out nocopy lcr$_ddl_record, logon_user IN VARCHAR2), --------------## Accessors for lcr$_ddl_record.current_schema -- This FUNCTION returns the current schema MEMBER FUNCTION get_current_schema RETURN varchar2, -- This procedure sets the current schema MEMBER PROCEDURE set_current_schema (self in out nocopy lcr$_ddl_record, current_schema IN VARCHAR2), --------------## Accessors for lcr$_ddl_record.base_table_owner -- This FUNCTION returns the base owner name MEMBER FUNCTION get_base_table_owner RETURN varchar2, -- This procedure sets the base owner name MEMBER PROCEDURE set_base_table_owner (self in out nocopy lcr$_ddl_record, base_table_owner IN VARCHAR2), --------------## Accessors for lcr$_ddl_record.base_table_name -- This FUNCTION returns the base table name MEMBER FUNCTION get_base_table_name RETURN varchar2, -- This procedure sets the base table name MEMBER PROCEDURE set_base_table_name (self in out nocopy lcr$_ddl_record, base_table_name IN VARCHAR2), --------------## Accessors for lcr$_ddl_record.ddl_text -- This FUNCTION returns ddl text MEMBER PROCEDURE get_ddl_text (self in lcr$_ddl_record, ddl_text IN OUT NOCOPY CLOB), -- This procedure sets ddl text MEMBER PROCEDURE set_ddl_text (self in out nocopy lcr$_ddl_record, ddl_text IN CLOB), --------------------------------------------## Methods for tag -- This function sets the tag for the LCR MEMBER PROCEDURE set_tag(self in out nocopy lcr$_ddl_record, tag IN RAW), -- This function gets the tag for the LCR MEMBER FUNCTION get_tag RETURN RAW, -- This function returns 'Y' or 'N' depending on whether or not -- tag for the LCR is NULL MEMBER FUNCTION is_null_tag RETURN VARCHAR2, -- This procedure constructs and applys the statement from the ddl lcr MEMBER procedure execute(self in lcr$_ddl_record), -- This function returns the system change NUMBER (SCN) of the commit lcr -- for the transaction to which this lcr belongs. -- FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY MEMBER FUNCTION get_commit_scn RETURN NUMBER, -- This function returns the source time of the commit lcr -- for the transaction to which this lcr belongs to. MEMBER FUNCTION get_commit_time RETURN DATE, --------------## Accessors for the the optional attributes -- This FUNCTION returns the value for the corresponding optional attribute. -- If the value is NULL, then a sys.AnyData instance with a NULL -- value inside is returned. If no value for such an attribute exists, -- NULL is returned. MEMBER FUNCTION get_extra_attribute( attribute_name IN VARCHAR2) RETURN Sys.AnyData, -- Overwrites the attribute value for the specified attribute -- If value is NULL, the existing attribute will be removed. MEMBER procedure set_extra_attribute(self in out nocopy lcr$_ddl_record, attribute_name IN VARCHAR2, attribute_value IN Sys.AnyData), -- Returns the minimum compatible setting when such LCR is supported -- by Streams. MEMBER FUNCTION get_compatible RETURN NUMBER, -- Returns the creation/redo generation time of the lcr MEMBER FUNCTION get_source_time RETURN DATE, -- Returns the thread number where the redo for the lcr was generated MEMBER FUNCTION get_thread_number RETURN NUMBER, -- Returns the position MEMBER FUNCTION get_position RETURN RAW, -- Return the LCR SCN from an XStream Out position. STATIC FUNCTION get_scn_from_position(position IN RAW) RETURN NUMBER, -- Return the commit SCN from an XStream Out position. STATIC FUNCTION get_commit_scn_from_position(position IN RAW) RETURN NUMBER, -- Returns the edition_name MEMBER FUNCTION get_edition_name RETURN varchar2, -- Sets the edition_name MEMBER PROCEDURE set_edition_name (self in out nocopy lcr$_ddl_record, edition_name IN VARCHAR2), --------------## Accessors for lcr$_ddl_record.current_user -- This FUNCTION returns the current user MEMBER FUNCTION get_current_user RETURN varchar2, -- This procedure sets the current_user MEMBER PROCEDURE set_current_user (self in out nocopy lcr$_ddl_record, current_user IN VARCHAR2) ) / show errors GRANT EXECUTE ON LCR$_DDL_RECORD TO PUBLIC WITH GRANT OPTION /