Rem Rem $Header: dbmsiast.sql 24-may-2001.15:07:41 gviswana Exp $ Rem Rem dbmsiast.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) Oracle Corporation 1900, 2000. All Rights Reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem dbmsiast.sql - Public APIs for DBMS_IAS_TEMPLATE package Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem Public APIS for creating and maintaining IAS template definitions. Rem Rem NOTES Rem none. Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem gviswana 05/24/01 - CREATE OR REPLACE SYNONYM Rem arrajara 04/18/01 - async_updatable_table is not supported Rem celsbern 03/15/01 - removing vc2_from_clob calls from views. Rem jingliu 02/13/01 - add constant TYPE Rem celsbern 12/14/00 - fixed dba_ias_gen_stmts view. Rem celsbern 11/16/00 - fixing object type constants Rem celsbern 11/15/00 - implemented IAS catalog changes Rem jingliu 08/01/00 - add view dba_ias_gen_stmts_exp Rem jingliu 06/06/00 - grant execute on dbms_ias_template to Rem execute_catalog_role Rem jingliu 06/02/00 - sql_txt of dba_ias_gen_stmt has 4k prefix Rem sbalaram 06/02/00 - Fix dba_ias_[pre,post]gen_stmts views Rem jingliu 05/29/00 - create pre & post gen stmt view Rem jingliu 05/23/00 - overload create_ias_object Rem masubram 04/28/00 - modify dba_ias_gen_stmts view Rem masubram 04/20/00 - add temporary tables Rem masubram 04/12/00 - modify create_ias_site and drop_ias_site Rem celsbern 04/07/00 - fixed comments for create_ias_object Rem masubram 04/05/00 - add new constants Rem masubram 03/29/00 - add new IAS object types Rem celsbern 03/29/00 - more changes to support ias Rem celsbern 03/28/00 - adde template_site apis. Rem celsbern 03/27/00 - created. Rem create or replace package sys.dbms_ias_template as -- constants for use with IAS object types -- These constants refer to objects that the user can explicitly specify to -- be cached at the IAS sites IAS_USER_DTYPE CONSTANT NUMBER := -1001; IAS_SITEOWNER CONSTANT NUMBER := -1002; READONLY_TABLE CONSTANT NUMBER := -1003; SYNC_UPDATABLE_TABLE CONSTANT NUMBER := -1005; PLSQL_PACKAGE CONSTANT NUMBER := 9; PLSQL_PROCEDURE CONSTANT NUMBER := 7; PLSQL_FUNCTION CONSTANT NUMBER := 8; USER_SEQUENCE CONSTANT NUMBER := 6; USER_VIEW CONSTANT NUMBER := 4; TEMP_TABLE CONSTANT NUMBER := -1011; -- reserved for future use when object is supported ASYNC_UPDATABLE_TABLE CONSTANT NUMBER := -1004; TYPE_OBJECT CONSTANT NUMBER := 13; -- NOTE: If you change the value of generated_ddl from -1017 then change -- the dbms_ias_gen_stmts view -- These constants refer to IAS objects created as part of the IAS -- instantiation process ASYNC_MASTER_REPGROUP CONSTANT NUMBER := -1012; SYNC_MASTER_REPGROUP CONSTANT NUMBER := -1013; REFRESH_GROUP CONSTANT NUMBER := -1014; UPDATABLE_MV_LOG CONSTANT NUMBER := -1015; DUMMY_SNAPSHOT CONSTANT NUMBER := -1016; GENERATED_DDL CONSTANT NUMBER := -1017; -- constant for use with site status IAS_STATUS CONSTANT NUMBER := -100; function create_ias_template( OWNER in VARCHAR2, REFRESH_GROUP_NAME in VARCHAR2, IAS_TEMPLATE_NAME in VARCHAR2, TEMPLATE_COMMENT in VARCHAR2 := null) return number; -- This function creates a deployment template for IAS -- -- Arguments: -- owner - the database user owning the template -- refresh_group_name - the name of the refresh group to use when -- instantiating the template. -- refresh_template_name - the name of the template. -- template_comment - an optional comment for describing the template function create_ias_object( IAS_TEMPLATE_NAME in VARCHAR2, OBJECT_NAME in VARCHAR2, OBJECT_TYPE in VARCHAR2, SCHEMA_NAME in VARCHAR2 default NULL, DERIVED_FROM_SNAME in VARCHAR2 default NULL, DERIVED_FROM_ONAME in VARCHAR2 default NULL, DDL_TEXT in VARCHAR2 default NULL) return number; function create_ias_object( IAS_TEMPLATE_NAME in VARCHAR2, OBJECT_NAME in VARCHAR2, OBJECT_TYPE in NUMBER, SCHEMA_NAME in VARCHAR2 default NULL, DERIVED_FROM_SNAME in VARCHAR2 default NULL, DERIVED_FROM_ONAME in VARCHAR2 default NULL, DDL_TEXT in VARCHAR2 default NULL) return number; function create_ias_object( IAS_TEMPLATE_NAME in VARCHAR2, OBJECT_NAME in VARCHAR2, OBJECT_TYPE in NUMBER, SCHEMA_NAME in VARCHAR2 default NULL, DERIVED_FROM_SNAME in VARCHAR2 default NULL, DERIVED_FROM_ONAME in VARCHAR2 default NULL, DDL_TEXT in CLOB) return number; -- This function creates a new object in a deployment template. -- -- Arguments: -- refresh_template_name - name of the template to contain the new -- object. -- object_name - name of the object -- object_type - type of object being created. Must be one of -- -1001 = 'IAS USER' -- -1002 = 'IAS SITEOWNER' -- -1003 = 'READ ONLY TABLE' -- -1005 = 'SYNC UPDATABLE TABLE' -- 9 = 'PACKAGE' -- 7 = 'PROCEDURE' -- 8 = 'FUNCTION' -- 6 = 'SEQUENCE' -- 4 = 'VIEW' -- -1011 = 'TEMP TABLE' -- -1012 = 'ASYNCHRONOUS MASTER REPGROUP' -- -1013 = 'SYNCHRONOUS MASTER REPGROUP' -- -1014 = 'REFRESH GROUP' -- -1015 = 'DUMMY SNAPSHOT' -- -1016 = 'UPDATABLE MV LOG' -- -1017 = 'GENERATED DDL' -- -- -- Exceptions: -- miss_refresh_template - the specified template does not exist. -- dupl_template_object - an object of the same type and name already -- exists for this template. -- bad_object_type - object type is invalid. -- procedure drop_ias_template( ias_template_name in varchar2); -- The drop_refresh_template deletes a template and all of its objects, -- parameters, authorizations and user_parm_values from the database -- -- Arguments: -- refresh_template_name - the template to be deleted. -- -- Exceptions: -- miss_refresh_template - the specified template does not exist. procedure drop_ias_object( ias_template_name in VARCHAR2, object_name in VARCHAR2, object_type in number, schema_name in varchar2 default null); procedure drop_ias_object( ias_template_name in VARCHAR2, object_name in VARCHAR2, object_type in VARCHAR2, schema_name in varchar2 default null); -- The drop_template_object procedure is used to drop an object from -- a template. -- -- Arguments: -- IAS_template_name - name of the deployment template -- object_name - the name of the object to be deleted -- object_type - the type of the object to be deleted Must be one of -- 'IAS USER','IAS SITEOWNER', -- 'READ ONLY TABLE', 'ASYNC UPDATABLE TABLE', 'SYNC UPDATABLE TABLE', -- 'DUMMY SNAPSHOT','ASYNCHRONOUS MASTER REPGROUP', 'REFRESH GROUP', -- 'UPDATABLE MV LOG','PLSQL PACKAGE','PLSQL PROCEDURE', -- 'PLSQL FUNCTION', 'USER SEQUENCE', 'USER VIEW', 'TEMP TABLE' -- 'GENERATED DDL', or 'SYNCHRONOUS MASTER REPGROUP' -- -- Exceptions: -- miss_refresh_template - the specified template does not exist. -- miss_template_object - the specified object does not exist. -- bad_object_type - the object type is invalid. -- end dbms_ias_template; / create or replace public synonym dbms_ias_template for dbms_ias_template / grant execute on dbms_ias_template to execute_catalog_role /