Rem Rem $Header: dbmshrmg.sql 24-may-2001.15:07:20 gviswana Exp $ Rem Rem dbmshrmg.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) Oracle Corporation 1996, 1997, 1998. All Rights Reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem dbmshrmg.sql - Header (package specification) of dbms_Repcat_MiG Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem These procedures are called during migration of V7.3.x to V8.0.2 Rem using the export/import utilities: the import utility will call it Rem Rem These are private functions to be released in PL/SQL binary form. Rem These are procedures and functions that are shared by a snapshot Rem and master partitions. Rem Rem Assumptions: Rem 1. Only FULL database import is supported Rem 2. The deferred RPC queue (def$_call) should be empty before Rem export it from 7.3.x Rem Rem NOTES Rem See prvtbrmg.sql for its body. Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem gviswana 05/24/01 - CREATE OR REPLACE SYNONYM Rem liwong 12/30/98 - Overload cleanup_import Rem liwong 07/18/97 - add post_import Rem liwong 04/17/97 - Fix after AQ integration Rem liwong 04/16/97 - Add generate_recipient_key Rem liwong 03/24/97 - Created Rem CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE dbms_repcat_mig AS -- -- Definitions -- --- ================================================================== --- procedures/functions will be called by others --- ================================================================== ---------------------------------------------------------------------- --- NOTE: The following procedure is used by import/export to preserve --- correctness of replication log information. If these --- procedures are moved the following rules must be observed: --- 1) The new package must be publicly executable --- 2) Import/Export source code is modified to refresh change ---------------------------------------------------------------------- --- After a V8 import, this procedure is called to clean up any V7 --- replication objects (mlog$_%, triggers) that are needed to be --- modified PROCEDURE cleanup_import(dump_version IN NUMBER); ---------------------------------------------------------------------- --- After a full replicated db import, this routine is invoked to --- do any necessary cleanup PROCEDURE cleanup_import(expseal IN VARCHAR2); ---------------------------------------------------------------------- --- This routine is called before doing a full import of a database --- with replicated data PROCEDURE pre_import; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- --- This routine is called after doing a full import of a database --- with replicated data PROCEDURE post_import; END dbms_repcat_mig; / CREATE OR REPLACE PUBLIC SYNONYM dbms_repcat_mig FOR dbms_repcat_mig / GRANT EXECUTE ON dbms_repcat_mig TO IMP_FULL_DATABASE /