Rem Rem $Header: dbmsfus.sql 09-may-2005.18:15:47 mlfeng Exp $ Rem Rem dbmsfus.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2002, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem dbmsfus.sql - User Interface for the DB Feature Rem Usage PL/SQL interfaces Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem Implements the dbms_feature_usage package specification. Rem Rem NOTES Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem mlfeng 04/26/05 - add report package Rem mlfeng 02/04/05 - change grant for package Rem aime 04/25/03 - aime_going_to_main Rem mlfeng 01/31/03 - Adding test flag, convert to binary flag Rem mlfeng 01/13/03 - DB Feature Usage Rem mlfeng 01/08/03 - Creating the package to register DB features Rem mlfeng 10/30/02 - Created Rem -- -- Note: The description of the dbms_feature_usage PL/SQL Package -- is located in prvtfus.sql -- /************************************************** * dbms_feature_usage_report Package Specification **************************************************/ CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE dbms_feature_usage_report AS /******************************************************************** * FUNCTIONS * display_text, display_html * * DESCRIPTION * Pipelined functions that displays the DB Feature Report in * either Text or HTML format for the inputted DBID and Version. * * For example, to generate a report on the DB Feature Usage * data for the local database ID and Version, the following * statements can be used: * * -- display in Text format * select output from table(dbms_feature_usage_report.display_text); * * -- display in HTML format * select output from table(dbms_feature_usage_report.display_html); * * PARAMETERS * l_dbid - Database ID to display the DB Feature Usage for. * If NULL, then default to the local dbid. * l_version - Version to display the DB Feature Usage for. * If NULL, then default to the current version. * l_options - Report options, currently no options are supported ********************************************************************/ /* Displays the DB Feature Report in Text format */ FUNCTION display_text(l_dbid IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL, l_version IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, l_options IN NUMBER DEFAULT 0 ) RETURN awrrpt_text_type_table PIPELINED; /* Displays the DB Feature Report in HTML format */ FUNCTION display_html(l_dbid IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL, l_version IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, l_options IN NUMBER DEFAULT 0 ) RETURN awrrpt_html_type_table PIPELINED; END dbms_feature_usage_report; / SHOW ERRORS; CREATE OR REPLACE PUBLIC SYNONYM dbms_feature_usage_report FOR sys.dbms_feature_usage_report / GRANT EXECUTE ON dbms_feature_usage_report TO dba /