Rem Rem $Header: dbmsasrt.sql 08-mar-2005.15:54:43 lvbcheng Exp $ Rem Rem dbmsasrt.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem dbmsasrt.sql - DBMS_ASSERT Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem String value checking package Rem Rem NOTES Rem Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem lvbcheng 03/08/05 - lvbcheng_noop_enhancement Rem lvbcheng 03/01/05 - Split DBMS_ASSERT into its own file and add NOOP Rem enhancement Rem lvbcheng 02/18/05 - Add syntax def for DBMS_ASSERT.SIMPLE_SQL_NAME Rem and QUALIFIED_SQL_NAME Rem lvbcheng 02/14/05 - capitalization option: DBMS_ASSERT.ENQUOTE_NAME Rem lvbcheng 02/02/05 - Add error message support to DBMS_ASSERT Rem dbronnik 01/24/05 - Fix comments in dbms_assert Rem dbronnik 12/02/04 - Add dbms_assert Rem -- -- Package DBMS_ASSERT -- -- This package provides functions which assert various properties -- of the input value. If the condition which determines the property -- asserted in a function is not met then a value error is raised. -- Otherwise the input value is returned via return value. -- Most functions return the value unchanged, however, several functions -- modify the value. -- create or replace package DBMS_ASSERT AUTHID CURRENT_USER is -- Predefined exceptions INVALID_SCHEMA_NAME exception; pragma EXCEPTION_INIT(INVALID_SCHEMA_NAME, -44001); INVALID_OBJECT_NAME exception; pragma EXCEPTION_INIT(INVALID_OBJECT_NAME, -44002); INVALID_SQL_NAME exception; pragma EXCEPTION_INIT(INVALID_SQL_NAME, -44003); INVALID_QUALIFIED_SQL_NAME exception; pragma EXCEPTION_INIT(INVALID_QUALIFIED_SQL_NAME, -44004); -- -- NOOP. -- -- This function returns the value without any checking. -- function NOOP(Str varchar2 CHARACTER SET ANY_CS) return varchar2 CHARACTER SET Str%CHARSET; function NOOP(Str clob CHARACTER SET ANY_CS) return clob CHARACTER SET Str%CHARSET; -- -- SIMPLE_SQL_NAME -- -- Verify that the input string is a simple SQL name: -- 1. The name must begin with an alphabetic character. -- 2. It may contain alphanumeric characters as well as -- the characters _, $, and # in the second and subsequent -- character positions. -- 3. Quoted SQL names are also allowed. -- 4. Quoted names must be enclosed in double quotes. -- 5. Quoted names allow any characters between the quotes. -- 6. Quotes inside the name are represented by two quote -- characters in a row, e.g. "a name with "" inside" -- is a valid quoted name. -- 7. The input parameter may have any number of leading -- and/or trailing white space characters. -- -- Note: The length of the name is not checked. -- -- EXCEPTIONS: -- ORA-44003: string is not a simple SQL name function SIMPLE_SQL_NAME(Str varchar2 CHARACTER SET ANY_CS) return varchar2 CHARACTER SET Str%CHARSET; -- -- QUALIFIED_SQL_NAME -- -- Verify that the input string is a qualified SQL name. -- A qualified SQL name <qualified name> can be expressed by the -- following grammar: -- -- <local qualified name> ::= <simple name> {'.' <simple name>} -- <database link name> ::= <local qualified name> ['@' <connection string>] -- <connection string> ::= <simple name> -- <qualified name> ::= <local qualified name> ['@' <database link name>] -- -- EXCEPTIONS: -- ORA-44004: string is not a qualified SQL name function QUALIFIED_SQL_NAME(Str varchar2 CHARACTER SET ANY_CS) return varchar2 CHARACTER SET Str%CHARSET; -- -- SCHEMA_NAME -- -- This function verifies that the input string is an existing -- schema name. -- Note: -- Please be aware that by definition, a schema name need not -- be just a simple sql name. For example, "FIRST LAST" is a valid -- schema name. As a consequence, care must be taken to quote the -- output of schema name before concatenating it with SQL text. -- -- EXCEPTIONS: -- ORA-44001: Invalid schema name function SCHEMA_NAME(Str varchar2 CHARACTER SET ANY_CS) return varchar2 CHARACTER SET Str%CHARSET; -- -- SQL_OBJECT_NAME -- -- This function verifies that the input parameter string -- is a qualified SQL identifier of an existing SQL object. -- -- EXCEPTIONS: -- ORA-44002: Invalid object name function SQL_OBJECT_NAME(Str varchar2 CHARACTER SET ANY_CS) return varchar2 CHARACTER SET Str%CHARSET; -- -- ENQUOTE_NAME -- -- This function encloses a name in double quotes. No additional -- quotes are added if the name was already in quotes. Verify -- that all other double quotes in the string are adjacent pairs -- of double quotes. -- Str (IN) - string to enquote -- capitalize (IN) - if true or defaulted, alphabetic characters of -- Str which was not in quotes are translated to -- upper case. function ENQUOTE_NAME(Str varchar2, capitalize boolean default TRUE) return varchar2; -- -- ENQUOTE_LITERAL -- -- Enquote a string literal. Add leading and trailing single quotes -- to a string literal. Verify that all single quotes except leading -- and trailing characters are paired with adjacent single quotes. function ENQUOTE_LITERAL(Str varchar2) return varchar2; end DBMS_ASSERT; / show errors; create or replace public synonym DBMS_ASSERT for SYS.DBMS_ASSERT; grant execute on DBMS_ASSERT to public;