rem rem $Header: csmig/sql/csminst.sql /st_csmig_11.2.0/1 2010/12/21 22:06:34 nli Exp $ csminst.sql rem rem Copyright (c) 1988, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. rem All rights reserved. rem rem NAME rem csminst.sql rem DESCRIPTION rem Create tables for Database Character Set Migration Utility rem NOTE rem This script must be run while connected as SYS rem MODIFIED rem nli 12/20/10 - Backport ssubrama_bug-9215865 from main rem ssubrama 04/14/10 - bug 9433479 add SYSMAN as dictionary user rem ssubrama 09/04/08 - bug 7047837 fix create user rem nli 07/25/08 - fix bug 7256242, add the ORADATA user rem ssubrama 06/09/08 - bug 7047837 cleanup csmig schema for security rem xpeng 10/18/07 - fix bug 6460895 rem ssubrama 01/09/07 - bug 5738695 add copyright information rem nli 08/02/06 - bug 5372557: CSX support. Add a CNVTYPE column into CSMIG.CSM$COLUMNS rem ywu 07/14/04 - up version rem fayang 04/23/04 - add column UNNESTED in CSM$TABLES rem fayang 04/06/04 - add SCNCOL# in EXTABLES and add a view for EXTABLES rem ywu 02/19/04 - fix bug 3434808, delete hard code passwd. rem ywu 07/29/03 - grant privilege to system for external table rem ywu 05/30/03 - add a table for data dictionary rem ywu 05/09/03 - add led parameter to csm$errors rem ywu 10/22/02 - add another error for codepoint exceed rem ywu 08/30/02 - up version rem ywu 07/01/02 - add size information rem ywu 07/02/02 - add resumable rem plinsley 01/24/02 - add include/exclude rem plinsley 04/02/01 - up version rem plinsley 03/23/01 - #1509940 rem plinsley 03/26/01 - update views rem plinsley 12/15/00 - remove order by from view rem plinsley 11/03/00 - Add converter process column rem plinsley 10/04/00 - split tables that cross files rem plinsley 09/21/00 - Long ROWIDs in id rem plinsley 08/09/00 - Adding constraint dependency handling rem mtozawa 06/29/00 - add csmv$ views rem mtozawa 06/27/00 - add browid to csm$columns rem mtozawa 06/02/00 - specify the storage clause for csm$errors rem mtozawa 05/26/00 - bug1314547:optimize split mechanism, add blocks rem mtozawa 05/19/00 - Change table names from SCN$* to CSM$* rem mtozawa 03/08/00 - add SPLIT support rem mtozawa 12/21/99 - add property column to SCN$TABLES for IOT rem mtozawa 11/05/99 - remove storage params from SCN$ERRORS rem mtozawa 11/04/99 - add maxsiz to SCN$COLUMNS rem mtozawa 09/26/99 - Creation rem rem ***************************************************************** rem The user CSMIG owns tables and procedures of Database Scanner rem ***************************************************************** WHENEVER SQLERROR EXIT create user csmig identified by csmig password expire account lock / WHENEVER SQLERROR CONTINUE grant select on sys.obj$ to csmig / grant select on sys.col$ to csmig / grant select on sys.icol$ to csmig / grant select on sys.ind$ to csmig / grant select on sys.cdef$ to csmig / grant select on sys.con$ to csmig / grant select on sys.trigger$ to csmig / rem ***************************************************************** rem DBA MUST ASSIGN PROPER TABLESPACE TO CSMIG rem ***************************************************************** alter user csmig default tablespace SYSTEM quota unlimited on SYSTEM / rem ***************************************************************** rem Add version information for csm$* schema rem The schema version must be bumped up as csm$* schema get updated. rem VERSION HISTORY: rem 1 ... 8.1.7 rem ***************************************************************** insert into sys.props$ select 'NLS_CSMIG_SCHEMA_VERSION', 'x', 'Character set migration utiltiy schema version #' from dual where not exists (select 'x' from sys.props$ where name = 'NLS_CSMIG_SCHEMA_VERSION') / update sys.props$ set value$ = 5 where name = 'NLS_CSMIG_SCHEMA_VERSION' / rem ***************************************************************** rem Database Scanner leaves the last scan parameters in CSM$PARAMETERS rem Each background process will read scan parameters from here. rem ***************************************************************** create table csmig.csm$parameters ( name varchar2(30) not null, /* paraneter name */ value varchar2(80) not null /* parameter value */ ) / drop public synonym csm$parameters / create public synonym csm$parameters for csmig.csm$parameters / rem ***************************************************************** rem Database Scanner saves the query string in CSM$QUERY rem ***************************************************************** create table csmig.csm$query ( value clob not null /* query value */ ) / drop public synonym csm$query / create public synonym csm$query for csmig.csm$query / rem ***************************************************************** rem Database Scanner enumerate all tables need to be scanned rem Each background process will pick up a row from here for table to scan rem ***************************************************************** create table csmig.csm$tables ( usr# number not null, /* user id of the table owner */ obj# number not null, /* object id of the table */ minrowid rowid, /* Minimum rowid of the split range of the table */ maxrowid rowid, /* Maximum rowid of the split range of the table */ property number, /* table property */ blocks number, /* number of blocks used by this table */ files number, /* number of files used by this table */ who number, /* internal thread id who scanned the table */ whoconv number, /* internal thread id who converted the table */ lngconv number, /* internal thread id who converted long col */ scnstart date, /* time table scan started */ scnend date, /* time table scan completed */ scncols number, /* number of columns to be scanned */ scnrows number, /* number of rows scanned */ cnvstart date, /* time table convert started */ cnvend date, /* time table convert completed */ lngstart date, /* time table convert long started */ lngend date, /* time table convert long completed */ cnvcols number, /* number of columns to be converted */ cnvrows number, /* number of rows to be converted */ lngrows number, /* number of rows of long to be converted */ addsize number, lastupd rowid, /* ROWID lastupdated */ pstcvrows number, /* how many rows have been converted */ lastupdlg rowid, /* ROWID lastupdated */ pstcvrowslg number, /* how many rows have been converted */ unnested number /* if this table is unnested or not */ ) / drop public synonym csm$tables / create public synonym csm$tables for csmig.csm$tables / rem ***************************************************************** rem CSM$COLUMNS contains statistic information of column data rem ***************************************************************** create table csmig.csm$columns ( usr# number not null, /* user id of the table owner */ obj# number not null, /* object id of the table */ browid rowid, /* rowid of the row in csm$tables */ col# number not null, /* column id */ intcol# number not null, /* internal column id (for ADT) */ dty# number not null, /* column data type */ frm# number not null, /* character set form */ numrows number not null, /* number of rows in this table */ nulcnt number not null, /* number of null cell data */ cnvcnt number not null, /* number of cell data that need to convert */ cnvtype number default 0 not null, /* convert type */ /* 1 = data in data dictionary, and can be converted by csconv*/ errcnt number not null, /* number of cell data that has exception */ sizerr number not null, /* number of cell data that exceed column size */ cnverr number not null, /* number of cell data that undergo lossy conv.*/ maxsiz number not null, /* max post conversion data size */ chrsiz number not null, /* truncation due to char semantics */ cnvsuc number, /* cells converted successfully */ cnvtrn number, /* cells converted with truncation */ cnvlos number, /* cells converted with lossy result */ cnvfai number /* cells failed to convert */ ) / drop public synonym csm$columns / create public synonym csm$columns for csmig.csm$columns / rem ***************************************************************** rem CSM$EXTABLES contains exception tables rem ***************************************************************** create table csmig.csm$extables ( usr# number not null, /* user id of the table owner */ obj# number not null, /* object id of the table */ col# number, /* column id */ intcol# number, /* internal column id (for ADT) */ dty# number, /* column data type */ frm# number, /* character set form */ property number default 0 not null, /* property of row */ scncol# number /* column id to be scaned */ ) / drop public synonym csm$extables / create public synonym csm$extables for csmig.csm$extables / rem ***************************************************************** rem CSM$ERRORS contains individual exception information rem ***************************************************************** create table csmig.csm$errors ( err# number not null, /* exception type */ usr# number not null, /* user id of the object/data owner */ obj# number not null, /* object id */ col# number, /* column id / position */ intcol# number, /* internal column id (for ADT) */ typ# number, /* column data type / object type */ frm# number, /* character set form */ cnvsize number, /* post conversion data size */ id$ varchar2(1000), /* rowid / name to identify object */ csidleds number, /* number of charset id from led */ csidled1 number, /* first charset id from led */ csidled2 number, /* second charset id from led */ csidled3 number, /* third charset id from led */ langidleds number, /* number of language id from led */ langidled1 number, /* first language id from led */ langidled2 number, /* second language id from led */ langidled3 number /* third language id from led */ ) pctfree 0 pctused 99 storage(next 100K maxextents unlimited pctincrease 0) / drop public synonym csm$errors / create public synonym csm$errors for csmig.csm$errors / rem ***************************************************************** rem CSM$LANGID contains summary information rem ***************************************************************** create table csmig.csm$langid ( obj# number not null, /* object id */ langid number, /* language id from led */ count number ) / drop public synonym csm$langid / create public synonym csm$langid for csmig.csm$langid / rem ***************************************************************** rem CSM$CHARSETID contains summary information rem ***************************************************************** create table csmig.csm$charsetid ( obj# number not null, /* object id */ csid number, /* language id from led */ count number ) / drop public synonym csm$charsetid / create public synonym csm$charsetid for csmig.csm$charsetid / rem ***************************************************************** rem CSM$INDEXES lists indexes to be disabled rem ***************************************************************** create table csmig.csm$indexes ( obj# number not null, /* object id of the index */ operation varchar2(1) /* alter or drop index */ ) / drop public synonym csm$indexes / create public synonym csm$indexes for csmig.csm$indexes / rem ***************************************************************** rem CSM$CONSTRAINTS lists constraints to be disabled rem ***************************************************************** create table csmig.csm$constraints ( rid number not null, /* root constraint id */ lvl number, /* constraint level */ con# number not null /* internal constraint number */ ) / drop public synonym csm$constraints / create public synonym csm$constraints for csmig.csm$constraints / rem ***************************************************************** rem CSM$TRIGGERS lists triggers to be disabled rem ***************************************************************** create table csmig.csm$triggers ( obj# number not null /* object id of the trigger */ ) / drop public synonym csm$triggers / create public synonym csm$triggers for csmig.csm$triggers / rem ***************************************************************** rem CSM$DICTUSERS lists triggers to be disabled rem ***************************************************************** create table csmig.csm$dictusers ( user# number not null, /* usre id for all data dictionary */ username varchar2(30) ) / drop public synonym csm$dictusers / create public synonym csm$dictusers for csmig.csm$dictusers / insert into csmig.csm$dictusers select distinct u.user_id, u.username from all_users u, sys.ku_noexp_view k where (k.OBJ_TYPE='USER' and or (u.username in ('SYSTEM', 'ORDDATA', 'SYSMAN')) / rem rem define CSMV$ views rem rem ***************************************************************** rem CSMV$TABLES lists tables (to be) scanned rem ***************************************************************** create or replace view csmig.csmv$tables (owner_id, owner_name, table_id, table_name, MIN_ROWID, MAX_ROWID, BLOCKS, SCAN_COLUMNS, SCAN_ROWS, SCAN_START, SCAN_END) as select c.usr#, u.username, c.obj#,, rowidtochar(c.minrowid), rowidtochar(c.maxrowid), c.blocks, c.scncols, c.scnrows, to_char(c.scnstart,'hh24:mi:ss'), to_char(c.scnend,'hh24:mi:ss') from csm$tables c, all_users u, sys.obj$ o where c.usr#=u.user_id and c.obj#=o.obj# / drop public synonym csmv$tables / create public synonym csmv$tables for csmig.csmv$tables / rem ***************************************************************** rem CSMV$COLUMNS lists columns scanned rem ***************************************************************** create or replace view csmig.csmv$columns (owner_id, owner_name, table_id, table_name, column_id, column_intid, column_name, column_type, total_rows, null_rows, conv_rows, error_rows, exceed_size_rows, data_loss_rows, cs_exceed_size_rows, max_post_convert_size) as select c.usr#, u.username, c.obj#,, c.col#, c.intcol#,, decode(c.frm#, 2, 'N', '') || decode(c.dty#, 1, 'VARCHAR2', 8, 'LONG', 96, 'CHAR', 112, 'CLOB',''), c.numrows, c.nulcnt, c.cnvcnt, c.errcnt, c.sizerr, c.cnverr, c.chrsiz, c.maxsiz from csm$columns c, all_users u, sys.obj$ o, sys.col$ co where c.usr#=u.user_id and c.obj#=o.obj# and c.obj#=co.obj# and c.col#=co.col# and c.intcol#=co.intcol# / drop public synonym csmv$columns / create public synonym csmv$columns for csmig.csmv$columns / rem ***************************************************************** rem CSMV$ERRORS lists exceptional data cell information rem ***************************************************************** create or replace view csmig.csmv$errors (owner_id, owner_name, table_id, table_name, column_id, column_intid, column_name, data_rowid, column_type, error_type) as select e.usr#, u.username, e.obj#,, e.col#, e.intcol#,,$, decode(e.frm#, 2, 'N', '') || decode(e.typ#, 1, 'VARCHAR2', 8, 'LONG', 96, 'CHAR', 112, 'CLOB'), decode(e.err#, 0, 'CONVERTIBLE', 1, 'EXCEED_SIZE', 2, 'DATA_LOSS', 3, 'CS_EXCEED_SIZE') from csm$errors e, all_users u, sys.obj$ o, sys.col$ c where e.usr#=u.user_id and e.obj#=o.obj# and e.obj#=c.obj# and e.col#=e.col# and e.intcol#=c.intcol# / drop public synonym csmv$errors / create public synonym csmv$errors for csmig.csmv$errors / rem ***************************************************************** rem CSMV$INDEXES lists all indexes to be disabled rem ***************************************************************** create or replace view csmig.csmv$indexes (index_owner_id, index_owner_name, index_id, index_name, index_status#, index_status, table_owner_id, table_owner_name, table_id, table_name, column_id, column_intid, column_name) as select iu.user_id, iu.username, io.obj#,, id.flags, decode(bitand(id.flags,1), 1, 'UNUSABLE', 'VALID'), bu.user_id, bu.username, bo.obj#,, cl.col#, cl.intcol#, from csm$indexes ci, sys.icol$ ic, sys.ind$ id, all_users iu, sys.obj$ io, all_users bu, sys.obj$ bo, sys.col$ cl where ci.obj#=ic.obj# and ci.obj#=id.obj# and ci.obj#=io.obj# and io.owner#=iu.user_id and =bo.obj# and bo.owner#=bu.user_id and and ic.col#=cl.col# and ic.intcol#=cl.intcol# / drop public synonym csmv$indexes / create public synonym csmv$indexes for csmig.csmv$indexes / rem ***************************************************************** rem CSMV$CONSTRAINTS lists all constraints to be disabled rem ***************************************************************** create or replace view csmig.csmv$constraints (owner_id, owner_name, constraint_id, constraint_name, constraint_type#, constraint_type, table_id, table_name, constraint_rid, constraint_level) as select c.owner#, u.username, c.con#,, cd.type#, decode(cd.type#, 1, 'CHECK', 2, 'PRIMARY_KEY', 3, 'UNIQUE', 4, 'REFERENTIAL', 'UNKNOWN'), o.obj#,, cc.rid, cc.lvl from csm$constraints cc, sys.cdef$ cd, sys.con$ c, all_users u, sys.obj$ o where cc.con#=cd.con# and cc.con#=c.con# and c.owner#=u.user_id and cd.obj#=o.obj# / drop public synonym csmv$constraints / create public synonym csmv$constraints for csmig.csmv$constraints / rem ***************************************************************** rem CSMV$TRIGGERS lists all triggers to be disabled rem ***************************************************************** create or replace view csmig.csmv$triggers (trigger_owner_id, trigger_owner_name, trigger_id, trigger_name, table_owner_id, table_owner_name, table_id, table_name) as select ru.user_id, ru.username, tr.obj#,, bu.user_id, bu.username, tr.baseobject, from csm$triggers ct, sys.trigger$ tr, all_users ru, sys.obj$ ro, all_users bu, sys.obj$ bo where ct.obj#=tr.obj# and ct.obj#=ro.obj# and ro.owner#=ru.user_id and tr.baseobject=bo.obj# and bu.user_id=bo.owner# / drop public synonym csmv$triggers / create public synonym csmv$triggers for csmig.csmv$triggers / rem ***************************************************************** rem CSMV$EXTABLES lists all distinct objects to be scaned rem ***************************************************************** create or replace view csmig.csmv$extables (obj#, usr#, property) as select distinct(obj#), usr#, property from csm$extables where property=0; / rem ***************************************************************** rem SYS.CSMV$KTFBUE wraps the fixed table sys.x$ktfbue in data rem dictionary for users only with DBA privilege to access rem ***************************************************************** create or replace view sys.csmv$ktfbue as select * from sys.x$ktfbue; / grant select on sys.csmv$ktfbue to dba; / exit;