Rem Rem $Header: cdtxnspc.sql 09-may-2006.13:58:27 cdilling Exp $ Rem Rem cdtxnspc.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem cdtxnspc.sql - Catalog DTXNSPC.bsq views Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem two phase commit objects Rem Rem NOTES Rem This script contains catalog views for objects in dtxnspc.bsq. Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem cdilling 05/04/06 - Created Rem rem ********************************************************************** rem DBA TWO PHASE COMMIT DECISION / DAMAGE ASSESSMENT TABLES rem ********************************************************************** rem PSS1$: used to add user name column to pending_sub_sessions$ create or replace view pss1$ as select pss.*, owner_name from sys.pending_sub_sessions$ pss, sys.user$ u where pss.link_owner = u.user#; grant select on pss1$ to select_catalog_role; rem PS1$: used to add user name column to pending_sessions$ create or replace view ps1$ ( local_tran_id, session_id, branch_id, interface, type, parent_dbid, parent_db, db_userid, db_user) as select ps.*, db_user from sys.pending_sessions$ ps, sys.user$ u where ps.db_userid = u.user#; grant select on ps1$ to select_catalog_role; rem DBA_2PC_PENDING rem use this view to find info about pending (i.e. incomplete) distributed rem transactions at this DB. Use os_user and db_userid to help track down rem a responsible party. Use DBA_2PC_NEIGHBORS to find the commit point. rem Or take the advice, if offered. create or replace view DBA_2PC_PENDING (local_tran_id, global_tran_id, state, mixed, advice, tran_comment, fail_time, force_time, retry_time, os_user, os_terminal, host, db_user, commit#) as select local_tran_id, nvl(global_oracle_id, global_tran_fmt||'.'||global_foreign_id), state, decode(status,'D','yes','no'), heuristic_dflt, tran_comment, fail_time, heuristic_time, reco_time, top_os_user, top_os_terminal, top_os_host, top_db_user, global_commit# from sys.pending_trans$; create or replace public synonym DBA_2PC_PENDING for DBA_2PC_PENDING; grant select on DBA_2PC_PENDING to select_catalog_role; comment on table DBA_2PC_PENDING is 'info about distributed transactions awaiting recovery'; comment on column DBA_2PC_PENDING.local_tran_id is 'string of form: n.n.n, n a number'; comment on column DBA_2PC_PENDING.global_tran_id is 'globally unique transaction id'; comment on column DBA_2PC_PENDING.state is 'collecting, prepared, committed, forced commit, or forced rollback'; comment on column DBA_2PC_PENDING.mixed is 'yes => part of the transaction committed and part rolled back (commit or rollback with the FORCE option was used)'; comment on column DBA_2PC_PENDING.advice is 'C for commit, R for rollback, else null'; comment on column DBA_2PC_PENDING.tran_comment is 'text for "commit work comment "'; comment on column DBA_2PC_PENDING.fail_time is 'value of SYSDATE when the row was inserted (tx or system recovery)'; comment on column DBA_2PC_PENDING.force_time is 'time of manual force decision (null if not forced locally)'; comment on column DBA_2PC_PENDING.retry_time is 'time automatic recovery (RECO) last tried to recover the transaction'; comment on column DBA_2PC_PENDING.os_user is 'operating system specific name for the end-user'; comment on column DBA_2PC_PENDING.os_terminal is 'operating system specific name for the end-user terminal'; comment on column is 'name of the host machine for the end-user'; comment on column DBA_2PC_PENDING.db_user is 'Oracle user name of the end-user at the topmost database'; comment on column DBA_2PC_PENDING.commit# is 'global commit number for committed transactions'; rem DBA_2PC_NEIGHBORS: use this view to obtain info about incoming and rem outgoing connections for a particular transaction. It is suggested rem that it be queried using: rem select * from dba_2pc_neighbors where local_tran_id = rem order by sess#, "IN_OUT"; rem This will group sessions, with outgoing connections following the rem incoming connection for each session. rem columns: rem IN_OUT: 'in' for incoming connections, 'out' for outgoing rem DATABASE: if 'in', the name of the client database, else name of rem outgoing db link rem DBUSER_OWNER: if 'in', name of local user, else owner of db link rem INTERFACE: 'C' hold commit, else 'N'. For incoming links, 'C' rem means that we or a DB at the other end of one of our outgoing links rem is the commit point (and must not forget until told by the client). rem For outgoing links, 'C' means that the child at the other end is the rem commit point, and will know whether the tran should commit or abort. rem If we are indoubt and do not find a 'C' on an outgoing link, then rem the top level user/DB, or the client, should be able to locate the rem commit point. rem DBID: the database id at the other end of the connection rem SESS#: session number at this database of the connection. Sessions are rem numbered consecutively from 1; there is always at least 1 session, rem and exactly 1 incoming connection per session. rem BRANCH_ID: transaction branch. An incoming branch is a two byte rem hexadecimal number. The first byte is the session_id of the rem remote parent session. The second byte is the branch_id of the rem remote parent session. If the remote parent session is not Oracle, rem the branch_id can be up to 64 bytes. create or replace view DBA_2PC_NEIGHBORS(local_tran_id, in_out, database, dbuser_owner, interface, dbid, sess#, branch) as select local_tran_id, 'in', parent_db, db_user, interface, parent_dbid, session_id, rawtohex(branch_id) from sys.ps1$ union all select local_tran_id, 'out', dblink, owner_name, interface, dbid, session_id, to_char(sub_session_id) from sys.pss1$; create or replace public synonym DBA_2PC_NEIGHBORS for DBA_2PC_NEIGHBORS; grant select on DBA_2PC_NEIGHBORS to select_catalog_role; comment on table DBA_2PC_NEIGHBORS is 'information about incoming and outgoing connections for pending transactions'; comment on column DBA_2PC_NEIGHBORS.in_out is '"in" for incoming connections, "out" for outgoing'; comment on column DBA_2PC_NEIGHBORS.database is 'in: client database name; out: outgoing db link'; comment on column DBA_2PC_NEIGHBORS.dbuser_owner is 'in: name of local user; out: owner of db link'; comment on column DBA_2PC_NEIGHBORS.interface is '"C" for request commit, else "N" for prepare or request readonly commit'; comment on column DBA_2PC_NEIGHBORS.dbid is 'the database id at the other end of the connection'; comment on column DBA_2PC_NEIGHBORS.sess# is 'session number at this database of the connection'; comment on column DBA_2PC_NEIGHBORS.branch is 'transaction branch ID at this database of the connection' /