Rem Rem $Header: rdbms/admin/cdsummgt.sql /main/3 2009/01/30 17:10:23 huagli Exp $ Rem Rem cdsummgt.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2006, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Rem All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem cdsummgt.sql - Catalog DSUMMGT.bsq views Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem summary management objects Rem Rem NOTES Rem This script contains catalog views for objects in dsummgt.bsq. Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem huagli 07/08/08 - add new view ALL_SUMMAP Rem huagli 03/08/08 - Project 25482: modify view ALL_SUMDELTA to pick Rem up XID column from SYS.SUMDELTA$ Rem cdilling 05/04/06 - Created Rem Rem Rem ALL_SUMDELTA View Rem create or replace view ALL_SUMDELTA (TABLEOBJ#, PARTITIONOBJ#, DMLOPERATION, SCN, TIMESTAMP, LOWROWID, HIGHROWID, SEQUENCE, XID) as select s.TABLEOBJ#, s.PARTITIONOBJ#, s.DMLOPERATION, s.SCN, s.TIMESTAMP, s.LOWROWID, s.HIGHROWID, s.SEQUENCE, s.XID from sys.obj$ o, sys.user$ u, sys.sumdelta$ s where o.type# = 2 and o.owner# = u.user# and s.tableobj# = o.obj# and (o.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') or o.obj# in (select oa.obj# from sys.objauth$ oa where grantee# in ( select kzsrorol from x$kzsro) ) or /* user has system privileges */ exists (select null from v$enabledprivs where priv_number in (-45 /* LOCK ANY TABLE */, -47 /* SELECT ANY TABLE */, -48 /* INSERT ANY TABLE */, -49 /* UPDATE ANY TABLE */, -50 /* DELETE ANY TABLE */) ) ) / comment on table ALL_SUMDELTA is 'Direct path load entries accessible to the user' / comment on column ALL_SUMDELTA.TABLEOBJ# is 'Object number of the table' / comment on column ALL_SUMDELTA.PARTITIONOBJ# is 'Object number of table partitions (if the table is partitioned)' / comment on column ALL_SUMDELTA.DMLOPERATION is 'Type of DML operation applied to the table' / comment on column ALL_SUMDELTA.SCN is 'SCN when the bulk DML occurred' / comment on column ALL_SUMDELTA.TIMESTAMP is 'Timestamp of log entry' / comment on column ALL_SUMDELTA.LOWROWID is 'The start ROWID in the loaded rowid range' / comment on column ALL_SUMDELTA.HIGHROWID is 'The end ROWID in the loaded rowid range' / comment on column ALL_SUMDELTA.SEQUENCE is 'The sequence# of the direct load' / comment on column ALL_SUMDELTA.XID is 'The transaction ID of the direct load' / create or replace public synonym ALL_SUMDELTA for ALL_SUMDELTA / grant select on ALL_SUMDELTA to PUBLIC with grant option / grant flashback on ALL_SUMDELTA to PUBLIC with grant option / Rem Rem ALL_SUMMAP View Rem create or replace view ALL_SUMMAP (XID, COMMIT_SCN) as select XID, COMMIT_SCN from sys.snap_xcmt$ / comment on table ALL_SUMMAP is 'mapping entries of transaction ID and commit SCN accessible to the user' / comment on column ALL_SUMMAP.XID is 'The ID of a transaction' / comment on column ALL_SUMMAP.COMMIT_SCN is 'The commit SCN of a transaction' / create or replace public synonym ALL_SUMMAP for ALL_SUMMAP / grant select on ALL_SUMMAP to PUBLIC with grant option / grant flashback on ALL_SUMMAP to PUBLIC with grant option /